This is project made in Sylius for BitBag Academy
Project containes additional functionalities such as:
- Supplier entity which can be chosen during creating or editing a product
- Color entity which can be chosen during creating or editing a product
- Supplier has trust state field. If Supplier was marked as trusted, they get email notification
- Weight-based Shipping Calculator which sets price of shipping according to weight of order
- Time-based channel 'Night' automatically is being set after 12pm and is activated until 6am
- Supplier and Color tabs in admin menu to add supplier/color
- After adding color to a product, the color is visible on store page in product details near size field
Open your terminal and change to choosen directory
$ git clone
$ cd BitBagAcademy
$ composer install
$ yarn install
$ yarn build
$ yarn install
Next open your .env file in project directory and set your database url for example:
DATABASE_URL=mysql://root:[email protected]/example_db
Go back to your terminal
$ bin/console doctrine:database:create
$ bin/console sylius:fixtures:load
$ bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
$ symfony serve -d
Now open localhost
Made by Gabriela Łubkowska for BitBag Academy