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Single Cell RNA-seq Analysis 2023 Schedule |
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There will be an Amazon Web Services/Unix review session on July 14th from 10am to 3pm EST. It will be held on Zoom, included in your registration fee, and is optional but highly recommended. The first module (10:10 - 11:10AM) will teach you how to connect to AWS so you can complete the workshop labs. We recommend all students attend this portion. The remaining sections will teach the basics of Unix and using the command line; the Single Cell RNA-seq Analysis course does not require Unix knowledge, but you are welcome to attend if you would like to learn.
Time (Eastern) | Thursday, July 20 | Time (Eastern) | Friday, July 21 |
8:30 | Arrivals & Check-in | 8:30 | Arrivals |
9:00 | Welcome (Nia Hughes) | 9:00 | Module 4: Dimensionality Reduction & Visualization (Tallulah Andrews) |
9:15 | Module 1: Introduction to Single Cell RNA-seq (Trevor Pugh) | 9:45 | Module 4 Lab |
10:00 | AWS Login & Setup | 10:45 | Break (15min) |
10:30 | Break (15min) | 11:00 | Module 5: Biological Analyses (Tallulah Andrews) |
10:45 | Module 2: Read Quantification Lecture + Lab (Tallulah Andrews) | 12:00 | Class Photo + Lunch (1h) |
11:45 | Lunch (1h) | 13:00 | Module 5 Lab |
12:45 | Module 2 (continued) | 14:45 | Break (15min) |
14:30 | Module 3: Quality Control and Normalization (Tallulah Andrews) | 15:00 | Module 6: Data Set Integration (Gary Bader) |
15:15 | Break (15min) | 16:00 | Module 6 Lab |
15:30 | Module 3: Lab | 17:45 | Survey & Closing Remarks |
17:30 | End of Day 1 | 18:00 | Finished |
18:00 | Social (Prenup Pub) |