+ $input.on("blur.tt", function($e) {
+ var active, isActive, hasActive;
+ active = document.activeElement;
+ isActive = $menu.is(active);
+ hasActive = $menu.has(active).length > 0;
+ if (_.isMsie() && (isActive || hasActive)) {
+ $e.preventDefault();
+ $e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ _.defer(function() {
+ $input.focus();
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ $menu.on("mousedown.tt", function($e) {
+ $e.preventDefault();
+ });
+ },
+ _onSelectableClicked: function onSelectableClicked(type, $el) {
+ this.select($el);
+ },
+ _onDatasetCleared: function onDatasetCleared() {
+ this._updateHint();
+ },
+ _onDatasetRendered: function onDatasetRendered(type, suggestions, async, dataset) {
+ this._updateHint();
+ if (this.autoselect) {
+ var cursorClass = this.selectors.cursor.substr(1);
+ this.menu.$node.find(this.selectors.suggestion).first().addClass(cursorClass);
+ }
+ this.eventBus.trigger("render", suggestions, async, dataset);
+ },
+ _onAsyncRequested: function onAsyncRequested(type, dataset, query) {
+ this.eventBus.trigger("asyncrequest", query, dataset);
+ },
+ _onAsyncCanceled: function onAsyncCanceled(type, dataset, query) {
+ this.eventBus.trigger("asynccancel", query, dataset);
+ },
+ _onAsyncReceived: function onAsyncReceived(type, dataset, query) {
+ this.eventBus.trigger("asyncreceive", query, dataset);
+ },
+ _onFocused: function onFocused() {
+ this._minLengthMet() && this.menu.update(this.input.getQuery());
+ },
+ _onBlurred: function onBlurred() {
+ if (this.input.hasQueryChangedSinceLastFocus()) {
+ this.eventBus.trigger("change", this.input.getQuery());
+ }
+ },
+ _onEnterKeyed: function onEnterKeyed(type, $e) {
+ var $selectable;
+ if ($selectable = this.menu.getActiveSelectable()) {
+ if (this.select($selectable)) {
+ $e.preventDefault();
+ $e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ } else if (this.autoselect) {
+ if (this.select(this.menu.getTopSelectable())) {
+ $e.preventDefault();
+ $e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _onTabKeyed: function onTabKeyed(type, $e) {
+ var $selectable;
+ if ($selectable = this.menu.getActiveSelectable()) {
+ this.select($selectable) && $e.preventDefault();
+ } else if (this.autoselect) {
+ if ($selectable = this.menu.getTopSelectable()) {
+ this.autocomplete($selectable) && $e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _onEscKeyed: function onEscKeyed() {
+ this.close();
+ },
+ _onUpKeyed: function onUpKeyed() {
+ this.moveCursor(-1);
+ },
+ _onDownKeyed: function onDownKeyed() {
+ this.moveCursor(+1);
+ },
+ _onLeftKeyed: function onLeftKeyed() {
+ if (this.dir === "rtl" && this.input.isCursorAtEnd()) {
+ this.autocomplete(this.menu.getActiveSelectable() || this.menu.getTopSelectable());
+ }
+ },
+ _onRightKeyed: function onRightKeyed() {
+ if (this.dir === "ltr" && this.input.isCursorAtEnd()) {
+ this.autocomplete(this.menu.getActiveSelectable() || this.menu.getTopSelectable());
+ }
+ },
+ _onQueryChanged: function onQueryChanged(e, query) {
+ this._minLengthMet(query) ? this.menu.update(query) : this.menu.empty();
+ },
+ _onWhitespaceChanged: function onWhitespaceChanged() {
+ this._updateHint();
+ },
+ _onLangDirChanged: function onLangDirChanged(e, dir) {
+ if (this.dir !== dir) {
+ this.dir = dir;
+ this.menu.setLanguageDirection(dir);
+ }
+ },
+ _openIfActive: function openIfActive() {
+ this.isActive() && this.open();
+ },
+ _minLengthMet: function minLengthMet(query) {
+ query = _.isString(query) ? query : this.input.getQuery() || "";
+ return query.length >= this.minLength;
+ },
+ _updateHint: function updateHint() {
+ var $selectable, data, val, query, escapedQuery, frontMatchRegEx, match;
+ $selectable = this.menu.getTopSelectable();
+ data = this.menu.getSelectableData($selectable);
+ val = this.input.getInputValue();
+ if (data && !_.isBlankString(val) && !this.input.hasOverflow()) {
+ query = Input.normalizeQuery(val);
+ escapedQuery = _.escapeRegExChars(query);
+ frontMatchRegEx = new RegExp("^(?:" + escapedQuery + ")(.+$)", "i");
+ match = frontMatchRegEx.exec(data.val);
+ match && this.input.setHint(val + match[1]);
+ } else {
+ this.input.clearHint();
+ }
+ },
+ isEnabled: function isEnabled() {
+ return this.enabled;
+ },
+ enable: function enable() {
+ this.enabled = true;
+ },
+ disable: function disable() {
+ this.enabled = false;
+ },
+ isActive: function isActive() {
+ return this.active;
+ },
+ activate: function activate() {
+ if (this.isActive()) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (!this.isEnabled() || this.eventBus.before("active")) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ this.active = true;
+ this.eventBus.trigger("active");
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ deactivate: function deactivate() {
+ if (!this.isActive()) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (this.eventBus.before("idle")) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ this.active = false;
+ this.close();
+ this.eventBus.trigger("idle");
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ isOpen: function isOpen() {
+ return this.menu.isOpen();
+ },
+ open: function open() {
+ if (!this.isOpen() && !this.eventBus.before("open")) {
+ this.input.setAriaExpanded(true);
+ this.menu.open();
+ this._updateHint();
+ this.eventBus.trigger("open");
+ }
+ return this.isOpen();
+ },
+ close: function close() {
+ if (this.isOpen() && !this.eventBus.before("close")) {
+ this.input.setAriaExpanded(false);
+ this.menu.close();
+ this.input.clearHint();
+ this.input.resetInputValue();
+ this.eventBus.trigger("close");
+ }
+ return !this.isOpen();
+ },
+ setVal: function setVal(val) {
+ this.input.setQuery(_.toStr(val));
+ },
+ getVal: function getVal() {
+ return this.input.getQuery();
+ },
+ select: function select($selectable) {
+ var data = this.menu.getSelectableData($selectable);
+ if (data && !this.eventBus.before("select", data.obj, data.dataset)) {
+ this.input.setQuery(data.val, true);
+ this.eventBus.trigger("select", data.obj, data.dataset);
+ this.close();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ autocomplete: function autocomplete($selectable) {
+ var query, data, isValid;
+ query = this.input.getQuery();
+ data = this.menu.getSelectableData($selectable);
+ isValid = data && query !== data.val;
+ if (isValid && !this.eventBus.before("autocomplete", data.obj, data.dataset)) {
+ this.input.setQuery(data.val);
+ this.eventBus.trigger("autocomplete", data.obj, data.dataset);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ moveCursor: function moveCursor(delta) {
+ var query, $candidate, data, suggestion, datasetName, cancelMove, id;
+ query = this.input.getQuery();
+ $candidate = this.menu.selectableRelativeToCursor(delta);
+ data = this.menu.getSelectableData($candidate);
+ suggestion = data ? data.obj : null;
+ datasetName = data ? data.dataset : null;
+ id = $candidate ? $candidate.attr("id") : null;
+ this.input.trigger("cursorchange", id);
+ cancelMove = this._minLengthMet() && this.menu.update(query);
+ if (!cancelMove && !this.eventBus.before("cursorchange", suggestion, datasetName)) {
+ this.menu.setCursor($candidate);
+ if (data) {
+ if (typeof data.val === "string") {
+ this.input.setInputValue(data.val);
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.input.resetInputValue();
+ this._updateHint();
+ }
+ this.eventBus.trigger("cursorchange", suggestion, datasetName);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ destroy: function destroy() {
+ this.input.destroy();
+ this.menu.destroy();
+ }
+ });
+ return Typeahead;
+ function c(ctx) {
+ var methods = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ return function() {
+ var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
+ _.each(methods, function(method) {
+ return ctx[method].apply(ctx, args);
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ }();
+ (function() {
+ "use strict";
+ var old, keys, methods;
+ old = $.fn.typeahead;
+ keys = {
+ www: "tt-www",
+ attrs: "tt-attrs",
+ typeahead: "tt-typeahead"
+ };
+ methods = {
+ initialize: function initialize(o, datasets) {
+ var www;
+ datasets = _.isArray(datasets) ? datasets : [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ o = o || {};
+ www = WWW(o.classNames);
+ return this.each(attach);
+ function attach() {
+ var $input, $wrapper, $hint, $menu, defaultHint, defaultMenu, eventBus, input, menu, status, typeahead, MenuConstructor;
+ _.each(datasets, function(d) {
+ d.highlight = !!o.highlight;
+ });
+ $input = $(this);
+ $wrapper = $(www.html.wrapper);
+ $hint = $elOrNull(o.hint);
+ $menu = $elOrNull(o.menu);
+ defaultHint = o.hint !== false && !$hint;
+ defaultMenu = o.menu !== false && !$menu;
+ defaultHint && ($hint = buildHintFromInput($input, www));
+ defaultMenu && ($menu = $(www.html.menu).css(www.css.menu));
+ $hint && $hint.val("");
+ $input = prepInput($input, www);
+ if (defaultHint || defaultMenu) {
+ $wrapper.css(www.css.wrapper);
+ $input.css(defaultHint ? www.css.input : www.css.inputWithNoHint);
+ $input.wrap($wrapper).parent().prepend(defaultHint ? $hint : null).append(defaultMenu ? $menu : null);
+ }
+ MenuConstructor = defaultMenu ? DefaultMenu : Menu;
+ eventBus = new EventBus({
+ el: $input
+ });
+ input = new Input({
+ hint: $hint,
+ input: $input,
+ menu: $menu
+ }, www);
+ menu = new MenuConstructor({
+ node: $menu,
+ datasets: datasets
+ }, www);
+ status = new Status({
+ $input: $input,
+ menu: menu
+ });
+ typeahead = new Typeahead({
+ input: input,
+ menu: menu,
+ eventBus: eventBus,
+ minLength: o.minLength,
+ autoselect: o.autoselect
+ }, www);
+ $input.data(keys.www, www);
+ $input.data(keys.typeahead, typeahead);
+ }
+ },
+ isEnabled: function isEnabled() {
+ var enabled;
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ enabled = t.isEnabled();
+ });
+ return enabled;
+ },
+ enable: function enable() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.enable();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ disable: function disable() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.disable();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ isActive: function isActive() {
+ var active;
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ active = t.isActive();
+ });
+ return active;
+ },
+ activate: function activate() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.activate();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ deactivate: function deactivate() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.deactivate();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ isOpen: function isOpen() {
+ var open;
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ open = t.isOpen();
+ });
+ return open;
+ },
+ open: function open() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.open();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ close: function close() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.close();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ select: function select(el) {
+ var success = false, $el = $(el);
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ success = t.select($el);
+ });
+ return success;
+ },
+ autocomplete: function autocomplete(el) {
+ var success = false, $el = $(el);
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ success = t.autocomplete($el);
+ });
+ return success;
+ },
+ moveCursor: function moveCursoe(delta) {
+ var success = false;
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ success = t.moveCursor(delta);
+ });
+ return success;
+ },
+ val: function val(newVal) {
+ var query;
+ if (!arguments.length) {
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ query = t.getVal();
+ });
+ return query;
+ } else {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.setVal(_.toStr(newVal));
+ });
+ return this;
+ }
+ },
+ destroy: function destroy() {
+ ttEach(this, function(typeahead, $input) {
+ revert($input);
+ typeahead.destroy();
+ });
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ $.fn.typeahead = function(method) {
+ if (methods[method]) {
+ return methods[method].apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ } else {
+ return methods.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+ $.fn.typeahead.noConflict = function noConflict() {
+ $.fn.typeahead = old;
+ return this;
+ };
+ function ttEach($els, fn) {
+ $els.each(function() {
+ var $input = $(this), typeahead;
+ (typeahead = $input.data(keys.typeahead)) && fn(typeahead, $input);
+ });
+ }
+ function buildHintFromInput($input, www) {
+ return $input.clone().addClass(www.classes.hint).removeData().css(www.css.hint).css(getBackgroundStyles($input)).prop({
+ readonly: true,
+ required: false
+ }).removeAttr("id name placeholder").removeClass("required").attr({
+ spellcheck: "false",
+ tabindex: -1
+ });
+ }
+ function prepInput($input, www) {
+ $input.data(keys.attrs, {
+ dir: $input.attr("dir"),
+ autocomplete: $input.attr("autocomplete"),
+ spellcheck: $input.attr("spellcheck"),
+ style: $input.attr("style")
+ });
+ $input.addClass(www.classes.input).attr({
+ spellcheck: false
+ });
+ try {
+ !$input.attr("dir") && $input.attr("dir", "auto");
+ } catch (e) {}
+ return $input;
+ }
+ function getBackgroundStyles($el) {
+ return {
+ backgroundAttachment: $el.css("background-attachment"),
+ backgroundClip: $el.css("background-clip"),
+ backgroundColor: $el.css("background-color"),
+ backgroundImage: $el.css("background-image"),
+ backgroundOrigin: $el.css("background-origin"),
+ backgroundPosition: $el.css("background-position"),
+ backgroundRepeat: $el.css("background-repeat"),
+ backgroundSize: $el.css("background-size")
+ };
+ }
+ function revert($input) {
+ var www, $wrapper;
+ www = $input.data(keys.www);
+ $wrapper = $input.parent().filter(www.selectors.wrapper);
+ _.each($input.data(keys.attrs), function(val, key) {
+ _.isUndefined(val) ? $input.removeAttr(key) : $input.attr(key, val);
+ });
+ $input.removeData(keys.typeahead).removeData(keys.www).removeData(keys.attr).removeClass(www.classes.input);
+ if ($wrapper.length) {
+ $input.detach().insertAfter($wrapper);
+ $wrapper.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ function $elOrNull(obj) {
+ var isValid, $el;
+ isValid = _.isJQuery(obj) || _.isElement(obj);
+ $el = isValid ? $(obj).first() : [];
+ return $el.length ? $el : null;
+ }
+ })();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/6.0.0-beta4/docsets/Braintree.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/search.json b/6.0.0-beta4/docsets/Braintree.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/search.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89a3138fa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/6.0.0-beta4/docsets/Braintree.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/search.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Required delegate method which returns the ThreeDSecure lookup result before the flow continues.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureRequestDelegate"},"Protocols/BTLocalPaymentRequestDelegate.html#/c:@M@BraintreeLocalPayment@objc(pl)BTLocalPaymentRequestDelegate(im)localPaymentStarted:paymentID:start:":{"name":"localPaymentStarted(_:paymentID:start:)","abstract":"
Required delegate method which returns the payment ID before the flow starts.
Protocol for ThreeDSecure Request flow
The Venmo payment will be authorized for future payments and can be vaulted.
The Venmo payment will be authorized for a one-time payment and cannot be vaulted.
Pay Now
Verify button
Continue button
Next button
Cancel button
Resend button
Same Day
Electronic Delivery
Ship to Store
Low value
Secure corporate
Trusted beneficiary
Transaction risk analysis
Not Requested
Only log critical issues (e.g. irrecoverable errors)
Log errors (e.g. expected or recoverable errors)
Log warnings (e.g. use of pre-release features)
Log basic information (e.g. state changes, network activity)
Log debugging statements (anything and everything)
Unknown source
PayPal app
PayPal browser
Venmo app
Unknown card
American Express
Diners Club
Union Pay
UK Maestro
Card type
Integration Types
Source of the metadata
Log level used to add formatted string to NSLog
Mandate type for the SEPA Direct Debit request.
The account type
The card add challenge request
3D Secure requested exemption type
The shipping method
Button types that can be customized in 3D Secure 2 flows.
Payment intent.
The call-to-action in the PayPal Checkout flow.
Use this option to specify whether a line item is a debit (sale) or credit (refund) to the customer.
A locale code to use for a transaction.
Use this option to specify the PayPal page to display when a user lands on the PayPal site to complete the payment.
Usage type for the tokenized Venmo account
Optional. The Venmo profile ID to be used during payment authorization. Customers will see the business name and logo associated with this Venmo profile, and it may show up in the","parent_name":"BTVenmoRequest"},"Classes/BTVenmoRequest.html#/c:@M@BraintreeVenmo@objc(cs)BTVenmoRequest(py)vault":{"name":"vault","abstract":"
Whether to automatically vault the Venmo account on the client. For client-side vaulting, you must initialize BTAPIClient with a client token that was created with a customer ID.","parent_name":"BTVenmoRequest"},"Classes/BTVenmoRequest.html#/c:@M@BraintreeVenmo@objc(cs)BTVenmoRequest(py)paymentMethodUsage":{"name":"paymentMethodUsage","abstract":"
If set to .multiUse
, the Venmo payment will be authorized for future payments and can be vaulted.","parent_name":"BTVenmoRequest"},"Classes/BTVenmoRequest.html#/c:@M@BraintreeVenmo@objc(cs)BTVenmoRequest(py)displayName":{"name":"displayName","abstract":"
Optional. The business name that will be displayed in the Venmo app payment approval screen. Only used by merchants onboarded as PayFast channel partners.
Initialize a Venmo request with a payment method usage.
Creates an Apple Pay client
Initiates Venmo login via app switch, which returns a BTVenmoAccountNonce when successful.
Initiates Venmo login via app switch, which returns a BTVenmoAccountNonce when successful.
Returns true if the proper Venmo app is installed and configured correctly, returns false otherwise.
Switches to the App Store to download the Venmo application.
The email associated with the Venmo account
The external ID associated with the Venmo account
The first name associated with the Venmo account
The last name associated with the Venmo account
The phone number associated with the Venmo account
The username associated with the Venmo account
Optional: Offers PayPal Credit if the customer qualifies. Defaults to false
Initializes a PayPal Native Vault request
Defaults to false. When set to true, the shipping address selector will be displayed.
Defaults to false. Set to true to enable user editing of the shipping address.
Optional: A locale code to use for the transaction.
Optional: A valid shipping address to be displayed in the transaction flow. An error will occur if this address is not valid.
Optional: Landing page type. Defaults to .none
Optional: The merchant name displayed inside of the PayPal flow; defaults to the company name on your Braintree account
Optional: A non-default merchant account to use for tokenization.
Optional: The line items for this transaction. It can include up to 249 line items.
Optional: Display a custom description to the user for a billing agreement. For Checkout with Vault flows, you must also set","parent_name":"BTPayPalRequest"},"Classes/BTPayPalRequest.html#/c:@M@BraintreePayPal@objc(cs)BTPayPalRequest(py)riskCorrelationID":{"name":"riskCorrelationID","abstract":"
Optional: A risk correlation ID created with Set Transaction Context on your server.
