If your grant application has been approved, please finalize the commitment by adding your name, project name, and amount to this list. The descriptions and approvals of these grants can be found in their respective issues here
Submitting this PR will require signing the Oasis iCLA.
Boye Oomens - Complete Website Overhaul & Maintainence (see #62) - USD $7,500 PAID
PHASE 1 ($5,000)PAID
PHASE 2 ($2,500)PAID
Vaibhav Maheshwari - Baseline Calender (see #70) - USD $6,000 PAID
Boris Breslav - Attend - Lendit Fintech - The USA’s Leading Event for Innovation in Financial Services. May 25-16 (#71) - USD $2,995 PAID
Samrat Kishor / Jack Weiring - AmsterBased - USD $3,936.87 PAID
Biswashree Dey, Manik Jain, Ognjen Kurtic, Stefan Kostic - Simple Reference Implementation (BRI-3) - USD $50,000
PHASE 1 ($12,500) PAID
PHASE 2 (12,500) PAID
Samrat Kishor -- Conduct the Weekly Baseline Show (See #84) -- USD 1,000 per month from mid August - Dec 2022 (adjusted based on shows) = $4,250 total
PHASE 1 ($1,500) PAID
Marc Haddle - Travel Expense reimbursement for fintech_devcon presentation - USD $1,000 PAID
Samrat Kishor - Representation of Baseline Protocol at ETHVietnam Event: Nov 25-27 - USD $300 PAID