NemeStats is completely open source and 100% community driven. We are always looking for contributors with the following skills:
- Software Development - HTML/JavaScript/CSS/ASP.NET MVC and WebAPI, or quite frankly anything else! We could use API clients in various languages, integrations with other open source solutions, and an Android App :)
- Marketing / Analytics / Lean Startup Thinking - We really need help raising awareness of NemeStats, understanding what the community needs, measuring adoption, etc.
- UX / Graphic Design - We could always use help with improving the user experience of NemeStats.
If you would like contribute to the NemeStats code base please follow the steps below. If you have any questions or issues please contact us at [email protected].
- Pull down source code
- You'll have to create a file in the root of your UI project called PrivateAppSettings.config (e.g.
) that has settings for keys that we don't want checked into source control. If you are serious about contributing something, we can send you this file to include locally. If you are just playing around then below is a version that should let you at least run the project. PrivateAppSettings.config example settings
<add key="Database.ConnectionString" value="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=NerdScorekeeper;Integrated Security=True" />
<add key="Rollbar.AccessToken" value="f7d858b2d08a47b98f9ab19f9e27516c" />
<add key="Rollbar.Environment" value="development" />
<add key="UniversalAnalytics.TrackingId" value="UA-52982625-4" />
<add key="GoogleTagManager.TrackingId" value="GTM-5RBDXK" />
<add key="googleAppId" value="" />
<add key="googleClientSecret" value="rEWsFL0AKxKODzJpNR6X4A2f" />
<add key="emailServiceUserName" value="not provided -- emails wont send when running this locally" />
<add key="emailServicePassword" value="not provided -- emails wont send when running this locally" />
<add key="emailConfirmationCallbackUrl" value="https://localhost:44300/Account/ConfirmEmail" />
<add key="authTokenSalt" value="A3BCDF34-BA8C-4A02-92CA-AAACDF7993F3"/>
- Make sure you have an instance of SQL Server or SQL Express running locally, then go to package manager console and run "update-database -ProjectName BusinessLogic". This should create your database and apply all of the migrations to get it current. If it doesn't create the database then just create a local database called "Nerdscorekeeper" and then try running the command again.
We are trying to keep things simple with our JavaScript. The idea is to use the "Namespace" pattern when writing new javascript files because of the clean syntax.
- Please use the "Namespace()" function from the "Namespace.js" library to define new namespaces. The namespace should be set to the location of the .js file. Please check the code for examples.
- The scripts that have a dependency on a *.cshtml file should be named after them. Scripts that are meant to be reusable and shared between multiple .cshtml files should be done in the form of jQuery plugins and the file name has to make sense based on the functionality intended.
- The following JavaScript example captures the essence of the pattern. It is for the Create.cshtml view of the GameDefinition controller.
Namespace("Views.GameDefinition"); //A function that is able to generate or retrieve an existing namespace
Views.GameDefinition.Create = function () {
var $form = null; //We use the $ character in front of variables to indicate that they are elements selected with jQuery
var $gameNameInput = null;
var $boardGameId = null;
Views.GameDefinition.Create.prototype = {
init: function () {
this.$form = $("form");
this.$gameNameInput = $("#gameNameInput");
this.$boardGameId = $("#boardGameId");
var gameDefinitionAutoComplete = new Views.GameDefinition.GameDefinitionAutoComplete();
gameDefinitionAutoComplete.init(this.$gameNameInput, this.$boardGameId);
//you can put more functions here ...
//this is a simple example how you can use the game definition "Create" script
$(document).ready(function () {
var gameDefinitionCreator = new Views.GameDefinition.Create();
- Please put all your jQuery plugins in the UI/Scripts/Plugins folder
- Try to keep separation of concerns in mind and put your JavaScript only in .js files
- Let us know if you have questions or you see code that doesn't conform to the conventions.
- Have fun!
We're using Node Package Manager (npm) for the CSS frameworks. In the repo exists the compiled css and fonts but, if you want to change some style, you need to follow this steps.
- Install nodeJS in your computer:
- Execute the node console and navigate to the UI project folder.
- Execute 'node install'
- To start watch and compile task: 'grunt'
- Install nodeJS in your computer:
- Install "Task Runner Explorer" extension in your Visual Studio:
- Open Visual Studio and open "UI/package.json". Then change anything and save the file to start the dependencies download.
- To start watch and compile task, open the Task Runner Explorer view (View => Other Windows => Task Runner Explorer). In the Task Runner Explorer window execute (double click) the task "default". Now any changes you make to .scss files will automatically trigger css files to recompile.
Following both steps you have already installed all the dependecies in "node_components" folder (ignored in .gitignore) and executing the watch and compile sass grunt task. Now, when you change any .scss file, the grunt task will detect it and compile the sass files to the /css destination folder.
NemeStats uses T4MVC to provide strong types and names for controllers, actions, and views. If you create new controllers or views, or modify the signature of controller actions then you'll need to go to the root of the UI folder, right click on "" => Run Custom Tool for the appropriate generated classes to update.
If you want to add or improve a feature, it would probably be best to run it by us via slack: or email at [email protected]. To get your code incorporated into the code base, you'll need to submit a pull request which will be checked out by the team. All business logic should be unit tested using nUnit and Rhino Mocks/Rhino Auto Mocker (if you need mocking).
If you run into any issues or need help getting NemeStats running locally or have other questions about contributing, just email us at [email protected] and we'd be happy to help!