diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2efd148..22661bd 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Follow the guides available on https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/framew
## FAQ
| Where is the place to report bugs and feature requests?
-You can create an issue on https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor5/issues including the build id - `75dpbkobvbfv-uxrd8jw6uh78`. Make sure that the question / problem is unique, please look for a possibly asked questions in the search box. Duplicates will be closed.
+You can create an issue on https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor5/issues including the build id - `dt140cpf5dfg-f3iivozdg9sm`. Make sure that the question / problem is unique, please look for a possibly asked questions in the search box. Duplicates will be closed.
| Where can I learn more about the CKEditor 5 framework?
diff --git a/build/ckeditor.d.ts b/build/ckeditor.d.ts
index b2e023a..e4da4b7 100644
--- a/build/ckeditor.d.ts
+++ b/build/ckeditor.d.ts
@@ -3,30 +3,34 @@
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
import { ClassicEditor } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-editor-classic';
+import { Alignment } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-alignment';
import { Autoformat } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-autoformat';
-import { Bold, Italic, Underline } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-basic-styles';
+import { Bold, Code, Strikethrough, Subscript, Underline } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-basic-styles';
import { BlockQuote } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-block-quote';
-import { CloudServices } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-cloud-services';
+import { CodeBlock } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-code-block';
import type { EditorConfig } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core';
import { Essentials } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-essentials';
-import { FontBackgroundColor, FontColor, FontSize } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-font';
-import { Heading } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-heading';
+import { FindAndReplace } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-find-and-replace';
+import { FontBackgroundColor, FontColor, FontFamily, FontSize } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-font';
+import { Heading, Title } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-heading';
+import { Highlight } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-highlight';
import { HorizontalLine } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-horizontal-line';
-import { Image, ImageCaption, ImageInsert, ImageResize, ImageStyle, ImageToolbar, ImageUpload } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-image';
-import { Indent } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-indent';
+import { GeneralHtmlSupport } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-support';
+import { AutoImage, Image, ImageInsert, ImageResize, ImageToolbar, ImageUpload } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-image';
+import { Indent, IndentBlock } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-indent';
import { Link, LinkImage } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-link';
-import { List } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-list';
-import { MediaEmbed } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-media-embed';
+import { List, TodoList } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-list';
import { Paragraph } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-paragraph';
-import { PasteFromOffice } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-paste-from-office';
import { RemoveFormat } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-remove-format';
+import { StandardEditingMode } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-restricted-editing';
import { SelectAll } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-select-all';
-import { Table, TableCellProperties, TableColumnResize, TableProperties, TableToolbar } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-table';
-import { TextTransformation } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-typing';
+import { Style } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-style';
+import { Table, TableColumnResize, TableProperties, TableToolbar } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-table';
import { Undo } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-undo';
import { Base64UploadAdapter } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-upload';
+import { WordCount } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-word-count';
declare class Editor extends ClassicEditor {
- static builtinPlugins: (typeof Autoformat | typeof Base64UploadAdapter | typeof BlockQuote | typeof Bold | typeof CloudServices | typeof Essentials | typeof FontBackgroundColor | typeof FontColor | typeof FontSize | typeof Heading | typeof HorizontalLine | typeof Image | typeof ImageCaption | typeof ImageInsert | typeof ImageResize | typeof ImageStyle | typeof ImageToolbar | typeof ImageUpload | typeof Indent | typeof Italic | typeof Link | typeof LinkImage | typeof List | typeof MediaEmbed | typeof Paragraph | typeof PasteFromOffice | typeof RemoveFormat | typeof SelectAll | typeof Table | typeof TableCellProperties | typeof TableColumnResize | typeof TableProperties | typeof TableToolbar | typeof TextTransformation | typeof Underline | typeof Undo)[];
+ static builtinPlugins: (typeof Alignment | typeof AutoImage | typeof Autoformat | typeof Base64UploadAdapter | typeof BlockQuote | typeof Bold | typeof Code | typeof CodeBlock | typeof Essentials | typeof FindAndReplace | typeof FontBackgroundColor | typeof FontColor | typeof FontFamily | typeof FontSize | typeof GeneralHtmlSupport | typeof Heading | typeof Highlight | typeof HorizontalLine | typeof Image | typeof ImageInsert | typeof ImageResize | typeof ImageToolbar | typeof ImageUpload | typeof Indent | typeof IndentBlock | typeof Link | typeof LinkImage | typeof List | typeof Paragraph | typeof RemoveFormat | typeof SelectAll | typeof StandardEditingMode | typeof Strikethrough | typeof Style | typeof Subscript | typeof Table | typeof TableColumnResize | typeof TableProperties | typeof TableToolbar | typeof Title | typeof TodoList | typeof Underline | typeof Undo | typeof WordCount)[];
static defaultConfig: EditorConfig;
export default Editor;
diff --git a/build/ckeditor.js b/build/ckeditor.js
index e2b6235..4f38526 100644
--- a/build/ckeditor.js
+++ b/build/ckeditor.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-(function(t){const e=t["pt-br"]=t["pt-br"]||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(pode requerer Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 de %1",Accept:"Aceitar",Accessibility:"Acessibilidade","Accessibility help":"Ajuda de acessibilidade","Align cell text to the bottom":"Alinhar texto da célula para baixo","Align cell text to the center":"Alinhar texto da célula centralizado","Align cell text to the left":"Alinhar texto da célula para a esquerda","Align cell text to the middle":"Alinhar texto da célula para o meio","Align cell text to the right":"Alinhar texto da célula para a direita","Align cell text to the top":"Alinhar texto da célula para o topo","Align table to the left":"Alinhar tabela para esquerda","Align table to the right":"Alinhar tabela para direita",Alignment:"Alinhamento",Aquamarine:"Água-marinha",Background:"Cor de fundo","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Abaixo, você pode encontrar uma lista de atalhos de teclado que podem ser usados no editor.",Big:"Grande",Black:"Preto","Block quote":"Bloco de citação",Blue:"Azul",Bold:"Negrito","Bold text":"Texto em negrito",Border:"Borda","Break text":"Quebrar texto","Bulleted List":"Lista com marcadores","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de estilos de lista com marcador",Cancel:"Cancelar","Caption for image: %0":"Legenda da imagem: %0","Caption for the image":"Legenda para a imagem","Cell properties":"Propriedades da célula","Center table":"Centralizar tabela","Centered image":"Imagem centralizada","Change image text alternative":"Alterar texto alternativo da imagem","Choose heading":"Escolha o título",Circle:"Círculo",Clear:"Limpar","Click to edit block":"Clicar para editar o bloco",Close:"Fechar","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Fechar balões contextuais, dropdowns e diálogos",Code:"Código",Color:"Cor","Color picker":"Seletor de cor",Column:"Coluna","Content editing keystrokes":"Teclas de edição de conteúdo","Copy selected content":"Copiar conteúdo selecionado","Create link":"Criar link",Custom:"Personalizar","Custom image size":"Tamanho de imagem personalizado",Dashed:"Tracejada",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal com zero à esquerda","Decrease indent":"Diminuir recuo","Decrease list item indent":"Diminuir o recuo do item da lista",Default:"Padrão","Delete column":"Excluir coluna","Delete row":"Excluir linha","Dim grey":"Cinza escuro",Dimensions:"Dimensões",Disc:"Disco","Document colors":"Cores do documento",Dotted:"Pontilhada",Double:"Dupla",Downloadable:"Pode ser baixado","Drag to move":"Arrastar para mover","Dropdown toolbar":"Barra de Ferramentas da Lista Suspensa","Edit block":"Editor de bloco","Edit link":"Editar link","Editor block content toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de bloco do Editor","Editor contextual toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas contextual do Editor","Editor dialog":"Diálogo do editor","Editor editing area: %0":"Área de edição do editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"Barra de menu do editor","Editor toolbar":"Ferramentas do Editor","Enter image caption":"Inserir legenda da imagem","Enter table caption":"Inserir legenda da tabela","Entering a to-do list":"Inserção de uma lista de tarefas","Error during image upload":"Erro durante o carregamento da imagem","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Execute o botão com o foco atual. Executar botões que interajam com o conteúdo do editor retorna o foco para o conteúdo.","Font Background Color":"Cor de Fundo","Font Color":"Cor da Fonte","Font Family":"Fonte","Font Size":"Tamanho da fonte","Full size image":"Imagem completa",Green:"Verde",Grey:"Cinza",Groove:"Ranhura","Header column":"Coluna de cabeçalho","Header row":"Linha de cabeçalho",Heading:"Titulo","Heading 1":"Título 1","Heading 2":"Título 2","Heading 3":"Título 3","Heading 4":"Título 4","Heading 5":"Título 5","Heading 6":"Título 6",Height:"Altura","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Conteúdo de Ajuda. Para fechar este diálogo pressione ESC.",HEX:"Hexadecimal","Horizontal line":"Linha horizontal","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Ferramentas de alinhamento horizontal do texto",Huge:"Gigante","Image from computer":"Imagem do computador","Image resize list":"Lista de redimensionamento de imagem","Image toolbar":"Ferramentas de Imagem","Image upload complete":"Carregamento de imagem concluído","image widget":"Ferramenta de imagem","In line":"Na linha","Increase indent":"Aumentar recuo","Increase list item indent":"Aumentar o recuo do item da lista",Insert:"Inserir","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Inserir uma quebra dura (um novo parágrafo)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente após um widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente antes de um widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Inserir uma nova linha de tabela (quando na última célula de uma tabela)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Inserir uma quebra suave (um elemento
)","Insert column left":"Inserir coluna à esquerda","Insert column right":"Inserir coluna à direita","Insert image":"Inserir imagem","Insert image via URL":"Inserir imagem via URL","Insert media":"Inserir mídia","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir parágrafo após o bloco","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir parágrafo antes do bloco","Insert row above":"Inserir linha acima","Insert row below":"Inserir linha abaixo","Insert table":"Inserir tabela",Inset:"Baixo relevo","Invalid start index value.":"Valor de índice inicial inválido.",Italic:"Itálico","Italic text":"Texto em itálico","Justify cell text":"Justificar texto da célula","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Teclas que podem ser usadas em uma lista","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Teclas que podem ser usadas em uma célula de tabela","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Teclas que podem ser usadas quando um widget está selecionado (por exemplo: imagem, tabela, etc.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Deixar uma lista de tarefas","Left aligned image":"Imagem alinhada à esquerda","Light blue":"Azul claro","Light green":"Verde claro","Light grey":"Cinza claro",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link com imagem","Link URL":"URL do link","Link URL must not be empty.":"O URL do link não pode estar vazio.","List properties":"Propriedades da lista","Lower-latin":"Latim minúsculo","Lower–roman":"Romano minúsculo","Media toolbar":"Ferramentas de Mídia","Media URL":"URL da mídia","media widget":"Ferramenta de mídia",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Editar",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Arquivo",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Fonte",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formato",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Ajuda",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Inserir",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Texto",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Ferramentas",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Visualizar","Merge cell down":"Mesclar abaixo","Merge cell left":"Mesclar à esquerda","Merge cell right":"Mesclar à direita","Merge cell up":"Mesclar acima","Merge cells":"Mesclar células","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Mover o foco entre campos de formulário (entradas, botões, etc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Mover o foco para dentro e fora de uma janela de diálogo ativa","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Mova o foco para a barra de menu, navegue entre as barras de menu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Mover o foco para a barra de ferramentas, navegar entre barras de ferramentas","Move out of a link":"Sair de um link","Move out of an inline code style":"Sair de um estilo de código inline","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mova o cursor para permitir a digitação diretamente após um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mova o cursor para permitir a digitação diretamente antes de um widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Mover a seleção para a próxima célula","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Mover a seleção para a célula anterior","Navigate through the table":"Navegar pela tabela","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navegue pela barra de ferramentas ou pela barra de menu",Next:"Próximo","No results found":"Nenhum resultado encontrado","No searchable items":"Sem itens pesquisáveis",None:"Sem borda","Numbered List":"Lista numerada","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de estilos de lista numerada","Open in a new tab":"Abrir em nova aba","Open link in new tab":"Abrir link em nova aba","Open media in new tab":"Abrir mídia em nova aba","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Abrir o diálogo de ajuda de acessibilidade",Orange:"Laranja",Original:"Original",Outset:"Alto relevo",Padding:"Margem interna",Paragraph:"Parágrafo","Paste content":"Colar conteúdo","Paste content as plain text":"Colar conteúdo como texto simples","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Cole o endereço da mídia no campo.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Digite uma cor válida (por exemplo, "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Pressione %0 para ajuda.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Pressione Enter para digitar depois ou pressione Shift + Enter para digitar antes do widget",Previous:"Anterior",Purple:"Púrpura",Red:"Vermelho",Redo:"Refazer","Remove color":"Remover cor","Remove Format":"Remover Formatação","Replace from computer":"Substituir do computador","Replace image":"Substituir imagem","Replace image from computer":"Substituir a imagem do computador","Resize image":"Redimensionar imagem","Resize image (in %0)":"Redimensionar imagem (em %0)","Resize image to %0":"Redimensionar a imagem para %0","Resize image to the original size":"Redimensionar a imagem para o tamanho original","Restore default":"Restaurar padrão","Reversed order":"Ordem inversa","Revert autoformatting action":"Reverter ação de autoformatação","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de Formatação",Ridge:"Crista","Right aligned image":"Imagem alinhada à direita",Row:"Linha",Save:"Salvar","Select all":"Selecionar tudo","Select column":"Selecionar coluna","Select row":"Selecionar linha","Show more items":"Exibir mais itens","Side image":"Imagem lateral",Small:"Pequeno",Solid:"Sólida","Split cell horizontally":"Dividir horizontalmente","Split cell vertically":"Dividir verticalmente",Square:"Quadrado","Start at":"Iniciar em","Start index must be greater than 0.":"O índice inicial deve ser maior que 0.",Strikethrough:"Tachado","Strikethrough text":"Texto com riscado",Style:"Estilo",Subscript:"Subscrito",Superscript:"Sobrescrito",Table:"Tabela","Table alignment toolbar":"Ferramentas de alinhamento da tabela","Table cell text alignment":"Alinhamento do texto na célula","Table properties":"Propriedades da tabela","Table toolbar":"Ferramentas de Tabela","Text alternative":"Texto alternativo",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Cor inválida. Tente "#FF0000" ou "rgb(255,0,0)" ou "red"',"The URL must not be empty.":"A URL não pode ficar em branco.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Valor inválido. Tente "10px" ou "2em" ou apenas "2"',"The value must not be empty.":"O valor não deve estar vazio.","The value should be a plain number.":"O valor deve ser um número simples.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Estes atalhos de teclado permitem um rápido acesso às funcionalidades de edição de conteúdo.","This link has no URL":"Este link não possui uma URL","This media URL is not supported.":"Esta URL de mídia não é suportada.",Tiny:"Minúsculo","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Cole o endereço dentro do conteúdo para embutir mais rapidamente.","To-do List":"Lista de Tarefas","Toggle caption off":"Desabilitar legenda","Toggle caption on":"Habilitar legenda","Toggle the circle list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista de círculo","Toggle the decimal list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista decimal com zero à esquerda","Toggle the disc list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista de disco","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista latina minúscula","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista romana minúscula","Toggle the square list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista quadrada","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista latino maiúscula","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista romana maiúscula",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Type or paste your content here.":"Digite ou cole o conteúdo aqui.","Type your title":"Digite o título",Underline:"Sublinhado","Underline text":"Texto sublinhado",Undo:"Desfazer",Unlink:"Remover link",Update:"Atualizar","Update image URL":"Atualizar URL da imagem","Upload failed":"Falha ao enviar arquivo","Upload from computer":"Carregar do computador","Upload image from computer":"Carregar imagem do computador","Upload in progress":"Enviando dados","Uploading image":"Carregamento de imagem","Upper-latin":"Latim maiúsculo","Upper-roman":"Romano maiúsculo","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Use as seguintes teclas para uma navegação mais eficiente na interface do usuário do CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Teclas de navegação da interface do usuário e do conteúdo","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Ferramentas de alinhamento vertical do texto",White:"Branco","Widget toolbar":"Ferramentas de Widgets",Width:"Largura","Wrap text":"Texto ao redor",Yellow:"Amarelo"});e.getPluralForm=function(t){return t==0||t==1?0:t!=0&&t%1e6==0?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
+(function(t){const e=t["pt-br"]=t["pt-br"]||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(pode requerer Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 de %1",Accept:"Aceitar",Accessibility:"Acessibilidade","Accessibility help":"Ajuda de acessibilidade","Advanced options":"Opções avançadas","Align cell text to the bottom":"Alinhar texto da célula para baixo","Align cell text to the center":"Alinhar texto da célula centralizado","Align cell text to the left":"Alinhar texto da célula para a esquerda","Align cell text to the middle":"Alinhar texto da célula para o meio","Align cell text to the right":"Alinhar texto da célula para a direita","Align cell text to the top":"Alinhar texto da célula para o topo","Align center":"Centralizar","Align left":"Alinhar à esquerda","Align right":"Alinhar à direita","Align table to the left":"Alinhar tabela para esquerda","Align table to the right":"Alinhar tabela para direita",Alignment:"Alinhamento",Aquamarine:"Água-marinha",Background:"Cor de fundo","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Abaixo, você pode encontrar uma lista de atalhos de teclado que podem ser usados no editor.",Big:"Grande",Black:"Preto","Block quote":"Bloco de citação","Block styles":"Estilos de bloco",Blue:"Azul","Blue marker":"Marcador azul",Bold:"Negrito","Bold text":"Texto em negrito",Border:"Borda","Break text":"Quebrar texto","Bulleted List":"Lista com marcadores","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de estilos de lista com marcador",Cancel:"Cancelar","Caption for image: %0":"Legenda da imagem: %0","Caption for the image":"Legenda para a imagem","Cell properties":"Propriedades da célula","Center table":"Centralizar tabela","Centered image":"Imagem centralizada","Change image text alternative":"Alterar texto alternativo da imagem","Characters: %0":"Caracteres: %0","Choose heading":"Escolha o título",Circle:"Círculo",Clear:"Limpar","Click to edit block":"Clicar para editar o bloco",Close:"Fechar","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Fechar balões contextuais, dropdowns e diálogos",Code:"Código","Code block":"Bloco de código",Color:"Cor","Color picker":"Seletor de cor",Column:"Coluna","Content editing keystrokes":"Teclas de edição de conteúdo","Copy selected content":"Copiar conteúdo selecionado","Create link":"Criar link",Custom:"Personalizar","Custom image size":"Tamanho de imagem personalizado",Dashed:"Tracejada",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal com zero à esquerda","Decrease indent":"Diminuir recuo","Decrease list item indent":"Diminuir o recuo do item da lista",Default:"Padrão","Delete column":"Excluir coluna","Delete row":"Excluir linha","Dim grey":"Cinza escuro",Dimensions:"Dimensões","Disable editing":"Desativar edição",Disc:"Disco","Document colors":"Cores do documento",Dotted:"Pontilhada",Double:"Dupla",Downloadable:"Pode ser baixado","Drag to move":"Arrastar para mover","Dropdown toolbar":"Barra de Ferramentas da Lista Suspensa","Edit block":"Editor de bloco","Edit link":"Editar link","Editor block content toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de bloco do Editor","Editor contextual toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas contextual do Editor","Editor dialog":"Diálogo do editor","Editor editing area: %0":"Área de edição do editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"Barra de menu do editor","Editor toolbar":"Ferramentas do Editor","Enable editing":"Ativar edição","Enter image caption":"Inserir legenda da imagem","Enter table caption":"Inserir legenda da tabela","Entering %0 code snippet":"Inserção do trecho de código %0","Entering a to-do list":"Inserção de uma lista de tarefas","Entering code snippet":"Inserção de trecho de código","Error during image upload":"Erro durante o carregamento da imagem","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Execute o botão com o foco atual. Executar botões que interajam com o conteúdo do editor retorna o foco para o conteúdo.",Find:"Localizar","Find and replace":"Localizar e substituir","Find in text…":"Localizar no texto","Find in the document":"Pesquisar no documento","Font Background Color":"Cor de Fundo","Font Color":"Cor da Fonte","Font Family":"Fonte","Font Size":"Tamanho da fonte","Full size image":"Imagem completa",Green:"Verde","Green marker":"Marcador verde","Green pen":"Caneta verde",Grey:"Cinza",Groove:"Ranhura","Header column":"Coluna de cabeçalho","Header row":"Linha de cabeçalho",Heading:"Titulo","Heading 1":"Título 1","Heading 2":"Título 2","Heading 3":"Título 3","Heading 4":"Título 4","Heading 5":"Título 5","Heading 6":"Título 6",Height:"Altura","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Conteúdo de Ajuda. Para fechar este diálogo pressione ESC.",HEX:"Hexadecimal",Highlight:"Marcador","Horizontal line":"Linha horizontal","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Ferramentas de alinhamento horizontal do texto","HTML object":"Objeto HTML",Huge:"Gigante","Image from computer":"Imagem do computador","Image resize list":"Lista de redimensionamento de imagem","Image toolbar":"Ferramentas de Imagem","Image upload complete":"Carregamento de imagem concluído","image widget":"Ferramenta de imagem","In line":"Na linha","Increase indent":"Aumentar recuo","Increase list item indent":"Aumentar o recuo do item da lista",Insert:"Inserir","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Inserir uma quebra dura (um novo parágrafo)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente após um widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente antes de um widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Inserir uma nova linha de tabela (quando na última célula de uma tabela)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Inserir uma quebra suave (um elemento
)","Insert code block":"Inserir bloco de código","Insert column left":"Inserir coluna à esquerda","Insert column right":"Inserir coluna à direita","Insert image":"Inserir imagem","Insert image via URL":"Inserir imagem via URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir parágrafo após o bloco","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir parágrafo antes do bloco","Insert row above":"Inserir linha acima","Insert row below":"Inserir linha abaixo","Insert table":"Inserir tabela",Inset:"Baixo relevo","Invalid start index value.":"Valor de índice inicial inválido.",Italic:"Itálico","Italic text":"Texto em itálico",Justify:"Justificar","Justify cell text":"Justificar texto da célula","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Teclas que podem ser usadas em uma lista","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Teclas que podem ser usadas em uma célula de tabela","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Teclas que podem ser usadas quando um widget está selecionado (por exemplo: imagem, tabela, etc.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Deixando o trecho de código %0","Leaving a to-do list":"Deixar uma lista de tarefas","Leaving code snippet":"Deixando o trecho de código","Left aligned image":"Imagem alinhada à esquerda","Light blue":"Azul claro","Light green":"Verde claro","Light grey":"Cinza claro",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link com imagem","Link URL":"URL do link","Link URL must not be empty.":"O URL do link não pode estar vazio.","List properties":"Propriedades da lista","Lower-latin":"Latim minúsculo","Lower–roman":"Romano minúsculo","Match case":"Diferenciar maiúsculas de minúsculas",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Editar",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Arquivo",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Fonte",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formato",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Ajuda",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Inserir",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Texto",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Ferramentas",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Visualizar","Merge cell down":"Mesclar abaixo","Merge cell left":"Mesclar à esquerda","Merge cell right":"Mesclar à direita","Merge cell up":"Mesclar acima","Merge cells":"Mesclar células","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Mover o foco entre campos de formulário (entradas, botões, etc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Mover o foco para dentro e fora de uma janela de diálogo ativa","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Mova o foco para a barra de menu, navegue entre as barras de menu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Mover o foco para a barra de ferramentas, navegar entre barras de ferramentas","Move out of a link":"Sair de um link","Move out of an inline code style":"Sair de um estilo de código inline","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mova o cursor para permitir a digitação diretamente após um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mova o cursor para permitir a digitação diretamente antes de um widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Mover a seleção para a próxima célula","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Mover a seleção para a célula anterior","Multiple styles":"Múltiplos estilos","Navigate editable regions":"Navegar entre regiões editáveis","Navigate through the table":"Navegar pela tabela","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navegue pela barra de ferramentas ou pela barra de menu",Next:"Próximo","Next editable region":"Próxima região editável","Next result":"Próxima ocorrência","No results found":"Nenhum resultado encontrado","No searchable items":"Sem itens pesquisáveis",None:"Sem borda","Numbered List":"Lista numerada","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de estilos de lista numerada","Open in a new tab":"Abrir em nova aba","Open link in new tab":"Abrir link em nova aba","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Abrir o diálogo de ajuda de acessibilidade",Orange:"Laranja",Original:"Original",Outset:"Alto relevo",Padding:"Margem interna",Paragraph:"Parágrafo","Paste content":"Colar conteúdo","Paste content as plain text":"Colar conteúdo como texto simples","Pink marker":"Marcador rosa","Plain text":"Texto sem formatação",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Digite uma cor válida (por exemplo, "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Pressione %0 para ajuda.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Pressione Enter para digitar depois ou pressione Shift + Enter para digitar antes do widget",Previous:"Anterior","Previous editable region":"Região editável anterior","Previous result":"Ocorrência anterior",Purple:"Púrpura",Red:"Vermelho","Red pen":"Caneta vermelha",Redo:"Refazer","Remove color":"Remover cor","Remove Format":"Remover Formatação","Remove highlight":"Remover marcação",Replace:"Substituir","Replace all":"Substituir todos","Replace from computer":"Substituir do computador","Replace image":"Substituir imagem","Replace image from computer":"Substituir a imagem do computador","Replace with…":"Substituir por...","Resize image":"Redimensionar imagem","Resize image (in %0)":"Redimensionar imagem (em %0)","Resize image to %0":"Redimensionar a imagem para %0","Resize image to the original size":"Redimensionar a imagem para o tamanho original","Restore default":"Restaurar padrão","Reversed order":"Ordem inversa","Revert autoformatting action":"Reverter ação de autoformatação","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de Formatação",Ridge:"Crista","Right aligned image":"Imagem alinhada à direita",Row:"Linha",Save:"Salvar","Select all":"Selecionar tudo","Select column":"Selecionar coluna","Select row":"Selecionar linha","Show more items":"Exibir mais itens","Side image":"Imagem lateral",Small:"Pequeno",Solid:"Sólida","Split cell horizontally":"Dividir horizontalmente","Split cell vertically":"Dividir verticalmente",Square:"Quadrado","Start at":"Iniciar em","Start index must be greater than 0.":"O índice inicial deve ser maior que 0.",Strikethrough:"Tachado","Strikethrough text":"Texto com riscado",Style:"Estilo",Styles:"Estilos",Subscript:"Subscrito",Superscript:"Sobrescrito",Table:"Tabela","Table alignment toolbar":"Ferramentas de alinhamento da tabela","Table cell text alignment":"Alinhamento do texto na célula","Table properties":"Propriedades da tabela","Table toolbar":"Ferramentas de Tabela","Text alignment":"Alinhamento do texto","Text alignment toolbar":"Ferramentas de alinhamento de texto","Text alternative":"Texto alternativo","Text highlight toolbar":"Ferramentas de marcação","Text styles":"Estilos de texto","Text to find must not be empty.":"O texto a ser localizado não pode ser vazio.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Cor inválida. Tente "#FF0000" ou "rgb(255,0,0)" ou "red"','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Valor inválido. Tente "10px" ou "2em" ou apenas "2"',"The value must not be empty.":"O valor não deve estar vazio.","The value should be a plain number.":"O valor deve ser um número simples.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Estes atalhos de teclado permitem um rápido acesso às funcionalidades de edição de conteúdo.","This link has no URL":"Este link não possui uma URL",Tiny:"Minúsculo","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Dica: Localize algum texto primeiro para poder substituí-lo.","To-do List":"Lista de Tarefas","Toggle caption off":"Desabilitar legenda","Toggle caption on":"Habilitar legenda","Toggle the circle list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista de círculo","Toggle the decimal list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista decimal com zero à esquerda","Toggle the disc list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista de disco","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista latina minúscula","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista romana minúscula","Toggle the square list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista quadrada","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista latino maiúscula","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista romana maiúscula",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Type or paste your content here.":"Digite ou cole o conteúdo aqui.","Type your title":"Digite o título",Underline:"Sublinhado","Underline text":"Texto sublinhado",Undo:"Desfazer",Unlink:"Remover link",Update:"Atualizar","Update image URL":"Atualizar URL da imagem","Upload failed":"Falha ao enviar arquivo","Upload from computer":"Carregar do computador","Upload image from computer":"Carregar imagem do computador","Upload in progress":"Enviando dados","Uploading image":"Carregamento de imagem","Upper-latin":"Latim maiúsculo","Upper-roman":"Romano maiúsculo","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Use as seguintes teclas para uma navegação mais eficiente na interface do usuário do CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Teclas de navegação da interface do usuário e do conteúdo","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Ferramentas de alinhamento vertical do texto",White:"Branco","Whole words only":"Apenas palavras inteiras","Widget toolbar":"Ferramentas de Widgets",Width:"Largura","Words: %0":"Palavras: %0","Wrap text":"Texto ao redor",Yellow:"Amarelo","Yellow marker":"Marcador amarelo"});e.getPluralForm=function(t){return t==0||t==1?0:t!=0&&t%1e6==0?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md.
- */(function t(e,n){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module==="object")module.exports=n();else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd)define([],n);else if(typeof exports==="object")exports["ClassicEditor"]=n();else e["ClassicEditor"]=n()})(self,(()=>(()=>{var t={5659:(t,e,n)=>{const o=n(8156);const i={};for(const t of Object.keys(o)){i[o[t]]=t}const r={rgb:{channels:3,labels:"rgb"},hsl:{channels:3,labels:"hsl"},hsv:{channels:3,labels:"hsv"},hwb:{channels:3,labels:"hwb"},cmyk:{channels:4,labels:"cmyk"},xyz:{channels:3,labels:"xyz"},lab:{channels:3,labels:"lab"},lch:{channels:3,labels:"lch"},hex:{channels:1,labels:["hex"]},keyword:{channels:1,labels:["keyword"]},ansi16:{channels:1,labels:["ansi16"]},ansi256:{channels:1,labels:["ansi256"]},hcg:{channels:3,labels:["h","c","g"]},apple:{channels:3,labels:["r16","g16","b16"]},gray:{channels:1,labels:["gray"]}};t.exports=r;for(const t of Object.keys(r)){if(!("channels"in r[t])){throw new Error("missing channels property: "+t)}if(!("labels"in r[t])){throw new Error("missing channel labels property: "+t)}if(r[t].labels.length!==r[t].channels){throw new Error("channel and label counts mismatch: "+t)}const{channels:e,labels:n}=r[t];delete r[t].channels;delete r[t].labels;Object.defineProperty(r[t],"channels",{value:e});Object.defineProperty(r[t],"labels",{value:n})}r.rgb.hsl=function(t){const e=t[0]/255;const n=t[1]/255;const o=t[2]/255;const i=Math.min(e,n,o);const r=Math.max(e,n,o);const s=r-i;let a;let c;if(r===i){a=0}else if(e===r){a=(n-o)/s}else if(n===r){a=2+(o-e)/s}else if(o===r){a=4+(e-n)/s}a=Math.min(a*60,360);if(a<0){a+=360}const l=(i+r)/2;if(r===i){c=0}else if(l<=.5){c=s/(r+i)}else{c=s/(2-r-i)}return[a,c*100,l*100]};r.rgb.hsv=function(t){let e;let n;let o;let i;let r;const s=t[0]/255;const a=t[1]/255;const c=t[2]/255;const l=Math.max(s,a,c);const d=l-Math.min(s,a,c);const u=function(t){return(l-t)/6/d+1/2};if(d===0){i=0;r=0}else{r=d/l;e=u(s);n=u(a);o=u(c);if(s===l){i=o-n}else if(a===l){i=1/3+e-o}else if(c===l){i=2/3+n-e}if(i<0){i+=1}else if(i>1){i-=1}}return[i*360,r*100,l*100]};r.rgb.hwb=function(t){const e=t[0];const n=t[1];let o=t[2];const i=r.rgb.hsl(t)[0];const s=1/255*Math.min(e,Math.min(n,o));o=1-1/255*Math.max(e,Math.max(n,o));return[i,s*100,o*100]};r.rgb.cmyk=function(t){const e=t[0]/255;const n=t[1]/255;const o=t[2]/255;const i=Math.min(1-e,1-n,1-o);const r=(1-e-i)/(1-i)||0;const s=(1-n-i)/(1-i)||0;const a=(1-o-i)/(1-i)||0;return[r*100,s*100,a*100,i*100]};function s(t,e){return(t[0]-e[0])**2+(t[1]-e[1])**2+(t[2]-e[2])**2}r.rgb.keyword=function(t){const e=i[t];if(e){return e}let n=Infinity;let r;for(const e of Object.keys(o)){const i=o[e];const a=s(t,i);if(a
").replace(/\t/g," ").replace(/^\s/," ").replace(/\s$/," ").replace(/\s\s/g," ");if(t.includes("
`}return t}function fP(t){return t.replace(/(\s+)<\/span>/g,((t,e)=>{if(e.length==1){return" "}return e})).replace(//g,"")}const pP=["figcaption","li"];const bP=["ol","ul"];function kP(t){if(t.is("$text")||t.is("$textProxy")){return t.data}if(t.is("element","img")&&t.hasAttribute("alt")){return t.getAttribute("alt")}if(t.is("element","br")){return"\n"}let e="";let n=null;for(const o of t.getChildren()){e+=wP(o,n)+kP(o);n=o}return e}function wP(t,e){if(!e){return""}if(t.is("element","li")&&!t.isEmpty&&t.getChild(0).is("containerElement")){return"\n\n"}if(bP.includes(t.name)&&bP.includes(e.name)){return"\n\n"}if(!t.is("containerElement")&&!e.is("containerElement")){return""}if(pP.includes(t.name)||pP.includes(e.name)){return"\n"}return"\n\n"}function _P(t,e){return t&&ll(t,e,qi)}const AP=_P;var CP=1,vP=2;function yP(t,e,n,o){var i=n.length,r=i,s=!o;if(t==null){return!r}t=Object(t);while(i--){var a=n[i];if(s&&a[2]?a[1]!==t[a[0]]:!(a[0]in t)){return false}}while(++i<br>
element)":"قمْ بإدراج فاصل بسيط (عنصر <br>
)","Insert column left":"أدخل العمود إلى اليسار","Insert column right":"أدخل العمود إلى اليمين","Insert image":"ادراج صورة","Insert image via URL":"إدراج صورة عبر عنوان URL","Insert media":"أدخل الوسائط","Insert paragraph after block":"إدراج فقرة بعد الكتلة","Insert paragraph before block":"إدراج فقرة قبل الكتلة","Insert row above":"ادراج صف قبل","Insert row below":"ادراج صف بعد","Insert table":"إدراج جدول",Inset:"منخفض","Invalid start index value.":"قيمة فهرس البداية غير صالحة.",Italic:"مائل","Italic text":"نص مائل","Justify cell text":"ضبط نص الخلية","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"ضغطة المفاتيح التي يمكن استخدامها في القائمة","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"ضغطة المفاتيح التي يمكن استخدامها في خلية الجدول","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"ضغطة المفاتيح التي يمكن استخدامها عند اختيار الأداة (على سبيل المثال: الصورة والجدول وما إلى ذلك)","Leaving a to-do list":"ترك قائمة المهام","Left aligned image":"صورة بمحاذاة لليسار","Light blue":"أزرق فاتح","Light green":"أخضر فاتح","Light grey":"رمادي فاتح",Link:"رابط","Link image":"ربط الصورة","Link URL":"رابط عنوان","Link URL must not be empty.":"يجب ألا يكون عنوان الرابط فارغاً.","List properties":"خصائص القائمة","Lower-latin":"حرف لاتيني صغير","Lower–roman":"رقم روماني صغير","Media toolbar":"شريط أدوات الوسائط","Media URL":"عنوان URL الوسائط","media widget":"أداة الوسائط",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"تحرير",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"ملف",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"خط",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"صيغة",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"مساعدة",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"إدراج",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"نص",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"أدوات",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"عرض","Merge cell down":"دمج الخلايا للأسفل","Merge cell left":"دمج الخلايا لليسار","Merge cell right":"دمج الخلايا لليمين","Merge cell up":"دمج الخلايا للأعلى","Merge cells":"دمج الخلايا","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"انقلْ التركيز بين حقول النموذج (المدخلات والأزرار وما إلى ذلك)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"انقلْ التركيز داخل وخارج نافذة الحوار النشطة","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"انقلْ التركيز إلى شريط القائمة، وتَنقّلْ بين أشرطة القوائم","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"انقلْ التركيز إلى شريط الأدوات، وتنقّلْ بين أشرطة الأدوات","Move out of a link":"ابتعدْ عن الرابط","Move out of an inline code style":"ابتعدْ عن نمط التعليمات البرمجية المضمّنة","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"حرّكْ علامة الإقحام للسماح بالكتابة مباشرةً بعد الأداة","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"حرّكْ علامة الإقحام للسماح بالكتابة مباشرةً قبل الأداة","Move the selection to the next cell":"انقلْ التحديد إلى الخلية التالية","Move the selection to the previous cell":"انقلْ التحديد إلى الخلية السابقة","Navigate through the table":"تنقّلْ عبر الجدول","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"تنقّلْ عبر شريط الأدوات أو شريط القوائم",Next:"التالي","No results found":"لم يتم العثور على نتائج","No searchable items":"لا توجد عناصر قابلة للبحث متاحة",None:"لا شيء","Numbered List":"قائمة رقمية","Numbered list styles toolbar":"شريط أدوات أنماط القوائم المرقمة","Open in a new tab":"فتح في تبويب جديد","Open link in new tab":"فتح الرابط في تبويب جديد","Open media in new tab":"فتح الوسائط في علامة تبويب جديدة","Open the accessibility help dialog":"افتحْ مربع الحوار بشأن تعليمات إمكانية الوصول",Orange:"برتقالي",Original:"الحجم الأصلي",Outset:"بارز",Padding:"الحاشية",Paragraph:"فقرة","Paste content":"الصقْ المحتوى","Paste content as plain text":"الصقْ المحتوى كنص عادي","Paste the media URL in the input.":"ألصق عنوان URL الوسائط في موضع الإدخال.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'يُرجى إدخال لون صالح (على سبيل المثال "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"اضغط على %0 للحصول على التعليمات.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"اضغط على Enter للكتابة بعد ذلك أو اضغط على Shift + Enter للكتابة قبل الأداة",Previous:"السابق",Purple:"أرجواني",Red:"أحمر",Redo:"إعادة","Remove color":"إزالة اللون","Remove Format":"إزالة التنسيق","Replace from computer":"استبدال من الحاسوب","Replace image":"استبدال الصورة","Replace image from computer":"استبدال الصورة من الحاسوب","Resize image":"تغيير حجم الصورة","Resize image (in %0)":"تغيير حجم الصورة (في %0 )","Resize image to %0":"تغيير حجم الصورة إلى %0","Resize image to the original size":"تغيير حجم الصورة إلى الحجم الأصلي","Restore default":"استعادة الافتراضي","Reversed order":"عكس اتجاه الترتيب","Revert autoformatting action":"العودة إلى إجراء التنسيق التلقائي","Rich Text Editor":"معالج نصوص",Ridge:"إطار ناتئ","Right aligned image":"صورة بمحاذاة لليمين",Row:"صف",Save:"حفظ","Select all":"تحديد الكل","Select column":"حدد العمود","Select row":"حدد صفًا","Show more items":"عرض المزيد من العناصر","Side image":"صورة جانبية",Small:"صغير",Solid:"صلب","Split cell horizontally":"فصل الخلايا بشكل افقي","Split cell vertically":"فصل الخلايا بشكل عمودي",Square:"مربع","Start at":"البدء من","Start index must be greater than 0.":"يجب أن تكون قيمة البداية في الفهرس أكبر من 0.",Strikethrough:"يتوسطه خط","Strikethrough text":"توسيط الخط في النص",Style:"أسلوب",Subscript:"حرف منخفض",Superscript:"حرف مرتفع",Table:"جدول","Table alignment toolbar":"شريط أدوات محاذاة الجدول","Table cell text alignment":"محاذاة نص خلية الجدول","Table properties":"خصائص الجدول","Table toolbar":"شريط أدوات الجدول","Text alternative":"النص البديل",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'هذا اللون غير صالح. جرِّب "#FF0000" أو "rgb(255,0,0)" أو "أحمر".',"The URL must not be empty.":"لا يمكن ترك بيان عنوان URL فارغاً.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'هذه القيمة غير صالحة. جرِّب "10px" أو "2em" أو "2" وحسب.',"The value must not be empty.":"يجب ألا تكون القيمة فارغة.","The value should be a plain number.":"يجب أن تكون القيمة رقماً عادياً.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"تسمح اختصارات لوحة المفاتيح هذه بالوصول سريعاً إلى ميزات تحرير المحتوى.","This link has no URL":"لا يحتوي هذا الرابط على عنوان","This media URL is not supported.":"عنوان URL الوسائط هذا غير مدعوم.",Tiny:"ضئيل","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"نصيحة: ألصق عنوان URL داخل المحتوى؛ لتسريع عملية التضمين.","To-do List":"قائمة المهام","Toggle caption off":"إخفاء التسمية التوضيحية","Toggle caption on":"عرض التسمية التوضيحية","Toggle the circle list style":"تبديل نمط قائمة الدوائر","Toggle the decimal list style":"تبديل نمط قائمة الأرقام العشرية","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"تبديل الأرقام العشرية بنمط قائمة الأصفار البادئة","Toggle the disc list style":"تبديل نمط قائمة الأقراص","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"تبديل نمط قائمة الأحرف اللاتينية الصغيرة","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"تبديل نمط قائمة الأرقام الرومانية الصغيرة","Toggle the square list style":"تبديل نمط قائمة المربعات","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"تبديل نمط قائمة الأحرف اللاتينية الكبيرة","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"تبديل نمط قائمة الأرقام الرومانية الكبيرة",Turquoise:"فيروزي","Type or paste your content here.":"أكتب المحتوى أو ألصقه هنا.","Type your title":"أدخل العنوان",Underline:"تحته خط","Underline text":"تسطير النص",Undo:"تراجع",Unlink:"إلغاء الرابط",Update:"تحديث","Update image URL":"عنوان URL الخاص بتحديث الصورة","Upload failed":"فشل الرفع","Upload from computer":"رفع الملف من الحاسوب","Upload image from computer":"تحميل الصورة من الحاسوب","Upload in progress":"جاري الرفع","Uploading image":"جارٍ تحميل الصورة","Upper-latin":"حرف لاتيني كبير","Upper-roman":"رقم روماني كبير","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"استخدمْ ضغطة المفاتيح التالية للتنقل بشكل أكثر كفاءة في واجهة مستخدم CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"واجهة المستخدم وضغطة المفاتيح للتنقل في المحتوى","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"شريط أدوات محاذاة النص العمودي",White:"أبيض","Widget toolbar":"شريط أدوات الواجهة",Width:"العرض","Wrap text":"التفاف النص",Yellow:"أصفر"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==0?0:e==1?1:e==2?2:e%100>=3&&e%100<=10?3:e%100>=11&&e%100<=99?4:5}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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element)":"قمْ بإدراج فاصل بسيط (عنصر <br>