Number of units of the item purchased. This value must be a whole number and can’t be negative or zero.
Per-unit price of the item. Can include up to 2 decimal places. This value can’t be negative or zero.
Item name. Maximum 127 characters.
Indicates whether the line item is a debit (sale) or credit (refund) to the customer.
Optional: Per-unit tax price of the item. Can include up to 2 decimal places. This value can’t be negative or zero.
Optional: Item description. Maximum 127 characters.
Optional: Product or UPC code for the item. Maximum 127 characters.
Optional: The URL to product information.
Initialize a PayPayLineItem
Returns the line item in a dictionary.
3 letter currency code as defined by ISO 4217 .
An amount defined by ISO 4217 for the given currency.
Indicates whether the card amount is editable after payer’s acceptance on PayPal side.
Estimated amount per month that the customer will need to pay including fees and interest.
Status of whether the customer ultimately was approved for and chose to make the payment using the approved installment credit.
Length of financing terms in months.
Estimated total payment amount including interest and fees the user will pay during the lifetime of the loan.
Estimated interest or fees amount the payer will have to pay during the lifetime of the loan.
Initialize a new PayPal client instance.
Tokenize a PayPal request to be used with the PayPal Vault flow.
Tokenize a PayPal request to be used with the PayPal Vault flow.
Tokenize a PayPal request to be used with the PayPal Checkout or Pay Later flow.
Tokenize a PayPal request to be used with the PayPal Checkout or Pay Later flow.
Used for a one-time payment.
Optional: Payment intent. Defaults to .authorize
. Only applies to PayPal Checkout.
Optional: Changes the call-to-action in the PayPal Checkout flow. Defaults to .none
Optional: Offers PayPal Pay Later if the customer qualifies. Defaults to false
. Only available with PayPal Checkout.
Optional: A three-character ISO-4217 ISO currency code to use for the transaction. Defaults to merchant currency code if not set.
Optional: If set to true
, this enables the Checkout with Vault flow, where the customer will be prompted to consent to a billing agreement during checkout. Defaults to false
Initializes a PayPal Native Checkout request
Payer’s email address.
Payer’s first name.
Payer’s last name.
Payer’s phone number.
The billing address.
The shipping address.
Client metadata id associated with this transaction.
Optional. Payer id associated with this transaction.","parent_name":"BTPayPalAccountNonce"},"Classes/BTPayPalAccountNonce.html#/c:@M@BraintreePayPal@objc(cs)BTPayPalAccountNonce(py)creditFinancing":{"name":"creditFinancing","abstract":"
Optional. Credit financing details if the customer pays with PayPal Credit.","parent_name":"BTPayPalAccountNonce"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureInfo.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCard@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureInfo(py)acsTransactionID":{"name":"acsTransactionID","abstract":"
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the Access Control Server (ACS) to identify a single transaction.
On authentication, the transaction status result identifier.
On authentication, provides additional information as to why the transaction status has the specific value.
Cardholder authentication verification value or “CAVV” is the main encrypted message issuers and card networks use to verify authentication has occured.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureInfo"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureInfo.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCard@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureInfo(py)dsTransactionID":{"name":"dsTransactionID","abstract":"
Directory Server Transaction ID is an ID used by the card brand’s 3DS directory server.
The ecommerce indicator flag indicates the outcome of the 3DS authentication.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureInfo"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureInfo.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCard@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureInfo(py)enrolled":{"name":"enrolled","abstract":"
Indicates whether a card is enrolled in a 3D Secure program or not. Possible values:
If the 3D Secure liability shift has occurred.
If the 3D Secure liability shift is possible.
On lookup, the transaction status result identifier.
On lookup, provides additional information as to why the transaction status has the specific value.
The Payer Authentication Response (PARes) Status, a transaction status result identifier. Possible Values:
The 3D Secure status value.
Unique identifier assigned to the 3D Secure authentication performed for this transaction.
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the 3DS Server to identify a single transaction.
The 3DS version used in the authentication, example “1.0.2” or “2.1.0”.
Indicates if the 3D Secure lookup was performed.
Transaction identifier resulting from 3D Secure authentication. Uniquely identifies the transaction and sometimes required in the authorization message.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureInfo"},"Classes/BTCardRequest.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCard@objc(cs)BTCardRequest(py)card":{"name":"card","abstract":"
The BTCard
associated with this instance.
Initialize a Card request with a BTCard
The card network.
The expiration month of the card, if available.
The expiration year of the card, if available.
The name of the cardholder, if available.
The last two digits of the card, if available.
The last four digits of the card, if available.
The BIN number of the card, if available.
The BIN data for the card number associated with this nonce.
The 3D Secure info for the card number associated with this nonce.
Details about the regulatory environment and applicable customer authentication regulation for a potential transaction.","parent_name":"BTCardNonce"},"Classes/BTCardClient.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCard@objc(cs)BTCardClient(im)initWithAPIClient:":{"name":"init(apiClient:)","abstract":"
Creates a card client
Tokenizes a card
Tokenizes a card
The card number
The expiration month as a one or two-digit number on the Gregorian calendar
The expiration year as a two or four-digit number on the Gregorian calendar
The card verification code (like CVV or CID).
The postal code associated with the card’s billing address
Optional: the cardholder’s name.
Optional: first name on the card.
Optional: last name on the card.
Optional: company name associated with the card.
Optional: the street address associated with the card’s billing address
Optional: the extended address associated with the card’s billing address
Optional: the city associated with the card’s billing address
Optional: either a two-letter state code (for the US), or an ISO-3166-2 country subdivision code of up to three letters.
Optional: the country name associated with the card’s billing address.
Optional: the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code specified in the card’s billing address.
Optional: the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code specified in the card’s billing address.
Optional: The ISO 3166-1 numeric country code specified in the card’s billing address.
Controls whether or not to return validations and/or verification results. By default, this is not enabled.
Optional: If authentication insight is requested. If this property is set to true, a merchantAccountID
must be provided. Defaults to false.
Optional: The merchant account ID.
The regulation environment for the associated nonce to help determine the need for 3D Secure.","parent_name":"BTAuthenticationInsight"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureV2UICustomization.html#/c:@M@BraintreeThreeDSecure@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureV2UICustomization(py)toolbarCustomization":{"name":"toolbarCustomization","abstract":"
Toolbar customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Label customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Text box customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Set button customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Color code in Hex format. For example, the color code can be “#999999”.
Text for the header.
Text for the button. For example, “Cancel”.
Width (integer value) of the text box border.
Color code in Hex format. For example, the color code can be “#999999”.
Radius (integer value) for the text box corners.
Color code in Hex format. For example, the color code can be “#999999”.
Font type for the heading label text.
Font size for the heading label text.
Color code in Hex format. For example, the color code can be “#999999”.
Radius (integer value) for the button corners.
Font type for the UI element.
Color code in Hex format. For example, the color code can be “#999999”.
Font size for the UI element.
The BTCardNonce
resulting from the 3D Secure flow
The result of a 3D Secure lookup. Contains liability shift and challenge information.
The error message when the 3D Secure flow is unsuccessful
A nonce to be verified by ThreeDSecure
The amount for the transaction
Optional. The account type selected by the cardholder
Optional. The billing address used for verification
Optional. The mobile phone number used for verification
Optional. The email used for verification
Optional. The shipping method chosen for the transaction
Optional. The additional information used for verification
Optional. If set to true, an authentication challenge will be forced if possible.
Optional. If set to true, an exemption to the authentication challenge will be requested.
Optional. The exemption type to be requested. If an exemption is requested and the exemption’s conditions are satisfied, then it will be applied.
Optional. Indicates whether to use the data only flow. In this flow, frictionless 3DS is ensured for Mastercard cardholders as the card scheme provides a risk score","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureRequest"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureRequest.html#/c:@M@BraintreeThreeDSecure@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureRequest(py)cardAddChallenge":{"name":"cardAddChallenge","abstract":"
Optional. An authentication created using this property should only be used for adding a payment method to the merchant’s vault and not for creating transactions.
Optional. UI Customization for 3DS2 challenge views.
A delegate for receiving information about the ThreeDSecure payment flow.
Optional. Given name associated with the address
Optional. Surname associated with the address
Optional. Line 1 of the Address (eg. number, street, etc)
Optional. Line 2 of the Address (eg. suite, apt #, etc.)
Optional. Line 3 of the Address (eg. suite, apt #, etc.)
Optional. City name
Optional. Either a two-letter state code (for the US), or an ISO-3166-2 country subdivision code of up to three letters.
Optional. Zip code or equivalent is usually required for countries that have them.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecurePostalAddress"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecurePostalAddress.html#/c:@M@BraintreeThreeDSecure@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecurePostalAddress(py)countryCodeAlpha2":{"name":"countryCodeAlpha2","abstract":"
Optional. 2 letter country code
Optional. The phone number associated with the address
The “PAReq” or “Payment Authentication Request” is the encoded request message used to initiate authentication.
The unique 3DS identifier assigned by Braintree to track the 3DS call as it progresses.
The URL which the customer will be redirected to for a 3DS Interface.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureLookup"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureLookup.html#/c:@M@BraintreeThreeDSecure@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureLookup(py)termURL":{"name":"termURL","abstract":"
The termURL is the fully qualified URL that the customer will be redirected to once the authentication completes.
The full version string of the 3DS lookup result.
Indicates a 3DS 2 lookup result.
This a secondary unique 3DS identifier assigned by Braintree to track the 3DS call as it progresses.
Indicates that a 3DS challenge is required.
Initialize a new BTThreeDSecureClient instance.
Starts the 3DS flow using a BTThreeDSecureRequest.
Creates a stringified JSON object containing the information necessary to perform a lookup.
Creates a stringified JSON object containing the information necessary to perform a lookup.
Initialize a challenge from a server side lookup call.
Initialize a challenge from a server side lookup call.
Optional. The shipping address used for verification
Optional. The 2-digit string indicating the shipping method chosen for the transaction
Optional. The 3-letter string representing the merchant product code
Optional. The 2-digit number indicating the delivery timeframe
Optional. For electronic delivery, email address to which the merchandise was delivered
Optional. The 2-digit number indicating whether the cardholder is reordering previously purchased merchandise
Optional. The 2-digit number indicating whether the cardholder is placing an order with a future availability or release date
Optional. The 8-digit number (format: YYYYMMDD) indicating expected date that a pre-ordered purchase will be available
Optional. The purchase amount total for prepaid gift cards in major units
Optional. ISO 4217 currency code for the gift card purchased
Optional. Total count of individual prepaid gift cards purchased
Optional. The 2-digit value representing the length of time since the last change to the cardholder account. This includes shipping address, new payment account or new user added.
Optional. The 8-digit number (format: YYYYMMDD) indicating the date the cardholder’s account was last changed.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation.html#/c:@M@BraintreeThreeDSecure@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation(py)accountChangeIndicator":{"name":"accountChangeIndicator","abstract":"
Optional. The 2-digit value representing the length of time since the last change to the cardholder account. This includes shipping address, new payment account or new user added.
Optional. The 8-digit number (format: YYYYMMDD) indicating the date the cardholder’s account was last changed.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation.html#/c:@M@BraintreeThreeDSecure@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation(py)accountPwdChangeIndicator":{"name":"accountPwdChangeIndicator","abstract":"
Optional. The 2-digit value representing the length of time since the cardholder changed or reset the password on the account.
Optional. The 8-digit number (format: YYYYMMDD) indicating the date the cardholder last changed or reset password on account.
Optional. The 2-digit value indicating when the shipping address used for transaction was first used.
Optional. The 8-digit number (format: YYYYMMDD) indicating the date when the shipping address used for this transaction was first used.
Optional. Number of transactions (successful or abandoned) for this cardholder account within the last 24 hours.
Optional. Number of transactions (successful or abandoned) for this cardholder account within the last year.
Optional. Number of add card attempts in the last 24 hours.
Optional. Number of purchases with this cardholder account during the previous six months.
Optional. The 2-digit value indicating whether the merchant experienced suspicious activity (including previous fraud) on the account.
Optional. The 2-digit value indicating if the cardholder name on the account is identical to the shipping name used for the transaction.
Optional. The 2-digit value indicating the length of time that the payment account was enrolled in the merchant account.
Optional. The 8-digit number (format: YYYYMMDD) indicating the date the payment account was added to the cardholder account.
Optional. The 1-character value (Y/N) indicating whether cardholder billing and shipping addresses match.
Optional. Additional cardholder account information.
Optional. The IP address of the consumer. IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.
Optional. Brief description of items purchased.
Optional. Unformatted tax amount without any decimalization (ie. $123.67 = 12367).
Optional. The exact content of the HTTP user agent header.
Optional. The 2-digit number indicating the type of authentication request.
Optional. An integer value greater than 1 indicating the maximum number of permitted authorizations for installment payments.
Optional. The 14-digit number (format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) indicating the date in UTC of original purchase.
Optional. The 8-digit number (format: YYYYMMDD) indicating the date after which no further recurring authorizations should be performed.
Optional. Integer value indicating the minimum number of days between recurring authorizations.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation.html#/c:@M@BraintreeThreeDSecure@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation(py)sdkMaxTimeout":{"name":"sdkMaxTimeout","abstract":"
Optional. The 2-digit number of minutes (minimum 05) to set the maximum amount of time for all 3DS 2.0 messages to be communicated between all components.
Optional. The work phone number used for verification. Only numbers; remove dashes, parenthesis and other characters.
The billing address.
Client Metadata ID associated with this transaction.
Payer’s email address.
Payer’s first name.
Payer’s last name.
The one-time use payment method nonce.
Payer ID associated with this transaction.
Payer’s phone number.
The shipping address.
The type of the tokenized payment.
The type of payment.
The country code of the local payment.
Optional: The address of the customer. An error will occur if this address is not valid.
Optional: The address of the customer. An error will occur if this address is not valid.
The amount for the transaction.
Optional: A valid ISO currency code to use for the transaction. Defaults to merchant currency code if not set.
Optional: The merchant name displayed inside of the local payment flow.
Optional: Payer email of the customer.
Optional: Given (first) name of the customer.
Optional: Surname (last name) of the customer.
Optional: Phone number of the customer.
Indicates whether or not the payment needs to be shipped. For digital goods, this should be false. Defaults to false.
Optional: Bank Identification Code of the customer (specific to iDEAL transactions).
Initialize a new BTLocalPaymentClient
Starts a payment flow using a BTLocalPaymentRequest
Starts a payment flow using a BTLocalPaymentRequest
Creates an Apple Pay client
Creates a PKPaymentRequest
with values from your Braintree Apple Pay configuration.","parent_name":"BTApplePayClient"},"Classes/BTApplePayClient.html#/s:17BraintreeApplePay07BTAppleC6ClientC18makePaymentRequestSo09PKPaymentH0CyYaKF":{"name":"makePaymentRequest()","abstract":"
Creates a PKPaymentRequest
with values from your Braintree Apple Pay configuration.","parent_name":"BTApplePayClient"},"Classes/BTApplePayClient.html#/c:@M@BraintreeApplePay@objc(cs)BTApplePayClient(im)tokenizeApplePayPayment:completion:":{"name":"tokenize(_:completion:)","abstract":"
Tokenizes an Apple Pay payment.
Tokenizes an Apple Pay payment.
The BIN data for the card number associated with this nonce.
Initializes a BTDataCollector
instance with a BTAPIClient
Returns a client metadata ID.
Collects device data based on your merchant configuration.
Collects device data based on your merchant configuration.
Optional. An error code when there was an issue fetching the rewards balance
Optional. An error message when there was an issue fetching the rewards balance
Optional. The conversion rate associated with the rewards balance
Optional. The currency amount associated with the rewards balance
Optional. The currency ISO code associated with the rewards balance
Optional. The request ID used when fetching the rewards balance
Optional. The rewards amount associated with the rewards balance
Optional. The rewards unit associated with the rewards balance
Creates an American Express client.
Gets the rewards balance associated with a Braintree nonce. Only for American Express cards.
Gets the rewards balance associated with a Braintree nonce. Only for American Express cards.
Required. The account holder name.
Required. The full IBAN.
Required. The customer ID.
Optional. The BTSEPADebitMandateType
. If not set, defaults to .oneOff
Required. The user’s billing address.
Optional. A non-default merchant account to use for tokenization.
Initialize a new SEPA Direct Debit request.
The IBAN last four characters.
The customer ID.
The BTSEPADebitMandateType
Creates a SEPA Direct Debit client.
Initiates an ASWebAuthenticationSession
to display a mandate to the user. Upon successful mandate creation, tokenizes the payment method and returns a result
Initiates an ASWebAuthenticationSession
to display a mandate to the user. Upon successful mandate creation, tokenizes the payment method and returns a result
Initializes a PayPal Native Vault request
Initializes a PayPal Native Checkout request
Initializes a PayPal Native client.
Tokenize a PayPal request to be used with the PayPal Native Checkout flow.
Tokenize a PayPal request to be used with the PayPal Native Checkout flow.
Tokenize a PayPal request to be used with the PayPal Native Vault flow.
Tokenize a PayPal request to be used with the PayPal Native Vault flow.
Payer’s email address.
Payer’s first name.
Payer’s last name.
Payer’s phone number.
The billing address.
The shipping address.
Client metadata id associated with this transaction.
Optional. Payer id associated with this transaction.","parent_name":"BTPayPalNativeCheckoutAccountNonce"},"Classes/BTURLUtils.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCore@objc(cs)BTURLUtils(cm)queryStringWithDictionary:":{"name":"queryString(from:)","abstract":"
Converts a key/value dictionary to a valid query string
Extract query parameters from a URL
Optional. Recipient name for shipping address.
Line 1 of the Address (eg. number, street, etc).
Optional line 2 of the Address (eg. suite, apt #, etc.).
City name
2 letter country code.
Zip code or equivalent is usually required for countries that have them.","parent_name":"BTPostalAddress"},"Classes/BTPostalAddress.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCore@objc(cs)BTPostalAddress(py)region":{"name":"region","abstract":"
Either a two-letter state code (for the US), or an ISO-3166-2 country subdivision code of up to three letters.
The singleton instance
An array of the tokenization types currently registered
Indicates whether a tokenization type is currently registered
Registers a parsing block for a tokenization type.
Parses tokenized payment information that has been serialized to JSON, and returns a BTPaymentMethodNonce
The payment method nonce.
The string identifying the type of the payment method.
The boolean indicating whether this is a default payment method.
Initialize a new Payment Method Nonce.
Initialize a new Payment Method Nonce.
Initialize a new Payment Method Nonce.
Initialize with a value.
Initialize with data.
Checks if the BTJSON
is a String
Checks if the BTJSON
is a Bool
Checks if the BTJSON
is a NSNumber
Checks if the BTJSON
is a [Any]
Checks if the BTJSON
is a [String: Any]
Checks if the BTJSON
is an error.
Checks if the BTJSON
is a value representing true
Checks if the BTJSON
is a value representing false
Checks if the BTJSON
is a value representing nil
Indexes into the JSON as if the current value is an object
Indexes into the JSON as if the current value is an array
as a NSError
as a String
as a Bool
as a [BTJSON]
as a NSNumber
as a URL
as a [String]
as a NSDictionary
as a Int
as an Enum
as a BTPostalAddress
The merchant account’s configuration as a BTJSON
The environment (production or sandbox)
Used to initialize a BTConfiguration
Integration type
Integration source
Auto-generated UUID
String representation of the integration
String representation of the source
Additional metadata parameters
Create a copy as BTMutableClientMetadata
Creates a copy of BTClientMetadata
Whether the card is a prepaid card. Possible values: Yes/No/Unknown
Whether the card is a healthcare card. Possible values: Yes/No/Unknown
Whether the card is a debit card. Possible values: Yes/No/Unknown
A value indicating whether the issuing bank’s card range is regulated by the Durbin Amendment due to the bank’s assets. Possible values: Yes/No/Unknown
Whether the card type is a commercial card and is capable of processing Level 2 transactions. Possible values: Yes/No/Unknown
Whether the card is a payroll card. Possible values: Yes/No/Unknown
The bank that issued the credit card, if available.
The country that issued the credit card, if available.
The code for the product type of the card (e.g. D
(Visa Signature Preferred), G
(Visa Business)), if available.
Create a BTBinData
object from JSON.
Singleton for shared instance of BTAppContextSwitcher
The URL scheme to return to this app after switching to another app or opening a SFSafariViewController.","parent_name":"BTAppContextSwitcher"},"Classes/BTAppContextSwitcher.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCore@objc(cs)BTAppContextSwitcher(im)registerAppContextSwitchClient:":{"name":"register(_:)","abstract":"
Registers a class Type
that can handle a return from app context switch with a static method.
The tokenization key used to authorize the APIClient
The client token used to authorize the APIClient
Client metadata that is used for tracking the client session
Initialize a new API client.
Provides configuration data as a BTJSON
Fetches a customer’s vaulted payment method nonces.","parent_name":"BTAPIClient"},"Classes/BTAPIClient.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCore@objc(cs)BTAPIClient(im)fetchPaymentMethodNonces:completion:":{"name":"fetchPaymentMethodNonces(_:completion:)","abstract":"
Fetches a customer’s vaulted payment method nonces.","parent_name":"BTAPIClient"},"Classes/BTAPIClient.html":{"name":"BTAPIClient","abstract":"
This class acts as the entry point for accessing the Braintree APIs via common HTTP methods performed on API endpoints.
THIS CODE IS GENERATED BY codify_certificates.swift
Handles return URLs when returning from app context switch and routes the return URL to the correct app context switch client class.
Contains the bin data associated with a payment method
Represents the metadata associated with a session for posting along with payment data during tokenization.
An authorization string used to initialize the Braintree SDK
Contains information specific to a merchant’s Braintree integration
A type-safe wrapper around JSON"},"Classes/BTLogLevelDescription.html":{"name":"BTLogLevelDescription","abstract":"
Wrapper for accessing the string value of the log level
Required for Objective-C compatibility. Necessary behavior is provided by the swift version.
BTPaymentMethodNonce is for generic tokenized payment information.
A JSON parser that parses BTJSON
into concrete BTPaymentMethodNonce
objects. It supports registration of parsers at runtime.
Generic postal address
A helper class for converting URL queries to and from dictionaries
Contains information about a PayPal payment method.
Client used to collect PayPal payment methods. If possible, this client will present a native flow; otherwise, it will fall back to a web flow.
Options for the PayPal Checkout flow.
Options for the PayPal Vault flow.
Used to integrate with SEPA Direct Debit.
A payment method nonce representing a SEPA Direct Debit payment.
Parameters for creating a SEPA Direct Debit tokenization request.
enables you to look up the rewards balance of American Express cards.
Contains information about an American Express rewards balance.
Braintree’s advanced fraud protection solution.
Contains information about a tokenized Apple Pay card.
Used to process Apple Pay payments
Used to initialize a local payment flow
Additional information for a 3DS lookup. Used in 3DS 2.0+ flows.
The result of a 3DS lookup."},"Classes/BTThreeDSecurePostalAddress.html":{"name":"BTThreeDSecurePostalAddress","abstract":"
Postal address for 3D Secure flows
Used to initialize a 3D Secure payment flow
The result of a 3D Secure payment flow
Base customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Button customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Label customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Text box customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Toolbar customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
UI customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Information pertaining to the regulatory environment for a credit card if authentication insight is requested during tokenization.
The card tokenization request represents raw credit or debit card data provided by the customer."},"Classes/BTCardClient.html":{"name":"BTCardClient","abstract":"
Used to process cards
Contains information about a tokenized card.
Contains information about a card to tokenize
Contains information about the 3D Secure status of a payment method
Contains information about a PayPal payment method
Options for the PayPal Checkout flow.
Contains information about a PayPal credit financing option
Contains information about a PayPal credit amount
A PayPal line item to be displayed in the PayPal checkout flow.
Base options for PayPal Checkout and PayPal Vault flows.
Options for the PayPal Vault flow.
Contains information about a Venmo Account payment method
Used to process Venmo payments
A BTVenmoRequest specifies options that contribute to the Venmo flow
The following classes are available globally.
The following enumerations are available globally.
The following extensions are available globally.
The following protocols are available globally.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/6.0.0-beta4/docsets/Braintree.docset/Contents/Resources/docSet.dsidx b/6.0.0-beta4/docsets/Braintree.docset/Contents/Resources/docSet.dsidx
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Braintree Reference
+ Braintree Reference
+ Braintree Reference
Braintree iOS SDK
Welcome to Braintree’s iOS SDK. This library will help you accept card and alternative payments in your iOS app.
v6 is the latest major version of Braintree iOS and is currently in Beta. For stable releases, please point to v5 of the SDK. While preparing for general availability, we expect to make breaking changes in the beta releases. To update from v5, see the v6 migration guide .
The Braintree iOS SDK permits a deployment target of iOS 14.0 or higher . It requires Xcode 14.3+ and Swift 5.8+.
Supported Payment Methods
We recommend using Swift Package Manager , CocoaPods , or Carthage to integrate the Braintree SDK with your project.
Swift Package Manager
This feature is only available in v5+.
To add the Braintree
package to your Xcode project, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and enter https://github.com/braintree/braintree_ios
as the repository URL. Tick the checkboxes for the specific Braintree libraries you wish to include.
If you look at your app target, you will see that the Braintree libraries you chose are automatically linked as a frameworks to your app (see General > Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content ).
and BraintreePaymentFlow
also require the inclusion of the PayPalDataCollector
In your app’s source code files, use the following import syntax to include Braintree’s libraries:
import BraintreeCore
+import BraintreeCard
+import BraintreeApplePay
+import BraintreePayPal
# Includes Cards and PayPal
+pod 'Braintree'
+# Optionally include additional Pods
+pod 'Braintree/DataCollector'
+pod 'Braintree/Venmo'
Braintree 6.0.0+ requires Carthage 0.38.0+ and the --use-xcframeworks
option when running carthage update
Add github "braintree/braintree_ios"
to your Cartfile
, and add the frameworks to your project .
Note: Long term support for Carthage is not guaranteed. Please update to SPM, if possible. If there are concerns, please comment on this Discussion thread .
Start with ‘Hello, Client!’ for instructions on basic setup and usage.
Next, read the full documentation for information about integrating with additional payment methods, such as PayPal and Venmo, as well as explore our pre-built Drop-In UI offering .
This SDK abides by our Client SDK Deprecation Policy. For more information on the potential statuses of an SDK check our developer docs .
+Major version number
+February 2021
+November 2015
+February 2022
+February 2023
Versions 4.9.6 and below use outdated SSL certificates and are unsupported.
+Run pod install
+There is a known M1 mac issue with CocoaPods. See this solution to resolve ffi
dependency issues.
+Resolve the Swift Package Manager packages if needed: File
> Packages
> Resolve Package Versions
or by running swift package resolve
in Terminal
+Open Braintree.xcworkspace
in Xcode
+Select the Demo
scheme, and then run
Xcode 14+ is required to run the demo app.
We welcome PRs to this repo. See our development doc .
The Braintree iOS SDK is in active development, we welcome your feedback!
Here are a few ways to get in touch:
The Braintree iOS SDK is open source and available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
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+// Copyright Realm Inc.
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/6.0.0-beta4/js/jazzy.search.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// Jazzy - https://github.com/realm/jazzy
+// Copyright Realm Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ var $typeahead = $('[data-typeahead]');
+ var $form = $typeahead.parents('form');
+ var searchURL = $form.attr('action');
+ function displayTemplate(result) {
+ return result.name;
+ }
+ function suggestionTemplate(result) {
+ var t = '
+ t += '' + result.name + ' ';
+ if (result.parent_name) {
+ t += '' + result.parent_name + ' ';
+ }
+ t += '
+ return t;
+ }
+ $typeahead.one('focus', function() {
+ $form.addClass('loading');
+ $.getJSON(searchURL).then(function(searchData) {
+ const searchIndex = lunr(function() {
+ this.ref('url');
+ this.field('name');
+ this.field('abstract');
+ for (const [url, doc] of Object.entries(searchData)) {
+ this.add({url: url, name: doc.name, abstract: doc.abstract});
+ }
+ });
+ $typeahead.typeahead(
+ {
+ highlight: true,
+ minLength: 3,
+ autoselect: true
+ },
+ {
+ limit: 10,
+ display: displayTemplate,
+ templates: { suggestion: suggestionTemplate },
+ source: function(query, sync) {
+ const lcSearch = query.toLowerCase();
+ const results = searchIndex.query(function(q) {
+ q.term(lcSearch, { boost: 100 });
+ q.term(lcSearch, {
+ boost: 10,
+ wildcard: lunr.Query.wildcard.TRAILING
+ });
+ }).map(function(result) {
+ var doc = searchData[result.ref];
+ doc.url = result.ref;
+ return doc;
+ });
+ sync(results);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ $form.removeClass('loading');
+ $typeahead.trigger('focus');
+ });
+ });
+ var baseURL = searchURL.slice(0, -"search.json".length);
+ $typeahead.on('typeahead:select', function(e, result) {
+ window.location = baseURL + result.url;
+ });
diff --git a/6.0.0-beta4/js/jquery.min.js b/6.0.0-beta4/js/jquery.min.js
new file mode 100644
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e,t,n,r=this[0],i={top:0,left:0};if("fixed"===S.css(r,"position"))t=r.getBoundingClientRect();else{t=this.offset(),n=r.ownerDocument,e=r.offsetParent||n.documentElement;while(e&&(e===n.body||e===n.documentElement)&&"static"===S.css(e,"position"))e=e.parentNode;e&&e!==r&&1===e.nodeType&&((i=S(e).offset()).top+=S.css(e,"borderTopWidth",!0),i.left+=S.css(e,"borderLeftWidth",!0))}return{top:t.top-i.top-S.css(r,"marginTop",!0),left:t.left-i.left-S.css(r,"marginLeft",!0)}}},offsetParent:function(){return this.map(function(){var e=this.offsetParent;while(e&&"static"===S.css(e,"position"))e=e.offsetParent;return e||re})}}),S.each({scrollLeft:"pageXOffset",scrollTop:"pageYOffset"},function(t,i){var o="pageYOffset"===i;S.fn[t]=function(e){return B(this,function(e,t,n){var r;if(x(e)?r=e:9===e.nodeType&&(r=e.defaultView),void 0===n)return r?r[i]:e[t];r?r.scrollTo(o?r.pageXOffset:n,o?n:r.pageYOffset):e[t]=n},t,e,arguments.length)}}),S.each(["top","left"],function(e,n){S.cssHooks[n]=_e(v.pixelPosition,function(e,t){if(t)return t=Be(e,n),Pe.test(t)?S(e).position()[n]+"px":t})}),S.each({Height:"height",Width:"width"},function(a,s){S.each({padding:"inner"+a,content:s,"":"outer"+a},function(r,o){S.fn[o]=function(e,t){var n=arguments.length&&(r||"boolean"!=typeof e),i=r||(!0===e||!0===t?"margin":"border");return B(this,function(e,t,n){var r;return x(e)?0===o.indexOf("outer")?e["inner"+a]:e.document.documentElement["client"+a]:9===e.nodeType?(r=e.documentElement,Math.max(e.body["scroll"+a],r["scroll"+a],e.body["offset"+a],r["offset"+a],r["client"+a])):void 0===n?S.css(e,t,i):S.style(e,t,n,i)},s,n?e:void 0,n)}})}),S.each(["ajaxStart","ajaxStop","ajaxComplete","ajaxError","ajaxSuccess","ajaxSend"],function(e,t){S.fn[t]=function(e){return this.on(t,e)}}),S.fn.extend({bind:function(e,t,n){return this.on(e,null,t,n)},unbind:function(e,t){return this.off(e,null,t)},delegate:function(e,t,n,r){return this.on(t,e,n,r)},undelegate:function(e,t,n){return 1===arguments.length?this.off(e,"**"):this.off(t,e||"**",n)},hover:function(e,t){return this.mouseenter(e).mouseleave(t||e)}}),S.each("blur focus focusin focusout resize scroll click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup contextmenu".split(" "),function(e,n){S.fn[n]=function(e,t){return 00){var c=e.utils.clone(r)||{};c.position=[a,l],c.index=s.length,s.push(new e.Token(i.slice(a,o),c))}a=o+1}}return s},e.tokenizer.separator=/[\s\-]+/,e.Pipeline=function(){this._stack=[]},e.Pipeline.registeredFunctions=Object.create(null),e.Pipeline.registerFunction=function(t,r){r in this.registeredFunctions&&e.utils.warn("Overwriting existing registered function: "+r),t.label=r,e.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[t.label]=t},e.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered=function(t){var r=t.label&&t.label in this.registeredFunctions;r||e.utils.warn("Function is not registered with pipeline. This may cause problems when serialising the index.\n",t)},e.Pipeline.load=function(t){var r=new e.Pipeline;return t.forEach(function(t){var i=e.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[t];if(!i)throw new Error("Cannot load unregistered function: "+t);r.add(i)}),r},e.Pipeline.prototype.add=function(){var t=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);t.forEach(function(t){e.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(t),this._stack.push(t)},this)},e.Pipeline.prototype.after=function(t,r){e.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(r);var i=this._stack.indexOf(t);if(i==-1)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");i+=1,this._stack.splice(i,0,r)},e.Pipeline.prototype.before=function(t,r){e.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(r);var i=this._stack.indexOf(t);if(i==-1)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");this._stack.splice(i,0,r)},e.Pipeline.prototype.remove=function(e){var t=this._stack.indexOf(e);t!=-1&&this._stack.splice(t,1)},e.Pipeline.prototype.run=function(e){for(var t=this._stack.length,r=0;r1&&(se&&(r=n),s!=e);)i=r-t,n=t+Math.floor(i/2),s=this.elements[2*n];return s==e?2*n:s>e?2*n:sa?l+=2:o==a&&(t+=r[u+1]*i[l+1],u+=2,l+=2);return t},e.Vector.prototype.similarity=function(e){return this.dot(e)/this.magnitude()||0},e.Vector.prototype.toArray=function(){for(var e=new Array(this.elements.length/2),t=1,r=0;t0){var o,a=s.str.charAt(0);a in s.node.edges?o=s.node.edges[a]:(o=new e.TokenSet,s.node.edges[a]=o),1==s.str.length&&(o["final"]=!0),n.push({node:o,editsRemaining:s.editsRemaining,str:s.str.slice(1)})}if(0!=s.editsRemaining){if("*"in s.node.edges)var u=s.node.edges["*"];else{var u=new e.TokenSet;s.node.edges["*"]=u}if(0==s.str.length&&(u["final"]=!0),n.push({node:u,editsRemaining:s.editsRemaining-1,str:s.str}),s.str.length>1&&n.push({node:s.node,editsRemaining:s.editsRemaining-1,str:s.str.slice(1)}),1==s.str.length&&(s.node["final"]=!0),s.str.length>=1){if("*"in s.node.edges)var l=s.node.edges["*"];else{var l=new e.TokenSet;s.node.edges["*"]=l}1==s.str.length&&(l["final"]=!0),n.push({node:l,editsRemaining:s.editsRemaining-1,str:s.str.slice(1)})}if(s.str.length>1){var c,h=s.str.charAt(0),d=s.str.charAt(1);d in s.node.edges?c=s.node.edges[d]:(c=new e.TokenSet,s.node.edges[d]=c),1==s.str.length&&(c["final"]=!0),n.push({node:c,editsRemaining:s.editsRemaining-1,str:h+s.str.slice(2)})}}}return i},e.TokenSet.fromString=function(t){for(var r=new e.TokenSet,i=r,n=0,s=t.length;n=e;t--){var r=this.uncheckedNodes[t],i=r.child.toString();i in this.minimizedNodes?r.parent.edges[r["char"]]=this.minimizedNodes[i]:(r.child._str=i,this.minimizedNodes[i]=r.child),this.uncheckedNodes.pop()}},e.Index=function(e){this.invertedIndex=e.invertedIndex,this.fieldVectors=e.fieldVectors,this.tokenSet=e.tokenSet,this.fields=e.fields,this.pipeline=e.pipeline},e.Index.prototype.search=function(t){return this.query(function(r){var i=new e.QueryParser(t,r);i.parse()})},e.Index.prototype.query=function(t){for(var r=new e.Query(this.fields),i=Object.create(null),n=Object.create(null),s=Object.create(null),o=Object.create(null),a=Object.create(null),u=0;u1?this._b=1:this._b=e},e.Builder.prototype.k1=function(e){this._k1=e},e.Builder.prototype.add=function(t,r){var i=t[this._ref],n=Object.keys(this._fields);this._documents[i]=r||{},this.documentCount+=1;for(var s=0;s=this.length)return e.QueryLexer.EOS;var t=this.str.charAt(this.pos);return this.pos+=1,t},e.QueryLexer.prototype.width=function(){return this.pos-this.start},e.QueryLexer.prototype.ignore=function(){this.start==this.pos&&(this.pos+=1),this.start=this.pos},e.QueryLexer.prototype.backup=function(){this.pos-=1},e.QueryLexer.prototype.acceptDigitRun=function(){var t,r;do t=this.next(),r=t.charCodeAt(0);while(r>47&&r<58);t!