- remove rotate point in final path
- missing last lines in line extracting function
- add waypoints support to create_waypoint function
- Handle out-of-bounds access in RasterIO and improve logging
- waypoint generation
- add ground speed cap with safety buffer to prevent controller rejection
- add logic to reverse initial path based on proximity to takeoff point
- update waypoints file
- update read me docs with all modules
- update read me docs
- update distance calculation of first and last point based on tramsformer 3857 projection
- remove command to run waypoint
- remove python keywords from the docs copy command
- take photo action for waylines flight
- Add support for generating waylines when generate_each_points is False
- polygon edge coverage by adding extra waypoints
- add extra start and end waypoints for each row in aoi
- add type hinting, docstrings, and correct unit measurements
- return path for flightplan
- create_flightplan module
- relax pin for shapely '==' to '>='
- gimbal angle issue for flightplans
- program to generate waypoints within a polygon created
- generate waypoints in a polygon function