Releases: earth-system-radiation/rte-rrtmgp
(Re-)release for 10.1029/2019MS001621
This commit was used to create data used in the journal article Pincus, R., E.J. Mlawer, and J.S. Delamere, 2019: Balancing accuracy, efficiency, and flexibility in radiation calculations for dynamical models. doi:10.1029/2019MS001621.
This tag points to the same commit as v1.0 but is needed to trigger Zenodo to mint a DOI.
This commit was used to create data used in the journal article Pincus, R., E.J. Mlawer, and J.S. Delamere, 2019: Balancing accuracy, efficiency, and flexibility in radiation calculations for dynamical models. doi:10.1029/2019MS001621.
The code in this state was used to produce results in the original, submitted version of the manuscript "Balancing accuracy, efficiency, and flexibility in radiation calculations for dynamical models" by Robert Pincus, Eli J. Mlawer, and Jennifer S. Delemere.