diff --git a/CanonicalDescription/test4/README.md b/CanonicalDescription/test4/README.md
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index 0000000..1f16076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CanonicalDescription/test4/README.md
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+Tests 3 : 2 reactors, 1 deployed at the start 1 at midpoint over 120 years
+120 year simulation, two reactors, fixed fuel recipe, first reactor operates for 120 years, second reactor starts at midpoint
+120 year simulation, 2 reactors, fixed fuel recipe, 120 years operation
+Reactor :
+* Type: LWR,
+* **Fuel**: UOX 3.25%w enriched uranium,
+* **Mass**: 82 tons (Oxyde Metal),
+* **Thermal Power**: 2875e6 W -- **Efficiency**: 34%,
+* **Discharge burn-up** : 43.03 GWd/tonne -- Full Cycle length 3y,
+* **Capacity factor**: 1,
+* **Suggested recipes**:
+ * **Fresh UOX** :
+ * 235U : 3.25%w
+ * 238U : 96.75%w
+ * 16O : 13.44%w \
+ * the %w are normalize to the quantity of uranium... but because the reactor fuel mass is given in oxyde metal, one provides also the corresponding oxygen quantity
+ * **Used UOX** @43.03 GWd/tonne (atomic):
+ * 234U : 0.00026%
+ * 235U : 0.52485%
+ * 236U : 0.41405%
+ * 238U : 89.33000%
+ * 238Pu : 0.02294%
+ * 239Pu : 0.54288%
+ * 240Pu : 0.24718%
+ * 241Pu : 0.15922%
+ * 242Pu : 0.08248%
+ * 241Am : 0.00399%
+ * 242Am* : 0.00008%
+ * 243Am : 0.01890%
+ * 242Cm : 0.00208%
+ * 243Cm : 0.00005%
+ * 244Cm : 0.00771%
+ * 245Cm : 0.00049%
+ * 237Np : 0.05255%
+ * 16O : 191.34628%
diff --git a/CanonicalDescription/test4/pb4.json b/CanonicalDescription/test4/pb4.json
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index 0000000..ad36251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CanonicalDescription/test4/pb4.json
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ "materials": {
+ "pwr_uox": {"attributes": {"recipe": true},
+ "constraints": [
+ ["U235", 3.25],
+ ["U238", 96.75],
+ ["O16", 13.44]],
+ "metadata": {}
+ },
+ "spent_pwr_uox":
+ {"attributes": {"recipe": false},
+ "constraints": [],
+ "metadata": {
+ "suggested_composition": [
+ ["U234", 0.00026],
+ ["U235", 0.52485],
+ ["U236", 0.41405],
+ ["U238", 89.33000],
+ ["PU238", 0.02294],
+ ["PU239", 0.54288],
+ ["PU240", 0.24718],
+ ["PU241", 0.15922],
+ ["PU242", 0.08248],
+ ["AM241", 0.00339],
+ ["AM242m", 0.00008],
+ ["AM243", 0.01890],
+ ["CM242", 0.00208],
+ ["CM243", 0.00005],
+ ["CM244", 0.00771],
+ ["CM245", 0.00049],
+ ["NP237", 0.05255],
+ ["O16", 191.34628]]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "facilities": {
+ "lwr_reactor_1": {
+ "metadata": {"type": "reactor"},
+ "attributes": {
+ "thermal_power": ["float", "GWt"],
+ "efficiency": ["float", "percent"],
+ "cycle_length": ["int", "EFPD"],
+ "capacity_factor": ["float", "percent"],
+ "lifetime": ["int", "year"],
+ "fuels": ["nea_pwr_uox"],
+ "batches": ["int", "", ["pwr_uox"]],
+ "core_loading": ["float", "tHM", ["pwr_uox"]],
+ "burnup": ["float", "GWd/tHM", ["pwr_uox"]],
+ "storage_time": ["int", "year", ["pwr_uox"]],
+ "cooling_time": ["int", "year", ["pwr_uox"]]
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ ["thermalPower", 2.8387],
+ ["efficiency", 34.0],
+ ["cycle_length", 365.25],
+ ["capacity_factor", 100],
+ ["lifetime", 120],
+ ["batches", 3, "pwr_uox"],
+ ["core_loading", 82, "pwr_uox"],
+ ["burnup", 43.03, "pwr_uox"],
+ ["storage_time", 0, "pwr_uox"],
+ ["cooling_time", 0, "pwr_uox"]],
+ "inputs": ["pwr_uox"],
+ "outputs": ["spent_pwr_uox"]
+ },
+ "lwr_reactor": {
+ "metadata": {"type": "reactor"},
+ "attributes": {
+ "thermal_power": ["float", "GWt"],
+ "efficiency": ["float", "percent"],
+ "cycle_length": ["int", "EFPD"],
+ "capacity_factor": ["float", "percent"],
+ "lifetime": ["int", "year"],
+ "fuels": ["nea_pwr_uox"],
+ "batches": ["int", "", ["pwr_uox"]],
+ "core_Loading": ["float", "tHM", ["pwr_uox"]],
+ "burnup": ["float", "GWd/tHM", ["pwr_uox"]],
+ "storage_time": ["int", "year", ["pwr_uox"]],
+ "cooling_time": ["int", "year", ["pwr_uox"]]
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ ["thermal_power", 2.8387],
+ ["efficiency", 34.0],
+ ["cycle+length", 365.25],
+ ["capacity_factor", 100],
+ ["lifetime", 120],
+ ["batches", 3, "pwr_uox"],
+ ["core_Loading", 82, "pwr_uox"],
+ ["burnup", 43.03, "pwr_uox"],
+ ["storage_time", 0, "pwr_uox"],
+ ["cooling_time", 0, "pwr_uox"]],
+ "inputs": ["pwr_uox"],
+ "outputs": ["spent_pwr_uox"]
+ },
+ "repository": {
+ "metadata": {
+ "type":"repository"
+ },
+ "attributes": {},
+ "constraints": [],
+ "inputs": ["spent_pwr_uox"]
+ }
+ },
+ "fuel_cycle": {
+ "attributes": {
+ "grid": "year",
+ "initial_conditions": {
+ "lwr_reactor_power": ["GWe", ["lwr_reactor"]],
+ "repository": 1
+ },
+ "demands": {}
+ },
+ "constraints": {
+ "grid": [0, 120],
+ "demands": {"lwr_reactor_power": {
+ "grid": [0, 120],
+ "growth": {
+ "type": "linear",
+ "period1": {
+ "start_time": 0,
+ "start_value": 1,
+ "slope": 0.017,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }