- Intro
- Creating a pod
- Listing pods
- Describing pods
- Accessing logs
- Connecting to a pod
- Editing a pod
- Deleting pods
- Creating multiple pods
- Watching pods
- Pods resources
- Pods events
A pod is a collection of (Docker) containers that share some resources - mainly the same network and file system. It comes from the observation that an application can be composed of different parts (proxy, frontend, backend, ...), each part being a container. And so it is easier to manipulate all those containers as one single entity: a Pod. So in Kubernetes, the basic entity that is deployed is a Pod.
Let's create some pods! For that, we will use the kubectl create
command. Let's start with its documentation:
$ kubectl create -h
So it tells us that we need a YAML or JSON file that represents the resource that we want to create. Usually people write YAML files for Kubernetes, but if you prefer JSON, that's ok - however note that everything in this hands-on will use YAML files.
We can find the definition of the resource types in the Kubernetes API Reference. The Pod reference is accessible directly from the left menu. The top-level fields are:
: each resource has akind
(its type):Namespace
, ... Remember that the list of all supported kinds is available usingkubectl api-resources
(see theKind
: we also need to specify the API version - for now, this isv1
, except for resources that came later (beta features for example)metadata
: thename
field of themetadata
is required - it is the name of the resourcespec
: this is where we can define each container that will be in our pod: its name, its docker image, ...
An alternative to the online documentation is to use the embedded documentation, using the kubectl explain
$ kubectl explain pod
Or to get the documentation of a sub-field: kubectl explain pod.spec
or even kubectl explain pod.spec.containers.image
The first exercice is to write a kubernetes-up-and-running-pod.yml
file that will be used to create a pod with a single container based on the gcr.io/kuar-demo/kuard-amd64:1 docker image (it is the companion application that comes with the Kubernetes Up and Running book - a must-read, btw). You can start with the following snippet, and write the spec
field value based on its definition:
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: kubernetes-up-and-running
Once you have something you feel comfortable with, it's time to create your pod !
$ kubectl create -f kubernetes-up-and-running-pod.yml
If it fails, fix your descriptor and try again ;-) The solution can be found at kubernetes-up-and-running-pod.yml
Good, so now you should have a running pod! You can see it by running:
$ kubectl get pods
Ok, time for a big side note about the get
command, and the others CRUD commands. Kubernetes has quite a few types of resources (you can list them with the kubectl api-resources
command), and the basic operations you will want to do on these resources are CRUD: Create/Read/Update/Delete. And there are commands mapped on these actions: kubectl get
, kubectl describe
, kubectl edit
, kubectl delete
. All those commands work in the same way: kubectl COMMAND RESOURCE [NAME]
. So once you know how kubectl get
works, it's mainly the same thing for its friends ;-)
So while kubectl get pods
will get you the list of pods, you can also get a single pod with:
$ kubectl get pod kubernetes-up-and-running
So, the output of the previous command is... not so much interesting, isn't it? But the kubectl get
command has a lot of nice options, that you can view with:
$ kubectl get -h
For example, you can get a YAML representation of the pod with:
$ kubectl get pod kubernetes-up-and-running -o yaml
(and the JSON-lovers can use -o json
We can see that the YAML definition is now quite more complex than what we gave to Kubernetes! This is because we just wrote the minimum required fields to have a valid descriptor, but then Kubernetes added some default values - and there are quite a few of them. You can go through the Pod definition in the Kubernetes API reference to read the documentation for some of those fields - for example the imagePullPolicy
or restartPolicy
Another nice alternative of the kubectl get
command for a single resource is the kubectl describe
$ kubectl describe pod kubernetes-up-and-running
Nice, isn't it? I knew you would love it ;-) The describe
output is made for humans, and aggregates data from multiple sources to present you a nice view.
