8 Feb 2014
ai-github Jason Harrop leedavidr
0d6c106 - if (color.startsWith("#")) .. Fix for plutext/docx4j#101 a452b43 - BindingTraverser.XHTML.Block.rStyle.Adopt handling in list items 6a7b6fc - NPE in indent handling fixed e902f20 - xhtml to pptx Very rudimentary support for h1-3, ol|ul, li Write all paragraphs <a:p> into a single <p:txBody>
3.0.0 is the first release of the XHTML Import stuff as a separate project; so numbered to match corresponding docx4j version.
26 Nov 2013
ai bezda bsl-zcs EthanTsui hpeng Jason Harrop jlesquembre jeffbeard fmmfonseca meletis pnml siilk tj09 tstirrat vollewijn zluspai
Better table support, inc merged cells (pnml) and cell border support (bsl-zcs) Font handling Conversion of CSS class to existing matching Word style (FormattingOption enum: CLASS_TO_STYLE_ONLY, CLASS_PLUS_OTHER, IGNORE_CLASS) Nested list support Image resizing
35fae5e- Handle inline images (avoid forcing new paragraph afterwards) 008604c - Ability to require a CSS property to be on a white list 5b69f1d - addFontMapping(String cssFontFamily, RFonts rFonts) 3b11904 - tables: import cell border styles (bsl-zcs) bcfe159 - XHTML import hyperlink named anchors to bookmarks e486b05 - XHTMLImporter: improve logging; better support for pixel unit in Indent and SpaceAfter. 6a02270 - Support underline in XHTML import. e0034b2 - XHTML importer for presentation slide notes, needs work on element positioning to support imports of slides (bezda) c297662 - XHTML: margin-bottom -> space-after 7d8af58 - XHTML table import: support for adjacent vertically merged cells and cells merged both vertically and horizontally (pnml) 5553600 - fixed vertical merging of table cells in xhtml importer (cherry-picked from 05fdacb)