=e.QueryLexer.EOS&&this.backup()},e.QueryLexer.prototype.more=function(){return this.pos1&&(t.backup(),t.emit(e.QueryLexer.TERM)),t.ignore(),t.more())return e.QueryLexer.lexText},e.QueryLexer.lexEditDistance=function(t){return t.ignore(),t.acceptDigitRun(),t.emit(e.QueryLexer.EDIT_DISTANCE),e.QueryLexer.lexText},e.QueryLexer.lexBoost=function(t){return t.ignore(),t.acceptDigitRun(),t.emit(e.QueryLexer.BOOST),e.QueryLexer.lexText},e.QueryLexer.lexEOS=function(t){t.width()>0&&t.emit(e.QueryLexer.TERM)},e.QueryLexer.termSeparator=e.tokenizer.separator,e.QueryLexer.lexText=function(t){for(;;){var r=t.next();if(r==e.QueryLexer.EOS)return e.QueryLexer.lexEOS;if(92!=r.charCodeAt(0)){if(":"==r)return e.QueryLexer.lexField;if("~"==r)return t.backup(),t.width()>0&&t.emit(e.QueryLexer.TERM),e.QueryLexer.lexEditDistance;if("^"==r)return t.backup(),t.width()>0&&t.emit(e.QueryLexer.TERM),e.QueryLexer.lexBoost;if("+"==r&&1===t.width())return t.emit(e.QueryLexer.PRESENCE),e.QueryLexer.lexText;if("-"==r&&1===t.width())return t.emit(e.QueryLexer.PRESENCE),e.QueryLexer.lexText;if(r.match(e.QueryLexer.termSeparator))return e.QueryLexer.lexTerm}else t.escapeCharacter()}},e.QueryParser=function(t,r){this.lexer=new e.QueryLexer(t),this.query=r,this.currentClause={},this.lexemeIdx=0},e.QueryParser.prototype.parse=function(){this.lexer.run(),this.lexemes=this.lexer.lexemes;for(var t=e.QueryParser.parseClause;t;)t=t(this);return this.query},e.QueryParser.prototype.peekLexeme=function(){return this.lexemes[this.lexemeIdx]},e.QueryParser.prototype.consumeLexeme=function(){var e=this.peekLexeme();return this.lexemeIdx+=1,e},e.QueryParser.prototype.nextClause=function(){var e=this.currentClause;this.query.clause(e),this.currentClause={}},e.QueryParser.parseClause=function(t){var r=t.peekLexeme();if(void 0!=r)switch(r.type){case e.QueryLexer.PRESENCE:return e.QueryParser.parsePresence;case e.QueryLexer.FIELD:return e.QueryParser.parseField;case e.QueryLexer.TERM:return e.QueryParser.parseTerm;default:var i="expected either a field or a term, found "+r.type;throw r.str.length>=1&&(i+=" with value '"+r.str+"'"),new e.QueryParseError(i,r.start,r.end)}},e.QueryParser.parsePresence=function(t){var r=t.consumeLexeme();if(void 0!=r){switch(r.str){case"-":t.currentClause.presence=e.Query.presence.PROHIBITED;break;case"+":t.currentClause.presence=e.Query.presence.REQUIRED;break;default:var i="unrecognised presence operator'"+r.str+"'";throw new e.QueryParseError(i,r.start,r.end)}var n=t.peekLexeme();if(void 0==n){var i="expecting term or field, found nothing";throw new e.QueryParseError(i,r.start,r.end)}switch(n.type){case e.QueryLexer.FIELD:return e.QueryParser.parseField;case e.QueryLexer.TERM:return e.QueryParser.parseTerm;default:var i="expecting term or field, found '"+n.type+"'";throw new e.QueryParseError(i,n.start,n.end)}}},e.QueryParser.parseField=function(t){var r=t.consumeLexeme();if(void 0!=r){if(t.query.allFields.indexOf(r.str)==-1){var i=t.query.allFields.map(function(e){return"'"+e+"'"}).join(", "),n="unrecognised field '"+r.str+"', possible fields: "+i;throw new e.QueryParseError(n,r.start,r.end)}t.currentClause.fields=[r.str];var s=t.peekLexeme();if(void 0==s){var n="expecting term, found nothing";throw new e.QueryParseError(n,r.start,r.end)}switch(s.type){case e.QueryLexer.TERM:return e.QueryParser.parseTerm;default:var n="expecting term, found '"+s.type+"'";throw new e.QueryParseError(n,s.start,s.end)}}},e.QueryParser.parseTerm=function(t){var r=t.consumeLexeme();if(void 0!=r){t.currentClause.term=r.str.toLowerCase(),r.str.indexOf("*")!=-1&&(t.currentClause.usePipeline=!1);var i=t.peekLexeme();if(void 0==i)return void t.nextClause();switch(i.type){case e.QueryLexer.TERM:return t.nextClause(),e.QueryParser.parseTerm;case e.QueryLexer.FIELD:return t.nextClause(),e.QueryParser.parseField;case e.QueryLexer.EDIT_DISTANCE:return e.QueryParser.parseEditDistance;case e.QueryLexer.BOOST:return e.QueryParser.parseBoost;case e.QueryLexer.PRESENCE:return t.nextClause(),e.QueryParser.parsePresence;default:var n="Unexpected lexeme type '"+i.type+"'";throw new e.QueryParseError(n,i.start,i.end)}}},e.QueryParser.parseEditDistance=function(t){var r=t.consumeLexeme();if(void 0!=r){var i=parseInt(r.str,10);if(isNaN(i)){var n="edit distance must be numeric";throw new e.QueryParseError(n,r.start,r.end)}t.currentClause.editDistance=i;var s=t.peekLexeme();if(void 0==s)return void t.nextClause();switch(s.type){case e.QueryLexer.TERM:return t.nextClause(),e.QueryParser.parseTerm;case e.QueryLexer.FIELD:return t.nextClause(),e.QueryParser.parseField;case e.QueryLexer.EDIT_DISTANCE:return e.QueryParser.parseEditDistance;case e.QueryLexer.BOOST:return e.QueryParser.parseBoost;case e.QueryLexer.PRESENCE:return t.nextClause(),e.QueryParser.parsePresence;default:var n="Unexpected lexeme type '"+s.type+"'";throw new e.QueryParseError(n,s.start,s.end)}}},e.QueryParser.parseBoost=function(t){var r=t.consumeLexeme();if(void 0!=r){var i=parseInt(r.str,10);if(isNaN(i)){var n="boost must be numeric";throw new e.QueryParseError(n,r.start,r.end)}t.currentClause.boost=i;var s=t.peekLexeme();if(void 0==s)return void t.nextClause();switch(s.type){case e.QueryLexer.TERM:return t.nextClause(),e.QueryParser.parseTerm;case e.QueryLexer.FIELD:return t.nextClause(),e.QueryParser.parseField;case e.QueryLexer.EDIT_DISTANCE:return e.QueryParser.parseEditDistance;case e.QueryLexer.BOOST:return e.QueryParser.parseBoost;case e.QueryLexer.PRESENCE:return t.nextClause(),e.QueryParser.parsePresence;default:var n="Unexpected lexeme type '"+s.type+"'";throw new e.QueryParseError(n,s.start,s.end)}}},function(e,t){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(t):"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=t():e.lunr=t()}(this,function(){return e})}();
diff --git a/6.0.0-beta4/js/typeahead.jquery.js b/6.0.0-beta4/js/typeahead.jquery.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a2d2ab031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/6.0.0-beta4/js/typeahead.jquery.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1694 @@
+ * typeahead.js 1.3.1
+ * https://github.com/corejavascript/typeahead.js
+ * Copyright 2013-2020 Twitter, Inc. and other contributors; Licensed MIT
+ */
+(function(root, factory) {
+ if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
+ define([ "jquery" ], function(a0) {
+ return factory(a0);
+ });
+ } else if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) {
+ module.exports = factory(require("jquery"));
+ } else {
+ factory(root["jQuery"]);
+ }
+})(this, function($) {
+ var _ = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ return {
+ isMsie: function() {
+ return /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? navigator.userAgent.match(/(msie |rv:)(\d+(.\d+)?)/i)[2] : false;
+ },
+ isBlankString: function(str) {
+ return !str || /^\s*$/.test(str);
+ },
+ escapeRegExChars: function(str) {
+ return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
+ },
+ isString: function(obj) {
+ return typeof obj === "string";
+ },
+ isNumber: function(obj) {
+ return typeof obj === "number";
+ },
+ isArray: $.isArray,
+ isFunction: $.isFunction,
+ isObject: $.isPlainObject,
+ isUndefined: function(obj) {
+ return typeof obj === "undefined";
+ },
+ isElement: function(obj) {
+ return !!(obj && obj.nodeType === 1);
+ },
+ isJQuery: function(obj) {
+ return obj instanceof $;
+ },
+ toStr: function toStr(s) {
+ return _.isUndefined(s) || s === null ? "" : s + "";
+ },
+ bind: $.proxy,
+ each: function(collection, cb) {
+ $.each(collection, reverseArgs);
+ function reverseArgs(index, value) {
+ return cb(value, index);
+ }
+ },
+ map: $.map,
+ filter: $.grep,
+ every: function(obj, test) {
+ var result = true;
+ if (!obj) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ $.each(obj, function(key, val) {
+ if (!(result = test.call(null, val, key, obj))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ return !!result;
+ },
+ some: function(obj, test) {
+ var result = false;
+ if (!obj) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ $.each(obj, function(key, val) {
+ if (result = test.call(null, val, key, obj)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ return !!result;
+ },
+ mixin: $.extend,
+ identity: function(x) {
+ return x;
+ },
+ clone: function(obj) {
+ return $.extend(true, {}, obj);
+ },
+ getIdGenerator: function() {
+ var counter = 0;
+ return function() {
+ return counter++;
+ };
+ },
+ templatify: function templatify(obj) {
+ return $.isFunction(obj) ? obj : template;
+ function template() {
+ return String(obj);
+ }
+ },
+ defer: function(fn) {
+ setTimeout(fn, 0);
+ },
+ debounce: function(func, wait, immediate) {
+ var timeout, result;
+ return function() {
+ var context = this, args = arguments, later, callNow;
+ later = function() {
+ timeout = null;
+ if (!immediate) {
+ result = func.apply(context, args);
+ }
+ };
+ callNow = immediate && !timeout;
+ clearTimeout(timeout);
+ timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
+ if (callNow) {
+ result = func.apply(context, args);
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ },
+ throttle: function(func, wait) {
+ var context, args, timeout, result, previous, later;
+ previous = 0;
+ later = function() {
+ previous = new Date();
+ timeout = null;
+ result = func.apply(context, args);
+ };
+ return function() {
+ var now = new Date(), remaining = wait - (now - previous);
+ context = this;
+ args = arguments;
+ if (remaining <= 0) {
+ clearTimeout(timeout);
+ timeout = null;
+ previous = now;
+ result = func.apply(context, args);
+ } else if (!timeout) {
+ timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining);
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ },
+ stringify: function(val) {
+ return _.isString(val) ? val : JSON.stringify(val);
+ },
+ guid: function() {
+ function _p8(s) {
+ var p = (Math.random().toString(16) + "000000000").substr(2, 8);
+ return s ? "-" + p.substr(0, 4) + "-" + p.substr(4, 4) : p;
+ }
+ return "tt-" + _p8() + _p8(true) + _p8(true) + _p8();
+ },
+ noop: function() {}
+ };
+ }();
+ var WWW = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ var defaultClassNames = {
+ wrapper: "twitter-typeahead",
+ input: "tt-input",
+ hint: "tt-hint",
+ menu: "tt-menu",
+ dataset: "tt-dataset",
+ suggestion: "tt-suggestion",
+ selectable: "tt-selectable",
+ empty: "tt-empty",
+ open: "tt-open",
+ cursor: "tt-cursor",
+ highlight: "tt-highlight"
+ };
+ return build;
+ function build(o) {
+ var www, classes;
+ classes = _.mixin({}, defaultClassNames, o);
+ www = {
+ css: buildCss(),
+ classes: classes,
+ html: buildHtml(classes),
+ selectors: buildSelectors(classes)
+ };
+ return {
+ css: www.css,
+ html: www.html,
+ classes: www.classes,
+ selectors: www.selectors,
+ mixin: function(o) {
+ _.mixin(o, www);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function buildHtml(c) {
+ return {
+ wrapper: ' ',
+ menu: ''
+ };
+ }
+ function buildSelectors(classes) {
+ var selectors = {};
+ _.each(classes, function(v, k) {
+ selectors[k] = "." + v;
+ });
+ return selectors;
+ }
+ function buildCss() {
+ var css = {
+ wrapper: {
+ position: "relative",
+ display: "inline-block"
+ },
+ hint: {
+ position: "absolute",
+ top: "0",
+ left: "0",
+ borderColor: "transparent",
+ boxShadow: "none",
+ opacity: "1"
+ },
+ input: {
+ position: "relative",
+ verticalAlign: "top",
+ backgroundColor: "transparent"
+ },
+ inputWithNoHint: {
+ position: "relative",
+ verticalAlign: "top"
+ },
+ menu: {
+ position: "absolute",
+ top: "100%",
+ left: "0",
+ zIndex: "100",
+ display: "none"
+ },
+ ltr: {
+ left: "0",
+ right: "auto"
+ },
+ rtl: {
+ left: "auto",
+ right: " 0"
+ }
+ };
+ if (_.isMsie()) {
+ _.mixin(css.input, {
+ backgroundImage: "url()"
+ });
+ }
+ return css;
+ }
+ }();
+ var EventBus = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ var namespace, deprecationMap;
+ namespace = "typeahead:";
+ deprecationMap = {
+ render: "rendered",
+ cursorchange: "cursorchanged",
+ select: "selected",
+ autocomplete: "autocompleted"
+ };
+ function EventBus(o) {
+ if (!o || !o.el) {
+ $.error("EventBus initialized without el");
+ }
+ this.$el = $(o.el);
+ }
+ _.mixin(EventBus.prototype, {
+ _trigger: function(type, args) {
+ var $e = $.Event(namespace + type);
+ this.$el.trigger.call(this.$el, $e, args || []);
+ return $e;
+ },
+ before: function(type) {
+ var args, $e;
+ args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ $e = this._trigger("before" + type, args);
+ return $e.isDefaultPrevented();
+ },
+ trigger: function(type) {
+ var deprecatedType;
+ this._trigger(type, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ if (deprecatedType = deprecationMap[type]) {
+ this._trigger(deprecatedType, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return EventBus;
+ }();
+ var EventEmitter = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ var splitter = /\s+/, nextTick = getNextTick();
+ return {
+ onSync: onSync,
+ onAsync: onAsync,
+ off: off,
+ trigger: trigger
+ };
+ function on(method, types, cb, context) {
+ var type;
+ if (!cb) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ types = types.split(splitter);
+ cb = context ? bindContext(cb, context) : cb;
+ this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {};
+ while (type = types.shift()) {
+ this._callbacks[type] = this._callbacks[type] || {
+ sync: [],
+ async: []
+ };
+ this._callbacks[type][method].push(cb);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ function onAsync(types, cb, context) {
+ return on.call(this, "async", types, cb, context);
+ }
+ function onSync(types, cb, context) {
+ return on.call(this, "sync", types, cb, context);
+ }
+ function off(types) {
+ var type;
+ if (!this._callbacks) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ types = types.split(splitter);
+ while (type = types.shift()) {
+ delete this._callbacks[type];
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ function trigger(types) {
+ var type, callbacks, args, syncFlush, asyncFlush;
+ if (!this._callbacks) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ types = types.split(splitter);
+ args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ while ((type = types.shift()) && (callbacks = this._callbacks[type])) {
+ syncFlush = getFlush(callbacks.sync, this, [ type ].concat(args));
+ asyncFlush = getFlush(callbacks.async, this, [ type ].concat(args));
+ syncFlush() && nextTick(asyncFlush);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ function getFlush(callbacks, context, args) {
+ return flush;
+ function flush() {
+ var cancelled;
+ for (var i = 0, len = callbacks.length; !cancelled && i < len; i += 1) {
+ cancelled = callbacks[i].apply(context, args) === false;
+ }
+ return !cancelled;
+ }
+ }
+ function getNextTick() {
+ var nextTickFn;
+ if (window.setImmediate) {
+ nextTickFn = function nextTickSetImmediate(fn) {
+ setImmediate(function() {
+ fn();
+ });
+ };
+ } else {
+ nextTickFn = function nextTickSetTimeout(fn) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ fn();
+ }, 0);
+ };
+ }
+ return nextTickFn;
+ }
+ function bindContext(fn, context) {
+ return fn.bind ? fn.bind(context) : function() {
+ fn.apply(context, [].slice.call(arguments, 0));
+ };
+ }
+ }();
+ var highlight = function(doc) {
+ "use strict";
+ var defaults = {
+ node: null,
+ pattern: null,
+ tagName: "strong",
+ className: null,
+ wordsOnly: false,
+ caseSensitive: false,
+ diacriticInsensitive: false
+ };
+ var accented = {
+ A: "[AaªÀ-Åà-åĀ-ąǍǎȀ-ȃȦȧᴬᵃḀḁẚẠ-ảₐ℀℁℻⒜Ⓐⓐ㍱-㍴㎀-㎄㎈㎉㎩-㎯㏂㏊㏟㏿Aa]",
+ B: "[BbᴮᵇḂ-ḇℬ⒝Ⓑⓑ㍴㎅-㎇㏃㏈㏔㏝Bb]",
+ C: "[CcÇçĆ-čᶜ℀ℂ℃℅℆ℭⅭⅽ⒞Ⓒⓒ㍶㎈㎉㎝㎠㎤㏄-㏇Cc]",
+ D: "[DdĎďDŽ-džDZ-dzᴰᵈḊ-ḓⅅⅆⅮⅾ⒟Ⓓⓓ㋏㍲㍷-㍹㎗㎭-㎯㏅㏈Dd]",
+ E: "[EeÈ-Ëè-ëĒ-ěȄ-ȇȨȩᴱᵉḘ-ḛẸ-ẽₑ℡ℯℰⅇ⒠Ⓔⓔ㉐㋍㋎Ee]",
+ F: "[FfᶠḞḟ℉ℱ℻⒡Ⓕⓕ㎊-㎌㎙ff-fflFf]",
+ G: "[GgĜ-ģǦǧǴǵᴳᵍḠḡℊ⒢Ⓖⓖ㋌㋍㎇㎍-㎏㎓㎬㏆㏉㏒㏿Gg]",
+ H: "[HhĤĥȞȟʰᴴḢ-ḫẖℋ-ℎ⒣Ⓗⓗ㋌㍱㎐-㎔㏊㏋㏗Hh]",
+ I: "[IiÌ-Ïì-ïĨ-İIJijǏǐȈ-ȋᴵᵢḬḭỈ-ịⁱℐℑℹⅈⅠ-ⅣⅥ-ⅨⅪⅫⅰ-ⅳⅵ-ⅸⅺⅻ⒤Ⓘⓘ㍺㏌㏕fiffiIi]",
+ J: "[JjIJ-ĵLJ-njǰʲᴶⅉ⒥ⒿⓙⱼJj]",
+ K: "[KkĶķǨǩᴷᵏḰ-ḵK⒦Ⓚⓚ㎄㎅㎉㎏㎑㎘㎞㎢㎦㎪㎸㎾㏀㏆㏍-㏏Kk]",
+ L: "[LlĹ-ŀLJ-ljˡᴸḶḷḺ-ḽℒℓ℡Ⅼⅼ⒧Ⓛⓛ㋏㎈㎉㏐-㏓㏕㏖㏿flfflLl]",
+ M: "[MmᴹᵐḾ-ṃ℠™ℳⅯⅿ⒨Ⓜⓜ㍷-㍹㎃㎆㎎㎒㎖㎙-㎨㎫㎳㎷㎹㎽㎿㏁㏂㏎㏐㏔-㏖㏘㏙㏞㏟Mm]",
+ N: "[NnÑñŃ-ʼnNJ-njǸǹᴺṄ-ṋⁿℕ№⒩Ⓝⓝ㎁㎋㎚㎱㎵㎻㏌㏑Nn]",
+ O: "[OoºÒ-Öò-öŌ-őƠơǑǒǪǫȌ-ȏȮȯᴼᵒỌ-ỏₒ℅№ℴ⒪Ⓞⓞ㍵㏇㏒㏖Oo]",
+ P: "[PpᴾᵖṔ-ṗℙ⒫Ⓟⓟ㉐㍱㍶㎀㎊㎩-㎬㎰㎴㎺㏋㏗-㏚Pp]",
+ Q: "[Qqℚ⒬Ⓠⓠ㏃Qq]",
+ R: "[RrŔ-řȐ-ȓʳᴿᵣṘ-ṛṞṟ₨ℛ-ℝ⒭Ⓡⓡ㋍㍴㎭-㎯㏚㏛Rr]",
+ S: "[SsŚ-šſȘșˢṠ-ṣ₨℁℠⒮Ⓢⓢ㎧㎨㎮-㎳㏛㏜stSs]",
+ T: "[TtŢ-ťȚțᵀᵗṪ-ṱẗ℡™⒯Ⓣⓣ㉐㋏㎔㏏ſtstTt]",
+ U: "[UuÙ-Üù-üŨ-ųƯưǓǔȔ-ȗᵁᵘᵤṲ-ṷỤ-ủ℆⒰Ⓤⓤ㍳㍺Uu]",
+ V: "[VvᵛᵥṼ-ṿⅣ-Ⅷⅳ-ⅷ⒱Ⓥⓥⱽ㋎㍵㎴-㎹㏜㏞Vv]",
+ W: "[WwŴŵʷᵂẀ-ẉẘ⒲Ⓦⓦ㎺-㎿㏝Ww]",
+ X: "[XxˣẊ-ẍₓ℻Ⅸ-Ⅻⅸ-ⅻ⒳Ⓧⓧ㏓Xx]",
+ Y: "[YyÝýÿŶ-ŸȲȳʸẎẏẙỲ-ỹ⒴Ⓨⓨ㏉Yy]",
+ Z: "[ZzŹ-žDZ-dzᶻẐ-ẕℤℨ⒵Ⓩⓩ㎐-㎔Zz]"
+ };
+ return function hightlight(o) {
+ var regex;
+ o = _.mixin({}, defaults, o);
+ if (!o.node || !o.pattern) {
+ return;
+ }
+ o.pattern = _.isArray(o.pattern) ? o.pattern : [ o.pattern ];
+ regex = getRegex(o.pattern, o.caseSensitive, o.wordsOnly, o.diacriticInsensitive);
+ traverse(o.node, hightlightTextNode);
+ function hightlightTextNode(textNode) {
+ var match, patternNode, wrapperNode;
+ if (match = regex.exec(textNode.data)) {
+ wrapperNode = doc.createElement(o.tagName);
+ o.className && (wrapperNode.className = o.className);
+ patternNode = textNode.splitText(match.index);
+ patternNode.splitText(match[0].length);
+ wrapperNode.appendChild(patternNode.cloneNode(true));
+ textNode.parentNode.replaceChild(wrapperNode, patternNode);
+ }
+ return !!match;
+ }
+ function traverse(el, hightlightTextNode) {
+ var childNode, TEXT_NODE_TYPE = 3;
+ for (var i = 0; i < el.childNodes.length; i++) {
+ childNode = el.childNodes[i];
+ if (childNode.nodeType === TEXT_NODE_TYPE) {
+ i += hightlightTextNode(childNode) ? 1 : 0;
+ } else {
+ traverse(childNode, hightlightTextNode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function accent_replacer(chr) {
+ return accented[chr.toUpperCase()] || chr;
+ }
+ function getRegex(patterns, caseSensitive, wordsOnly, diacriticInsensitive) {
+ var escapedPatterns = [], regexStr;
+ for (var i = 0, len = patterns.length; i < len; i++) {
+ var escapedWord = _.escapeRegExChars(patterns[i]);
+ if (diacriticInsensitive) {
+ escapedWord = escapedWord.replace(/\S/g, accent_replacer);
+ }
+ escapedPatterns.push(escapedWord);
+ }
+ regexStr = wordsOnly ? "\\b(" + escapedPatterns.join("|") + ")\\b" : "(" + escapedPatterns.join("|") + ")";
+ return caseSensitive ? new RegExp(regexStr) : new RegExp(regexStr, "i");
+ }
+ }(window.document);
+ var Input = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ var specialKeyCodeMap;
+ specialKeyCodeMap = {
+ 9: "tab",
+ 27: "esc",
+ 37: "left",
+ 39: "right",
+ 13: "enter",
+ 38: "up",
+ 40: "down"
+ };
+ function Input(o, www) {
+ var id;
+ o = o || {};
+ if (!o.input) {
+ $.error("input is missing");
+ }
+ www.mixin(this);
+ this.$hint = $(o.hint);
+ this.$input = $(o.input);
+ this.$menu = $(o.menu);
+ id = this.$input.attr("id") || _.guid();
+ this.$menu.attr("id", id + "_listbox");
+ this.$hint.attr({
+ "aria-hidden": true
+ });
+ this.$input.attr({
+ "aria-owns": id + "_listbox",
+ role: "combobox",
+ "aria-autocomplete": "list",
+ "aria-expanded": false
+ });
+ this.query = this.$input.val();
+ this.queryWhenFocused = this.hasFocus() ? this.query : null;
+ this.$overflowHelper = buildOverflowHelper(this.$input);
+ this._checkLanguageDirection();
+ if (this.$hint.length === 0) {
+ this.setHint = this.getHint = this.clearHint = this.clearHintIfInvalid = _.noop;
+ }
+ this.onSync("cursorchange", this._updateDescendent);
+ }
+ Input.normalizeQuery = function(str) {
+ return _.toStr(str).replace(/^\s*/g, "").replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ");
+ };
+ _.mixin(Input.prototype, EventEmitter, {
+ _onBlur: function onBlur() {
+ this.resetInputValue();
+ this.trigger("blurred");
+ },
+ _onFocus: function onFocus() {
+ this.queryWhenFocused = this.query;
+ this.trigger("focused");
+ },
+ _onKeydown: function onKeydown($e) {
+ var keyName = specialKeyCodeMap[$e.which || $e.keyCode];
+ this._managePreventDefault(keyName, $e);
+ if (keyName && this._shouldTrigger(keyName, $e)) {
+ this.trigger(keyName + "Keyed", $e);
+ }
+ },
+ _onInput: function onInput() {
+ this._setQuery(this.getInputValue());
+ this.clearHintIfInvalid();
+ this._checkLanguageDirection();
+ },
+ _managePreventDefault: function managePreventDefault(keyName, $e) {
+ var preventDefault;
+ switch (keyName) {
+ case "up":
+ case "down":
+ preventDefault = !withModifier($e);
+ break;
+ default:
+ preventDefault = false;
+ }
+ preventDefault && $e.preventDefault();
+ },
+ _shouldTrigger: function shouldTrigger(keyName, $e) {
+ var trigger;
+ switch (keyName) {
+ case "tab":
+ trigger = !withModifier($e);
+ break;
+ default:
+ trigger = true;
+ }
+ return trigger;
+ },
+ _checkLanguageDirection: function checkLanguageDirection() {
+ var dir = (this.$input.css("direction") || "ltr").toLowerCase();
+ if (this.dir !== dir) {
+ this.dir = dir;
+ this.$hint.attr("dir", dir);
+ this.trigger("langDirChanged", dir);
+ }
+ },
+ _setQuery: function setQuery(val, silent) {
+ var areEquivalent, hasDifferentWhitespace;
+ areEquivalent = areQueriesEquivalent(val, this.query);
+ hasDifferentWhitespace = areEquivalent ? this.query.length !== val.length : false;
+ this.query = val;
+ if (!silent && !areEquivalent) {
+ this.trigger("queryChanged", this.query);
+ } else if (!silent && hasDifferentWhitespace) {
+ this.trigger("whitespaceChanged", this.query);
+ }
+ },
+ _updateDescendent: function updateDescendent(event, id) {
+ this.$input.attr("aria-activedescendant", id);
+ },
+ bind: function() {
+ var that = this, onBlur, onFocus, onKeydown, onInput;
+ onBlur = _.bind(this._onBlur, this);
+ onFocus = _.bind(this._onFocus, this);
+ onKeydown = _.bind(this._onKeydown, this);
+ onInput = _.bind(this._onInput, this);
+ this.$input.on("blur.tt", onBlur).on("focus.tt", onFocus).on("keydown.tt", onKeydown);
+ if (!_.isMsie() || _.isMsie() > 9) {
+ this.$input.on("input.tt", onInput);
+ } else {
+ this.$input.on("keydown.tt keypress.tt cut.tt paste.tt", function($e) {
+ if (specialKeyCodeMap[$e.which || $e.keyCode]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _.defer(_.bind(that._onInput, that, $e));
+ });
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ focus: function focus() {
+ this.$input.focus();
+ },
+ blur: function blur() {
+ this.$input.blur();
+ },
+ getLangDir: function getLangDir() {
+ return this.dir;
+ },
+ getQuery: function getQuery() {
+ return this.query || "";
+ },
+ setQuery: function setQuery(val, silent) {
+ this.setInputValue(val);
+ this._setQuery(val, silent);
+ },
+ hasQueryChangedSinceLastFocus: function hasQueryChangedSinceLastFocus() {
+ return this.query !== this.queryWhenFocused;
+ },
+ getInputValue: function getInputValue() {
+ return this.$input.val();
+ },
+ setInputValue: function setInputValue(value) {
+ this.$input.val(value);
+ this.clearHintIfInvalid();
+ this._checkLanguageDirection();
+ },
+ resetInputValue: function resetInputValue() {
+ this.setInputValue(this.query);
+ },
+ getHint: function getHint() {
+ return this.$hint.val();
+ },
+ setHint: function setHint(value) {
+ this.$hint.val(value);
+ },
+ clearHint: function clearHint() {
+ this.setHint("");
+ },
+ clearHintIfInvalid: function clearHintIfInvalid() {
+ var val, hint, valIsPrefixOfHint, isValid;
+ val = this.getInputValue();
+ hint = this.getHint();
+ valIsPrefixOfHint = val !== hint && hint.indexOf(val) === 0;
+ isValid = val !== "" && valIsPrefixOfHint && !this.hasOverflow();
+ !isValid && this.clearHint();
+ },
+ hasFocus: function hasFocus() {
+ return this.$input.is(":focus");
+ },
+ hasOverflow: function hasOverflow() {
+ var constraint = this.$input.width() - 2;
+ this.$overflowHelper.text(this.getInputValue());
+ return this.$overflowHelper.width() >= constraint;
+ },
+ isCursorAtEnd: function() {
+ var valueLength, selectionStart, range;
+ valueLength = this.$input.val().length;
+ selectionStart = this.$input[0].selectionStart;
+ if (_.isNumber(selectionStart)) {
+ return selectionStart === valueLength;
+ } else if (document.selection) {
+ range = document.selection.createRange();
+ range.moveStart("character", -valueLength);
+ return valueLength === range.text.length;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ destroy: function destroy() {
+ this.$hint.off(".tt");
+ this.$input.off(".tt");
+ this.$overflowHelper.remove();
+ this.$hint = this.$input = this.$overflowHelper = $("");
+ },
+ setAriaExpanded: function setAriaExpanded(value) {
+ this.$input.attr("aria-expanded", value);
+ }
+ });
+ return Input;
+ function buildOverflowHelper($input) {
+ return $('
+ position: "absolute",
+ visibility: "hidden",
+ whiteSpace: "pre",
+ fontFamily: $input.css("font-family"),
+ fontSize: $input.css("font-size"),
+ fontStyle: $input.css("font-style"),
+ fontVariant: $input.css("font-variant"),
+ fontWeight: $input.css("font-weight"),
+ wordSpacing: $input.css("word-spacing"),
+ letterSpacing: $input.css("letter-spacing"),
+ textIndent: $input.css("text-indent"),
+ textRendering: $input.css("text-rendering"),
+ textTransform: $input.css("text-transform")
+ }).insertAfter($input);
+ }
+ function areQueriesEquivalent(a, b) {
+ return Input.normalizeQuery(a) === Input.normalizeQuery(b);
+ }
+ function withModifier($e) {
+ return $e.altKey || $e.ctrlKey || $e.metaKey || $e.shiftKey;
+ }
+ }();
+ var Dataset = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ var keys, nameGenerator;
+ keys = {
+ dataset: "tt-selectable-dataset",
+ val: "tt-selectable-display",
+ obj: "tt-selectable-object"
+ };
+ nameGenerator = _.getIdGenerator();
+ function Dataset(o, www) {
+ o = o || {};
+ o.templates = o.templates || {};
+ o.templates.notFound = o.templates.notFound || o.templates.empty;
+ if (!o.source) {
+ $.error("missing source");
+ }
+ if (!o.node) {
+ $.error("missing node");
+ }
+ if (o.name && !isValidName(o.name)) {
+ $.error("invalid dataset name: " + o.name);
+ }
+ www.mixin(this);
+ this.highlight = !!o.highlight;
+ this.name = _.toStr(o.name || nameGenerator());
+ this.limit = o.limit || 5;
+ this.displayFn = getDisplayFn(o.display || o.displayKey);
+ this.templates = getTemplates(o.templates, this.displayFn);
+ this.source = o.source.__ttAdapter ? o.source.__ttAdapter() : o.source;
+ this.async = _.isUndefined(o.async) ? this.source.length > 2 : !!o.async;
+ this._resetLastSuggestion();
+ this.$el = $(o.node).attr("role", "presentation").addClass(this.classes.dataset).addClass(this.classes.dataset + "-" + this.name);
+ }
+ Dataset.extractData = function extractData(el) {
+ var $el = $(el);
+ if ($el.data(keys.obj)) {
+ return {
+ dataset: $el.data(keys.dataset) || "",
+ val: $el.data(keys.val) || "",
+ obj: $el.data(keys.obj) || null
+ };
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ _.mixin(Dataset.prototype, EventEmitter, {
+ _overwrite: function overwrite(query, suggestions) {
+ suggestions = suggestions || [];
+ if (suggestions.length) {
+ this._renderSuggestions(query, suggestions);
+ } else if (this.async && this.templates.pending) {
+ this._renderPending(query);
+ } else if (!this.async && this.templates.notFound) {
+ this._renderNotFound(query);
+ } else {
+ this._empty();
+ }
+ this.trigger("rendered", suggestions, false, this.name);
+ },
+ _append: function append(query, suggestions) {
+ suggestions = suggestions || [];
+ if (suggestions.length && this.$lastSuggestion.length) {
+ this._appendSuggestions(query, suggestions);
+ } else if (suggestions.length) {
+ this._renderSuggestions(query, suggestions);
+ } else if (!this.$lastSuggestion.length && this.templates.notFound) {
+ this._renderNotFound(query);
+ }
+ this.trigger("rendered", suggestions, true, this.name);
+ },
+ _renderSuggestions: function renderSuggestions(query, suggestions) {
+ var $fragment;
+ $fragment = this._getSuggestionsFragment(query, suggestions);
+ this.$lastSuggestion = $fragment.children().last();
+ this.$el.html($fragment).prepend(this._getHeader(query, suggestions)).append(this._getFooter(query, suggestions));
+ },
+ _appendSuggestions: function appendSuggestions(query, suggestions) {
+ var $fragment, $lastSuggestion;
+ $fragment = this._getSuggestionsFragment(query, suggestions);
+ $lastSuggestion = $fragment.children().last();
+ this.$lastSuggestion.after($fragment);
+ this.$lastSuggestion = $lastSuggestion;
+ },
+ _renderPending: function renderPending(query) {
+ var template = this.templates.pending;
+ this._resetLastSuggestion();
+ template && this.$el.html(template({
+ query: query,
+ dataset: this.name
+ }));
+ },
+ _renderNotFound: function renderNotFound(query) {
+ var template = this.templates.notFound;
+ this._resetLastSuggestion();
+ template && this.$el.html(template({
+ query: query,
+ dataset: this.name
+ }));
+ },
+ _empty: function empty() {
+ this.$el.empty();
+ this._resetLastSuggestion();
+ },
+ _getSuggestionsFragment: function getSuggestionsFragment(query, suggestions) {
+ var that = this, fragment;
+ fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ _.each(suggestions, function getSuggestionNode(suggestion) {
+ var $el, context;
+ context = that._injectQuery(query, suggestion);
+ $el = $(that.templates.suggestion(context)).data(keys.dataset, that.name).data(keys.obj, suggestion).data(keys.val, that.displayFn(suggestion)).addClass(that.classes.suggestion + " " + that.classes.selectable);
+ fragment.appendChild($el[0]);
+ });
+ this.highlight && highlight({
+ className: this.classes.highlight,
+ node: fragment,
+ pattern: query
+ });
+ return $(fragment);
+ },
+ _getFooter: function getFooter(query, suggestions) {
+ return this.templates.footer ? this.templates.footer({
+ query: query,
+ suggestions: suggestions,
+ dataset: this.name
+ }) : null;
+ },
+ _getHeader: function getHeader(query, suggestions) {
+ return this.templates.header ? this.templates.header({
+ query: query,
+ suggestions: suggestions,
+ dataset: this.name
+ }) : null;
+ },
+ _resetLastSuggestion: function resetLastSuggestion() {
+ this.$lastSuggestion = $();
+ },
+ _injectQuery: function injectQuery(query, obj) {
+ return _.isObject(obj) ? _.mixin({
+ _query: query
+ }, obj) : obj;
+ },
+ update: function update(query) {
+ var that = this, canceled = false, syncCalled = false, rendered = 0;
+ this.cancel();
+ this.cancel = function cancel() {
+ canceled = true;
+ that.cancel = $.noop;
+ that.async && that.trigger("asyncCanceled", query, that.name);
+ };
+ this.source(query, sync, async);
+ !syncCalled && sync([]);
+ function sync(suggestions) {
+ if (syncCalled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ syncCalled = true;
+ suggestions = (suggestions || []).slice(0, that.limit);
+ rendered = suggestions.length;
+ that._overwrite(query, suggestions);
+ if (rendered < that.limit && that.async) {
+ that.trigger("asyncRequested", query, that.name);
+ }
+ }
+ function async(suggestions) {
+ suggestions = suggestions || [];
+ if (!canceled && rendered < that.limit) {
+ that.cancel = $.noop;
+ var idx = Math.abs(rendered - that.limit);
+ rendered += idx;
+ that._append(query, suggestions.slice(0, idx));
+ that.async && that.trigger("asyncReceived", query, that.name);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ cancel: $.noop,
+ clear: function clear() {
+ this._empty();
+ this.cancel();
+ this.trigger("cleared");
+ },
+ isEmpty: function isEmpty() {
+ return this.$el.is(":empty");
+ },
+ destroy: function destroy() {
+ this.$el = $("
+ }
+ });
+ return Dataset;
+ function getDisplayFn(display) {
+ display = display || _.stringify;
+ return _.isFunction(display) ? display : displayFn;
+ function displayFn(obj) {
+ return obj[display];
+ }
+ }
+ function getTemplates(templates, displayFn) {
+ return {
+ notFound: templates.notFound && _.templatify(templates.notFound),
+ pending: templates.pending && _.templatify(templates.pending),
+ header: templates.header && _.templatify(templates.header),
+ footer: templates.footer && _.templatify(templates.footer),
+ suggestion: templates.suggestion ? userSuggestionTemplate : suggestionTemplate
+ };
+ function userSuggestionTemplate(context) {
+ var template = templates.suggestion;
+ return $(template(context)).attr("id", _.guid());
+ }
+ function suggestionTemplate(context) {
+ return $('
').attr("id", _.guid()).text(displayFn(context));
+ }
+ }
+ function isValidName(str) {
+ return /^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/.test(str);
+ }
+ }();
+ var Menu = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ function Menu(o, www) {
+ var that = this;
+ o = o || {};
+ if (!o.node) {
+ $.error("node is required");
+ }
+ www.mixin(this);
+ this.$node = $(o.node);
+ this.query = null;
+ this.datasets = _.map(o.datasets, initializeDataset);
+ function initializeDataset(oDataset) {
+ var node = that.$node.find(oDataset.node).first();
+ oDataset.node = node.length ? node : $("
+ return new Dataset(oDataset, www);
+ }
+ }
+ _.mixin(Menu.prototype, EventEmitter, {
+ _onSelectableClick: function onSelectableClick($e) {
+ this.trigger("selectableClicked", $($e.currentTarget));
+ },
+ _onRendered: function onRendered(type, dataset, suggestions, async) {
+ this.$node.toggleClass(this.classes.empty, this._allDatasetsEmpty());
+ this.trigger("datasetRendered", dataset, suggestions, async);
+ },
+ _onCleared: function onCleared() {
+ this.$node.toggleClass(this.classes.empty, this._allDatasetsEmpty());
+ this.trigger("datasetCleared");
+ },
+ _propagate: function propagate() {
+ this.trigger.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ _allDatasetsEmpty: function allDatasetsEmpty() {
+ return _.every(this.datasets, _.bind(function isDatasetEmpty(dataset) {
+ var isEmpty = dataset.isEmpty();
+ this.$node.attr("aria-expanded", !isEmpty);
+ return isEmpty;
+ }, this));
+ },
+ _getSelectables: function getSelectables() {
+ return this.$node.find(this.selectors.selectable);
+ },
+ _removeCursor: function _removeCursor() {
+ var $selectable = this.getActiveSelectable();
+ $selectable && $selectable.removeClass(this.classes.cursor);
+ },
+ _ensureVisible: function ensureVisible($el) {
+ var elTop, elBottom, nodeScrollTop, nodeHeight;
+ elTop = $el.position().top;
+ elBottom = elTop + $el.outerHeight(true);
+ nodeScrollTop = this.$node.scrollTop();
+ nodeHeight = this.$node.height() + parseInt(this.$node.css("paddingTop"), 10) + parseInt(this.$node.css("paddingBottom"), 10);