Now let's have a look at the logs, with the kubectl logs
$ kubectl logs kubernetes-up-and-running
We can see that the kubernetes-up-and-running
application in our container listen on port 8080
Side node about logging: we can see the application's logs that way, because it writes logs to stdout
, which is the recommanded way to write logs in containers - see 12-factor apps for more on that topic. So basically kubectl logs
will connect you to the stdout
of your container.
Now, let's try to make an HTTP request to the application, to make sure that it's really deployed and available. We will use the kubectl port-forward
command to forward a local port to a remote port on our pod:
$ kubectl port-forward kubernetes-up-and-running 8080
This command will forward the local port 8080
to the remote port 8080
on the kubernetes-up-and-running
pod. So if we just open http://localhost:8080/ we can send an HTTP request to our application - and see the response.
Allright, that was easy: just one simple container in a pod. What about adding more containers? We will try to run 2 instances of the gcr.io/kuar-demo/kuard-amd64:1 docker image in the same pod:
write a duplicate-containers.yml
file for a pod named duplicate-containers
, and 2 containers named one
and two
based on the gcr.io/kuar-demo/kuard-amd64:1 docker image. The solution can be found at duplicate-containers.yml (but try to write it by your own first - that's the best way to learn)
Once it's done, create the pod (kubectl create -f ...
), and have a look at its status with the kubectl describe
command. You should notice that while a container is running fine, the other kept restarting (check the Restart Count
). So, let's have a look at the logs, with the kubectl logs
command... but it's not working now: Kubernetes is asking us for a container name! Back to the command's help with kubectl logs -h
, you will learn that we need to specify a container name, unless there is only 1 container in the pod.
Note that if you did setup the CLI completions, you can auto-complete the pod name and the containers names. Nice, isn't it? And if you didn't take the time to setup the completions, maybe you might want to reconsider now? ;-)
So the logs of the container one
- retrieved with kubectl logs duplicate-containers -c one
- are what we would expect:
Serving on HTTP on :8080
While the logs of the container two
- retrieved with kubectl logs duplicate-containers -c two
- are not what we expected:
Serving on HTTP on :8080
listen tcp :8080: bind: address already in use
Note that if the only output you get from the kubectl logs
command is:
Error from server: Internal error occurred: Pod "duplicate-containers" in namespace "hands-on": container "two" is in waiting state.
You just happened to have requested the container's logs while it was down. But don't worry, because the kubectl logs
has a nice option to help you with that: the kubectl logs -p
option can get you the logs of a previous container instance. So you just need to retry with kubectl logs duplicate-containers -c two -p
It is pretty clear from the logs output that the second container can't bind to the port 8080
because it is already in use - by the first container! If you are used to Docker this would seems strange to you, because you would expect each container to have its own network namespace, but remember that we are in a pod! And in a pod, all the containers share the same network namespace, as if all the applications were deployed on the same host.
So, we need a way to tell 1 of the 2 containers to run on a different port. Maybe the application supports some flags, so we can configure it easily? If only we could SSH into the container and run the --help
flag on the binary...
Fortunately, Kubernetes has the kubectl exec
command, that allows you to run a command inside a running container! You can see how it works by running kubectl exec -h
. For example, to start a Shell script on the container one
of the duplicate-containers
$ kubectl exec -it duplicate-containers -c one sh
So, we are now in a Shell inside the container. If you run ls
to inspect the filesystem, you can see the kuard
binary. Guess that's what we're looking for ;-) So let's see the list of supported flags by running ./kuard -h
. Hummm, --address
, with a default value of :8080
. That's what we need to change!
