OpenDtu schaltet Wechselrichter ohne Grund ab #393
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Schau bitte auf der seriellen Konsole oder auf der Web-Konsole nach. Da sind Protokoll-ausgaben vom DPL, die dir helfen oder die zumindest uns helfen dir zu helfen zu verstehen, warum das passiert. Allerdings sehe ich nicht so recht Grund zu Beanstandung. Das sieht mir so aus als sei dein Stromverbrauch zu diesen Zeitpunkten sehr niedrig gewesen, weshalb der Wechselrichter weniger als 20W hätte liefern sollen und deshalb ausgeschaltet wurde. Wenn der Wechselrichter nur 20W erzeugen soll (in deinem Fall), dann wird er ausgeschaltet, weil du das untere Leistungslimit auf 20W eingestellt hast. |
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Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
Einer der vielen Gründe, die es haben kann, dass der DPL den Inverter stoppt. Es sollte recht deutlich zu erkennen sein, warum der DPL das tut. Aber leider nur zum Zeitpunkt wenn es denn passiert und auch nur in der Konsole. |
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Mqtt steigt wohl aus. Schau mal hier rein: 14:37:59.727 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
14:37:59.727 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 141347 ms
14:37:59.727 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 25.90 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 26.89 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
14:37:59.727 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is producing
14:37:59.727 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
14:37:59.727 > [DPL::setNewPowerLimit] reusing old limit: 550 W, diff: 0 W, hysteresis: 10 W
14:38:00.994 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
14:38:00.994 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 142599 ms
14:38:00.994 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 25.90 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 26.89 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
14:38:00.994 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is producing
14:38:00.994 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
14:38:00.994 > [DPL::setNewPowerLimit] reusing old limit: 550 W, diff: 0 W, hysteresis: 10 W
14:38:01.341 > [ 143.243] DPL: the system is stable, the last power limit is still valid
14:38:04.297 > PowerMeterClass: TotalPower: 1084.00
14:38:04.297 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
14:38:04.297 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 146052 ms
14:38:04.297 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 25.90 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 26.89 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
14:38:04.297 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is producing
14:38:04.297 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
14:38:04.297 > Fetch inverter: 114183727589
14:38:04.356 > Admin AP remaining seconds: 120 / 180
14:38:04.356 > TX RealTimeRunData Channel: 3 --> 15 83 72 75 89 80 19 41 84 80 0B 00 64 E4 AB 6E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 73 01 F8
14:38:04.417 > Interrupt received
14:38:04.480 > RX Channel: 75 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 01 00 01 01 03 03 D3 09 C6 01 03 04 10 0A 66 00 02 F0 | -80 dBm
14:38:04.542 > Interrupt received
14:38:04.714 > RX Channel: 40 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 02 89 04 00 03 1B F9 05 0C 05 A4 09 65 13 88 13 43 F4 | -80 dBm
14:38:05.013 > Interrupt received
14:38:05.267 > RX Channel: 61 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 83 00 00 00 CD 03 E8 01 95 00 34 C5 17 42 | -80 dBm
14:38:05.317 > RX Period End
14:38:05.317 > Success
14:38:05.500 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
14:38:05.500 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 147132 ms
14:38:05.500 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 25.90 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 26.89 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
14:38:05.500 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is producing
14:38:05.500 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
14:38:05.500 > [DPL::setNewPowerLimit] reusing old limit: 550 W, diff: 0 W, hysteresis: 10 W
14:38:06.804 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
14:38:06.804 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 148364 ms
14:38:06.804 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 25.90 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 26.89 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
14:38:06.804 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is producing
14:38:06.804 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
14:38:06.804 > [DPL::setNewPowerLimit] reusing old limit: 550 W, diff: 0 W, hysteresis: 10 W
14:38:09.422 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
14:38:09.422 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 149913 ms
14:38:09.422 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 25.90 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 26.89 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
14:38:09.422 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is producing
14:38:09.422 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
14:38:09.422 > [DPL::setNewPowerLimit] reusing old limit: 550 W, diff: 0 W, hysteresis: 10 W
14:38:09.422 >
14:38:09.485 > TX RealTimeRunData Channel: 23 --> 15 83 72 75 89 80 19 41 84 80 0B 00 64 E4 AB 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 23 94 20
14:38:09.547 > Disconnected from MQTT.
