SPT-AKI Profile Editor RU README version
Steam Trade Offer Link
LTC: MNtz8Zz1cPD1CZadoc38jT5qeqeFBS6Aif
- Level, nickname, character voice
- Switching between regular \ large pockets
- Hideout building levels
- Trader relationship levels
- Quest statuses
- Skill \ Mastering levels
- Examined items
- Removing \ adding items in stash (WIP), adding money
- Import \ export \ removing weapon builds \ equipment
- Simple, intuitive interface
- Multilingual, with the ability to edit localization
- Automatic backups every time you save your profile
- .NET 6.0 Desktop x64
- .NET 5.0 (only for app version 2.0)
Versions 1.0 - 1.9 for servers 0.12.7-R6 - SPT-AKI 2.0.0