)","Insert code block":"إدراج كتلة تعليمات برمجية","Insert column left":"أدخل العمود إلى اليسار","Insert column right":"أدخل العمود إلى اليمين","Insert image":"ادراج صورة","Insert image via URL":"إدراج صورة عبر عنوان URL","Insert paragraph after block":"إدراج فقرة بعد الكتلة","Insert paragraph before block":"إدراج فقرة قبل الكتلة","Insert row above":"ادراج صف قبل","Insert row below":"ادراج صف بعد","Insert table":"إدراج جدول",Inset:"منخفض","Invalid start index value.":"قيمة فهرس البداية غير صالحة.",Italic:"مائل","Italic text":"نص مائل",Justify:"ضبط","Justify cell text":"ضبط نص الخلية","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"ضغطة المفاتيح التي يمكن استخدامها في القائمة","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"ضغطة المفاتيح التي يمكن استخدامها في خلية الجدول","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"ضغطة المفاتيح التي يمكن استخدامها عند اختيار الأداة (على سبيل المثال: الصورة والجدول وما إلى ذلك)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"ترك 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والأزرار وما إلى ذلك)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"انقلْ التركيز داخل وخارج نافذة الحوار النشطة","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"انقلْ التركيز إلى شريط القائمة، وتَنقّلْ بين أشرطة القوائم","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"انقلْ التركيز إلى شريط الأدوات، وتنقّلْ بين أشرطة الأدوات","Move out of a link":"ابتعدْ عن الرابط","Move out of an inline code style":"ابتعدْ عن نمط التعليمات البرمجية المضمّنة","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"حرّكْ علامة الإقحام للسماح بالكتابة مباشرةً بعد الأداة","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"حرّكْ علامة الإقحام للسماح بالكتابة مباشرةً قبل الأداة","Move the selection to the next cell":"انقلْ التحديد إلى الخلية التالية","Move the selection to the previous cell":"انقلْ التحديد إلى الخلية السابقة","Multiple styles":"أنماط متعددة","Navigate editable regions":"التنقل في مناطق التحرير","Navigate through the table":"تنقّلْ عبر الجدول","Navigate 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the widget":"اضغط على Enter للكتابة بعد ذلك أو اضغط على Shift + Enter للكتابة قبل الأداة",Previous:"السابق","Previous editable region":"منطقة التحرير السابقة","Previous result":"النتيجة السابقة",Purple:"أرجواني",Red:"أحمر","Red pen":"تحديد احمر",Redo:"إعادة","Remove color":"إزالة اللون","Remove Format":"إزالة التنسيق","Remove highlight":"إزالة التحديد",Replace:"استبدال","Replace all":"استبدال الكل","Replace from computer":"استبدال من الحاسوب","Replace image":"استبدال الصورة","Replace image from computer":"استبدال الصورة من الحاسوب","Replace with…":"استبدال بـ...","Resize image":"تغيير حجم الصورة","Resize image (in %0)":"تغيير حجم الصورة (في %0 )","Resize image to %0":"تغيير حجم الصورة إلى %0","Resize image to the original size":"تغيير حجم الصورة إلى الحجم الأصلي","Restore default":"استعادة الافتراضي","Reversed order":"عكس اتجاه الترتيب","Revert autoformatting action":"العودة إلى إجراء التنسيق التلقائي","Rich Text Editor":"معالج نصوص",Ridge:"إطار ناتئ","Right aligned image":"صورة 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لبيان النص المطلوب البحث عنه أن يكون فارغاً.",'The color is invalid. 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","To-do List":"قائمة المهام","Toggle caption off":"إخفاء التسمية التوضيحية","Toggle caption on":"عرض التسمية التوضيحية","Toggle the circle list style":"تبديل نمط قائمة الدوائر","Toggle the decimal list style":"تبديل نمط قائمة الأرقام العشرية","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"تبديل الأرقام العشرية بنمط قائمة الأصفار البادئة","Toggle the disc list style":"تبديل نمط قائمة الأقراص","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"تبديل نمط قائمة الأحرف اللاتينية الصغيرة","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"تبديل نمط قائمة الأرقام الرومانية الصغيرة","Toggle the square list style":"تبديل نمط قائمة المربعات","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"تبديل نمط قائمة الأحرف اللاتينية الكبيرة","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"تبديل نمط قائمة الأرقام الرومانية الكبيرة",Turquoise:"فيروزي","Type or paste your content here.":"أكتب المحتوى أو ألصقه هنا.","Type your title":"أدخل العنوان",Underline:"تحته خط","Underline text":"تسطير النص",Undo:"تراجع",Unlink:"إلغاء الرابط",Update:"تحديث","Update image URL":"عنوان URL الخاص بتحديث الصورة","Upload failed":"فشل الرفع","Upload from computer":"رفع الملف من الحاسوب","Upload image from computer":"تحميل الصورة من الحاسوب","Upload in progress":"جاري الرفع","Uploading image":"جارٍ تحميل الصورة","Upper-latin":"حرف لاتيني كبير","Upper-roman":"رقم روماني كبير","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"استخدمْ ضغطة المفاتيح التالية للتنقل بشكل أكثر كفاءة في واجهة مستخدم CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"واجهة المستخدم وضغطة المفاتيح للتنقل في المحتوى","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"شريط أدوات محاذاة النص العمودي",White:"أبيض","Whole words only":"الكلمات بأكملها فقط","Widget toolbar":"شريط أدوات الواجهة",Width:"العرض","Words: %0":"الكلمات: %0","Wrap text":"التفاف النص",Yellow:"أصفر","Yellow marker":"تحديد اصفر"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==0?0:e==1?1:e==2?2:e%100>=3&&e%100<=10?3:e%100>=11&&e%100<=99?4:5}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/az.js b/build/translations/az.js
index d9bc911..13c2c5a 100644
--- a/build/translations/az.js
+++ b/build/translations/az.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["az"]=e["az"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"","%0 of %1":"%1-dən %0",Accept:"",Accessibility:"","Accessibility help":"","Align cell text to the bottom":"","Align cell text to the center":"","Align cell text to the left":"","Align cell text to the middle":"","Align cell text to the right":"","Align cell text to the top":"","Align table to the left":"","Align table to the right":"",Alignment:"",Aquamarine:"Akvamarin",Background:"Fon","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"",Big:"Böyük",Black:"Qara","Block quote":"Sitat bloku",Blue:"Mavi",Bold:"Yarıqalın","Bold text":"",Border:"Sərhəd","Break text":"","Bulleted List":"Markerlənmiş siyahı","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"",Cancel:"İmtina et","Caption for image: %0":"","Caption for the image":"","Cell properties":"","Center table":"","Centered image":"Mərkəzə düzləndir","Change image text alternative":"Alternativ mətni redaktə et","Choose heading":"Başlıqı seç",Circle:"",Clear:"","Click to edit block":"",Close:"","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"",Code:"Kod",Color:"Rəng","Color picker":"",Column:"Sütun","Content editing keystrokes":"","Create link":"",Custom:"","Custom image size":"",Dashed:"",Decimal:"","Decimal with leading zero":"","Decrease indent":"Boş yeri kiçilt","Decrease list item indent":"",Default:"Default","Delete column":"Sütunları sil","Delete row":"Sətirləri sil","Dim grey":"Tünd boz",Dimensions:"Ölçülər",Disc:"","Document colors":"Rənglər",Dotted:"",Double:"",Downloadable:"Yüklənə bilər","Drag to move":"","Dropdown toolbar":"Açılan paneli","Edit block":"Redaktə etmək bloku","Edit link":"Linki redaktə et","Editor block content toolbar":"","Editor contextual toolbar":"","Editor dialog":"","Editor editing area: %0":"","Editor menu bar":"","Editor toolbar":"Redaktorun paneli","Enter image caption":"Şəkil başlığı daxil edin","Enter table caption":"","Entering a to-do list":"","Error during image upload":"","Execute the currently focused button. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"","The URL must not be empty.":"URL boş olmamalıdır.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Bu linkdə URL yoxdur","This media URL is not supported.":"Bu media URL dəstəklənmir.",Tiny:"Miniatür","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Məsləhət: Sürətli qoşma üçün URL-i kontentə əlavə edin","To-do List":"To-do siyahı","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"Firuzəyi","Type or paste your content here.":"","Type your title":"Başlığınızı yazın",Underline:"Altdan xətt","Underline text":"",Undo:"İmtina et",Unlink:"Linki sil",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"Şəkili serverə yüklə","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Yüklənir","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"Ağ","Widget toolbar":"Vidgetin paneli",Width:"Eni","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"Sarı"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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To close this dialog press ESC.":"",HEX:"",Highlight:"Vurğulamaq","Horizontal line":"Üfüqi xətt","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"",Huge:"Nəhəng","Image from computer":"","Image resize list":"","Image toolbar":"Şəkil paneli","Image upload complete":"","image widget":"Şəkil vidgetı","In line":"","Increase indent":"Boş yeri böyüt","Increase list item indent":"",Insert:"","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"","Insert code block":"Kod blokunu əlavə et","Insert column left":"Sola sütun əlavə et","Insert column right":"Sağa sütun əlavə et","Insert image":"Şəkili əlavə et","Insert image via URL":"","Insert paragraph after block":"","Insert paragraph before block":"","Insert row above":"Aşağıya sətir əlavə et","Insert row below":"Yuxarıya sətir əlavə et","Insert table":"Cədvəli əlavə et",Inset:"","Invalid start index value.":"",Italic:"Maili","Italic text":"",Justify:"Eninə görə","Justify cell text":"","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"","Leaving %0 code snippet":"","Leaving a to-do list":"","Leaving code snippet":"","Left aligned image":"Soldan düzləndir","Light blue":"Açıq mavi","Light green":"Açıq yaşıl","Light grey":"Açıq boz",Link:"Əlaqələndir","Link image":"","Link URL":"Linkin URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"","List properties":"","Lower-latin":"","Lower–roman":"",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"","Merge cell down":"Xanaları aşağı birləşdir","Merge cell left":"Xanaları sola birləşdir","Merge cell right":"Xanaları sağa birləşdir","Merge cell up":"Xanaları yuxarı birləşdir","Merge cells":"Xanaları birləşdir","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"","Move out of a link":"","Move out of an inline code style":"","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"","Move the selection to the next cell":"","Move the selection to the previous cell":"","Navigate editable regions":"","Navigate through the table":"","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"",Next:"Növbəti","Next editable region":"Sonrakı düzəliş olunan bölgə","No results found":"","No searchable items":"",None:"","Numbered List":"Nömrələnmiş siyahı","Numbered list styles toolbar":"","Open in a new tab":"Yeni pəncərədə aç","Open link in new tab":"Linki yeni pəncərədə aç","Open the accessibility help dialog":"",Orange:"Narıncı",Original:"",Outset:"",Padding:"",Paragraph:"Abzas","Pink marker":"Çəhrayı marker","Plain text":"Sadə mətn",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"","Press %0 for help.":"","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"",Previous:"Əvvəlki","Previous editable region":"Əvvəlki düzəliş olunan bölgə",Purple:"Bənövşəyi",Red:"Qırmızı","Red pen":"Qırmızı qələm",Redo:"Təkrar et","Remove color":"Rəngi ləğv et","Remove Format":"Formatı Ləğv Et","Remove highlight":"Vurgulanı sil","Replace from computer":"","Replace image":"","Replace image from computer":"","Resize image":"","Resize image (in %0)":"","Resize image to %0":"","Resize image to the original size":"","Restore default":"","Reversed order":"","Rich Text Editor":"Rich Text Redaktoru",Ridge:"","Right aligned image":"Sağdan düzləndir",Row:"Sətir",Save:"Yadda saxla","Select column":"","Select row":"","Show more items":"Daha çox əşyanı göstərin","Side image":"Yan şəkil",Small:"Kiçik",Solid:"","Split cell horizontally":"Xanaları üfüqi böl","Split cell vertically":"Xanaları şaquli böl",Square:"","Start at":"","Start index must be greater than 0.":"",Strikethrough:"Qaralanmış","Strikethrough text":"",Style:"",Subscript:"Alt yazı",Superscript:"Üst yazı",Table:"","Table alignment toolbar":"","Table cell text alignment":"Cədvəl hüceyrəsi mətninin uyğunlaşdırılması","Table properties":"Cədvəl xüsusiyyətləri","Table toolbar":"Cədvəl paneli","Text alignment":"Mətn düzləndirməsi","Text alignment toolbar":"Mətnin düzləndirmə paneli","Text alternative":"Alternativ mətn","Text highlight toolbar":"Vurğulamaq paneli",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Bu linkdə URL yoxdur",Tiny:"Miniatür","To-do List":"To-do siyahı","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"Firuzəyi","Type or paste your content here.":"","Type your title":"Başlığınızı yazın",Underline:"Altdan xətt","Underline text":"",Undo:"İmtina et",Unlink:"Linki sil",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"Şəkili serverə yüklə","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Yüklənir","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"Ağ","Widget toolbar":"Vidgetin paneli",Width:"Eni","Words: %0":"Sözlər: %0","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"Sarı","Yellow marker":"Sarı marker"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/bg.js b/build/translations/bg.js
index d8e9b4a..c257b72 100644
--- a/build/translations/bg.js
+++ b/build/translations/bg.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["bg"]=e["bg"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(може да изисква Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 от %1",Accept:"Приемане",Accessibility:"Достъпност","Accessibility help":"Помощ за достъпност","Align cell text to the bottom":"Подравни текста в клетката към дъното","Align cell text to the center":"Подравни текста в клетката централно","Align cell text to the left":"Подравни текста в клетката наляво","Align cell text to the middle":"Подравни текста в клетката към средата","Align cell text to the right":"Подравни текста в клетката надясно","Align cell text to the top":"Подравни текста в клетката нагоре","Align table to the left":"Подравни таблицата наляво","Align table to the right":"Подравни таблицата надясно",Alignment:"Подравняване",Aquamarine:"Аквамарин",Background:"Фон","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Долу можете да намерите списък от клавишни комбинации, които могат да се използват в редактора.",Big:"Едър",Black:"Черен","Block quote":"Цитат",Blue:"Син",Bold:"Удебелен","Bold text":"Почернен текст",Border:"Граница","Break text":"Раздели текст","Bulleted List":"Водещи символи","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Лента със стилове за подточки",Cancel:"Отказ","Caption for image: %0":"Заглавие на изображението: %0","Caption for the image":"Заглавие на изображението","Cell properties":"Свойства на клетки","Center table":"Центрирай таблицата","Centered image":"Центрирано изображение","Change image text alternative":"Промени изображението на текстовата алтернатива","Choose heading":"Избери заглавие",Circle:"Кръг",Clear:"Изчисти","Click to edit block":"Кликнете, за да редактирате блок",Close:"Затвори","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Затваряне на балоните с контекст, падащите менюта и диалогови прозорци",Code:"Код",Color:"Цвят","Color picker":"Избор на цвят",Column:"Колона","Content editing keystrokes":"Клавишни комбинации за редактиране на съдържание","Copy selected content":"Копиране на избраното съдържание","Create link":"Създаване на линк",Custom:"Потребителски","Custom image size":"Потребителски размер на изображението",Dashed:"На черти",Decimal:"Десетичен","Decimal with leading zero":"Десетичен с водеща нула","Decrease indent":"Намали отстъпа","Decrease list item indent":"Намаляване на шрифта на елемент от списъка",Default:"По подразбиране","Delete column":"Изтриване на колона","Delete row":"Изтриване на ред","Dim grey":"Тъмно сив",Dimensions:"Размери",Disc:"Диск","Document colors":"Цвят на документа",Dotted:"На точки",Double:"Двоен",Downloadable:"Изтегляне","Drag to move":"Плъзнете за преместване","Dropdown toolbar":"Лента с падащо меню","Edit block":"Редактирай блок","Edit link":"Редакция на линк","Editor block content toolbar":"Лента с инструменти за блокиране на съдържанието на редактора","Editor contextual toolbar":"Контекстна лента с инструменти на редактора","Editor dialog":"Диалогов прозорец на редактора","Editor editing area: %0":"Зона за редактиране на редактора: %0","Editor menu bar":"Редактор на лентата с менюта","Editor toolbar":"Лента за редакция","Enter image caption":"Въведи описание на изображението","Enter table caption":"Въведи надпис на таблица","Entering a to-do list":"Въвеждане на списък със задачи","Error during image upload":"Грешка по време на качването на изображение","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Изпълнете текущо фокусирания бутон. Изпълнението на бутони, които взаимодействат със съдържанието на редактора, премества фокуса обратно към съдържанието.","Font Background Color":"Цвят на шрифтовия фон","Font Color":"Цвят на шрифта","Font Family":"Семейство шрифтове","Font Size":"Размер на шрифта","Full size image":"Изображение в пълен размер",Green:"Зелен",Grey:"Сив",Groove:"На зиг-заг","Header column":"Заглавна колона","Header row":"Заглавен ред",Heading:"Заглавие","Heading 1":"Заглавие 1","Heading 2":"Заглавие 2","Heading 3":"Заглавие 3","Heading 4":"Заглавие 4","Heading 5":"Заглавие 5","Heading 6":"Заглавие 6",Height:"Височина","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Помощно съдържание. За да затворите този прозорец, натиснете ESC.",HEX:"НЕХ","Horizontal line":"Хоризонтална черта","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Лента за хоризонтално подравняване на текст",Huge:"Много едър","Image from computer":"Изображение от компютър","Image resize list":"Списък с промените на размера на изображението","Image toolbar":"Лента с изображения","Image upload complete":"Качването на изображение е завършено","image widget":"Компонент за изображение","In line":"В линия","Increase indent":"Увеличи отстъпа","Increase list item indent":"Увеличаване на шрифта на елемент от списъка",Insert:"Вмъкни","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Въвеждане на нов ред (нов параграф)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Въвеждане на нов параграф директно след елемента","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Въвеждане на нов параграф директно преди елемента","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Въвеждане на нов ред в таблицата (когато сте в последната клетка на таблица)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Въвеждане на пауза ( <br>
елемент)","Insert column left":"Вмъкни колона отляво","Insert column right":"Вмъкни колона отдясно","Insert image":"Вмъкни изображение","Insert image via URL":"Въведи изображение чрез URL","Insert media":"Вмъкни медия","Insert paragraph after block":"Въведи параграф след блока","Insert paragraph before block":"Въведи параграф преди блока","Insert row above":"Вмъкни ред отгоре","Insert row below":"Вмъкни ред отдолу","Insert table":"Вмъкни таблица",Inset:"Вмъкни","Invalid start index value.":"Невалидна стойност на начален индекс.",Italic:"Курсив","Italic text":"Наклонен текст","Justify cell text":"Разпредели равномерно текста в клетката","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Клавишни комбинации, които могат да се използват в списък","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Клавишни комбинации, които могат да се използват в клетка от таблицата","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Клавишни комбинации, които могат да се използват при избран елемент (например: изображение, таблица и др.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Напускане на списъка със задачи","Left aligned image":"Изображение подравнено вляво","Light blue":"Светло син","Light green":"Светло зелен","Light grey":"Светло сив",Link:"Линк","Link image":"Свържи изображение","Link URL":"Уеб адрес на линка","Link URL must not be empty.":"URL препратката не трябва да е празна.","List properties":"Свойства на списъка","Lower-latin":"Долен-латински","Lower–roman":"Долен-римски","Media toolbar":"Лента със задачи за медия","Media URL":"Медиен уеб адрес","media widget":"Медиен компонент",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Редактирай",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Файл",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Шрифт",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Формат",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Помощ",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Вмъкни",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Текст",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Инструменти",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Преглед","Merge cell down":"Обединяване на клетка надолу","Merge cell left":"Обединяване на клетка отляво","Merge cell right":"Обединяване на клетка отдясно","Merge cell up":"Обединяване на клетка отгоре","Merge cells":"Обединяване на клетки","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Преместване на фокуса между полетата (въвеждане, бутони и др.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Приближаване и отдалечаване на фокуса в активен диалогов прозорец","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Преместете фокуса върху лентата с менюта, навигирайте между лентите с менюта","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Преместване на фокуса върху лентата с инструменти, навигация между инструментите","Move out of a link":"Излизане от линк","Move out of an inline code style":"Излизане от подравнен стил на кодиране","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Преместване на карето за директно писане след елемент","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Преместване на карето за директно писане преди елемент","Move the selection to the next cell":"Преместване на избора към следващата клетка","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Преместване на избора към предишната клетка","Navigate through the table":"Навигация в таблицата","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Навигирайте през лентата с инструменти или лентата с менюта",Next:"Следващ","No results found":"Няма намерени резултати","No searchable items":"Няма елементи за търсене",None:"Нищо","Numbered List":"Номериране","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Лента със стилове за номерация","Open in a new tab":"Отваряне в нов раздел","Open link in new tab":"Отваряне на линк в нов раздел","Open media in new tab":"Отворете мултимедията в нов раздел","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Отваряне на диалогов прозорец с помощ за достъпност",Orange:"Оранжев",Original:"Оригинал",Outset:"Изпъкнала",Padding:"Пълнеж",Paragraph:"Параграф","Paste content":"Поставяне на съдържанието","Paste content as plain text":"Поставяне на съдържанието като обикновен текст","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Постави медииния уеб адрес във входа.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Моля, въведете валиден цвят (напр. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Натиснете %0 за помощ.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Натиснете Enter за въвеждане или натиснете Shift + Enter за въвеждане преди изпълнимия модул",Previous:"Предишен",Purple:"Лилав",Red:"Червен",Redo:"Повтори","Remove color":"Премахни цвят","Remove Format":"Премахни форматиране","Replace from computer":"Заменете от компютър","Replace image":"Замяна на изображението","Replace image from computer":"Замяна на изображение от компютър","Resize image":"Промени размера на изображението","Resize image (in %0)":"Промени размера на изображението (in %0)","Resize image to %0":"Промени размера на изображението на %0","Resize image to the original size":"Възстанови оригиналния размер на изображението","Restore default":"Възстанови първоначалните настройки","Reversed order":"Обърнат ред","Revert autoformatting action":"Отмяна на действие за автоматично форматиране","Rich Text Editor":"Богат текстов редактор",Ridge:"Назъбен","Right aligned image":"Изображение подравнено вдясно",Row:"Ред",Save:"Запазване","Select all":"Избери всички","Select column":"Избери колона","Select row":"Избери ред","Show more items":"Покажи повече единици","Side image":"Странично изображение",Small:"Малък",Solid:"Твърд","Split cell horizontally":"Разделяне на клетки хоризонтално","Split cell vertically":"Разделяне на клетки вертикално",Square:"Квадрат","Start at":"Започни с","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Стартовия индекс трябва да е по-голям от 0.",Strikethrough:"Зачертаване","Strikethrough text":"Зачертан текст",Style:"Стил",Subscript:"Долен индекс",Superscript:"Горен индекс",Table:"Маса","Table alignment toolbar":"Лента за подравняване на таблици","Table cell text alignment":"Подравняване на текст в клетка","Table properties":"Свойства на таблици","Table toolbar":"Лента за таблици","Text alternative":"Текстова алтернатива",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Цветът е невалиден. Опитайте "#FF0000" или "rgb(255,0,0)", или "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"Уеб адресът не трябва да бъде празен.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Стойността е невалидна. Опитайте "10px" или "2em", или просто "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Стойността не трябва да е празна.","The value should be a plain number.":"Стойността трябва да бъде просто число.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Тези клавишни комбинации позволяват бърз достъп до елементите за редактиране на съдържание","This link has no URL":"Този линк няма уеб адрес","This media URL is not supported.":"Този медиен уеб адрес не се поддържа.",Tiny:"Много малък","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Полезен съвет: Постави уеб адреса в съдържанието, за да вградите по-бързо.","To-do List":"Списък със задачи","Toggle caption off":"Превключи изключване на надписи","Toggle caption on":"Превключи включване на надписи","Toggle the circle list style":"Превключи между стиловете на кръговия списък","Toggle the decimal list style":"Превключи между стиловете на десетичния списък","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Превключи между стиловете на десетичния списък с начало нула","Toggle the disc list style":"Превключи между стиловете на дисковия списък ","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Превключи между стиловете на долен-латиснки списък","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Превключи между стиловете на долен-римски списък","Toggle the square list style":"Превключи между стиловете на квадратния списък","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Превключи между стиловете на горен-латински списък","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Превключи между стиловете на горен-римски списък",Turquoise:"Тюркоазен","Type or paste your content here.":"Напишете или поставете съдържанието си тук.","Type your title":"Напишете заглавието си",Underline:"Подчертаване","Underline text":"Подчертан текст",Undo:"Отмени",Unlink:"Премахване на линка",Update:"Обнови","Update image URL":"Обнови URL на изображението","Upload failed":"Качването е неуспешно","Upload from computer":"Качете от компютър","Upload image from computer":"Качване на изображение от компютър","Upload in progress":"Качването е в процес","Uploading image":"Качване на изображение","Upper-latin":"Горен-латински","Upper-roman":"Горен-римски","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Използвайте следните клавишни комбинации за по -лесна навигация в потребителския интерфейс на CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Потребителски интерфейс и клавишни комбинации за навигация в съдържанието","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Лента за вертикално подравняване на текст",White:"Бял","Widget toolbar":"Лента с помощни средства",Width:"Ширина","Wrap text":"Събери текст",Yellow:"Жълт"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Изпълнете текущо фокусирания бутон. Изпълнението на бутони, които взаимодействат със съдържанието на редактора, премества фокуса обратно към съдържанието.",Find:"Намери","Find and replace":"Намери и замени","Find in text…":"Намери в текста...","Find in the document":"Намиране на документ","Font Background Color":"Цвят на шрифтовия фон","Font Color":"Цвят на шрифта","Font Family":"Семейство шрифтове","Font Size":"Размер на шрифта","Full size image":"Изображение в пълен размер",Green:"Зелен","Green marker":"Зелен маркер","Green pen":"Зелена химикалка",Grey:"Сив",Groove:"На зиг-заг","Header column":"Заглавна колона","Header row":"Заглавен ред",Heading:"Заглавие","Heading 1":"Заглавие 1","Heading 2":"Заглавие 2","Heading 3":"Заглавие 3","Heading 4":"Заглавие 4","Heading 5":"Заглавие 5","Heading 6":"Заглавие 6",Height:"Височина","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Помощно съдържание. За да затворите този прозорец, натиснете ESC.",HEX:"НЕХ",Highlight:"Подчертай","Horizontal line":"Хоризонтална черта","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Лента за хоризонтално подравняване на текст","HTML object":"HTML обект",Huge:"Много едър","Image from computer":"Изображение от компютър","Image resize list":"Списък с промените на размера на изображението","Image toolbar":"Лента с изображения","Image upload complete":"Качването на изображение е завършено","image widget":"Компонент за изображение","In line":"В линия","Increase indent":"Увеличи отстъпа","Increase list item indent":"Увеличаване на шрифта на елемент от списъка",Insert:"Вмъкни","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Въвеждане на нов ред (нов параграф)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Въвеждане на нов параграф директно след елемента","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Въвеждане на нов параграф директно преди елемента","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Въвеждане на нов ред в таблицата (когато сте в последната клетка на таблица)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Въвеждане на пауза ( <br>
елемент)","Insert code block":"Въведи кодов блок","Insert column left":"Вмъкни колона отляво","Insert column right":"Вмъкни колона отдясно","Insert image":"Вмъкни изображение","Insert image via URL":"Въведи изображение чрез URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Въведи параграф след блока","Insert paragraph before block":"Въведи параграф преди блока","Insert row above":"Вмъкни ред отгоре","Insert row below":"Вмъкни ред отдолу","Insert table":"Вмъкни таблица",Inset:"Вмъкни","Invalid start index value.":"Невалидна стойност на начален индекс.",Italic:"Курсив","Italic text":"Наклонен текст",Justify:"Разпредели по равно","Justify cell text":"Разпредели равномерно текста в клетката","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Клавишни комбинации, които могат да се използват в списък","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Клавишни комбинации, които могат да се използват в клетка от таблицата","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Клавишни комбинации, които могат да се използват при избран елемент (например: изображение, таблица и др.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Оставяне %0 отрязък от код","Leaving a to-do list":"Напускане на списъка със задачи","Leaving code snippet":"Оставяне на отрязък от код","Left aligned image":"Изображение подравнено вляво","Light blue":"Светло син","Light green":"Светло зелен","Light grey":"Светло сив",Link:"Линк","Link image":"Свържи изображение","Link URL":"Уеб адрес на линка","Link URL must not be empty.":"URL препратката не трябва да е празна.","List properties":"Свойства на списъка","Lower-latin":"Долен-латински","Lower–roman":"Долен-римски","Match case":"Сравни съвпадащ шрифт",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Редактирай",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Файл",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Шрифт",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Формат",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Помощ",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Вмъкни",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Текст",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Инструменти",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Преглед","Merge cell down":"Обединяване на клетка надолу","Merge cell left":"Обединяване на клетка отляво","Merge cell right":"Обединяване на клетка отдясно","Merge cell up":"Обединяване на клетка отгоре","Merge cells":"Обединяване на клетки","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Преместване на фокуса между полетата (въвеждане, бутони и др.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Приближаване и отдалечаване на фокуса в активен диалогов прозорец","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Преместете фокуса върху лентата с менюта, навигирайте между лентите с менюта","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Преместване на фокуса върху лентата с инструменти, навигация между инструментите","Move out of a link":"Излизане от линк","Move out of an inline code style":"Излизане от подравнен стил на кодиране","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Преместване на карето за директно писане след елемент","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Преместване на карето за директно писане преди елемент","Move the selection to the next cell":"Преместване на избора към следващата клетка","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Преместване на избора към предишната клетка","Multiple styles":"Множество стилове","Navigate editable regions":"Навигация между региони с възможност за редакция","Navigate through the table":"Навигация в таблицата","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Навигирайте през лентата с инструменти или лентата с менюта",Next:"Следващ","Next editable region":"Следващ регион с възможност за редакция","Next result":"Следващ резултат","No results found":"Няма намерени резултати","No searchable items":"Няма елементи за търсене",None:"Нищо","Numbered List":"Номериране","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Лента със стилове за номерация","Open in a new tab":"Отваряне в нов раздел","Open link in new tab":"Отваряне на линк в нов раздел","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Отваряне на диалогов прозорец с помощ за достъпност",Orange:"Оранжев",Original:"Оригинал",Outset:"Изпъкнала",Padding:"Пълнеж",Paragraph:"Параграф","Paste content":"Поставяне на съдържанието","Paste content as plain text":"Поставяне на съдържанието като обикновен текст","Pink marker":"Розов маркер","Plain text":"Обикновен текст",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Моля, въведете валиден цвят (напр. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Натиснете %0 за помощ.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Натиснете Enter за въвеждане или натиснете Shift + Enter за въвеждане преди изпълнимия модул",Previous:"Предишен","Previous editable region":"Предишен регион с възможнос за редакция","Previous result":"Предишен резултат",Purple:"Лилав",Red:"Червен","Red pen":"Червена химикалка",Redo:"Повтори","Remove color":"Премахни цвят","Remove Format":"Премахни форматиране","Remove highlight":"Премахни подчертаване",Replace:"Замени","Replace all":"Замени всички","Replace from computer":"Заменете от компютър","Replace image":"Замяна на изображението","Replace image from computer":"Замяна на изображение от компютър","Replace with…":"Замени с...","Resize image":"Промени размера на изображението","Resize image (in %0)":"Промени размера на изображението (in %0)","Resize image to %0":"Промени размера на изображението на %0","Resize image to the original size":"Възстанови оригиналния размер на изображението","Restore default":"Възстанови първоначалните настройки","Reversed order":"Обърнат ред","Revert autoformatting action":"Отмяна на действие за автоматично форматиране","Rich Text Editor":"Богат текстов редактор",Ridge:"Назъбен","Right aligned image":"Изображение подравнено вдясно",Row:"Ред",Save:"Запазване","Select all":"Избери всички","Select column":"Избери колона","Select row":"Избери ред","Show more items":"Покажи повече единици","Side image":"Странично изображение",Small:"Малък",Solid:"Твърд","Split cell horizontally":"Разделяне на клетки хоризонтално","Split cell vertically":"Разделяне на клетки вертикално",Square:"Квадрат","Start at":"Започни с","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Стартовия индекс трябва да е по-голям от 0.",Strikethrough:"Зачертаване","Strikethrough text":"Зачертан текст",Style:"Стил",Styles:"Стилове",Subscript:"Долен индекс",Superscript:"Горен индекс",Table:"Маса","Table alignment toolbar":"Лента за подравняване на таблици","Table cell text alignment":"Подравняване на текст в клетка","Table properties":"Свойства на таблици","Table toolbar":"Лента за таблици","Text alignment":"Подравняване на текста","Text alignment toolbar":"Лента за подравняване на текст","Text alternative":"Текстова алтернатива","Text highlight toolbar":"Лента за подчертаване на текст","Text styles":"Текстови стилове","Text to find must not be empty.":"Текстът за намиране не трябва да е празен.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Цветът е невалиден. Опитайте "#FF0000" или "rgb(255,0,0)", или "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Стойността е невалидна. Опитайте "10px" или "2em", или просто "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Стойността не трябва да е празна.","The value should be a plain number.":"Стойността трябва да бъде просто число.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Тези клавишни комбинации позволяват бърз достъп до елементите за редактиране на съдържание","This link has no URL":"Този линк няма уеб адрес",Tiny:"Много малък","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Съвет: Първо намерете някакъв текст, за да го замените.","To-do List":"Списък със задачи","Toggle caption off":"Превключи изключване на надписи","Toggle caption on":"Превключи включване на надписи","Toggle the circle list style":"Превключи между стиловете на кръговия списък","Toggle the decimal list style":"Превключи между стиловете на десетичния списък","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Превключи между стиловете на десетичния списък с начало нула","Toggle the disc list style":"Превключи между стиловете на дисковия списък ","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Превключи между стиловете на долен-латиснки списък","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Превключи между стиловете на долен-римски списък","Toggle the square list style":"Превключи между стиловете на квадратния списък","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Превключи между стиловете на горен-латински списък","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Превключи между стиловете на горен-римски списък",Turquoise:"Тюркоазен","Type or paste your content here.":"Напишете или поставете съдържанието си тук.","Type your title":"Напишете заглавието си",Underline:"Подчертаване","Underline text":"Подчертан текст",Undo:"Отмени",Unlink:"Премахване на линка",Update:"Обнови","Update image URL":"Обнови URL на изображението","Upload failed":"Качването е неуспешно","Upload from computer":"Качете от компютър","Upload image from computer":"Качване на изображение от компютър","Upload in progress":"Качването е в процес","Uploading image":"Качване на изображение","Upper-latin":"Горен-латински","Upper-roman":"Горен-римски","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Използвайте следните клавишни комбинации за по -лесна навигация в потребителския интерфейс на CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Потребителски интерфейс и клавишни комбинации за навигация в съдържанието","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Лента за вертикално подравняване на текст",White:"Бял","Whole words only":"Само цели думи","Widget toolbar":"Лента с помощни средства",Width:"Ширина","Words: %0":"Думи: %0","Wrap text":"Събери текст",Yellow:"Жълт","Yellow marker":"Жълт маркер"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
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diff --git a/build/translations/bn.js b/build/translations/bn.js
index 0a97c2d..b904af6 100644
--- a/build/translations/bn.js
+++ b/build/translations/bn.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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element)":"একটি সফট ব্রেক প্রবেশ করুন (একটি <br>
উপাদান)","Insert column left":"বাম দিকে কলাম ঢোকান","Insert column right":"ডানদিকে কলাম ঢোকান","Insert image":"ছবি ঢোকান","Insert image via URL":"URL এর মাধ্যমে ছবি ঢোকান","Insert media":"মিডিয়া ঢোকান","Insert paragraph after block":"ব্লকের পর অনুচ্ছেদ ঢোকান","Insert paragraph before block":"ব্লক করার আগে অনুচ্ছেদ ঢোকান","Insert row above":"উপরে সারি ঢোকান","Insert row below":"নীচে সারি ঢোকান","Insert table":"টেবিল ঢোকান",Inset:"ইনসেট","Invalid start index value.":"ইনভ্যালিড স্টার্ট ইনডেক্সের মান",Italic:"ইটালিক","Italic text":"ইটালিক টেক্সট","Justify cell text":"সেল টেক্সট জাস্টিফাই করুন","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"যে কীস্ট্রোকগুলি কোনো তালিকায় ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"যে কীস্ট্রোকগুলি টেবিল সেলে ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"কোনো উইজেট সিলেক্ট থাকা অবস্থায় যে কীস্ট্রোকগুলি ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে (উদাহরণ: ছবি, টেবিল, ইত্যাদি)","Leaving a to-do list":"একটি টু-ডু তালিকা ছেড়ে যাচ্ছে","Left aligned image":"বাম সারিবদ্ধ ছবি","Light blue":"হালকা নীল","Light green":"হালকা সবুজ","Light grey":"হালকা ধূসর",Link:"লিঙ্ক","Link image":"লিঙ্ক চিত্র","Link URL":"লিঙ্ক URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"লিঙ্ক URL খালি রাখা যাবে না।","List properties":"বৈশিষ্ট্য তালিকাভুক্ত করুন","Lower-latin":"নিম্ন-ল্যাটিন","Lower–roman":"নিম্ন-রোমান","Media toolbar":"মিডিয়া টুলবার","Media URL":"মিডিয়া URL","media widget":"মিডিয়া উইজেট",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"এডিট করুন",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"ফাইল",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"ফন্ট",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"ফরম্যাট",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"সাহায্য",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"ঢোকান",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"পাঠ্য",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"টুলস",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"দেখুন","Merge cell down":"নিচে সেল মার্জ করুন","Merge cell left":"বামদিকে সেল মার্জ করুন","Merge cell right":" ডানদিকে সেল মার্জ করুন","Merge cell up":"সেল আপ মার্জ","Merge cells":"সেল একত্রিত করুন","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"ফর্ম ফিল্ডের (ইনপুট, বাটন, ইত্যাদি) মধ্যে ফোকাস স্থানান্তর করুন","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"সক্রিয় ডায়ালগ উইন্ডোর ভিতরে এবং বাইরে ফোকাস স্থানান্তর করুন","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"মেনু বারে ফোকাস সরিয়ে নিন, মেনু বারের মধ্যে নেভিগেট করুন","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"টুলবারে ফোকাস স্থানান্তর করুন, টুলবারগুলির মধ্যে নেভিগেট করুন","Move out of a link":"কোনো লিঙ্কের বাইরে সরান","Move out of an inline code style":"ইনলাইন কোড স্টাইল থেকে সরে আসুন","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের পরে সরাসরি টাইপ করতে দিতে ক্যারেটটি সরান","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের আগে সরাসরি টাইপ করতে দিতে ক্যারেটটি সরান","Move the selection to the next cell":"পরবর্তী সেলে সিলেকশন স্থানান্তর করুন","Move the selection to the previous cell":"পূর্ববর্তী সেলে সিলেকশন স্থানান্তর করুন","Navigate through the table":"টেবিলের মধ্যে দিয়ে নেভিগেট করুন","Navigate through the toolbar 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before the widget":"পরে টাইপ করতে এন্টার চাপুন বা উইজেটের আগে টাইপ করতে Shift + এন্টার চাপুন",Previous:"পূর্ববর্তী",Purple:"বেগুনি",Red:"লাল",Redo:"রেডো","Remove color":"রং মুছে ফেলুন","Remove Format":"ফরম্যাট মুছে ফেলুন","Replace from computer":"কম্পিউটার থেকে প্রতিস্থাপন করুন","Replace image":"ছবি প্রতিস্থাপন করুন","Replace image from computer":"কম্পিউটার থেকে ছবি প্রতিস্থাপন করুন","Resize image":"ছবির আকার পরিবর্তন করুন","Resize image (in %0)":"(%0 এ) ইমেজ রিসাইজ করুন","Resize image to %0":"ছবি %0 আকার পরিবর্তন করুন","Resize image to the original size":"মূল আকারে ছবির আকার পরিবর্তন করুন","Restore default":"পূর্বাবস্থায় ফিরিয়ে আনুন","Reversed order":"উল্টো ক্রম","Revert autoformatting action":"অটো ফরম্যাটিংয়ের কাজটি পূর্বাবস্থায় ফিরিয়ে আনুন","Rich Text Editor":"রিচ টেক্সট এডিটর",Ridge:"রিজ","Right aligned image":"ডানে সারিবদ্ধ ছবি",Row:"সারি ",Save:"সংরক্ষণ করুন","Select all":"সব নির্বাচন করুন","Select column":"কলাম নির্বাচন করুন","Select row":"সারি নির্বাচন করুন","Show more 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ইত্যাদি)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"%0 কোড স্নিপেট ছেড়ে যাচ্ছে","Leaving a to-do list":"একটি টু-ডু তালিকা ছেড়ে যাচ্ছে","Leaving code snippet":"কোড স্নিপেট ছেড়ে যাচ্ছে","Left aligned image":"বাম সারিবদ্ধ ছবি","Light blue":"হালকা নীল","Light green":"হালকা সবুজ","Light grey":"হালকা ধূসর",Link:"লিঙ্ক","Link image":"লিঙ্ক চিত্র","Link URL":"লিঙ্ক URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"লিঙ্ক URL খালি রাখা যাবে না।","List properties":"বৈশিষ্ট্য তালিকাভুক্ত করুন","Lower-latin":"নিম্ন-ল্যাটিন","Lower–roman":"নিম্ন-রোমান","Match case":"ম্যাচ কেস",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"এডিট করুন",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"ফাইল",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"ফন্ট",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"ফরম্যাট",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"সাহায্য",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"ঢোকান",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"পাঠ্য",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"টুলস",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"দেখুন","Merge cell down":"নিচে সেল মার্জ করুন","Merge cell left":"বামদিকে সেল মার্জ করুন","Merge cell right":" ডানদিকে সেল মার্জ করুন","Merge cell up":"সেল আপ মার্জ","Merge cells":"সেল একত্রিত করুন","Move focus 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"ff0000").':'অনুগ্রহ করে একটি ভ্যালিড কালার প্রবেশ করান (e.g. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"সহায়তার জন্য %0 প্রেস করুন।","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"পরে টাইপ করতে এন্টার চাপুন বা উইজেটের আগে টাইপ করতে Shift + এন্টার চাপুন",Previous:"পূর্ববর্তী","Previous editable region":"পূর্ববর্তী সম্পাদনাযোগ্য অংশ","Previous result":"পূর্ববর্তী ফলাফল",Purple:"বেগুনি",Red:"লাল","Red pen":"লাল কলম",Redo:"রেডো","Remove color":"রং মুছে ফেলুন","Remove Format":"ফরম্যাট মুছে ফেলুন","Remove highlight":"হাইলাইট মুছুন",Replace:"প্রতিস্থাপন করুন","Replace all":"সব প্রতিস্থাপন","Replace from computer":"কম্পিউটার থেকে প্রতিস্থাপন করুন","Replace image":"ছবি প্রতিস্থাপন করুন","Replace image from computer":"কম্পিউটার থেকে ছবি প্রতিস্থাপন করুন","Replace with…":"এর সাথে প্রতিস্থাপন...","Resize image":"ছবির আকার পরিবর্তন করুন","Resize image (in %0)":"(%0 এ) ইমেজ রিসাইজ করুন","Resize image to %0":"ছবি %0 আকার পরিবর্তন করুন","Resize image to the original size":"মূল 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'রংটি সঠিক নয়। "#FF0000" অথবা "rgb(255,0,0)" অথবা "লাল" ব্যাবহার করুন।\n','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'মানটি সঠিক নয়। "10px" বা "2em" বা সহজভাবে "2" ব্যবহার করে দেখুন।',"The value must not be empty.":"মানটি খালি রাখা যাবে না।","The value should be a plain number.":"মানটি একটি সরল সংখ্যা হতে হবে।","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"এই কীবোর্ড শর্টকাটগুলির ফলে কনটেন্ট এডিটিংয়ের বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলির সুবিধা দ্রুত নেওয়া যায়।","This link has no URL":"এই লিঙ্কের কোন URL নেই",Tiny:"ক্ষুদ্র","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"পরামর্শঃ এটি প্রতিস্থাপন করতে প্রথমে কিছু টেক্সট খুঁজুন।","To-do List":"তালিকা তৈরি","Toggle caption off":"টগল ক্যাপশন বন্ধ করুন","Toggle caption on":"টগল ক্যাপশন চালু করুন","Toggle the circle list style":"বৃত্ত তালিকা স্টাইল টগল করুন","Toggle the decimal list style":"দশমিক তালিকা স্টাইল টগল করুন","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"অগ্রণী 0 তালিকা স্টাইল সহ দশমিক টগল করুন","Toggle the disc list style":"ডিস্ক তালিকা স্টাইল টগল করুন","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"নিম্ন-ল্যাটিন তালিকা স্টাইল টগল করুন","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"নিম্ন-রোমান তালিকা স্টাইল টগল করুন","Toggle the square list style":"বর্গাকার তালিকা স্টাইল টগল করুন","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"উপরের-ল্যাটিন তালিকা স্টাইল টগল করুন","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"উপরের-রোমান তালিকা স্টাইল টগল করুন",Turquoise:"ফিরোজা","Type or paste your content here.":"আপনার বিষয়বস্তু এখানে টাইপ অথবা পেস্ট করুন।","Type your title":"আপনার শিরোনাম টাইপ করুন",Underline:"আন্ডারলাইন","Underline text":"আন্ডারলাইন টেক্সট",Undo:"পূর্বাবস্থায় ফেরান",Unlink:"লিঙ্কমুক্ত করুন",Update:"আপডেট করুন","Update image URL":"ছবির URL আপডেট করুন","Upload failed":"আপলোড ব্যর্থ হয়েছে","Upload from computer":"কম্পিউটার থেকে আপলোড করুন","Upload image from computer":"কম্পিউটার থেকে ছবি আপলোড করুন","Upload in progress":"আপলোড চলছে","Uploading image":"ইমেজ আপলোড হচ্ছে","Upper-latin":"উচ্চ-ল্যাটিন","Upper-roman":"উচ্চ-রোমান","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"CKEditor 5 ইউজার ইন্টারফেসে আরও কার্যকর নেভিগেশনের জন্য নিম্নলিখিত কীস্ট্রোকগুলি ব্যবহার করুন।","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"ইউজার ইন্টারফেস এবং কনটেন্ট নেভিগেশনের কীস্ট্রোকগুলি","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"উল্লম্ব টেক্সট সারিবদ্ধকরণ টুলবার",White:"সাদা","Whole words only":"শুধুমাত্র পুরো শব্দ","Widget toolbar":"উইজেট টুলবার",Width:"প্রস্থ","Words: %0":"শব্দগুলোঃ %0","Wrap text":"টেক্সট মোড়ানো",Yellow:"হলুদ ","Yellow marker":"হলুদ মার্কার"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/bs.js b/build/translations/bs.js