14:38:09.547 > Disconnect reason:TCP_DISCONNECTED
14:38:09.933 > Interrupt received
14:38:09.987 > RX Channel: 40 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 01 00 01 01 03 03 D3 09 C5 01 03 04 10 0A 65 00 02 F0 | -80 dBm
14:38:10.051 > Interrupt received
14:38:10.236 > RX Channel: 61 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 02 89 05 00 03 1B F9 05 0D 05 A4 09 64 13 89 13 42 F5 | -80 dBm
14:38:10.394 > Interrupt received
14:38:10.462 > RX Channel: 75 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 83 00 04 00 CD 03 E8 01 95 00 34 7F BC 57 | -80 dBm
14:38:10.547 > RX Period End
14:38:10.547 > Success
14:38:10.727 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
14:38:10.727 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 152314 ms
14:38:10.727 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 25.90 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 26.89 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
14:38:10.727 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is producing
14:38:10.727 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
14:38:10.727 > [DPL::setNewPowerLimit] reusing old limit: 550 W, diff: 0 W, hysteresis: 10 W
14:38:11.342 > [ 153.244] DPL: the system is stable, the last power limit is still valid
14:38:11.464 > Connecting to MQTT...
14:38:11.535 > Connected to MQTT.
14:38:12.130 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
14:38:12.130 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 153612 ms
14:38:12.130 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 25.90 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 26.89 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
14:38:12.130 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is producing
14:38:12.130 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
14:38:12.130 > [DPL::setNewPowerLimit] reusing old limit: 550 W, diff: 0 W, hysteresis: 10 W
14:38:12.130 >
14:38:12.130 >
14:38:12.130 >
14:38:12.564 > [ 154.037] DPL: waiting for a power limit command to complete
14:38:12.564 > TX PowerControl Channel: 40 --> 51 83 72 75 89 80 19 41 84 81 01 00 20 00 A0
14:38:12.564 > Received MQTT message on topic: OpenDTU/huawei/cmd/power
14:38:12.564 > Inverter not found
14:38:12.564 > Received MQTT message on topic: OpenDTU/114183727589/cmd/power
14:38:12.564 > Set inverter power to: 0
14:38:12.564 > Received MQTT message on topic: OpenDTU/114183727589/cmd/limit_persistent_relative
14:38:12.564 > Limit Persistent: 0 %
14:38:12.564 > Received MQTT message on topic:
14:38:12.564 > Limit Persistent: 0 W
14:38:12.564 >
14:38:12.564 >
14:38:12.564 >
14:38:12.564 >
14:38:12.564 >
14:38:12.564 >
14:38:12.564 >
14:38:12.564 >
14:38:12.564 >
14:38:12.564 >
14:38:12.564 >
14:38:12.627 > Interrupt received
14:38:12.627 > Received MQTT message on topic: OpenDTU/huawei/cmd/limit_offline_current
14:38:12.627 > Received MQTT message on topic: OpenDTU/huawei/cmd/mode
14:38:12.627 > Received MQTT message on topic: OpenDTU/powerlimiter/cmd/mode
14:38:12.627 > Power limiter enabled
14:38:13.007 > RX Channel: 3 --> D1 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 81 00 00 01 00 B4 01 E4 | -80 dBm
14:38:14.505 > PowerMeterClass: TotalPower: 1081.00
14:38:14.505 > RX Period End
14:38:14.505 > Success
14:38:14.563 > TX ActivePowerControl Channel: 61 --> 51 83 72 75 89 80 19 41 84 81 0B 00 00 00 01 01 30 C1 7B
14:38:16.587 > RX Period End
14:38:16.587 > All missing
14:38:16.587 > Nothing received, resend whole request
14:38:16.587 > TX ActivePowerControl Channel: 75 --> 51 83 72 75 89 80 19 41 84 81 0B 00 00 00 01 01 30 C1 7B
14:38:16.640 > Admin AP remaining seconds: 130 / 180
14:38:18.123 > Interrupt received
14:38:18.181 > RX Channel: 3 --> D1 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 81 00 00 0B 00 14 07 48 | -30 dBm
14:38:18.567 > RX Period End
14:38:18.567 > Success
14:38:18.567 > Fetch inverter: 114183727589
14:38:18.728 > [ 160.477] DPL: waiting for the system to settle
14:38:18.728 > TX RealTimeRunData Channel: 3 --> 15 83 72 75 89 80 19 41 84 80 0B 00 64 E4 AB 7C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D3 D5 9E
14:38:18.788 > Interrupt received
14:38:18.849 > RX Channel: 3 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 83 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 94 00 35 DB 9E F3 | -80 dBm
14:38:19.350 > RX Period End
14:38:19.350 > Middle missing
14:38:19.350 > Request retransmit: 1
14:38:19.350 > TX RequestFrame Channel: 23 --> 15 83 72 75 89 80 19 41 84 81 C5
14:38:19.455 > Interrupt received
14:38:19.699 > RX Channel: 61 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 01 00 01 01 0D 00 04 00 0A 01 0C 00 04 00 0C 00 02 90 | -80 dBm
14:38:19.749 > RX Period End
14:38:19.749 > Middle missing
14:38:19.749 > Request retransmit: 2
14:38:19.749 > TX RequestFrame Channel: 40 --> 15 83 72 75 89 80 19 41 84 82 C6
14:38:21.057 > Interrupt received
14:38:21.922 > RX Channel: 3 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 02 89 05 00 03 1B F9 05 0D 05 A4 09 55 13 88 00 00 94 | -80 dBm
14:38:22.005 > RX Period End
14:38:22.005 > Success
14:38:22.054 > [ 163.453] DPL: waiting for sufficiently recent inverter data
14:38:23.553 > Fetch inverter: 114183727589
14:38:23.737 > TX RealTimeRunData Channel: 61 --> 15 83 72 75 89 80 19 41 84 80 0B 00 64 E4 AB 81 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 47 89 AB
14:38:23.799 > Interrupt received
14:38:24.179 > RX Channel: 3 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 01 00 01 01 0D 00 04 00 0A 01 0C 00 04 00 0C 00 02 90 | -80 dBm
14:38:24.286 > Interrupt received
14:38:24.382 > RX Channel: 23 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 02 89 05 00 03 1B F9 05 0D 05 A4 09 53 13 87 00 00 9D | -80 dBm
14:38:24.457 > Interrupt received
14:38:24.525 > RX Channel: 75 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 83 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 94 00 35 D6 0C 6C | -80 dBm
14:38:24.588 > RX Period End
14:38:24.588 > Success
14:38:24.678 > [ 166.018] DPL: waiting for sufficiently recent power meter reading
14:38:24.678 > TX AlarmData Channel: 75 --> 15 83 72 75 89 80 19 41 84 80 11 00 64 E4 AB 81 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9D 92 70
14:38:24.733 > Interrupt received
14:38:24.803 > RX Channel: 40 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 06 72 00 00 00 00 00 40 7C 00 1B 72 3C 72 4D 00 00 B7 | -80 dBm
14:38:24.874 > PowerMeterClass: TotalPower: 1712.00
14:38:24.874 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
14:38:24.874 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 166612 ms
14:38:24.874 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 26.90 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 26.90 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
14:38:24.874 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is NOT producing
14:38:24.874 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
14:38:24.923 > RX Period End akuell will er auch nicht mehr den Inverter starte 15:07:11.933 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
15:07:11.933 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 1893362 ms
15:07:11.933 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 27.00 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 27.00 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
15:07:11.933 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is NOT producing
15:07:11.933 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
15:07:11.933 > [DPL::setNewPowerLimit] reusing old limit: 550 W, diff: 0 W, hysteresis: 10 W
15:07:12.862 > Fetch inverter: 114183727589
15:07:12.925 > TX RealTimeRunData Channel: 75 --> 15 83 72 75 89 80 19 41 84 80 0B 00 64 E4 B2 43 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 98 11 37
15:07:13.166 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
15:07:13.166 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 1894875 ms
15:07:13.166 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 27.00 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 27.00 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
15:07:13.166 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is NOT producing
15:07:13.166 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
15:07:13.166 > [DPL::setNewPowerLimit] reusing old limit: 550 W, diff: 0 W, hysteresis: 10 W
15:07:13.166 >
15:07:13.223 > RX Channel: 40 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 83 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 64 00 37 59 1F 02 | -80 dBm
15:07:13.285 > RX Channel: 40 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 83 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 64 00 37 59 1F 02 | -80 dBm
15:07:13.405 > RX Period End
