- Interactive map
- Nav bar with search
- include relevant links
- bring user back to main page
- Add rapper pins to map
- add basic info box for selected rapper
- redux store to maintain state
- include rapper list
- active rapper
- focus location
- searchbox that updates active rapper in state and redirects view to correct location
- More information modal
- Create modal
- add custom styles and populate info
- All information from DB
- Bring in additional data from spotify API
- 404 Page
- create/render routes correctly
- make content
- About Page
- basic project information
- contact info and github
- styling
- Error handling
- when search result not in DB
- when problem with Spotify API
- set up error handling in redux for extendibility
- Mobile optimization
- map size
- search box
- nav bar
- basic info popup - absolute location for the marker infobox when screensize is small?
- more info modal - just gotta make an X button
- about page needs to be non-mobile optimized...narrower box on big screens
- Backend
- add spotify auth to backend
- create basic database to store rapper info - Mongo DB
- add route for get all rappers from DB
- create restful route to serve to the redux store
- add dotenv configuration
- Add loading screens for components
- main map
- Deploy app
- make sure API keys are secure
- spotify
- google maps - need to secure from google cloud console
- heroku for app files
- db cloud hosting
- create separate dev/production environments
- make sure API keys are secure
- Create project README
- Application architecture diagram
- Project description text
- Screencasts of app turned into GIFs
- BUG: when use searches on about page, it doesn't redirect to main page (although the search is processed correctly). should be a straightforward redirect
- fuzzy search results (if there's a good library it should be quick)
- Data visualization page
- Use Google Data Studio API to create 4 basic maps and charts (or possibly other API). state-to-state comparison, regional comparison
- super strech integrate additional third party APIs to get further data (billboard, etc.)
- database stuff
- add route for get 1 rapper (actually not nec, but shouldn't be hard..could be useful later)
- Update site visual language
- better icon
- customize colors/fonts
- make everything dark mode
- Add routes for infobox/modals (not sure if desirable)
- Add rapper functionality
- form where user can add rapper
- MUST include coordinates via Google Maps API
- backend updates data with new rapper (pending review and confirmation)
- form where user can add rapper
- Bug fixes
- when you click on more info and button over a rapper pin it says there was a problem w the DB
- when you make the more info popup go small to big again, it doesn't resize properly
- i think this could probably be fixed with a separate class for each, instead of the current 1 class plus media query