diff --git a/dicee/scripts/run.py b/dicee/scripts/run.py
index 20ad784f..f0a6fbbe 100755
--- a/dicee/scripts/run.py
+++ b/dicee/scripts/run.py
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ def get_default_arguments(description=None):
                         help='{"PPE":{ "last_percent_to_consider": 10}}'
                              '"Perturb": {"level": "out", "ratio": 0.2, "method": "RN", "scaler": 0.3}')
-    parser.add_argument("--trainer", type=str, default='TP',
+    parser.add_argument("--trainer", type=str, default='PL',
                         choices=['torchCPUTrainer', 'PL', 'torchDDP', "TP"],
                         help='PL (pytorch lightning trainer), torchDDP (custom ddp), torchCPUTrainer (custom cpu only), MP (Model Paralelisim)')
-    parser.add_argument('--scoring_technique', default="KvsSample",
+    parser.add_argument('--scoring_technique', default="NegSample",
                         help="Training technique for knowledge graph embedding model",
                         choices=["AllvsAll", "KvsAll", "1vsAll", "NegSample", "1vsSample", "KvsSample"])
-    parser.add_argument('--neg_ratio', type=int, default=10,
+    parser.add_argument('--neg_ratio', type=int, default=2,
                         help='The number of negative triples generated per positive triple.')
     parser.add_argument('--weight_decay', type=float, default=0.0, help='L2 penalty e.g.(0.00001)')
     parser.add_argument('--input_dropout_rate', type=float, default=0.0)
diff --git a/dicee/trainer/model_parallelism.py b/dicee/trainer/model_parallelism.py
index bac1b9f6..b0cb758d 100644
--- a/dicee/trainer/model_parallelism.py
+++ b/dicee/trainer/model_parallelism.py
@@ -26,17 +26,22 @@ def extract_input_outputs(z: list, device=None):
 def find_good_batch_size(train_loader,tp_ensemble_model):
-    # () Initial batch size
+    # () Initial batch size.
+    # () # of training data points.
+    # () Batch is large enough.
     if initial_batch_size >= training_dataset_size:
         return training_dataset_size, None
+    # () Log the number of training data points.
     print("Number of training data points:",training_dataset_size)
     def increase_batch_size_until_cuda_out_of_memory(ensemble_model, train_loader, batch_size,delta: int = None):
-        assert delta is not None, "delta must be positive integer"
+        assert delta is not None, "delta cannot be None."
+        assert isinstance(delta, int), "delta must be a positive integer."
+        # () Store the batch sizes and GPU memory usages in a tuple.
         batch_sizes_and_mem_usages = []
-        num_datapoints = len(train_loader.dataset)
+        # () Increase the batch size until a stopping criterion is reached.
             while True:
@@ -62,22 +67,27 @@ def increase_batch_size_until_cuda_out_of_memory(ensemble_model, train_loader, b
                 global_free_memory, total_memory = torch.cuda.mem_get_info(device="cuda:0")
                 percentage_used_gpu_memory = (total_memory - global_free_memory) / total_memory
                 print(f"Random Batch Loss: {batch_loss:0.4}\tGPU Usage: {percentage_used_gpu_memory:0.3}\tRuntime: {rt:.3f}\tBatch Size: {batch_size}")
-                global_free_memory, total_memory = torch.cuda.mem_get_info(device="cuda:0")
-                percentage_used_gpu_memory = (total_memory - global_free_memory) / total_memory
                 # Store the batch size and the runtime
                 batch_sizes_and_mem_usages.append((batch_size, rt))
-                if batch_size < num_datapoints:
+                # ()
+                # https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/21819
+                # CD: as we reach close to 1.0 GPU memory usage, we observe RuntimeError: CUDA error: an illegal memory access was encountered.
+                # CD: To avoid this problem, we add the following condition as a temp solution.
+                if percentage_used_gpu_memory > 0.9:
+                    # Mimik out of memory error
+                    return batch_sizes_and_mem_usages, False
+                if batch_size < training_dataset_size:
                     # Increase the batch size.
                     batch_size += int(batch_size / delta)
                     return batch_sizes_and_mem_usages,True
-        except torch.OutOfMemoryError:
-            print(f"torch.OutOfMemoryError caught!")
+        except torch.OutOfMemoryError as e:
+            print(f"torch.OutOfMemoryError caught! {e}")
             return batch_sizes_and_mem_usages, False
@@ -91,8 +101,11 @@ def increase_batch_size_until_cuda_out_of_memory(ensemble_model, train_loader, b
         if flag:
             batch_size, batch_rt = history_batch_sizes_and_mem_usages[-1]
+            assert len(history_batch_sizes_and_mem_usages)>2, "GPU memory errorin the first try"
             # CUDA ERROR Observed 
             batch_size, batch_rt=history_batch_sizes_and_mem_usages[-2]
+            # https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/21819
+            break
         if batch_size>=training_dataset_size: