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% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% Example_5_11% ~~~~~~~~~~~~%{ This program uses Algorithms 5.5 and 5.6 (Gauss's method) to compute the state vector from the data provided in Example 5.11. deg - factor for converting between degrees and radians pi - 3.1415926... mu - gravitational parameter (km^3/s^2) Re - earth's radius (km) f - earth's flattening factor H - elevation of observation site (km) phi - latitude of site (deg) t - vector of observation times t1, t2, t3 (s) ra - vector of topocentric equatorial right ascensions at t1, t2, t3 (deg) dec - vector of topocentric equatorial right declinations at t1, t2, t3 (deg) theta - vector of local sidereal times for t1, t2, t3 (deg) R - matrix of site position vectors at t1, t2, t3 (km) rho - matrix of direction cosine vectors at t1, t2, t3 fac1, fac2 - common factors r_old, v_old - the state vector without iterative improvement (km, km/s) r, v - the state vector with iterative improvement (km, km/s) coe - vector of orbital elements for r, v: [h, e, RA, incl, w, TA, a] where h = angular momentum (km^2/s) e = eccentricity incl = inclination (rad) w = argument of perigee (rad) TA = true anomaly (rad) a = semimajor axis (km) coe_old - vector of orbital elements for r_old, v_old User M-functions required: gauss, coe_from_sv%}% ---------------------------------------------clear all; clcglobal mudeg = pi/180;mu = 398600;Re = 6378;f = 1/298.26;%...Data declaration for Example 5.11:H = 1;phi = 40*deg;t = [ 0 118.104 237.577];ra = [ 43.5365 54.4196 64.3178]*deg;dec = [-8.78334 -12.0739 -15.1054]*deg;theta = [ 44.5065 45.000 45.4992]*deg;%...%...Equations 5.64, 5.76 and 5.79:fac1 = Re/sqrt(1-(2*f - f*f)*sin(phi)^2);fac2 = (Re*(1-f)^2/sqrt(1-(2*f - f*f)*sin(phi)^2) + H)*sin(phi);for i = 1:3 R(i,1) = (fac1 + H)*cos(phi)*cos(theta(i)); R(i,2) = (fac1 + H)*cos(phi)*sin(theta(i)); R(i,3) = fac2; rho(i,1) = cos(dec(i))*cos(ra(i)); rho(i,2) = cos(dec(i))*sin(ra(i)); rho(i,3) = sin(dec(i));end%...Algorithms 5.5 and 5.6:[r, v, r_old, v_old] = gauss(rho(1,:), rho(2,:), rho(3,:), ... R(1,:), R(2,:), R(3,:), ... t(1), t(2), t(3));%...Algorithm 4.2 for the initial estimate of the state vector% and for the iteratively improved one:coe_old = coe_from_sv(r_old,v_old,mu);coe = coe_from_sv(r,v,mu);%...Echo the input data and output the solution to% the command window:fprintf('-----------------------------------------------------')fprintf('\n Example 5.11: Orbit determination by the Gauss method\n')fprintf('\n Radius of earth (km) = %g', Re)fprintf('\n Flattening factor = %g', f)fprintf('\n Gravitational parameter (km^3/s^2) = %g', mu)fprintf('\n\n Input data:\n');fprintf('\n Latitude (deg) = %g', phi/deg);fprintf('\n Altitude above sea level (km) = %g', H);fprintf('\n\n Observations:')fprintf('\n Right')fprintf(' Local')fprintf('\n Time (s) Ascension (deg) Declination (deg)') fprintf(' Sidereal time (deg)')for i = 1:3 fprintf('\n %9.4g %11.4f %19.4f %20.4f', ... t(i), ra(i)/deg, dec(i)/deg, theta(i)/deg)endfprintf('\n\n Solution:\n')fprintf('\n Without iterative improvement...\n')fprintf('\n');fprintf('\n r (km) = [%g, %g, %g]', ... r_old(1), r_old(2), r_old(3))fprintf('\n v (km/s) = [%g, %g, %g]', ... v_old(1), v_old(2), v_old(3))fprintf('\n');fprintf('\n Angular momentum (km^2/s) = %g', coe_old(1))fprintf('\n Eccentricity = %g', coe_old(2))fprintf('\n RA of ascending node (deg) = %g', coe_old(3)/deg)fprintf('\n Inclination (deg) = %g', coe_old(4)/deg)fprintf('\n Argument of perigee (deg) = %g', coe_old(5)/deg)fprintf('\n True anomaly (deg) = %g', coe_old(6)/deg)fprintf('\n Semimajor axis (km) = %g', coe_old(7))fprintf('\n Periapse radius (km) = %g', coe_old(1)^2 ... /mu/(1 + coe_old(2)))%...If the orbit is an ellipse, output the period:if coe_old(2)<1 T = 2*pi/sqrt(mu)*coe_old(7)^1.5; fprintf('\n Period:') fprintf('\n Seconds = %g', T) fprintf('\n Minutes = %g', T/60) fprintf('\n Hours = %g', T/3600) fprintf('\n Days = %g', T/24/3600)endfprintf('\n\n With iterative improvement...\n')fprintf('\n');fprintf('\n r (km) = [%g, %g, %g]', ... r(1), r(2), r(3))fprintf('\n v (km/s) = [%g, %g, %g]', ... v(1), v(2), v(3))fprintf('\n');fprintf('\n Angular momentum (km^2/s) = %g', coe(1))fprintf('\n Eccentricity = %g', coe(2))fprintf('\n RA of ascending node (deg) = %g', coe(3)/deg)fprintf('\n Inclination (deg) = %g', coe(4)/deg)fprintf('\n Argument of perigee (deg) = %g', coe(5)/deg)fprintf('\n True anomaly (deg) = %g', coe(6)/deg)fprintf('\n Semimajor axis (km) = %g', coe(7))fprintf('\n Periapse radius (km) = %g', coe(1)^2 ... /mu/(1 + coe(2)))%...If the orbit is an ellipse, output the period:if coe(2)<1 T = 2*pi/sqrt(mu)*coe(7)^1.5; fprintf('\n Period:') fprintf('\n Seconds = %g', T) fprintf('\n Minutes = %g', T/60) fprintf('\n Hours = %g', T/3600) fprintf('\n Days = %g', T/24/3600)endfprintf('\n-----------------------------------------------------\n')% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~