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% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function [r,v] = rv_from_observe(rho, rhodot, A, Adot, a, ... adot, theta, phi, H)% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%{ This function calculates the geocentric equatorial position and velocity vectors of an object from radar observations of range, azimuth, elevation angle and their rates. deg - conversion factor between degrees and radians pi - 3.1415926... Re - equatorial radius of the earth (km) f - earth's flattening factor wE - angular velocity of the earth (rad/s) omega - earth's angular velocity vector (rad/s) in the geocentric equatorial frame theta - local sidereal time (degrees) of tracking site phi - geodetic latitude (degrees) of site H - elevation of site (km) R - geocentric equatorial position vector (km) of tracking site Rdot - inertial velocity (km/s) of site rho - slant range of object (km) rhodot - range rate (km/s) A - azimuth (degrees) of object relative to observation site Adot - time rate of change of azimuth (degrees/s) a - elevation angle (degrees) of object relative to observation site adot - time rate of change of elevation angle (degrees/s) dec - topocentric equatorial declination of object (rad) decdot - declination rate (rad/s) h - hour angle of object (rad) RA - topocentric equatorial right ascension of object (rad) RAdot - right ascension rate (rad/s) Rho - unit vector from site to object Rhodot - time rate of change of Rho (1/s) r - geocentric equatorial position vector of object (km) v - geocentric equatorial velocity vector of object (km) User M-functions required: none%}% --------------------------------------------------------------------global f Re wEdeg = pi/180;omega = [0 0 wE];%...Convert angular quantities from degrees to radians:A = A *deg;Adot = Adot *deg;a = a *deg;adot = adot *deg;theta = theta*deg;phi = phi *deg;%...Equation 5.56:R = [(Re/sqrt(1-(2*f - f*f)*sin(phi)^2) + H)*cos(phi)*cos(theta), ... (Re/sqrt(1-(2*f - f*f)*sin(phi)^2) + H)*cos(phi)*sin(theta), ... (Re*(1 - f)^2/sqrt(1-(2*f - f*f)*sin(phi)^2) + H)*sin(phi)];%...Equation 5.66:Rdot = cross(omega, R);%...Equation 5.83a:dec = asin(cos(phi)*cos(A)*cos(a) + sin(phi)*sin(a));%...Equation 5.83b:h = acos((cos(phi)*sin(a) - sin(phi)*cos(A)*cos(a))/cos(dec));if (A > 0) & (A < pi) h = 2*pi - h;end%...Equation 5.83c:RA = theta - h;%...Equations 5.57:Rho = [cos(RA)*cos(dec) sin(RA)*cos(dec) sin(dec)];%...Equation 5.63:r = R + rho*Rho;%...Equation 5.84:decdot = (-Adot*cos(phi)*sin(A)*cos(a) + adot*(sin(phi)*cos(a) ... - cos(phi)*cos(A)*sin(a)))/cos(dec);%...Equation 5.85: RAdot = wE ... + (Adot*cos(A)*cos(a) - adot*sin(A)*sin(a) ... + decdot*sin(A)*cos(a)*tan(dec)) ... /(cos(phi)*sin(a) - sin(phi)*cos(A)*cos(a));%...Equations 5.69 and 5.72:Rhodot = [-RAdot*sin(RA)*cos(dec) - decdot*cos(RA)*sin(dec),... RAdot*cos(RA)*cos(dec) - decdot*sin(RA)*sin(dec),... decdot*cos(dec)];%...Equation 5.64:v = Rdot + rhodot*Rho + rho*Rhodot;end %rv_from_observe% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~