Domino puzzles where you collect explosive moonstones.
Each puzzle is a pattern of dominoes for you to start from. The different numbers on the dominoes are different kinds of moonstones, and the goal is to collect all the dominoes by sliding matching numbers next to each other.
To try the puzzles, get a set of dominoes. Then either read the rules, or download the PDF. Choose the PDF if you want to print out pretty diagrams of the puzzles, like these:
On the rules web page, the beginner puzzle above looks like this:
0|5 0 1
- -
4|6 4 5
4|2 4|1
The example puzzle and solution look like this:
5 2|4 5 2|4 5 2|4 5 2*4
- - - *
2 2|6 2 2>6 2 2<6 2 2*6
Moonside is an original puzzle designed by Don Kirkby.
The only other domino puzzle I could find is called either Dominosa or Domino Solitaire. You are provided a grid of numbers, and you have to lay the dominoes on them. It was invented by O.S. Adler in 1874. There's an interesting proof that this puzzle is NP-hard.
Reiner Knizia published some puzzles called Domino Knobelspass that are very similar to Dominosa.