- If you don't have an Open Collective account yet, go to https://opencollective.com/signin to create one
- Click here to create an organization to represent the legal entity that will be the host.
- Go to "edit organization" from your organization's page.
- Fill in the information explaining what your host is about and your policies for Collectives under your umbrella.
- Connect your Stripe Account.
- Send us an email with the URL of your organization page so we can approve it — to [email protected].
- Once approved, new Collectives will be able to apply via your host page. You will receive an email with a button to approve them (or not). Once accepted, donations to their Collective will go to your bank account through Stripe.
- If your host charges fees to its Collectives, you may want to set up a Collective to add those fees to and maintain your own transparent budget. This also enables people to contribute directly to your host organization to help you support your community of Collectives.
- Collectives start accepting expenses and their Core Contributors approve them.
- Connect your Paypal account via the Host Dashboard and start paying approved expenses.