+ if (elTop < 0) {
+ this.$node.scrollTop(nodeScrollTop + elTop);
+ } else if (nodeHeight < elBottom) {
+ this.$node.scrollTop(nodeScrollTop + (elBottom - nodeHeight));
+ }
+ },
+ bind: function() {
+ var that = this, onSelectableClick;
+ onSelectableClick = _.bind(this._onSelectableClick, this);
+ this.$node.on("click.tt", this.selectors.selectable, onSelectableClick);
+ this.$node.on("mouseover", this.selectors.selectable, function() {
+ that.setCursor($(this));
+ });
+ this.$node.on("mouseleave", function() {
+ that._removeCursor();
+ });
+ _.each(this.datasets, function(dataset) {
+ dataset.onSync("asyncRequested", that._propagate, that).onSync("asyncCanceled", that._propagate, that).onSync("asyncReceived", that._propagate, that).onSync("rendered", that._onRendered, that).onSync("cleared", that._onCleared, that);
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ isOpen: function isOpen() {
+ return this.$node.hasClass(this.classes.open);
+ },
+ open: function open() {
+ this.$node.scrollTop(0);
+ this.$node.addClass(this.classes.open);
+ },
+ close: function close() {
+ this.$node.attr("aria-expanded", false);
+ this.$node.removeClass(this.classes.open);
+ this._removeCursor();
+ },
+ setLanguageDirection: function setLanguageDirection(dir) {
+ this.$node.attr("dir", dir);
+ },
+ selectableRelativeToCursor: function selectableRelativeToCursor(delta) {
+ var $selectables, $oldCursor, oldIndex, newIndex;
+ $oldCursor = this.getActiveSelectable();
+ $selectables = this._getSelectables();
+ oldIndex = $oldCursor ? $selectables.index($oldCursor) : -1;
+ newIndex = oldIndex + delta;
+ newIndex = (newIndex + 1) % ($selectables.length + 1) - 1;
+ newIndex = newIndex < -1 ? $selectables.length - 1 : newIndex;
+ return newIndex === -1 ? null : $selectables.eq(newIndex);
+ },
+ setCursor: function setCursor($selectable) {
+ this._removeCursor();
+ if ($selectable = $selectable && $selectable.first()) {
+ $selectable.addClass(this.classes.cursor);
+ this._ensureVisible($selectable);
+ }
+ },
+ getSelectableData: function getSelectableData($el) {
+ return $el && $el.length ? Dataset.extractData($el) : null;
+ },
+ getActiveSelectable: function getActiveSelectable() {
+ var $selectable = this._getSelectables().filter(this.selectors.cursor).first();
+ return $selectable.length ? $selectable : null;
+ },
+ getTopSelectable: function getTopSelectable() {
+ var $selectable = this._getSelectables().first();
+ return $selectable.length ? $selectable : null;
+ },
+ update: function update(query) {
+ var isValidUpdate = query !== this.query;
+ if (isValidUpdate) {
+ this.query = query;
+ _.each(this.datasets, updateDataset);
+ }
+ return isValidUpdate;
+ function updateDataset(dataset) {
+ dataset.update(query);
+ }
+ },
+ empty: function empty() {
+ _.each(this.datasets, clearDataset);
+ this.query = null;
+ this.$node.addClass(this.classes.empty);
+ function clearDataset(dataset) {
+ dataset.clear();
+ }
+ },
+ destroy: function destroy() {
+ this.$node.off(".tt");
+ this.$node = $("
+ _.each(this.datasets, destroyDataset);
+ function destroyDataset(dataset) {
+ dataset.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return Menu;
+ }();
+ var Status = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ function Status(options) {
+ this.$el = $("
", {
+ role: "status",
+ "aria-live": "polite"
+ }).css({
+ position: "absolute",
+ padding: "0",
+ border: "0",
+ height: "1px",
+ width: "1px",
+ "margin-bottom": "-1px",
+ "margin-right": "-1px",
+ overflow: "hidden",
+ clip: "rect(0 0 0 0)",
+ "white-space": "nowrap"
+ });
+ options.$input.after(this.$el);
+ _.each(options.menu.datasets, _.bind(function(dataset) {
+ if (dataset.onSync) {
+ dataset.onSync("rendered", _.bind(this.update, this));
+ dataset.onSync("cleared", _.bind(this.cleared, this));
+ }
+ }, this));
+ }
+ _.mixin(Status.prototype, {
+ update: function update(event, suggestions) {
+ var length = suggestions.length;
+ var words;
+ if (length === 1) {
+ words = {
+ result: "result",
+ is: "is"
+ };
+ } else {
+ words = {
+ result: "results",
+ is: "are"
+ };
+ }
+ this.$el.text(length + " " + words.result + " " + words.is + " available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.");
+ },
+ cleared: function() {
+ this.$el.text("");
+ }
+ });
+ return Status;
+ }();
+ var DefaultMenu = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ var s = Menu.prototype;
+ function DefaultMenu() {
+ Menu.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 0));
+ }
+ _.mixin(DefaultMenu.prototype, Menu.prototype, {
+ open: function open() {
+ !this._allDatasetsEmpty() && this._show();
+ return s.open.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 0));
+ },
+ close: function close() {
+ this._hide();
+ return s.close.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 0));
+ },
+ _onRendered: function onRendered() {
+ if (this._allDatasetsEmpty()) {
+ this._hide();
+ } else {
+ this.isOpen() && this._show();
+ }
+ return s._onRendered.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 0));
+ },
+ _onCleared: function onCleared() {
+ if (this._allDatasetsEmpty()) {
+ this._hide();
+ } else {
+ this.isOpen() && this._show();
+ }
+ return s._onCleared.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 0));
+ },
+ setLanguageDirection: function setLanguageDirection(dir) {
+ this.$node.css(dir === "ltr" ? this.css.ltr : this.css.rtl);
+ return s.setLanguageDirection.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 0));
+ },
+ _hide: function hide() {
+ this.$node.hide();
+ },
+ _show: function show() {
+ this.$node.css("display", "block");
+ }
+ });
+ return DefaultMenu;
+ }();
+ var Typeahead = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ function Typeahead(o, www) {
+ var onFocused, onBlurred, onEnterKeyed, onTabKeyed, onEscKeyed, onUpKeyed, onDownKeyed, onLeftKeyed, onRightKeyed, onQueryChanged, onWhitespaceChanged;
+ o = o || {};
+ if (!o.input) {
+ $.error("missing input");
+ }
+ if (!o.menu) {
+ $.error("missing menu");
+ }
+ if (!o.eventBus) {
+ $.error("missing event bus");
+ }
+ www.mixin(this);
+ this.eventBus = o.eventBus;
+ this.minLength = _.isNumber(o.minLength) ? o.minLength : 1;
+ this.input = o.input;
+ this.menu = o.menu;
+ this.enabled = true;
+ this.autoselect = !!o.autoselect;
+ this.active = false;
+ this.input.hasFocus() && this.activate();
+ this.dir = this.input.getLangDir();
+ this._hacks();
+ this.menu.bind().onSync("selectableClicked", this._onSelectableClicked, this).onSync("asyncRequested", this._onAsyncRequested, this).onSync("asyncCanceled", this._onAsyncCanceled, this).onSync("asyncReceived", this._onAsyncReceived, this).onSync("datasetRendered", this._onDatasetRendered, this).onSync("datasetCleared", this._onDatasetCleared, this);
+ onFocused = c(this, "activate", "open", "_onFocused");
+ onBlurred = c(this, "deactivate", "_onBlurred");
+ onEnterKeyed = c(this, "isActive", "isOpen", "_onEnterKeyed");
+ onTabKeyed = c(this, "isActive", "isOpen", "_onTabKeyed");
+ onEscKeyed = c(this, "isActive", "_onEscKeyed");
+ onUpKeyed = c(this, "isActive", "open", "_onUpKeyed");
+ onDownKeyed = c(this, "isActive", "open", "_onDownKeyed");
+ onLeftKeyed = c(this, "isActive", "isOpen", "_onLeftKeyed");
+ onRightKeyed = c(this, "isActive", "isOpen", "_onRightKeyed");
+ onQueryChanged = c(this, "_openIfActive", "_onQueryChanged");
+ onWhitespaceChanged = c(this, "_openIfActive", "_onWhitespaceChanged");
+ this.input.bind().onSync("focused", onFocused, this).onSync("blurred", onBlurred, this).onSync("enterKeyed", onEnterKeyed, this).onSync("tabKeyed", onTabKeyed, this).onSync("escKeyed", onEscKeyed, this).onSync("upKeyed", onUpKeyed, this).onSync("downKeyed", onDownKeyed, this).onSync("leftKeyed", onLeftKeyed, this).onSync("rightKeyed", onRightKeyed, this).onSync("queryChanged", onQueryChanged, this).onSync("whitespaceChanged", onWhitespaceChanged, this).onSync("langDirChanged", this._onLangDirChanged, this);
+ }
+ _.mixin(Typeahead.prototype, {
+ _hacks: function hacks() {
+ var $input, $menu;
+ $input = this.input.$input || $("
+ $menu = this.menu.$node || $("
+ $input.on("blur.tt", function($e) {
+ var active, isActive, hasActive;
+ active = document.activeElement;
+ isActive = $menu.is(active);
+ hasActive = $menu.has(active).length > 0;
+ if (_.isMsie() && (isActive || hasActive)) {
+ $e.preventDefault();
+ $e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ _.defer(function() {
+ $input.focus();
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ $menu.on("mousedown.tt", function($e) {
+ $e.preventDefault();
+ });
+ },
+ _onSelectableClicked: function onSelectableClicked(type, $el) {
+ this.select($el);
+ },
+ _onDatasetCleared: function onDatasetCleared() {
+ this._updateHint();
+ },
+ _onDatasetRendered: function onDatasetRendered(type, suggestions, async, dataset) {
+ this._updateHint();
+ if (this.autoselect) {
+ var cursorClass = this.selectors.cursor.substr(1);
+ this.menu.$node.find(this.selectors.suggestion).first().addClass(cursorClass);
+ }
+ this.eventBus.trigger("render", suggestions, async, dataset);
+ },
+ _onAsyncRequested: function onAsyncRequested(type, dataset, query) {
+ this.eventBus.trigger("asyncrequest", query, dataset);
+ },
+ _onAsyncCanceled: function onAsyncCanceled(type, dataset, query) {
+ this.eventBus.trigger("asynccancel", query, dataset);
+ },
+ _onAsyncReceived: function onAsyncReceived(type, dataset, query) {
+ this.eventBus.trigger("asyncreceive", query, dataset);
+ },
+ _onFocused: function onFocused() {
+ this._minLengthMet() && this.menu.update(this.input.getQuery());
+ },
+ _onBlurred: function onBlurred() {
+ if (this.input.hasQueryChangedSinceLastFocus()) {
+ this.eventBus.trigger("change", this.input.getQuery());
+ }
+ },
+ _onEnterKeyed: function onEnterKeyed(type, $e) {
+ var $selectable;
+ if ($selectable = this.menu.getActiveSelectable()) {
+ if (this.select($selectable)) {
+ $e.preventDefault();
+ $e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ } else if (this.autoselect) {
+ if (this.select(this.menu.getTopSelectable())) {
+ $e.preventDefault();
+ $e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _onTabKeyed: function onTabKeyed(type, $e) {
+ var $selectable;
+ if ($selectable = this.menu.getActiveSelectable()) {
+ this.select($selectable) && $e.preventDefault();
+ } else if (this.autoselect) {
+ if ($selectable = this.menu.getTopSelectable()) {
+ this.autocomplete($selectable) && $e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _onEscKeyed: function onEscKeyed() {
+ this.close();
+ },
+ _onUpKeyed: function onUpKeyed() {
+ this.moveCursor(-1);
+ },
+ _onDownKeyed: function onDownKeyed() {
+ this.moveCursor(+1);
+ },
+ _onLeftKeyed: function onLeftKeyed() {
+ if (this.dir === "rtl" && this.input.isCursorAtEnd()) {
+ this.autocomplete(this.menu.getActiveSelectable() || this.menu.getTopSelectable());
+ }
+ },
+ _onRightKeyed: function onRightKeyed() {
+ if (this.dir === "ltr" && this.input.isCursorAtEnd()) {
+ this.autocomplete(this.menu.getActiveSelectable() || this.menu.getTopSelectable());
+ }
+ },
+ _onQueryChanged: function onQueryChanged(e, query) {
+ this._minLengthMet(query) ? this.menu.update(query) : this.menu.empty();
+ },
+ _onWhitespaceChanged: function onWhitespaceChanged() {
+ this._updateHint();
+ },
+ _onLangDirChanged: function onLangDirChanged(e, dir) {
+ if (this.dir !== dir) {
+ this.dir = dir;
+ this.menu.setLanguageDirection(dir);
+ }
+ },
+ _openIfActive: function openIfActive() {
+ this.isActive() && this.open();
+ },
+ _minLengthMet: function minLengthMet(query) {
+ query = _.isString(query) ? query : this.input.getQuery() || "";
+ return query.length >= this.minLength;
+ },
+ _updateHint: function updateHint() {
+ var $selectable, data, val, query, escapedQuery, frontMatchRegEx, match;
+ $selectable = this.menu.getTopSelectable();
+ data = this.menu.getSelectableData($selectable);
+ val = this.input.getInputValue();
+ if (data && !_.isBlankString(val) && !this.input.hasOverflow()) {
+ query = Input.normalizeQuery(val);
+ escapedQuery = _.escapeRegExChars(query);
+ frontMatchRegEx = new RegExp("^(?:" + escapedQuery + ")(.+$)", "i");
+ match = frontMatchRegEx.exec(data.val);
+ match && this.input.setHint(val + match[1]);
+ } else {
+ this.input.clearHint();
+ }
+ },
+ isEnabled: function isEnabled() {
+ return this.enabled;
+ },
+ enable: function enable() {
+ this.enabled = true;
+ },
+ disable: function disable() {
+ this.enabled = false;
+ },
+ isActive: function isActive() {
+ return this.active;
+ },
+ activate: function activate() {
+ if (this.isActive()) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (!this.isEnabled() || this.eventBus.before("active")) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ this.active = true;
+ this.eventBus.trigger("active");
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ deactivate: function deactivate() {
+ if (!this.isActive()) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (this.eventBus.before("idle")) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ this.active = false;
+ this.close();
+ this.eventBus.trigger("idle");
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ isOpen: function isOpen() {
+ return this.menu.isOpen();
+ },
+ open: function open() {
+ if (!this.isOpen() && !this.eventBus.before("open")) {
+ this.input.setAriaExpanded(true);
+ this.menu.open();
+ this._updateHint();
+ this.eventBus.trigger("open");
+ }
+ return this.isOpen();
+ },
+ close: function close() {
+ if (this.isOpen() && !this.eventBus.before("close")) {
+ this.input.setAriaExpanded(false);
+ this.menu.close();
+ this.input.clearHint();
+ this.input.resetInputValue();
+ this.eventBus.trigger("close");
+ }
+ return !this.isOpen();
+ },
+ setVal: function setVal(val) {
+ this.input.setQuery(_.toStr(val));
+ },
+ getVal: function getVal() {
+ return this.input.getQuery();
+ },
+ select: function select($selectable) {
+ var data = this.menu.getSelectableData($selectable);
+ if (data && !this.eventBus.before("select", data.obj, data.dataset)) {
+ this.input.setQuery(data.val, true);
+ this.eventBus.trigger("select", data.obj, data.dataset);
+ this.close();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ autocomplete: function autocomplete($selectable) {
+ var query, data, isValid;
+ query = this.input.getQuery();
+ data = this.menu.getSelectableData($selectable);
+ isValid = data && query !== data.val;
+ if (isValid && !this.eventBus.before("autocomplete", data.obj, data.dataset)) {
+ this.input.setQuery(data.val);
+ this.eventBus.trigger("autocomplete", data.obj, data.dataset);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ moveCursor: function moveCursor(delta) {
+ var query, $candidate, data, suggestion, datasetName, cancelMove, id;
+ query = this.input.getQuery();
+ $candidate = this.menu.selectableRelativeToCursor(delta);
+ data = this.menu.getSelectableData($candidate);
+ suggestion = data ? data.obj : null;
+ datasetName = data ? data.dataset : null;
+ id = $candidate ? $candidate.attr("id") : null;
+ this.input.trigger("cursorchange", id);
+ cancelMove = this._minLengthMet() && this.menu.update(query);
+ if (!cancelMove && !this.eventBus.before("cursorchange", suggestion, datasetName)) {
+ this.menu.setCursor($candidate);
+ if (data) {
+ if (typeof data.val === "string") {
+ this.input.setInputValue(data.val);
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.input.resetInputValue();
+ this._updateHint();
+ }
+ this.eventBus.trigger("cursorchange", suggestion, datasetName);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ destroy: function destroy() {
+ this.input.destroy();
+ this.menu.destroy();
+ }
+ });
+ return Typeahead;
+ function c(ctx) {
+ var methods = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ return function() {
+ var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
+ _.each(methods, function(method) {
+ return ctx[method].apply(ctx, args);
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ }();
+ (function() {
+ "use strict";
+ var old, keys, methods;
+ old = $.fn.typeahead;
+ keys = {
+ www: "tt-www",
+ attrs: "tt-attrs",
+ typeahead: "tt-typeahead"
+ };
+ methods = {
+ initialize: function initialize(o, datasets) {
+ var www;
+ datasets = _.isArray(datasets) ? datasets : [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ o = o || {};
+ www = WWW(o.classNames);
+ return this.each(attach);
+ function attach() {
+ var $input, $wrapper, $hint, $menu, defaultHint, defaultMenu, eventBus, input, menu, status, typeahead, MenuConstructor;
+ _.each(datasets, function(d) {
+ d.highlight = !!o.highlight;
+ });
+ $input = $(this);
+ $wrapper = $(www.html.wrapper);
+ $hint = $elOrNull(o.hint);
+ $menu = $elOrNull(o.menu);
+ defaultHint = o.hint !== false && !$hint;
+ defaultMenu = o.menu !== false && !$menu;
+ defaultHint && ($hint = buildHintFromInput($input, www));
+ defaultMenu && ($menu = $(www.html.menu).css(www.css.menu));
+ $hint && $hint.val("");
+ $input = prepInput($input, www);
+ if (defaultHint || defaultMenu) {
+ $wrapper.css(www.css.wrapper);
+ $input.css(defaultHint ? www.css.input : www.css.inputWithNoHint);
+ $input.wrap($wrapper).parent().prepend(defaultHint ? $hint : null).append(defaultMenu ? $menu : null);
+ }
+ MenuConstructor = defaultMenu ? DefaultMenu : Menu;
+ eventBus = new EventBus({
+ el: $input
+ });
+ input = new Input({
+ hint: $hint,
+ input: $input,
+ menu: $menu
+ }, www);
+ menu = new MenuConstructor({
+ node: $menu,
+ datasets: datasets
+ }, www);
+ status = new Status({
+ $input: $input,
+ menu: menu
+ });
+ typeahead = new Typeahead({
+ input: input,
+ menu: menu,
