This is a React(Next js) web application repository with a figma design. you can check out the design Here
| .babelrc
| .eslintrc.json
| .gitignore
| next.config.js
| output.doc
| package-lock.json
| package.json
| postcss.config.js
| tailwind.config.js
| fetchApi.js
| | index.js
| | SearchFilters.jsx
| |
| +---Connect
| | Connect.jsx
| | index.js
| |
| +---Discover
| | Discover.jsx
| | ImageHolder.jsx
| | index.js
| |
| +---FeaturedProperties
| | FeaturedProperties.jsx
| | index.js
| | Property.jsx
| |
| +---Footer
| | Footer.jsx
| | index.js
| | LinkColumn.jsx
| | SocialMedia.jsx
| |
| +---Layout
| | index.js
| | Layout.jsx
| |
| +---Main
| | index.js
| | InputForm.jsx
| | InputHolder.jsx
| | Main.jsx
| |
| +---Navbar
| | | DropDown.jsx
| | | index.js
| | | LinkHandler.jsx
| | | Navbar.jsx
| | |
| | \---MobileNavbar
| | index.js
| | MobileNavbar.jsx
| |
| +---OurServices
| | index.js
| | OurServices.jsx
| |
| +---PeopleSection
| | index.js
| | PeopleSection.jsx
| |
| \---SwiperHandler
| SwiperHandler.jsx
| discoverOptions.js
| dropDownOptions.js
| filterData.js
| footerOptions.js
| mobileNavbarOptions.js
| options.js
| OurServicesOptions.js
| | 404.js
| | index.js
| | search.js
| | _app.js
| |
| \---property
| [id].js
| | favicon.ico
| |
| \---Images
| ...
1: npm install
2: npm run dev