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Wrangling Your Deployments With CI/CD & Helm

First Thank you

  1. Connecting is hard this meetup is awesome
  2. Hosting and organizing

Who am I?

  • I'm Austin Vance. I have done a few things mostly coding or managing operations teams.

  • I have a history at Pivotal, EMC, Dell, and Paypal.

  • Now I have Focused Labs and we are a growing amazing team!

    • Focused's goal is to bring agility to operations and software development

Why Kubernetes

  1. Config driven deployments
  2. Containers are first class
  3. Multi cloud by design
  4. No Magic
  5. Really fun to operate
  6. Really fun to deploy to

BUT - Kubernetes is hard - it's a lot to learn

  • A single app nees Pod, deployment, replicaset, service, ingress, networkpolicy, and a lot more
  • Updates, rollbacks, and roll outs require some forethought
  • Unique deployments for different environemnts are impossible with native objects (if we ignore kustomize... that's for a different talk)

In comes Helm

What is helm?

Helm is a templeting engine and deployment manager for kubernetes.

But it's become so much more...

Helm is an:

  • ecosystem of software you can run on kubernetes with standard reasonable config
  • a dependncy managment system
  • a rollback rollforward manager
  • a configuration a code manager

Why Helm

  • Helm is easy!
  • Written in GoLang
  • The templates look intimidating at first but there's not much to it
  • Helps organize all your k8s configuration
  • Easily parameterize dynamic k8s config between environments
  • Install, upgrade, rollback for a package of k8s config files
  • Version tracking

Lets deploy something with helm

helm deploy

How about an upgrade

helm upgrade

Creating your own

helm create <name>

Let's take a look at what gets created.

Golang Templating Language

Pro Tips:

  1. SHA sum config/secrets to force pod restarts in deployment.yaml

Now lets talk some CI

Application version: <build_number>_<git_short_sha>

Audit Artifacts:

  1. Application Artifact: Docker image containing your built application. Published to an ECR repository under <aws_account_number>.dkr.ecr.<aws_region><ecr_repo_name>:<application_version>
  2. Automated Test Artifact: Publish test result <nexus/S3/etc>
  3. Manual Test Artifact: Acceptance of JIRA tickets indicate that a representative of the business has manually interacted with the feature and verified it works as expected.
  4. Automated vulnerability scanning before promotion:
    • passing builds are candidates for promotion to staging/production.

Further Reading


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