Front End Catalog for ecommerce shops
Built with React JS
This is the first part of the eshop. There are 4 parts total
- Supports products, categories, manufacturers, accounts
- Connects with a back end for data communication
Brief description of folders usage in this tree
The pages folder holds the basic html and main components Individual sections can be found in the the Modules folder The Services folder is utilized by each component via a custom reducer Arbitrary Communication among components can be established with the standard react read properties or context or an external global library in few cases for specific subscriptions. State management is customized see the state management section below
- storeContext.js - action handling and state control
- useCustomHooks.js - custom hooks, custom reducers
- api.js Communication with the back-end
- cartStorage.js - Shopping Cart support
- checkout.js - Checkout support
- currency.js - Dynamic currency calculation
- serverCache.js - Caches back-end data
- customer.js - Customer related services
- Layout Configuration is retrieved from the back-end and stored in local storage during startup
- Page Routing is ln the routing.json section