$ ezmesure-admin roles --help
Name | Description |
add | Create new role |
delete [roles...] | Delete role(s) |
edit [role] | Edit role |
get | Get and display role(s) informations |
update | Update role informations |
$ ezmesure-admin roles add --help
Name | Type | Description |
-i, --index-pattern | String | Index-pattern name (e.g: my-index, m-y-index*) |
-s, --space | String | Space name, case sensitive |
-p, --privileges | String | Privileges (all or read) |
-r, --read-only | String | Create role with read privileges and _read_only suffix |
Example :
$ ezmesure-admin roles add my-role --space my-space --index-pattern my-index --privileges read --read-only
role [my-role] created or updated
role [my-role_read_only] created or updated
$ ezmesure-admin roles delete --help
Example :
$ ezmesure-admin roles delete newRole
role [newRole] deleted succefully
$ ezmesure-admin roles get --help
Name | Type | Description |
-a, --all | String | Display all data in table |
-j, --json | Boolean | Display data in json |
--nd | Boolean | Display data in nd |
Example :
$ ezmesure-admin roles get apm_system
║ role │ indices │ spaces ║
║ apm_system │ Names: │ Space: ║
║ │ Privileges: │ Privileges: ║
$ ezmesure-admin roles update --help
Name | Type | Description |
--space-add | String | Add space with privileges |
--space-remove | String | Remove space(s) |
--index-add | String | Add index with privileges |
--index-remove | String | Remove index(ces) |
⚠️ --space-add
adds a new space/index but is also used to update space and index privileges.
The update does not add the new privileges to the old ones, so remember to put them back when you use the command if you need to keep them.
Examples :
$ ezmesure-admin roles update myRole --space-add <spaceName>:<privileges>
Privileges |
all |
read |
custom |
$ ezmesure-admin roles update myRole --space-add my-space:all
role [myRole] updated successfully
If you want to use custom privileges, the name of the feature kibana and the privileges on the feature are separated by a dash, the syntax is as follows
$ ezmesure-admin roles update myRole --space-add my-space:<feature>-<privileges>
- discover
- visualize
- dashboard
- dev_tools
- advancedSettings
- indexPatterns
- savedObjectsManagement
- graph
- monitoring
- ml
- apm
- maps
- canvas
- infrastructure
- logs
- siem
- uptime
- ezreporting
- discover
- visualize
- dashboard
- dev_tools
- advancedSettings
- indexPatterns
- savedObjectsManagement
- graph
- monitoring
- ml
- apm
- maps
- canvas
- infrastructure
- logs
- siem
- uptime
- ezreporting
$ ezmesure-admin roles update myRole --space-add my-space:discover-all
role [myRole] updated successfully
The Kibana feature privileges are separated by a comma, as follows
$ ezmesure-admin roles update myRole --space-add my-space:discover-all,dashboard:read
role [myRole] updated successfully
Spaces must be separated by a comma.
$ ezmesure-admin roles update myRole --space-remove my-space,my-other-space
role [myRole] updated successfully
Indices must be separated by a comma.
$ ezmesure-admin roles update myRole --index-remove my-index,my-other-index
role [myRole] updated successfully
$ ezmesure-admin roles update myRole --index-add <indexName>:<privileges>
Privileges |
all |
read |
$ ezmesure-admin roles update myRole --index-add my-index:all
role [myRole] updated successfully