So we will configure the arguments passed to the binary when starting the second container, to use a different port. If we look at the Container definition in the Kubernetes API reference, we can see that there is an args
field, that can be set to an array of arguments to pass to the entrypoint. Let's try to edit the pod spec with the kubectl edit
$ kubectl edit pod duplicate-containers
This should open an editor with the YAML representation of the pod. Add an args
field to the Container definition for container two
. The solution can be found at duplicate-containers-with-custom-port.yml (don't worry if you have more fields when you run the kubectl edit
command: those other fields are auto-generated from default values) Save, and... you should get the following error:
error: pods "duplicate-containers" is invalid
and in the editor, in can see a more explicit error message:
pods "duplicate-containers" was not valid:
* spec: Forbidden: pod updates may not change fields other than `spec.containers[*].image`, `spec.initContainers[*].image`, `spec.activeDeadlineSeconds` or `spec.tolerations` (only additions to existing tolerations)
Ok, so it seems like Kubernetes really doesn't want us to update the definition of a running pod (that's why we are going to use replicasets and deployments - but more on that later). We'll need to delete it, and re-create it.
But before, time for another side note about the editor used to edit resources. Editing resources on Kubernetes is something you will do a lot, so you might want to use an editor you are familiar with. For example, I prefer to use Visual Studio Code to edit resources, so I defined it as my Kubernetes editor with the KUBE_EDITOR
environment variable:
export KUBE_EDITOR='code -w'
(the -w
, or --wait
flag, is used to "wait for the files to be closed before returning", which is exactly what we want, because once the editor returns, kubectl
will send the content of the file to the API server)
So, back to our pods: let's just remove this pod with the kubectl delete
$ kubectl delete pod duplicate-containers
and re-create it from the duplicate-containers-with-custom-port.yml file, with the kubectl create
$ kubectl create -f duplicate-containers-with-custom-port.yml
and make sure that this time it is working. The kubectl describe
command should tell you that the second container has the right arguments, and if you have a look at the logs you can confirm that the application is listening on the right port.
Now let's delete our duplicate-containers
pod. We can use the kubectl delete
command again:
$ kubectl delete pod duplicate-containers
and then check with kubectl get pods
that it is gone. You should have only 1 pod: the kubernetes-up-and-running
Now, what if we wanted to deploy more than 1 instance of our kubernetes-up-and-running
pod? Let's see if we can just create a second pod, based on the same kubernetes-up-and-running-pod.yml
descriptor file. Because it's a different pod, we shouldn't have any port-conflict issue.
$ kubectl create -f kubernetes-up-and-running-pod.yml
And... no! we can't just create multiple instances of the same pod, because each name needs to be unique. So what is the solution? Hack the descriptor file to change the name each time we want to deploy a new instance of the same pod? Or find an alternative in the Pod's metadata documentation? So let's create a new descriptor file kubernetes-up-and-running-generic-pod.yml
but with a different metadata
section, so that we can deploy the same pod multiple times. The solution can be found at kubernetes-up-and-running-generic-pod.yml. Then, create a first pod based on this new file:
$ kubectl create -f kubernetes-up-and-running-generic-pod.yml
Check with the kubectl get pods
command... You now have a new pod with a random name, thanks to the generateName
field. So we should now be able to create more than 1 instance of this pod! Go, test it by running multiple times the latest kubectl create
command, and check the result with the kubectl get pods
You can even see live the new pods being deployed, if you "watch" for changes, using the -w
(or --watch
) flag on kubectl get
: in a terminal, run the following command:
$ kubectl get pods -w
It will list the current pods, but won't return right away. Leave it running, and in another terminal, create one more pod, and then come back to the previous terminal. You should see new output, with a new pod name, and different statuses each time: that's because Kubernetes will tell you each time the pod has changed.
But in fact you won't manually create pods like that. Instead you will use more high-levels concepts, like the replicaset, that we will see in the next section.
But before, we'll look at one more features of the pods: the resources. You might know that one of the benefits we get from containers is better resources management: you can limit the resources used by a specific container, so that it doesn't take all the resources of the underlying host.
Kubernetes allows you to define both:
- requested resources: the minimum (CPU / memory / ...) resources that your container will need to run. Kubernetes will use this to deploy your pod on a host with sufficient available resources.
- limit resources: the maximum (CPU / memory / ...) resources that your container will be able to use.
You can read more about resources management in the Kubernetes documentation.