+ eventBus: eventBus,
+ minLength: o.minLength,
+ autoselect: o.autoselect
+ }, www);
+ $input.data(keys.www, www);
+ $input.data(keys.typeahead, typeahead);
+ }
+ },
+ isEnabled: function isEnabled() {
+ var enabled;
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ enabled = t.isEnabled();
+ });
+ return enabled;
+ },
+ enable: function enable() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.enable();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ disable: function disable() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.disable();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ isActive: function isActive() {
+ var active;
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ active = t.isActive();
+ });
+ return active;
+ },
+ activate: function activate() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.activate();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ deactivate: function deactivate() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.deactivate();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ isOpen: function isOpen() {
+ var open;
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ open = t.isOpen();
+ });
+ return open;
+ },
+ open: function open() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.open();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ close: function close() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.close();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ select: function select(el) {
+ var success = false, $el = $(el);
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ success = t.select($el);
+ });
+ return success;
+ },
+ autocomplete: function autocomplete(el) {
+ var success = false, $el = $(el);
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ success = t.autocomplete($el);
+ });
+ return success;
+ },
+ moveCursor: function moveCursoe(delta) {
+ var success = false;
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ success = t.moveCursor(delta);
+ });
+ return success;
+ },
+ val: function val(newVal) {
+ var query;
+ if (!arguments.length) {
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ query = t.getVal();
+ });
+ return query;
+ } else {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.setVal(_.toStr(newVal));
+ });
+ return this;
+ }
+ },
+ destroy: function destroy() {
+ ttEach(this, function(typeahead, $input) {
+ revert($input);
+ typeahead.destroy();
+ });
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ $.fn.typeahead = function(method) {
+ if (methods[method]) {
+ return methods[method].apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ } else {
+ return methods.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+ $.fn.typeahead.noConflict = function noConflict() {
+ $.fn.typeahead = old;
+ return this;
+ };
+ function ttEach($els, fn) {
+ $els.each(function() {
+ var $input = $(this), typeahead;
+ (typeahead = $input.data(keys.typeahead)) && fn(typeahead, $input);
+ });
+ }
+ function buildHintFromInput($input, www) {
+ return $input.clone().addClass(www.classes.hint).removeData().css(www.css.hint).css(getBackgroundStyles($input)).prop({
+ readonly: true,
+ required: false
+ }).removeAttr("id name placeholder").removeClass("required").attr({
+ spellcheck: "false",
+ tabindex: -1
+ });
+ }
+ function prepInput($input, www) {
+ $input.data(keys.attrs, {
+ dir: $input.attr("dir"),
+ autocomplete: $input.attr("autocomplete"),
+ spellcheck: $input.attr("spellcheck"),
+ style: $input.attr("style")
+ });
+ $input.addClass(www.classes.input).attr({
+ spellcheck: false
+ });
+ try {
+ !$input.attr("dir") && $input.attr("dir", "auto");
+ } catch (e) {}
+ return $input;
+ }
+ function getBackgroundStyles($el) {
+ return {
+ backgroundAttachment: $el.css("background-attachment"),
+ backgroundClip: $el.css("background-clip"),
+ backgroundColor: $el.css("background-color"),
+ backgroundImage: $el.css("background-image"),
+ backgroundOrigin: $el.css("background-origin"),
+ backgroundPosition: $el.css("background-position"),
+ backgroundRepeat: $el.css("background-repeat"),
+ backgroundSize: $el.css("background-size")
+ };
+ }
+ function revert($input) {
+ var www, $wrapper;
+ www = $input.data(keys.www);
+ $wrapper = $input.parent().filter(www.selectors.wrapper);
+ _.each($input.data(keys.attrs), function(val, key) {
+ _.isUndefined(val) ? $input.removeAttr(key) : $input.attr(key, val);
+ });
+ $input.removeData(keys.typeahead).removeData(keys.www).removeData(keys.attr).removeClass(www.classes.input);
+ if ($wrapper.length) {
+ $input.detach().insertAfter($wrapper);
+ $wrapper.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ function $elOrNull(obj) {
+ var isValid, $el;
+ isValid = _.isJQuery(obj) || _.isElement(obj);
+ $el = isValid ? $(obj).first() : [];
+ return $el.length ? $el : null;
+ }
+ })();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/6.0.0-beta4/search.json b/6.0.0-beta4/search.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89a3138fa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/6.0.0-beta4/search.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Required delegate method which returns the ThreeDSecure lookup result before the flow continues.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureRequestDelegate"},"Protocols/BTLocalPaymentRequestDelegate.html#/c:@M@BraintreeLocalPayment@objc(pl)BTLocalPaymentRequestDelegate(im)localPaymentStarted:paymentID:start:":{"name":"localPaymentStarted(_:paymentID:start:)","abstract":"
Required delegate method which returns the payment ID before the flow starts.
Protocol for ThreeDSecure Request flow
The Venmo payment will be authorized for future payments and can be vaulted.
The Venmo payment will be authorized for a one-time payment and cannot be vaulted.
Pay Now
Verify button
Continue button
Next button
Cancel button
Resend button
Same Day
Electronic Delivery
Ship to Store
Low value
Secure corporate
Trusted beneficiary
Transaction risk analysis
Not Requested
Only log critical issues (e.g. irrecoverable errors)
Log errors (e.g. expected or recoverable errors)
Log warnings (e.g. use of pre-release features)
Log basic information (e.g. state changes, network activity)
Log debugging statements (anything and everything)
Unknown source
PayPal app
PayPal browser
Venmo app
Unknown card
American Express
Diners Club
Union Pay
UK Maestro
Card type
Integration Types
Source of the metadata
Log level used to add formatted string to NSLog
Mandate type for the SEPA Direct Debit request.
The account type
The card add challenge request
3D Secure requested exemption type
The shipping method
Button types that can be customized in 3D Secure 2 flows.
Payment intent.
The call-to-action in the PayPal Checkout flow.
Use this option to specify whether a line item is a debit (sale) or credit (refund) to the customer.
A locale code to use for a transaction.
Use this option to specify the PayPal page to display when a user lands on the PayPal site to complete the payment.
Usage type for the tokenized Venmo account
Optional. The Venmo profile ID to be used during payment authorization. Customers will see the business name and logo associated with this Venmo profile, and it may show up in the","parent_name":"BTVenmoRequest"},"Classes/BTVenmoRequest.html#/c:@M@BraintreeVenmo@objc(cs)BTVenmoRequest(py)vault":{"name":"vault","abstract":"
Whether to automatically vault the Venmo account on the client. For client-side vaulting, you must initialize BTAPIClient with a client token that was created with a customer ID.","parent_name":"BTVenmoRequest"},"Classes/BTVenmoRequest.html#/c:@M@BraintreeVenmo@objc(cs)BTVenmoRequest(py)paymentMethodUsage":{"name":"paymentMethodUsage","abstract":"
If set to .multiUse
, the Venmo payment will be authorized for future payments and can be vaulted.","parent_name":"BTVenmoRequest"},"Classes/BTVenmoRequest.html#/c:@M@BraintreeVenmo@objc(cs)BTVenmoRequest(py)displayName":{"name":"displayName","abstract":"
Optional. The business name that will be displayed in the Venmo app payment approval screen. Only used by merchants onboarded as PayFast channel partners.
Initialize a Venmo request with a payment method usage.
Creates an Apple Pay client
Initiates Venmo login via app switch, which returns a BTVenmoAccountNonce when successful.
Initiates Venmo login via app switch, which returns a BTVenmoAccountNonce when successful.
Returns true if the proper Venmo app is installed and configured correctly, returns false otherwise.
Switches to the App Store to download the Venmo application.
The email associated with the Venmo account
The external ID associated with the Venmo account
The first name associated with the Venmo account
The last name associated with the Venmo account
The phone number associated with the Venmo account
The username associated with the Venmo account
Optional: Offers PayPal Credit if the customer qualifies. Defaults to false
Initializes a PayPal Native Vault request
Defaults to false. When set to true, the shipping address selector will be displayed.
Defaults to false. Set to true to enable user editing of the shipping address.
Optional: A locale code to use for the transaction.
Optional: A valid shipping address to be displayed in the transaction flow. An error will occur if this address is not valid.
Optional: Landing page type. Defaults to .none
Optional: The merchant name displayed inside of the PayPal flow; defaults to the company name on your Braintree account
Optional: A non-default merchant account to use for tokenization.
Optional: The line items for this transaction. It can include up to 249 line items.
Optional: Display a custom description to the user for a billing agreement. For Checkout with Vault flows, you must also set","parent_name":"BTPayPalRequest"},"Classes/BTPayPalRequest.html#/c:@M@BraintreePayPal@objc(cs)BTPayPalRequest(py)riskCorrelationID":{"name":"riskCorrelationID","abstract":"
Optional: A risk correlation ID created with Set Transaction Context on your server.
Number of units of the item purchased. This value must be a whole number and can’t be negative or zero.
Per-unit price of the item. Can include up to 2 decimal places. This value can’t be negative or zero.
Item name. Maximum 127 characters.
Indicates whether the line item is a debit (sale) or credit (refund) to the customer.
Optional: Per-unit tax price of the item. Can include up to 2 decimal places. This value can’t be negative or zero.
Optional: Item description. Maximum 127 characters.
Optional: Product or UPC code for the item. Maximum 127 characters.
Optional: The URL to product information.
Initialize a PayPayLineItem
Returns the line item in a dictionary.
3 letter currency code as defined by ISO 4217 .
An amount defined by ISO 4217 for the given currency.
Indicates whether the card amount is editable after payer’s acceptance on PayPal side.
Estimated amount per month that the customer will need to pay including fees and interest.
Status of whether the customer ultimately was approved for and chose to make the payment using the approved installment credit.
Length of financing terms in months.
Estimated total payment amount including interest and fees the user will pay during the lifetime of the loan.
Estimated interest or fees amount the payer will have to pay during the lifetime of the loan.
Initialize a new PayPal client instance.
Tokenize a PayPal request to be used with the PayPal Vault flow.
Tokenize a PayPal request to be used with the PayPal Vault flow.
Tokenize a PayPal request to be used with the PayPal Checkout or Pay Later flow.
Tokenize a PayPal request to be used with the PayPal Checkout or Pay Later flow.
Used for a one-time payment.
Optional: Payment intent. Defaults to .authorize
. Only applies to PayPal Checkout.
Optional: Changes the call-to-action in the PayPal Checkout flow. Defaults to .none
Optional: Offers PayPal Pay Later if the customer qualifies. Defaults to false
. Only available with PayPal Checkout.
Optional: A three-character ISO-4217 ISO currency code to use for the transaction. Defaults to merchant currency code if not set.
Optional: If set to true
, this enables the Checkout with Vault flow, where the customer will be prompted to consent to a billing agreement during checkout. Defaults to false
Initializes a PayPal Native Checkout request
Payer’s email address.
Payer’s first name.
Payer’s last name.
Payer’s phone number.
The billing address.
The shipping address.
Client metadata id associated with this transaction.
Optional. Payer id associated with this transaction.","parent_name":"BTPayPalAccountNonce"},"Classes/BTPayPalAccountNonce.html#/c:@M@BraintreePayPal@objc(cs)BTPayPalAccountNonce(py)creditFinancing":{"name":"creditFinancing","abstract":"
Optional. Credit financing details if the customer pays with PayPal Credit.","parent_name":"BTPayPalAccountNonce"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureInfo.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCard@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureInfo(py)acsTransactionID":{"name":"acsTransactionID","abstract":"
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the Access Control Server (ACS) to identify a single transaction.
On authentication, the transaction status result identifier.
On authentication, provides additional information as to why the transaction status has the specific value.
Cardholder authentication verification value or “CAVV” is the main encrypted message issuers and card networks use to verify authentication has occured.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureInfo"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureInfo.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCard@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureInfo(py)dsTransactionID":{"name":"dsTransactionID","abstract":"
Directory Server Transaction ID is an ID used by the card brand’s 3DS directory server.
The ecommerce indicator flag indicates the outcome of the 3DS authentication.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureInfo"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureInfo.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCard@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureInfo(py)enrolled":{"name":"enrolled","abstract":"
Indicates whether a card is enrolled in a 3D Secure program or not. Possible values:
If the 3D Secure liability shift has occurred.
If the 3D Secure liability shift is possible.
On lookup, the transaction status result identifier.
On lookup, provides additional information as to why the transaction status has the specific value.
The Payer Authentication Response (PARes) Status, a transaction status result identifier. Possible Values:
The 3D Secure status value.
Unique identifier assigned to the 3D Secure authentication performed for this transaction.
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the 3DS Server to identify a single transaction.
The 3DS version used in the authentication, example “1.0.2” or “2.1.0”.
Indicates if the 3D Secure lookup was performed.
Transaction identifier resulting from 3D Secure authentication. Uniquely identifies the transaction and sometimes required in the authorization message.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureInfo"},"Classes/BTCardRequest.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCard@objc(cs)BTCardRequest(py)card":{"name":"card","abstract":"
The BTCard
associated with this instance.
Initialize a Card request with a BTCard
The card network.
The expiration month of the card, if available.
The expiration year of the card, if available.
The name of the cardholder, if available.
The last two digits of the card, if available.
The last four digits of the card, if available.
The BIN number of the card, if available.
The BIN data for the card number associated with this nonce.
The 3D Secure info for the card number associated with this nonce.
Details about the regulatory environment and applicable customer authentication regulation for a potential transaction.","parent_name":"BTCardNonce"},"Classes/BTCardClient.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCard@objc(cs)BTCardClient(im)initWithAPIClient:":{"name":"init(apiClient:)","abstract":"
Creates a card client
Tokenizes a card
Tokenizes a card
The card number
The expiration month as a one or two-digit number on the Gregorian calendar
The expiration year as a two or four-digit number on the Gregorian calendar
The card verification code (like CVV or CID).
The postal code associated with the card’s billing address
Optional: the cardholder’s name.
Optional: first name on the card.
Optional: last name on the card.
Optional: company name associated with the card.
Optional: the street address associated with the card’s billing address
Optional: the extended address associated with the card’s billing address
Optional: the city associated with the card’s billing address
Optional: either a two-letter state code (for the US), or an ISO-3166-2 country subdivision code of up to three letters.
Optional: the country name associated with the card’s billing address.
Optional: the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code specified in the card’s billing address.
Optional: the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code specified in the card’s billing address.
Optional: The ISO 3166-1 numeric country code specified in the card’s billing address.
Controls whether or not to return validations and/or verification results. By default, this is not enabled.
Optional: If authentication insight is requested. If this property is set to true, a merchantAccountID
must be provided. Defaults to false.