index d9f17da..fafdf37 100644
--- a/build/translations/bs.js
+++ b/build/translations/bs.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"",Find:"Pronađi","Find and replace":"Pronađi i zamijeni","Find in text…":"Pronađi u tekstu","Find in the document":"","Font Background Color":"Boja pozadine","Font Color":"Boja","Font Family":"Font","Font Size":"Veličina fonta","Full size image":"",Green:"",Grey:"",Heading:"Naslov","Heading 1":"Naslov 1","Heading 2":"Naslov 2","Heading 3":"Naslov 3","Heading 4":"Naslov 4","Heading 5":"Naslov 5","Heading 6":"Naslov 6","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"",HEX:"","Horizontal line":"Horizontalna linija",Huge:"","Image from computer":"","Image resize list":"Lista veličina slike","Image toolbar":"","Image upload complete":"","image widget":"","In line":"",Insert:"Umetni","Insert code block":"Umetni kod blok","Insert image":"Umetni sliku","Insert image via URL":"Umetni sliku preko URLa",Italic:"Zakrivljeno","Italic text":"",Justify:"","Leaving %0 code snippet":"","Leaving code snippet":"","Left aligned image":"Lijevo poravnata slika","Light blue":"","Light green":"","Light grey":"","Match case":"Podudaranje",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Uredi",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Umetni",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"","Move out of an inline code style":"","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"",Next:"","Next result":"","No results found":"","No searchable items":"","Open the accessibility help dialog":"",Orange:"",Original:"Original",Paragraph:"Paragraf","Plain text":"Tekst",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"","Press %0 for help.":"",Previous:"","Previous result":"Prethodni rezultat",Purple:"",Red:"","Remove color":"Ukloni boju",Replace:"Zamijeni","Replace all":"Zamijeni sve","Replace from computer":"","Replace image":"","Replace image from computer":"","Replace with…":"Zamijeni sa...","Resize image":"Promijeni veličinu slike","Resize image (in %0)":"","Resize image to %0":"","Resize image to the original size":"Postavi originalnu veličinu slike","Restore default":"Vrati na zadano","Rich Text Editor":"","Right aligned image":"Desno poravnata slika",Save:"Sačuvaj","Show more items":"Prikaži više stavki","Side image":"",Small:"",Strikethrough:"Precrtano","Strikethrough text":"",Subscript:"",Superscript:"","Text alignment":"Poravnanje teksta","Text alignment toolbar":"Traka za poravnanje teksta","Text alternative":"ALT atribut","Text to find must not be empty.":"Unesite tekst za pretragu.","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"",Tiny:"","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"",Turquoise:"","Type or paste your content here.":"Unesite ili zalijepite vaš sadržaj ovdje","Type your title":"Unesite naslov",Underline:"Podcrtano","Underline text":"",Update:"Ažuriraj","Update image URL":"Ažuriraj URL slike","Upload failed":"Učitavanje slike nije uspjelo","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Uploading image":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"",White:"","Whole words only":"Samo cijele riječi","Wrap text":"Prelomi tekst",Yellow:""});i.getPluralForm=function(e){return e%10==1&&e%100!=11?0:e%10>=2&&e%10<=4&&(e%100<10||e%100>=20)?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/ca.js b/build/translations/ca.js
index 0b29032..d9b2bb3 100644
--- a/build/translations/ca.js
+++ b/build/translations/ca.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const a=e["ca"]=e["ca"]||{};a.dictionary=Object.assign(a.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(pot requerir Fn))","%0 of %1":"%0 de %1",Accept:"Accepta",Accessibility:"Accessibilitat","Accessibility help":"Ajuda d'accessibilitat","Align cell text to the bottom":"Alinear el text de la cel·la a la part inferior","Align cell text to the center":"Alinear el text de la cel·la al centre","Align cell text to the left":"Alinear el text de la cel·la a l'esquerra","Align cell text to the middle":"Alinear el text de la cel·la al centre","Align cell text to the right":"Alinear el text de la cel·la a la dreta","Align cell text to the top":"Alinear el text de la cel·la a la part superior","Align table to the left":"Alinear la taula a l'esquerra","Align table to the right":"Alinear la taula a la dreta",Alignment:"Alineació",Aquamarine:"Aiguamarina",Background:"Fons","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Sota hi trobareu un llistat de dreceres del teclat que podeu emprar amb aquest editor.",Big:"Gran",Black:"Negre","Block quote":"Cita de bloc",Blue:"Blau",Bold:"Negreta","Bold text":"Text en negreta",Border:"Vora","Break text":"Partir el text","Bulleted List":"Llista amb vinyetes","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'estils de llista amb vinyetes",Cancel:"Cancel·lar","Caption for image: %0":"Peu de foto: %0","Caption for the image":"Peu de foto","Cell properties":"Propietats de la cel·la","Center table":"Centrar la taula","Centered image":"Imatge centrada","Change image text alternative":"Canviar l'alternativa del text de la imatge","Choose heading":"Escull capçalera",Circle:"Cercle",Clear:"Esborra","Click to edit block":"Fes clic per editar el bloc",Close:"Tanca","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Tanca finestres contextuals, desplegables i diàlegs",Code:"Codi",Color:"Color","Color picker":"Selector de colors",Column:"Columna","Content editing keystrokes":"Tecles edició de contingut","Copy selected content":"Copia el contingut seleccionat","Create link":"Crea un enllaç",Custom:"Personalitzat","Custom image size":"Mida de la imatge personalitzada",Dashed:"De guions",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal amb un zero al davant","Decrease indent":"Reduir el sagnat","Decrease list item indent":"Redueix el sagnat de l'element de la llista",Default:"Predeterminada","Delete column":"Suprimir la columna","Delete row":"Suprimir fila","Dim grey":"Gris fosc",Dimensions:"Dimensions",Disc:"Disc","Document colors":"Colors del document",Dotted:"De punts",Double:"Doble",Downloadable:"Es pot descarregar","Drag to move":"Arrossega per moure","Dropdown toolbar":"Barra d'eines desplegable","Edit block":"Editar bloc","Edit link":"Editar enllaç","Editor block content toolbar":"Barra d'eines de contingut del bloc de l'editor","Editor contextual toolbar":"Barra d'eines contextual de l'editor","Editor dialog":"Diàleg de l'editor","Editor editing area: %0":"Àrea d'edició d'editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"Barra de menú del editor","Editor toolbar":"Barra d'eines de l'editor","Enter image caption":"Introduir el peu de foto de la imatge","Enter table caption":"Introduir el peu de foto de la taula","Entering a to-do list":"Introduint una llista de tasques pendents","Error during image upload":"Error durant la càrrega de la imatge","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Activa el botó que està seleccionat. Quan s'activen els botons que interactuen amb el contingut de l'editor, el cursor torna al contingut.","Font Background Color":"Color de fons del tipus de lletra","Font Color":"Color del tipus de lletra","Font Family":"Font","Font Size":"Mida de la font","Full size image":"Imatge a mida completa",Green:"Verd",Grey:"Gris",Groove:"De solc","Header column":"Columna d'encapçalament","Header row":"Fila d'encapçalament",Heading:"Capçalera","Heading 1":"Capçalera 1","Heading 2":"Capçalera 2","Heading 3":"Capçalera 3","Heading 4":"Encapçalament 4","Heading 5":"Encapçalament 5","Heading 6":"Encapçalament 6",Height:"Alçada","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Continguts d'Ajuda. Per a tancar aquesta finestra premeu ESC.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Línia horitzontal","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'alineació de text horitzontal",Huge:"Molt gran","Image from computer":"Imatge des de l'ordinador","Image resize list":"Llista de redimensionament de la imatge","Image toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'imatge","Image upload complete":"S'ha completat la pujada de la imatge","image widget":"giny d'imatge","In line":"A la línia","Increase indent":"Augmentar el sagnat","Increase list item indent":"Augmenta el sagnat de l'element de la llista",Insert:"Introduir","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Insereix un salt de línia rígid (un paràgraf nou)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Insereix un paràgraf nou immediatament després d'un giny","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Insereix un paràgraf nou immediatament abans d'un giny","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Insereix una nova filera (si us trobeu a la darrera cel·la d'una taula)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Insereix un salt de línia tou (un element <br>
)","Insert column left":"Inserir columna a l'esquerra","Insert column right":"Inserir la columna a la dreta","Insert image":"Introduir la imatge","Insert image via URL":"Introduir la imatge mitjançant l'URL","Insert media":"Introduir multimèdia","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir un paràgraf després del bloc","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir un paràgraf abans del bloc","Insert row above":"Inserir fila a sobre","Insert row below":"Inserir la fila a continuació","Insert table":"Introduir taula",Inset:"Entrant","Invalid start index value.":"Valor del número inicial no vàlid.",Italic:"Cursiva","Italic text":"Text en cursiva","Justify cell text":"Justificar el text de la cel·la","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Tecles que es poden emprar en una llista","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tecles que es poden emprar en la cel·la d'una taula","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tecles que es poden emprar en seleccionar un giny (com ara: imatge, taula, etc.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Sortint d'una llista de tasques pendents","Left aligned image":"Imatge alineada a l'esquerra","Light blue":"Blau clar","Light green":"Verd clar","Light grey":"Gris clar",Link:"Enllaç","Link image":"Enllaçar imatge","Link URL":"Enllaçar URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"L'URL de l'enllaç no pot estar buit.","List properties":"Llista de propietats","Lower-latin":"Lletres llatines en minúscules","Lower–roman":"Numerals romans en minúscules","Media toolbar":"Barra d'eines multimèdia","Media URL":"URL dels mitjans","media widget":"giny multimèdia",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Edita",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Arxiu",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Font",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Ajuda",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Introduir",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Text",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Eines",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Visualitza","Merge cell down":"Combinar la cel·la cap avall","Merge cell left":"Combinar la cel·la a l'esquerra","Merge cell right":"Combinar la cel·la a la dreta","Merge cell up":"Combinar la cel·la cap amunt","Merge cells":"Combinar cel·les","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Desplaça el focus entre els camps d'un formulari (entrades, botons, etc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Canvieu l'engrandiment d'una finestra activa","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Mou el cursor a la barra de menú, navega entre barres de menú","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Desplaça el focus a la barra d'eines, navega entre barres d'eines","Move out of a link":"Surt d'un enllaç","Move out of an inline code style":"Surt d'un codi d'estil en línia","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mou el punt d'inserció per a permetre l'escriptura immediatament després d'un giny","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mou el punt d'inserció per a permetre l'escriptura immediatament abans d'un giny","Move the selection to the next cell":"Mou la selecció a la cel·la següent","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Mou la selecció a la cel·la anterior","Navigate through the table":"Navega a través de la taula","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navega per la barra d'eines o de menú",Next:"Següent","No results found":"Sense resultats","No searchable items":"No hi ha elements de cerca",None:"Cap","Numbered List":"Llista numerada","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'estils de llista numerada","Open in a new tab":"Obrir en una pestanya nova","Open link in new tab":"Obrir l'enllaç en una pestanya nova","Open media in new tab":"Obriu l'enllaç a una nova pestanya","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Obre la finestra d'ajuda d'accessibilitat",Orange:"Taronja",Original:"Original",Outset:"Sortint",Padding:"Padding",Paragraph:"Pàrraf","Paste content":"Enganxa el contingut","Paste content as plain text":"Enganxa el contingut com a text pla","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Enganxar l'URL del contingut multimèdia a l'entrada.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Introdueix un color vàlid (p. ex. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Premeu %0 per obtenir ajuda.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Premeu Retorn per escriure després o premeu Maj + Retorn per escriure abans del giny",Previous:"Anterior",Purple:"Lila",Red:"Vermell",Redo:"Refer","Remove color":"Eliminar el color","Remove Format":"Esborrar el format","Replace from computer":"Substitueix-ho des de l'ordinador","Replace image":"Substitueix la imatge","Replace image from computer":"Substitueix la imatge des de l'ordinador","Resize image":"Redimensionar la imatge","Resize image (in %0)":"Canvia la mida de la imatge (a %0)","Resize image to %0":"Redimensiona la imatge a %0","Resize image to the original size":"Redimensiona la imatge a la mida original","Restore default":"Restaurar el valor predeterminat","Reversed order":"Ordre invertit","Revert autoformatting action":"Desfés l'acció d'autoformatació","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de text enriquit",Ridge:"De cresta","Right aligned image":"Imatge alineada a la dreta",Row:"Fila",Save:"Desar","Select all":"Seleccionar-ho tot","Select column":"Seleccionar columna","Select row":"Seleccionar fila","Show more items":"Mostrar més elements","Side image":"Imatge lateral",Small:"Peita",Solid:"Sòlid","Split cell horizontally":"Dividir la cel·la horitzontalment","Split cell vertically":"Dividir la cel·la verticalment",Square:"Quadrat","Start at":"Començar a","Start index must be greater than 0.":"L'índex inicial ha de ser superior a 0.",Strikethrough:"Marcat","Strikethrough text":"Barra el text",Style:"Estil",Subscript:"Subíndex",Superscript:"Superíndex",Table:"Taula","Table alignment toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'alineació de taules","Table cell text alignment":"Alineació del text de la cel·la de la taula","Table properties":"Propietats de la taula","Table toolbar":"Barra d'eines de taula","Text alternative":"Alternativa de text",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'El color és invàlid. Prova "#FF0000" o "rgb(255,0,0)" o "vermell".',"The URL must not be empty.":"L'URL no pot estar buit.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'El valor és invàlid. Prova "10px" o "2em" o simplement "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"El valor no pot estar buit.","The value should be a plain number.":"El valor ha de ser un nombre senzill.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Aquestes dreceres del teclat permeten un accés ràpid a les accions d'edició de contingut.","This link has no URL":"Aquest enllaç no té cap URL","This media URL is not supported.":"Aquest URL multimèdia no és compatible.",Tiny:"Molt petita","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Consell: Enganxa l'URL al contingut per inserir-lo més ràpid.","To-do List":"Llista de tasques pendents","Toggle caption off":"Desactivar el peu de foto","Toggle caption on":"Activar el peu de foto","Toggle the circle list style":"Canviar l'estil de llista de cercles","Toggle the decimal list style":"Canviar l'estil de llista decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Commutar l'estil de la llista de decimals amb un zero al davant","Toggle the disc list style":"Canviar l'estil de llista de discs","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Canviar l'estil de la llista a lletres llatines en minúscules","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Canviar l'estil de la llista a numerals romans en minúscules","Toggle the square list style":"Canviar l'estil de llista quadrada","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Canviar l'estil de la llista a lletres llatines en majúscules","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Canviar l'estil de la llista a numerals romans en majúscules",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Type or paste your content here.":"Escriu o enganxa el teu contingut aquí.","Type your title":"Escriu el teu títol",Underline:"Subrallat","Underline text":"Subratlla el text",Undo:"Desfer",Unlink:"Desenllaçar",Update:"Actualitzar","Update image URL":"Actualitzar l'URL de la imatge","Upload failed":"No s'ha pogut carregar","Upload from computer":"Puja-ho des de l'ordinador","Upload image from computer":"Puja la imatge des de l'ordinador","Upload in progress":"Carrega en curs","Uploading image":"S'està pujant la imatge","Upper-latin":"Lletres llatines en majúscules","Upper-roman":"Numerals romans en majúscules","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Empreu les següents tecles per a una navegació més eficient en la interfície de l'usuari de CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Tecles d'interfície de l'usuari i navegació del contingut","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'alineació de text vertical",White:"Blanc","Widget toolbar":"Barra d'eines de ginys",Width:"Amplada","Wrap text":"Embolcallar el text",Yellow:"Groc"});a.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const a=e["ca"]=e["ca"]||{};a.dictionary=Object.assign(a.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(pot requerir Fn))","%0 of %1":"%0 de %1",Accept:"Accepta",Accessibility:"Accessibilitat","Accessibility help":"Ajuda d'accessibilitat","Advanced options":"Opcions avançades","Align cell text to the bottom":"Alinear el text de la cel·la a la part inferior","Align cell text to the center":"Alinear el text de la cel·la al centre","Align cell text to the left":"Alinear el text de la cel·la a l'esquerra","Align cell text to the middle":"Alinear el text de la cel·la al centre","Align cell text to the right":"Alinear el text de la cel·la a la dreta","Align cell text to the top":"Alinear el text de la cel·la a la part superior","Align center":"Alineació centre","Align left":"Alineació esquerra","Align right":"Alineació dreta","Align table to the left":"Alinear la taula a l'esquerra","Align table to the right":"Alinear la taula a la dreta",Alignment:"Alineació",Aquamarine:"Aiguamarina",Background:"Fons","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Sota hi trobareu un llistat de dreceres del teclat que podeu emprar amb aquest editor.",Big:"Gran",Black:"Negre","Block quote":"Cita de bloc","Block styles":"Estils de bloc",Blue:"Blau","Blue marker":"Marcador blau",Bold:"Negreta","Bold text":"Text en negreta",Border:"Vora","Break text":"Partir el text","Bulleted List":"Llista amb vinyetes","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'estils de llista amb vinyetes",Cancel:"Cancel·lar","Caption for image: %0":"Peu de foto: %0","Caption for the image":"Peu de foto","Cell properties":"Propietats de la cel·la","Center table":"Centrar la taula","Centered image":"Imatge centrada","Change image text alternative":"Canviar l'alternativa del text de la imatge","Characters: %0":"Caràcters: %0","Choose heading":"Escull capçalera",Circle:"Cercle",Clear:"Esborra","Click to edit block":"Fes clic per editar el bloc",Close:"Tanca","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Tanca finestres contextuals, desplegables i diàlegs",Code:"Codi","Code block":"Bloc de codis",Color:"Color","Color picker":"Selector de colors",Column:"Columna","Content editing keystrokes":"Tecles edició de contingut","Copy selected content":"Copia el contingut seleccionat","Create link":"Crea un enllaç",Custom:"Personalitzat","Custom image size":"Mida de la imatge personalitzada",Dashed:"De guions",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal amb un zero al davant","Decrease indent":"Reduir el sagnat","Decrease list item indent":"Redueix el sagnat de l'element de la llista",Default:"Predeterminada","Delete column":"Suprimir la columna","Delete row":"Suprimir fila","Dim grey":"Gris fosc",Dimensions:"Dimensions","Disable editing":"Desactivar l'edició",Disc:"Disc","Document colors":"Colors del document",Dotted:"De punts",Double:"Doble",Downloadable:"Es pot descarregar","Drag to move":"Arrossega per moure","Dropdown toolbar":"Barra d'eines desplegable","Edit block":"Editar bloc","Edit link":"Editar enllaç","Editor block content toolbar":"Barra d'eines de contingut del bloc de l'editor","Editor contextual toolbar":"Barra d'eines contextual de l'editor","Editor dialog":"Diàleg de l'editor","Editor editing area: %0":"Àrea d'edició d'editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"Barra de menú del editor","Editor toolbar":"Barra d'eines de l'editor","Enable editing":"Activar l'edició","Enter image caption":"Introduir el peu de foto de la imatge","Enter table caption":"Introduir el peu de foto de la taula","Entering %0 code snippet":"S'està introduint %0 fragments de codi","Entering a to-do list":"Introduint una llista de tasques pendents","Entering code snippet":"Introduint un fragment de codi","Error during image upload":"Error durant la càrrega de la imatge","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Activa el botó que està seleccionat. Quan s'activen els botons que interactuen amb el contingut de l'editor, el cursor torna al contingut.",Find:"Trobar","Find and replace":"Trobar i substituir","Find in text…":"Trobar al text...","Find in the document":"Busca en el document","Font Background Color":"Color de fons del tipus de lletra","Font Color":"Color del tipus de lletra","Font Family":"Font","Font Size":"Mida de la font","Full size image":"Imatge a mida completa",Green:"Verd","Green marker":"Marcador verd","Green pen":"Bolígraf verd",Grey:"Gris",Groove:"De solc","Header column":"Columna d'encapçalament","Header row":"Fila d'encapçalament",Heading:"Capçalera","Heading 1":"Capçalera 1","Heading 2":"Capçalera 2","Heading 3":"Capçalera 3","Heading 4":"Encapçalament 4","Heading 5":"Encapçalament 5","Heading 6":"Encapçalament 6",Height:"Alçada","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Continguts d'Ajuda. Per a tancar aquesta finestra premeu ESC.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Destacat","Horizontal line":"Línia horitzontal","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'alineació de text horitzontal","HTML object":"Objecte HTML",Huge:"Molt gran","Image from computer":"Imatge des de l'ordinador","Image resize list":"Llista de redimensionament de la imatge","Image toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'imatge","Image upload complete":"S'ha completat la pujada de la imatge","image widget":"giny d'imatge","In line":"A la línia","Increase indent":"Augmentar el sagnat","Increase list item indent":"Augmenta el sagnat de l'element de la llista",Insert:"Introduir","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Insereix un salt de línia rígid (un paràgraf nou)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Insereix un paràgraf nou immediatament després d'un giny","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Insereix un paràgraf nou immediatament abans d'un giny","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Insereix una nova filera (si us trobeu a la darrera cel·la d'una taula)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Insereix un salt de línia tou (un element <br>
)","Insert code block":"Introduir un bloc de codi","Insert column left":"Inserir columna a l'esquerra","Insert column right":"Inserir la columna a la dreta","Insert image":"Introduir la imatge","Insert image via URL":"Introduir la imatge mitjançant l'URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir un paràgraf després del bloc","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir un paràgraf abans del bloc","Insert row above":"Inserir fila a sobre","Insert row below":"Inserir la fila a continuació","Insert table":"Introduir taula",Inset:"Entrant","Invalid start index value.":"Valor del número inicial no vàlid.",Italic:"Cursiva","Italic text":"Text en cursiva",Justify:"Justificar","Justify cell text":"Justificar el text de la cel·la","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Tecles que es poden emprar en una llista","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tecles que es poden emprar en la cel·la d'una taula","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tecles que es poden emprar en seleccionar un giny (com ara: imatge, taula, etc.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Sortint de %0 fragments de codi","Leaving a to-do list":"Sortint d'una llista de tasques pendents","Leaving code snippet":"Sortint del fragment de codi","Left aligned image":"Imatge alineada a l'esquerra","Light blue":"Blau clar","Light green":"Verd clar","Light grey":"Gris clar",Link:"Enllaç","Link image":"Enllaçar imatge","Link URL":"Enllaçar URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"L'URL de l'enllaç no pot estar buit.","List properties":"Llista de propietats","Lower-latin":"Lletres llatines en minúscules","Lower–roman":"Numerals romans en minúscules","Match case":"Coincidència de majúscules i minúscules",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Edita",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Arxiu",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Font",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Ajuda",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Introduir",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Text",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Eines",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Visualitza","Merge cell down":"Combinar la cel·la cap avall","Merge cell left":"Combinar la cel·la a l'esquerra","Merge cell right":"Combinar la cel·la a la dreta","Merge cell up":"Combinar la cel·la cap amunt","Merge cells":"Combinar cel·les","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Desplaça el focus entre els camps d'un formulari (entrades, botons, etc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Canvieu l'engrandiment d'una finestra activa","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Mou el cursor a la barra de menú, navega entre barres de menú","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Desplaça el focus a la barra d'eines, navega entre barres d'eines","Move out of a link":"Surt d'un enllaç","Move out of an inline code style":"Surt d'un codi d'estil en línia","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mou el punt d'inserció per a permetre l'escriptura immediatament després d'un giny","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mou el punt d'inserció per a permetre l'escriptura immediatament abans d'un giny","Move the selection to the next cell":"Mou la selecció a la cel·la següent","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Mou la selecció a la cel·la anterior","Multiple styles":"Estils múltiples","Navigate editable regions":"Navegar per parts editables","Navigate through the table":"Navega a través de la taula","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navega per la barra d'eines o de menú",Next:"Següent","Next editable region":"Següent part editable","Next result":"Següent resultat","No results found":"Sense resultats","No searchable items":"No hi ha elements de cerca",None:"Cap","Numbered List":"Llista numerada","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'estils de llista numerada","Open in a new tab":"Obrir en una pestanya nova","Open link in new tab":"Obrir l'enllaç en una pestanya nova","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Obre la finestra d'ajuda d'accessibilitat",Orange:"Taronja",Original:"Original",Outset:"Sortint",Padding:"Padding",Paragraph:"Pàrraf","Paste content":"Enganxa el contingut","Paste content as plain text":"Enganxa el contingut com a text pla","Pink marker":"Marcador rosa","Plain text":"Text simple",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Introdueix un color vàlid (p. ex. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Premeu %0 per obtenir ajuda.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Premeu Retorn per escriure després o premeu Maj + Retorn per escriure abans del giny",Previous:"Anterior","Previous editable region":"Part editable anterior","Previous result":"Resultat anterior",Purple:"Lila",Red:"Vermell","Red pen":"Marcador vermell",Redo:"Refer","Remove color":"Eliminar el color","Remove Format":"Esborrar el format","Remove highlight":"Esborrar destacat",Replace:"Substituir","Replace all":"Substituir-ho tot","Replace from computer":"Substitueix-ho des de l'ordinador","Replace image":"Substitueix la imatge","Replace image from computer":"Substitueix la imatge des de l'ordinador","Replace with…":"Substituir per...","Resize image":"Redimensionar la imatge","Resize image (in %0)":"Canvia la mida de la imatge (a %0)","Resize image to %0":"Redimensiona la imatge a %0","Resize image to the original size":"Redimensiona la imatge a la mida original","Restore default":"Restaurar el valor predeterminat","Reversed order":"Ordre invertit","Revert autoformatting action":"Desfés l'acció d'autoformatació","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de text enriquit",Ridge:"De cresta","Right aligned image":"Imatge alineada a la dreta",Row:"Fila",Save:"Desar","Select all":"Seleccionar-ho tot","Select column":"Seleccionar columna","Select row":"Seleccionar fila","Show more items":"Mostrar més elements","Side image":"Imatge lateral",Small:"Peita",Solid:"Sòlid","Split cell horizontally":"Dividir la cel·la horitzontalment","Split cell vertically":"Dividir la cel·la verticalment",Square:"Quadrat","Start at":"Començar a","Start index must be greater than 0.":"L'índex inicial ha de ser superior a 0.",Strikethrough:"Marcat","Strikethrough text":"Barra el text",Style:"Estil",Styles:"Estils",Subscript:"Subíndex",Superscript:"Superíndex",Table:"Taula","Table alignment toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'alineació de taules","Table cell text alignment":"Alineació del text de la cel·la de la taula","Table properties":"Propietats de la taula","Table toolbar":"Barra d'eines de taula","Text alignment":"Alineació text","Text alignment toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'alineació de text","Text alternative":"Alternativa de text","Text highlight toolbar":"Barra d'eines de ressaltat de text","Text styles":"Estils de text","Text to find must not be empty.":"El text per cercar no pot estar buit.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'El color és invàlid. Prova "#FF0000" o "rgb(255,0,0)" o "vermell".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'El valor és invàlid. Prova "10px" o "2em" o simplement "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"El valor no pot estar buit.","The value should be a plain number.":"El valor ha de ser un nombre senzill.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Aquestes dreceres del teclat permeten un accés ràpid a les accions d'edició de contingut.","This link has no URL":"Aquest enllaç no té cap URL",Tiny:"Molt petita","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Consell: Troba primer un text per substituir-lo.","To-do List":"Llista de tasques pendents","Toggle caption off":"Desactivar el peu de foto","Toggle caption on":"Activar el peu de foto","Toggle the circle list style":"Canviar l'estil de llista de cercles","Toggle the decimal list style":"Canviar l'estil de llista decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Commutar l'estil de la llista de decimals amb un zero al davant","Toggle the disc list style":"Canviar l'estil de llista de discs","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Canviar l'estil de la llista a lletres llatines en minúscules","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Canviar l'estil de la llista a numerals romans en minúscules","Toggle the square list style":"Canviar l'estil de llista quadrada","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Canviar l'estil de la llista a lletres llatines en majúscules","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Canviar l'estil de la llista a numerals romans en majúscules",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Type or paste your content here.":"Escriu o enganxa el teu contingut aquí.","Type your title":"Escriu el teu títol",Underline:"Subrallat","Underline text":"Subratlla el text",Undo:"Desfer",Unlink:"Desenllaçar",Update:"Actualitzar","Update image URL":"Actualitzar l'URL de la imatge","Upload failed":"No s'ha pogut carregar","Upload from computer":"Puja-ho des de l'ordinador","Upload image from computer":"Puja la imatge des de l'ordinador","Upload in progress":"Carrega en curs","Uploading image":"S'està pujant la imatge","Upper-latin":"Lletres llatines en majúscules","Upper-roman":"Numerals romans en majúscules","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Empreu les següents tecles per a una navegació més eficient en la interfície de l'usuari de CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Tecles d'interfície de l'usuari i navegació del contingut","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'alineació de text vertical",White:"Blanc","Whole words only":"Només paraules senceres","Widget toolbar":"Barra d'eines de ginys",Width:"Amplada","Words: %0":"Paraules: %0","Wrap text":"Embolcallar el text",Yellow:"Groc","Yellow marker":"Marcador groc"});a.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/cs.js b/build/translations/cs.js
index b247aab..590372c 100644
--- a/build/translations/cs.js
+++ b/build/translations/cs.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["cs"]=e["cs"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(může vyžadovat Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 z %1",Accept:"Přijmout",Accessibility:"Přístupnost","Accessibility help":"Podpora přístupnosti","Align cell text to the bottom":"Zarovnat text buňky dolů","Align cell text to the center":"Zarovnat text buňky na střed","Align cell text to the left":"Zarovnat text buňky doleva","Align cell text to the middle":"Zarovnat text buňky na střed","Align cell text to the right":"Zarovnat text buňky doprava","Align cell text to the top":"Zarovnat text buňky nahoru","Align table to the left":"Zarovnat tabulku doleva","Align table to the right":"Zarovnat tabulku doprava",Alignment:"Zarovnání",Aquamarine:"Akvamarínová",Background:"Pozadí","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Seznam klávesových zkratek, které lze v editoru použít, můžete nalézt níže.",Big:"Velké",Black:"Černá","Block quote":"Citace",Blue:"Modrá",Bold:"Tučné","Bold text":"Tučně",Border:"Okraj","Break text":"Obtékání textu","Bulleted List":"Odrážky","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Panel seznamu s odrážkami",Cancel:"Zrušit","Caption for image: %0":"Popisek k obrázku: %0","Caption for the image":"Popisek k obrázku","Cell properties":"Vlastnosti buňky","Center table":"Centrovat tabulku","Centered image":"Obrázek zarovnaný na střed","Change image text alternative":"Změnit alternativní text obrázku","Choose heading":"Zvolte nadpis",Circle:"Kruh",Clear:"Smazat","Click to edit block":"Kliknutím upravíte blok",Close:"Zavřít","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Zavřít kontextuální balóny, rozbalovací menu a dialogy",Code:"Kódový blok",Color:"Barva","Color picker":"Vybrat barvu",Column:"Sloupec","Content editing keystrokes":"Klávesy na úpravu obsahu","Copy selected content":"Zkopírovat vybraný obsah","Create link":"Vytvořit odkaz",Custom:"Vlastní","Custom image size":"Vlastní velikost obrázku",Dashed:"Čárkovaná",Decimal:"Čísla","Decimal with leading zero":"Čísla s nulou na začátku","Decrease indent":"Zmenšit odsazení","Decrease list item indent":"Zmenšit odsazení položky seznamu",Default:"Výchozí","Delete column":"Smazat sloupec","Delete row":"Smazat řádek","Dim grey":"Tmavě šedá",Dimensions:"Rozměry",Disc:"Plný kruh","Document colors":"Barvy dokumentu",Dotted:"Tečkovaná",Double:"Dvojitá",Downloadable:"Ke stažení","Drag to move":"Přesuňte potažením","Dropdown toolbar":"Rozbalovací panel nástrojů","Edit block":"Upravit blok","Edit link":"Upravit odkaz","Editor block content toolbar":"Panel nástrojů obsahu bloku editoru","Editor contextual toolbar":"Kontextový panel nástrojů editoru","Editor dialog":"Dialog editoru","Editor editing area: %0":"Editační oblast editoru: %0","Editor menu bar":"Panel nabídek editoru","Editor toolbar":"Panel nástrojů editoru","Enter image caption":"Zadejte popis obrázku","Enter table caption":"Zadejte titulek tabulky","Entering a to-do list":"Zadání seznamu úkolů","Error during image upload":"Při nahrávání obrázku došlo k chybě","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Spusťte aktuálně zaměřené tlačítko. Spuštěním tlačítek, která interagují s obsahem editoru, se zaměření přesune zpět na obsah.","Font Background Color":"Barva pozadí písma","Font Color":"Barva písma","Font Family":"Typ písma","Font Size":"Velikost písma","Full size image":"Obrázek v plné velikosti",Green:"Zelená",Grey:"Šedá",Groove:"Drážkovaná","Header column":"Sloupec záhlaví","Header row":"Řádek záhlaví",Heading:"Nadpis","Heading 1":"Nadpis 1","Heading 2":"Nadpis 2","Heading 3":"Nadpis 3","Heading 4":"Nadpis 4","Heading 5":"Nadpis 5","Heading 6":"Nadpis 6",Height:"Výška","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Obsah podpory. Pro zavření tohoto dialogu stiskněte ESC.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Vodorovná čára","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horizontální zarovnání textu v panelu",Huge:"Obrovské","Image from computer":"Obrázek z počítače","Image resize list":"Seznam možností změny velikosti","Image toolbar":"Panel nástrojů obrázku","Image upload complete":"Nahrávání obrázku dokončeno","image widget":"ovládací prvek obrázku","In line":"Rovnoběžně s textem","Increase indent":"Zvětšit odsazení","Increase list item indent":"Zvětšit odsazení položky seznamu",Insert:"Vložit","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Vložit tvrdou mezeru (nový odstavec)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Vložte odstavec přímo po widgetu","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Vložte nový odstavec přímo před widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Vložit nový řádek tabulky (když jste v poslední buňce tabulky)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Vložit měkkou mezeru (prvek <br>
)","Insert column left":"Vložit sloupec vlevo","Insert column right":"Vložit sloupec vpravo","Insert image":"Vložit obrázek","Insert image via URL":"Vložit obrázek pomocí URL","Insert media":"Vložit média","Insert paragraph after block":"Vložte odstavec za blok","Insert paragraph before block":"Vložte odstavec před blok","Insert row above":"Vložit řádek před","Insert row below":"Vložit řádek pod","Insert table":"Vložit tabulku",Inset:"Vložená zevnitř","Invalid start index value.":"Neplatná počáteční hodnota indexu.",Italic:"Kurzíva","Italic text":"Kurzíva","Justify cell text":"Zarovnat text buňky z obou stran","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Klávesy, které lze použít v seznamu","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Klávesy, které lze použít v buňce tabulky","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klávesy, které lze použít, když je vybraný widget (např: obrázek, tabulka atd.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Opuštění seznamu úkolů","Left aligned image":"Obrázek zarovnaný vlevo","Light blue":"Světle modrá","Light green":"Světle zelená","Light grey":"Světle šedá",Link:"Odkaz","Link image":"Adresa obrázku","Link URL":"URL odkazu","Link URL must not be empty.":"Adresa URL odkazu nesmí být prázdná.","List properties":"Vlastnosti seznamu","Lower-latin":"Malá písmena","Lower–roman":"Malé římské čísla","Media toolbar":"Panel nástrojů médií","Media URL":"URL adresa","media widget":"ovládací prvek médií",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Upravit",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Soubor",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Písmo",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formát",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Nápověda",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Vložit",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Text",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Nástroje",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Zobrazit","Merge cell down":"Sloučit s buňkou pod","Merge cell left":"Sloučit s buňkou vlevo","Merge cell right":"Sloučit s buňkou vpravo","Merge cell up":"Sloučit s buňkou nad","Merge cells":"Sloučit buňky","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Přesunout zaměření mezi poli formuláře (vstupy, tlačítka atd.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Přesouvejte zaměření dovnitř a ven z aktivního dialogového okna","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Zaměřte se na panel nabídek, procházejte mezi panely nabídek","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Přesunout zaměření na lištu nástrojů, navigace mezi lištami nástrojů","Move out of a link":"Odejít z odkazu","Move out of an inline code style":"Odejít ze stylu vloženého kódu","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Přesuňte stříšku pro umožnění psaní přímo před widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Přesuňte stříšku pro umožnění psaní přímo před widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Přesunout výběr do další buňky","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Přesunout výběr do předchozí buňky","Navigate through the table":"Procházet tabulkou","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Procházení panelu nástrojů nebo panelu nabídek",Next:"Další","No results found":"Nenalezeny žádné výsledky","No searchable items":"Žádné položky k vyhledání",None:"Žádná","Numbered List":"Číslování","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Panel se styly číslovaného seznamu","Open in a new tab":"Otevřít v nové kartě","Open link in new tab":"Otevřít odkaz v nové kartě","Open media in new tab":"Otevřete média na nové kartě","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Otevřít dialog podpory přístupnosti",Orange:"Oranžová",Original:"Originální",Outset:"Vložená zvenku",Padding:"Vnitřní okraj",Paragraph:"Odstavec","Paste content":"Vložit obsah","Paste content as plain text":"Vyložit obsah jako prostý text","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Vložte URL média do vstupního pole.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Zadejte platnou barvu (např. „ff0000“).","Press %0 for help.":"Stiskněte %0 pro podporu","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Stisknutím klávesy Enter můžete psát za widgetem a stisknutím Shift + Enter před ním",Previous:"Předchozí",Purple:"Fialová",Red:"Červená",Redo:"Znovu","Remove color":"Odstranit barvu","Remove Format":"Odstranit formátování","Replace from computer":"Nahradit z počítače","Replace image":"Nahradit obrázek","Replace image from computer":"Nahradit obrázek z počítače","Resize image":"Změnit velikost","Resize image (in %0)":"Změnit velikost obrázku (v %0)","Resize image to %0":"Změnit velikost na %0","Resize image to the original size":"Změnit velikost na původní velikost","Restore default":"Obnovit výchozí","Reversed order":"Obrácené pořadí","Revert autoformatting action":"Vzít zpět akci automatického formátování","Rich Text Editor":"Textový editor",Ridge:"Rámovaná","Right aligned image":"Obrázek zarovnaný vpravo",Row:"Řádek",Save:"Uložit","Select all":"Vybrat vše","Select column":"Vybrat sloupec","Select row":"Vybrat řádek","Show more items":"Zobrazit další položky","Side image":"Postranní obrázek",Small:"Malé",Solid:"Plná","Split cell horizontally":"Rozdělit buňky horizontálně","Split cell vertically":"Rozdělit buňky vertikálně",Square:"Čtverec","Start at":"Začít na","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Počátek musí být větší jak 0.",Strikethrough:"Přeškrtnuté","Strikethrough text":"Přešktnutí",Style:"Styl",Subscript:"Dolní index",Superscript:"Horní index",Table:"Tabulka","Table alignment toolbar":"Panel zarovnání tabulky","Table cell text alignment":"Zarovnání textu buňky tabulky","Table properties":"Vlastnosti tabulky","Table toolbar":"Panel nástrojů tabulky","Text alternative":"Alternativní text",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Barva má nesprávný formát. Zkuste "#FF0000", "rgb(255,0,0)" nebo "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL adresa musí být vyplněna.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Hodnota je nesprávná. Zkuste "10px", "2em" nebo jednoduše "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Hodnota nesmí být prázdná","The value should be a plain number.":"Hodnota musí být prosté číslo.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Tyto klávesové zkratky vám umožní rychlý přístup k funkcím úpravy obsahu.","This link has no URL":"Tento odkaz nemá žádnou URL","This media URL is not supported.":"Tato adresa bohužel není podporována.",Tiny:"Drobné","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Rada: Vložte URL přímo do editoru pro rychlejší vnoření.","To-do List":"Seznam úkolů","Toggle caption off":"Vypnout titulek","Toggle caption on":"Zapnout titulek","Toggle the circle list style":"Přepnout na seznam s kruhovým označením","Toggle the decimal list style":"Přepnout na číselný seznam","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Přepnout na číselný seznam s nulou na začátku","Toggle the disc list style":"Přepnout na seznam s označením plného kruhu","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Přepnout na seznam s malými písmeny","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Přepnout na seznam s malými římskými čísly","Toggle the square list style":"Přepnout na seznam se čtvercovým označením","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Přepnout na seznam s velkými písmeny","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Přepnout na seznam s velkými římskými čísly",Turquoise:"Tyrkysová","Type or paste your content here.":"Zde zadejte nebo vložte obsah.","Type your title":"Sem zadejte název",Underline:"Podtržené","Underline text":"Podtrhnutí",Undo:"Zpět",Unlink:"Odstranit odkaz",Update:"Aktualizovat","Update image URL":"Aktualizovat URL obrázku","Upload failed":"Nahrání selhalo","Upload from computer":"Nahrát z počítače","Upload image from computer":"Nahrát obrázek z počítače","Upload in progress":"Probíhá nahrávání","Uploading image":"Nahrávání obrázku","Upper-latin":"Velká písmena","Upper-roman":"Velké římské čísla","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Pro efektivní navigaci v uživatelském rozhraní CKEditor 5 použijte následující klávesy.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Klávesy navigace v uživatelském rozhraní a obsahu","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikální zarovnání textu v panelu",White:"Bílá","Widget toolbar":"Panel nástrojů ovládacího prvku",Width:"Šířka","Wrap text":"Text nahoře a dole",Yellow:"Žlutá"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==1&&e%1==0?0:e>=2&&e<=4&&e%1==0?1:e%1!=0?2:3}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["cs"]=e["cs"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(může vyžadovat Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 z %1",Accept:"Přijmout",Accessibility:"Přístupnost","Accessibility help":"Podpora přístupnosti","Advanced options":"Pokročilé možnosti","Align cell text to the bottom":"Zarovnat text buňky dolů","Align cell text to the center":"Zarovnat text buňky na střed","Align cell text to the left":"Zarovnat text buňky doleva","Align cell text to the middle":"Zarovnat text buňky na střed","Align cell text to the right":"Zarovnat text buňky doprava","Align cell text to the top":"Zarovnat text buňky nahoru","Align center":"Zarovnat na střed","Align left":"Zarovnat vlevo","Align right":"Zarovnat vpravo","Align table to the left":"Zarovnat tabulku doleva","Align table to the right":"Zarovnat tabulku doprava",Alignment:"Zarovnání",Aquamarine:"Akvamarínová",Background:"Pozadí","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Seznam klávesových zkratek, které lze v editoru použít, můžete nalézt níže.",Big:"Velké",Black:"Černá","Block quote":"Citace","Block styles":"Styly bloků",Blue:"Modrá","Blue marker":"Modrý fix",Bold:"Tučné","Bold text":"Tučně",Border:"Okraj","Break text":"Obtékání textu","Bulleted List":"Odrážky","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Panel seznamu s odrážkami",Cancel:"Zrušit","Caption for image: %0":"Popisek k obrázku: %0","Caption for the image":"Popisek k obrázku","Cell properties":"Vlastnosti buňky","Center table":"Centrovat tabulku","Centered image":"Obrázek zarovnaný na střed","Change image text alternative":"Změnit alternativní text obrázku","Characters: %0":"Počet znaků: %0","Choose heading":"Zvolte nadpis",Circle:"Kruh",Clear:"Smazat","Click to edit block":"Kliknutím upravíte blok",Close:"Zavřít","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Zavřít kontextuální balóny, rozbalovací menu a dialogy",Code:"Kódový blok","Code block":"Blok kódu",Color:"Barva","Color picker":"Vybrat barvu",Column:"Sloupec","Content editing keystrokes":"Klávesy na úpravu obsahu","Copy selected content":"Zkopírovat vybraný obsah","Create link":"Vytvořit odkaz",Custom:"Vlastní","Custom image size":"Vlastní velikost obrázku",Dashed:"Čárkovaná",Decimal:"Čísla","Decimal with leading zero":"Čísla s nulou na začátku","Decrease indent":"Zmenšit odsazení","Decrease list item indent":"Zmenšit odsazení položky seznamu",Default:"Výchozí","Delete column":"Smazat sloupec","Delete row":"Smazat řádek","Dim grey":"Tmavě šedá",Dimensions:"Rozměry","Disable editing":"Zakázat úpravy",Disc:"Plný kruh","Document colors":"Barvy dokumentu",Dotted:"Tečkovaná",Double:"Dvojitá",Downloadable:"Ke stažení","Drag to move":"Přesuňte potažením","Dropdown toolbar":"Rozbalovací panel nástrojů","Edit block":"Upravit blok","Edit link":"Upravit odkaz","Editor block content toolbar":"Panel nástrojů obsahu bloku editoru","Editor contextual toolbar":"Kontextový panel nástrojů editoru","Editor dialog":"Dialog editoru","Editor editing area: %0":"Editační oblast editoru: %0","Editor menu bar":"Panel nabídek editoru","Editor toolbar":"Panel nástrojů editoru","Enable editing":"Povolit úpravy","Enter image caption":"Zadejte popis obrázku","Enter table caption":"Zadejte titulek tabulky","Entering %0 code snippet":"Zadávání fragmentu kódu %0","Entering a to-do list":"Zadání seznamu úkolů","Entering code snippet":"Zadávání fragmentu kódu","Error during image upload":"Při nahrávání obrázku došlo k chybě","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Spusťte aktuálně zaměřené tlačítko. Spuštěním tlačítek, která interagují s obsahem editoru, se zaměření přesune zpět na obsah.",Find:"Najít","Find and replace":"Najít a nahradit","Find in text…":"Najít v textu...","Find in the document":"Najít v dokumentu","Font Background Color":"Barva pozadí písma","Font Color":"Barva písma","Font Family":"Typ písma","Font Size":"Velikost písma","Full size image":"Obrázek v plné velikosti",Green:"Zelená","Green marker":"Zelený fix","Green pen":"Zelené pero",Grey:"Šedá",Groove:"Drážkovaná","Header column":"Sloupec záhlaví","Header row":"Řádek záhlaví",Heading:"Nadpis","Heading 1":"Nadpis 1","Heading 2":"Nadpis 2","Heading 3":"Nadpis 3","Heading 4":"Nadpis 4","Heading 5":"Nadpis 5","Heading 6":"Nadpis 6",Height:"Výška","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Obsah podpory. Pro zavření tohoto dialogu stiskněte ESC.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Zvýraznění","Horizontal line":"Vodorovná čára","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horizontální zarovnání textu v panelu","HTML object":"HTML objekt",Huge:"Obrovské","Image from computer":"Obrázek z počítače","Image resize list":"Seznam možností změny velikosti","Image toolbar":"Panel nástrojů obrázku","Image upload complete":"Nahrávání obrázku dokončeno","image widget":"ovládací prvek obrázku","In line":"Rovnoběžně s textem","Increase indent":"Zvětšit odsazení","Increase list item indent":"Zvětšit odsazení položky seznamu",Insert:"Vložit","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Vložit tvrdou mezeru (nový odstavec)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Vložte odstavec přímo po widgetu","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Vložte nový odstavec přímo před widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Vložit nový řádek tabulky (když jste v poslední buňce tabulky)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Vložit měkkou mezeru (prvek <br>
