The in this directory came with the repo we forked this from. This README file contains instructions specific to DxE's usage.
Use the devcontainer configuration in this project to avoid installing Jekyll and Node on your personal computer.
To deploy this project, update the cachebusting args as instructed in the main
README, run pnpm run build
and copy the contents of the _site
directory of
this repo to the frame-generator
directory of our
static-s3 repo, and follow the S3 repo's
instructions for deploying to AWS S3.
# Remember to update cachebust args!
jekyll build
pnpm run build
rm -rf ../static-s3/frame-generator/ --preserve root
cp -r _site/ ../static-s3/frame-generator/
cd ../static-s3/frame-generator/
git add .
git status
git commit -m "Update avatar-framer"
# Remember to 'git push'
cd ../../avatar-framer