Optional: The merchant account ID.
The regulation environment for the associated nonce to help determine the need for 3D Secure.","parent_name":"BTAuthenticationInsight"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureV2UICustomization.html#/c:@M@BraintreeThreeDSecure@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureV2UICustomization(py)toolbarCustomization":{"name":"toolbarCustomization","abstract":"
Toolbar customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Label customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Text box customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Set button customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Color code in Hex format. For example, the color code can be “#999999”.
Text for the header.
Text for the button. For example, “Cancel”.
Width (integer value) of the text box border.
Color code in Hex format. For example, the color code can be “#999999”.
Radius (integer value) for the text box corners.
Color code in Hex format. For example, the color code can be “#999999”.
Font type for the heading label text.
Font size for the heading label text.
Color code in Hex format. For example, the color code can be “#999999”.
Radius (integer value) for the button corners.
Font type for the UI element.
Color code in Hex format. For example, the color code can be “#999999”.
Font size for the UI element.
The BTCardNonce
resulting from the 3D Secure flow
The result of a 3D Secure lookup. Contains liability shift and challenge information.
The error message when the 3D Secure flow is unsuccessful
A nonce to be verified by ThreeDSecure
The amount for the transaction
Optional. The account type selected by the cardholder
Optional. The billing address used for verification
Optional. The mobile phone number used for verification
Optional. The email used for verification
Optional. The shipping method chosen for the transaction
Optional. The additional information used for verification
Optional. If set to true, an authentication challenge will be forced if possible.
Optional. If set to true, an exemption to the authentication challenge will be requested.
Optional. The exemption type to be requested. If an exemption is requested and the exemption’s conditions are satisfied, then it will be applied.
Optional. Indicates whether to use the data only flow. In this flow, frictionless 3DS is ensured for Mastercard cardholders as the card scheme provides a risk score","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureRequest"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureRequest.html#/c:@M@BraintreeThreeDSecure@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureRequest(py)cardAddChallenge":{"name":"cardAddChallenge","abstract":"
Optional. An authentication created using this property should only be used for adding a payment method to the merchant’s vault and not for creating transactions.
Optional. UI Customization for 3DS2 challenge views.
A delegate for receiving information about the ThreeDSecure payment flow.
Optional. Given name associated with the address
Optional. Surname associated with the address
Optional. Line 1 of the Address (eg. number, street, etc)
Optional. Line 2 of the Address (eg. suite, apt #, etc.)
Optional. Line 3 of the Address (eg. suite, apt #, etc.)
Optional. City name
Optional. Either a two-letter state code (for the US), or an ISO-3166-2 country subdivision code of up to three letters.
Optional. Zip code or equivalent is usually required for countries that have them.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecurePostalAddress"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecurePostalAddress.html#/c:@M@BraintreeThreeDSecure@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecurePostalAddress(py)countryCodeAlpha2":{"name":"countryCodeAlpha2","abstract":"
Optional. 2 letter country code
Optional. The phone number associated with the address
The “PAReq” or “Payment Authentication Request” is the encoded request message used to initiate authentication.
The unique 3DS identifier assigned by Braintree to track the 3DS call as it progresses.
The URL which the customer will be redirected to for a 3DS Interface.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureLookup"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureLookup.html#/c:@M@BraintreeThreeDSecure@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureLookup(py)termURL":{"name":"termURL","abstract":"
The termURL is the fully qualified URL that the customer will be redirected to once the authentication completes.
The full version string of the 3DS lookup result.
Indicates a 3DS 2 lookup result.
This a secondary unique 3DS identifier assigned by Braintree to track the 3DS call as it progresses.
Indicates that a 3DS challenge is required.
Initialize a new BTThreeDSecureClient instance.
Starts the 3DS flow using a BTThreeDSecureRequest.
Creates a stringified JSON object containing the information necessary to perform a lookup.
Creates a stringified JSON object containing the information necessary to perform a lookup.
Initialize a challenge from a server side lookup call.
Initialize a challenge from a server side lookup call.
Optional. The shipping address used for verification
Optional. The 2-digit string indicating the shipping method chosen for the transaction
Optional. The 3-letter string representing the merchant product code
Optional. The 2-digit number indicating the delivery timeframe
Optional. For electronic delivery, email address to which the merchandise was delivered
Optional. The 2-digit number indicating whether the cardholder is reordering previously purchased merchandise
Optional. The 2-digit number indicating whether the cardholder is placing an order with a future availability or release date
Optional. The 8-digit number (format: YYYYMMDD) indicating expected date that a pre-ordered purchase will be available
Optional. The purchase amount total for prepaid gift cards in major units
Optional. ISO 4217 currency code for the gift card purchased
Optional. Total count of individual prepaid gift cards purchased
Optional. The 2-digit value representing the length of time since the last change to the cardholder account. This includes shipping address, new payment account or new user added.
Optional. The 8-digit number (format: YYYYMMDD) indicating the date the cardholder’s account was last changed.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation.html#/c:@M@BraintreeThreeDSecure@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation(py)accountChangeIndicator":{"name":"accountChangeIndicator","abstract":"
Optional. The 2-digit value representing the length of time since the last change to the cardholder account. This includes shipping address, new payment account or new user added.
Optional. The 8-digit number (format: YYYYMMDD) indicating the date the cardholder’s account was last changed.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation.html#/c:@M@BraintreeThreeDSecure@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation(py)accountPwdChangeIndicator":{"name":"accountPwdChangeIndicator","abstract":"
Optional. The 2-digit value representing the length of time since the cardholder changed or reset the password on the account.
Optional. The 8-digit number (format: YYYYMMDD) indicating the date the cardholder last changed or reset password on account.
Optional. The 2-digit value indicating when the shipping address used for transaction was first used.
Optional. The 8-digit number (format: YYYYMMDD) indicating the date when the shipping address used for this transaction was first used.
Optional. Number of transactions (successful or abandoned) for this cardholder account within the last 24 hours.
Optional. Number of transactions (successful or abandoned) for this cardholder account within the last year.
Optional. Number of add card attempts in the last 24 hours.
Optional. Number of purchases with this cardholder account during the previous six months.
Optional. The 2-digit value indicating whether the merchant experienced suspicious activity (including previous fraud) on the account.
Optional. The 2-digit value indicating if the cardholder name on the account is identical to the shipping name used for the transaction.
Optional. The 2-digit value indicating the length of time that the payment account was enrolled in the merchant account.
Optional. The 8-digit number (format: YYYYMMDD) indicating the date the payment account was added to the cardholder account.
Optional. The 1-character value (Y/N) indicating whether cardholder billing and shipping addresses match.
Optional. Additional cardholder account information.
Optional. The IP address of the consumer. IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.
Optional. Brief description of items purchased.
Optional. Unformatted tax amount without any decimalization (ie. $123.67 = 12367).
Optional. The exact content of the HTTP user agent header.
Optional. The 2-digit number indicating the type of authentication request.
Optional. An integer value greater than 1 indicating the maximum number of permitted authorizations for installment payments.
Optional. The 14-digit number (format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) indicating the date in UTC of original purchase.
Optional. The 8-digit number (format: YYYYMMDD) indicating the date after which no further recurring authorizations should be performed.
Optional. Integer value indicating the minimum number of days between recurring authorizations.","parent_name":"BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation"},"Classes/BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation.html#/c:@M@BraintreeThreeDSecure@objc(cs)BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation(py)sdkMaxTimeout":{"name":"sdkMaxTimeout","abstract":"
Optional. The 2-digit number of minutes (minimum 05) to set the maximum amount of time for all 3DS 2.0 messages to be communicated between all components.
Optional. The work phone number used for verification. Only numbers; remove dashes, parenthesis and other characters.
The billing address.
Client Metadata ID associated with this transaction.
Payer’s email address.
Payer’s first name.
Payer’s last name.
The one-time use payment method nonce.
Payer ID associated with this transaction.
Payer’s phone number.
The shipping address.
The type of the tokenized payment.
The type of payment.
The country code of the local payment.
Optional: The address of the customer. An error will occur if this address is not valid.
Optional: The address of the customer. An error will occur if this address is not valid.
The amount for the transaction.
Optional: A valid ISO currency code to use for the transaction. Defaults to merchant currency code if not set.
Optional: The merchant name displayed inside of the local payment flow.
Optional: Payer email of the customer.
Optional: Given (first) name of the customer.
Optional: Surname (last name) of the customer.
Optional: Phone number of the customer.
Indicates whether or not the payment needs to be shipped. For digital goods, this should be false. Defaults to false.
Optional: Bank Identification Code of the customer (specific to iDEAL transactions).
Initialize a new BTLocalPaymentClient
Starts a payment flow using a BTLocalPaymentRequest
Starts a payment flow using a BTLocalPaymentRequest
Creates an Apple Pay client
Creates a PKPaymentRequest
with values from your Braintree Apple Pay configuration.","parent_name":"BTApplePayClient"},"Classes/BTApplePayClient.html#/s:17BraintreeApplePay07BTAppleC6ClientC18makePaymentRequestSo09PKPaymentH0CyYaKF":{"name":"makePaymentRequest()","abstract":"
Creates a PKPaymentRequest
with values from your Braintree Apple Pay configuration.","parent_name":"BTApplePayClient"},"Classes/BTApplePayClient.html#/c:@M@BraintreeApplePay@objc(cs)BTApplePayClient(im)tokenizeApplePayPayment:completion:":{"name":"tokenize(_:completion:)","abstract":"
Tokenizes an Apple Pay payment.
Tokenizes an Apple Pay payment.
The BIN data for the card number associated with this nonce.
Initializes a BTDataCollector
instance with a BTAPIClient
Returns a client metadata ID.
Collects device data based on your merchant configuration.
Collects device data based on your merchant configuration.
Optional. An error code when there was an issue fetching the rewards balance
Optional. An error message when there was an issue fetching the rewards balance
Optional. The conversion rate associated with the rewards balance
Optional. The currency amount associated with the rewards balance
Optional. The currency ISO code associated with the rewards balance
Optional. The request ID used when fetching the rewards balance
Optional. The rewards amount associated with the rewards balance
Optional. The rewards unit associated with the rewards balance
Creates an American Express client.
Gets the rewards balance associated with a Braintree nonce. Only for American Express cards.
Gets the rewards balance associated with a Braintree nonce. Only for American Express cards.
Required. The account holder name.
Required. The full IBAN.
Required. The customer ID.
Optional. The BTSEPADebitMandateType
. If not set, defaults to .oneOff
Required. The user’s billing address.
Optional. A non-default merchant account to use for tokenization.
Initialize a new SEPA Direct Debit request.
The IBAN last four characters.
The customer ID.
The BTSEPADebitMandateType
Creates a SEPA Direct Debit client.
Initiates an ASWebAuthenticationSession
to display a mandate to the user. Upon successful mandate creation, tokenizes the payment method and returns a result
Initiates an ASWebAuthenticationSession
to display a mandate to the user. Upon successful mandate creation, tokenizes the payment method and returns a result
Initializes a PayPal Native Vault request
Initializes a PayPal Native Checkout request
Initializes a PayPal Native client.
Tokenize a PayPal request to be used with the PayPal Native Checkout flow.
Tokenize a PayPal request to be used with the PayPal Native Checkout flow.
Tokenize a PayPal request to be used with the PayPal Native Vault flow.
Tokenize a PayPal request to be used with the PayPal Native Vault flow.
Payer’s email address.
Payer’s first name.
Payer’s last name.
Payer’s phone number.
The billing address.
The shipping address.
Client metadata id associated with this transaction.
Optional. Payer id associated with this transaction.","parent_name":"BTPayPalNativeCheckoutAccountNonce"},"Classes/BTURLUtils.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCore@objc(cs)BTURLUtils(cm)queryStringWithDictionary:":{"name":"queryString(from:)","abstract":"
Converts a key/value dictionary to a valid query string
Extract query parameters from a URL
Optional. Recipient name for shipping address.
Line 1 of the Address (eg. number, street, etc).
Optional line 2 of the Address (eg. suite, apt #, etc.).
City name
2 letter country code.
Zip code or equivalent is usually required for countries that have them.","parent_name":"BTPostalAddress"},"Classes/BTPostalAddress.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCore@objc(cs)BTPostalAddress(py)region":{"name":"region","abstract":"
Either a two-letter state code (for the US), or an ISO-3166-2 country subdivision code of up to three letters.
The singleton instance
An array of the tokenization types currently registered
Indicates whether a tokenization type is currently registered
Registers a parsing block for a tokenization type.
Parses tokenized payment information that has been serialized to JSON, and returns a BTPaymentMethodNonce
The payment method nonce.
The string identifying the type of the payment method.
The boolean indicating whether this is a default payment method.
Initialize a new Payment Method Nonce.
Initialize a new Payment Method Nonce.
Initialize a new Payment Method Nonce.
Initialize with a value.
Initialize with data.
Checks if the BTJSON
is a String
Checks if the BTJSON
is a Bool
Checks if the BTJSON
is a NSNumber
Checks if the BTJSON
is a [Any]
Checks if the BTJSON
is a [String: Any]
Checks if the BTJSON
is an error.
Checks if the BTJSON
is a value representing true
Checks if the BTJSON
is a value representing false
Checks if the BTJSON
is a value representing nil
Indexes into the JSON as if the current value is an object
Indexes into the JSON as if the current value is an array
as a NSError
as a String
as a Bool
as a [BTJSON]
as a NSNumber
as a URL
as a [String]
as a NSDictionary
as a Int
as an Enum
as a BTPostalAddress
The merchant account’s configuration as a BTJSON
The environment (production or sandbox)
Used to initialize a BTConfiguration
Integration type
Integration source
Auto-generated UUID
String representation of the integration
String representation of the source
Additional metadata parameters
Create a copy as BTMutableClientMetadata
Creates a copy of BTClientMetadata
Whether the card is a prepaid card. Possible values: Yes/No/Unknown
Whether the card is a healthcare card. Possible values: Yes/No/Unknown
Whether the card is a debit card. Possible values: Yes/No/Unknown
A value indicating whether the issuing bank’s card range is regulated by the Durbin Amendment due to the bank’s assets. Possible values: Yes/No/Unknown
Whether the card type is a commercial card and is capable of processing Level 2 transactions. Possible values: Yes/No/Unknown
Whether the card is a payroll card. Possible values: Yes/No/Unknown
The bank that issued the credit card, if available.
The country that issued the credit card, if available.
The code for the product type of the card (e.g. D
(Visa Signature Preferred), G
(Visa Business)), if available.
Create a BTBinData
object from JSON.
Singleton for shared instance of BTAppContextSwitcher
The URL scheme to return to this app after switching to another app or opening a SFSafariViewController.","parent_name":"BTAppContextSwitcher"},"Classes/BTAppContextSwitcher.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCore@objc(cs)BTAppContextSwitcher(im)registerAppContextSwitchClient:":{"name":"register(_:)","abstract":"
Registers a class Type
that can handle a return from app context switch with a static method.
The tokenization key used to authorize the APIClient
The client token used to authorize the APIClient
Client metadata that is used for tracking the client session
Initialize a new API client.
Provides configuration data as a BTJSON
Fetches a customer’s vaulted payment method nonces.","parent_name":"BTAPIClient"},"Classes/BTAPIClient.html#/c:@M@BraintreeCore@objc(cs)BTAPIClient(im)fetchPaymentMethodNonces:completion:":{"name":"fetchPaymentMethodNonces(_:completion:)","abstract":"
Fetches a customer’s vaulted payment method nonces.","parent_name":"BTAPIClient"},"Classes/BTAPIClient.html":{"name":"BTAPIClient","abstract":"
This class acts as the entry point for accessing the Braintree APIs via common HTTP methods performed on API endpoints.
THIS CODE IS GENERATED BY codify_certificates.swift
Handles return URLs when returning from app context switch and routes the return URL to the correct app context switch client class.
Contains the bin data associated with a payment method
Represents the metadata associated with a session for posting along with payment data during tokenization.
An authorization string used to initialize the Braintree SDK
Contains information specific to a merchant’s Braintree integration
A type-safe wrapper around JSON"},"Classes/BTLogLevelDescription.html":{"name":"BTLogLevelDescription","abstract":"
Wrapper for accessing the string value of the log level
Required for Objective-C compatibility. Necessary behavior is provided by the swift version.
BTPaymentMethodNonce is for generic tokenized payment information.
A JSON parser that parses BTJSON
into concrete BTPaymentMethodNonce
objects. It supports registration of parsers at runtime.
Generic postal address
A helper class for converting URL queries to and from dictionaries
Contains information about a PayPal payment method.
Client used to collect PayPal payment methods. If possible, this client will present a native flow; otherwise, it will fall back to a web flow.
Options for the PayPal Checkout flow.
Options for the PayPal Vault flow.
Used to integrate with SEPA Direct Debit.
A payment method nonce representing a SEPA Direct Debit payment.
Parameters for creating a SEPA Direct Debit tokenization request.
enables you to look up the rewards balance of American Express cards.
Contains information about an American Express rewards balance.
Braintree’s advanced fraud protection solution.
Contains information about a tokenized Apple Pay card.
Used to process Apple Pay payments
Used to initialize a local payment flow
Additional information for a 3DS lookup. Used in 3DS 2.0+ flows.
The result of a 3DS lookup."},"Classes/BTThreeDSecurePostalAddress.html":{"name":"BTThreeDSecurePostalAddress","abstract":"
Postal address for 3D Secure flows
Used to initialize a 3D Secure payment flow
The result of a 3D Secure payment flow
Base customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Button customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Label customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Text box customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Toolbar customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
UI customization options for 3D Secure 2 flows.
Information pertaining to the regulatory environment for a credit card if authentication insight is requested during tokenization.
The card tokenization request represents raw credit or debit card data provided by the customer."},"Classes/BTCardClient.html":{"name":"BTCardClient","abstract":"
Used to process cards
Contains information about a tokenized card.
Contains information about a card to tokenize
Contains information about the 3D Secure status of a payment method
Contains information about a PayPal payment method
Options for the PayPal Checkout flow.
Contains information about a PayPal credit financing option
Contains information about a PayPal credit amount
A PayPal line item to be displayed in the PayPal checkout flow.
Base options for PayPal Checkout and PayPal Vault flows.
Options for the PayPal Vault flow.
Contains information about a Venmo Account payment method
Used to process Venmo payments
A BTVenmoRequest specifies options that contribute to the Venmo flow
The following classes are available globally.
The following enumerations are available globally.
The following extensions are available globally.
The following protocols are available globally.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/6.0.0-beta4/undocumented.json b/6.0.0-beta4/undocumented.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..929858ab22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/6.0.0-beta4/undocumented.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "warnings": [
+ ],
+ "source_directory": "/Users/scannillo/bt/braintree_ios"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/current b/current
index 8776aa28f4..efe67c02e6 120000
--- a/current
+++ b/current
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file