)","Insert code block":"Vložit blok zdrojového kódu","Insert column left":"Vložit sloupec vlevo","Insert column right":"Vložit sloupec vpravo","Insert image":"Vložit obrázek","Insert image via URL":"Vložit obrázek pomocí URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Vložte odstavec za blok","Insert paragraph before block":"Vložte odstavec před blok","Insert row above":"Vložit řádek před","Insert row below":"Vložit řádek pod","Insert table":"Vložit tabulku",Inset:"Vložená zevnitř","Invalid start index value.":"Neplatná počáteční hodnota indexu.",Italic:"Kurzíva","Italic text":"Kurzíva",Justify:"Zarovnat do bloku","Justify cell text":"Zarovnat text buňky z obou stran","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Klávesy, které lze použít v seznamu","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Klávesy, které lze použít v buňce tabulky","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klávesy, které lze použít, když je vybraný widget (např: obrázek, tabulka atd.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Opouští se fragment kódu %0","Leaving a to-do list":"Opuštění seznamu úkolů","Leaving code snippet":"Opuštění fragmentu kódu","Left aligned image":"Obrázek zarovnaný vlevo","Light blue":"Světle modrá","Light green":"Světle zelená","Light grey":"Světle šedá",Link:"Odkaz","Link image":"Adresa obrázku","Link URL":"URL odkazu","Link URL must not be empty.":"Adresa URL odkazu nesmí být prázdná.","List properties":"Vlastnosti seznamu","Lower-latin":"Malá písmena","Lower–roman":"Malé římské čísla","Match case":"Rozlišovat velikost písmen",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Upravit",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Soubor",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Písmo",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formát",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Nápověda",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Vložit",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Text",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Nástroje",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Zobrazit","Merge cell down":"Sloučit s buňkou pod","Merge cell left":"Sloučit s buňkou vlevo","Merge cell right":"Sloučit s buňkou vpravo","Merge cell up":"Sloučit s buňkou nad","Merge cells":"Sloučit buňky","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Přesunout zaměření mezi poli formuláře (vstupy, tlačítka atd.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Přesouvejte zaměření dovnitř a ven z aktivního dialogového okna","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Zaměřte se na panel nabídek, procházejte mezi panely nabídek","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Přesunout zaměření na lištu nástrojů, navigace mezi lištami nástrojů","Move out of a link":"Odejít z odkazu","Move out of an inline code style":"Odejít ze stylu vloženého kódu","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Přesuňte stříšku pro umožnění psaní přímo před widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Přesuňte stříšku pro umožnění psaní přímo před widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Přesunout výběr do další buňky","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Přesunout výběr do předchozí buňky","Multiple styles":"Více stylů","Navigate editable regions":"Procházet upravitelnými oblastmi","Navigate through the table":"Procházet tabulkou","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Procházení panelu nástrojů nebo panelu nabídek",Next:"Další","Next editable region":"Následující upravitelná oblast","Next result":"Další výskyt","No results found":"Nenalezeny žádné výsledky","No searchable items":"Žádné položky k vyhledání",None:"Žádná","Numbered List":"Číslování","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Panel se styly číslovaného seznamu","Open in a new tab":"Otevřít v nové kartě","Open link in new tab":"Otevřít odkaz v nové kartě","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Otevřít dialog podpory přístupnosti",Orange:"Oranžová",Original:"Originální",Outset:"Vložená zvenku",Padding:"Vnitřní okraj",Paragraph:"Odstavec","Paste content":"Vložit obsah","Paste content as plain text":"Vyložit obsah jako prostý text","Pink marker":"Růžový fix","Plain text":"Prostý text",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Zadejte platnou barvu (např. „ff0000“).","Press %0 for help.":"Stiskněte %0 pro podporu","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Stisknutím klávesy Enter můžete psát za widgetem a stisknutím Shift + Enter před ním",Previous:"Předchozí","Previous editable region":"Předchozí upravitelná oblast","Previous result":"Předchozí výskyt",Purple:"Fialová",Red:"Červená","Red pen":"Červený fix",Redo:"Znovu","Remove color":"Odstranit barvu","Remove Format":"Odstranit formátování","Remove highlight":"Odstranit zvýraznění",Replace:"Nahradit","Replace all":"Nahradit vše","Replace from computer":"Nahradit z počítače","Replace image":"Nahradit obrázek","Replace image from computer":"Nahradit obrázek z počítače","Replace with…":"Nahradit čím...","Resize image":"Změnit velikost","Resize image (in %0)":"Změnit velikost obrázku (v %0)","Resize image to %0":"Změnit velikost na %0","Resize image to the original size":"Změnit velikost na původní velikost","Restore default":"Obnovit výchozí","Reversed order":"Obrácené pořadí","Revert autoformatting action":"Vzít zpět akci automatického formátování","Rich Text Editor":"Textový editor",Ridge:"Rámovaná","Right aligned image":"Obrázek zarovnaný vpravo",Row:"Řádek",Save:"Uložit","Select all":"Vybrat vše","Select column":"Vybrat sloupec","Select row":"Vybrat řádek","Show more items":"Zobrazit další položky","Side image":"Postranní obrázek",Small:"Malé",Solid:"Plná","Split cell horizontally":"Rozdělit buňky horizontálně","Split cell vertically":"Rozdělit buňky vertikálně",Square:"Čtverec","Start at":"Začít na","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Počátek musí být větší jak 0.",Strikethrough:"Přeškrtnuté","Strikethrough text":"Přešktnutí",Style:"Styl",Styles:"Styly",Subscript:"Dolní index",Superscript:"Horní index",Table:"Tabulka","Table alignment toolbar":"Panel zarovnání tabulky","Table cell text alignment":"Zarovnání textu buňky tabulky","Table properties":"Vlastnosti tabulky","Table toolbar":"Panel nástrojů tabulky","Text alignment":"Zarovnání textu","Text alignment toolbar":"Panel nástrojů zarovnání textu","Text alternative":"Alternativní text","Text highlight toolbar":"Panel nástrojů zvýraznění textu","Text styles":"Styly textu","Text to find must not be empty.":"Hledaný text nesmí být prázdný.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Barva má nesprávný formát. Zkuste "#FF0000", "rgb(255,0,0)" nebo "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Hodnota je nesprávná. Zkuste "10px", "2em" nebo jednoduše "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Hodnota nesmí být prázdná","The value should be a plain number.":"Hodnota musí být prosté číslo.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Tyto klávesové zkratky vám umožní rychlý přístup k funkcím úpravy obsahu.","This link has no URL":"Tento odkaz nemá žádnou URL",Tiny:"Drobné","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tip: Nejprve najděte nějaký text, abyste jej mohli nahradit.","To-do List":"Seznam úkolů","Toggle caption off":"Vypnout titulek","Toggle caption on":"Zapnout titulek","Toggle the circle list style":"Přepnout na seznam s kruhovým označením","Toggle the decimal list style":"Přepnout na číselný seznam","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Přepnout na číselný seznam s nulou na začátku","Toggle the disc list style":"Přepnout na seznam s označením plného kruhu","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Přepnout na seznam s malými písmeny","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Přepnout na seznam s malými římskými čísly","Toggle the square list style":"Přepnout na seznam se čtvercovým označením","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Přepnout na seznam s velkými písmeny","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Přepnout na seznam s velkými římskými čísly",Turquoise:"Tyrkysová","Type or paste your content here.":"Zde zadejte nebo vložte obsah.","Type your title":"Sem zadejte název",Underline:"Podtržené","Underline text":"Podtrhnutí",Undo:"Zpět",Unlink:"Odstranit odkaz",Update:"Aktualizovat","Update image URL":"Aktualizovat URL obrázku","Upload failed":"Nahrání selhalo","Upload from computer":"Nahrát z počítače","Upload image from computer":"Nahrát obrázek z počítače","Upload in progress":"Probíhá nahrávání","Uploading image":"Nahrávání obrázku","Upper-latin":"Velká písmena","Upper-roman":"Velké římské čísla","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Pro efektivní navigaci v uživatelském rozhraní CKEditor 5 použijte následující klávesy.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Klávesy navigace v uživatelském rozhraní a obsahu","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikální zarovnání textu v panelu",White:"Bílá","Whole words only":"Pouze celá slova","Widget toolbar":"Panel nástrojů ovládacího prvku",Width:"Šířka","Words: %0":"Počet slov: %0","Wrap text":"Text nahoře a dole",Yellow:"Žlutá","Yellow marker":"Žlutý fix"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==1&&e%1==0?0:e>=2&&e<=4&&e%1==0?1:e%1!=0?2:3}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
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diff --git a/build/translations/da.js b/build/translations/da.js
index c47d74e..6a57e55 100644
--- a/build/translations/da.js
+++ b/build/translations/da.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["da"]=e["da"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(kan kræve Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 af %1",Accept:"Accepter",Accessibility:"Tilgængelighed","Accessibility help":"Tilgængelighedshjælp","Align cell text to the bottom":"Justér tekstcelle til bunden","Align cell text to the center":"Justér tekstcelle centreret","Align cell text to the left":"Justér tekstcelle til venstre","Align cell text to the middle":"Justér tekstcelle til midten","Align cell text to the right":"Justér tekstcelle til højre","Align cell text to the top":"Justér tekstcelle til top","Align table to the left":"Justér tabel til venstre","Align table to the right":"Justér tabel til højre",Alignment:"Justering",Aquamarine:"Marineblå",Background:"Baggrund","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Nedenfor kan du finde en liste over tastaturgenveje, der kan bruges i editoren.",Big:"Stor",Black:"Sort","Block quote":"Blot citat",Blue:"Blå",Bold:"Fed","Bold text":"Fed tekst",Border:"Ramme","Break text":"Opdel tekst","Bulleted List":"Punktopstilling","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Værktøjslinje til punktopdelt liste",Cancel:"Annullér","Caption for image: %0":"Billedtekst for billede: %0","Caption for the image":"Billedtekst for billedet","Cell properties":"Celleegenskaber","Center table":"Centrér tabel","Centered image":"Centreret billede","Change image text alternative":"Skift alternativ billedtekst","Choose heading":"Vælg overskrift",Circle:"Cirkel",Clear:"Ryd","Click to edit block":"Klik for at redigere blok",Close:"Luk","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Luk kontekstbetingede balloner, rullemenuer og dialoger",Code:"Kode",Color:"Farve","Color picker":"Farvevælger",Column:"Kolonne","Content editing keystrokes":"Tastaturtryk til redigering af indhold","Copy selected content":"Kopier markeret indhold","Create link":"Opret link",Custom:"Brugerdefineret","Custom image size":"Brugerdefineret billedstørrelse",Dashed:"Stiplet (streg)",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal med nul i starten","Decrease indent":"Formindsk indrykning","Decrease list item indent":"Reducer listeemners indrykning",Default:"Standard","Delete column":"Slet kolonne","Delete row":"Slet række","Dim grey":"Dunkel grå",Dimensions:"Dimensioner",Disc:"Disk","Document colors":"Dokumentfarve",Dotted:"Stiplet (prik)",Double:"Dobbel",Downloadable:"Kan downloades","Drag to move":"Træk for at flytte","Dropdown toolbar":"Dropdown værktøjslinje","Edit block":"Redigér blok","Edit link":"Redigér link","Editor block content toolbar":"Redigeringskasse indholdsværktøjslinje","Editor contextual toolbar":"Kontekstuel værktøjslinje til redigeringsprogram","Editor dialog":"Editor-dialog","Editor editing area: %0":"Redigeringsområde: %0","Editor menu bar":"Editor menulinje","Editor toolbar":"Editor værktøjslinje","Enter image caption":"Indtast billedoverskrift","Enter table caption":"Indtast tabeltekst","Entering a to-do list":"Indtastning af en huskeliste","Error during image upload":"Fejl under upload af billede","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Udfør den aktuelt fokuserede knap. Udførelse af knapper, der interagerer med editorens indhold, flytter fokus tilbage til indholdet.","Font Background Color":"Skrift baggrundsfarve","Font Color":"Skriftfarve","Font Family":"Skriftfamilie","Font Size":"Skriftstørrelse","Full size image":"Fuld billedstørrelse",Green:"Grøn",Grey:"Grå",Groove:"Not","Header column":"Headerkolonne","Header row":"Headerrække",Heading:"Overskrift","Heading 1":"Overskrift 1","Heading 2":"Overskrift 2","Heading 3":"Overskrift 3","Heading 4":"Overskrift 4","Heading 5":"Overskrift 5","Heading 6":"Overskrift 6",Height:"Højde","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Hjælpeindhold. Tryk ESC for at lykke denne dialog.",HEX:"Hex","Horizontal line":"Horisontal linje","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horisontal tekstjustering værktøjslinje",Huge:"Kæmpe","Image from computer":"Billede fra computer","Image resize list":"Liste over justering af billedstørrelse","Image toolbar":"Billedværktøjslinje","Image upload complete":"Billedupload færdig","image widget":"billed widget","In line":"På linje","Increase indent":"Forøg indrykning","Increase list item indent":"Forøg listemners indrykning",Insert:"Indsæt","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Indsæt hårdt linjeskift (en ny paragraf)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Indsæt en ny paragraf direkte efter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Indsæt en ny paragraf direkte før en widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Indsæt en ny tabelrække (når du er i den sidste celle i en tabel)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Indsæt blødt linjeskift (et <br>
element)","Insert column left":"Indsæt kolonne venstre","Insert column right":"Indsæt kolonne højre","Insert image":"Indsæt billede","Insert image via URL":"Indsæt billede via URL","Insert media":"Indsæt medie","Insert paragraph after block":"Indsæt paragraf efter blok","Insert paragraph before block":"Indsæt paragraf før blok","Insert row above":"Indsæt header over","Insert row below":"Indsæt header under","Insert table":"Indsæt tabel",Inset:"Forsænket","Invalid start index value.":"Ugyldig startindeksværdi.",Italic:"Kursiv","Italic text":"Kursiv tekst","Justify cell text":"Justér tekstcelle","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Tastaturtryk, der kan bruges i en liste","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tastaturtryk, der kan bruges i en tabelcelle","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastaturtryk, der kan bruges når en widget er valgt (for eksempel: billede, tabel, osv.)","Leaving a to-do list":"At gå fra en huskeliste","Left aligned image":"Venstrestillet billede","Light blue":"Lys blå","Light green":"Lys grøn","Light grey":"Lys grå",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link-billede","Link URL":"Link URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"Link-URL må ikke være tom.","List properties":"Listeegenskaber","Lower-latin":"Latinsk med små bogstaver","Lower–roman":"Romertal med små bogstaver","Media toolbar":"Medie værktøjslinje","Media URL":"Medie URL","media widget":"mediewidget",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Rediger",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fil",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Font",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Hjælp",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Indsæt",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Tekst",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Værktøjer",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Vis","Merge cell down":"Flet celler ned","Merge cell left":"Flet celler venstre","Merge cell right":"Flet celler højre","Merge cell up":"Flet celler op","Merge cells":"Flet celler","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Flyt fokus mellem formularfelter (input, knapper, osv.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Flyt fokus ind og ud af et aktivt dialogvindue","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Flyt fokus til menulinjen, naviger mellem menulinjerne","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Flyt fokus til værktøjslinjen, naviger mellem værktøjslinjer","Move out of a link":"Flyt ud af et link","Move out of an inline code style":"Flyt ud af en inline-kodestil","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flyt indsætningstegnet for at tillade skrift direkte efter en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flyt indsætningstegnet for at tillade skrift direkte før en widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Flyt markeringen til den næste celle","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Flyt markeringen til den forrige celle","Navigate through the table":"Naviger gennem tabellen","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Naviger gennem værktøjslinjen eller menulinjen",Next:"Næste","No results found":"Ingen resultater blev fundet","No searchable items":"Ingen søgbare artikler",None:"Ingen","Numbered List":"Opstilling med tal","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Værktøjslinje til nummereret listestil","Open in a new tab":"Åben i ny fane","Open link in new tab":"Åben link i ny fane","Open media in new tab":"Åbn medie i ny fane","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Åbn hjælpedialogen om tilgængelighed",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Original",Outset:"Fra starten",Padding:"Fyld",Paragraph:"Afsnit","Paste content":"Indsæt indhold","Paste content as plain text":"Indsæt indhold som ren tekst","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Indsæt medie URLen i feltet.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Indtast venligst en gyldig farve (f.eks. "ff0000',"Press %0 for help.":"Tryk %0 for at få hjælp.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tryk på Enter for at skrive efter, eller tryk på Shift + Enter for at skrive før widgetten",Previous:"Forrige",Purple:"Lilla",Red:"Rød",Redo:"Gentag","Remove color":"Fjern farve","Remove Format":"Fjern format","Replace from computer":"Udskift fra computer","Replace image":"Udskift billede","Replace image from computer":"Udskift billede fra computer","Resize image":"Juster billedstørrelse","Resize image (in %0)":"Ændre størrelse på billede (i %0)","Resize image to %0":"Juster billedstørrelse til %0","Resize image to the original size":"Juster billedstørrelse til original størrelse","Restore default":"Nulstil","Reversed order":"Omvendt rækkefølge","Revert autoformatting action":"Fortryd autoformatering","Rich Text Editor":"Wysiwyg editor",Ridge:"Kam","Right aligned image":"Højrestillet billede",Row:"Række",Save:"Gem","Select all":"Vælg alt","Select column":"Vælg kolonne","Select row":"Vælg række","Show more items":"Vis flere emner","Side image":"Sidebillede",Small:"Lille",Solid:"Massiv","Split cell horizontally":"Del celle horisontalt","Split cell vertically":"Del celle vertikalt",Square:"Firkant","Start at":"Start ved","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Startindeks skal være større end 0.",Strikethrough:"Gennemstreg","Strikethrough text":"Gennemstreget tekst",Style:"Stil",Subscript:"Sænket skrift",Superscript:"Hævet skrift",Table:"Tabel","Table alignment toolbar":"Tabeljustering værktøjslinje","Table cell text alignment":"Tabelcelle tekstjustering","Table properties":"Tabelegenskaber","Table toolbar":"Tabel værktøjslinje","Text alternative":"Alternativ tekst",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Farven er ugyldig. Prøv "#FF0000" eller "rgb(255,0,0)" eller "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"URLen kan ikke være tom.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Værdien er ugyldig. Prøv "10px" eller "2em" eller ganske enkelt "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Værdien må ikke være tom","The value should be a plain number.":"Værdien skal være et almindeligt tal","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Disse tastaturgenveje giver hurtigt adgang til funktioner til redigering af indhold.","This link has no URL":"Dette link har ingen URL","This media URL is not supported.":"Denne medie URL understøttes ikke.",Tiny:"Lillebitte","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tip: Indsæt URLen i indholdet for at indlejre hurtigere.","To-do List":"To-do liste","Toggle caption off":"Slå billedtekst fra","Toggle caption on":"Slå billedtekst til","Toggle the circle list style":"Slå listestilen cirkel til og fra","Toggle the decimal list style":"Slå listestilen decimal til og fra","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Slå listestilen decimal med nul i starten til og fra","Toggle the disc list style":"Slå listestilen disk til og fra","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Slå listestilen latinsk med små bogstaver til","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Slå listestilen romertal med små bogstaver til","Toggle the square list style":"Slå listestilen firkantet til og fra","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Slå listestilen latinsk med store bogstaver til","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Slå listestilen romertal med store bogstaver til",Turquoise:"Turkis","Type or paste your content here.":"Skriv eller indsæt dit indhold her.","Type your title":"Skriv din titel",Underline:"Understreget","Underline text":"Understreget tekst",Undo:"Fortryd",Unlink:"Fjern link",Update:"Opdater","Update image URL":"Opdater billed-URL","Upload failed":"Upload fejlede","Upload from computer":"Upload fra computer","Upload image from computer":"Upload billede fra computer","Upload in progress":"Upload i gang","Uploading image":"Uploader billede","Upper-latin":"Latinsk med store bogstaver","Upper-roman":"Romertal med store bogstaver","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Brug følgende tastaturtryk for mere effektiv navigering i CKEditor 5 brugerfladen.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Tastatur tryk til brugerflade- og indholdsnavigering","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikal tekstjustering værktøjslinje",White:"Hvid","Widget toolbar":"Widget værktøjslinje",Width:"Bredde","Wrap text":"Ombryd tekst",Yellow:"Gyl"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["da"]=e["da"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(kan kræve Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 af %1",Accept:"Accepter",Accessibility:"Tilgængelighed","Accessibility help":"Tilgængelighedshjælp","Advanced options":"Avancerede indstillinger","Align cell text to the bottom":"Justér tekstcelle til bunden","Align cell text to the center":"Justér tekstcelle centreret","Align cell text to the left":"Justér tekstcelle til venstre","Align cell text to the middle":"Justér tekstcelle til midten","Align cell text to the right":"Justér tekstcelle til højre","Align cell text to the top":"Justér tekstcelle til top","Align center":"Justér center","Align left":"Justér venstre","Align right":"Justér højre","Align table to the left":"Justér tabel til venstre","Align table to the right":"Justér tabel til højre",Alignment:"Justering",Aquamarine:"Marineblå",Background:"Baggrund","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Nedenfor kan du finde en liste over tastaturgenveje, der kan bruges i editoren.",Big:"Stor",Black:"Sort","Block quote":"Blot citat","Block styles":"Blokstile",Blue:"Blå","Blue marker":"Blå markør",Bold:"Fed","Bold text":"Fed tekst",Border:"Ramme","Break text":"Opdel tekst","Bulleted List":"Punktopstilling","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Værktøjslinje til punktopdelt liste",Cancel:"Annullér","Caption for image: %0":"Billedtekst for billede: %0","Caption for the image":"Billedtekst for billedet","Cell properties":"Celleegenskaber","Center table":"Centrér tabel","Centered image":"Centreret billede","Change image text alternative":"Skift alternativ billedtekst","Characters: %0":"Karakterer: %0","Choose heading":"Vælg overskrift",Circle:"Cirkel",Clear:"Ryd","Click to edit block":"Klik for at redigere blok",Close:"Luk","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Luk kontekstbetingede balloner, rullemenuer og dialoger",Code:"Kode","Code block":"Kodeblok",Color:"Farve","Color picker":"Farvevælger",Column:"Kolonne","Content editing keystrokes":"Tastaturtryk til redigering af indhold","Copy selected content":"Kopier markeret indhold","Create link":"Opret link",Custom:"Brugerdefineret","Custom image size":"Brugerdefineret billedstørrelse",Dashed:"Stiplet (streg)",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal med nul i starten","Decrease indent":"Formindsk indrykning","Decrease list item indent":"Reducer listeemners indrykning",Default:"Standard","Delete column":"Slet kolonne","Delete row":"Slet række","Dim grey":"Dunkel grå",Dimensions:"Dimensioner","Disable editing":"Deaktivér redigering",Disc:"Disk","Document colors":"Dokumentfarve",Dotted:"Stiplet (prik)",Double:"Dobbel",Downloadable:"Kan downloades","Drag to move":"Træk for at flytte","Dropdown toolbar":"Dropdown værktøjslinje","Edit block":"Redigér blok","Edit link":"Redigér link","Editor block content toolbar":"Redigeringskasse indholdsværktøjslinje","Editor contextual toolbar":"Kontekstuel værktøjslinje til redigeringsprogram","Editor dialog":"Editor-dialog","Editor editing area: %0":"Redigeringsområde: %0","Editor menu bar":"Editor menulinje","Editor toolbar":"Editor værktøjslinje","Enable editing":"Aktivér redigering","Enter image caption":"Indtast billedoverskrift","Enter table caption":"Indtast tabeltekst","Entering %0 code snippet":"Indtastning af %0 kodestykke","Entering a to-do list":"Indtastning af en huskeliste","Entering code snippet":"Indtastning af kodestykke","Error during image upload":"Fejl under upload af billede","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Udfør den aktuelt fokuserede knap. Udførelse af knapper, der interagerer med editorens indhold, flytter fokus tilbage til indholdet.",Find:"Find","Find and replace":"Søg og erstat","Find in text…":"Find i tekst...","Find in the document":"Find i dokumentet","Font Background Color":"Skrift baggrundsfarve","Font Color":"Skriftfarve","Font Family":"Skriftfamilie","Font Size":"Skriftstørrelse","Full size image":"Fuld billedstørrelse",Green:"Grøn","Green marker":"Grøn markør","Green pen":"Grøn pen",Grey:"Grå",Groove:"Not","Header column":"Headerkolonne","Header row":"Headerrække",Heading:"Overskrift","Heading 1":"Overskrift 1","Heading 2":"Overskrift 2","Heading 3":"Overskrift 3","Heading 4":"Overskrift 4","Heading 5":"Overskrift 5","Heading 6":"Overskrift 6",Height:"Højde","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Hjælpeindhold. Tryk ESC for at lykke denne dialog.",HEX:"Hex",Highlight:"Fremhæv","Horizontal line":"Horisontal linje","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horisontal tekstjustering værktøjslinje","HTML object":"HTML-objekt",Huge:"Kæmpe","Image from computer":"Billede fra computer","Image resize list":"Liste over justering af billedstørrelse","Image toolbar":"Billedværktøjslinje","Image upload complete":"Billedupload færdig","image widget":"billed widget","In line":"På linje","Increase indent":"Forøg indrykning","Increase list item indent":"Forøg listemners indrykning",Insert:"Indsæt","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Indsæt hårdt linjeskift (en ny paragraf)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Indsæt en ny paragraf direkte efter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Indsæt en ny paragraf direkte før en widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Indsæt en ny tabelrække (når du er i den sidste celle i en tabel)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Indsæt blødt linjeskift (et <br>
element)","Insert code block":"Indsæt kodeblok","Insert column left":"Indsæt kolonne venstre","Insert column right":"Indsæt kolonne højre","Insert image":"Indsæt billede","Insert image via URL":"Indsæt billede via URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Indsæt paragraf efter blok","Insert paragraph before block":"Indsæt paragraf før blok","Insert row above":"Indsæt header over","Insert row below":"Indsæt header under","Insert table":"Indsæt tabel",Inset:"Forsænket","Invalid start index value.":"Ugyldig startindeksværdi.",Italic:"Kursiv","Italic text":"Kursiv tekst",Justify:"Justér","Justify cell text":"Justér tekstcelle","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Tastaturtryk, der kan bruges i en liste","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tastaturtryk, der kan bruges i en tabelcelle","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastaturtryk, der kan bruges når en widget er valgt (for eksempel: billede, tabel, osv.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Forlader %0 kodestykke","Leaving a to-do list":"At gå fra en huskeliste","Leaving code snippet":"Forlader kodestykket","Left aligned image":"Venstrestillet billede","Light blue":"Lys blå","Light green":"Lys grøn","Light grey":"Lys grå",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link-billede","Link URL":"Link URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"Link-URL må ikke være tom.","List properties":"Listeegenskaber","Lower-latin":"Latinsk med små bogstaver","Lower–roman":"Romertal med små bogstaver","Match case":"Skeln mellem store og små bogstaver",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Rediger",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fil",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Font",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Hjælp",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Indsæt",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Tekst",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Værktøjer",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Vis","Merge cell down":"Flet celler ned","Merge cell left":"Flet celler venstre","Merge cell right":"Flet celler højre","Merge cell up":"Flet celler op","Merge cells":"Flet celler","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Flyt fokus mellem formularfelter (input, knapper, osv.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Flyt fokus ind og ud af et aktivt dialogvindue","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Flyt fokus til menulinjen, naviger mellem menulinjerne","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Flyt fokus til værktøjslinjen, naviger mellem værktøjslinjer","Move out of a link":"Flyt ud af et link","Move out of an inline code style":"Flyt ud af en inline-kodestil","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flyt indsætningstegnet for at tillade skrift direkte efter en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flyt indsætningstegnet for at tillade skrift direkte før en widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Flyt markeringen til den næste celle","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Flyt markeringen til den forrige celle","Multiple styles":"Flere stile","Navigate editable regions":"Gennemgå redigérbare regioner","Navigate through the table":"Naviger gennem tabellen","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Naviger gennem værktøjslinjen eller menulinjen",Next:"Næste","Next editable region":"Næste redigérbare region","Next result":"Næste","No results found":"Ingen resultater blev fundet","No searchable items":"Ingen søgbare artikler",None:"Ingen","Numbered List":"Opstilling med tal","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Værktøjslinje til nummereret listestil","Open in a new tab":"Åben i ny fane","Open link in new tab":"Åben link i ny fane","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Åbn hjælpedialogen om tilgængelighed",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Original",Outset:"Fra starten",Padding:"Fyld",Paragraph:"Afsnit","Paste content":"Indsæt indhold","Paste content as plain text":"Indsæt indhold som ren tekst","Pink marker":"Lyserød markør","Plain text":"Plain tekst",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Indtast venligst en gyldig farve (f.eks. "ff0000',"Press %0 for help.":"Tryk %0 for at få hjælp.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tryk på Enter for at skrive efter, eller tryk på Shift + Enter for at skrive før widgetten",Previous:"Forrige","Previous editable region":"Forrige redigérbare region","Previous result":"Forrige",Purple:"Lilla",Red:"Rød","Red pen":"Rød pen",Redo:"Gentag","Remove color":"Fjern farve","Remove Format":"Fjern format","Remove highlight":"Fjern fremhævning",Replace:"Erstat","Replace all":"Erstatte alle","Replace from computer":"Udskift fra computer","Replace image":"Udskift billede","Replace image from computer":"Udskift billede fra computer","Replace with…":"Erstat med...","Resize image":"Juster billedstørrelse","Resize image (in %0)":"Ændre størrelse på billede (i %0)","Resize image to %0":"Juster billedstørrelse til %0","Resize image to the original size":"Juster billedstørrelse til original størrelse","Restore default":"Nulstil","Reversed order":"Omvendt rækkefølge","Revert autoformatting action":"Fortryd autoformatering","Rich Text Editor":"Wysiwyg editor",Ridge:"Kam","Right aligned image":"Højrestillet billede",Row:"Række",Save:"Gem","Select all":"Vælg alt","Select column":"Vælg kolonne","Select row":"Vælg række","Show more items":"Vis flere emner","Side image":"Sidebillede",Small:"Lille",Solid:"Massiv","Split cell horizontally":"Del celle horisontalt","Split cell vertically":"Del celle vertikalt",Square:"Firkant","Start at":"Start ved","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Startindeks skal være større end 0.",Strikethrough:"Gennemstreg","Strikethrough text":"Gennemstreget tekst",Style:"Stil",Styles:"Stile",Subscript:"Sænket skrift",Superscript:"Hævet skrift",Table:"Tabel","Table alignment toolbar":"Tabeljustering værktøjslinje","Table cell text alignment":"Tabelcelle tekstjustering","Table properties":"Tabelegenskaber","Table toolbar":"Tabel værktøjslinje","Text alignment":"Tekstjustering","Text alignment toolbar":"Tekstjustering værktøjslinje","Text alternative":"Alternativ tekst","Text highlight toolbar":"Tekstfremhævning værktøjslinje","Text styles":"Tekststile","Text to find must not be empty.":"Tekst der skal findes, må ikke være tom.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Farven er ugyldig. Prøv "#FF0000" eller "rgb(255,0,0)" eller "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Værdien er ugyldig. Prøv "10px" eller "2em" eller ganske enkelt "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Værdien må ikke være tom","The value should be a plain number.":"Værdien skal være et almindeligt tal","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Disse tastaturgenveje giver hurtigt adgang til funktioner til redigering af indhold.","This link has no URL":"Dette link har ingen URL",Tiny:"Lillebitte","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tip: Find først noget tekst, for at erstatte det.","To-do List":"To-do liste","Toggle caption off":"Slå billedtekst fra","Toggle caption on":"Slå billedtekst til","Toggle the circle list style":"Slå listestilen cirkel til og fra","Toggle the decimal list style":"Slå listestilen decimal til og fra","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Slå listestilen decimal med nul i starten til og fra","Toggle the disc list style":"Slå listestilen disk til og fra","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Slå listestilen latinsk med små bogstaver til","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Slå listestilen romertal med små bogstaver til","Toggle the square list style":"Slå listestilen firkantet til og fra","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Slå listestilen latinsk med store bogstaver til","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Slå listestilen romertal med store bogstaver til",Turquoise:"Turkis","Type or paste your content here.":"Skriv eller indsæt dit indhold her.","Type your title":"Skriv din titel",Underline:"Understreget","Underline text":"Understreget tekst",Undo:"Fortryd",Unlink:"Fjern link",Update:"Opdater","Update image URL":"Opdater billed-URL","Upload failed":"Upload fejlede","Upload from computer":"Upload fra computer","Upload image from computer":"Upload billede fra computer","Upload in progress":"Upload i gang","Uploading image":"Uploader billede","Upper-latin":"Latinsk med store bogstaver","Upper-roman":"Romertal med store bogstaver","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Brug følgende tastaturtryk for mere effektiv navigering i CKEditor 5 brugerfladen.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Tastatur tryk til brugerflade- og indholdsnavigering","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikal tekstjustering værktøjslinje",White:"Hvid","Whole words only":"Kun hele ord","Widget toolbar":"Widget værktøjslinje",Width:"Bredde","Words: %0":"Ord: %0","Wrap text":"Ombryd tekst",Yellow:"Gyl","Yellow marker":"Gul markør"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/de-ch.js b/build/translations/de-ch.js
index e3af247..9fa2b6e 100644
--- a/build/translations/de-ch.js
+++ b/build/translations/de-ch.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["de-ch"]=e["de-ch"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"","%0 of %1":"",Accept:"",Accessibility:"","Accessibility help":"","Align cell text to the bottom":"","Align cell text to the center":"","Align cell text to the left":"","Align cell text to the middle":"","Align cell text to the right":"","Align cell text to the top":"","Align table to the left":"","Align table to the right":"",Alignment:"",Aquamarine:"",Background:"","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"",Big:"Gross",Black:"","Block quote":"Blockzitat",Blue:"",Bold:"Fett","Bold text":"",Border:"","Break text":"","Bulleted List":"Aufzählungsliste","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Darstellung der ungeordneten Liste",Cancel:"Abbrechen","Caption for image: %0":"","Caption for the image":"","Cell properties":"","Center table":"","Centered image":"zentriertes Bild","Change image text alternative":"Alternativtext ändern","Choose heading":"Überschrift auswählen",Circle:"Leerer Kreis",Clear:"","Click to edit block":"",Close:"","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"",Code:"Code",Color:"","Color picker":"",Column:"Spalte","Content editing keystrokes":"","Create link":"",Custom:"","Custom image size":"",Dashed:"",Decimal:"Dezimalzahlen","Decimal with leading zero":"Dezimalzahlen mit vorangestellten Nullen","Decrease indent":"Einzug verkleinern","Decrease list item indent":"",Default:"Standard","Delete column":"Spalte löschen","Delete row":"Zeile löschen","Dim grey":"",Dimensions:"",Disc:"Gefüllter Kreis","Document colors":"Farben des Dokuments",Dotted:"",Double:"",Downloadable:"Herunterladbar","Drag to move":"","Dropdown toolbar":"","Edit block":"","Edit link":"Link bearbeiten","Editor block content toolbar":"","Editor contextual toolbar":"","Editor dialog":"","Editor editing area: %0":"","Editor menu bar":"","Editor toolbar":"","Enter image caption":"Bildunterschrift eingeben","Enter table caption":"","Entering a to-do list":"","Error during image upload":"","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"","Font Background Color":"Hintergrundfarbe der Schrift","Font Color":"Schriftfarbe","Font Family":"Schriftfamilie","Font Size":"Schriftgrösse","Full size image":"Bild in voller Grösse",Green:"",Grey:"",Groove:"","Header column":"Kopfspalte","Header row":"Kopfspalte",Heading:"Überschrift","Heading 1":"Überschrift 1","Heading 2":"Überschrift 2","Heading 3":"Überschrift 3","Heading 4":"Überschrift 4","Heading 5":"Überschrift 5","Heading 6":"Überschrift 6",Height:"","Help Contents. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"","The URL must not be empty.":"Die URL darf nicht leer sein.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Dieser Link hat keine Adresse","This media URL is not supported.":"Diese Medien-URL wird nicht unterstützt.",Tiny:"Winzig","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tipp: Zum schnelleren Einbetten können Sie die Medien-URL in den Inhalt einfügen.","To-do List":"Aufgabenliste","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"Leeren Kreis einstellen","Toggle the decimal list style":"Dezimalzahlen einstellen","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Dezimalzahlen mit vorangestellten Nullen einstellen","Toggle the disc list style":"Gefüllten Kreis einstellen","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Kleingeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben einstellen","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Kleingeschriebene römische Zahlen einstellen","Toggle the square list style":"Quadrat einstellen","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Grossgeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben einstellen","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Grossgeschriebene römische Zahlen einstellen",Turquoise:"","Type or paste your content here.":"Hier Inhalt einfügen.","Type your title":"Titel eingeben",Underline:"Unterstrichen","Underline text":"",Undo:"Rückgängig",Unlink:"Link entfernen",Update:"Aktualisieren","Update image URL":"Bild-URL aktualisieren","Upload failed":"Hochladen fehlgeschlagen","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Upload läuft","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"Grossgeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben","Upper-roman":"Grossgeschriebene römische Zahlen","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"","Widget toolbar":"Widget Werkzeugleiste",Width:"","Wrap text":"",Yellow:""});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["de-ch"]=e["de-ch"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"","%0 of %1":"",Accept:"",Accessibility:"","Accessibility help":"","Align cell text to the bottom":"","Align cell text to the center":"","Align cell text to the left":"","Align cell text to the middle":"","Align cell text to the right":"","Align cell text to the top":"","Align center":"Zentriert","Align left":"Linksbündig","Align right":"Rechtsbündig","Align table to the left":"","Align table to the right":"",Alignment:"",Aquamarine:"",Background:"","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"",Big:"Gross",Black:"","Block quote":"Blockzitat",Blue:"","Blue marker":"Blauer Marker",Bold:"Fett","Bold text":"",Border:"","Break text":"","Bulleted List":"Aufzählungsliste","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Darstellung der ungeordneten Liste",Cancel:"Abbrechen","Caption for image: %0":"","Caption for the image":"","Cell properties":"","Center table":"","Centered image":"zentriertes Bild","Change image text alternative":"Alternativtext ändern","Characters: %0":"Zeichen: %0","Choose heading":"Überschrift auswählen",Circle:"Leerer Kreis",Clear:"","Click to edit block":"",Close:"","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"",Code:"Code","Code block":"",Color:"","Color picker":"",Column:"Spalte","Content editing keystrokes":"","Create link":"",Custom:"","Custom image size":"",Dashed:"",Decimal:"Dezimalzahlen","Decimal with leading zero":"Dezimalzahlen mit vorangestellten Nullen","Decrease indent":"Einzug verkleinern","Decrease list item indent":"",Default:"Standard","Delete column":"Spalte löschen","Delete row":"Zeile löschen","Dim grey":"",Dimensions:"","Disable editing":"Bearbeitung deaktivieren",Disc:"Gefüllter Kreis","Document colors":"Farben des Dokuments",Dotted:"",Double:"",Downloadable:"Herunterladbar","Drag to move":"","Dropdown toolbar":"","Edit block":"","Edit link":"Link bearbeiten","Editor block content toolbar":"","Editor contextual toolbar":"","Editor dialog":"","Editor editing area: %0":"","Editor menu bar":"","Editor toolbar":"","Enable editing":"Bearbeitung zulassen","Enter image caption":"Bildunterschrift eingeben","Enter table caption":"","Entering %0 code snippet":"","Entering a to-do list":"","Entering code snippet":"","Error during image upload":"","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"","Font Background Color":"Hintergrundfarbe der Schrift","Font Color":"Schriftfarbe","Font Family":"Schriftfamilie","Font Size":"Schriftgrösse","Full size image":"Bild in voller Grösse",Green:"","Green marker":"Grüner Marker","Green pen":"Grüne Schriftfarbe",Grey:"",Groove:"","Header column":"Kopfspalte","Header row":"Kopfspalte",Heading:"Überschrift","Heading 1":"Überschrift 1","Heading 2":"Überschrift 2","Heading 3":"Überschrift 3","Heading 4":"Überschrift 4","Heading 5":"Überschrift 5","Heading 6":"Überschrift 6",Height:"","Help Contents. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Dieser Link hat keine Adresse",Tiny:"Winzig","To-do List":"Aufgabenliste","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"Leeren Kreis einstellen","Toggle the decimal list style":"Dezimalzahlen einstellen","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Dezimalzahlen mit vorangestellten Nullen einstellen","Toggle the disc list style":"Gefüllten Kreis einstellen","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Kleingeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben einstellen","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Kleingeschriebene römische Zahlen einstellen","Toggle the square list style":"Quadrat einstellen","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Grossgeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben einstellen","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Grossgeschriebene römische Zahlen einstellen",Turquoise:"","Type or paste your content here.":"Hier Inhalt einfügen.","Type your title":"Titel eingeben",Underline:"Unterstrichen","Underline text":"",Undo:"Rückgängig",Unlink:"Link entfernen",Update:"Aktualisieren","Update image URL":"Bild-URL aktualisieren","Upload failed":"Hochladen fehlgeschlagen","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Upload läuft","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"Grossgeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben","Upper-roman":"Grossgeschriebene römische Zahlen","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"","Widget toolbar":"Widget Werkzeugleiste",Width:"","Words: %0":"Wörter: %0","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"","Yellow marker":"Gelber Marker"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/de.js b/build/translations/de.js
