The examples' folder contains examples for basic transactions, here we describe how to build and run examples inside docker.
To build a docker image, the following are the prerequisites that should be installed.
- Docker: To run the BCDB image.
- Git: To clone the code repository.
To clone the repository, create the required directory
mkdir -p
Change the current working directory to the above created folder
git clone
git clone
Change the current working directory to the server root directory
cd orion-server
View orion-sdk-go/go.mod and copy the server
cat ../orion-sdk-go/go.mod
Switch to the right version of the server that runs with the sdk
git checkout <commit-hash>
Generate crypto materials for users used in the examples
./scripts/ sampleconfig alice bob charlie
For more options about crypto generation, see here
make docker
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/deployment/crypto/:/etc/orion-server/crypto -p 6001:6001 \
-p 7050:7050 orionbcdb/orion-server
Docker image contains already all required configuration files, so thise command is enough for basic run.
For information how to customize docker run parameters, including Orions server configuration, see here
After this step, you can run multiple examples one after another without repeating the build process
Go to the example directory
cd ../orion-sdk-go/examples/api/<example-dir>
Build and run
go build
Delete directories after running the examples
cd ../../../../orion-server/sampleconfig
rm -r txs ledger