15:07:13.405 > Middle missing
15:07:13.405 > Request retransmit: 1
15:07:13.405 > TX RequestFrame Channel: 3 --> 15 83 72 75 89 80 19 41 84 81 C5
15:07:13.457 > Interrupt received
15:07:13.578 > RX Channel: 61 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 01 00 01 01 0E 00 04 00 0A 01 0E 00 04 00 0B 00 02 96 | -80 dBm
15:07:13.627 > RX Period End
15:07:13.627 > Middle missing
15:07:13.627 > Request retransmit: 2
15:07:13.627 > TX RequestFrame Channel: 23 --> 15 83 72 75 89 80 19 41 84 82 C6
15:07:13.885 > Interrupt received
15:07:13.940 > RX Channel: 61 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 02 89 05 00 03 1B F9 05 0D 05 A4 09 57 13 88 00 00 96 | -80 dBm
15:07:13.999 > RX Period End
15:07:13.999 > Success
15:07:14.447 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
15:07:14.447 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 1896119 ms
15:07:14.447 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 27.00 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 27.00 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
15:07:14.447 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is NOT producing
15:07:14.447 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
15:07:14.447 > [DPL::setNewPowerLimit] reusing old limit: 550 W, diff: 0 W, hysteresis: 10 W
15:07:15.677 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
15:07:15.677 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 1897373 ms
15:07:15.677 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 27.00 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 27.00 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
15:07:15.677 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is NOT producing
15:07:15.677 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
15:07:15.677 > [DPL::setNewPowerLimit] reusing old limit: 550 W, diff: 0 W, hysteresis: 10 W
15:07:17.356 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
15:07:17.356 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 1898631 ms
15:07:17.356 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 27.00 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 27.00 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
15:07:17.356 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is NOT producing
15:07:17.356 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
15:07:17.356 > [DPL::setNewPowerLimit] reusing old limit: 550 W, diff: 0 W, hysteresis: 10 W
15:07:17.869 > Fetch inverter: 114183727589
15:07:18.138 > TX RealTimeRunData Channel: 40 --> 15 83 72 75 89 80 19 41 84 80 0B 00 64 E4 B2 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A8 62 7F
15:07:18.311 > Interrupt received
15:07:18.365 > RX Channel: 3 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 01 00 01 01 0E 00 04 00 0A 01 0E 00 04 00 0B 00 02 96 | -80 dBm
15:07:18.423 > Interrupt received
15:07:18.486 > RX Channel: 40 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 02 89 05 00 03 1B F9 05 0D 05 A4 09 56 13 88 00 00 97 | -80 dBm
15:07:18.591 > Interrupt received
15:07:18.641 > RX Channel: 61 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 83 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 64 00 37 59 DE C3 | -30 dBm
15:07:18.693 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
15:07:18.693 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 1900303 ms
15:07:18.693 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 27.00 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 27.00 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
15:07:18.693 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is NOT producing
15:07:18.693 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
15:07:18.693 > [DPL::setNewPowerLimit] reusing old limit: 550 W, diff: 0 W, hysteresis: 10 W
15:07:18.693 >
15:07:19.481 > PowerMeterClass: TotalPower: 1434.00
15:07:19.759 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
15:07:19.759 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 1901633 ms
15:07:19.759 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 27.00 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 27.00 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
15:07:19.759 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is NOT producing
15:07:19.759 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
15:07:19.759 > [DPL::setNewPowerLimit] reusing old limit: 550 W, diff: 0 W, hysteresis: 10 W