index 0c13702..43ef6a2 100644
--- a/build/translations/de.js
+++ b/build/translations/de.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const n=e["de"]=e["de"]||{};n.dictionary=Object.assign(n.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(erfordert gegebenenfalls Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 von %1",Accept:"Akzeptieren",Accessibility:"Bedienungshilfen","Accessibility help":"Hilfe zur Eingabe","Align cell text to the bottom":"Zellentext unten ausrichten","Align cell text to the center":"Zellentext zentriert ausrichten","Align cell text to the left":"Zellentext linksbündig ausrichten","Align cell text to the middle":"Zellentext mittig ausrichten","Align cell text to the right":"Zellentext rechtsbündig ausrichten","Align cell text to the top":"Zellentext oben ausrichten","Align table to the left":"Tabelle links ausrichten","Align table to the right":"Tabelle rechts ausrichten",Alignment:"Ausrichtung",Aquamarine:"Aquamarinblau",Background:"Hintergrund","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Unten finden Sie eine Liste mit Tastenkombinationen, die im Editor benutzt werden können.",Big:"Groß",Black:"Schwarz","Block quote":"Blockzitat",Blue:"Blau",Bold:"Fett","Bold text":"Fettschrift",Border:"Rahmen","Break text":"Bild teilt Text","Bulleted List":"Aufzählungsliste","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Darstellung der ungeordneten Liste",Cancel:"Abbrechen","Caption for image: %0":"Bildunterschrift: %0","Caption for the image":"Bildunterschrift","Cell properties":"Zelleneigenschaften","Center table":"Tabelle zentrieren","Centered image":"Zentriertes Bild","Change image text alternative":"Alternativtext ändern","Choose heading":"Überschrift auswählen",Circle:"Leerer Kreis",Clear:"Löschen","Click to edit block":"Zum Bearbeiten des Blocks klicken",Close:"Schließen","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Kontextsprechblasen, Dropdown-Menü und Dialoge schließen",Code:"Code",Color:"Farbe","Color picker":"Farbwähler",Column:"Spalte","Content editing keystrokes":"Tastatureingaben zur Inhaltsverarbeitung","Copy selected content":"Markierten Inhalt kopieren","Create link":"Link erstellen",Custom:"Benutzerdefiniert","Custom image size":"Benutzerdefinierte Bildgröße",Dashed:"Gestrichelt",Decimal:"Dezimalzahlen","Decimal with leading zero":"Dezimalzahlen mit vorangestellten Nullen","Decrease indent":"Einzug verkleinern","Decrease list item indent":"Listeneinzug verkleinern",Default:"Standard","Delete column":"Spalte löschen","Delete row":"Zeile löschen","Dim grey":"Dunkelgrau",Dimensions:"Größe",Disc:"Gefüllter Kreis","Document colors":"Dokumentfarben",Dotted:"Gepunktet",Double:"Doppelt",Downloadable:"Herunterladbar","Drag to move":"Zum Verschieben ziehen","Dropdown toolbar":"Dropdown-Liste Werkzeugleiste","Edit block":"Absatz bearbeiten","Edit link":"Link bearbeiten","Editor block content toolbar":"Editor Blockinhalt-Toolbar","Editor contextual toolbar":"Editor kontextuelle Toolbar","Editor dialog":"Editor-Dialog","Editor editing area: %0":"Bearbeitungsbereich des Editors: %0","Editor menu bar":"Menüleiste des Editors","Editor toolbar":"Editor Werkzeugleiste","Enter image caption":"Bildunterschrift eingeben","Enter table caption":"Tabellenüberschrift eingeben","Entering a to-do list":"Eingabe einer Aufgabenliste","Error during image upload":"Fehler beim Hochladen des Bildes","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Ausführen der aktuell fokussierten Schaltfläche. Das Ausführen von Schaltflächen, die mit dem Inhalt des Editors interagieren, richtet den Fokus zurück auf den Inhalt.","Font Background Color":"Hintergrundfarbe","Font Color":"Schriftfarbe","Font Family":"Schriftart","Font Size":"Schriftgröße","Full size image":"Bild in voller Größe",Green:"Grün",Grey:"Grau",Groove:"Eingeritzt","Header column":"Kopfspalte","Header row":"Kopfzeile",Heading:"Überschrift","Heading 1":"Überschrift 1","Heading 2":"Überschrift 2","Heading 3":"Überschrift 3","Heading 4":"Überschrift 4","Heading 5":"Überschrift 5","Heading 6":"Überschrift 6",Height:"Höhe","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Hilfe zum Inhalt. Drücken Sie die Esc-Taste, um dieses Dialogfenster zu schließen.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Horizontale Linie","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Werkzeugleiste für die horizontale Zellentext-Ausrichtung",Huge:"Sehr groß","Image from computer":"Bild vom Computer","Image resize list":"Bildgrößen-Liste","Image toolbar":"Bild Werkzeugleiste","Image upload complete":"Bild erfolgreich hochgeladen","image widget":"Bild-Steuerelement","In line":"Text in Zeile","Increase indent":"Einzug vergrößern","Increase list item indent":"Listeneinzug vergrößern",Insert:"Einfügen","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Zeilenumbruch einfügen (einen neuen Abschnitt)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Einen neuen Abschnitt direkt nach einem Widget einfügen","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Einen neuen Abschnitt direkt vor einem Widget einfügen","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Eine neue Tabellenspalte einfügen (wenn in der letzten Tabellenzelle)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Einen weichen Zeilenumbruch einfügen (ein <br>
-Element)","Insert column left":"Spalte links einfügen","Insert column right":"Spalte rechts einfügen","Insert image":"Bild einfügen","Insert image via URL":"Bild von URL einfügen","Insert media":"Medium einfügen","Insert paragraph after block":"Absatz nach Block einfügen","Insert paragraph before block":"Absatz vor Block einfügen","Insert row above":"Zeile oben einfügen","Insert row below":"Zeile unten einfügen","Insert table":"Tabelle einfügen",Inset:"Eingelassen","Invalid start index value.":"Ungültiger Anfangsindexwert.",Italic:"Kursiv","Italic text":"Kursivschrift","Justify cell text":"Zellentext als Blocksatz ausrichten","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Tastatureingaben, die in einer Liste verwendet werden können.","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tastatureingaben, die in einer Tabelle benutz werden können.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastatureingaben, die verwendet werden können, wenn ein Widget ausgewählt wurde (zum Beispiel: Bilder, Tabellen etc.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Verlassen einer Aufgabenliste","Left aligned image":"Linksbündiges Bild","Light blue":"Hellblau","Light green":"Hellgrün","Light grey":"Hellgrau",Link:"Link","Link image":"Bild verlinken","Link URL":"Linkadresse","Link URL must not be empty.":"Die Link-URL darf nicht leer sein.","List properties":"Listeneigenschaften","Lower-latin":"Kleingeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben","Lower–roman":"Kleingeschriebene römische Zahlen","Media toolbar":"Medien Werkzeugleiste","Media URL":"Medien-URL","media widget":"Medien-Widget",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Bearbeiten",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Datei",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Schriftart",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Hilfe",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Einfügen",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Text",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Werkzeuge",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Anzeigen","Merge cell down":"Zelle unten verbinden","Merge cell left":"Zelle links verbinden","Merge cell right":"Zelle rechts verbinden","Merge cell up":"Zelle verbinden","Merge cells":"Zellen verbinden","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Fokus zwischen Formularfeldern verschieben (Eingaben, Tastenfelder etc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Fokus auf ein aktives Dialogfenster richten oder aufheben","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Fokus auf die Menüleiste richten, zwischen Menüleisten navigieren","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Fokus auf die Symbolleiste verschieben, zwischen den Symbolleisten navigieren","Move out of a link":"Linkauswahl aufheben","Move out of an inline code style":"Inline Code Style verlassen","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Verschieben Sie den Textcursor, um die direkte Eingabe nach dem Widget zu erlauben","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Verschieben Sie den Textcursor, um die Eingabe direkt nach dem Widget zu erlauben","Move the selection to the next cell":"Auswahl in die nächste Zelle verschieben","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Auswahl in die vorherige Zelle verschieben","Navigate through the table":"Tabellennavigation","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Durch die Werkzeugleiste oder Menüleiste navigieren",Next:"Nächste","No results found":"Keine Ergebnisse gefunden","No searchable items":"Keine durchsuchbaren Elemente",None:"Kein Rahmen","Numbered List":"Nummerierte Liste","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Darstellung der geordneten Liste","Open in a new tab":"In neuem Tab öffnen","Open link in new tab":"Link im neuen Tab öffnen","Open media in new tab":"Medien in neuem Tab öffnen","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Den Dialog zur Eingabehilfe öffnen",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Original",Outset:"Geprägt",Padding:"Innenabstand",Paragraph:"Absatz","Paste content":"Inhalt einfügen","Paste content as plain text":"Inhalt als Klartext einfügen","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Medien-URL in das Eingabefeld einfügen.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Farbe ein (z. B. „ff0000“).","Press %0 for help.":"Drücken Sie %0 für Hilfe.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste, um nach dem Widget zu tippen oder Shift + Eingabetaste, um vor dem Widget zu tippen.",Previous:"vorherige",Purple:"Violett",Red:"Rot",Redo:"Wiederherstellen","Remove color":"Farbe entfernen","Remove Format":"Formatierung entfernen","Replace from computer":"Vom Computer ersetzen","Replace image":"Bild ersetzen","Replace image from computer":"Bild vom Computer ersetzen","Resize image":"Bildgröße ändern","Resize image (in %0)":"Bildgröße ändern (in %0)","Resize image to %0":"Bildgröße ändern in %0","Resize image to the original size":"Bild in Originalgröße ändern","Restore default":"Standard wiederherstellen","Reversed order":"Umgekehrte Reihenfolge","Revert autoformatting action":"Automatischen Formatierungsvorgang rückgängig machen","Rich Text Editor":"Rich Text Editor",Ridge:"Hervorgehoben","Right aligned image":"Rechtsbündiges Bild",Row:"Zeile",Save:"Speichern","Select all":"Alles auswählen","Select column":"Spalte auswählen","Select row":"Zeile auswählen","Show more items":"Mehr anzeigen","Side image":"Seitenbild",Small:"Klein",Solid:"Durchgezogen","Split cell horizontally":"Zelle horizontal teilen","Split cell vertically":"Zelle vertikal teilen",Square:"Quadrat","Start at":"Beginnen mit","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Der Startwert muss größer als 0 sein.",Strikethrough:"Durchgestrichen","Strikethrough text":"Durchgestrichener Text",Style:"Rahmenart",Subscript:"Tiefgestellt",Superscript:"Hochgestellt",Table:"Tabelle","Table alignment toolbar":"Werkzeugleiste für die Tabellen-Ausrichtung","Table cell text alignment":"Ausrichtung des Zellentextes","Table properties":"Tabelleneigenschaften","Table toolbar":"Tabelle Werkzeugleiste","Text alternative":"Alternativtext",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"Die Farbe ist ungültig. Probieren Sie „#FF0000“ oder „rgb(255,0,0)“ oder „red“.","The URL must not be empty.":"Die URL darf nicht leer sein.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"Der Wert ist ungültig. Probieren Sie „10px“ oder „2em“ oder „2“.","The value must not be empty.":"Der Wert darf nicht leer sein.","The value should be a plain number.":"Der Wert sollte eine einfache Zahl sein.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Diese Tastenkombinationen ermöglichen einen schnellen Zugang zu den Inhaltsverarbeitungsfunktionen.","This link has no URL":"Dieser Link hat keine Adresse","This media URL is not supported.":"Diese Medien-URL wird nicht unterstützt.",Tiny:"Sehr klein","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tipp: Zum schnelleren Einbetten können Sie die Medien-URL in den Inhalt einfügen.","To-do List":"Aufgabenliste","Toggle caption off":"Tabellenüberschrift deaktivieren","Toggle caption on":"Tabellenüberschrift aktivieren","Toggle the circle list style":"Leeren Kreis einstellen","Toggle the decimal list style":"Dezimalzahlen einstellen","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Dezimalzahlen mit vorangestellten Nullen einstellen","Toggle the disc list style":"Gefüllten Kreis einstellen","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Kleingeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben einstellen","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Kleingeschriebene römische Zahlen einstellen","Toggle the square list style":"Quadrat einstellen","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Großgeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben einstellen","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Großgeschriebene römische Zahlen einstellen",Turquoise:"Türkis","Type or paste your content here.":"Hier Inhalt einfügen.","Type your title":"Titel eingeben",Underline:"Unterstrichen","Underline text":"Text hervorheben",Undo:"Rückgängig",Unlink:"Link entfernen",Update:"Aktualisieren","Update image URL":"Bild-URL aktualisieren","Upload failed":"Hochladen fehlgeschlagen","Upload from computer":"Vom Computer hochladen","Upload image from computer":"Bild vom Computer hochladen","Upload in progress":"Upload läuft","Uploading image":"Bild hochladen","Upper-latin":"Großgeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben","Upper-roman":"Großgeschriebene römische Zahlen","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Verwenden Sie die folgenden Tastatureingaben für eine effizientere Navigation auf der CKEditor-5-Benutzeroberfläche.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Benutzeroberfläche und Inhaltsnavigationstasten","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Werkzeugleiste für die vertikale Zellentext-Ausrichtung",White:"Weiß","Widget toolbar":"Widget Werkzeugleiste",Width:"Breite","Wrap text":"Text umfließt Bild",Yellow:"Gelb"});n.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["de"]=e["de"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(erfordert gegebenenfalls Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 von %1",Accept:"Akzeptieren",Accessibility:"Bedienungshilfen","Accessibility help":"Hilfe zur Eingabe","Advanced options":"Erweiterte Optionen","Align cell text to the bottom":"Zellentext unten ausrichten","Align cell text to the center":"Zellentext zentriert ausrichten","Align cell text to the left":"Zellentext linksbündig ausrichten","Align cell text to the middle":"Zellentext mittig ausrichten","Align cell text to the right":"Zellentext rechtsbündig ausrichten","Align cell text to the top":"Zellentext oben ausrichten","Align center":"Zentriert","Align left":"Linksbündig","Align right":"Rechtsbündig","Align table to the left":"Tabelle links ausrichten","Align table to the right":"Tabelle rechts ausrichten",Alignment:"Ausrichtung",Aquamarine:"Aquamarinblau",Background:"Hintergrund","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Unten finden Sie eine Liste mit Tastenkombinationen, die im Editor benutzt werden können.",Big:"Groß",Black:"Schwarz","Block quote":"Blockzitat","Block styles":"Block-Stile",Blue:"Blau","Blue marker":"Blauer Marker",Bold:"Fett","Bold text":"Fettschrift",Border:"Rahmen","Break text":"Bild teilt Text","Bulleted List":"Aufzählungsliste","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Darstellung der ungeordneten Liste",Cancel:"Abbrechen","Caption for image: %0":"Bildunterschrift: %0","Caption for the image":"Bildunterschrift","Cell properties":"Zelleneigenschaften","Center table":"Tabelle zentrieren","Centered image":"Zentriertes Bild","Change image text alternative":"Alternativtext ändern","Characters: %0":"Zeichen: %0 ","Choose heading":"Überschrift auswählen",Circle:"Leerer Kreis",Clear:"Löschen","Click to edit block":"Zum Bearbeiten des Blocks klicken",Close:"Schließen","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Kontextsprechblasen, Dropdown-Menü und Dialoge schließen",Code:"Code","Code block":"Codeblock",Color:"Farbe","Color picker":"Farbwähler",Column:"Spalte","Content editing keystrokes":"Tastatureingaben zur Inhaltsverarbeitung","Copy selected content":"Markierten Inhalt kopieren","Create link":"Link erstellen",Custom:"Benutzerdefiniert","Custom image size":"Benutzerdefinierte Bildgröße",Dashed:"Gestrichelt",Decimal:"Dezimalzahlen","Decimal with leading zero":"Dezimalzahlen mit vorangestellten Nullen","Decrease indent":"Einzug verkleinern","Decrease list item indent":"Listeneinzug verkleinern",Default:"Standard","Delete column":"Spalte löschen","Delete row":"Zeile löschen","Dim grey":"Dunkelgrau",Dimensions:"Größe","Disable editing":"Bearbeitung deaktivieren",Disc:"Gefüllter Kreis","Document colors":"Dokumentfarben",Dotted:"Gepunktet",Double:"Doppelt",Downloadable:"Herunterladbar","Drag to move":"Zum Verschieben ziehen","Dropdown toolbar":"Dropdown-Liste Werkzeugleiste","Edit block":"Absatz bearbeiten","Edit link":"Link bearbeiten","Editor block content toolbar":"Editor Blockinhalt-Toolbar","Editor contextual toolbar":"Editor kontextuelle Toolbar","Editor dialog":"Editor-Dialog","Editor editing area: %0":"Bearbeitungsbereich des Editors: %0","Editor menu bar":"Menüleiste des Editors","Editor toolbar":"Editor Werkzeugleiste","Enable editing":"Bearbeitung zulassen","Enter image caption":"Bildunterschrift eingeben","Enter table caption":"Tabellenüberschrift eingeben","Entering %0 code snippet":"%0 Code-Ausschnitt eingeben","Entering a to-do list":"Eingabe einer Aufgabenliste","Entering code snippet":"Code-Ausschnit eingeben","Error during image upload":"Fehler beim Hochladen des Bildes","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Ausführen der aktuell fokussierten Schaltfläche. Das Ausführen von Schaltflächen, die mit dem Inhalt des Editors interagieren, richtet den Fokus zurück auf den Inhalt.",Find:"Suchen","Find and replace":"Suchen und ersetzen","Find in text…":"In Text suchen…","Find in the document":"Dokument durchsuchen","Font Background Color":"Hintergrundfarbe","Font Color":"Schriftfarbe","Font Family":"Schriftart","Font Size":"Schriftgröße","Full size image":"Bild in voller Größe",Green:"Grün","Green marker":"Grüner Marker","Green pen":"Grüne Schriftfarbe",Grey:"Grau",Groove:"Eingeritzt","Header column":"Kopfspalte","Header row":"Kopfzeile",Heading:"Überschrift","Heading 1":"Überschrift 1","Heading 2":"Überschrift 2","Heading 3":"Überschrift 3","Heading 4":"Überschrift 4","Heading 5":"Überschrift 5","Heading 6":"Überschrift 6",Height:"Höhe","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Hilfe zum Inhalt. Drücken Sie die Esc-Taste, um dieses Dialogfenster zu schließen.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Texthervorhebung","Horizontal line":"Horizontale Linie","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Werkzeugleiste für die horizontale Zellentext-Ausrichtung","HTML object":"HTML-Objekt",Huge:"Sehr groß","Image from computer":"Bild vom Computer","Image resize list":"Bildgrößen-Liste","Image toolbar":"Bild Werkzeugleiste","Image upload complete":"Bild erfolgreich hochgeladen","image widget":"Bild-Steuerelement","In line":"Text in Zeile","Increase indent":"Einzug vergrößern","Increase list item indent":"Listeneinzug vergrößern",Insert:"Einfügen","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Zeilenumbruch einfügen (einen neuen Abschnitt)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Einen neuen Abschnitt direkt nach einem Widget einfügen","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Einen neuen Abschnitt direkt vor einem Widget einfügen","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Eine neue Tabellenspalte einfügen (wenn in der letzten Tabellenzelle)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Einen weichen Zeilenumbruch einfügen (ein <br>
-Element)","Insert code block":"Code-Block einfügen","Insert column left":"Spalte links einfügen","Insert column right":"Spalte rechts einfügen","Insert image":"Bild einfügen","Insert image via URL":"Bild von URL einfügen","Insert paragraph after block":"Absatz nach Block einfügen","Insert paragraph before block":"Absatz vor Block einfügen","Insert row above":"Zeile oben einfügen","Insert row below":"Zeile unten einfügen","Insert table":"Tabelle einfügen",Inset:"Eingelassen","Invalid start index value.":"Ungültiger Anfangsindexwert.",Italic:"Kursiv","Italic text":"Kursivschrift",Justify:"Blocksatz","Justify cell text":"Zellentext als Blocksatz ausrichten","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Tastatureingaben, die in einer Liste verwendet werden können.","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tastatureingaben, die in einer Tabelle benutz werden können.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastatureingaben, die verwendet werden können, wenn ein Widget ausgewählt wurde (zum Beispiel: Bilder, Tabellen etc.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"%0 Code-Ausschnitt verlassen","Leaving a to-do list":"Verlassen einer Aufgabenliste","Leaving code snippet":"Code-Ausschnit verlassen","Left aligned image":"Linksbündiges Bild","Light blue":"Hellblau","Light green":"Hellgrün","Light grey":"Hellgrau",Link:"Link","Link image":"Bild verlinken","Link URL":"Linkadresse","Link URL must not be empty.":"Die Link-URL darf nicht leer sein.","List properties":"Listeneigenschaften","Lower-latin":"Kleingeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben","Lower–roman":"Kleingeschriebene römische Zahlen","Match case":"Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachten",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Bearbeiten",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Datei",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Schriftart",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Hilfe",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Einfügen",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Text",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Werkzeuge",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Anzeigen","Merge cell down":"Zelle unten verbinden","Merge cell left":"Zelle links verbinden","Merge cell right":"Zelle rechts verbinden","Merge cell up":"Zelle verbinden","Merge cells":"Zellen verbinden","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Fokus zwischen Formularfeldern verschieben (Eingaben, Tastenfelder etc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Fokus auf ein aktives Dialogfenster richten oder aufheben","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Fokus auf die Menüleiste richten, zwischen Menüleisten navigieren","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Fokus auf die Symbolleiste verschieben, zwischen den Symbolleisten navigieren","Move out of a link":"Linkauswahl aufheben","Move out of an inline code style":"Inline Code Style verlassen","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Verschieben Sie den Textcursor, um die direkte Eingabe nach dem Widget zu erlauben","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Verschieben Sie den Textcursor, um die Eingabe direkt nach dem Widget zu erlauben","Move the selection to the next cell":"Auswahl in die nächste Zelle verschieben","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Auswahl in die vorherige Zelle verschieben","Multiple styles":"Mehrere Stile","Navigate editable regions":"Durch bearbeitbare Bereiche navigieren","Navigate through the table":"Tabellennavigation","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Durch die Werkzeugleiste oder Menüleiste navigieren",Next:"Nächste","Next editable region":"Nächster bearbeitbarer Bereich","Next result":"Nächstes Ergebnis","No results found":"Keine Ergebnisse gefunden","No searchable items":"Keine durchsuchbaren Elemente",None:"Kein Rahmen","Numbered List":"Nummerierte Liste","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Darstellung der geordneten Liste","Open in a new tab":"In neuem Tab öffnen","Open link in new tab":"Link im neuen Tab öffnen","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Den Dialog zur Eingabehilfe öffnen",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Original",Outset:"Geprägt",Padding:"Innenabstand",Paragraph:"Absatz","Paste content":"Inhalt einfügen","Paste content as plain text":"Inhalt als Klartext einfügen","Pink marker":"Pinker Marker","Plain text":"Nur Text",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Farbe ein (z. B. „ff0000“).","Press %0 for help.":"Drücken Sie %0 für Hilfe.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste, um nach dem Widget zu tippen oder Shift + Eingabetaste, um vor dem Widget zu tippen.",Previous:"vorherige","Previous editable region":"Vorheriger bearbeitbarer Bereich","Previous result":"Vorheriges Ergebnis",Purple:"Violett",Red:"Rot","Red pen":"Rote Schriftfarbe",Redo:"Wiederherstellen","Remove color":"Farbe entfernen","Remove Format":"Formatierung entfernen","Remove highlight":"Texthervorhebung entfernen",Replace:"Ersetzen","Replace all":"Alle ersetzen","Replace from computer":"Vom Computer ersetzen","Replace image":"Bild ersetzen","Replace image from computer":"Bild vom Computer ersetzen","Replace with…":"Ersetzen durch…","Resize image":"Bildgröße ändern","Resize image (in %0)":"Bildgröße ändern (in %0)","Resize image to %0":"Bildgröße ändern in %0","Resize image to the original size":"Bild in Originalgröße ändern","Restore default":"Standard wiederherstellen","Reversed order":"Umgekehrte Reihenfolge","Revert autoformatting action":"Automatischen Formatierungsvorgang rückgängig machen","Rich Text Editor":"Rich Text Editor",Ridge:"Hervorgehoben","Right aligned image":"Rechtsbündiges Bild",Row:"Zeile",Save:"Speichern","Select all":"Alles auswählen","Select column":"Spalte auswählen","Select row":"Zeile auswählen","Show more items":"Mehr anzeigen","Side image":"Seitenbild",Small:"Klein",Solid:"Durchgezogen","Split cell horizontally":"Zelle horizontal teilen","Split cell vertically":"Zelle vertikal teilen",Square:"Quadrat","Start at":"Beginnen mit","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Der Startwert muss größer als 0 sein.",Strikethrough:"Durchgestrichen","Strikethrough text":"Durchgestrichener Text",Style:"Rahmenart",Styles:"Stile",Subscript:"Tiefgestellt",Superscript:"Hochgestellt",Table:"Tabelle","Table alignment toolbar":"Werkzeugleiste für die Tabellen-Ausrichtung","Table cell text alignment":"Ausrichtung des Zellentextes","Table properties":"Tabelleneigenschaften","Table toolbar":"Tabelle Werkzeugleiste","Text alignment":"Textausrichtung","Text alignment toolbar":"Text-Ausrichtung Toolbar","Text alternative":"Alternativtext","Text highlight toolbar":"Text hervorheben Werkzeugleiste","Text styles":"Text-Stile","Text to find must not be empty.":"Der Suchtext darf nicht leer sein.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"Die Farbe ist ungültig. Probieren Sie „#FF0000“ oder „rgb(255,0,0)“ oder „red“.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"Der Wert ist ungültig. Probieren Sie „10px“ oder „2em“ oder „2“.","The value must not be empty.":"Der Wert darf nicht leer sein.","The value should be a plain number.":"Der Wert sollte eine einfache Zahl sein.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Diese Tastenkombinationen ermöglichen einen schnellen Zugang zu den Inhaltsverarbeitungsfunktionen.","This link has no URL":"Dieser Link hat keine Adresse",Tiny:"Sehr klein","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tipp: Zuerst nach Text suchen um diesen zu ersetzen.","To-do List":"Aufgabenliste","Toggle caption off":"Tabellenüberschrift deaktivieren","Toggle caption on":"Tabellenüberschrift aktivieren","Toggle the circle list style":"Leeren Kreis einstellen","Toggle the decimal list style":"Dezimalzahlen einstellen","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Dezimalzahlen mit vorangestellten Nullen einstellen","Toggle the disc list style":"Gefüllten Kreis einstellen","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Kleingeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben einstellen","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Kleingeschriebene römische Zahlen einstellen","Toggle the square list style":"Quadrat einstellen","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Großgeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben einstellen","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Großgeschriebene römische Zahlen einstellen",Turquoise:"Türkis","Type or paste your content here.":"Hier Inhalt einfügen.","Type your title":"Titel eingeben",Underline:"Unterstrichen","Underline text":"Text hervorheben",Undo:"Rückgängig",Unlink:"Link entfernen",Update:"Aktualisieren","Update image URL":"Bild-URL aktualisieren","Upload failed":"Hochladen fehlgeschlagen","Upload from computer":"Vom Computer hochladen","Upload image from computer":"Bild vom Computer hochladen","Upload in progress":"Upload läuft","Uploading image":"Bild hochladen","Upper-latin":"Großgeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben","Upper-roman":"Großgeschriebene römische Zahlen","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Verwenden Sie die folgenden Tastatureingaben für eine effizientere Navigation auf der CKEditor-5-Benutzeroberfläche.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Benutzeroberfläche und Inhaltsnavigationstasten","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Werkzeugleiste für die vertikale Zellentext-Ausrichtung",White:"Weiß","Whole words only":"Nur ganze Wörter","Widget toolbar":"Widget Werkzeugleiste",Width:"Breite","Words: %0":"Wörter: %0 ","Wrap text":"Text umfließt Bild",Yellow:"Gelb","Yellow marker":"Gelber Marker"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/el.js b/build/translations/el.js
index 9651e53..e82d528 100644
--- a/build/translations/el.js
+++ b/build/translations/el.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["el"]=e["el"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(μπορεί να απαιτείται το Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 από %1",Accept:"Αποδοχή",Accessibility:"Προσβασιμότητα","Accessibility help":"Βοήθεια προσβασιμότητας","Align cell text to the bottom":"Στοίχιση κειμένου κελιού κάτω","Align cell text to the center":"Στοίχιση κειμένου κελιού στο κέντρο","Align cell text to the left":"Στοίχιση κειμένου κελιού στα αριστερά","Align cell text to the middle":"Στοίχιση κειμένου κελιού στο μέσο","Align cell text to the right":"Στοίχιση κειμένου κελιού στα δεξιά","Align cell text to the top":"Στοίχιση κειμένου κελιού επάνω","Align table to the left":"Στοίχιση πίνακα στα αριστερά","Align table to the right":"Στοίχιση πίνακα στα δεξιά",Alignment:"Στοίχιση",Aquamarine:"Ακουαμαρίνα",Background:"Υπόβαθρο","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Παρακάτω, μπορείτε να βρείτε μια λίστα με συντομεύσεις πληκτρολογίου που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε στο εργαλείο επεξεργασίας.",Big:"Μεγάλο",Black:"Μαύρο","Block quote":"Περιοχή παράθεσης",Blue:"Μπλε",Bold:"Έντονα","Bold text":"Έντονο κείμενο",Border:"Περίγραμμα","Break text":"Κατάτμηση κειμένου","Bulleted List":"Λίστα με κουκκίδες","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων στυλ λιστών με κουκίδες",Cancel:"Ακύρωση","Caption for image: %0":"Λεζάντα για την εικόνα: %0","Caption for the image":"Λεζάντα για την εικόνα","Cell properties":"Ιδιότητες κελιού","Center table":"Στοίχιση πίνακα στο κέντρο","Centered image":"Εικόνα με στοίχιση στο κέντρο","Change image text alternative":"Αλλαγή εναλλακτικού κείμενου εικόνας","Choose heading":"Επιλέξτε κεφαλίδα",Circle:"Κύκλος",Clear:"Καθαρισμός","Click to edit block":"Κάντε κλικ για να επεξεργαστείτε το μπλοκ",Close:"Κλείσιμο","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Κλείσιμο παραθύρων σχολίων, αναπτυσσόμενων μενού και παραθύρων διαλόγου",Code:"Κώδικας",Color:"Χρώμα","Color picker":"Επιλογέας χρώματος",Column:"Στήλη","Content editing keystrokes":"Πλήκτρα επεξεργασίας περιεχομένου","Copy selected content":"Αντιγραφή επιλεγμένου περιεχομένου","Create link":"Δημιουργία συνδέσμου",Custom:"Προσαρμοσμένο","Custom image size":"Προσαρμοσμένο μέγεθος εικόνας",Dashed:"Με παύλες",Decimal:"Δεκαδικό","Decimal with leading zero":"Δεκαδικό με μηδενικά","Decrease indent":"Μείωση εσοχής","Decrease list item indent":"Μείωση εσοχής στοιχείου λίστας",Default:"Προεπιλογή","Delete column":"Διαγραφή στήλης","Delete row":"Διαγραφή γραμμής","Dim grey":"Θολό γκρι",Dimensions:"Διαστάσεις",Disc:"Δίσκος","Document colors":"Χρώματα εγγράφου",Dotted:"Διάστικτο",Double:"Διπλό",Downloadable:"Με δυνατότητα λήψης","Drag to move":"Σύρετε για μετακίνηση","Dropdown toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων αναδυόμενου μενού","Edit block":"Επεξεργασία τμήματος","Edit link":"Επεξεργασία συνδέσμου","Editor block content toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων επεξεργασίας περιεχομένου αποκλεισμού","Editor contextual toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων επεξεργασίας συμφραζομένων","Editor dialog":"Παράθυρο διαλόγου επεξεργαστή","Editor editing area: %0":"Περιοχή επεξεργασίας προγράμματος επεξεργασίας: %0","Editor menu bar":"Γραμμή μενού επεξεργαστή","Editor toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων επεξεργαστή","Enter image caption":"Εισαγωγή λεζάντας εικόνας","Enter table caption":"Εισαγωγή λεζάντας πίνακα","Entering a to-do list":"Κάνοντας εισαγωγή μιας λίστας υποχρεώσεων","Error during image upload":"Σφάλμα κατά τη μεταφόρτωση της εικόνας","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Εκτέλεση του τρέχοντος εστιασμένου κουμπιού. Η εκτέλεση κουμπιών που αλληλεπιδρούν με το περιεχόμενο του συντάκτη μετακινεί την εστίαση πίσω στο περιεχόμενο.","Font Background Color":"Χρώμα υποβάθρου γραμματοσειράς","Font Color":"Χρώμα γραμματοσειράς","Font Family":"Οικογένεια γραμματοσειρών","Font Size":"Μέγεθος γραμματοσειράς","Full size image":"Εικόνα σε πλήρες μέγεθος",Green:"Πράσινο",Grey:"Γκρι",Groove:"Βαθουλωτό","Header column":"Στήλη κεφαλίδας","Header row":"Γραμμή κεφαλίδας",Heading:"Κεφαλίδα","Heading 1":"Κεφαλίδα 1","Heading 2":"Κεφαλίδα 2","Heading 3":"Κεφαλίδα 3","Heading 4":"Κεφαλίδα 4","Heading 5":"Κεφαλίδα 5","Heading 6":"Κεφαλίδα 6",Height:"Ύψος","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Περιεχόμενα βοήθειας. Για να κλείσετε αυτό το παράθυρο διαλόγου, πατήστε ESC.",HEX:"Δεκαεξαδική μορφή χρωμάτων","Horizontal line":"Οριζόντια γραμμή","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων οριζόντιας στοίχισης κειμένου",Huge:"Τεράστιο","Image from computer":"Εικόνα από υπολογιστή","Image resize list":"Λίστα μεγεθών εικόνων","Image toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων εικόνας","Image upload complete":"Η μεταφόρτωση της εικόνας ολοκληρώθηκε","image widget":"Γραφικό στοιχείο εικόνας","In line":"Εντός γραμμής","Increase indent":"Αύξηση εσοχής","Increase list item indent":"Αύξηση εσοχής στοιχείου λίστας",Insert:"Εισαγωγή","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Εισαγωγή συμβόλου αλλαγής γραμμής (με νέα παράγραφο)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Εισαγωγή νέας παραγράφου απευθείας μετά από ένα widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Εισαγωγή νέας παραγράφου απευθείας πριν από ένα widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Εισαγωγή νέας σειράς πίνακα (όταν βρίσκεται στο τελευταίο κελί ενός πίνακα)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Εισαγωγή συμβόλου αλλαγής γραμμής χωρίς νέα παράγραφο (ένα στοιχείο <br>
])","Insert column left":"Εισαγωγή στήλης αριστερά","Insert column right":"Εισαγωγή στήλης δεξιά","Insert image":"Εισαγωγή εικόνας","Insert image via URL":"Εισαγωγή εικόνας μέσω διεύθυνσης","Insert media":"Εισαγωγή πολυμέσου","Insert paragraph after block":"Εισαγωγή παραγράφου μετά το τμήμα","Insert paragraph before block":"Εισαγωγή παραγράφου πριν το τμήμα","Insert row above":"Εισαγωγή γραμμής πάνω","Insert row below":"Εισαγωγή γραμμής κάτω","Insert table":"Εισαγωγή πίνακα",Inset:"Κείμενο με βάθος","Invalid start index value.":"Μη έγκυρη τιμή έναρξης ευρετηρίου.",Italic:"Πλάγια","Italic text":"Πλάγιο κείμενο","Justify cell text":"Πλήρης στοίχιση κειμένου κελιού","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Πλήκτρα που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε σε μια λίστα","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Πλήκτρα που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε σε ένα κελί πίνακα","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Πλήκτρα που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε όταν επιλέγετε ένα widget (για παράδειγμα: εικόνα, πίνακα κ.λπ.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Φεύγοντας από μια λίστα υποχρεώσεων","Left aligned image":"Εικόνα με αριστερή στοίχιση","Light blue":"Φωτινό μπλε","Light green":"Φωτινό πράσινο","Light grey":"Φωτινό γκρι",Link:"Σύνδεσμος","Link image":"Εικόνα συνδέσμου","Link URL":"Διεύθυνση συνδέσμου","Link URL must not be empty.":"Η διεύθυνση URL του συνδέσμου δεν πρέπει να είναι κενή.","List properties":"Ιδιότητες λίστας","Lower-latin":"Μικρά λατινικά","Lower–roman":"Μικρά ρωμαϊκά","Media toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων πολυμέσων","Media URL":"Διεύθυνση πολυμέσου","media widget":"Γραφικό στοιχείου πολυμέσου",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Επεξεργασία",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Αρχείο",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Γραμματοσειρά",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Μορφή",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Βοήθεια",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Εισαγωγή",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Κείμενο",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Εργαλεία",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Προβολή","Merge cell down":"Συγχώνευση κελιού κάτω","Merge cell left":"Συγχώνευση κελιού αριστερά","Merge cell right":"Συγχώνευση κελιού δεξιά","Merge cell up":"Συγχώνευση κελιού πάνω","Merge cells":"Συγχώνευση κελιών","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Μετακίνηση της εστίασης μεταξύ των πεδίων φόρμας (εισαγωγές, κουμπιά, κ.λπ.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Μετακίνηση της εστίασης από ένα ενεργό παράθυρο διαλόγου","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Μετακίνηση της εστίασης στη γραμμή μενού, πλοήγηση μεταξύ των γραμμών μενού","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Μετακίνηση της εστίασης στη γραμμή εργαλείων, πλοήγηση μεταξύ των γραμμών εργαλείων","Move out of a link":"Μετακίνηση από έναν σύνδεσμο","Move out of an inline code style":"Μετακίνηση από ένα στυλ ενσωματωμένου κώδικα","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Μετακινήστε τον δρομέα caret για να είναι δυνατή η πληκτρολόγηση απευθείας μετά από ένα widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Μετακινήστε τον δρομέα caret για να είναι δυνατή η πληκτρολόγηση απευθείας πριν από ένα widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Μετακίνηση της επιλογής στο επόμενο κελί","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Μετακίνηση της επιλογής στο προηγούμενο κελί","Navigate through the table":"Πλοήγηση στον πίνακα","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Πλοήγηση μέσω της γραμμής εργαλείων ή της γραμμής μενού",Next:"Επόμενο","No results found":"Δεν βρέθηκαν αποτελέσματα","No searchable items":"Δεν υπάρχει δυνατότητα αναζήτησης στοιχείων",None:"Χωρίς περίγραμμα","Numbered List":"Λίστα με αριθμούς","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων στυλ λιστών με αριθμούς","Open in a new tab":"Άνοιγμα σε νέα καρτέλα","Open link in new tab":"Άνοιγμα συνδέσμου σε νέα καρτέλα","Open media in new tab":"Άνοιγμα πολυμέσων σε νέα καρτέλα","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Άνοιγμα του παραθύρου διαλόγου βοήθειας προσβασιμότητας",Orange:"Πορτοκαλί",Original:"Αρχικό",Outset:"Κείμενο με ύψος",Padding:"Απόσταση κειμένου από το περίγραμμα",Paragraph:"Παράγραφος","Paste content":"Επικόλληση περιεχομένου","Paste content as plain text":"Επικόλληση περιεχομένου ως απλό κείμενο","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Επικολλήστε τη διεύθυνση του πολυμέσου στο πλαίσιο.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Παρακαλούμε να εισαγάγετε ένα έγκυρο χρώμα (π.χ. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Πατήστε %0 για βοήθεια.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Πατήστε Enter για να πληκτρολογήσετε μετά ή πατήστε Shift + Enter για να πληκτρολογήσετε πριν από το γραφικό στοιχείο",Previous:"Προηγούμενο",Purple:"Πορφυρό",Red:"Κόκκινο",Redo:"Επανάληψη","Remove color":"Απομάκρυνση χρώματος","Remove Format":"Απομάκρυνση μορφοποίησης","Replace from computer":"Αντικατάσταση από υπολογιστή","Replace image":"Αντικατάσταση εικόνας","Replace image from computer":"Αντικατάσταση εικόνας από υπολογιστή","Resize image":"Αλλαγή μεγέθους εικόνας","Resize image (in %0)":"Αλλαγή μεγέθους εικόνας (σε %0)","Resize image to %0":"Αλλαγή μεγέθους σε %0","Resize image to the original size":"Αλλαγή μεγέθους εικόνας στο αρχικό μέγεθος","Restore default":"Επαναφορά προεπιλογής","Reversed order":"Αντίστροφη σειρά","Revert autoformatting action":"Επαναφορά ενέργειας αυτόματης μορφοποίησης","Rich Text Editor":"Επεξεργαστής εμπλουτισμένου κειμένου",Ridge:"Ραχωτό","Right aligned image":"Εικόνα με δεξιά στοίχιση",Row:"Γραμμή",Save:"Αποθήκευση","Select all":"Επιλογή όλων","Select column":"Επιλογή στήλης","Select row":"Επιλογή γραμμής","Show more items":"Προβολή περισσότερων αντικειμένων","Side image":"Πλευρική εικόνα",Small:"Μικρό",Solid:"Συμπαγές","Split cell horizontally":"Διαχωρισμός κελιού οριζόντια","Split cell vertically":"Διαχωρισμός κελιού κάθετα",Square:"Τετράγωνο","Start at":"Εναρξη από","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Ο αριθμός έναρξης πρέπει να είναι μεγαλύτερος από 0.",Strikethrough:"Διακριτή διαγραφή","Strikethrough text":"Διακριτική διαγραφή κειμένου",Style:"Στυλ",Subscript:"Δείκτης",Superscript:"Εκθέτης",Table:"Πίνακας","Table alignment toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων στοίχισης πίνακα","Table cell text alignment":"Στοίχιση κειμένου κελιού πίνακα","Table properties":"Ιδιότητες πίνακα","Table toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων πίνακα","Text alternative":"Εναλλακτικό κείμενο",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"Το χρώμα δεν είναι έγκυρο. Δοκιμάστε «#FF0000» ή «rgb(255,0,0)» ή «red».","The URL must not be empty.":"Η διεύθυνση δεν πρέπει να είναι άδεια.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"Η τιμή δεν είναι έγκυρη. Δοκιμάστε «10px» ή «2em» ή απλά «2».","The value must not be empty.":"Η τιμή δεν μπορεί να είναι κενή.","The value should be a plain number.":"Η τιμή θα πρέπει να είναι ένας απλός αριθμός.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Αυτές οι συντομεύσεις πληκτρολογίου επιτρέπουν τη γρήγορη πρόσβαση σε λειτουργίες επεξεργασίας περιεχομένου.","This link has no URL":"Ο σύνδεσμος δεν έχει διεύθυνση","This media URL is not supported.":"Αυτή η διεύθυνση πολυμέσου δεν υποστηρίζεται.",Tiny:"Μικροσκοπικό","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Επισήμανση: Επικολλήστε τη διεύθυνση στο περιεχόμενο για γρηγορότερη ενσωμάτωση.","To-do List":"Λίστα προγραμματισμένων ενεργειών","Toggle caption off":"Εναλλαγή απόκρυψης λεζάντας","Toggle caption on":"Εναλλαγής εμφάνισης λεζάντας","Toggle the circle list style":"Εναλλαγή του στυλ λίστας με κύκλο","Toggle the decimal list style":"Εναλλαγή του στυλ λίστας με δεκαδικά","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Εναλλαγή του στυλ λίστας δεκαδικών με μηδενικά","Toggle the disc list style":"Εναλλαγή του στυλ λίστας με δίσκο","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Εναλλαγή του στυλ λίστας με μικρά λατινικά","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Εναλλαγή του στυλ λίστας με μικρά ρωμαϊκά","Toggle the square list style":"Εναλαγή του στυλ λίστας με τετράγωνο","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Εναλλαγή του στυλ λίστας με κεφαλαία λατινικά","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Εναλλαγή του στυλ λίστας με κεφαλαία ρωμαϊκά",Turquoise:"Τιρκουάζ","Type or paste your content here.":"Γράψτε ή επικολλήστε τα περιεχόμενά σας εδώ.","Type your title":"Γράψτε τον τίτλο σας εδώ",Underline:"Υπογράμμιση","Underline text":"Υπογράμμιση κειμένου",Undo:"Αναίρεση",Unlink:"Αφαίρεση συνδέσμου",Update:"Ενημέρωση","Update image URL":"Ενημέρωση διεύθυνσης εικόνας","Upload failed":"Η αποστολή απέτυχε","Upload from computer":"Μεταφόρτωση από υπολογιστή","Upload image from computer":"Μεταφόρτωση εικόνας από υπολογιστή","Upload in progress":"Αποστολή σε εξέλιξη","Uploading image":"Μεταφόρτωση εικόνας","Upper-latin":"Κεφαλαία λατινικά","Upper-roman":"Κεφαλαία ρωμαϊκά","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Χρησιμοποιήστε τα ακόλουθα πλήκτρα για πιο αποτελεσματική πλοήγηση στο περιβάλλον εργασίας χρήστη του CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Πλήκτρα για πλοήγηση στο περιβάλλον εργασίας χρήστη και στο περιεχόμενο","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων κάθετης στοίχισης κειμένου",White:"Λευκό","Widget toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων γραφικού στοιχείου",Width:"Πλάτος","Wrap text":"Αναδίπλωση κειμένου",Yellow:"Κίτρινο"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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To close this dialog press ESC.":"Περιεχόμενα βοήθειας. Για να κλείσετε αυτό το παράθυρο διαλόγου, πατήστε ESC.",HEX:"Δεκαεξαδική μορφή χρωμάτων",Highlight:"Επισήμανση","Horizontal line":"Οριζόντια γραμμή","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων οριζόντιας στοίχισης κειμένου","HTML object":"Αντικείμενο HTML",Huge:"Τεράστιο","Image from computer":"Εικόνα από υπολογιστή","Image resize list":"Λίστα μεγεθών εικόνων","Image toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων εικόνας","Image upload complete":"Η μεταφόρτωση της εικόνας ολοκληρώθηκε","image widget":"Γραφικό στοιχείο εικόνας","In line":"Εντός γραμμής","Increase indent":"Αύξηση εσοχής","Increase list item indent":"Αύξηση εσοχής στοιχείου λίστας",Insert:"Εισαγωγή","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Εισαγωγή συμβόλου αλλαγής γραμμής (με νέα παράγραφο)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Εισαγωγή νέας παραγράφου απευθείας μετά από ένα widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Εισαγωγή νέας παραγράφου απευθείας πριν από ένα widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Εισαγωγή νέας σειράς πίνακα (όταν βρίσκεται στο τελευταίο κελί ενός πίνακα)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Εισαγωγή συμβόλου αλλαγής γραμμής χωρίς νέα παράγραφο (ένα στοιχείο <br>
