Requirements: Docker, .NET Core SDK 2.1.400, yarn, parcel, VS Code / Visual Studio / Rider
Recommended VS Code Extensions:
C# Extensions,
.NET Core Test Explorer,
(Adjust the local port and container name as needed.)
docker run \
-p 3307:3306 \
--name evlogdbserver \
-d mysql:8.0.21
The newly created evlogdbserver
container should be running, and accessible on the host at port 3307
. You may verify it using docker ps
. You can start and stop this as needed using:
docker start evlogdbserver
docker stop evlogdbserver
Clone the project and
into the Web project's directory:git clone cd evlog/src/Evlog.Web
Build front end assets:
yarn build
Run the application:
dotnet run
- Migration commands must be run from the
directory. - To create a new migration:
dotnet ef migrations add InitCreate -s ../Evlog.Web/Evlog.Web.csproj
- Migrations are applied automatically application startup. You may do it manuall using:
dotnet ef database update -s ../Evlog.Web/Evlog.Web.csproj