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General information

The portBLAS benchmarks are intended to measure the evolution of the performance of this BLAS implementation and how it compares with other tuned implementations, such as CUBLAS native and optimized CUDA BLAS library for Nvidia GPUs, ROCBLAS which is the native HIP/Rocm BLAS library optimized for AMD GPUs, and CLBLAST, a very performant OpenCL BLAS library for CPU targets.

The benchmarks use Google's benchmark library and generate a report with indicative metrics (see instructions below).

How to compile the benchmarks

portBLAS Benchmarks

The portBLAS default benchmarks are compiled with the project if the BLAS_ENABLE_BENCHMARK CMake option is activated (which is the case by default). For the results to be relevant, portBLAS needs to be built in Release mode (Passing -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release to cmake command).

clBLAST Benchmarks

The CLBLAST benchmarks are compiled only if the BUILD_CLBLAST_BENCHMARKS CMake option is activated. If so, if CLBlast cannot be found the build will fail. The location of CLBlast can be given with CLBLAST_ROOT. To install CLBlast, see: CLBlast: Building and installing

cuBLAS Benchmarks

cuBLAS benchmarks can be built by enabling the BUILD_CUBLAS_BENCHMARKS option and require an installation of CUDA (>=11.x) and cuBLAS library (Both can be obtained by installing the cuda Toolkit : installation guide).

rocBLAS Benchmarks

cuBLAS benchmarks can be built by enabling the BUILD_ROCBLAS_BENCHMARKS option and require an installation of Rocm (>=4.5.x) and rocBLAS library (Please refer to this installation guide for the setup)

General Notes

After the compilation, the binaries will be available:

  • in the build folder, in benchmark/[Library Name]/
  • if you provide an installation directory with the CMake variable CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, and run the installation command, e.g ninja install, in your installation folder, in portblas/bin/

A verification of the results is enabled by default and can be disabled with the CMake option BLAS_VERIFY_BENCHMARK set to OFF or 0. The verification will be run a small number of times (more than once because of the way the benchmark library works, but much less than the usual number of iterations of the benchmarks). The verification requires that a reference implementation of BLAS like OpenBLAS is installed, which path can be given with the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH CMake parameter.

How to run the benchmarks

The benchmarks take two kinds of command-line options: those for the benchmark library and those specific to portBLAS:

  • Benchmark library options : these options help specify for instance the output format, the verbosity level and help filter specific benchmarks based on regex arguments.
  • portBLAS options : these options are portBLAS specific and they help specify the target SYCL device (portBLAS benchmarks only) as well as pass a custom set of operator-specfic configurations (applies to rocBLAS and cuBLAS benchmarks as well). If no csv file is specified, the benchmark will use defaults values (found in include/common/common_utils.hpp).

For portBLAS and clBLASt benchmarks, and if the target machine has more than one OpenCL device, you can specify which one to use at runtime(*).

(*): Preferably, for portBLAS benchmarks, this device has to match the TUNING_TARGET as some operators are configured differently depending on the SYCL target for optimal performance.

The most useful options for us are:

option parameter description
--help Show help message
--device device name Select a device to run on (e.g intel:gpu), useful for portBLAS and clBLASt benchmarks
--csv-param file path Path to a CSV file with the benchmark parameters
--benchmark_format console / json / csv Specify the format of the standard output
--benchmark_out file path Specify a file where to write the report
--benchmark_out_format console / json / csv Specify the format of the file output
--benchmark_list_tests true / false Display the names of all the registered benchmarks and abort (one line per tuple of parameters)
--benchmark_filter regex Run only the benchmark which name contains a substring that matches the given regex
--benchmark_min_time min time Override the minimum time that the library will run the benchmark for every tuple of parameters. Useful if the benchmarks take too long
--v verbosity Verbose level of the benchmark library

You can check the GitHub repository of the library for information about the other supported command-line arguments.

