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% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% Example_8_07% ~~~~~~~~~~~~%% This program uses Algorithm 8.1 to compute the orbital elements% and state vector of the earth at the date and time specified% in Example 8.7. To obtain the same results for Mars, set% planet_id = 4.%% mu - gravitational parameter of the sun (km^3/s^2)% deg - conversion factor between degrees and radians% pi - 3.1415926...%% coe - vector of heliocentric orbital elements% [h e RA incl w TA a w_hat L M E],% where% h = angular momentum (km^2/s)% e = eccentricity% RA = right ascension (deg)% incl = inclination (deg)% w = argument of perihelion (deg)% TA = true anomaly (deg)% a = semimajor axis (km)% w_hat = longitude of perihelion ( = RA + w) (deg)% L = mean longitude ( = w_hat + M) (deg)% M = mean anomaly (deg)% E = eccentric anomaly (deg)%% r - heliocentric position vector (km)% v - heliocentric velocity vector (km/s) %% planet_id - planet identifier:% 1 = Mercury% 2 = Venus% 3 = Earth% 4 = Mars% 5 = Jupiter% 6 = Saturn% 7 = Uranus% 8 = Neptune% 9 = Pluto%% year - range: 1901 - 2099% month - range: 1 - 12% day - range: 1 - 31% hour - range: 0 - 23% minute - range: 0 - 60% second - range: 0 - 60 %% User m-functions required: planet_elements_and_sv,% month_planet_names% --------------------------------------------------------------------clear all; clcglobal mumu = 1.327124e11;deg = pi/180;%...Data declaration for Example 8.7:planet_id = 3;year = 2003;month = 8;day = 27;hour = 12;minute = 0;second = 0;%...%...Algorithm 8.1:[coe, r, v, jd] = planet_elements_and_sv ... (planet_id, year, month, day, hour, minute, second);%...Convert the planet_id and month numbers into names for output:[month_name, planet_name] = month_planet_names(month, planet_id);%...Echo the input data and output the solution to% the command window:fprintf('-----------------------------------------------------')fprintf('\n Example 8.7')fprintf('\n\n Input data:\n');fprintf('\n Planet: %s', planet_name)fprintf('\n Year : %g', year)fprintf('\n Month : %s', month_name)fprintf('\n Day : %g', day)fprintf('\n Hour : %g', hour)fprintf('\n Minute: %g', minute)fprintf('\n Second: %g', second)fprintf('\n\n Julian day: %11.3f', jd)fprintf('\n\n');fprintf(' Orbital elements:')fprintf('\n');fprintf('\n Angular momentum (km^2/s) = %g', coe(1));fprintf('\n Eccentricity = %g', coe(2));fprintf('\n Right ascension of the ascending node (deg) = %g', coe(3));fprintf('\n Inclination to the ecliptic (deg) = %g', coe(4));fprintf('\n Argument of perihelion (deg) = %g', coe(5));fprintf('\n True anomaly (deg) = %g', coe(6));fprintf('\n Semimajor axis (km) = %g', coe(7));fprintf('\n');fprintf('\n Longitude of perihelion (deg) = %g', coe(8));fprintf('\n Mean longitude (deg) = %g', coe(9));fprintf('\n Mean anomaly (deg) = %g', coe(10));fprintf('\n Eccentric anomaly (deg) = %g', coe(11));fprintf('\n\n');fprintf(' State vector:')fprintf('\n');fprintf('\n Position vector (km) = [%g %g %g]', r(1), r(2), r(3))fprintf('\n Magnitude = %g\n', norm(r))fprintf('\n Velocity (km/s) = [%g %g %g]', v(1), v(2), v(3))fprintf('\n Magnitude = %g', norm(v))fprintf('\n-----------------------------------------------------\n')% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~