Releases: cerberustesting/cerberus-core
Releases · cerberustesting/cerberus-core
Bug fixes
- Filter in runtest page issue
- Robot update issue
- Various improvements and bug fixes on dependency management.
- fixed issue when saving userAgent #2012
Improvements / New features
- Scheduled campaign with Quartz cron expression through campaign modal. You can now schedule your campaign directly inside Cerberus #1932
- When defining a campaign or selecting a list of testcase from runtest page, Label selection automaticly select all child labels in order to get the list of testcases. #1962
- Labels selection on testcase modal is now done from a hierarchy tree (that gives more visibility on label structure when sorting a testcase). #1972
- Execution Cels in reportingbytag page now also display previous execution when current one is in PE or QU state. That allow to start analysing a test case where some retries are necessary before a campaign finish to execute #1983
- Better integration with Browserstack service. Session Id is now displayed in detail execution page with button in order to reach browserstack page. Build and project are feed automaticly from Tag and Application name. Execution name can also be configured thanks to parameter cerberus_browserstack_defaultexename. At the end of the execution, status is updated into browserstack automaticly. #1956
- Better integration with Kobiton service. Session Id is now displayed in detail execution page with button in order to reach Kobiton detail execution page. Session name and Session description are feed automaticly from parameters cerberus_kobiton_defaultsessionname and cerberus_kobiton_defaultsessiondescription.
- For new users, by default, Cerberus will only display important columns on tables. All columns can still be added by using button 'Display/Hide Columns'.
- New tab inside detail execution page and execution queue modal that display the dependency status and release timings. #1970
- Rerun some execution from ReportByTag page can now be done including the associated dependencies. Using this new button, Cerberus will automaticly reruns all the dependent testcases before the requested one. #2003
- A lot of UI responsive improvements for small screens on many modals.
- Parameter caching (for 60s) in order to reduce SQL stress.
- Added to configure takeScreenshot control in order to allow crop of the screenshot taken. Allow to remove left, right, top or bottom side of the screen in order to remove taskbar or header and get cleaner screenshots for release process. #2019
- Allow to define if a text control is CaseSensitive or not. #1960
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- SQL 1422 and 1435 to 1438 can be quite long on database with large amount of executions (new column on testcaseexecution tables).
- if you installed Cerberus on a multi instance environment, the parameter caching feature may slow down by 60 seconds the time for a parameter change to be considered.
Bug fixes
- Closing execution depencies in QE status even when previous execution ended in QE Queue Error. #1973
- Adding dependency on testcase modal when test has more than 1 space now works. #1976
- Fixed issue when adding new attributes on Invariant Modal. #1987
- SQL optimisations on executions with dependencies and shorter SQL when retreiving labels from ReportByTag and TestCaseList pages.
- Fixed error message when starting a new execution on a robot that has no available executor.
Improvements / New features
- Display only System you have access on the System Combo. #1358
- Filter All Cerberus Screens (TestCase, DataObject, Services, Object, ReportingByTag, etc.) according to the system(s) you choose on the System Combo. #1358
- Added new action 'manageDialogKeypress' in order to perform keypress inside browser dialog popup.
- Added new actions 'longPress' and 'clearField' for Android and IOS devices.
- Added new action 'executeCommand' for BAT, FAT and SRV applications.
- Added new condition operator : ifStringNotContains and ifPropertyNotExist. #1984
- Added new control : verifyStringNotContains.
- Added Pagination feature on TestCaseExecution List page.
- Export/Import TestCase feature.
- Support of Cerberus-executor application on Robot side in order to allow controls and generation of har files.
- Labels Tree are now sorted by label name. #1962
- Separated Campaign label modal that display list of testcase from the one that display the stats of past tag executions. #1962
- Tag now store the list of requested countries and environments at the start of the campaign execution. It also store the real executed list of countries, environments, robot declinations, systems and applications. #1815
- On start email notification the variables %REQENVIRONMENTLIST% and %REQCOUNTRYLIST% can be used. #1815
- On tag definition (at campaign level or on runtest page), the variables %REQENVIRONMENTLIST% and %REQCOUNTRYLIST% can be used. ('cerberus_tagvariable_separator' parameter can be used in order to define the separator to use). #1815
- New constrain has been created at application level. constrain2_application has been renamed to constrain2_applienvironment. constrain3_application was created in order to handle constrain on application accross all environments. You can configure the poolsize at application level.
- Sorted end of tag notification email detail table by prio (valid ci prio first.), test folder and test case ID.
- Tag variable are also decoded from runtest page.
- myhost parameter on AddToExecutionQueueV003 for multiple application can be defined in JSON string format (don't forget to encode URL).
- cors : add FRONT_URL en variable to enable CORS on this URL. If FRONT_URL doesn't exist, CORS is disable
Bug fixes
- Adding some missing columns descriptions. #1954
- Enlarge login column on logevent table in order to avoid missing log entries when username is too big.
