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How to deploy?

Tim Ermilov edited this page Oct 11, 2019 · 3 revisions

Deploying manually

  1. Add your data to develop branch and push it to the repo
  2. Open a pull request from develop branch to master branch
    1. Use "New pull request" button in Github UI
    2. Base branch: master, compare: develop
    3. Describe what / why are you deploying
  3. Wait for all the checks to pass
  4. Hit "Merge" button

After successful merge, the website will be automatically re-deployed to live domain in the next ~5-10 minutes.

Scheduled deploys

This repo also includes scheduled Deploy Github Action. It is triggered every Sunday at 00:00 from master branch. This is required to updated papers on the website from .bib file since they are statically compiled on every deployment.