This component renders MapboxGL
and provides full interactivity support.
It uses StaticMap
underneath to render the final map component.
This is the default
exported component from react-map-gl
import * as React from 'react';
import ReactMapGL from 'react-map-gl';
function App() {
const [viewport, setViewport] = React.useState({
longitude: -122.45,
latitude: 37.78,
zoom: 14
return (
<ReactMapGL {...viewport} width="100vw" height="100vh" onViewportChange={setViewport} />
Inherit the following props from StaticMap:
Inherit the following props from StaticMap:
(String | Object | Immutable.Map)width
(Number | String)height
(Number | String)latitude
Inherit the following props from StaticMap:
Accessor that returns a cursor style to show interactive state. Called when the component is being rendered.
- The current state of the component.state.isDragging
- If the map is being dragged.state.isHovering
- If the pointer is over an interactive feature. SeeinteractiveLayerIds
The default implementation of getCursor
returns 'pointer'
if isHovering
, 'grabbing'
if isDragging
and 'grab'
- default:
Max zoom level.
- default:
Min zoom level.
- default:
Max pitch in degrees.
- default:
Min pitch in degrees.
- default:
Enable scroll to zoom. If an object is provided, may contain the following options to customize the scroll zoom behavior:
(Number) - Multiplier for the wheel delta. Default0.01
(Boolean) - Smoothly transition to the new zoom. If enabled, will provide a slightly lagged but smoother experience. Defaultfalse
- default:
Enable drag to pan. If an object is provided, may contain the following options to customize its behavior:
(Number) - Enable momentum/inertia when the gesture ends. The value specifies after how long the panning comes to a stop, in milliseconds. Default300
- default:
Enable drag to rotate. If an object is provided, may contain the following options to customize its behavior:
(Number) - Enable momentum/inertia when the gesture ends. The value specifies after how long the rotation comes to a stop, in milliseconds. Default300
- default:
Enable double click to zoom.
- default:
Enable multitouch zoom. If an object is provided, may contain the following options to customize its behavior:
(Number) - Enable momentum/inertia when the gesture ends. The value specifies after how long the zooming comes to a stop, in milliseconds. Default300
- default:
Enable multitouch rotate, including two-finger rotation to change bearing and three-finger swipe to change pitch. If an object is provided, may contain the following options to customize its behavior:
(Number) - Enable momentum/inertia when the gesture ends. The value specifies after how long the rotation comes to a stop, in milliseconds. Default300
- default:
Enable keyboard navigation. If an object is provided, may contain the following options to customize its behavior:
(Number) - speed of zoom using +/- keys. Default2
(Number) - speed of movement using arrow keys, in pixels.rotateSpeedX
(Number) - speed of rotation using shift + left/right arrow keys, in degrees. Default15
(Number) - speed of rotation using shift + up/down arrow keys, in degrees. Default10
- default:
Allow browser default touch actions. Default none
. See hammer.js doc.
By default, the map captures all touch interactions. This prop is useful for mobile applications to unblock default scrolling behavior. For example, use the combination dragPan: false
and touchAction: 'pan-y'
to allow vertical page scroll when dragging over the map.
- default:
Set options for gesture recognition. My contain the following fields:
- an object that is Hammer.Pan options. This gesture is used for drag events.pinch
- an object that is Hammer.Pinch options This gesture is used for two-finger touch events.tripan
- an object that is Hammer.Pan options. This gesture is used for three-finger touch events.tap
- an object that is Hammer.Tap options. This gesture is used for theonClick
- an object that is Hammer.Tap options. This gesture is used for theonNativeClick
- an object that is Hammer.Tap options. This gesture is used for double click events.
For example, the following setting makes panning less sensitive and clicking easier on mobile:
const eventRecognizerOptions = isMobile ? {
pan: {threshold: 10},
tap: {threshold: 5}
} : {};
Note that the value of this prop is used once when the component mounts. Subsequent changes will be ignored.
- default:
Radius to detect features around a clicked point.
A map controller instance to replace the default map controller.
This object must implement the following interface:
- An array of subscribed eventshandleEvent(event, context)
- A method that handles interactive events
- default:
A list of layer ids that are interactive. If specified:
- Pointer event callbacks will only query the features under the pointer of these layers.
- The
callback will receiveisHovering: true
when hover over features of these layers.
If not specified:
- Pointer event callbacks will query the features under the pointer of all layers.
- The
callback will always receiveisHovering: false
- default:
Duration of transition in milliseconds. If specified, the map's viewport will smoothly move from the previous props to the current one.
- default:
new LinearInterpolator()
An interpolator object that defines the transition behavior between two map states. react-map-gl
offers two interpolators:
- similar to Mapbox'seaseTo
- similar to Mapbox'sflyTo
You may import them as follows:
import ReactMapGL, {LinearInterpolator, FlyToInterpolator} from 'react-map-gl';
<ReactMapGL transitionDuration={1000} transitionInterpolator={new FlyToInterpolator()}>
For details about using transition interpolators, see transitions.
- default:
t => t
Easing function that maps a value from [0, 1]
to [0, 1]
. Check out for common easing curves.
- default:
What to do if an ongoing transition is interrupted by another transition. There are 4 options:
- Start new transition from the current view.TRANSITION_EVENTS.SNAP_TO_END
- Jump to the end of the previous transition before starting the new transition.TRANSITION_EVENTS.IGNORE
- Complete the previous transition and ignore the new viewport change.TRANSITION_EVENTS.UPDATE
- Continue the ongoing transition but change its destination to the new viewport.
You may import the constants as follows:
import {TRANSITION_EVENTS} from 'react-map-gl';
Inherit the following props from StaticMap:
Callback that is fired when the map's viewport properties should be updated. If not supplied, the map is not interactive.
onViewportChange(viewState, interactionState, oldViewState);
(Object) The next viewport properties, including:width
(Object) The current interaction that caused this viewport change. SeeonInteractionStateChange
for possible fields.oldViewState
(Object) The current viewport properties.
A newer version of the onViewportChange
callback. Both are supported and provide equivalent functionality.
onViewStateChange({viewState, interactionState, oldViewState});
Callback that is fired when the user interacted with the map.
Possible fields include:
may be fired withoutonViewportChange
. For example, when the pointer is released at the end of a drag-pan,isDragging
are reset tofalse
, without the viewport'slongitude
Called when the mouse moves over the map (without button pressed). Receives a PointerEvent object.
Called when the map is single clicked. Receives a PointerEvent object. This event is not fired on double click therefore there may be a delay between pointer up and the event.
Called when the map is clicked. Receives a PointerEvent object. This event is fired twice on double click.
Called when the map is double clicked. Receives a PointerEvent object.
Called when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is pressed within the map. Receives a PointerEvent object.
Called when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is moved within the map. Receives a PointerEvent object.
Called when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is released within the map. Receives a PointerEvent object.
Called when a touchstart
event occurs within the map. Receives a PointerEvent object.
Called when a touchmove
event occurs within the map. Receives a PointerEvent object.
Called when a touchend
event occurs within the map. Receives a PointerEvent object.
Called when a pointing device (usually a mouse) enters a visible portion of one of the interactive layers, defined by the interactiveLayerIds
prop. Receives a PointerEvent object.
Called when a pointing device (usually a mouse) leaves a visible portion of one of the interactive layers, defined by the interactiveLayerIds
prop. Receives a PointerEvent object.
Called when a wheel
event occurs within the map. Receives a PointerEvent object.
Called when a point device (usually a mouse) leaves the map's canvas. Receives a PointerEvent object.
Called when the context menu is activated. Prevent default here to enable right button interaction.
Default: event => event.preventDefault()
Callback that is fired when a transition is triggered.
Callback that is fired when an ongoing transition is interrupted by another transition.
Callback that is fired when a transition is complete.
Inherit the following methods from StaticMap:
queryRenderedFeatures(geometry, parameters)