])","Insert code block":"Εισαγωγή τμήματος κώδικα","Insert column left":"Εισαγωγή στήλης αριστερά","Insert column right":"Εισαγωγή στήλης δεξιά","Insert image":"Εισαγωγή εικόνας","Insert image via URL":"Εισαγωγή εικόνας μέσω διεύθυνσης","Insert paragraph after block":"Εισαγωγή παραγράφου μετά το τμήμα","Insert paragraph before block":"Εισαγωγή παραγράφου πριν το τμήμα","Insert row above":"Εισαγωγή γραμμής πάνω","Insert row below":"Εισαγωγή γραμμής κάτω","Insert table":"Εισαγωγή πίνακα",Inset:"Κείμενο με βάθος","Invalid start index value.":"Μη έγκυρη τιμή έναρξης ευρετηρίου.",Italic:"Πλάγια","Italic text":"Πλάγιο κείμενο",Justify:"Πλήρης στοίχηση","Justify cell text":"Πλήρης στοίχιση κειμένου κελιού","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Πλήκτρα που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε σε μια λίστα","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Πλήκτρα που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε σε ένα κελί πίνακα","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Πλήκτρα που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε όταν επιλέγετε ένα widget (για παράδειγμα: εικόνα, πίνακα κ.λπ.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Αποχώρηση από %0 απόσπασμα κώδικα","Leaving a to-do list":"Φεύγοντας από μια λίστα υποχρεώσεων","Leaving code snippet":"Αποχώρηση από απόσπασμα κώδικα","Left aligned image":"Εικόνα με αριστερή στοίχιση","Light blue":"Φωτινό μπλε","Light green":"Φωτινό πράσινο","Light grey":"Φωτινό γκρι",Link:"Σύνδεσμος","Link image":"Εικόνα συνδέσμου","Link URL":"Διεύθυνση συνδέσμου","Link URL must not be empty.":"Η διεύθυνση URL του συνδέσμου δεν πρέπει να είναι κενή.","List properties":"Ιδιότητες λίστας","Lower-latin":"Μικρά λατινικά","Lower–roman":"Μικρά ρωμαϊκά","Match case":"Ταίριασμα πεζών-ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΩΝ",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Επεξεργασία",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Αρχείο",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Γραμματοσειρά",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Μορφή",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Βοήθεια",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Εισαγωγή",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Κείμενο",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Εργαλεία",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Προβολή","Merge cell down":"Συγχώνευση κελιού κάτω","Merge cell left":"Συγχώνευση κελιού αριστερά","Merge cell right":"Συγχώνευση κελιού δεξιά","Merge cell up":"Συγχώνευση κελιού πάνω","Merge cells":"Συγχώνευση κελιών","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Μετακίνηση της εστίασης μεταξύ των πεδίων φόρμας (εισαγωγές, κουμπιά, κ.λπ.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Μετακίνηση της εστίασης από ένα ενεργό παράθυρο διαλόγου","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Μετακίνηση της εστίασης στη γραμμή μενού, πλοήγηση μεταξύ των γραμμών μενού","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Μετακίνηση της εστίασης στη γραμμή εργαλείων, πλοήγηση μεταξύ των γραμμών εργαλείων","Move out of a link":"Μετακίνηση από έναν σύνδεσμο","Move out of an inline code style":"Μετακίνηση από ένα στυλ ενσωματωμένου κώδικα","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Μετακινήστε τον δρομέα caret για να είναι δυνατή η πληκτρολόγηση απευθείας μετά από ένα widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Μετακινήστε τον δρομέα caret για να είναι δυνατή η πληκτρολόγηση απευθείας πριν από ένα widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Μετακίνηση της επιλογής στο επόμενο κελί","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Μετακίνηση της επιλογής στο προηγούμενο κελί","Multiple styles":"Πολλαπλά στυλ","Navigate editable regions":"Πλοήγηση στις επεξεργάσιμες περιοχές","Navigate through the table":"Πλοήγηση στον πίνακα","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Πλοήγηση μέσω της γραμμής εργαλείων ή της γραμμής μενού",Next:"Επόμενο","Next editable region":"Επόμενη επεξεργάσιμη περιοχή","Next result":"Επόμενο αποτέλεσμα","No results found":"Δεν βρέθηκαν αποτελέσματα","No searchable items":"Δεν υπάρχει δυνατότητα αναζήτησης στοιχείων",None:"Χωρίς περίγραμμα","Numbered List":"Λίστα με αριθμούς","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων στυλ λιστών με αριθμούς","Open in a new tab":"Άνοιγμα σε νέα καρτέλα","Open link in new tab":"Άνοιγμα συνδέσμου σε νέα καρτέλα","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Άνοιγμα του παραθύρου διαλόγου βοήθειας προσβασιμότητας",Orange:"Πορτοκαλί",Original:"Αρχικό",Outset:"Κείμενο με ύψος",Padding:"Απόσταση κειμένου από το περίγραμμα",Paragraph:"Παράγραφος","Paste content":"Επικόλληση περιεχομένου","Paste content as plain text":"Επικόλληση περιεχομένου ως απλό κείμενο","Pink marker":"Επισημαντής ροζ","Plain text":"Απλό κέιμενο",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Παρακαλούμε να εισαγάγετε ένα έγκυρο χρώμα (π.χ. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Πατήστε %0 για βοήθεια.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Πατήστε Enter για να πληκτρολογήσετε μετά ή πατήστε Shift + Enter για να πληκτρολογήσετε πριν από το γραφικό στοιχείο",Previous:"Προηγούμενο","Previous editable region":"Προηγούμενη επεξεργάσιμη περιοχή","Previous result":"Προηγούμενο αποτέλεσμα",Purple:"Πορφυρό",Red:"Κόκκινο","Red pen":"Πένα κόκκινου",Redo:"Επανάληψη","Remove color":"Απομάκρυνση χρώματος","Remove Format":"Απομάκρυνση μορφοποίησης","Remove highlight":"Απομάκρυνση επισήμανσης",Replace:"Αντικατάσταση","Replace all":"Αντικατάσταση όλων","Replace from computer":"Αντικατάσταση από υπολογιστή","Replace image":"Αντικατάσταση εικόνας","Replace image from computer":"Αντικατάσταση εικόνας από υπολογιστή","Replace with…":"Αντικατάσταση με...","Resize image":"Αλλαγή μεγέθους εικόνας","Resize image (in %0)":"Αλλαγή μεγέθους εικόνας (σε %0)","Resize image to %0":"Αλλαγή μεγέθους σε %0","Resize image to the original size":"Αλλαγή μεγέθους εικόνας στο αρχικό μέγεθος","Restore default":"Επαναφορά προεπιλογής","Reversed order":"Αντίστροφη σειρά","Revert autoformatting action":"Επαναφορά ενέργειας αυτόματης μορφοποίησης","Rich Text Editor":"Επεξεργαστής εμπλουτισμένου κειμένου",Ridge:"Ραχωτό","Right aligned image":"Εικόνα με δεξιά στοίχιση",Row:"Γραμμή",Save:"Αποθήκευση","Select all":"Επιλογή όλων","Select column":"Επιλογή στήλης","Select row":"Επιλογή γραμμής","Show more items":"Προβολή περισσότερων αντικειμένων","Side image":"Πλευρική εικόνα",Small:"Μικρό",Solid:"Συμπαγές","Split cell horizontally":"Διαχωρισμός κελιού οριζόντια","Split cell vertically":"Διαχωρισμός κελιού κάθετα",Square:"Τετράγωνο","Start at":"Εναρξη από","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Ο αριθμός έναρξης πρέπει να είναι μεγαλύτερος από 0.",Strikethrough:"Διακριτή διαγραφή","Strikethrough text":"Διακριτική διαγραφή κειμένου",Style:"Στυλ",Styles:"Στυλ",Subscript:"Δείκτης",Superscript:"Εκθέτης",Table:"Πίνακας","Table alignment toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων στοίχισης πίνακα","Table cell text alignment":"Στοίχιση κειμένου κελιού πίνακα","Table properties":"Ιδιότητες πίνακα","Table toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων πίνακα","Text alignment":"Στοίχιση κειμένου","Text alignment toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων στοίχισης κειμένου","Text alternative":"Εναλλακτικό κείμενο","Text highlight toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων επισήμανσης κειμένου","Text styles":"Στυλ για κείμενο","Text to find must not be empty.":"Το κείμενο προς εύρεση δεν πρέπει να είναι άδειο.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"Το χρώμα δεν είναι έγκυρο. Δοκιμάστε «#FF0000» ή «rgb(255,0,0)» ή «red».",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"Η τιμή δεν είναι έγκυρη. Δοκιμάστε «10px» ή «2em» ή απλά «2».","The value must not be empty.":"Η τιμή δεν μπορεί να είναι κενή.","The value should be a plain number.":"Η τιμή θα πρέπει να είναι ένας απλός αριθμός.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Αυτές οι συντομεύσεις πληκτρολογίου επιτρέπουν τη γρήγορη πρόσβαση σε λειτουργίες επεξεργασίας περιεχομένου.","This link has no URL":"Ο σύνδεσμος δεν έχει διεύθυνση",Tiny:"Μικροσκοπικό","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Επισήμανση: Βρείτε κάποιο κείμενο αρχικά ώστε να το αντικαταστήσετε.","To-do List":"Λίστα προγραμματισμένων ενεργειών","Toggle caption off":"Εναλλαγή απόκρυψης λεζάντας","Toggle caption on":"Εναλλαγής εμφάνισης λεζάντας","Toggle the circle list style":"Εναλλαγή του στυλ λίστας με κύκλο","Toggle the decimal list style":"Εναλλαγή του στυλ λίστας με δεκαδικά","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Εναλλαγή του στυλ λίστας δεκαδικών με μηδενικά","Toggle the disc list style":"Εναλλαγή του στυλ λίστας με δίσκο","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Εναλλαγή του στυλ λίστας με μικρά λατινικά","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Εναλλαγή του στυλ λίστας με μικρά ρωμαϊκά","Toggle the square list style":"Εναλαγή του στυλ λίστας με τετράγωνο","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Εναλλαγή του στυλ λίστας με κεφαλαία λατινικά","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Εναλλαγή του στυλ λίστας με κεφαλαία ρωμαϊκά",Turquoise:"Τιρκουάζ","Type or paste your content here.":"Γράψτε ή επικολλήστε τα περιεχόμενά σας εδώ.","Type your title":"Γράψτε τον τίτλο σας εδώ",Underline:"Υπογράμμιση","Underline text":"Υπογράμμιση κειμένου",Undo:"Αναίρεση",Unlink:"Αφαίρεση συνδέσμου",Update:"Ενημέρωση","Update image URL":"Ενημέρωση διεύθυνσης εικόνας","Upload failed":"Η αποστολή απέτυχε","Upload from computer":"Μεταφόρτωση από υπολογιστή","Upload image from computer":"Μεταφόρτωση εικόνας από υπολογιστή","Upload in progress":"Αποστολή σε εξέλιξη","Uploading image":"Μεταφόρτωση εικόνας","Upper-latin":"Κεφαλαία λατινικά","Upper-roman":"Κεφαλαία ρωμαϊκά","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Χρησιμοποιήστε τα ακόλουθα πλήκτρα για πιο αποτελεσματική πλοήγηση στο περιβάλλον εργασίας χρήστη του CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Πλήκτρα για πλοήγηση στο περιβάλλον εργασίας χρήστη και στο περιεχόμενο","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων κάθετης στοίχισης κειμένου",White:"Λευκό","Whole words only":"Μόνο ολόκληρες λέξεις","Widget toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων γραφικού στοιχείου",Width:"Πλάτος","Words: %0":"Λέξεις: %0","Wrap text":"Αναδίπλωση κειμένου",Yellow:"Κίτρινο","Yellow marker":"Επισημαντής κίτρινου"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/en-au.js b/build/translations/en-au.js
index 1d0bbe0..7d4bf37 100644
--- a/build/translations/en-au.js
+++ b/build/translations/en-au.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["en-au"]=e["en-au"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"","%0 of %1":"%0 of %1",Accept:"",Accessibility:"","Accessibility help":"","Align cell text to the bottom":"Align cell text to the bottom","Align cell text to the center":"Align cell text to the center","Align cell text to the left":"Align cell text to the left","Align cell text to the middle":"Align cell text to the middle","Align cell text to the right":"Align cell text to the right","Align cell text to the top":"Align cell text to the top","Align table to the left":"Align table to the left","Align table to the right":"Align table to the right",Alignment:"Alignment",Aquamarine:"Aquamarine",Background:"Background","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"",Big:"Big",Black:"Black","Block quote":"Block quote",Blue:"Blue",Bold:"Bold","Bold text":"",Border:"Border","Break text":"Break text","Bulleted List":"Bulleted List","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Bulleted list styles toolbar",Cancel:"Cancel","Caption for image: %0":"Caption for image: %0","Caption for the image":"Caption for the image","Cell properties":"Cell properties","Center table":"Centre table","Centered image":"Centred image","Change image text alternative":"Change image text alternative","Choose heading":"Choose heading",Circle:"Circle",Clear:"Clear","Click to edit block":"",Close:"","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"",Code:"Code",Color:"Colour","Color picker":"Colour picker",Column:"Column","Content editing keystrokes":"","Create link":"",Custom:"","Custom image size":"",Dashed:"Dashed",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal with leading zero","Decrease indent":"Decrease indent","Decrease list item indent":"",Default:"Default","Delete column":"Delete column","Delete row":"Delete row","Dim grey":"Dim grey",Dimensions:"Dimensions",Disc:"Disc","Document colors":"Document colours",Dotted:"Dotted",Double:"Double",Downloadable:"Downloadable","Drag to move":"","Dropdown toolbar":"Dropdown toolbar","Edit block":"Edit block","Edit link":"Edit link","Editor block content toolbar":"Editor block content toolbar","Editor contextual toolbar":"Editor contextual toolbar","Editor dialog":"","Editor editing area: %0":"Editor editing area: %0","Editor menu bar":"","Editor toolbar":"Editor toolbar","Enter image caption":"Enter image caption","Enter table caption":"Enter table caption","Entering a to-do list":"","Error during image upload":"","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"","Font Background Color":"Font Background Colour","Font Color":"Font Colour","Font Family":"Font Family","Font Size":"Font Size","Full size image":"Full size image",Green:"Green",Grey:"Grey",Groove:"Groove","Header column":"Header column","Header row":"Header row",Heading:"Heading","Heading 1":"Heading 1","Heading 2":"Heading 2","Heading 3":"Heading 3","Heading 4":"Heading 4","Heading 5":"Heading 5","Heading 6":"Heading 6",Height:"Height","Help Contents. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'The colour is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"The URL must not be empty.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"This link has no URL","This media URL is not supported.":"This media URL is not supported.",Tiny:"Tiny","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.","To-do List":"To-do List","Toggle caption off":"Toggle caption off","Toggle caption on":"Toggle caption on","Toggle the circle list style":"Toggle the circle list style","Toggle the decimal list style":"Toggle the decimal list style","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style","Toggle the disc list style":"Toggle the disc list style","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Toggle the lower–latin list style","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Toggle the lower–roman list style","Toggle the square list style":"Toggle the square list style","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Toggle the upper–latin list style","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Toggle the upper–roman list style",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Type or paste your content here.":"Type or paste your content here.","Type your title":"Type your title",Underline:"Underline","Underline text":"",Undo:"Undo",Unlink:"Unlink",Update:"Update","Update image URL":"Update image URL","Upload failed":"Upload failed","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Upload in progress","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertical text alignment toolbar",White:"White","Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar",Width:"Width","Wrap text":"Wrap text",Yellow:"Yellow"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["en-au"]=e["en-au"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"","%0 of %1":"%0 of %1",Accept:"",Accessibility:"","Accessibility help":"","Advanced options":"","Align cell text to the bottom":"Align cell text to the bottom","Align cell text to the center":"Align cell text to the center","Align cell text to the left":"Align cell text to the left","Align cell text to the middle":"Align cell text to the middle","Align cell text to the right":"Align cell text to the right","Align cell text to the top":"Align cell text to the top","Align center":"Align centre","Align left":"Align left","Align right":"Align right","Align table to the left":"Align table to the left","Align table to the right":"Align table to the right",Alignment:"Alignment",Aquamarine:"Aquamarine",Background:"Background","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"",Big:"Big",Black:"Black","Block quote":"Block quote","Block styles":"Block styles",Blue:"Blue","Blue marker":"Blue marker",Bold:"Bold","Bold text":"",Border:"Border","Break text":"Break text","Bulleted List":"Bulleted List","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Bulleted list styles toolbar",Cancel:"Cancel","Caption for image: %0":"Caption for image: %0","Caption for the image":"Caption for the image","Cell properties":"Cell properties","Center table":"Centre table","Centered image":"Centred image","Change image text alternative":"Change image text alternative","Characters: %0":"Characters: %0","Choose heading":"Choose heading",Circle:"Circle",Clear:"Clear","Click to edit block":"",Close:"","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"",Code:"Code","Code block":"",Color:"Colour","Color picker":"Colour picker",Column:"Column","Content editing keystrokes":"","Create link":"",Custom:"","Custom image size":"",Dashed:"Dashed",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal with leading zero","Decrease indent":"Decrease indent","Decrease list item indent":"",Default:"Default","Delete column":"Delete column","Delete row":"Delete row","Dim grey":"Dim grey",Dimensions:"Dimensions","Disable editing":"Disable editing",Disc:"Disc","Document colors":"Document colours",Dotted:"Dotted",Double:"Double",Downloadable:"Downloadable","Drag to move":"","Dropdown toolbar":"Dropdown toolbar","Edit block":"Edit block","Edit link":"Edit link","Editor block content toolbar":"Editor block content toolbar","Editor contextual toolbar":"Editor contextual toolbar","Editor dialog":"","Editor editing area: %0":"Editor editing area: %0","Editor menu bar":"","Editor toolbar":"Editor toolbar","Enable editing":"Enable editing","Enter image caption":"Enter image caption","Enter table caption":"Enter table caption","Entering %0 code snippet":"","Entering a to-do list":"","Entering code snippet":"","Error during image upload":"","Execute the currently focused button. 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To close this dialog press ESC.":"",HEX:"",Highlight:"Highlight","Horizontal line":"Horizontal line","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horizontal text alignment toolbar","HTML object":"HTML object",Huge:"Huge","Image from computer":"","Image resize list":"Image resize list","Image toolbar":"Image toolbar","Image upload complete":"","image widget":"image widget","In line":"In line","Increase indent":"Increase indent","Increase list item indent":"",Insert:"Insert","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"","Insert code block":"Insert code block","Insert column left":"Insert column left","Insert column right":"Insert column right","Insert image":"Insert image","Insert image via URL":"Insert image via URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Insert paragraph after block","Insert paragraph before block":"Insert paragraph before block","Insert row above":"Insert row above","Insert row below":"Insert row below","Insert table":"Insert table",Inset:"Inset","Invalid start index value.":"",Italic:"Italic","Italic text":"",Justify:"Justify","Justify cell text":"Justify cell text","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"","Leaving %0 code snippet":"","Leaving a to-do list":"","Leaving code snippet":"","Left aligned image":"Left aligned image","Light blue":"Light blue","Light green":"Light green","Light grey":"Light grey",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link image","Link URL":"Link URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"","List properties":"List properties","Lower-latin":"Lower-latin","Lower–roman":"Lower–roman","Match case":"Match case",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Edit",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Insert",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Text",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"","Merge cell down":"Merge cell down","Merge cell left":"Merge cell left","Merge cell right":"Merge cell right","Merge cell up":"Merge cell up","Merge cells":"Merge cells","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"","Move out of a link":"","Move out of an inline code style":"","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"","Move the selection to the next cell":"","Move the selection to the previous cell":"","Multiple styles":"Multiple styles","Navigate editable regions":"Navigate editable regions","Navigate through the table":"","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"",Next:"Next","Next editable region":"Next editable region","Next result":"Next result","No results found":"","No searchable items":"",None:"None","Numbered List":"Numbered List","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Numbered list styles toolbar","Open in a new tab":"Open in a new tab","Open link in new tab":"Open link in new tab","Open the accessibility help dialog":"",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Original",Outset:"Outset",Padding:"Padding",Paragraph:"Paragraph","Pink marker":"Pink marker","Plain text":"Plain text",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"","Press %0 for help.":"","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget",Previous:"Previous","Previous editable region":"Previous editable region","Previous result":"Previous result",Purple:"Purple",Red:"Red","Red pen":"Red pen",Redo:"Redo","Remove color":"Remove colour","Remove Format":"Remove Format","Remove highlight":"Remove highlight",Replace:"Replace","Replace all":"Replace all","Replace from computer":"","Replace image":"","Replace image from computer":"","Replace with…":"Replace with…","Resize image":"Resize image","Resize image (in %0)":"","Resize image to %0":"Resize image to %0","Resize image to the original size":"Resize image to the original size","Restore default":"Restore default","Reversed order":"Reversed order","Rich Text Editor":"Rich Text Editor",Ridge:"Ridge","Right aligned image":"Right aligned image",Row:"Row",Save:"Save","Select all":"Select all","Select column":"Select column","Select row":"Select row","Show more items":"Show more items","Side image":"Side image",Small:"Small",Solid:"Solid","Split cell horizontally":"Split cell horizontally","Split cell vertically":"Split cell vertically",Square:"Square","Start at":"Start at","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Start index must be greater than 0.",Strikethrough:"Strikethrough","Strikethrough text":"",Style:"Style",Styles:"Styles",Subscript:"Subscript",Superscript:"Superscript",Table:"","Table alignment toolbar":"Table alignment toolbar","Table cell text alignment":"Table cell text alignment","Table properties":"Table properties","Table toolbar":"Table toolbar","Text alignment":"Text alignment","Text alignment toolbar":"Text alignment toolbar","Text alternative":"Text alternative","Text highlight toolbar":"Text highlight toolbar","Text styles":"Text styles","Text to find must not be empty.":"Text to find must not be empty.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'The colour is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"This link has no URL",Tiny:"Tiny","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.","To-do List":"To-do List","Toggle caption off":"Toggle caption off","Toggle caption on":"Toggle caption on","Toggle the circle list style":"Toggle the circle list style","Toggle the decimal list style":"Toggle the decimal list style","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style","Toggle the disc list style":"Toggle the disc list style","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Toggle the lower–latin list style","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Toggle the lower–roman list style","Toggle the square list style":"Toggle the square list style","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Toggle the upper–latin list style","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Toggle the upper–roman list style",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Type or paste your content here.":"Type or paste your content here.","Type your title":"Type your title",Underline:"Underline","Underline text":"",Undo:"Undo",Unlink:"Unlink",Update:"Update","Update image URL":"Update image URL","Upload failed":"Upload failed","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Upload in progress","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertical text alignment toolbar",White:"White","Whole words only":"Whole words only","Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar",Width:"Width","Words: %0":"Words: %0","Wrap text":"Wrap text",Yellow:"Yellow","Yellow marker":"Yellow marker"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/en-gb.js b/build/translations/en-gb.js
index ca0c964..a510473 100644
--- a/build/translations/en-gb.js
+++ b/build/translations/en-gb.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["en-gb"]=e["en-gb"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"","%0 of %1":"%0 of %1",Accept:"",Accessibility:"","Accessibility help":"","Align cell text to the bottom":"","Align cell text to the center":"","Align cell text to the left":"","Align cell text to the middle":"","Align cell text to the right":"","Align cell text to the top":"","Align table to the left":"","Align table to the right":"",Alignment:"",Aquamarine:"Aquamarine",Background:"","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"",Big:"Big",Black:"Black","Block quote":"Block quote",Blue:"Blue",Bold:"Bold","Bold text":"",Border:"","Break text":"","Bulleted List":"Bulleted List","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"",Cancel:"Cancel","Caption for image: %0":"","Caption for the image":"","Cell properties":"","Center table":"","Centered image":"Centred image","Change image text alternative":"Change image text alternative","Choose heading":"Choose heading",Circle:"",Clear:"","Click to edit block":"",Close:"","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"",Code:"Code",Color:"","Color picker":"",Column:"Column","Content editing keystrokes":"","Create link":"",Custom:"","Custom image size":"",Dashed:"",Decimal:"","Decimal with leading zero":"","Decrease indent":"Decrease indent","Decrease list item indent":"",Default:"Default","Delete column":"Delete column","Delete row":"Delete row","Dim grey":"Dim grey",Dimensions:"",Disc:"","Document colors":"Document colours",Dotted:"",Double:"",Downloadable:"Downloadable","Drag to move":"","Dropdown toolbar":"","Edit block":"Edit block","Edit link":"Edit link","Editor block content toolbar":"","Editor contextual toolbar":"","Editor dialog":"","Editor editing area: %0":"","Editor menu bar":"","Editor toolbar":"","Enter image caption":"Enter image caption","Enter table caption":"","Entering a to-do list":"","Error during image upload":"","Execute the currently focused button. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"","The URL must not be empty.":"The URL must not be empty.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"This link has no URL","This media URL is not supported.":"This media URL is not supported.",Tiny:"Tiny","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.","To-do List":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Type or paste your content here.":"","Type your title":"",Underline:"Underline","Underline text":"",Undo:"Undo",Unlink:"Unlink",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"Upload failed","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Upload in progress","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"White",Width:"","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"Yellow"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["en-gb"]=e["en-gb"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"","%0 of %1":"%0 of %1",Accept:"",Accessibility:"","Accessibility help":"","Align cell text to the bottom":"","Align cell text to the center":"","Align cell text to the left":"","Align cell text to the middle":"","Align cell text to the right":"","Align cell text to the top":"","Align center":"Align center","Align left":"Align left","Align right":"Align right","Align table to the left":"","Align table to the right":"",Alignment:"",Aquamarine:"Aquamarine",Background:"","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"",Big:"Big",Black:"Black","Block quote":"Block quote",Blue:"Blue","Blue marker":"Blue marker",Bold:"Bold","Bold text":"",Border:"","Break text":"","Bulleted List":"Bulleted List","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"",Cancel:"Cancel","Caption for image: %0":"","Caption for the image":"","Cell properties":"","Center table":"","Centered image":"Centred image","Change image text alternative":"Change image text alternative","Characters: %0":"Characters: %0","Choose heading":"Choose heading",Circle:"",Clear:"","Click to edit block":"",Close:"","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"",Code:"Code",Color:"","Color picker":"",Column:"Column","Content editing keystrokes":"","Create link":"",Custom:"","Custom image size":"",Dashed:"",Decimal:"","Decimal with leading zero":"","Decrease indent":"Decrease indent","Decrease list item indent":"",Default:"Default","Delete column":"Delete column","Delete row":"Delete row","Dim grey":"Dim grey",Dimensions:"","Disable editing":"",Disc:"","Document colors":"Document colours",Dotted:"",Double:"",Downloadable:"Downloadable","Drag to move":"","Dropdown toolbar":"","Edit block":"Edit block","Edit link":"Edit link","Editor block content toolbar":"","Editor contextual toolbar":"","Editor dialog":"","Editor editing area: %0":"","Editor menu bar":"","Editor toolbar":"","Enable editing":"Enable editing","Enter image caption":"Enter image caption","Enter table caption":"","Entering a to-do list":"","Error during image upload":"","Execute the currently focused button. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"This link has no URL",Tiny:"Tiny","To-do List":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Type or paste your content here.":"","Type your title":"",Underline:"Underline","Underline text":"",Undo:"Undo",Unlink:"Unlink",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"Upload failed","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Upload in progress","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"White",Width:"","Words: %0":"Words: %0","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"Yellow","Yellow marker":"Yellow marker"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/en.js b/build/translations/en.js
index 302f447..3454966 100644
--- a/build/translations/en.js
+++ b/build/translations/en.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["en"]=e["en"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(may require Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 of %1",Accept:"Accept",Accessibility:"Accessibility","Accessibility help":"Accessibility help","Align cell text to the bottom":"Align cell text to the bottom","Align cell text to the center":"Align cell text to the center","Align cell text to the left":"Align cell text to the left","Align cell text to the middle":"Align cell text to the middle","Align cell text to the right":"Align cell text to the right","Align cell text to the top":"Align cell text to the top","Align table to the left":"Align table to the left","Align table to the right":"Align table to the right",Alignment:"Alignment",Aquamarine:"Aquamarine",Background:"Background","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.",Big:"Big",Black:"Black","Block quote":"Block quote",Blue:"Blue",Bold:"Bold","Bold text":"Bold text",Border:"Border","Break text":"Break text","Bulleted List":"Bulleted List","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Bulleted list styles toolbar",Cancel:"Cancel","Caption for image: %0":"Caption for image: %0","Caption for the image":"Caption for the image","Cell properties":"Cell properties","Center table":"Center table","Centered image":"Centered image","Change image text alternative":"Change image text alternative","Choose heading":"Choose heading",Circle:"Circle",Clear:"Clear","Click to edit block":"Click to edit block",Close:"Close","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs",Code:"Code",Color:"Color","Color picker":"Color picker",Column:"Column","Content editing keystrokes":"Content editing keystrokes","Copy selected content":"Copy selected content","Create link":"Create link",Custom:"Custom","Custom image size":"Custom image size",Dashed:"Dashed",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal with leading zero","Decrease indent":"Decrease indent","Decrease list item indent":"Decrease list item indent",Default:"Default","Delete column":"Delete column","Delete row":"Delete row","Dim grey":"Dim grey",Dimensions:"Dimensions",Disc:"Disc","Document colors":"Document colors",Dotted:"Dotted",Double:"Double",Downloadable:"Downloadable","Drag to move":"Drag to move","Dropdown toolbar":"Dropdown toolbar","Edit block":"Edit block","Edit link":"Edit link","Editor block content toolbar":"Editor block content toolbar","Editor contextual toolbar":"Editor contextual toolbar","Editor dialog":"Editor dialog","Editor editing area: %0":"Editor editing area: %0","Editor menu bar":"Editor menu bar","Editor toolbar":"Editor toolbar","Enter image caption":"Enter image caption","Enter table caption":"Enter table caption","Entering a to-do list":"Entering a to-do list","Error during image upload":"Error during image upload","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.","Font Background Color":"Font Background Color","Font Color":"Font Color","Font Family":"Font Family","Font Size":"Font Size","Full size image":"Full size image",Green:"Green",Grey:"Grey",Groove:"Groove","Header column":"Header column","Header row":"Header row",Heading:"Heading","Heading 1":"Heading 1","Heading 2":"Heading 2","Heading 3":"Heading 3","Heading 4":"Heading 4","Heading 5":"Heading 5","Heading 6":"Heading 6",Height:"Height","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Horizontal line","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horizontal text alignment toolbar",Huge:"Huge","Image from computer":"Image from computer","Image resize list":"Image resize list","Image toolbar":"Image toolbar","Image upload complete":"Image upload complete","image widget":"image widget","In line":"In line","Increase indent":"Increase indent","Increase list item indent":"Increase list item indent",Insert:"Insert","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)","Insert column left":"Insert column left","Insert column right":"Insert column right","Insert image":"Insert image","Insert image via URL":"Insert image via URL","Insert media":"Insert media","Insert paragraph after block":"Insert paragraph after block","Insert paragraph before block":"Insert paragraph before block","Insert row above":"Insert row above","Insert row below":"Insert row below","Insert table":"Insert table",Inset:"Inset","Invalid start index value.":"Invalid start index value.",Italic:"Italic","Italic text":"Italic text","Justify cell text":"Justify cell text","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Keystrokes that can be used in a list","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Leaving a to-do list","Left aligned image":"Left aligned image","Light blue":"Light blue","Light green":"Light green","Light grey":"Light grey",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link image","Link URL":"Link URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"Link URL must not be empty.","List properties":"List properties","Lower-latin":"Lower-latin","Lower–roman":"Lower–roman","Media toolbar":"Media toolbar","Media URL":"Media URL","media widget":"media widget",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Edit",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"File",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Font",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Help",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Insert",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Text",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Tools",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"View","Merge cell down":"Merge cell down","Merge cell left":"Merge cell left","Merge cell right":"Merge cell right","Merge cell up":"Merge cell up","Merge cells":"Merge cells","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Move focus in and out of an active dialog window","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars","Move out of a link":"Move out of a link","Move out of an inline code style":"Move out of an inline code style","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Move the selection to the next cell","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Move the selection to the previous cell","Navigate through the table":"Navigate through the table","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar",Next:"Next","No results found":"No results found","No searchable items":"No searchable items",None:"None","Numbered List":"Numbered List","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Numbered list styles toolbar","Open in a new tab":"Open in a new tab","Open link in new tab":"Open link in new tab","Open media in new tab":"Open media in new tab","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Open the accessibility help dialog",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Original",Outset:"Outset",Padding:"Padding",Paragraph:"Paragraph","Paste content":"Paste content","Paste content as plain text":"Paste content as plain text","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Paste the media URL in the input.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Press %0 for help.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget",Previous:"Previous",Purple:"Purple",Red:"Red",Redo:"Redo","Remove color":"Remove color","Remove Format":"Remove Format","Replace from computer":"Replace from computer","Replace image":"Replace image","Replace image from computer":"Replace image from computer","Resize image":"Resize image","Resize image (in %0)":"Resize image (in %0)","Resize image to %0":"Resize image to %0","Resize image to the original size":"Resize image to the original size","Restore default":"Restore default","Reversed order":"Reversed order","Revert autoformatting action":"Revert autoformatting action","Rich Text Editor":"Rich Text Editor",Ridge:"Ridge","Right aligned image":"Right aligned image",Row:"Row",Save:"Save","Select all":"Select all","Select column":"Select column","Select row":"Select row","Show more items":"Show more items","Side image":"Side image",Small:"Small",Solid:"Solid","Split cell horizontally":"Split cell horizontally","Split cell vertically":"Split cell vertically",Square:"Square","Start at":"Start at","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Start index must be greater than 0.",Strikethrough:"Strikethrough","Strikethrough text":"Strikethrough text",Style:"Style",Subscript:"Subscript",Superscript:"Superscript",Table:"Table","Table alignment toolbar":"Table alignment toolbar","Table cell text alignment":"Table cell text alignment","Table properties":"Table properties","Table toolbar":"Table toolbar","Text alternative":"Text alternative",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"The URL must not be empty.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"The value must not be empty.","The value should be a plain number.":"The value should be a plain number.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.","This link has no URL":"This link has no URL","This media URL is not supported.":"This media URL is not supported.",Tiny:"Tiny","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.","To-do List":"To-do List","Toggle caption off":"Toggle caption off","Toggle caption on":"Toggle caption on","Toggle the circle list style":"Toggle the circle list style","Toggle the decimal list style":"Toggle the decimal list style","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style","Toggle the disc list style":"Toggle the disc list style","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Toggle the lower–latin list style","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Toggle the lower–roman list style","Toggle the square list style":"Toggle the square list style","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Toggle the upper–latin list style","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Toggle the upper–roman list style",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Type or paste your content here.":"Type or paste your content here.","Type your title":"Type your title",Underline:"Underline","Underline text":"Underline text",Undo:"Undo",Unlink:"Unlink",Update:"Update","Update image URL":"Update image URL","Upload failed":"Upload failed","Upload from computer":"Upload from computer","Upload image from computer":"Upload image from computer","Upload in progress":"Upload in progress","Uploading image":"Uploading image","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"User interface and content navigation keystrokes","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertical text alignment toolbar",White:"White","Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar",Width:"Width","Wrap text":"Wrap text",Yellow:"Yellow"})})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["en"]=e["en"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(may require Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 of %1",Accept:"Accept",Accessibility:"Accessibility","Accessibility help":"Accessibility help","Advanced options":"Advanced options","Align cell text to the bottom":"Align cell text to the bottom","Align cell text to the center":"Align cell text to the center","Align cell text to the left":"Align cell text to the left","Align cell text to the middle":"Align cell text to the middle","Align cell text to the right":"Align cell text to the right","Align cell text to the top":"Align cell text to the top","Align center":"Align center","Align left":"Align left","Align right":"Align right","Align table to the left":"Align table to the left","Align table to the right":"Align table to the right",Alignment:"Alignment",Aquamarine:"Aquamarine",Background:"Background","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.",Big:"Big",Black:"Black","Block quote":"Block quote","Block styles":"Block styles",Blue:"Blue","Blue marker":"Blue marker",Bold:"Bold","Bold text":"Bold text",Border:"Border","Break text":"Break text","Bulleted List":"Bulleted List","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Bulleted list styles toolbar",Cancel:"Cancel","Caption for image: %0":"Caption for image: %0","Caption for the image":"Caption for the image","Cell properties":"Cell properties","Center table":"Center table","Centered image":"Centered image","Change image text alternative":"Change image text alternative","Characters: %0":"Characters: %0","Choose heading":"Choose heading",Circle:"Circle",Clear:"Clear","Click to edit block":"Click to edit block",Close:"Close","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs",Code:"Code","Code block":"Code block",Color:"Color","Color picker":"Color picker",Column:"Column","Content editing keystrokes":"Content editing keystrokes","Copy selected content":"Copy selected content","Create link":"Create link",Custom:"Custom","Custom image size":"Custom image size",Dashed:"Dashed",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal with leading zero","Decrease indent":"Decrease indent","Decrease list item indent":"Decrease list item indent",Default:"Default","Delete column":"Delete column","Delete row":"Delete row","Dim grey":"Dim grey",Dimensions:"Dimensions","Disable editing":"Disable editing",Disc:"Disc","Document colors":"Document colors",Dotted:"Dotted",Double:"Double",Downloadable:"Downloadable","Drag to move":"Drag to move","Dropdown toolbar":"Dropdown toolbar","Edit block":"Edit block","Edit link":"Edit link","Editor block content toolbar":"Editor block content toolbar","Editor contextual toolbar":"Editor contextual toolbar","Editor dialog":"Editor dialog","Editor editing area: %0":"Editor editing area: %0","Editor menu bar":"Editor menu bar","Editor toolbar":"Editor toolbar","Enable editing":"Enable editing","Enter image caption":"Enter image caption","Enter table caption":"Enter table caption","Entering %0 code snippet":"Entering %0 code snippet","Entering a to-do list":"Entering a to-do list","Entering code snippet":"Entering code snippet","Error during image upload":"Error during image upload","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.",Find:"Find","Find and replace":"Find and replace","Find in text…":"Find in text…","Find in the document":"Find in the document","Font Background Color":"Font Background Color","Font Color":"Font Color","Font Family":"Font Family","Font Size":"Font Size","Full size image":"Full size image",Green:"Green","Green marker":"Green marker","Green pen":"Green pen",Grey:"Grey",Groove:"Groove","Header column":"Header column","Header row":"Header row",Heading:"Heading","Heading 1":"Heading 1","Heading 2":"Heading 2","Heading 3":"Heading 3","Heading 4":"Heading 4","Heading 5":"Heading 5","Heading 6":"Heading 6",Height:"Height","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Highlight","Horizontal line":"Horizontal line","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horizontal text alignment toolbar","HTML object":"HTML object",Huge:"Huge","Image from computer":"Image from computer","Image resize list":"Image resize list","Image toolbar":"Image toolbar","Image upload complete":"Image upload complete","image widget":"image widget","In line":"In line","Increase indent":"Increase indent","Increase list item indent":"Increase list item indent",Insert:"Insert","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)","Insert code block":"Insert code block","Insert column left":"Insert column left","Insert column right":"Insert column right","Insert image":"Insert image","Insert image via URL":"Insert image via URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Insert paragraph after block","Insert paragraph before block":"Insert paragraph before block","Insert row above":"Insert row above","Insert row below":"Insert row below","Insert table":"Insert table",Inset:"Inset","Invalid start index value.":"Invalid start index value.",Italic:"Italic","Italic text":"Italic text",Justify:"Justify","Justify cell text":"Justify cell text","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Keystrokes that can be used in a list","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Leaving %0 code snippet","Leaving a to-do list":"Leaving a to-do list","Leaving code snippet":"Leaving code snippet","Left aligned image":"Left aligned image","Light blue":"Light blue","Light green":"Light green","Light grey":"Light grey",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link image","Link URL":"Link URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"Link URL must not be empty.","List properties":"List properties","Lower-latin":"Lower-latin","Lower–roman":"Lower–roman","Match case":"Match case",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Edit",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"File",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Font",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Help",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Insert",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Text",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Tools",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"View","Merge cell down":"Merge cell down","Merge cell left":"Merge cell left","Merge cell right":"Merge cell right","Merge cell up":"Merge cell up","Merge cells":"Merge cells","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Move focus in and out of an active dialog window","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars","Move out of a link":"Move out of a link","Move out of an inline code style":"Move out of an inline code style","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Move the selection to the next cell","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Move the selection to the previous cell","Multiple styles":"Multiple styles","Navigate editable regions":"Navigate editable regions","Navigate through the table":"Navigate through the table","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar",Next:"Next","Next editable region":"Next editable region","Next result":"Next result","No results found":"No results found","No searchable items":"No searchable items",None:"None","Numbered List":"Numbered List","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Numbered list styles toolbar","Open in a new tab":"Open in a new tab","Open link in new tab":"Open link in new tab","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Open the accessibility help dialog",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Original",Outset:"Outset",Padding:"Padding",Paragraph:"Paragraph","Paste content":"Paste content","Paste content as plain text":"Paste content as plain text","Pink marker":"Pink marker","Plain text":"Plain text",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Press %0 for help.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget",Previous:"Previous","Previous editable region":"Previous editable region","Previous result":"Previous result",Purple:"Purple",Red:"Red","Red pen":"Red pen",Redo:"Redo","Remove color":"Remove color","Remove Format":"Remove Format","Remove highlight":"Remove highlight",Replace:"Replace","Replace all":"Replace all","Replace from computer":"Replace from computer","Replace image":"Replace image","Replace image from computer":"Replace image from computer","Replace with…":"Replace with…","Resize image":"Resize image","Resize image (in %0)":"Resize image (in %0)","Resize image to %0":"Resize image to %0","Resize image to the original size":"Resize image to the original size","Restore default":"Restore default","Reversed order":"Reversed order","Revert autoformatting action":"Revert autoformatting action","Rich Text Editor":"Rich Text Editor",Ridge:"Ridge","Right aligned image":"Right aligned image",Row:"Row",Save:"Save","Select all":"Select all","Select column":"Select column","Select row":"Select row","Show more items":"Show more items","Side image":"Side image",Small:"Small",Solid:"Solid","Split cell horizontally":"Split cell horizontally","Split cell vertically":"Split cell vertically",Square:"Square","Start at":"Start at","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Start index must be greater than 0.",Strikethrough:"Strikethrough","Strikethrough text":"Strikethrough text",Style:"Style",Styles:"Styles",Subscript:"Subscript",Superscript:"Superscript",Table:"Table","Table alignment toolbar":"Table alignment toolbar","Table cell text alignment":"Table cell text alignment","Table properties":"Table properties","Table toolbar":"Table toolbar","Text alignment":"Text alignment","Text alignment toolbar":"Text alignment toolbar","Text alternative":"Text alternative","Text highlight toolbar":"Text highlight toolbar","Text styles":"Text styles","Text to find must not be empty.":"Text to find must not be empty.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"The value must not be empty.","The value should be a plain number.":"The value should be a plain number.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.","This link has no URL":"This link has no URL",Tiny:"Tiny","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.","To-do List":"To-do List","Toggle caption off":"Toggle caption off","Toggle caption on":"Toggle caption on","Toggle the circle list style":"Toggle the circle list style","Toggle the decimal list style":"Toggle the decimal list style","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style","Toggle the disc list style":"Toggle the disc list style","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Toggle the lower–latin list style","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Toggle the lower–roman list style","Toggle the square list style":"Toggle the square list style","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Toggle the upper–latin list style","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Toggle the upper–roman list style",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Type or paste your content here.":"Type or paste your content here.","Type your title":"Type your title",Underline:"Underline","Underline text":"Underline text",Undo:"Undo",Unlink:"Unlink",Update:"Update","Update image URL":"Update image URL","Upload failed":"Upload failed","Upload from computer":"Upload from computer","Upload image from computer":"Upload image from computer","Upload in progress":"Upload in progress","Uploading image":"Uploading image","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"User interface and content navigation keystrokes","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertical text alignment toolbar",White:"White","Whole words only":"Whole words only","Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar",Width:"Width","Words: %0":"Words: %0","Wrap text":"Wrap text",Yellow:"Yellow","Yellow marker":"Yellow marker"})})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/es-co.js b/build/translations/es-co.js
