Date: April 13, 2020
- @bnb
- @cruzerld
- @erickzhao
- @felixrieseberg
- @MarshallOfSound
- @sofianguy
- @vertedinde
- @VerteDinde as the new lead for the working group
- ...and approved!
- Anton's move is approved, too!
- OpenJS Case Studies (@felixrieseberg)
- To show that Electron is serious and used by serious apps (Messenger, Skype, Slack, Teams, VSCode, etc. etc.)
- @bnb has worked for case studies on Node.js before. The end goal for these things is marketing the projects, and being able to say "Electron works for these big companies, why not you?"
- Are these case studies used for some kind of post?
- They're supposed to end up on
- Who's excited? Only Notion so far. (Many companies not able to talk about it.)
- @sofianguy: Zeke used to make "project of the week" blog posts. We could kick that up again?
- Requirements: see #wg-outreach spreadsheet.
- @felixrieseberg: Easy alternative for us is to screenshot apps that use Electron and add them to our homepage.
- Contributor Training survey results: too late? Survey participation is usually low, so it's unfortunate (but understandable) that we only had 1 respondent.
- Pain point that we already know: many companies using Electron don't have the free time to contribute back to OSS if their company doesn't consider it part of their job.
- Conclusion: Not that many people ended up contributing to Electron. The WhatsApp folks contributed some meaningful PRs, though.
- Conclusion: We should table discussion on any Contributor Training until after the COVID-19 pandemic has blown over. Maybe talk about it at the next Maintainer summit?
- /r/electronjs Subreddit
- Nothing has been done yet, but we have control!
- @erickzhao will join the moderation team (?)
- @felixrieseberg will fix the homepage (along with adding app screenshots).
- Switching Twitter account email
- @codebytere/@groundwater are working on it. @bnb will follow up with them today.