15:07:20.949 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
15:07:20.949 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 1902715 ms
15:07:20.949 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 27.00 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 27.00 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
15:07:20.949 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is NOT producing
15:07:20.949 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
15:07:20.949 > [DPL::setNewPowerLimit] reusing old limit: 550 W, diff: 0 W, hysteresis: 10 W
15:07:22.191 > [DPL::loop] ******************* ENTER **********************
15:07:22.191 > [DPL::loop] battery interface disabled, SoC: 0 %, StartTH: 30 %, StopTH: 20 %, SoC age: 1903897 ms
15:07:22.191 > [DPL::loop] dcVoltage: 27.00 V, loadCorrectedVoltage: 27.00 V, StartTH: 26.00 V, StopTH: 23.80 V
15:07:22.191 > [DPL::loop] StartTH reached: yes, StopTH reached: no, inverter is NOT producing
15:07:22.191 > [DPL::loop] SolarPT disabled, Drain Strategy: 0, canUseDirectSolarPower: no
15:07:22.191 > [DPL::setNewPowerLimit] reusing old limit: 550 W, diff: 0 W, hysteresis: 10 W
15:07:22.867 > Fetch inverter: 114183727589
15:07:23.103 > TX RealTimeRunData Channel: 61 --> 15 83 72 75 89 80 19 41 84 80 0B 00 64 E4 B2 4D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F8 5D 15
15:07:23.161 > Interrupt received
15:07:23.223 > RX Channel: 3 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 02 89 05 00 03 1B F9 05 0D 05 A4 09 56 13 88 00 00 97 | -80 dBm
15:07:23.412 > Interrupt received
15:07:23.718 > RX Channel: 3 --> 95 83 72 75 89 83 72 75 89 83 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 64 00 37 59 DE C3 | -80 dBm
´´´ |
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Ich denke es kann nicht der Power Meter sein, der schickt mir ja per MQQT Daten raus. |
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Danke für die Logs! Ich glaube zwei Probleme erkannt zu haben:
Mein Lösungsvorschlag für beide Fälle: Wenn der DPL eingeschaltet ist (und nicht per MQTT global ausgehebelt ist, was ja eine unterstützte Funktion ist), dann sollte der DPL annehmen, dass er die Hoheit über das Limit des Inverters hat und daher sicherstellen, dass das von ihm gewünschte Limit tatsächlich eingestellt ist. Das heißt statt das zuletzt gesetzte Limit innerhalb des DPL zu speichern, muss nach einer Neuberechnung des Limits geprüft werden, welches Limit tatsächlich gerade am Inverter eingestellt ist. Nebenbemerkung: Im Log fehlt die Ausgabe |
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@helgeerbe Ich dachte hierzu wäre schnell ein passender PR erzeugt: Vergleiche nicht mit Größtest Problem: Das tatsächlich eingestellte Limit wird vom Inverter nur als relativer Wert zurückgemeldet. Das Ausrechnen des absoluten Limits ist nicht kompliziert, jedoch kann dieser Wert dann geringfügig vom tatsächlich zuletzt bestellten Wert abweichen. Diese Abweichung müsste man wegbügeln, z.B. indem eine minimale Hysterese erzwungen wird. Wie groß die sein sollte ist mir nicht klar. Daher lass ich da erstmal die Finger davon. Dazu hätte ich gerne Feedback ob meine Idee (tatsächlich eingestelltes Limit abholen) sinnvoll erscheint und wenn ja, wie man dann mit diesen Abweichungen umgeht. Als Referenz, entferne ich wieder aus meiner Working Copy ( auto maxPower = inverter->DevInfo()->getMaxPower();
effPowerLimit = std::min<int32_t>(effPowerLimit, maxPower);
// the inverter only reports back the effectie *relative* power limit
auto currentLimit = static_cast<uint16_t>(maxPower * _inverter->SystemConfigPara()->getLimitPercent() / 100);
// enforce a minimal hysteresis so we do not repeatedly request a new limit
// that only differs from the current limit by a rounding error.
auto hysteresis = std::max(2/*TODO: what is a reasonable value here?*/,
// Check if the new value is within the limits of the hysteresis
auto diff = std::abs(effPowerLimit - currentLimit);
if (diff < hysteresis) {
if (_verboseLogging) {
MessageOutput.printf("[DPL::setNewPowerLimit] keeping current limit: %d W, diff: %d W, hysteresis: %d W\r\n",
currentLimit, diff, hysteresis);
return false;
} |
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Kann man nachvollziehen warum die Software den Wechselrichter abschaltet?
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