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% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function [r, v] = sv_from_coe(coe,mu)% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%{ This function computes the state vector (r,v) from the classical orbital elements (coe). mu - gravitational parameter (km^3;s^2) coe - orbital elements [h e RA incl w TA] where h = angular momentum (km^2/s) e = eccentricity RA = right ascension of the ascending node (rad) incl = inclination of the orbit (rad) w = argument of perigee (rad) TA = true anomaly (rad) R3_w - Rotation matrix about the z-axis through the angle w R1_i - Rotation matrix about the x-axis through the angle i R3_W - Rotation matrix about the z-axis through the angle RA Q_pX - Matrix of the transformation from perifocal to geocentric equatorial frame rp - position vector in the perifocal frame (km) vp - velocity vector in the perifocal frame (km/s) r - position vector in the geocentric equatorial frame (km) v - velocity vector in the geocentric equatorial frame (km/s) User M-functions required: none%}% ----------------------------------------------h = coe(1);e = coe(2);RA = coe(3);incl = coe(4);w = coe(5);TA = coe(6);%...Equations 4.45 and 4.46 (rp and vp are column vectors):rp = (h^2/mu) * (1/(1 + e*cos(TA))) * (cos(TA)*[1;0;0] + sin(TA)*[0;1;0]);vp = (mu/h) * (-sin(TA)*[1;0;0] + (e + cos(TA))*[0;1;0]);%...Equation 4.34:R3_W = [ cos(RA) sin(RA) 0 -sin(RA) cos(RA) 0 0 0 1];%...Equation 4.32:R1_i = [1 0 0 0 cos(incl) sin(incl) 0 -sin(incl) cos(incl)];%...Equation 4.34:R3_w = [ cos(w) sin(w) 0 -sin(w) cos(w) 0 0 0 1];%...Equation 4.49:Q_pX = (R3_w*R1_i*R3_W)';%...Equations 4.51 (r and v are column vectors):r = Q_pX*rp;v = Q_pX*vp;%...Convert r and v into row vectors:r = r';v = v';end% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~