Copyright 2020 The MathWorks, Inc.
This document describes the FFT based fast solver of the Poisson equation of the form:
Here we suppose the simple grid and the 2nd order finite difference scheme.
This document describes two methods to solve this discretized equation for . One is by directly solving the linear equations, and the other uses Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT: wiki page). MATLAB code follows.
From the left: Example of a solution of a Poisson equation, numerical error from the exact solution vs. the grid number, and processing time vs. the grid number.
If you took CFD class at university, you must be familiar with this, as it appears in solving incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Please note: Although we use FFT, this is only 2nd order, not the spectral accuracy.
Signal Processing Toolbox (dct
doc page)
Image Processing Toolbox (dct2
doc page)
There are two different functions to perform DCT depending on if it's one dimension or two dimensions, and they are in different toolboxes. DCT itself can be achieved by fft
function (
File Exchange: dctt) but here we used dct2.
I leave the task of replacing it with fft
to the reader.
Solving partial differential equation sounds scary, but after descritazation it's a just a set of linear equations . If you solve this by directly inverting the matrix, the cost is (in general) . This means that if you double the grid number, the cost is estimated to be 4^3 = 64 times more for 2D, **8^3 = 512 times more for 3D case. **
If is static and does not change over time and one needs to solve it repetitively, you can precompute LU decomposition. This will decrease the cost but still . The Iterative solver can be alternative, but here we make the use of the good nature of and diagonalize by the use of DCT. I believe the cost of FFTW is according to their documentation.
To easily validate the solution, we solve
with the exact solution of
Suppose a staggered grid (see below) with is defined at the center of each grid cell. The computational domain is and . The boundary condition is Neumann, . Here for the sake of simplicity, the gradient is 0, but I can be any value. In case you want to use Dirichlet BC, Discrete Sine Transform will be useful.
Since we are using 2nd order scheme, it helps to have one ghost cell outside of the domain as
we can keep the same stencil at and inside the boundary.
Please note that if we express
as a set of linear equations , where is a second-order centered finite difference operator and is a modified right-hand side accommodating the boundary conditions. is a vector of solution
If we have and grid points in x and y directions respectively, is a matrix of , and are vectors of .
is sparse and is going to look like the following (, used spy
function to draw):
The values related to the derivative in x-direction locate next to each other, but ones from the y-derivative are a little far, and it makes the bandwidth of the matrix wider. The situation is worse in 3D as you can imagine.
Here's the function to solve the equation: Constructing is the most cumbersome part, but once it's built \texttt{} (backslash) will take care of it.
function [x,y,u] = solvePoissonEquation_direct(Nx,Ny)
Nx (1,1) {mustBeInteger,mustBeGreaterThan(Nx,1)}
Ny (1,1) {mustBeInteger,mustBeGreaterThan(Ny,1)}
dx = 2/Nx; dy = 2/Ny;
% The location of u(NOTE: Staggered Grid)
xx = -1+dx/2:dx:1-dx/2;
yy = -1+dy/2:dy:1-dy/2;
[x,y] = ndgrid(xx,yy); % Note: not meshgrid
% Constructing a matrix A (sparse matrix to save memory usage)
% 行列 A の構築(メモリ節約のためスパース行列で定義)
% Start with the x-derivative (tri-diagonal matrix)
% まず x 方向の微分に関する部分(三重対角行列)から定義します。
tmp = -2*ones(Nx,1);
tmp([1,end]) = -1; % Neumann BC requires -1 (not -2) at both ends
Ad = diag(tmp);
Au = diag(ones(Nx-1,1),1);
Al = diag(ones(Nx-1,1),-1);
Ax = Ad+Au+Al;
% Consider y-derivative = it become block diagnal matrix
% y 方向の微分に関する部分も入れつつ = ブロック対角行列を作ります
% Define the container first
% 入れ物となるスパース行列を定義
% Abig = zeros(Nx*Ny,Nx*Ny,'like',sparse(1));
% dd = eye(Nx);
% for jj=1:Ny
% if jj==1 || jj==Ny % y-ends(Neumann BC)
% Abig(1+Nx*(jj-1):Nx*jj,1+Nx*(jj-1):Nx*jj) = Ax/dx^2 - dd/dy^2;
% else
% Abig(1+Nx*(jj-1):Nx*jj,1+Nx*(jj-1):Nx*jj) = Ax/dx^2 - 2*dd/dy^2;
% end
% if jj~=1 % j
% Abig(1+Nx*(jj-1):Nx*jj,1+Nx*(jj-2):Nx*(jj-1)) = dd/dy^2;
% end
% if jj~=Ny
% Abig(1+Nx*(jj-1):Nx*jj,1+Nx*(jj-0):Nx*(jj+1)) = dd/dy^2;
% end
% end
% The above can be written a little simpler:
% 上と同じ行列をもう少し完結に書くとこちら。
% Construct the block diagonal matrix
% まずブロック対角行列成分を作成
dd = eye(Nx);
tmp = repmat({sparse(Ax/dx^2 - 2*dd/dy^2)},Ny,1);
tmp{1} = Ax/dx^2 - dd/dy^2;
tmp{Ny} = Ax/dx^2 - dd/dy^2; % y-ends(Neumann BC)
Abig = blkdiag(tmp{:});
% A matrix (one block smaller)
% 1ブロック分小さい対角行列で y微分成分を作成
d4y = eye(Nx*(Ny-1),'like',sparse(1));
Abig(1:end-Nx,Nx+1:end) = Abig(1:end-Nx,Nx+1:end) + d4y/dy^2; % upper
Abig(Nx+1:end,1:end-Nx) = Abig(Nx+1:end,1:end-Nx) + d4y/dy^2; % lower
% Construction A is done. Let's make the right hand side f
f = - 2*pi^2.*cos(pi*x).*cos(pi*y);
f = f(:); % make it a vector
% Natually, Abig is a singular matrix. Poisson eq with Neumann BC
% does not provide a unique solution. Thus fixing u to be 0 at one point.