- Fixed issue on chrome when forcing specific resolution. #Thanks to @fhameau #1964
Improvements / New features
- Tomcat 8 and Keycloack Support is now active. You can start your migration.
- Testcase dependency feature is activated. You can now define dependencies between 2 testcases inside the same campaign and Cerberus will secure that testcases will be executed in the right order. Properties are inherited from parent testcases. #1827 #1883
- CI Score Threshold can now be defined at campaign level #1849
- Renamed 'Test' to 'Test Folder' in order to make it easier to understand. #1522
- Add a new system variable : system.ROBOTHOST
- Add loop icon and library icon on step list in test case script
- New parameter 'executor' on AddToExecutionQueueV003 in order to allow to keep track of user who triggered the campaign #1934
- Allow to swipe into apk/ipa notification thanks to new property 'getLocation' #1905 and #1965
- Improved email notification for end of tag optimising the layout but also displaying the testcase priority (in order to better isolate the ones that are prio 0 that do not impact CI pipe).
- Chrome and Firefox are executed in headless mode (Means that browser windows will no longuer will be displayed) for verbose level 0.
Bug fixes
- Fixed ifElementPresent condition that was not working correctly on XML Response. #1900
- Fixed issue on running Appium Android tests when Cerberus is installed on Windows platform. #1902
- Fixed issue when running a testcase from GUI with robot custom config #1914
Improvements / New features
- New Action now default to doNothing (in stead of Unknown). #1904
- On Android and iOS, possibility to
device before testcase, andlock
device after testcase (can be configured at robot executor level) - Cerberus can now automaticly scroll to an element (in web mode) in case cerberus_selenium_autoscroll parameter is cativated
- Improved UX for service modal
- scrollTo action implemented for web applications.
- Improved queue management (secure that multiple release of a single execution becomes impossible) #1915
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- Updgrade Appium client version from
. Please check the compatibility with your Appium infrastructure before upgrading. - Updgrade Selenium client version from
. Please check the compatibility with your Selenium infrastructure before upgrading.
Bug fixes
- Fixed nullpointer when using verifyTextInElement in APK/IPA applications. #1894
- Fixed issue when default robotconstrain poolsize was applyed even when execution does not require robot.
- Fixed issue (http500) when AddToExecutionQueueV003 Servlet was triggered without tag parameter.
- Fixed execution of iOS devices on the same time (added
capability support)
Improvements / New features
- Added posibility to link application type with robot type. Each robot can hold the application type information. That allow to avoid submiting execution to queue on impossible combination of application/robot.
- GUI Refactor on invariant modal
- GUI Refactor on testcase header modal
- New Automatic job in order to automaticly cancel old queue entries that are still in 'Executing' state. you can tune its behaviour thanks to parameters : cerberus_automaticqueuecancellationjob_* By default, job will execute every 60 minutes and will caancel queue entries longuer than 3600 seconds (1 hour).
- New Added automatic job in order to process queue entries. Job will execute every 30 minutes.
- Properties can now be sorted with rank. rank 1 properties are primary properties that will be aloways displayed. rank 2 are secondary properties that will be hidden on execution report. That allow to hide complex properties from users in order to make execution report even easier to understand.
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- Removed deprecated fields (host, port, user and pass) from robot table.
Bug fixes
- 'cerberus_queueexecution_defaultrobothost_threadpoolsize parameter' was not correctly working. It was not used in case no constrain is defined at robot level. #1855
- Issue when robot host contain double dash (//). #1856
- secured that constrain2 poolsize always appear on queue management page. #1856
- Fixed capability management that prevent specific capabilities to be sent to Appium or Selenium Robots.
- Force Execution flag at action level now also works for failed condition execution.
Improvements / New features
- New parameter 'cerberus_notification_tagexecutionend_tclistmax' in order to limit the table size of the end of campaign execution EMail (default to 100). That prevent huge mails in case of completely failed campaign execution.
- New Slack connector that can be configured at campaign level in order to notify at the beginning and end of campaign execution. Slack WebHook and channel can be configured at campaign level.
- REST service now allow Request data on DELETE Method. #1670
- Add default execution settings into Cerberus campaign, you can parameter it in the modal of creation or update for campaign.
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- 'function' and 'HowTo' fields are no longuer accessible from GUI test case modal. Database fields are still there but will soon disappear.
Bug fixes
- [ENGINE] Bug on Manual execution that sometimes could generate an FA status has been fixed. Happened when manual execution require a Selenium action/control/property.
- [ENGINE] Fixed Service URL calculation with manualurl parameter set to 1 or 2. #1819
Improvements / New features
- [ENGINE] ifTextInElement added on the Condition operation list for the test-case-step-action
- [GUI] Major Label screen improvements. Label screen now display full hierarchy for all types of label (Sticker, Requirement and Battery)
- [GUI] Label hierarchy is also displayed on ReportByTag page. Corresponding result and execution statistics are agregated by hierarchy.
