diff --git a/cms-2016-simulated-datasets/code/dataset_records.py b/cms-2016-simulated-datasets/code/dataset_records.py
index dd3a6396c..b2cf12ce0 100644
--- a/cms-2016-simulated-datasets/code/dataset_records.py
+++ b/cms-2016-simulated-datasets/code/dataset_records.py
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ def get_all_generator_text(dataset, das_dir, mcm_dir, conf_dir, recid_info):
process = ''
output_dataset = get_output_dataset_from_mcm(dataset, mcm_step_dir)
if output_dataset:
- step['output_dataset'] = output_dataset
+ step['output_dataset'] = output_dataset[0]
release = get_cmssw_version_from_mcm(dataset, mcm_step_dir)
if release:
step['release'] = release
diff --git a/cms-2016-simulated-datasets/code/lhe_generators.py b/cms-2016-simulated-datasets/code/lhe_generators.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..745c5315c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cms-2016-simulated-datasets/code/lhe_generators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+from dataset_records import *
+from os import listdir
+from os.path import isfile, join
+from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
+exec(open('inputs/recid_info.py', 'r').read()) # import RECID_INFO
+# get LHE Parent or False
+def get_lhe(dataset, mcm_dir):
+ path = mcm_dir + '/chain/' + dataset.replace('/', '@')
+ step_dirs = os.listdir(path)
+ for step in step_dirs:
+ step_dir = path + '/' + step
+ datatier = get_from_deep_json(get_mcm_dict(dataset,step_dir),'datatier')
+ if "LHE" in datatier:
+ return step_dir
+ return False
+def cmd_run(cmds, dataset):
+ for cmd in cmds:
+ err = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stderr.decode()
+ if err:
+ print("\n[Error] in " + dataset + "\n==>\t" +
+ err + "<==\n", file=sys.stderr)
+ return False
+ return True
+def create_lhe_generator(dataset, recid, mcm_dir, gen_store='./lhe_generators/2016-sim'):
+# mcm_dir is the directory of the LHE step
+ fragment_url = get_genfragment_url(dataset, mcm_dir)
+ if fragment_url:
+ fragment_url = fragment_url[0]
+ fragment = requests.get(fragment_url, verify=False).text
+ if not fragment:
+ fragment = get_from_deep_json(
+ get_mcm_dict(dataset, mcm_dir), "fragment")
+ else:
+ fragment = get_from_deep_json(
+ get_mcm_dict(dataset, mcm_dir), "fragment")
+ if not fragment:
+ print("\n[Error] in" + dataset +
+ "\n==>\t No fragment URL and Empty fragment in mcm dict, Skipping\n", file=sys.stderr)
+ return
+ path = re.search(r"cms.vstring\('(.*?)'", fragment)
+ if not path:
+ print("\n[Warning] in" + dataset +
+ "\n==>\t 'cms.vstring' not found in fragment , Skipping\n", file=sys.stderr)
+ return
+ path = path.group(1)
+ # print("found path: " + str(path) )
+ outfilepath = "{gen_store}/gridpacks/{recid}".format(
+ gen_store=gen_store, recid=recid)
+ if os.path.exists(outfilepath) and len(os.listdir(outfilepath)) != 0:
+ print(str(recid) + ' recid gridpack Exist, Skipping')
+ return
+ if 'amcatnlo' in path or 'amcatnlo' in dataset:
+ print(dataset + '\n' + str(recid) +
+ "amcatnlo gridpack!!! path:" + path)
+ files = [
+ 'process/Cards/run_card.dat',
+ 'process/Cards/proc_card*.dat',
+ 'process/Cards/param_card.dat',
+ ]
+ mv_cmd = "mv process/Cards/*dat .; rmdir -p process/Cards"
+ elif 'madgraph' in path:
+ files = [
+ 'process/madevent/Cards/run_card.dat',
+ 'process/madevent/Cards/proc_card*.dat',
+ 'process/madevent/Cards/param_card.dat',
+ ]
+ mv_cmd = "mv process/madevent/Cards/*dat .; rmdir -p process/madevent/Cards"
+ elif 'powheg' in path:
+ files = [
+ '*.input',
+ ]
+ mv_cmd = ""
+ else:
+ print("\n[Error] Unknown path:('" + path +
+ "')\nDataset: " + dataset + '\n', file=sys.stderr)
+ return
+ files = "'" + "' '".join(files) + "'"
+ cmds = [
+ "mkdir -p {out}; cd {out};\
+ tar -xf {path} {files} -C {out}; {mv}".format(out=outfilepath, path=path, files=files, mv=mv_cmd)
+ ]
+ # print("Prepared commands: " + str(cmds))
+ cmd_run(cmds, dataset)
+das_dir = "./inputs/das-json-store"
+mcm_dir = "./inputs/mcm-store"
+with open("./inputs/CMS-2016-mc-datasets.txt", 'r') as file:
+ dataset_full_names = file.readlines()
+dataset_nanoaod = [name[:-1] for name in dataset_full_names if name[:-1].endswith('NANOAODSIM')]
+i = 1
+l = len(dataset_nanoaod)
+for dataset in dataset_nanoaod:
+ #dataset = dataset[:-1]
+ lhe_dir = get_lhe(dataset, mcm_dir)
+ if not lhe_dir:
+ continue
+ recid = RECID_INFO[dataset]
+ print("Getting ({i}/{l}): {ds}".format(
+ i=i, l=l, ds=lhe_dir or 'No LHE parent for this record'))
+ t = threading.Thread(target=create_lhe_generator,
+ args=(dataset, recid, lhe_dir))
+ t.start()
+ i += 1
+ while threading.activeCount() >= 20:
+ sleep(0.5) # run 20 parallel