Here is an example of an invocation of the portBLAS GEMM benchmark running on Intel GPU, displaying the results in the console and saving a json report:

./benchmark/portblas/bench_gemm --device=intel:gpu --csv-param=parameters.csv \
    --benchmark_out=../results.json --benchmark_out_format=json \

Here is the same benchmark through cuBLAS:

./benchmark/cublas/bench_cublas_gemm --csv-param=parameters.csv --benchmark_out=../results.json \ 
--benchmark_out_format=json --benchmark_format=console

CSV format

The benchmarks can be given a CSV file containing the parameters to run with (matrix/vector dimensions, transpose or not, etc), in the following format: one line corresponds to one set of parameters, i.e. one name for the library (though it will be iterated many times for statistical accuracy).

The formats for the different BLAS levels are:

operations format description
blas 1 size Vector size
blas 2 transpose_A,m,n,alpha,beta Action on the matrix (n, t, c), dimensions, and scalars alpha and beta
blas 3
gemm transpose_A,transpose_B,m,k,n,alpha,beta Action on the matrices (n, t, c), dimensions (A: mk, B:kn, C: mn), and scalars alpha and beta
gemm (Batched) transpose_A,transpose_B,m,k,n,alpha,beta,batch_size,batch_type Action on the matrices (n, t, c), dimensions (A: mk, B:kn, C: mn), scalars alpha and beta, batch size, batch_type
trsm side,triangle,transpose,diagonal,m,n,alpha Position of A (l, r), A is upper or lower triangular (u, l), transposition of A (n, t), A is unit or non-unit diagonal(u,n),dimensions, scalar alpha


For operations that support an increment, the benchmarks will use an increment of 1 (contiguous values), except for the GEMM batched operation where valid default increment values are used depending on batch_type (strided or interleaved). For operations that support a leading dimension, the benchmarks use the minimum possible value (the actual leading dimension of the matrix).

For batched-strided operations that expect a stride(s), the benchmarking suite expects stride multipliers instead of explicit stride values. For example, in gemm_batched_strided operator, a stride_a_mul=3 for matrix A of size_a=m*k is equivalent to an actual stride of stride_a = stride_a_mul * size_a.

For operations that support Complex data type (and when cmake option BLAS_ENABLE_COMPLEX is enabled), scalars such as alpha and beta are expected to have real and imaginary parts as separate values, if only single scalar values are passed in the csv configuration files, complex values for these arguments will be constructed by duplicating the same real value for both imaginary and real parts. (e.g. alpha_cplx={alpha_real, alpha_real}).

Here are two examples of a valid CSV files for the GEMM benchmark:

  • Scalar only alpha & beta values
  • Complex alpha & beta values (two scalars each)

The folder config_csv provides a few files corresponding to sizes that are relevant for neural networks, but you can provide your own, see the next section for more info on how to generate them.

Python tool to generate a CSV file

If you don't yet have a file containing the parameters you want to run the benchmarks with, we provide a Python generator in the script The script takes two command-line args:

  • -o specifies the output CSV file
  • -e specifies a generator expression in the DSL described below

The goal of the generator expression is to create an iterable where each element is a tuple that will generate a line of the output file. This is achieved by combining ranges, where ranges can be 1-dimensional (they generate one parameter) or multidimensional (they generate a tuple).

Here are the bricks to build expressions with (you can find examples below):

function parameters description
size_range low, high, mult Generates a 1-dimensional range from low to high with a multiplier mult
value_range val_1, ..., val_n Generates a range with exactly the given values
concat_ranges range_1, ..., range_n Generates a range with the union of all the values from all the given ranges
nd_range range_1, ..., range_n Generates a n-dimensional range by combining 1-dimensional ranges. It generates all the combinations so the cardinality of the resulting range can be really high


A bunch of flat matrices:

concat_ranges(nd_range(value_range(8), size_range(128, 512, 2)),
             nd_range(size_range(128, 512, 2), value_range(8)))

