Quarkus guide: https://quarkus.io/guides/transaction
This quickstart shows how to JTA transactions with core quarkus features like JAX-RS and async support. It does not perform actual transactional work since there are other quickstarts and extensions for that (such as hibernate-orm, hibernate-reactive, agroal, etc).
It uses
- RESTEasy to expose REST endpoints which demonstrate various aspects of transactional behaviour
- REST-assured and JUnit 5 for endpoint testing
To compile and run this demo you will need:
- JDK 1.8+
- GraalVM
Make sure that both the GRAALVM_HOME
environment variables have
been set, and that a JDK 1.8+ java
command is on the path.
See the Building a Native Executable guide for help setting up your environment.
Launch the Maven build on the checked out sources of this demo:
./mvnw install
This command will build the example and run the tests.
The Maven Quarkus plugin provides a development mode that supports live coding. To try this out:
./mvnw quarkus:dev
This command will leave Quarkus running in the foreground listening on port 8080.
When you're done iterating in developer mode, you can run the application as a conventional jar file.
An alternative to running the tests is to use a tool such as curl to exercise the endpoints:
java -jar ./target/jta-1.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar
non transactional
curl -XGET # This should return the value 6 which corresponds to no transaction
Do transactional work by annotating a resource method with @Transactional (the framework will manage the transaction boundaries):
curl -XPOST # this should return 0 which corresponds to an active transaction
Do transactional work by explicitly managing the transaction boundaries:
curl -XPOST # This should return the value 6 which corresponds to no transaction
Do transactional work in an asynchronous JAX-RS method using AsyncResponse and MicroProfile Context Propagation:
curl -XPOST # This should return the value 3 which corresponds to an transaction
Do transactional work in a completion stage:
curl -XPOST # this should return 0 which corresponds to an active transaction
There is also an endpoint for reproducing an open quarkus issue (6471). It is disabled in the tests pending the fix:
curl -XPOST
You can also create a native executable from this application without making any source code changes. A native executable removes the dependency on the JVM: everything needed to run the application on the target platform is included in the executable, allowing the application to run with minimal resource overhead.
Compiling a native executable takes a bit longer, as GraalVM performs additional
steps to remove unnecessary codepaths. Use the native
profile to compile a
native executable:
./mvnw install -Dnative
and then run this executable directly: