简体中文 | English
Table Out 命令行表格输出工具
- 一个用于命令行输出美观的表格的库
- 支持不同的输入表格式
- 支持表头自定义
go get -u -d github.com/guojia99/go-tables/table
- 目前支持以下六种数据结构输出
Struct struct{}
Map map[interface{}]interface{}
MapSlice []map[interface{}]interface{}
StructSlice []struct{}
Slice []interface{}
Slice2D [][]interface{}
var opt = &table.Option{
Contour: table.DefaultContour,
Align: table.AlignCenter,
tb, _ := table.SimpleTable(data, opt)
type structTable struct {
Str string
Val string `table:"value"`
Num int `json:"number"`
NoUse string `json:"-"`
NoUse2 string `table:"-"`
data := structTable{
Str: "value",
Val: "val",
Num: 111,
NoUse: "nouse",
NoUse2: "nouse",
tb, _ := table.SimpleTable(data, opt)
# out:
| # | value |
| Str | value |
| value | val |
| number | 111 |
data := map[string]string{
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3",
"key4": "value4",
"key5": "value5",
"key6": "value6",
tb, _ := table.SimpleTable(data, opt)
# out:
| key | value |
| key1 | value1 |
| key2 | value2 |
| key3 | value3 |
| key4 | value4 |
| key5 | value5 |
| key6 | value6 |
data2 := map[string]interface{}{
"number": 1,
"string": "guojia",
"float": 2.4,
"slide": []int{1, 2, 3, 4},
"complex": complex(1, -1),
"key6": struct {
a string
}{a: "123"},
tb, _ := table.SimpleTable(data, opt)
# out:
| key | value |
| complex | (1-1i) |
| key6 | {123} |
| number | 1 |
| string | guojia |
| float | 2.4 |
| slide | [1 2 3 4] |
data := map[string][]string{
"key1": {"key1-v", "key1-v", "key1-v", "key1-v", "key1-v", "key1-v"},
"key2": {"key2-v2", "key2-v2", "key2-v2", "key2-v2"},
"key3": {"key3-v3", "key3-v3", "key3-v3", "key3-v3"},
"key4": {"key4-v4", "key4-v4", "key4-v4", "key4-v4"},
"key5": {"key5-v5", "key5-v4", "key5-v4", "key5-v4"},
"key6": {"key6-v6", "key6-v4", "key6-v4", "key6-v4"},
"key7": {"key7-v6", "key7-v4", "key7-v4"},
tb, _ := table.SimpleTable(data, opt)
# out put:
| key6 | key7 | key1 | key2 | key3 | key4 | key5 |
| key6-v6 | key7-v6 | key1-v | key2-v2 | key3-v3 | key4-v4 | key5-v5 |
| key6-v4 | key7-v4 | key1-v | key2-v2 | key3-v3 | key4-v4 | key5-v4 |
| key6-v4 | key7-v4 | key1-v | key2-v2 | key3-v3 | key4-v4 | key5-v4 |
| key6-v4 | | key1-v | key2-v2 | key3-v3 | key4-v4 | key5-v4 |
| | | key1-v | | | | |
| | | key1-v | | | | |
type structSliceTable struct {
Str string
Val string `table:"value"`
Num int `json:"number"`
NoUse string `json:"-"`
NoUse2 string `table:"-"`
data := []structSliceTable{
{"data1", "val1", 1, "no1", "no2"},
{"data2", "val2", 2, "no2", "no3"},
{"data3", "val3", 3, "no3", "no4"},
{"data4", "val4", 4, "no4", "no5"},
{"data5", "val5", 5, "no5", "no6"},
tb, _ := table.SimpleTable(data, opt)
# out:
| Str | value | number |
| data1 | val1 | 1 |
| data2 | val2 | 2 |
| data3 | val3 | 3 |
| data4 | val4 | 4 |
| data5 | val5 | 5 |
data := []string{
"Each package fulfils a single purpose",
"Handle errors explicitly",
"Return early rather than nesting deeply",
"Leave concurrency to the caller",
"Before you launch a goroutine, know when it will stop",
"Avoid package level state",
"Simplicity matters",
"Write tests to lock in the behaviour of your package’s API",
"If you think it’s slow, first prove it with a benchmark",
"Moderation is a virtue",
tb, _ := table.SimpleTable(data, opt)
# out:
| No | value |
| 0 | Each package fulfils a single purpose |
| 1 | Handle errors explicitly |
| 2 | Return early rather than nesting deeply |
| 3 | Leave concurrency to the caller |
| 4 | Before you launch a goroutine, know when it will stop |
| 5 | Avoid package level state |
| 6 | Simplicity matters |
| 7 | Write tests to lock in the behaviour of your package’s API |
| 8 | If you think it’s slow, first prove it with a benchmark |
| 9 | Moderation is a virtue |
data := [][]string{
{"DATA1", "DATA2", "DATA3"},
{"DATA4", "DATA5", "DATA6"},
{"DATA7", "DATA8", "DATA9"},
{"DATA10", "DATA11", "DATA12"},
tb, _ := table.SimpleTable(data, opt)
# out:
| DATA1 | DATA2 | DATA3 |
| DATA4 | DATA5 | DATA6 |
| DATA7 | DATA8 | DATA9 |
| DATA10 | DATA11 | DATA12 |
- 支持可交互
- 支持缓存
- 更多的自定义接口
- 支持并发
- 全函数自测
- 支持颜色绘制
- 更多的数据处理
- todo...