GEMV parameters:

nd_range(value_range('n', 't'),
         concat_ranges(value_range(32, 64), value_range(1024)),
         size_range(128, 256, 2),

Some ranges to start with

The following ranges are a good starting point:

blas level range expression
1 nd_range(size_range(1024, 1048576, 2))
2 nd_range(value_range('n', 't'), size_range(128, 1024, 2), size_range(128, 1024, 2), value_range(1), value_range(0))
3 (gemm) nd_range(value_range('n', 't'), value_range('n', 't'), size_range(128, 1024, 2), size_range(128, 1024, 2), size_range(128, 1024, 2), value_range(1), value_range(0))

Default parameters

If no CSV file is provided, the default ranges will be used, as described below. These ranges only use powers of two and have been carefully fine-tuned to ensure that the problem sizes are meaningful for modern GPGPUs, and that all benchmarks complete within a reasonable time.

If you need to use specific sizes or run less benchmarks, you can use the CSV parameter files as described above.


parameter values
size 4096, 8192, ..., 1048576


parameter values
transpose A "n", "t"
m 64, 128, ..., 1024
n 64, 128, ..., 1024
alpha 1
beta 0


parameter values
transpose A "n", "t"
transpose B "n", "t"
m 64, 128, ..., 1024
k 64, 128, ..., 1024
n 64, 128, ..., 1024
alpha 1
beta 0
parameter values
side "l", "r"
triangle "u", "l"
transpose "n", "t"
diagonal "u", "n"
m 64, 128, ..., 1024
n 64, 128, ..., 1024
alpha 1

Output files

The benchmarks can create reports as CSV or JSON files (or output text e.g to follow the execution in the console).

The JSON output contains more information, with a context and a benchmarks section as described below. The CSV output corresponds roughly to the benchmarks section of the JSON file described below (though some context information is printed as text before the actual CSV).


The context section is an object containing the following keys:

  • date: when the benchmarks start. Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
  • host_name: the value of $HOSTNAME
  • executable: relative path to the exectuable from where it was invoked
  • num_cpus, mhz_per_cpu, cpu_scaling_enabled, caches: information provided by the benchmark library. Not always relevant, especially if the CL device used is not the CPU.


The benchmarks section contains a list of objects corresponding to each tuple of parameters the benchmark has been run with. Every object contains the following keys:

  • name: name of the benchmark and parameters, separated by slashes, e.g BM_Gemm<float>/n/n/64/64/64
  • iterations: how many times the benchmark has been run
  • real_time: total time between the start and end of the benchmark
  • cpu_time: actual CPU time spent running the benchmark
  • time_unit: unit used for these times. Should be ns, if not please file an issue.
  • label: Contains the name of the benchmark backend (@backend : "portblas", "cublas" or "rocblas"), and target device related informations (device_name, device_version, driver_version etc..)
  • avg_event_time: the average of the CL/SYCL event times in nanoseconds. This time depends on the events returned by the BLAS functions used and might not be accurate in some cases
  • best_event_time: the best of the CL/SYCL event times in nanoseconds. See warning above.
  • avg_overall_time: the average wall time in nanoseconds (the wall time is the difference between the timestamps before and after running the blas operation).
  • best_overall_time: the best wall time in nanoseconds.
  • total_event_time: this is the event time of all iterations. Warning: the number of iterations is variable.
  • total_overall_time: this is the wall time of all iterations. Warning: the number of iterations is variable.
  • n_fl_ops: total number of floating-point operations. It is calculated theoretically based on the operations that we think the benchmark is doing.
  • bytes_processed: total number of bytes read and written in memory. It is calculated theoretically based on the operations that we think the benchmark is doing.
  • other operator-specific parameters that affect the computations (e.g m, n, k for GEMM, but alpha is skipped as it doens't affect the operation directly.)
  • some other keys from the benchmark library

Note: to calculate the performance in Gflops, you can divide n_fl_ops by one of the best or average time metrics, e.g avg_overall_time (the event and wall time usually converge for large dimensions).