I'm an inclusive organizing systems designer, engineer and facilitator. I build and support communications and digital networking tools which prioritize consent-based organizing, compassionate communications and transformative justice. My current main focus is to develop simple, flexible, open source toolsets for inclusive discussion, design and decision at all scales of organization.
I've written for P2P Foundation and participated deeply in diverse “next economy” communities and teams including Library of the Commons, Value Flows, Open App Ecosystem, Collaborative Technology Alliance and the Enspiral Network. I studied political science, film and video production, and media theory in college. Previously, I provided years of award-winning direct care for developmentally disabled adults. I have a deep background in philosophy and art which informs my ongoing work in theory of language and organizing systems.
I'm passionately devoted to organic gardening, permaculture, the support of local wildlife ecosystems, and the emergence of boundlessly regenerative and creative global culture. Someday, when the shared pursuit of these goals seems globally secure, resilient and effective, I hope to focus more on my dream project of "Penumbral", a massively multi-participant world-building, co-authorship and interactive adventure network.
Inclusive Organizing Framework (IOF) is a network of linked organizational developmental frameworks/ schemata , along with models for levels of design, collective resource development and a distributive digital networking technology stack. The key focal point of my IOF design work recently is the development of Modular Governance Recipe and a network of modularly-related support documents, including Describing Resources and Systems, which can be used for paper-based project management as well as digital systems.
I'm currently involved in a handful of team projects related to my work, and working to extend my networking and collaborative processes.