index 4c32387..72f26bf 100644
--- a/build/translations/es-co.js
+++ b/build/translations/es-co.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const o=e["es-co"]=e["es-co"]||{};o.dictionary=Object.assign(o.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"","%0 of %1":"%0 de %1",Accept:"",Accessibility:"","Accessibility help":"",Aquamarine:"","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"",Big:"Grande",Black:"","Block quote":"Cita de bloque",Blue:"",Bold:"Negrita","Bold text":"","Break text":"",Cancel:"Cancelar","Caption for image: %0":"","Caption for the image":"","Centered image":"","Change image text alternative":"",Clear:"","Click to edit block":"",Close:"","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"",Code:"Código","Content editing keystrokes":"","Copy selected content":"Copiar contenido seleccionado",Custom:"","Custom image size":"",Default:"Por defecto","Dim grey":"","Document colors":"Colores del documento","Drag to move":"","Dropdown toolbar":"","Edit block":"","Editor block content toolbar":"","Editor contextual toolbar":"","Editor dialog":"","Editor editing area: %0":"","Editor menu bar":"","Editor toolbar":"","Enter image caption":"","Error during image upload":"","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"","Font Background Color":"Color de fondo de fuente","Font Color":"Color de fuente","Font Family":"Familia de fuente","Font Size":"Tamaño de fuente","Full size image":"",Green:"",Grey:"","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"",HEX:"",Huge:"Enorme","Image from computer":"","Image resize list":"","Image toolbar":"","Image upload complete":"","image widget":"","In line":"",Insert:"Insertar","Insert image":"","Insert image via URL":"",Italic:"Cursiva","Italic text":"Texto en cursiva","Left aligned image":"","Light blue":"","Light green":"","Light grey":"",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Editar",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Insertar",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"","Move out of an inline code style":"","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"",Next:"","No results found":"","No searchable items":"","Open the accessibility help dialog":"",Orange:"",Original:"","Paste content":"Pegar contenido","Paste content as plain text":"Pegar contenido como texto plano",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"","Press %0 for help.":"",Previous:"",Purple:"",Red:"","Remove color":"Quitar color","Replace from computer":"","Replace image":"","Replace image from computer":"","Resize image":"","Resize image (in %0)":"","Resize image to %0":"","Resize image to the original size":"","Restore default":"Restaurar valores predeterminados","Revert autoformatting action":"Revertir la acción de formato automático","Rich Text Editor":"","Right aligned image":"",Save:"Guardar","Show more items":"Mostrar más elementos","Side image":"",Small:"Pequeña",Strikethrough:"Tachado","Strikethrough text":"",Subscript:"Subíndice",Superscript:"Superíndice","Text alternative":"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"",Tiny:"Diminuta","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"",Turquoise:"",Underline:"Subrayado","Underline text":"",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Carga en progreso","Uploading image":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"",White:"","Wrap text":"",Yellow:""});o.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==1?0:e!=0&&e%1e6==0?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["es-co"]=e["es-co"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"","%0 of %1":"%0 de %1",Accept:"",Accessibility:"","Accessibility help":"","Advanced options":"","Align center":"Centrar","Align left":"Alinear a la izquierda","Align right":"Alinear a la derecha",Aquamarine:"","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"",Big:"Grande",Black:"","Block quote":"Cita de bloque",Blue:"","Blue marker":"Marcador azul",Bold:"Negrita","Bold text":"","Break text":"",Cancel:"Cancelar","Caption for image: %0":"","Caption for the image":"","Centered image":"","Change image text alternative":"","Characters: %0":"Caracteres: %0",Clear:"","Click to edit block":"",Close:"","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"",Code:"Código","Code block":"","Content editing keystrokes":"","Copy selected content":"Copiar contenido seleccionado",Custom:"","Custom image size":"",Default:"Por defecto","Dim grey":"","Document colors":"Colores del documento","Drag to move":"","Dropdown toolbar":"","Edit block":"","Editor block content toolbar":"","Editor contextual toolbar":"","Editor dialog":"","Editor editing area: %0":"","Editor menu bar":"","Editor toolbar":"","Enter image caption":"","Entering %0 code snippet":"","Entering code snippet":"","Error during image upload":"","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"",Find:"","Find and replace":"","Find in text…":"","Find in the document":"","Font Background Color":"Color de fondo de fuente","Font Color":"Color de fuente","Font Family":"Familia de fuente","Font Size":"Tamaño de fuente","Full size image":"",Green:"","Green marker":"Marcador verde","Green pen":"Pincel verde",Grey:"","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"",HEX:"",Highlight:"Resaltar",Huge:"Enorme","Image from computer":"","Image resize list":"","Image toolbar":"","Image upload complete":"","image widget":"","In line":"",Insert:"Insertar","Insert code block":"Insertar bloque de código","Insert image":"","Insert image via URL":"",Italic:"Cursiva","Italic text":"Texto en cursiva",Justify:"Justificar","Leaving %0 code snippet":"","Leaving code snippet":"","Left aligned image":"","Light blue":"","Light green":"","Light grey":"","Match case":"",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Editar",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Insertar",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"","Move out of an inline code style":"","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"",Next:"","Next result":"","No results found":"","No searchable items":"","Open the accessibility help dialog":"",Orange:"",Original:"","Paste content":"Pegar contenido","Paste content as plain text":"Pegar contenido como texto plano","Pink marker":"Marcador rosa","Plain text":"Texto plano",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"","Press %0 for help.":"",Previous:"","Previous result":"",Purple:"",Red:"","Red pen":"Pincel rojo","Remove color":"Quitar color","Remove highlight":"Quitar resaltado",Replace:"Reemplazar","Replace all":"","Replace from computer":"","Replace image":"","Replace image from computer":"","Replace with…":"","Resize image":"","Resize image (in %0)":"","Resize image to %0":"","Resize image to the original size":"","Restore default":"Restaurar valores predeterminados","Revert autoformatting action":"Revertir la acción de formato automático","Rich Text Editor":"","Right aligned image":"",Save:"Guardar","Show more items":"Mostrar más elementos","Side image":"",Small:"Pequeña",Strikethrough:"Tachado","Strikethrough text":"",Subscript:"Subíndice",Superscript:"Superíndice","Text alignment":"Alineación de texto","Text alignment toolbar":"Herramientas de alineación de texto","Text alternative":"","Text highlight toolbar":"Herramientas de resaltado de texto","Text to find must not be empty.":"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"",Tiny:"Diminuta","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"",Turquoise:"",Underline:"Subrayado","Underline text":"",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Carga en progreso","Uploading image":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"",White:"","Whole words only":"","Words: %0":"Palabras: %0","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"","Yellow marker":"Marcador amarillo"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==1?0:e!=0&&e%1e6==0?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/es.js b/build/translations/es.js
index 27e9025..d00ca52 100644
--- a/build/translations/es.js
+++ b/build/translations/es.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const a=e["es"]=e["es"]||{};a.dictionary=Object.assign(a.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(puede requerir Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 de %1",Accept:"Aceptar",Accessibility:"Accesibilidad","Accessibility help":"Ayuda de accesibilidad","Align cell text to the bottom":"Alinear texto de celda hacia abajo","Align cell text to the center":"Centrar texto de celda","Align cell text to the left":"Alinear texto de celda a la izquierda","Align cell text to the middle":"Alinear texto de celda al medio","Align cell text to the right":"Alinear texto de celda a la derecha","Align cell text to the top":"Alinear texto de celda hacia arriba","Align table to the left":"Alinear tabla a la izquierda","Align table to the right":"Alinear tabla a la derecha",Alignment:"Alineación",Aquamarine:"Aguamarina",Background:"Fondo","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"A continuación, encontrará una lista de atajos de teclado que se pueden utilizar en el editor.",Big:"Grande",Black:"Negro","Block quote":"Bloque de cita",Blue:"Azul",Bold:"Negrita","Bold text":"Texto en negrita",Border:"Borde","Break text":"Permitir quebrar texto","Bulleted List":"Lista con viñetas","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Estilos de lista con viñetas",Cancel:"Cancelar","Caption for image: %0":"Título de la imagen: %0","Caption for the image":"Descripción de la imagen","Cell properties":"Propiedades de celda","Center table":"Centrar tabla","Centered image":"Imagen centrada","Change image text alternative":"Cambiar el texto alternativo de la imagen","Choose heading":"Elegir Encabezado",Circle:"Círculo",Clear:"Borrar","Click to edit block":"Haz clic para editar el bloque",Close:"Cerrar","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Cierra globos contextuales, menús desplegables y cuadros de diálogo",Code:"Código",Color:"Color","Color picker":"Selector de color",Column:"Columna","Content editing keystrokes":"Teclas de edición de contenido","Copy selected content":"Copia el contenido seleccionado","Create link":"Crea un enlace",Custom:"Personalizar","Custom image size":"Personalizar tamaño de imagen",Dashed:"Línea discontinua",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal con cero","Decrease indent":"Disminuir sangría","Decrease list item indent":"Reduce la sangría de los elementos de la lista",Default:"Por defecto","Delete column":"Eliminar columna","Delete row":"Eliminar fila","Dim grey":"Gris oscuro",Dimensions:"Dimensiones",Disc:"Disco","Document colors":"Colores del documento",Dotted:"Línea de puntos",Double:"Doble línea",Downloadable:"Descargable","Drag to move":"Arrastra para mover","Dropdown toolbar":"Barra de herramientas desplegable","Edit block":"Cuadro de edición","Edit link":"Editar enlace","Editor block content toolbar":"Barra de herramientas de contenido del bloque del editor","Editor contextual toolbar":"Barra de herramientas contextual del editor","Editor dialog":"Diálogo del editor","Editor editing area: %0":"Área de edición del editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"Barra de menú del editor","Editor toolbar":"Barra de herramientas de edición","Enter image caption":"Introducir título de la imagen","Enter table caption":"Ingresar título de tabla","Entering a to-do list":"Ingresando lista de tareas pendientes","Error during image upload":"Error durante la carga de la imagen","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Ejecutar el botón actualmente enfocado. Al ejecutar botones que interactúan con el contenido del editor, el foco vuelve al contenido.","Font Background Color":"Color de Fondo","Font Color":"Color de Fuente","Font Family":"Fuente","Font Size":"Tamaño de fuente","Full size image":"Imagen a tamaño completo",Green:"Verde",Grey:"Gris",Groove:"Bisel","Header column":"Columna de encabezado","Header row":"Fila de encabezado",Heading:"Encabezado","Heading 1":"Encabezado 1","Heading 2":"Encabezado 2","Heading 3":"Encabezado 3","Heading 4":"Encabezado 4","Heading 5":"Encabezado 5","Heading 6":"Encabezado 6",Height:"Altura","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Contenidos de ayuda. Presione ESC para cerrar este cuadro de diálogo.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Línea horizontal","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Alineación horizontal de texto",Huge:"Enorme","Image from computer":"Imagen del ordenador","Image resize list":"Listado para redimensionar imagen","Image toolbar":"Barra de herramientas de imagen","Image upload complete":"Carga de imagen completa","image widget":"Widget de imagen","In line":"En línea","Increase indent":"Aumentar sangría","Increase list item indent":"Aumenta la sangría de los elementos de la lista",Insert:"Insertar","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Inserta un salto de párrafo (un nuevo párrafo)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserta un nuevo párrafo directamente después de un módulo interactivo","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserta un nuevo párrafo directamente antes de un módulo interactivo","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Inserta una nueva fila de la tabla (cuando esté en la última celda de una tabla)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Inserta un salto de línea (un elemento <br>
)","Insert column left":"Insertar columna izquierda","Insert column right":"Insertar columna derecha","Insert image":"Insertar imagen","Insert image via URL":"Insertar imagen vía URL","Insert media":"Insertar contenido multimedia","Insert paragraph after block":"Insertar párrafo después del bloque","Insert paragraph before block":"Insertar párrafo antes del bloque","Insert row above":"Insertar fila encima","Insert row below":"Insertar fila debajo","Insert table":"Insertar tabla",Inset:"Incrustación","Invalid start index value.":"Valor de índice de inicio no válido.",Italic:"Cursiva","Italic text":"Texto en cursiva","Justify cell text":"Justificar texto de celda","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Teclas que se pueden utilizar en una lista","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Teclas que se pueden utilizar en una celda de tabla","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Teclas que se pueden utilizar cuando se selecciona un módulo interactivo (por ejemplo: imagen, tabla, etc.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Abandonando lista de tareas pendientes","Left aligned image":"Imagen alineada a la izquierda","Light blue":"Azul claro","Light green":"Verde claro","Light grey":"Gris claro",Link:"Enlace","Link image":"URL de la imagen","Link URL":"URL del enlace","Link URL must not be empty.":"La URL del enlace no puede estar vacía.","List properties":"Propiedades de la lista","Lower-latin":"Latinos minúsculas","Lower–roman":"Romanos minúsculas","Media toolbar":"Barra de herramientas de contenido multimedia","Media URL":"URL del contenido multimedia","media widget":"Widget de contenido multimedia",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Editar",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Archivo",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Fuente",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formato",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Ayuda",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Insertar",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Texto",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Herramientas",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Ver","Merge cell down":"Combinar celda inferior","Merge cell left":"Combinar celda izquierda","Merge cell right":"Combinar celda derecha","Merge cell up":"Combinar celda superior","Merge cells":"Combinar celdas","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Mueve el foco entre campos de formulario (entradas, botones, etc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Mueve el foco dentro y fuera de una ventana de diálogo activa","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Mover el foco a la barra de menú, navegar entre las barras de menú","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Mueve el foco a la barra de herramientas y navega entre barras de herramientas","Move out of a link":"Sale de un enlace","Move out of an inline code style":"Sale de un estilo de código en línea","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mueve el cursor para permitir escribir directamente después de un módulo interactivo","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mueve el cursor para permitir escribir directamente antes de un módulo interactivo","Move the selection to the next cell":"Mueve la selección a la siguiente celda","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Mueve la selección a la celda anterior","Navigate through the table":"Navega por la tabla","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navegar por la barra de herramientas o la barra de menú",Next:"Siguiente","No results found":"No se han encontrado resultados","No searchable items":"No hay elementos que buscar",None:"Ninguno","Numbered List":"Lista numerada","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Estilos de lista numerada","Open in a new tab":"Abrir en una pestaña nueva ","Open link in new tab":"Abrir enlace en una pestaña nueva","Open media in new tab":"Abrir medio en una pestaña nueva","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Abre el cuadro de diálogo de ayuda de accesibilidad",Orange:"Naranja",Original:"Original",Outset:"Relieve",Padding:"Márgenes",Paragraph:"Párrafo","Paste content":"Pega el contenido","Paste content as plain text":"Pega el contenido como texto sin formato","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Pega la URL del contenido multimedia",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Introduzca un color válido (p. ej., "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Presione %0 para obtener ayuda.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Pulse Intro para escribir después o pulse Mayús + Intro para escribir antes del «widget».",Previous:"Anterior",Purple:"Morado",Red:"Rojo",Redo:"Rehacer","Remove color":"Quitar color","Remove Format":"Quitar Formato","Replace from computer":"Reemplazar desde el ordenador","Replace image":"Reemplazar imagen","Replace image from computer":"Reemplazar imagen del ordenador","Resize image":"Redimensionar imagen","Resize image (in %0)":"Cambiar tamaño de la imagen (en un %0)","Resize image to %0":"Redimensionar imagen al %0","Resize image to the original size":"Redimensionar imagen al tamaño original","Restore default":"Restaurar valores predeterminados","Reversed order":"Orden inverso","Revert autoformatting action":"Revierte la acción de formato automático","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de Texto Enriquecido",Ridge:"Marco","Right aligned image":"Imagen alineada a la derecha",Row:"Fila",Save:"Guardar","Select all":"Seleccionar todo","Select column":"Seleccionar columna","Select row":"Seleccionar fila","Show more items":"Mostrar más elementos","Side image":"Imagen lateral",Small:"Pequeño",Solid:"Sólido","Split cell horizontally":"Dividir celdas horizontalmente","Split cell vertically":"Dividir celdas verticalmente",Square:"Cuadrado","Start at":"Empezar en","Start index must be greater than 0.":"El número de inicio debe ser mayor que 0.",Strikethrough:"Tachado","Strikethrough text":"Tacha el texto",Style:"Estilo",Subscript:"Subíndice",Superscript:"Superíndice",Table:"Tabla","Table alignment toolbar":"Alineación de tabla","Table cell text alignment":"Alineación texto de celda","Table properties":"Propiedades de tabla","Table toolbar":"Barra de herramientas de tabla","Text alternative":"Texto alternativo",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'El color es inválido. Intente con "#FF0000", "rgb(255,0,0)" o "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"La URL no debe estar vacía",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'El valor es inválido. Intente con "10px", "2em" o simplemente "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"El valor no puede estar vacío.","The value should be a plain number.":"El valor debe ser un número simple.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Estos atajos de teclado permiten acceder rápidamente a las funciones de edición de contenido.","This link has no URL":"Este enlace no tiene URL","This media URL is not supported.":"La URL de este contenido multimedia no está soportada",Tiny:"Minúsculo","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tip: pega la URL dentro del contenido para embeber más rápido","To-do List":"Lista de tareas","Toggle caption off":"Desactivar título","Toggle caption on":"Activar título","Toggle the circle list style":"Cambiar estilo de viñeta a círculo","Toggle the decimal list style":"Cambiar estilo de lista a decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Cambiar estilo de lista decimal empezando con cero","Toggle the disc list style":"Cambiar estilo de viñeta a disco","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Cambiar estilo de lista a números latinos en minúsculas","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Cambiar estilo de lista a números romanos en minúsculas","Toggle the square list style":"Cambiar estilo de viñeta a cuadrado","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Cambiar estilo de lista a números latinos en mayúsculas","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Cambiar estilo de lista a números roanos en mayúsculas",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Type or paste your content here.":"Introduce o pega tu contenido aquí","Type your title":"Introduce tu título",Underline:"Subrayado","Underline text":"Subraya el texto",Undo:"Deshacer",Unlink:"Quitar enlace",Update:"Actualizar","Update image URL":"Actualizar imagen vía URL","Upload failed":"Fallo en la subida","Upload from computer":"Subir desde el ordenador","Upload image from computer":"Subir imagen desde el ordenador","Upload in progress":"Subida en progreso","Uploading image":"Cargando imagen","Upper-latin":"Latinos minúsculas","Upper-roman":"Romanos mayúscula","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Utilice las siguientes combinaciones de teclas para una navegación más eficiente en la interfaz de usuario de CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Teclas de navegación de contenido e interfaz de usuario","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Alineación vertical de texto",White:"Blanco","Widget toolbar":"Barra de herramientas del widget",Width:"Ancho","Wrap text":"Mantener texto unido",Yellow:"Amarillo"});a.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==1?0:e!=0&&e%1e6==0?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const a=e["es"]=e["es"]||{};a.dictionary=Object.assign(a.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(puede requerir Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 de %1",Accept:"Aceptar",Accessibility:"Accesibilidad","Accessibility help":"Ayuda de accesibilidad","Advanced options":"Opciones avanzadas","Align cell text to the bottom":"Alinear texto de celda hacia abajo","Align cell text to the center":"Centrar texto de celda","Align cell text to the left":"Alinear texto de celda a la izquierda","Align cell text to the middle":"Alinear texto de celda al medio","Align cell text to the right":"Alinear texto de celda a la derecha","Align cell text to the top":"Alinear texto de celda hacia arriba","Align center":"Centrar","Align left":"Alinear a la izquierda","Align right":"Alinear a la derecha","Align table to the left":"Alinear tabla a la izquierda","Align table to the right":"Alinear tabla a la derecha",Alignment:"Alineación",Aquamarine:"Aguamarina",Background:"Fondo","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"A continuación, encontrará una lista de atajos de teclado que se pueden utilizar en el editor.",Big:"Grande",Black:"Negro","Block quote":"Bloque de cita","Block styles":"Estilos de bloque",Blue:"Azul","Blue marker":"Marcador azul",Bold:"Negrita","Bold text":"Texto en negrita",Border:"Borde","Break text":"Permitir quebrar texto","Bulleted List":"Lista con viñetas","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Estilos de lista con viñetas",Cancel:"Cancelar","Caption for image: %0":"Título de la imagen: %0","Caption for the image":"Descripción de la imagen","Cell properties":"Propiedades de celda","Center table":"Centrar tabla","Centered image":"Imagen centrada","Change image text alternative":"Cambiar el texto alternativo de la imagen","Characters: %0":"Caracteres: %0","Choose heading":"Elegir Encabezado",Circle:"Círculo",Clear:"Borrar","Click to edit block":"Haz clic para editar el bloque",Close:"Cerrar","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Cierra globos contextuales, menús desplegables y cuadros de diálogo",Code:"Código","Code block":"Bloque de código",Color:"Color","Color picker":"Selector de color",Column:"Columna","Content editing keystrokes":"Teclas de edición de contenido","Copy selected content":"Copia el contenido seleccionado","Create link":"Crea un enlace",Custom:"Personalizar","Custom image size":"Personalizar tamaño de imagen",Dashed:"Línea discontinua",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal con cero","Decrease indent":"Disminuir sangría","Decrease list item indent":"Reduce la sangría de los elementos de la lista",Default:"Por defecto","Delete column":"Eliminar columna","Delete row":"Eliminar fila","Dim grey":"Gris oscuro",Dimensions:"Dimensiones","Disable editing":"Inhabilitar edición",Disc:"Disco","Document colors":"Colores del documento",Dotted:"Línea de puntos",Double:"Doble línea",Downloadable:"Descargable","Drag to move":"Arrastra para mover","Dropdown toolbar":"Barra de herramientas desplegable","Edit block":"Cuadro de edición","Edit link":"Editar enlace","Editor block content toolbar":"Barra de herramientas de contenido del bloque del editor","Editor contextual toolbar":"Barra de herramientas contextual del editor","Editor dialog":"Diálogo del editor","Editor editing area: %0":"Área de edición del editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"Barra de menú del editor","Editor toolbar":"Barra de herramientas de edición","Enable editing":"Habilitar edición","Enter image caption":"Introducir título de la imagen","Enter table caption":"Ingresar título de tabla","Entering %0 code snippet":"Ingresando fragmento de código %0","Entering a to-do list":"Ingresando lista de tareas pendientes","Entering code snippet":"Ingresando fragmento de código","Error during image upload":"Error durante la carga de la imagen","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Ejecutar el botón actualmente enfocado. Al ejecutar botones que interactúan con el contenido del editor, el foco vuelve al contenido.",Find:"Buscar","Find and replace":"Buscar y reemplazar","Find in text…":"Buscar en el texto...","Find in the document":"Busca en el documento","Font Background Color":"Color de Fondo","Font Color":"Color de Fuente","Font Family":"Fuente","Font Size":"Tamaño de fuente","Full size image":"Imagen a tamaño completo",Green:"Verde","Green marker":"Marcador verde","Green pen":"Texto verde",Grey:"Gris",Groove:"Bisel","Header column":"Columna de encabezado","Header row":"Fila de encabezado",Heading:"Encabezado","Heading 1":"Encabezado 1","Heading 2":"Encabezado 2","Heading 3":"Encabezado 3","Heading 4":"Encabezado 4","Heading 5":"Encabezado 5","Heading 6":"Encabezado 6",Height:"Altura","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Contenidos de ayuda. Presione ESC para cerrar este cuadro de diálogo.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Resaltar","Horizontal line":"Línea horizontal","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Alineación horizontal de texto","HTML object":"Objeto HTML",Huge:"Enorme","Image from computer":"Imagen del ordenador","Image resize list":"Listado para redimensionar imagen","Image toolbar":"Barra de herramientas de imagen","Image upload complete":"Carga de imagen completa","image widget":"Widget de imagen","In line":"En línea","Increase indent":"Aumentar sangría","Increase list item indent":"Aumenta la sangría de los elementos de la lista",Insert:"Insertar","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Inserta un salto de párrafo (un nuevo párrafo)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserta un nuevo párrafo directamente después de un módulo interactivo","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserta un nuevo párrafo directamente antes de un módulo interactivo","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Inserta una nueva fila de la tabla (cuando esté en la última celda de una tabla)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Inserta un salto de línea (un elemento <br>
)","Insert code block":"Insertar bloque de código","Insert column left":"Insertar columna izquierda","Insert column right":"Insertar columna derecha","Insert image":"Insertar imagen","Insert image via URL":"Insertar imagen vía URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Insertar párrafo después del bloque","Insert paragraph before block":"Insertar párrafo antes del bloque","Insert row above":"Insertar fila encima","Insert row below":"Insertar fila debajo","Insert table":"Insertar tabla",Inset:"Incrustación","Invalid start index value.":"Valor de índice de inicio no válido.",Italic:"Cursiva","Italic text":"Texto en cursiva",Justify:"Justificar","Justify cell text":"Justificar texto de celda","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Teclas que se pueden utilizar en una lista","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Teclas que se pueden utilizar en una celda de tabla","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Teclas que se pueden utilizar cuando se selecciona un módulo interactivo (por ejemplo: imagen, tabla, etc.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Abandonando fragmento de código %0","Leaving a to-do list":"Abandonando lista de tareas pendientes","Leaving code snippet":"Abandonando fragmento de código","Left aligned image":"Imagen alineada a la izquierda","Light blue":"Azul claro","Light green":"Verde claro","Light grey":"Gris claro",Link:"Enlace","Link image":"URL de la imagen","Link URL":"URL del enlace","Link URL must not be empty.":"La URL del enlace no puede estar vacía.","List properties":"Propiedades de la lista","Lower-latin":"Latinos minúsculas","Lower–roman":"Romanos minúsculas","Match case":"Respetar mayúsculas y minúsculas",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Editar",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Archivo",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Fuente",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formato",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Ayuda",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Insertar",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Texto",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Herramientas",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Ver","Merge cell down":"Combinar celda inferior","Merge cell left":"Combinar celda izquierda","Merge cell right":"Combinar celda derecha","Merge cell up":"Combinar celda superior","Merge cells":"Combinar celdas","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Mueve el foco entre campos de formulario (entradas, botones, etc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Mueve el foco dentro y fuera de una ventana de diálogo activa","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Mover el foco a la barra de menú, navegar entre las barras de menú","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Mueve el foco a la barra de herramientas y navega entre barras de herramientas","Move out of a link":"Sale de un enlace","Move out of an inline code style":"Sale de un estilo de código en línea","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mueve el cursor para permitir escribir directamente después de un módulo interactivo","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mueve el cursor para permitir escribir directamente antes de un módulo interactivo","Move the selection to the next cell":"Mueve la selección a la siguiente celda","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Mueve la selección a la celda anterior","Multiple styles":"Múltiples estilos","Navigate editable regions":"Navegar por las zonas editables","Navigate through the table":"Navega por la tabla","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navegar por la barra de herramientas o la barra de menú",Next:"Siguiente","Next editable region":"Siguiente zona editable","Next result":"Siguiente resultado","No results found":"No se han encontrado resultados","No searchable items":"No hay elementos que buscar",None:"Ninguno","Numbered List":"Lista numerada","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Estilos de lista numerada","Open in a new tab":"Abrir en una pestaña nueva ","Open link in new tab":"Abrir enlace en una pestaña nueva","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Abre el cuadro de diálogo de ayuda de accesibilidad",Orange:"Naranja",Original:"Original",Outset:"Relieve",Padding:"Márgenes",Paragraph:"Párrafo","Paste content":"Pega el contenido","Paste content as plain text":"Pega el contenido como texto sin formato","Pink marker":"Marcador rosa","Plain text":"Texto plano",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Introduzca un color válido (p. ej., "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Presione %0 para obtener ayuda.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Pulse Intro para escribir después o pulse Mayús + Intro para escribir antes del «widget».",Previous:"Anterior","Previous editable region":"Anterior zona editable","Previous result":"Resultado anterior",Purple:"Morado",Red:"Rojo","Red pen":"Texto rojo",Redo:"Rehacer","Remove color":"Quitar color","Remove Format":"Quitar Formato","Remove highlight":"Quitar resaltado",Replace:"Reemplazar","Replace all":"Reemplazar todo","Replace from computer":"Reemplazar desde el ordenador","Replace image":"Reemplazar imagen","Replace image from computer":"Reemplazar imagen del ordenador","Replace with…":"Reemplazar con...","Resize image":"Redimensionar imagen","Resize image (in %0)":"Cambiar tamaño de la imagen (en un %0)","Resize image to %0":"Redimensionar imagen al %0","Resize image to the original size":"Redimensionar imagen al tamaño original","Restore default":"Restaurar valores predeterminados","Reversed order":"Orden inverso","Revert autoformatting action":"Revierte la acción de formato automático","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de Texto Enriquecido",Ridge:"Marco","Right aligned image":"Imagen alineada a la derecha",Row:"Fila",Save:"Guardar","Select all":"Seleccionar todo","Select column":"Seleccionar columna","Select row":"Seleccionar fila","Show more items":"Mostrar más elementos","Side image":"Imagen lateral",Small:"Pequeño",Solid:"Sólido","Split cell horizontally":"Dividir celdas horizontalmente","Split cell vertically":"Dividir celdas verticalmente",Square:"Cuadrado","Start at":"Empezar en","Start index must be greater than 0.":"El número de inicio debe ser mayor que 0.",Strikethrough:"Tachado","Strikethrough text":"Tacha el texto",Style:"Estilo",Styles:"Estilos",Subscript:"Subíndice",Superscript:"Superíndice",Table:"Tabla","Table alignment toolbar":"Alineación de tabla","Table cell text alignment":"Alineación texto de celda","Table properties":"Propiedades de tabla","Table toolbar":"Barra de herramientas de tabla","Text alignment":"Alineación del texto","Text alignment toolbar":"Barra de herramientas de alineación del texto","Text alternative":"Texto alternativo","Text highlight toolbar":"Barra de herramientas de resaltado de texto","Text styles":"Estilos de texto","Text to find must not be empty.":"El texto a buscar no debe estar vacío.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'El color es inválido. Intente con "#FF0000", "rgb(255,0,0)" o "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'El valor es inválido. Intente con "10px", "2em" o simplemente "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"El valor no puede estar vacío.","The value should be a plain number.":"El valor debe ser un número simple.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Estos atajos de teclado permiten acceder rápidamente a las funciones de edición de contenido.","This link has no URL":"Este enlace no tiene URL",Tiny:"Minúsculo","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Consejo: Primero busque algún texto para reemplazar.","To-do List":"Lista de tareas","Toggle caption off":"Desactivar título","Toggle caption on":"Activar título","Toggle the circle list style":"Cambiar estilo de viñeta a círculo","Toggle the decimal list style":"Cambiar estilo de lista a decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Cambiar estilo de lista decimal empezando con cero","Toggle the disc list style":"Cambiar estilo de viñeta a disco","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Cambiar estilo de lista a números latinos en minúsculas","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Cambiar estilo de lista a números romanos en minúsculas","Toggle the square list style":"Cambiar estilo de viñeta a cuadrado","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Cambiar estilo de lista a números latinos en mayúsculas","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Cambiar estilo de lista a números roanos en mayúsculas",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Type or paste your content here.":"Introduce o pega tu contenido aquí","Type your title":"Introduce tu título",Underline:"Subrayado","Underline text":"Subraya el texto",Undo:"Deshacer",Unlink:"Quitar enlace",Update:"Actualizar","Update image URL":"Actualizar imagen vía URL","Upload failed":"Fallo en la subida","Upload from computer":"Subir desde el ordenador","Upload image from computer":"Subir imagen desde el ordenador","Upload in progress":"Subida en progreso","Uploading image":"Cargando imagen","Upper-latin":"Latinos minúsculas","Upper-roman":"Romanos mayúscula","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Utilice las siguientes combinaciones de teclas para una navegación más eficiente en la interfaz de usuario de CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Teclas de navegación de contenido e interfaz de usuario","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Alineación vertical de texto",White:"Blanco","Whole words only":"Solo palabras completas","Widget toolbar":"Barra de herramientas del widget",Width:"Ancho","Words: %0":"Palabras: %0","Wrap text":"Mantener texto unido",Yellow:"Amarillo","Yellow marker":"Marcador amarillo"});a.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==1?0:e!=0&&e%1e6==0?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
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diff --git a/build/translations/et.js b/build/translations/et.js
index cd7814e..1d542ae 100644
--- a/build/translations/et.js
+++ b/build/translations/et.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const i=e["et"]=e["et"]||{};i.dictionary=Object.assign(i.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(võib vajada klahvi Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 / %1",Accept:"Nõustu",Accessibility:"Juurdepääsetavus","Accessibility help":"Juurdepääsu abi","Align cell text to the bottom":"Lahtri tekst all","Align cell text to the center":"Lahtri tekst keskel","Align cell text to the left":"Lahtri tekst vasakul","Align cell text to the middle":"Lahtri tekst kõrguse järgi keskel","Align cell text to the right":"Lahtri tekst paremal","Align cell text to the top":"Lahtri tekst üleval","Align table to the left":"Tabel joondatud vasakule","Align table to the right":"Tabel joondatud paremale",Alignment:"Joondus",Aquamarine:"Akvamariin",Background:"Taust","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Altpoolt leiad redaktoris kasutatavad klahvikombinatsioonid.",Big:"Suur",Black:"Must","Block quote":"Tsitaat",Blue:"Sinine",Bold:"Rasvane","Bold text":"Paks tekst",Border:"Ääris","Break text":"Murra teksti","Bulleted List":"Punktidega loetelu","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Täpploendi stiili tööriistariba",Cancel:"Loobu","Caption for image: %0":"Pildi pealkiri: %0","Caption for the image":"Pildi pealkiri","Cell properties":"Lahtri omadused","Center table":"Tabel joondatud keskele","Centered image":"Keskele joondatud pilt","Change image text alternative":"Muuda pildi asenduskirjeldust","Choose heading":"Vali pealkiri",Circle:"Ring",Clear:"Selge","Click to edit block":"Ploki muutmiseks klõpsa",Close:"Sulge","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Sulge konteksti mullid, rippmenüüd ja dialoogid",Code:"Kood",Color:"Värvus","Color picker":"Värvi valija",Column:"Veerg","Content editing keystrokes":"Sisu muutmise klahvikombinatsioonid","Copy selected content":"Kopeeri valitud sisu","Create link":"Loo link",Custom:"Enda valitud","Custom image size":"Enda valitud pildi suurus",Dashed:"Kriipsjoon",Decimal:"Kümnend","Decimal with leading zero":"Nulliga kümnendsüsteem","Decrease indent":"Vähenda taanet","Decrease list item indent":"Vähenda loendi taanet",Default:"Vaikimisi","Delete column":"Kustuta veerg","Delete row":"Kustuta rida","Dim grey":"Tumehall",Dimensions:"Mõõtmed",Disc:"Ketas","Document colors":"Dokumendi värvid",Dotted:"Punktiir",Double:"Topelt",Downloadable:"Allalaaditav","Drag to move":"Liigutamiseks lohista","Dropdown toolbar":"Avatav tööriistariba","Edit block":"Muuda plokki","Edit link":"Muuda linki","Editor block content toolbar":"Redigeerija ploki sisu tööriistariba","Editor contextual toolbar":"Redigeerija kontekstuaalne tööriistariba","Editor dialog":"Muutja dialoog","Editor editing area: %0":"Redaktori redigeerimisala: %0","Editor menu bar":"Redaktori menüüriba","Editor toolbar":"Redaktori tööriistariba","Enter image caption":"Sisesta pildi pealkiri","Enter table caption":"Sisesta tabeli pealdis","Entering a to-do list":"Tulevaste tegevuste nimekirja avamine","Error during image upload":"Viga pildi üleslaadimisel","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Vajuta praegu aktiivset nuppu. Redaktori sisu muutvate nuppude vajutamine viib tähelepanu taas sisule.","Font Background Color":"Kirja tausta värvus","Font Color":"Fondi värvus","Font Family":"Kirjastiil","Font Size":"Teksti suurus","Full size image":"Täissuuruses pilt",Green:"Roheline",Grey:"Hall",Groove:"Kraav","Header column":"Päise veerg","Header row":"Päise rida",Heading:"Pealkiri","Heading 1":"Pealkiri 1","Heading 2":"Pealkiri 2","Heading 3":"Pealkiri 3","Heading 4":"Pealkiri 4","Heading 5":"Pealkiri 5","Heading 6":"Pealkiri 6",Height:"Kõrgus","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Abistav materjal. Selle dialoogi sulgemiseks vajuta ESC.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Horisontaalne joon","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Teksti rõhtpaigutuse tööriistariba",Huge:"Ülisuur","Image from computer":"Pilt arvutist","Image resize list":"Pildi suuruse muutmise loend","Image toolbar":"Piltide tööriistariba","Image upload complete":"Pilt üles laaditud","image widget":"pildi vidin","In line":"Joone sees","Increase indent":"Suurenda taanet","Increase list item indent":"Suurenda loendi taanet",Insert:"Sisesta","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Sisesta hard break (uus lõik)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Sisesta uus lõik kohe pärast vidinat","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Sisesta uus lõik kohe enne vidinat","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Sisesta tabelisse uus rida (kui oled tabeli viimases reas)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Sisesta soft break (<br>