- [GUI] On TestCase header modal, the 3 types of labels are now split per type 1 tab for STICKER, another for BATTERY and a last one for REQUIREMENT.
- [GUI] TestCase mass updates also have label split per type.
- [ENGINE] Video is now recorded for Android devices >= 4.4 (KitKat). Just select option Screenshot 3 (Automatic Screenshots on error and Video) or 4 (Systematic Screenshots/Video) to use it.
- [GUI] On Campaign list screen, view modal now has a statistics TAB that list all past tags with results and statistics.
- [GUI] On Campaign list screen and ReportByTag Screen, a new action button allow to trigger the execution of the campaign directly from RunTest Page.
- [GUI] On all list screens (testcase, labels, datalib,...) updating an element on a list no longuer force to come back to the 1st page of the list. #981
- [GUI] Sticky button on RunTestCase page.
- [ENGINE] Robot can now have multiple 'executor'. That allow to spread the execution on a given robot to multiple selenium servers (or Appium or Sikuli servers). That allow more parralelism of queued execution and faster campaign executions.
- [GUI] On Robot modal, the host, port, user and password are to be defined on a new TAB called 'Executor'. Multiple executors can be added to a robot with loadbalancing rule that can be ROUNDROBIN or BYRANKING.
- [PERF] Performance optimisations on queue management jobs (reducing the nb of SQL).
- [PERF] TestCase List screen and ReportByTag screens should be faster to navigate on systems that have quite a lot of labels defined.
- [ENGINE] Capabilities sent to the robot server are now reported from execution page (both requested capabilities at robot level and final capabilities that are decoded and automaticly added by the engine).
- [GUI] When creating a new TestCase, Test can now be created 'on the fly' without beeing forced to have it created before.
- [GUI] Added autocomplete on element on some actions/controls/conditions testcase fields.
- [ENGINE] Added %system.SCREENSIZE% variable. #1852
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- SQL 1370 and 1371 can be quite long on systems with lots of executions.
Bug fixes
- Docker : Correct bug since java version change on glassfish docker OS
- Issue on appium using HttpCommandExecutor
Improvements / New features
- Cerberus now allow service calls without proper SSL Certificate available. new parameter 'cerberus_accept_unsigned_ssl_certificate' allow to tune that behaviour. Default to Y you can put N in order to fail when certificate is not correct.
- In the datalib modal, we use now a select2 for the service field to be able to search for a specific service.
Bug fixes
- [GUI] Issue on update and creation of services. #1753
- [GUI] Issue on adding an application from environment page #1754
- [GUI] Issues Datalib edit modal from testcasescrpt page
- [ENGINE] Some error message were not decoded (%ERROR% or %DETAILMESSAGE%)
- [GUI] 'Save Robot Preference' on RunTest page was disable by mistake.
- [GUI] Fixed small filter issue on testcaselist page. #1759
Improvements / New features
- [GUI] Improved documentation structure and removed fr language support (French translation was not uptodate)
- [ENGINE] New FTP connector for services with GET and PUT command
- [ENGINE] In case a queue entry has been forced to CANCELLED and corresponding execution is still pending and has retry, it no longuer gets retried.
- [ENGINE] New dragAndDrop action (using javascript in order to avoid Selenium bug).
- [GUI] Small improvements on Label Requirement screen.
- [ENGINE] new parameter 'cerberus_robot_timeout' that allow Cerberus to generate a FA in case the robot (Selenium, Appium or Sikuli) does not answer quick enought.
- [ENGINE] getFromjson Property also gets the result when JSON is staticly feed on value2.
- [GUI] prevent special characters to be used on COUNTRY, ENVIRONMENT and SYSTEM invariant.
- [GUI] prevent . SPACE ( ) and % characters in Property name and Subdata (in order to avoid generating strange and complex variabilisation string)
- [ENGINE] new system variables : %system.ROBOT% and %system.ROBOTDECLI%. #1779
- [ENGINE] Robot capabilities are now also decoded. #1780
- [GUI] DATALIB Bulk rename feature (thanks to @Nouxx). Datalib can not be renamed in consistent mode accros all testcases.
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- [ENGINE] CIScore is now in integer format. As a consequence, corresponding coef were multiplied by 100 and converted to integer. CI Threshold now default to 100 in stead of 1 and ca be configured with 'cerberus_ci_threshold' parameter.
Bug fixes
- Execution pop in ReportByTag was not always correctly displayed.
- Service libraries didn't work as expected when you wanted to update or create them (special chars and empty field).
Improvements / New features
- Steps can now be forced to be executed by setting Y to the Force Exe data. This is useful in order to perform some end of session/logout operation at the end of every testcase even if the test failed somewhere during the execution. #1709
- Trying to delete a label that still have links to testcases will now generate an error message. You need to remove the links using mass Action before. #1688
Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)
- Nothing