% Abig は特異行列でありこのままでは
% ポワソン方程式+Neumann 境界だと解が一意に定まらないので、
% 1点を u = 0 と固定して解とします。
Abig(1,:) = 0;
Abig(1,1) = 1;
f(1) = 0;
% Solve the system of equation
u = Abig\f;
% Put the solution (a vector) back to 2d matrix
u = reshape(u,[Nx,Ny]);
Here we use REDFT10 (DCT-II) defined in FFTW.
We do not have periodic boundary conditions, but can we use FFT? Here a quote from the FFTW documentation:
Because of the even symmetry, however, the sine terms in the DFT all cancel and the remaining cosine terms are written explicitly below. This formulation often leads people to call such a transform a discrete cosine transform (DCT), although it is really just a special case of the DFT. FFTW:1d Real-even DFTs (DCTs)
The original array of data (say,{12345}) will be expanded in such a way that the extended array has an even symmetry (say, {1234554321}) and periodicity. And it helps to diagonalize the matrix as described in detail below. FFTW has four DCTs (DCT-I to DCT-IV) for four variations of "symmetry" and these are implemented in dct and dct2 of MATLAB.
Yes but not always. Here are some quate from Simens et al. (2009)
the Gibb’s errors due to the implicit derivative discontinuities at the non-periodic end points are of order dx^2
higher-order schemes in non-periodic domains cannot be treated in this (be expanded in cosines series) way, because they require boundary schemes with different modified wavenumbers than the interior operator". (Simens, M., Jim´enez, J., Hoyas, S., Mizuno, Y., 2009. A high-resolution code for turbulent boundary layers. Journal of Computational Physics.)
This is because the matrix to be solved should have boundary schemes that give the same modified wave number throughout the domain, including the boundary, which is not always the case for the higher-order scheme. However, if one recognizes the difference between the matrix solved using discrete cosine transform and the matrix that actually needs to be solved, one can overcome this issue.
Applying DCT in both (x and y) directions, we obtain
Substituting it to the discretized equations and after simple algebra, each term becomes
You can see clear symmetric structure. Here we define,
In simplifying the equations, the relationship
comes in handy. Eventually, the discretized equation,
finally becomes
and we get of independent equations. In relation to spectoral methods, and are also called modified wavenumber.
Here's the function to solve the equation with DCT:
function [x,y,u] = solvePoissonEquation_2dDCT(Nx,Ny)
Nx (1,1) {mustBeInteger,mustBeGreaterThan(Nx,1)}
Ny (1,1) {mustBeInteger,mustBeGreaterThan(Ny,1)}
dx = 2/Nx; dy = 2/Ny;
% The location of u(NOTE: Staggered Grid)
xx = -1+dx/2:dx:1-dx/2;
yy = -1+dy/2:dy:1-dy/2;
[x,y] = ndgrid(xx,yy); % Note: not meshgrid
% modified wavenumber
kx = 0:Nx-1;
ky = 0:Ny-1;
mwx = 2*(cos(pi*kx/Nx)-1)/dx^2;
mwy = 2*(cos(pi*ky/Ny)-1)/dy^2;
% 2D DCT of f (Right hand side)
f = - 2*pi^2.*cos(pi*x).*cos(pi*y);
fhat = dct2(f); % Needs Image Processing Toolbox
% fhat = dct(dct(f)')'; % Same as above (Needs Signal Processing Toolbox instead)
[MWX, MWY] = ndgrid(mwx,mwy);
uhat = fhat./(MWX+MWY);
% The solution is not unique (uhat(0,0) = inf);
% Here we fix the mean ( with kx=0,ky=0) to be 0
uhat(1,1) = 0;
% Inverse 2D DCT
u = idct2(uhat); % Needs Image Processing Toolbox
% u = idct(idct(uhat)')'; % Same as above (Needs Signal Processing Toolbox instead)
Of course you do not have to perform 2D DCT. When you perform DCT in x-direction only,
Finite difference in y-direction is denoted as and that of x-direction is now diagonalized. Here we have number of independent tridiagonal matrixs , in other words, we need to solve for each :
The required computational cost is (Wikipedia: Tridiagonal matrix). If your problem is massive and needs to run in parallel, this strategy might fit better depending on your parallelization strategy.
Let's check if solvePoissonEquation_direct.m
and solvePoissonEquation_2dDCT.m
solves the equations and their computational costs.
As expected, you can clearly see the 2nd order regression from both schemes (yes, we are solving the exact same discretized equations.) Increasing the grid number by 10, the relative error from the exact solution becomes 1/100. Good.
The method with DCT runs faster, and the Direct Methods is still about . Not so bad, probably thanks to MATLAB's \
(backslash) operators.
We compared the two methods for solving a Poisson Equation with Neumann BC; the direct method and the method used DCT.
Of course, DCT might not appropriate for uneven grid or the more complicated boundary conditions. But for the cases that DCT can be applied, the code becomes consise and its performance is better.