Maven: The Complete Reference
Hello there. Maven: The Complete Reference in an asciidoc format. To edit asciidoc, use Emacs, use vi, use TextMate, use Notepad. There's really just a single file you need to worry about:
- book-mvnref.asciidoc
Figures? You want to add figures, look in the figs/web directory. You'll see a lot of distracting files in that directory. For now, you should just ignore them. Actually, in general, you'll notice a number of distracting files in this project. Really, just ignore them. Once I figure out this new reality, I'd like for this project to simple contain content.
Q: Right, so how do you build the book?
A: I knew you'd ask that, and here's the simple answer:
. On an OSX/Ubuntu machine:
.. Install asciidoc
.. Install dblatex and the docbook xsl style sheets
.. Install python
.. run
. On a Windows/CentOS machine:
.. Don't bother.
. On a Solaris machine:
.. What's Solaris? Is that an operating system?
Q: That's an answer?
A: Yes. Ideally someone will show up and tell us how to use
Q: All this seems a bit creaky at the moment. What happened?
A: I came to the realization that we needed a more nimble approach to all of our documentation. From books to training to blogging, it was a pretty quick transition, but from this point forward - it's asciidoc or bust.