So, let's play with resources, and we'll start with limits: we'll write a new YAML file based on the kubernetes-up-and-running-generic-pod.yml
file, but we a memory limit of 256 MB (256M
) for the container. Note that the resources are defined at the container-level, not at the pod-level. You can find the solution in the kubernetes-up-and-running-pod-with-limits.yml file.
Create the pod, and check the output of the kubectl describe
for example, to make sure that the new settings have been applied. You should see
memory: 256M
memory: 256M
The first interesting thing is that while we didn't specify any "requested" resources, it seems like some have been applied for us. That's because if you ask for some limit, but no requests, Kubernetes will set the requests to the value of the limit.
Now, let's see what happens if we eat more than 256 MB of memory. Use the kubectl port-forward
command to connect to the pod's HTTP port, navigate to the Memory page at http://localhost:8080/-/mem, and click on the "Allocate 500 MiB" link. Hum... something happens, like a connection issue warning, but then... nothing. So what did really happen ? The output says we're still using only a few MB. Is there a bug in the application? Or in Kubernetes?
Let's try to list our pods again, with kubectl get pods
. Notice something? The RESTARTS column has a value of 1
for our pod. So it did restart for some reason...
Let's run the kubectl get pods -w
command to see what's happening, and click again on the "Allocate 500 MiB" link in the application's UI. This time we can see something really interesting in the output of kubectl
kubernetes-up-and-running-with-limits-clb5k 0/1 OOMKilled 1 32s
kubernetes-up-and-running-with-limits-clb5k 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 1 43s
kubernetes-up-and-running-with-limits-clb5k 1/1 Running 2 44s
So our container got killed by the OOM (Out-Of-Memory) Killer, which is responsible for killing processes that eat too much memory. Kubernetes than restarted it. This is what happens if you're trying to use more memory than the configured limit. For CPU, well, you just won't be able to use more CPU than configured, but it won't restart your container.
Now, let's play with requests instead of limits: write another YAML file, but this time with a request of 32 CPUs for example (something big enough). You can find the solution in the kubernetes-up-and-running-pod-with-requests.yml file.
Create the pod, and check the output of the kubectl describe
for example, to make sure that the new settings have been applied. The first thing your might notice, is that the output is much smaller than for other pods. And it's status is set to Pending
. If you look at the bottom of the output, you can see an Events section:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning FailedScheduling 13s (x6 over 28s) default-scheduler 0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient cpu.
So clearly our pod couldn't be scheduled to a node, because Kubernetes couldn't find a node with sufficient resources (CPU). It will retry until either the finds a node with enough resources, or the pod is killed. There are usually 2 ways to find a node with enough resources:
- delete running pods, until there is enough free resources for the new pod to run
- or add a new node. This is usually a manual operation, but on Cloud-operated Kubernetes clusters, for example GKE, it can be done automatically: you setup a node-pool with the auto-scaling feature enabled, and when Kubernetes will fail to schedule a pod on an existing node, it will try to create a new node.
This is why it is very important to always define requests and limits for both CPU and memory, with something like:
- name: ...
cpu: 500m
memory: 256M
cpu: 2
memory: 1024M
Not setting the right requests/limits resoureces on your pods will not only affect you, but also all other users of the Kubernetes cluster.
Note that in this hands-on we won't define the pods resources, to keep descriptors as minimal as possible, but in real life you should always do it. And some IDE integrations will warn you if you don't do it.
One more thing before closing this chapter on pods: we just saw that there are pod-related events. In fact, in Kubernetes, there are events for everything. You can see them as any other resource, using kubectl get
$ kubectl get events
That's a good way to see what is happening - and something you will use often to understand why something didn't happened the way you expected it to happen! Just remember that this command list all the events, this is why the kubectl describe
is so nice: it automatically filters only the events related to the pod you are interested in.
So, time for cleanup before we move on. Let's remove all the pods we created in the current namespace:
$ kubectl delete pods --all
And get on with the next step: have some fun with replicasets!