This specification document based on opset7 operation set supported in OpenVINO.
Examples of operation instances are expressed as IR V10 xml snippets. Such IR is generated by the Model Optimizer.
The semantics match corresponding nGraph operation classes declared in namespace opset7
NOTE: ARM plugin doesn't support operations with dynamic shape.
Layers | ARM plugin |
Abs | Supported |
Acos | Supported** |
Acosh | Supported** |
Add | Supported |
Asin | Supported** |
Asinh | Supported** |
Assign | Not Supported |
Atan | Supported** |
Atanh | Supported** |
AvgPool | Supported*** |
BatchNormInference | Supported |
BatchToSpace | Supported* |
BinaryConvolution | Not Supported |
Broadcast | Supported |
Bucketize | Supported** |
CTCGreedyDecoder | Supported** |
CTCGreedyDecoderSeqLen | Supported** |
CTCLoss | Supported** |
Ceiling | Supported |
Clamp | Supported |
Concat | Supported |
Constant | Supported |
Convert | Supported* |
ConvertLike | Supported* |
Convolution | Supported*** |
ConvolutionBackpropData | Supported** |
Cos | Supported** |
Cosh | Supported** |
CumSum | Supported** |
DeformableConvolution | Not Supported |
DeformablePSROIPooling | Not Supported |
DepthToSpace | Supported* |
DetectionOutput | Supported** |
DFT | Not Supported |
Divide | Supported |
Elu | Supported |
EmbeddingBagOffsetsSum | Supported** |
EmbeddingBagPackedSum | Supported** |
EmbeddingSegmentsSum | Supported** |
Equal | Supported* |
Erf | Supported** |
Exp | Supported |
ExperimentalDetectronDetectionOutput_6 | Not Supported |
ExperimentalDetectronGenerateProposalsSingleImage_6 | Not Supported |
ExperimentalDetectronPriorGridGenerator_6 | Not Supported |
ExperimentalDetectronROIFeatureExtractor_6 | Not Supported |
ExperimentalDetectronTopKROIs_6 | Not Supported |
ExtractImagePatches | Not Supported |
FakeQuantize | Not Supported |
Floor | Supported |
FloorMod | Supported** |
Gather | Supported* |
GatherElements | Supported** |
GatherND_5 | Supported** |
GatherTree | Supported** |
Gelu | Supported** |
Greater | Supported |
GreaterEqual | Supported |
GRN | Supported |
GroupConvolution | Supported*** |
GroupConvolutionBackpropData | Supported** |
GRUCell | Supported |
GRUSequence | Supported** |
HardSigmoid | Supported** |
HSigmoid | Supported** |
HSwish | Supported |
IDFT | Not Supported |
Interpolate | Supported* |
Less | Supported* |
LessEqual | Supported* |
Log | Supported |
LogicalAnd | Supported |
LogicalNot | Supported |
LogicalOr | Supported |
LogicalXor | Supported |
LogSoftmax | Supported |
Loop | Not Supported |
LRN | Supported* |
LSTMCell | Supported |
LSTMSequence | Supported** |
MatMul | Supported |
MaxPool | Supported*** |
Maximum | Supported |
Minimum | Supported |
Mish | Supported |
Mod | Supported* |
MVN | Supported* |
Multiply | Supported |
Negative | Supported |
NonMaxSuppression | Supported** |
NonZero | Not Supported |
NormalizeL2 | Supported* |
NotEqual | Supported* |
OneHot | Supported** |
Pad | Supported* |
Parameter | Supported |
Power | Supported |
PReLU | Supported |
PriorBoxClustered | Supported |
PriorBox | Supported |
Proposal | Supported** |
PSROIPooling | Supported** |
Range | Not Supported |
ReLU | Supported |
ReadValue | Not Supported |
ReduceL1 | Supported |
ReduceL2 | Supported |
ReduceLogicalAnd | Supported** |
ReduceLogicalOr | Supported** |
ReduceMax | Supported |
ReduceMean | Supported |
ReduceMin | Supported |
ReduceProd | Supported |
ReduceSum | Supported |
RegionYolo | Supported** |
ReorgYolo | Supported |
Reshape | Supported |
Result | Supported |
ReverseSequence | Supported** |
RNNCell | Supported |
RNNSequence | Supported** |
ROIAlign | Supported** |
ROIPooling | Supported** |
Roll | Not Supported |
Round | Supported* |
ScatterElementsUpdate | Supported** |
ScatterNDUpdate | Supported** |
ScatterUpdate | Supported** |
Select | Supported |
Selu | Supported** |
ShapeOf | Not Supported |
ShuffleChannels | Supported |
Sigmoid | Supported |
Sign | Supported |
Sin | Supported |
Sinh | Supported** |
SoftMax | Supported |
SoftPlus | Supported |
SpaceToBatch | Supported* |
SpaceToDepth | Supported* |
Split | Supported |
Sqrt | Supported |
SquaredDifference | Supported |
Squeeze | Supported |
StridedSlice | Supported* |
Subtract | Supported |
Swish | Supported |
Tan | Supported** |
Tanh | Supported |
TensorIterator | Supported |
Tile | Supported |
TopK | Supported** |
Transpose | Supported* |
Unsqueeze | Supported |
VariadicSplit | Supported |
*- support is limited to the specific parameters. Refer to "Known Layers Limitation" section.
**- support is implemented via ngraph::reference
***- supports only 4D tensors.
layer is supported 4D tensors only and constant nodes:block_shape
= 1 andC
= 1,crops_begin
with zero values andcrops_end
with zero values. -
layer is supported via arm_compute library with configuration: src data type -> dst data type- U8 -> U16, S16, S32
- U16 -> U8, U32
- S16 -> U8, S32
- F16 -> F32
for another cases layer is implemented via
. -
layer is supported configuration like'Convert'
. -
layer is supported 4D tensors only and forBLOCKS_FIRST
attribute. -
doesn't supportbroadcast
for inputs. -
layer is supported constant scalar or 1D indices axes only. -
layer is supported 4D tensors and zero value of'pads_begin'
attributes only. -
doesn't supportbroadcast
for inputs. -
doesn't supportbroadcast
for inputs. -
layer is supportedaxes = {1}
oraxes = {2, 3}
only. -
layer is supported for FP32 only. -
layer is supported via arm_compute library for 2D inputs andfalse
value of'normalize_variance'
value of'across_channels'
, for another cases layer is implemented viangraph::reference
. -
layer is supported via arm_compute library withMAX
value of'eps_mode'
andaxes = {2 | 3}
, and forADD
value of'eps_mode'
layer uses'DecomposeNormalizeL2Add'
, for another cases layer is implemented viangraph::reference
. -
doesn't supportbroadcast
for inputs. -
layer works with'pad_mode' = {REFLECT | CONSTANT | SYMMETRIC}
parameters only. -
layer is supported via arm_compute library withRoundMode::HALF_AWAY_FROM_ZERO
value ofmode
, for another cases layer is implemented viangraph::reference
. -
layer is supported 4D tensors only and constant nodes:shapes
with zero paddings for batch or channels and one valuesshapes
for batch and channels. -
layer is supported 4D tensors only and forBLOCKS_FIRST
attribute. -
layer is supported via arm_compute library for tensors with dims < 5 and zero values ofellipsis_mask
or zero values ofnew_axis_mask
, for another cases layer is implemented viangraph::reference
. -
layer is supported via arm_compute library for tensors with dims < 5, for another cases layer is implemented viangraph::reference