This repo contains a Haskell implementation of the Colonies API, making it possible to implement Colonies executor and applications in Haskell.
The code below assigns a Colonies process and calculates the last number in a Fibonacci series.
module Main where
import CryptoLib
import ColoniesLib
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad (forever)
colonyId = "4787a5071856a4acf702b2ffcea422e3237a679c681314113d86139461290cf4"
executorPrvKey = "ddf7f7791208083b6a9ed975a72684f6406a269cfa36f1b1c32045c0a71fff05"
host = "http://localhost:50080"
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
executor :: IO ()
executor = do
-- Connect to the Colonies server and try to assign a process to execute from the job queue
-- Wait max 5 seconds for an assignment
maybeProcess <- assign colonyId 5 host executorPrvKey
if maybeProcess /= Nothing then do
-- Parse process parameters
let process = maybe createEmptyProcess id maybeProcess
func <- getFunc process
args <- getArgs process
if func == "fibonacci" then do
print "Got a Fibonacci func invocation"
let n = read $ head args :: Integer
let f = fib n
print $ "-> fib " ++ show n ++ "=" ++ show f
-- Create a an attribute
let attr = createAttribute process "output" $ show f
-- Connect to the Colnies server and add the add attribute to the process object
-- Note: addAddtribute will return Nothing in case of error, else a Just Attribute
maybeAddedAttr <- addAttribute attr host executorPrvKey
close process host executorPrvKey
print "Done calculating Fibonacci"
print "Invalid Func arg"
print "No process could be assigned"
main :: IO ()
main = forever executor
First, install Stack.
You need to have access to a Colonies server. On Linux, run the commands below to start a server. See the Colonies release page for Windows and Mac binaries.
git clone
cd colonies
source devenv
./bin/colonies dev
Start a Haskell executor (the example code). Note, you need to first install Stack and clone the repo.
stack run
./bin/colonies process run --func fibonacci --args 10 --targettype cli
INFO[0000] Starting a Colonies client Insecure=true ServerHost=localhost ServerPort=50080
INFO[0000] Process submitted ProcessID=da41231a1f30039edb5677a8084e5f1c605bc54e3e8fdec565170c4e4e8d23be
./bin/colonies process get --processid da41231a1f30039edb5677a8084e5f1c605bc54e3e8fdec565170c4e4e8d23be
| ID | da41231a1f30039edb5677a8084e5f1c605bc54e3e8fdec565170c4e4e8d23be |
| IsAssigned | True |
| AssignedExecutorID | 3fc05cf3df4b494e95d6a3d297a34f19938f7daa7422ab0d4f794454133341ac |
| State | Successful |
| Priority | 0 |
| SubmissionTime | 2022-07-11 23:46:19 |
| StartTime | 2022-07-11 23:46:19 |
| EndTime | 2022-07-11 23:46:19 |
| Deadline | 0001-01-01 01:12:12 |
| WaitingTime | 473.1ms |
| ProcessingTime | 9.766ms |
| Retries | 0 |
| Func | fibonacci |
| Args | 10 |
| MaxExecTime | -1 |
| MaxRetries | -1 |
| ColonyID | 4787a5071856a4acf702b2ffcea422e3237a679c681314113d86139461290cf4 |
| ExecutorIDs | None |
| ExecutorType | cli |
| a584cd5c51067bbdc492dba8361e4a362aacc39b0f9726d483741fd962d5b418 | output | 55 | Out |
./bin/colonies function exec --func fibonacci --args 10 --executortype cli --wait