- Create a new brand in Sendy.
- Create a new list for the brand.
- Add custom fields to the list (FirstName, Zip, City, State, Phone).
- Add the List ID and Radius to the ADB.
- Test that new petition signups are added to the list.
- Make a list of zip codes to add existing subscribers to the list.
- Query the Sendy database to find people in those zip codes and export to CSV.
SUBSTRING_INDEX((SUBSTRING_INDEX(custom_fields, '%s%', 6)), '%s%', -1) as zip,
SUBSTRING_INDEX((SUBSTRING_INDEX(custom_fields, '%s%', 10)), '%s%', -1) as chapter
list = 2
and subscribers.bounced = 0
and subscribers.unsubscribed = 0
and subscribers.bounce_soft = 0
and subscribers.complaint = 0
and SUBSTRING_INDEX((SUBSTRING_INDEX(custom_fields, '%s%', 6)), '%s%', -1) in (
"90014","90013","90071","90030" # UPDATE THIS LIST
- Edit the CSV to set the Chapter value to match the ADB.
- Import the CSV back into the Sendy GLOBAL list to update their Chapter. (IMPORTANT: Leave all other fields except name & email blank to skip updating them.)
- Make a temporary segment on the Global list to find everyone with their Chapter value set to the new chapter. Export it to CSV, then delete the segment.
- Import the CSV into the new chapter's list for their own brand.
- Send onboarding instructions to an organizer from the chapter.