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DeepVariant FAQ

How does DeepVariant work?

See this overview.

Why does DeepVariant not call a specific variant in my data?

Missing variants due to a candidate not being generated:

There are multiple reasons that DeepVariant may not call a variant. It is important to first determine whether a candidate variant was proposed by DeepVariant. A potential variant requires at least 2 reads to support a variant and a minimum fraction of reads supporting the variant (0.12 for SNPs and PacBio Indels, 0.06 for Illumina Indels). All sites that have been generated as candidates are written in the VCF file, so if you do not see a row in the VCF file for the variant in question, it means that a candidate was not made. However, within these sites certain possible alleles may have been pruned in reporting. To see all alleles, you may add: --debug_output_all_candidates=ALT in the postprocess_variants step.

To increase the sensitivity of DeepVariant to these sites, you may add the following parameters, here shown with their defaults:


It is sometimes also the case that realignment of the reads within DeepVariant changes or reduces the evidence supporting the variant. To check for this, try using the --norealign_reads flag to turn off realignment temporarily. Note that we don't recommend turning off the realigner for Illumina data in general cases because the realigner improves accuracy overall.

There is also the option to output the realigned reads, e.g. to inspect the new alignments in IGV. See the "What is the realigner and how does it work?" section for instructions.

Missing variants where a candidate is generated:

If a candidate is made, but is called as reference (either 0/0 or ./.) it means that the neural network processed the genomic region, but based on all of its learned experience from training data, it decided the highest probability for the position was as non-variant. Some of the reasons that DeepVariant may suspect a false positive are: strand-bias in reads, low mapping quality in reads, low base quality in reads, and overall low coverage.

In addition, there is another pattern that causes DeepVariant to suspect variant positions which can initially seem counterintuitive to human observers. This occurs when a dense set of variants appears on one haplotype while the other haplotype is fully reference, and humans often perceive this as missing a clearly heterozygous position. DeepVariant seems to have learned that this signature often indicates a region which is a segmental duplication, copy number variant, or structural variant where multiple copies of similar genomic regions are mapping to the same reference location. In this case, it may be worthwhile to inspect the region to see if it has elevated coverage, and whether you can identify more than 2 haplotypes present by overlapping the reads. If you can, it suggests that the region may have a copy number variation. Some analysis of this was presented at AGBT as a poster “Uncaptured segmental duplication creates artifacts in workflows using GRCh37”.

This pattern of undercalling positions at high variant density may affect variant-dense non-human species (those with a variant density of >1 in 40 positions). For an analysis of this, please see our blog “Improved non-human variant calling using species-specific DeepVariant models”.

If these reasons seem applicable, there could be some other reason DeepVariant determined the position is not variant. You can catalog the variant position and its support. The way to improve variant calling for these positions is to train new models, but be aware that training is already a balance between reducing false negatives and positives, and it may not be possible to call variants like the one you are seeing without increasing overall false positives by a greater amount.

How does DeepVariant use pileup images to call variants?

See this blog post.

What happens if I change the pileup_image_height?

If the actual depth in a particular region is greater than the pileup image height, DeepVariant randomly downsamples reads until the image has been filled up. For the default DeepVariant models (height 100), an image can accommodate at most 95 reads in a given region (5 rows are reserved for the reference sequence).

You may be able to successfully run our pretrained models with a different pileup image height (via --pileup_image_height in, depending on the new height, but we generally do not recommend using different image heights at training and inference time. If you wish to use a different pileup image height, we recommend retraining a new model with images of that height.

If you are working with extremely high coverage sequencing data for applications such as somatic sequencing, we recommend using a somatic caller instead of DeepVariant, which is a germline caller.

Can I use DeepVariant for somatic (non-germline) calling?

We have released DeepSomatic for somatic variant calling:

We do not recommend using DeepVariant for somatic calling.

Can I use DeepVariant on plant genomes?

DeepVariant has previously been applied to plant species. In the case of rice, there was good evidence of high accuracy. You can see some results in this blog post. However, these rice genomes were diploid and with a similar variant density of humans.

DeepVariant is currently written to be a diploid variant caller. So if the plant species you are working with is polyploid, it is not yet clear how DeepVariant will perform. That is because even with re-training, DeepVariant can only produce variant calls that are homozygous alternate, heterozygous, or homozygous reference, which don't have much meaning in a tetraploid genome, for example.

Can I use DeepVariant on other non-human species?

See this blog post.

There has been many use cases that successfully used DeepVariant on non-human species. We welcome your feedback, and would love to know if you use DeepVariant on non-human species.

Why are the variants in my DeepVariant VCF not phased?

DeepVariant uses the haplotagging information of reads to improve the quality of the variants. It will not produce a phased VCF. You can read this manuscript for more information.

If you want to get a phased VCF, please use tools like margin or whatshap on the output of DeepVariant to get a phased VCF.

How do I build/run DeepVariant?

In general, we recommend running DeepVariant using Docker for the simplest setup. If you are building from source because you want to experiment with changes to the codebase, we still recommend Docker. You can clone the DeepVariant repo, modify the source code, and build a Docker image with your changes using the provided Dockerfile.

Why can't it find one of the input files? E.g., "Could not open"

This often happens because the way Docker works, input and output directories have to be mounted and then files are referred to by their mounted location, which can be confusing. To check that files are visible inside the Docker container, you can ls inside the container. For example, using the setup shown in the README and looking inside the /input volume:

docker run \
  -v "YOUR_INPUT_DIR":"/input" \
  -v "YOUR_OUTPUT_DIR:/output" \
  google/deepvariant:"${BIN_VERSION}" \
  ls /input

Mounting directories with Docker can be confusing. One trick to make this simpler is to set both sides as your $HOME, so the paths are the same inside and outside the Docker container.

echo $HOME # see what your home directory is first.
ls $HOME
sudo docker run \
  -v "${HOME}":"${HOME}" \
  google/deepvariant:"${BIN_VERSION}" \
  ls $HOME

How do I run multi-sample calling?

Since the DeepVariant v0.9 release, we recommend "Best practices for multi-sample variant calling with DeepVariant".

For specifically calling on duos or trios, we introduced DeepTrio in v1.1.

Why am I seeing "CUDA_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED: initialization error" while running on GPU?

We have been observing the following message while running on GPU since we moved platform from slim to keras:

2023-10-20 22:21:03.818638: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] could not retrieve CUDA device count: CUDA_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED: initialization error

We have tested and confirmed that this does not affect GPU usage or inference. So you can continue running DeepVariant without being worried about this message.

How much GPU memory is needed for the Keras models?

16GB. In our test, we observe the model occupying 16GB GPU memory.

Do models from before r1.6.0 work with current inference code?

No. We have moved from Slim to Keras. All models before 1.6.0 were trained in Slim platform. So they are not compatible with 1.6.0 anymore.

Can call_variants be run on multiple GPUs?

No. Although possible, we have not implemented the multi-GPU capability in GPU inference yet.

Can model_train be run on multiple GPUs?

No. TensorFlow's Estimator API does provide support for running training on multiple GPUs through the use of a DistributionStrategy. However, DistributionStrategy cannot be used with exponential moving average (EMA), which is present in the DeepVariant codebase.

What is the realigner and how does it work?

From the DeepVariant 2018 manuscript:

Mapped reads are preprocessed using an error-tolerant, local De-Bruijn-graph-based read assembly procedure that realigns them according to their most likely derived haplotype. Candidate windows across the genome are selected for reassembly by looking for any evidence of possible genetic variation, such as mismatching or soft clipped bases. The selection criteria for a candidate window are very permissive so that true variation is unlikely to be missed. All candidate windows across the genome are considered independently. De Bruijn graphs are constructed using multiple fixed k-mer sizes (from 20 to 75, inclusive, with increments of 5) out of the reference genome bases for the candidate window, as well as all overlapping reads. Edges are given a weight determined by how many times they are observed in the reads. We trim any edges with weight less than three, except that edges found in the reference are never trimmed. Candidate haplotypes are generated by traversing the assembly graphs and the top two most likely haplotypes are selected that best explain the read evidence. The likelihood function used to score haplotypes is a traditional pair HMM with fixed parameters that do not depend on base quality scores. This likelihood function assumes that each read is independent. Finally, each read is then realigned to its most likely haplotype. This procedure updates both the position and the CIGAR string for each read.

Local realignment is not performed for long reads (PacBio, and other similar technologies). The realigner step can optionally be switched off using --norealign_reads.

There is also the option to output the realigned reads, e.g. to inspect the new alignments in IGV. This can be done by passing the following parameters: --make_examples_extra_args="emit_realigned_reads=true,realigner_diagnostics=/output/realigned_reads"

Note that this is meant for debugging and produces a bam file for every candidate variant, which can result in millions of tiny bam files, so when using this, narrow down the DeepVariant run using --regions to just the variants you want to inspect more closely.

For an example, please see: #691 (comment)

How are AD and DP values calculated?

In order to efficiently perform variant calling, DeepVariant partitions the genome into chunks (set by --partition_size), and will read in a max number of reads into each partition (set by --max_reads_per_partition). By default, --partition_size is set to 1000 and --max_reads_per_partition is set to 1500. The AD and DP values are based on the read depths constrained by --max_reads_per_partition.

For example, if you have a depth of 2000x at a given site, DeepVariant will subsample 1500 reads, and DP or AD will be capped at 1500. If you want to calculate the true AD and DP values at high-depth regions, you can set --max_reads_per_partition=0 to calculate AD and DP using all reads. In practice, capping reads per partition reduces runtimes with little/no impact on accuracy.

Missing variant calls near the edge of a contig

This is a known issue that we don't currently address. Please see: #505 for more context.

Why does DeepVariant PASS variants that have such a low read depth ~2 ?

Please see the answers provided by Paul Grosu in this issue thread. We thank Paul for providing a detailed description and reasoning.

Singularity related questions:


If you have issues with TMPDIR when running with Singularity, try adding this to your command:

export TMPDIR="$PWD/tmp_dir"

See #524 (comment).

Issues with /mnt/

User reported that sometimes their setup uses /mnt/, which exists in our Docker image, and it has caused an issue in Singularity.

You can use -B in Singularity to avoid this issue. See: #530 (comment) for more details.