- delete terminated flights
- keep planes above land
might be able to get data from flight radar // another app - lu?? has
Keep talking with Geoff about aircraft Go on to Reddit
Get Blender to JSON process going << three.js export broken??
Use OBJ fies instead? <<
- The script is a heavy user of computing resources. A fast CPU and good graphics adaptor really helps ( just as with FlightGear )
- You can rotate, zoom and pan as you wish with fingers or pointing device
- Everything is under a GPL license and hosted on GitHub
- It all runs in your browser and loads in a few seconds
- Should work on Chrome, FF, Edge and Safari and on Android, iOS and Chromebooks
Complete code re-write
A FlightGear MultiPlayer Viewer
- A fast-loading dashboard ~ no attempts to convey 'realism'
- Rotate, zoom and pan with one, two and three fingers
- See who is flying what and where are they going
- Displays trajectories of flights
- Under 650 lines of low-complexity JavaScript
- Uses WebGL ~ runs in your browser
- To provide entry level coders with examples of simple techniques for 3D mapping, animation and accessing a REST API
- Many aircraft models missing
- Incorrect material parameters in current models
- Aircraft are not deleted upon pilot exit
- Aircraft tend to become buried in the terrain