imagePullSecrets.enabled |
true if imagePullSecrets will be provided |
false |
imagePullSecrets.value |
a list of names of imagePullSecrets |
[] |
besu.extraVolumes |
a list of additional volumes to add to the besu StatefulSets |
[] |
besu.extraVolumeMounts |
a list of additional volume mounts to the besu StatefulSet containers |
[] |
besu.seedNetwork |
whether or not this is a seed or genesis network |
true |
besu.seedGenesis |
the genesis configuration used if this is not a seed network |
nil |
besu.additionalBootnodeUrls |
A list of enode defining objects defined as below |
[] |
besu.additionalBootnodeUrls[].pubkey |
the public key of the enode url |
besu.additionalBootnodeUrls[].host |
the hostname of the enode url (it will be resolved if not an ip) |
besu.additionalBootnodeUrls[].port |
the port for the enode url |
besu.persistence.enabled |
true if the besu persistence will be enabled |
true |
besu.persistence.annotations |
annotations to be added to the persistence volume |
{} |
besu.persistence.accessMode |
the access mode for the persistence volume |
ReadWriteOnce |
besu.persistence.storageClass |
the storage class for the persistence volume |
gps |
besu.persistence.size |
the size of the persistence volume |
40Gi |
besu.resources |
the resources to be applied to the besu container |
{} |
besu.serviceAccount.create |
true if the service account will be created |
true | |
override the name of the service account |
nil |
besu.nodeCount |
the number of besu nodes to start an initial genesis requires 4 |
4 |
besu.chainId |
the chain id for the besu nodes |
"19750424" |
besu.dataPath |
the path to the data directory. This should not normally be changed |
/data |
besu.rpc.enabled |
true if the besu json-rpc will be enabled |
true | |
the address to bind the json-rpc to |
"" |
besu.rpc.api |
the list of APIs to expose |
'["DEBUG","ETH", "ADMIN", "WEB3", "IBFT", "NET"]' |
besu.rpc.port |
the port to bind the json-rpc |
8545 |
besu.rpc.corsOrigins |
the list of cors origins to allow |
'["all"]' |
besu.rpc.authenticationEnabled |
true if the json-rpc will be authenticated |
false | |
true if the besu ws listener will be enabled |
false | |
the list of APIs to expose on the websocket listener |
'["DEBUG", "ETH", "WEB3", "NET"]' | |
the address to bind the websocket listener to |
"" | |
the port to bind the websocket listener to |
8546 | |
the list of cors origins to allow |
'["all"]' | |
true if the websocket will be authenticated |
false |
besu.graphql.enabled |
true if the graphql listener will be enabled |
false | |
the address to bind the graphql listener to |
"" |
besu.graphql.corsOrigins |
the list of cors origins to allow |
'["all"]' |
besu.graphql.port |
the port to bind the graphql listener to |
8547 | |
the port to bind the discovery listener to |
8549 |
besu.metrics.enabled |
true if the metrics listener will be enabled |
false | |
the address to bind the metrics listener to |
"" |
besu.metrics.port |
the port to bind the metrics listener to |
9545 |
besu.metricsPush.enabled |
true if the metrics push will be enabled |
false | |
the address to push metrics to |
"" |
besu.metricsPush.port |
the port to push metrics to |
9091 |
besu.metricsPush.interval |
the interval to push metrics to |
60 |
besu.metricsPush.prometheusJob |
the name of the prometheus metrics push job |
"besu" |
besu.permissions.enabled |
true if the permissions will be enabled |
false |
besu.permissions.nodes.enabled |
true if the node permissions will be enabled |
false |
besu.permissions.nodes.whitelist |
a list of whitelisted enodes |
[] |
besu.permissions.nodesContract.enabled |
true if the node contract permissioning contract will be enabled |
false |
besu.permissions.nodesContract.address |
address of the nodes permissioning contract |
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234" |
besu.permissions.accounts.enabled |
true if the account permissions will be enabled |
false |
besu.permissions.accounts.whitelist |
a list of whitelisted accounts |
[] |
besu.privacy.enabled |
true if the private transactions are enabled on this node |
false |
besu.privacy.url |
the url to the private transaction manager |
nil |
besu.privacy.precompileAddress |
the precompiled address of the privacy contract |
9 |
besu.privacy.enclaveKeyConfigMap |
the name of a configmap containing the enclave public Key |
nil |
besu.genesis.alloc |
a custom genesis account allocation block (in yaml, it will be transformed into JSON) |
nil |
besu.genesis.ibftBlockPeriodSeconds |
the ibft block period in seconds |
2 |
besu.genesis.ibftEpochLength |
the ibft epoch length in blocks |
30000 |
besu.genesis.ibftRequestTimeoutSeconds |
ibft request timeout |
10 |
besu.genesisFilePath |
the path to the genesis file |
"/etc/genesis/genesis.json" |
besu.logging |
the logging level |
"info" |
besu.affinity |
custom affinity rules for the besu statefulset |
nil |
besu.image.repository |
the repository of the besu image |
"blockchaintp/besu" |
besu.image.tag |
the tag of the besu image |
"BTP2.1.0" |
besu.image.imagePullPolicy |
the pull policy for the besu image |
"IfNotPresent" |
besu.p2p.enabled |
true if the p2p listener will be enabled |
true | |
true if the p2p discovery will be enabled |
true | |
the address to bind the p2p listener to |
"" |
besu.p2p.port |
the port to bind the p2p listener to |
30303 |
besu.p2p.maxPeers |
the max number of peers to connect to |
25 |
besu.http.whitelist |
the list of whitelisted http endpoints |
[*] |
besu.txPool.retentionHours |
the number of hours to keep transactions in the tx pool |
999 |
besu.txPool.maxSize |
the max number of transactions to keep in the tx pool |
1024 |
orion.create |
if true, an orion instance will be created, and used if besu.privacy.enabled==true |
false |
extraVolumes |
a list of additional volumes to add to all StatefulSets, Deployments, and DaemonSets |
[] |
extraVolumeMounts |
a list of additional volume mounts to add to all StatefulSet, Deployment, and DaemonSet containers |
[] |