element)","Insert column left":"Sisesta veerg vasakule","Insert column right":"Sisesta veerg paremale","Insert image":"Sisesta pilt","Insert image via URL":"Sisesta pilt läbi URL-i","Insert media":"Sisesta meedia","Insert paragraph after block":"Sisesta lõik pärast plokki","Insert paragraph before block":"Sisesta lõik enne plokki","Insert row above":"Sisesta rida ülespoole","Insert row below":"Sisesta rida allapoole","Insert table":"Sisesta tabel",Inset:"Süvik","Invalid start index value.":"Vigane alguse väärtus.",Italic:"Kaldkiri","Italic text":"Kaldkirjas tekst","Justify cell text":"Lahtri tekst rööpjoondatud","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Loendis kasutatavad klahvikombinatsioonid","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tabeli lahtris kasutatavad klahvikombinatsioonid","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klahvikombinatsioonid, mida kasutada vidina (nt pildi, tabeli jne) valimisel","Leaving a to-do list":"Tulevaste tegevuste nimekirja sulgemine","Left aligned image":"Vasakule joondatud pilt","Light blue":"Helesinine","Light green":"Heleroheline","Light grey":"Helehall",Link:"Link","Link image":"Lingi pilt","Link URL":"Lingi URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"Lingi URL peab olema sisestatud.","List properties":"Loendi atribuudid","Lower-latin":"Ladina väiketähe","Lower–roman":"Väikse rooma numbri","Media toolbar":"Meedia tööriistariba","Media URL":"Meedia URL","media widget":"meedia vidin",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Muuda",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fail",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Font",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Vorming",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Abi",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Sisesta",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Tekst",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Tööriistad",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Kuva","Merge cell down":"Liida alumise lahtriga","Merge cell left":"Liida vasakul oleva lahtriga","Merge cell right":"Liida paremal oleva lahtriga","Merge cell up":"Liida ülemise lahtriga","Merge cells":"Liida lahtrid","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Vaheta ankeedi välju (sisendeid, nuppe jne)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Vii kasutusel dialoogiaken fookuses või mitte","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Keskendu menüüribale, vaheta menüüribasid","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Keskendu tööriistaribale, vaheta tööriistaribasid","Move out of a link":"Välju lingist","Move out of an inline code style":"Välju reasisese koodi stiilist","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Kohe pärast vidinat kirjutamiseks liiguta katusemärki","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Kohe enne vidinat kirjutamiseks liiguta katusesümbolit","Move the selection to the next cell":"Liiguta valitu järgmisesse lahtrisse","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Liiguta valitu eelmisesse lahtrisse","Navigate through the table":"Liigu tabelis","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Liigu tööriistaribas või menüüribas",Next:"Järgmine","No results found":"Tulemusi ei leitud","No searchable items":"Tulemusi pole",None:"Puudub","Numbered List":"Nummerdatud loetelu","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Numbriloendi stiilide tööriistariba","Open in a new tab":"Ava uuel kaardil","Open link in new tab":"Ava link uuel vahekaardil","Open media in new tab":"Avage meedia uuel vahekaardil","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Ava juurdepääsu abidialoog",Orange:"Oranž",Original:"Algne",Outset:"Küngas",Padding:"Vahe sisuni",Paragraph:"Lõik","Paste content":"Kleebi sisu","Paste content as plain text":"Kleebi sisu lihttekstina","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Aseta meedia URL sisendi lahtrisse.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Sisestage õige värv (nt „ff0000”).","Press %0 for help.":"Abi saamiseks vajuta %0.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Vajutage Enter, et tippida pärast, või Shift + Enter, et tippida enne vidinat",Previous:"Eelmine",Purple:"Lilla",Red:"Punane",Redo:"Tee uuesti","Remove color":"Eemalda värv","Remove Format":"Eemalda vorming","Replace from computer":"Asenda arvutist","Replace image":"Asenda pilt","Replace image from computer":"Asenda pilt arvutist","Resize image":"Muuda pildi suurust","Resize image (in %0)":"Pildi suuruse muutmine (%0)","Resize image to %0":"Muuda pilt suurusesse %0","Resize image to the original size":"Muuda pilt algsuurusesse","Restore default":"Taasta algne","Reversed order":"Vastupidine järjekord","Revert autoformatting action":"Kustuta automaatse vorminduse toiming","Rich Text Editor":"Tekstiredaktor",Ridge:"Vall","Right aligned image":"Paremale joondatud pilt",Row:"Rida",Save:"Salvesta","Select all":"Vali kõik","Select column":"Vali veerg","Select row":"Vali rida","Show more items":"Näita veel","Side image":"Pilt küljel",Small:"Väike",Solid:"Pidev","Split cell horizontally":"Jaga lahter horisontaalselt","Split cell vertically":"Jaga lahter vertikaalselt",Square:"Ruut","Start at":"Alusta alates","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Algindeks peab olema suurem kui 0.",Strikethrough:"Läbijoonitud","Strikethrough text":"Läbikriipsutatud tekst",Style:"Stiil",Subscript:"Alaindeks",Superscript:"Ülaindeks",Table:"Tabel","Table alignment toolbar":"Tabeli paigutuse tööriistariba","Table cell text alignment":"Teksti paigutus lahtris","Table properties":"Tabeli omadused","Table toolbar":"Tabelite tööriistariba","Text alternative":"Asenduskirjeldus",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Värvus ei sobi. Proovi "#FF0000" või "rgb(255,0,0)" või "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL-i lahter ei tohi olla tühi.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Väärtus ei sobi. Proovi "10px", "2em" või lihtsalt "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Väärtus peab olema sisestatud.","The value should be a plain number.":"Väärtus peab olema tavanumber.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Nende klahvikombinatsioonidega pääseb kiiresti sisu muutmise võimaluste juurde.","This link has no URL":"Sellel lingil puudub URL","This media URL is not supported.":"See meedia URL pole toetatud.",Tiny:"Imepisike","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Vihje: asetades meedia URLi otse sisusse saab selle lisada kiiremini.","To-do List":"Tööde nimekiri","Toggle caption off":"Lülita pealdis välja","Toggle caption on":"Lülita pealdis sisse","Toggle the circle list style":"Lülita ringi loendistiili sisse-välja","Toggle the decimal list style":"Lülita kümnendsüsteemi loendistiili sisse-välja","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Lülita nulliga kümnendsüsteemi loendistiili sisse-välja","Toggle the disc list style":"Lülita ketta loendistiili sisse-välja","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Lülita ladina väiketähe loendistiili sisse-välja","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Lülita väikse rooma numbri loendistiili sisse-välja","Toggle the square list style":"Lülita ruudu loendistiili sisse-välja","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Lülita ladina suurtähe loendistiili sisse-välja","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Lülita suure rooma numbri loendistiili sisse-välja",Turquoise:"Türkiis","Type or paste your content here.":"Siia tipi või kopeeri tekst.","Type your title":"Sisesta pealkiri",Underline:"Allajoonitud","Underline text":"Allakriipsutatud tekst",Undo:"Võta tagasi",Unlink:"Eemalda link",Update:"Uuenda","Update image URL":"Uuenda pildi URL-i","Upload failed":"Üleslaadimine ebaõnnestus","Upload from computer":"Laadi üles arvutist","Upload image from computer":"Laadi pilt üles arvutist","Upload in progress":"Üleslaadimine pooleli","Uploading image":"Pildi üleslaadimine","Upper-latin":"Ladina suurtähe","Upper-roman":"Suure rooma numbri","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Järgmiste klahvikombinatsioonidega saab tõhusamalt liikuda redaktori CKEditor 5 kasutajaliideses.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Kasutajaliidese ja sisus liikumise klahvikombinatsioonid","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Teksti püstpaigutuse tööriistariba",White:"Valge","Widget toolbar":"Vidinate tööriistariba",Width:"Laius","Wrap text":"Murra teksti ridu",Yellow:"Kollane"});i.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const i=e["et"]=e["et"]||{};i.dictionary=Object.assign(i.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(võib vajada klahvi Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 / %1",Accept:"Nõustu",Accessibility:"Juurdepääsetavus","Accessibility help":"Juurdepääsu abi","Advanced options":"Rohkem valikuid","Align cell text to the bottom":"Lahtri tekst all","Align cell text to the center":"Lahtri tekst keskel","Align cell text to the left":"Lahtri tekst vasakul","Align cell text to the middle":"Lahtri tekst kõrguse järgi keskel","Align cell text to the right":"Lahtri tekst paremal","Align cell text to the top":"Lahtri tekst üleval","Align center":"Keskjoondus","Align left":"Vasakjoondus","Align right":"Paremjoondus","Align table to the left":"Tabel joondatud vasakule","Align table to the right":"Tabel joondatud paremale",Alignment:"Joondus",Aquamarine:"Akvamariin",Background:"Taust","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Altpoolt leiad redaktoris kasutatavad klahvikombinatsioonid.",Big:"Suur",Black:"Must","Block quote":"Tsitaat","Block styles":"Ploki stiilid",Blue:"Sinine","Blue marker":"Sinine marker",Bold:"Rasvane","Bold text":"Paks tekst",Border:"Ääris","Break text":"Murra teksti","Bulleted List":"Punktidega loetelu","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Täpploendi stiili tööriistariba",Cancel:"Loobu","Caption for image: %0":"Pildi pealkiri: %0","Caption for the image":"Pildi pealkiri","Cell properties":"Lahtri omadused","Center table":"Tabel joondatud keskele","Centered image":"Keskele joondatud pilt","Change image text alternative":"Muuda pildi asenduskirjeldust","Characters: %0":"Märke: %0","Choose heading":"Vali pealkiri",Circle:"Ring",Clear:"Selge","Click to edit block":"Ploki muutmiseks klõpsa",Close:"Sulge","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Sulge konteksti mullid, rippmenüüd ja dialoogid",Code:"Kood","Code block":"Koodiplokk",Color:"Värvus","Color picker":"Värvi valija",Column:"Veerg","Content editing keystrokes":"Sisu muutmise klahvikombinatsioonid","Copy selected content":"Kopeeri valitud sisu","Create link":"Loo link",Custom:"Enda valitud","Custom image size":"Enda valitud pildi suurus",Dashed:"Kriipsjoon",Decimal:"Kümnend","Decimal with leading zero":"Nulliga kümnendsüsteem","Decrease indent":"Vähenda taanet","Decrease list item indent":"Vähenda loendi taanet",Default:"Vaikimisi","Delete column":"Kustuta veerg","Delete row":"Kustuta rida","Dim grey":"Tumehall",Dimensions:"Mõõtmed","Disable editing":"Keela muutmine",Disc:"Ketas","Document colors":"Dokumendi värvid",Dotted:"Punktiir",Double:"Topelt",Downloadable:"Allalaaditav","Drag to move":"Liigutamiseks lohista","Dropdown toolbar":"Avatav tööriistariba","Edit block":"Muuda plokki","Edit link":"Muuda linki","Editor block content toolbar":"Redigeerija ploki sisu tööriistariba","Editor contextual toolbar":"Redigeerija kontekstuaalne tööriistariba","Editor dialog":"Muutja dialoog","Editor editing area: %0":"Redaktori redigeerimisala: %0","Editor menu bar":"Redaktori menüüriba","Editor toolbar":"Redaktori tööriistariba","Enable editing":"Luba muutmine","Enter image caption":"Sisesta pildi pealkiri","Enter table caption":"Sisesta tabeli pealdis","Entering %0 code snippet":"%0 koodilõigu avamine","Entering a to-do list":"Tulevaste tegevuste nimekirja avamine","Entering code snippet":"Koodilõigu avamine","Error during image upload":"Viga pildi üleslaadimisel","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Vajuta praegu aktiivset nuppu. Redaktori sisu muutvate nuppude vajutamine viib tähelepanu taas sisule.",Find:"Otsi","Find and replace":"Otsi ja asenda","Find in text…":"Otsi tekstist...","Find in the document":"Leia dokumendist","Font Background Color":"Kirja tausta värvus","Font Color":"Fondi värvus","Font Family":"Kirjastiil","Font Size":"Teksti suurus","Full size image":"Täissuuruses pilt",Green:"Roheline","Green marker":"Roheline marker","Green pen":"Roheline pliiats",Grey:"Hall",Groove:"Kraav","Header column":"Päise veerg","Header row":"Päise rida",Heading:"Pealkiri","Heading 1":"Pealkiri 1","Heading 2":"Pealkiri 2","Heading 3":"Pealkiri 3","Heading 4":"Pealkiri 4","Heading 5":"Pealkiri 5","Heading 6":"Pealkiri 6",Height:"Kõrgus","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Abistav materjal. Selle dialoogi sulgemiseks vajuta ESC.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Tõsta esile","Horizontal line":"Horisontaalne joon","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Teksti rõhtpaigutuse tööriistariba","HTML object":"HTML objekt",Huge:"Ülisuur","Image from computer":"Pilt arvutist","Image resize list":"Pildi suuruse muutmise loend","Image toolbar":"Piltide tööriistariba","Image upload complete":"Pilt üles laaditud","image widget":"pildi vidin","In line":"Joone sees","Increase indent":"Suurenda taanet","Increase list item indent":"Suurenda loendi taanet",Insert:"Sisesta","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Sisesta hard break (uus lõik)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Sisesta uus lõik kohe pärast vidinat","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Sisesta uus lõik kohe enne vidinat","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Sisesta tabelisse uus rida (kui oled tabeli viimases reas)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Sisesta soft break (<br>
element)","Insert code block":"Sisesta koodiplokk","Insert column left":"Sisesta veerg vasakule","Insert column right":"Sisesta veerg paremale","Insert image":"Sisesta pilt","Insert image via URL":"Sisesta pilt läbi URL-i","Insert paragraph after block":"Sisesta lõik pärast plokki","Insert paragraph before block":"Sisesta lõik enne plokki","Insert row above":"Sisesta rida ülespoole","Insert row below":"Sisesta rida allapoole","Insert table":"Sisesta tabel",Inset:"Süvik","Invalid start index value.":"Vigane alguse väärtus.",Italic:"Kaldkiri","Italic text":"Kaldkirjas tekst",Justify:"Rööpjoondus","Justify cell text":"Lahtri tekst rööpjoondatud","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Loendis kasutatavad klahvikombinatsioonid","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tabeli lahtris kasutatavad klahvikombinatsioonid","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klahvikombinatsioonid, mida kasutada vidina (nt pildi, tabeli jne) valimisel","Leaving %0 code snippet":"%0 koodilõigu sulgemine","Leaving a to-do list":"Tulevaste tegevuste nimekirja sulgemine","Leaving code snippet":"Koodilõigust väljumine","Left aligned image":"Vasakule joondatud pilt","Light blue":"Helesinine","Light green":"Heleroheline","Light grey":"Helehall",Link:"Link","Link image":"Lingi pilt","Link URL":"Lingi URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"Lingi URL peab olema sisestatud.","List properties":"Loendi atribuudid","Lower-latin":"Ladina väiketähe","Lower–roman":"Väikse rooma numbri","Match case":"Erista juhtumit",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Muuda",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fail",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Font",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Vorming",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Abi",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Sisesta",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Tekst",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Tööriistad",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Kuva","Merge cell down":"Liida alumise lahtriga","Merge cell left":"Liida vasakul oleva lahtriga","Merge cell right":"Liida paremal oleva lahtriga","Merge cell up":"Liida ülemise lahtriga","Merge cells":"Liida lahtrid","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Vaheta ankeedi välju (sisendeid, nuppe jne)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Vii kasutusel dialoogiaken fookuses või mitte","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Keskendu menüüribale, vaheta menüüribasid","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Keskendu tööriistaribale, vaheta tööriistaribasid","Move out of a link":"Välju lingist","Move out of an inline code style":"Välju reasisese koodi stiilist","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Kohe pärast vidinat kirjutamiseks liiguta katusemärki","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Kohe enne vidinat kirjutamiseks liiguta katusesümbolit","Move the selection to the next cell":"Liiguta valitu järgmisesse lahtrisse","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Liiguta valitu eelmisesse lahtrisse","Multiple styles":"Mitu stiili","Navigate editable regions":"Muudetavate piirkondade vahel liikumine","Navigate through the table":"Liigu tabelis","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Liigu tööriistaribas või menüüribas",Next:"Järgmine","Next editable region":"Järgmine muudetav piirkond","Next result":"Järgmine tulemus","No results found":"Tulemusi ei leitud","No searchable items":"Tulemusi pole",None:"Puudub","Numbered List":"Nummerdatud loetelu","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Numbriloendi stiilide tööriistariba","Open in a new tab":"Ava uuel kaardil","Open link in new tab":"Ava link uuel vahekaardil","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Ava juurdepääsu abidialoog",Orange:"Oranž",Original:"Algne",Outset:"Küngas",Padding:"Vahe sisuni",Paragraph:"Lõik","Paste content":"Kleebi sisu","Paste content as plain text":"Kleebi sisu lihttekstina","Pink marker":"Roosa marker","Plain text":"Lihtsalt tekst",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Sisestage õige värv (nt „ff0000”).","Press %0 for help.":"Abi saamiseks vajuta %0.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Vajutage Enter, et tippida pärast, või Shift + Enter, et tippida enne vidinat",Previous:"Eelmine","Previous editable region":"Eelmine muudetav piirkond","Previous result":"Eelmine tulemus",Purple:"Lilla",Red:"Punane","Red pen":"Punane pliiats",Redo:"Tee uuesti","Remove color":"Eemalda värv","Remove Format":"Eemalda vorming","Remove highlight":"Eemalda esiletõstmine",Replace:"Asenda","Replace all":"Asenda kõik","Replace from computer":"Asenda arvutist","Replace image":"Asenda pilt","Replace image from computer":"Asenda pilt arvutist","Replace with…":"Asenda...","Resize image":"Muuda pildi suurust","Resize image (in %0)":"Pildi suuruse muutmine (%0)","Resize image to %0":"Muuda pilt suurusesse %0","Resize image to the original size":"Muuda pilt algsuurusesse","Restore default":"Taasta algne","Reversed order":"Vastupidine järjekord","Revert autoformatting action":"Kustuta automaatse vorminduse toiming","Rich Text Editor":"Tekstiredaktor",Ridge:"Vall","Right aligned image":"Paremale joondatud pilt",Row:"Rida",Save:"Salvesta","Select all":"Vali kõik","Select column":"Vali veerg","Select row":"Vali rida","Show more items":"Näita veel","Side image":"Pilt küljel",Small:"Väike",Solid:"Pidev","Split cell horizontally":"Jaga lahter horisontaalselt","Split cell vertically":"Jaga lahter vertikaalselt",Square:"Ruut","Start at":"Alusta alates","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Algindeks peab olema suurem kui 0.",Strikethrough:"Läbijoonitud","Strikethrough text":"Läbikriipsutatud tekst",Style:"Stiil",Styles:"Stiilid",Subscript:"Alaindeks",Superscript:"Ülaindeks",Table:"Tabel","Table alignment toolbar":"Tabeli paigutuse tööriistariba","Table cell text alignment":"Teksti paigutus lahtris","Table properties":"Tabeli omadused","Table toolbar":"Tabelite tööriistariba","Text alignment":"Teksti joondamine","Text alignment toolbar":"Teksti joonduse tööriistariba","Text alternative":"Asenduskirjeldus","Text highlight toolbar":"Teksti markeerimise tööriistariba","Text styles":"Teksti stiilid","Text to find must not be empty.":"Otsitav tekst ei tohi tühi olla.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Värvus ei sobi. Proovi "#FF0000" või "rgb(255,0,0)" või "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Väärtus ei sobi. Proovi "10px", "2em" või lihtsalt "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Väärtus peab olema sisestatud.","The value should be a plain number.":"Väärtus peab olema tavanumber.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Nende klahvikombinatsioonidega pääseb kiiresti sisu muutmise võimaluste juurde.","This link has no URL":"Sellel lingil puudub URL",Tiny:"Imepisike","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Otsi esmalt tekst, mida asendada.","To-do List":"Tööde nimekiri","Toggle caption off":"Lülita pealdis välja","Toggle caption on":"Lülita pealdis sisse","Toggle the circle list style":"Lülita ringi loendistiili sisse-välja","Toggle the decimal list style":"Lülita kümnendsüsteemi loendistiili sisse-välja","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Lülita nulliga kümnendsüsteemi loendistiili sisse-välja","Toggle the disc list style":"Lülita ketta loendistiili sisse-välja","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Lülita ladina väiketähe loendistiili sisse-välja","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Lülita väikse rooma numbri loendistiili sisse-välja","Toggle the square list style":"Lülita ruudu loendistiili sisse-välja","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Lülita ladina suurtähe loendistiili sisse-välja","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Lülita suure rooma numbri loendistiili sisse-välja",Turquoise:"Türkiis","Type or paste your content here.":"Siia tipi või kopeeri tekst.","Type your title":"Sisesta pealkiri",Underline:"Allajoonitud","Underline text":"Allakriipsutatud tekst",Undo:"Võta tagasi",Unlink:"Eemalda link",Update:"Uuenda","Update image URL":"Uuenda pildi URL-i","Upload failed":"Üleslaadimine ebaõnnestus","Upload from computer":"Laadi üles arvutist","Upload image from computer":"Laadi pilt üles arvutist","Upload in progress":"Üleslaadimine pooleli","Uploading image":"Pildi üleslaadimine","Upper-latin":"Ladina suurtähe","Upper-roman":"Suure rooma numbri","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Järgmiste klahvikombinatsioonidega saab tõhusamalt liikuda redaktori CKEditor 5 kasutajaliideses.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Kasutajaliidese ja sisus liikumise klahvikombinatsioonid","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Teksti püstpaigutuse tööriistariba",White:"Valge","Whole words only":"Ainult terviksõnad","Widget toolbar":"Vidinate tööriistariba",Width:"Laius","Words: %0":"Sõnu: %0","Wrap text":"Murra teksti ridu",Yellow:"Kollane","Yellow marker":"Kollane marker"});i.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/fa.js b/build/translations/fa.js
index 6eec1f9..9e85951 100644
--- a/build/translations/fa.js
+++ b/build/translations/fa.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"","The URL must not be empty.":"آدرس اینترنتی URL نباید خالی باشد.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"این پیوند نشانی اینترنتی ندارد","This media URL is not supported.":"این آدرس اینترنتی رسانه پشتیبانی نمیشود",Tiny:"بسیار کوچک","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"نکته : آدرس را در محتوا قراردهید تا سریع تر جاسازی شود","To-do List":"لیست انجام کار","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"فیروزه ای","Type or paste your content here.":"محتوای خود را در اینجا تایپ یا پیست کنید.","Type your title":"عنوان خود را تایپ کنید",Underline:"خط زیر","Underline text":"",Undo:"بازگردانی",Unlink:"لغو پیوند",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"آپلود ناموفق بود","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"آپلود در حال انجام","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"سفید","Widget toolbar":"نوار ابزار ویجت",Width:"عرض","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"زرد"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e>1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"این پیوند نشانی اینترنتی ندارد",Tiny:"بسیار کوچک","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"نکته: برای جایگزینی نخست واژه را پیدا کنید.","To-do List":"لیست انجام کار","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"فیروزه ای","Type or paste your content here.":"محتوای خود را در اینجا تایپ یا پیست کنید.","Type your title":"عنوان خود را تایپ کنید",Underline:"خط زیر","Underline text":"",Undo:"بازگردانی",Unlink:"لغو پیوند",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"آپلود ناموفق بود","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"آپلود در حال انجام","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"سفید","Whole words only":"","Widget toolbar":"نوار ابزار ویجت",Width:"عرض","Words: %0":"تعداد لغات : %0","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"زرد","Yellow marker":"نشانگر زرد"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e>1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/fi.js b/build/translations/fi.js
index 65ba2b6..a9206a7 100644
--- a/build/translations/fi.js
+++ b/build/translations/fi.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["fi"]=e["fi"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(Saattaa vaatia Fn:n)","%0 of %1":"%0 / %1",Accept:"Hyväksy",Accessibility:"Käytettävyys","Accessibility help":"Esteettömyystuki","Align cell text to the bottom":"Siirrä solun teksti alaosaan","Align cell text to the center":"Siirrä solun teksti keskelle","Align cell text to the left":"Siirrä solun teksti vasemmalle","Align cell text to the middle":"Siirrä solun teksti keskiosaan","Align cell text to the right":"Siirrä solun teksti oikealle","Align cell text to the top":"Siirrä solun teksti yläosaan","Align table to the left":"Siirrä taulukko vasemmalle","Align table to the right":"Siirrä taulukko oikealle",Alignment:"Suunta",Aquamarine:"Akvamariini",Background:"Tausta","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Ohessa on tässä editointityökalussa käytettävien näppäinoikoteiden lista.",Big:"Suuri",Black:"Musta","Block quote":"Lainaus",Blue:"Sininen",Bold:"Lihavointi","Bold text":"Lihavoitu teksti",Border:"Reunus","Break text":"Irrota teksti","Bulleted List":"Lista","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Luetelmalistan työkalupalkki",Cancel:"Peruuta","Caption for image: %0":"Kuvan kuvateksti: %0","Caption for the image":"Kuvan kuvateksti","Cell properties":"Solun ominaisuudet","Center table":"Keskitä taulukko","Centered image":"Keskitetty kuva","Change image text alternative":"Vaihda kuvan vaihtoehtoinen teksti","Choose heading":"Valitse otsikko",Circle:"Ympyrä",Clear:"Tyhjennä","Click to edit block":"Muokkaa lohkoa klikkaamalla",Close:"Sulje","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Sulje kontekstipallot, pudotusvalikot ja dialogit",Code:"Koodi",Color:"Väri","Color picker":"Värin valitsin",Column:"Sarake","Content editing keystrokes":"Sisällönmuokkauspainallukset","Copy selected content":"Kopioi valittu sisältö","Create link":"Luo linkki",Custom:"Mukautettu","Custom image size":"Mukautettu kuvakoko",Dashed:"Katkoviiva",Decimal:"Desimaali","Decimal with leading zero":"Nolla alussa -desimaali","Decrease indent":"Vähennä sisennystä","Decrease list item indent":"Vähennä listanimikkeen sisennystä",Default:"Oletus","Delete column":"Poista sarake","Delete row":"Poista rivi","Dim grey":"Vaaleanharmaa",Dimensions:"Mittasuhteet",Disc:"Levy","Document colors":"Asiakirjan värit",Dotted:"Pisteviiva",Double:"Kaksinkertainen",Downloadable:"Ladattava","Drag to move":"Siirrä raahamalla","Dropdown toolbar":"Pudotusvalikon työkalupalkki","Edit block":"Muokkaa lohkoa","Edit link":"Muokkaa linkkiä","Editor block content toolbar":"Editorin lohkon sisällön työkalupalkki","Editor contextual toolbar":"Editorin kontekstuaalinen työkalupalkki","Editor dialog":"Editorin dialogi","Editor editing area: %0":"Editorin muokkausalue: %0","Editor menu bar":"Muokkaustyökalun valikkopalkki","Editor toolbar":"Editorin työkalupalkki","Enter image caption":"Syötä kuvateksti","Enter table caption":"Syötä taulukon kuvaus","Entering a to-do list":"Syötetään tehtävälista.","Error during image upload":"Virhe kuvaa ladattaessa","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Suorita tällä hetkellä kohdennettuna olevan painikkeen toiminto. Muokkaustyökalun sisältöön vaikuttavien painikkeiden käyttö palauttaa kohdennuksen kyseiseen sisältöön.","Font Background Color":"Fontin taustaväri","Font Color":"Fontin väri","Font Family":"Fonttiperhe","Font Size":"Fontin koko","Full size image":"Täysikokoinen kuva",Green:"Vihreä",Grey:"Harmaa",Groove:"Uurrettu","Header column":"Otsikkosarake","Header row":"Otsikkorivi",Heading:"Otsikkotyyli","Heading 1":"Otsikko 1","Heading 2":"Otsikko 2","Heading 3":"Otsikko 3","Heading 4":"Otsikko 4","Heading 5":"Otsikko 5","Heading 6":"Otsikko 6",Height:"Korkeus","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Tukisisältö. Voit sulkea tämän dialogin painamalla ESC-näppäintä.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Vaakasuora viiva","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Vaakasuoran tekstin suunnan työkalupalkki",Huge:"Hyvin suuri","Image from computer":"Tietokoneen kuva","Image resize list":"Kuvan koon muokkaamisen lista","Image toolbar":"Kuvan työkalupalkki","Image upload complete":"Kuvan lataus valmis","image widget":"Kuvavimpain","In line":"Rivin sisällä","Increase indent":"Lisää sisennystä","Increase list item indent":"Kasvata listanimikkeen sisennystä",Insert:"Liitä","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Lisää kappaleenvaihto (uusi kappale)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Lisää uusi kappale suoraan widgetin jälkeen","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Lisää uusi kappale suoraan widgetin eteen","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Liitä uusi taulukkorivi (pätee taulukon viimeiseen soluun)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Lisää rivinvaihto (<br>
-elementti)","Insert column left":"Lisää sarake vasemmalle","Insert column right":"Lisää sarake oikealle","Insert image":"Lisää kuva","Insert image via URL":"Liitä kuva URL-koodin kautta","Insert media":"Liitä media","Insert paragraph after block":"Liitä kappale lohkon jälkeen","Insert paragraph before block":"Liitä kappale ennen lohkoa","Insert row above":"Lisää rivi ylle","Insert row below":"Lisää rivi alle","Insert table":"Lisää taulukko",Inset:"Upote","Invalid start index value.":"Virheellinen aloitusindeksin arvo.",Italic:"Kursivointi","Italic text":"Kursivoitu teksti","Justify cell text":"Tasaa solun teksti","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Listassa käytettävät painallukset","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Painallukset, joita voidaan käyttää taulukon solussa","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Painallukset, joita voidaan käyttää widgetin valitsemisen yhteydessä (esimerkiksi: kuva, taulukko jne.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Jätetään tehtävälista","Left aligned image":"Vasemmalle tasattu kuva","Light blue":"Vaaleansininen","Light green":"Vaaleanvihreä","Light grey":"Vaaleanharmaa",Link:"Linkki","Link image":"Linkkikuva","Link URL":"Linkin osoite","Link URL must not be empty.":"Linkin URL ei voi olla tyhjä.","List properties":"Listaominaisuudet","Lower-latin":"Pienet latinalaiset aakkoset","Lower–roman":"Pienet roomalaiset numerot","Media toolbar":"Median työkalupalkki","Media URL":"Media-URL","media widget":"mediawidget",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Muokkaa",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Tiedosto",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Fontti",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Muoto",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Tuki",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Liitä",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Teksti",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Työkalut",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Näytä","Merge cell down":"Yhdistä solu alas","Merge cell left":"Yhdistä solu vasemmalle","Merge cell right":"Yhdistä solu oikealle","Merge cell up":"Yhdistä solu ylös","Merge cells":"Yhdistä tai jaa soluja","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Siirrä tarkennusta eri kaavakekenttien (syötteet, painikkeet yms.) välillä","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Siirry lähemmäs ja kauemmas käytössä olevasta dialogi-ikkunasta","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Kohdenna valikkopalkkiin ja siirry palkista toiseen","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Siirrä tarkennus työkalupalkkiin, siirry työkalupalkista toiseen","Move out of a link":"Siirrä linkin ulkopuolelle","Move out of an inline code style":"Siirry pois rivinsisäisestä koodista","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Siirrä sirkumfleksimerkkiä voidaksesi kirjoittaa suoraan widgetin jälkeen","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Siirrä sirkumfleksimerkkiä voidaksesi kirjoittaa suoraan ennen widgetiä","Move the selection to the next cell":"Siirrä valittu kohde seuraavaan soluun","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Siirrä valittu kohde edelliseen soluun","Navigate through the table":"Siirry taulukossa","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Siirry työkalupalkkien tai valikkopalkkien välillä",Next:"Seuraava","No results found":"Tuloksia ei löytynyt","No searchable items":"Ei haettavia nimikkeitä",None:"Ei mitään","Numbered List":"Numeroitu lista","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Numerolistan työkalupalkki","Open in a new tab":"Avaa uudelle välilehdelle","Open link in new tab":"Avaa linkki uudessa välilehdessä","Open media in new tab":"Avaa media uudessa välilehdessä","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Avaa esteettömyystuen dialogi",Orange:"Oranssi",Original:"Alkuperäinen",Outset:"Ulkonema",Padding:"Täyte",Paragraph:"Kappale","Paste content":"Liitä sisältö","Paste content as plain text":"Liitä sisältö pelkkänä tekstinä","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Liitä media-URL syötteeseen.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Syötäthän pätevän värin (esim. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Paina %0 -näppäintä, jos tarvitset apua.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Paina enter-näppäintä kirjoittaaksesi tai paina shift + enter kirjoittaaksesi ennen widget-sovellusta",Previous:"Edellinen",Purple:"Purppura",Red:"Punainen",Redo:"Tee uudelleen","Remove color":"Poista väri","Remove Format":"Poista muotoilu","Replace from computer":"Korvaa tietokoneelta","Replace image":"Korvaa kuva","Replace image from computer":"Korvaa kuva tietokoneelta","Resize image":"Muokkaa kuvan kokoa","Resize image (in %0)":"Muuta kuvan kokoa (%0)","Resize image to %0":"Muokkaa kuvan kooksi %0","Resize image to the original size":"Vaihda kuvan koko alkuperäiseen kokoon","Restore default":"Palauta oletus","Reversed order":"Päinvastainen järjestys","Revert autoformatting action":"Peruuta automaattimuokkaus","Rich Text Editor":"Rikas tekstieditori",Ridge:"Harjanne","Right aligned image":"Oikealle tasattu kuva",Row:"Rivi",Save:"Tallenna","Select all":"Valitse kaikki","Select column":"Valitse sarake","Select row":"Valitse rivi","Show more items":"Näytä lisää toimintoja","Side image":"Pieni kuva",Small:"Pieni",Solid:"Kiinteä","Split cell horizontally":"Jaa solu vaakasuunnassa","Split cell vertically":"Jaa solu pystysuunnassa",Square:"Neliö","Start at":"Alkaa","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Aloitusindeksin pitää olla suurempi kuin 0.",Strikethrough:"Yliviivaus","Strikethrough text":"Yliviivattu teksti",Style:"Tyyli",Subscript:"Alaindeksi",Superscript:"Yläindeksi",Table:"Taulukko","Table alignment toolbar":"Taulukon suunnan työkalupalkki","Table cell text alignment":"Taulukkosolun tekstin suunta","Table properties":"Taulukon ominaisuudet","Table toolbar":"Taulukon työkalupalkki","Text alternative":"Vaihtoehtoinen teksti",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Väri ei kelpaa. Ota sen sijaan käyttöön "#FF0000", "rgb(255,0,0)" tai "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL-osoite ei voi olla tyhjä.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Arvo ei kelpaa. Ota käyttöön "10px", "2em" tai pelkästään "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Arvo ei voi olla tyhjä.","The value should be a plain number.":"Arvon pitää olla pelkkä luku.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Nämä avainoikotiet mahdollistavat sisällönmuokkausominaisuuksien nopean käytön.","This link has no URL":"Linkillä ei ole URL-osoitetta","This media URL is not supported.":"Tätä media-URLia ei tueta.",Tiny:"Hyvin pieni","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Vinkki: liitä URL sisältöön upottaaksesi sen nopeammin.","To-do List":"Tehtävälista","Toggle caption off":"Poista taulukon kuvaus","Toggle caption on":"Lisää taulukon kuvaus","Toggle the circle list style":"Ympyrälistatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the decimal list style":"Desimaalilistatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Nolla alussa -desimaalilistatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the disc list style":"Levylistatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Pienet latinalaiset aakkoset -listatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Pienet roomalaiset numerot -listatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the square list style":"Neliölistatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Isot latinalaiset aakkoset -listatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Isot roomalaiset numerot -listatyylin vaihdin",Turquoise:"Turkoosi","Type or paste your content here.":"Kirjoita tai liitä sisältösi tänne.","Type your title":"Kirjoita otsikkosi",Underline:"Alleviivaus","Underline text":"Alleviivattu teksti",Undo:"Peru",Unlink:"Poista linkki",Update:"Päivitä","Update image URL":"Päivitä kuvan URL","Upload failed":"Lataus epäonnistui","Upload from computer":"Lataa tietokoneelta","Upload image from computer":"Lataa kuva tietokoneelta","Upload in progress":"Lähetys käynnissä","Uploading image":"Ladataan kuvaa","Upper-latin":"Isot latinalaiset aakkoset","Upper-roman":"Isot roomalaiset numerot","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Voit tehostaa CKEditor 5:n käyttöliittymässä siirtymistä seuraavilla painalluksilla.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Käyttöliittymän ja sisällössä siirtymisen painallukset","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Pystysuoran tekstin suunnan työkalupalkki",White:"Valkoinen","Widget toolbar":"Widget-työkalupalkki",Width:"Leveys","Wrap text":"Sovita teksti",Yellow:"Keltainen"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["fi"]=e["fi"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(Saattaa vaatia Fn:n)","%0 of %1":"%0 / %1",Accept:"Hyväksy",Accessibility:"Käytettävyys","Accessibility help":"Esteettömyystuki","Advanced options":"Lisäasetukset","Align cell text to the bottom":"Siirrä solun teksti alaosaan","Align cell text to the center":"Siirrä solun teksti keskelle","Align cell text to the left":"Siirrä solun teksti vasemmalle","Align cell text to the middle":"Siirrä solun teksti keskiosaan","Align cell text to the right":"Siirrä solun teksti oikealle","Align cell text to the top":"Siirrä solun teksti yläosaan","Align center":"Tasaa keskelle","Align left":"Tasaa vasemmalle","Align right":"Tasaa oikealle","Align table to the left":"Siirrä taulukko vasemmalle","Align table to the right":"Siirrä taulukko oikealle",Alignment:"Suunta",Aquamarine:"Akvamariini",Background:"Tausta","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Ohessa on tässä editointityökalussa käytettävien näppäinoikoteiden lista.",Big:"Suuri",Black:"Musta","Block quote":"Lainaus","Block styles":"Lohkotyylit",Blue:"Sininen","Blue marker":"Sininen tussi",Bold:"Lihavointi","Bold text":"Lihavoitu teksti",Border:"Reunus","Break text":"Irrota teksti","Bulleted List":"Lista","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Luetelmalistan työkalupalkki",Cancel:"Peruuta","Caption for image: %0":"Kuvan kuvateksti: %0","Caption for the image":"Kuvan kuvateksti","Cell properties":"Solun ominaisuudet","Center table":"Keskitä taulukko","Centered image":"Keskitetty kuva","Change image text alternative":"Vaihda kuvan vaihtoehtoinen teksti","Characters: %0":"Merkkejä: %0","Choose heading":"Valitse otsikko",Circle:"Ympyrä",Clear:"Tyhjennä","Click to edit block":"Muokkaa lohkoa klikkaamalla",Close:"Sulje","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Sulje kontekstipallot, pudotusvalikot ja dialogit",Code:"Koodi","Code block":"Koodilohko",Color:"Väri","Color picker":"Värin valitsin",Column:"Sarake","Content editing keystrokes":"Sisällönmuokkauspainallukset","Copy selected content":"Kopioi valittu sisältö","Create link":"Luo linkki",Custom:"Mukautettu","Custom image size":"Mukautettu kuvakoko",Dashed:"Katkoviiva",Decimal:"Desimaali","Decimal with leading zero":"Nolla alussa -desimaali","Decrease indent":"Vähennä sisennystä","Decrease list item indent":"Vähennä listanimikkeen sisennystä",Default:"Oletus","Delete column":"Poista sarake","Delete row":"Poista rivi","Dim grey":"Vaaleanharmaa",Dimensions:"Mittasuhteet","Disable editing":"Poista muokkaus käytöstä",Disc:"Levy","Document colors":"Asiakirjan värit",Dotted:"Pisteviiva",Double:"Kaksinkertainen",Downloadable:"Ladattava","Drag to move":"Siirrä raahamalla","Dropdown toolbar":"Pudotusvalikon työkalupalkki","Edit block":"Muokkaa lohkoa","Edit link":"Muokkaa linkkiä","Editor block content toolbar":"Editorin lohkon sisällön työkalupalkki","Editor contextual toolbar":"Editorin kontekstuaalinen työkalupalkki","Editor dialog":"Editorin dialogi","Editor editing area: %0":"Editorin muokkausalue: %0","Editor menu bar":"Muokkaustyökalun valikkopalkki","Editor toolbar":"Editorin työkalupalkki","Enable editing":"Ota muokkaus käyttöön","Enter image caption":"Syötä kuvateksti","Enter table caption":"Syötä taulukon kuvaus","Entering %0 code snippet":"Syötetään koodinpätkä %0","Entering a to-do list":"Syötetään tehtävälista.","Entering code snippet":"Syötetään koodinpätkä","Error during image upload":"Virhe kuvaa ladattaessa","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Suorita tällä hetkellä kohdennettuna olevan painikkeen toiminto. Muokkaustyökalun sisältöön vaikuttavien painikkeiden käyttö palauttaa kohdennuksen kyseiseen sisältöön.",Find:"Etsi","Find and replace":"Etsi ja korvaa","Find in text…":"Etsi tekstissä…","Find in the document":"Paikanna asiakirjassa","Font Background Color":"Fontin taustaväri","Font Color":"Fontin väri","Font Family":"Fonttiperhe","Font Size":"Fontin koko","Full size image":"Täysikokoinen kuva",Green:"Vihreä","Green marker":"Vihreä tussi","Green pen":"Vihreä kynä",Grey:"Harmaa",Groove:"Uurrettu","Header column":"Otsikkosarake","Header row":"Otsikkorivi",Heading:"Otsikkotyyli","Heading 1":"Otsikko 1","Heading 2":"Otsikko 2","Heading 3":"Otsikko 3","Heading 4":"Otsikko 4","Heading 5":"Otsikko 5","Heading 6":"Otsikko 6",Height:"Korkeus","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Tukisisältö. Voit sulkea tämän dialogin painamalla ESC-näppäintä.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Korosta","Horizontal line":"Vaakasuora viiva","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Vaakasuoran tekstin suunnan työkalupalkki","HTML object":"HMTL-kohde",Huge:"Hyvin suuri","Image from computer":"Tietokoneen kuva","Image resize list":"Kuvan koon muokkaamisen lista","Image toolbar":"Kuvan työkalupalkki","Image upload complete":"Kuvan lataus valmis","image widget":"Kuvavimpain","In line":"Rivin sisällä","Increase indent":"Lisää sisennystä","Increase list item indent":"Kasvata listanimikkeen sisennystä",Insert:"Liitä","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Lisää kappaleenvaihto (uusi kappale)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Lisää uusi kappale suoraan widgetin jälkeen","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Lisää uusi kappale suoraan widgetin eteen","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Liitä uusi taulukkorivi (pätee taulukon viimeiseen soluun)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Lisää rivinvaihto (<br>
-elementti)","Insert code block":"Liitä koodilohko","Insert column left":"Lisää sarake vasemmalle","Insert column right":"Lisää sarake oikealle","Insert image":"Lisää kuva","Insert image via URL":"Liitä kuva URL-koodin kautta","Insert paragraph after block":"Liitä kappale lohkon jälkeen","Insert paragraph before block":"Liitä kappale ennen lohkoa","Insert row above":"Lisää rivi ylle","Insert row below":"Lisää rivi alle","Insert table":"Lisää taulukko",Inset:"Upote","Invalid start index value.":"Virheellinen aloitusindeksin arvo.",Italic:"Kursivointi","Italic text":"Kursivoitu teksti",Justify:"Tasaa molemmat reunat","Justify cell text":"Tasaa solun teksti","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Listassa käytettävät painallukset","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Painallukset, joita voidaan käyttää taulukon solussa","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Painallukset, joita voidaan käyttää widgetin valitsemisen yhteydessä (esimerkiksi: kuva, taulukko jne.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Jätetään koodinpätkä %0","Leaving a to-do list":"Jätetään tehtävälista","Leaving code snippet":"Jätetään koodinpätkä","Left aligned image":"Vasemmalle tasattu kuva","Light blue":"Vaaleansininen","Light green":"Vaaleanvihreä","Light grey":"Vaaleanharmaa",Link:"Linkki","Link image":"Linkkikuva","Link URL":"Linkin osoite","Link URL must not be empty.":"Linkin URL ei voi olla tyhjä.","List properties":"Listaominaisuudet","Lower-latin":"Pienet latinalaiset aakkoset","Lower–roman":"Pienet roomalaiset numerot","Match case":"Hae tapaukselle vastapari",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Muokkaa",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Tiedosto",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Fontti",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Muoto",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Tuki",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Liitä",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Teksti",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Työkalut",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Näytä","Merge cell down":"Yhdistä solu alas","Merge cell left":"Yhdistä solu vasemmalle","Merge cell right":"Yhdistä solu oikealle","Merge cell up":"Yhdistä solu ylös","Merge cells":"Yhdistä tai jaa soluja","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Siirrä tarkennusta eri kaavakekenttien (syötteet, painikkeet yms.) välillä","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Siirry lähemmäs ja kauemmas käytössä olevasta dialogi-ikkunasta","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Kohdenna valikkopalkkiin ja siirry palkista toiseen","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Siirrä tarkennus työkalupalkkiin, siirry työkalupalkista toiseen","Move out of a link":"Siirrä linkin ulkopuolelle","Move out of an inline code style":"Siirry pois rivinsisäisestä koodista","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Siirrä sirkumfleksimerkkiä voidaksesi kirjoittaa suoraan widgetin jälkeen","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Siirrä sirkumfleksimerkkiä voidaksesi kirjoittaa suoraan ennen widgetiä","Move the selection to the next cell":"Siirrä valittu kohde seuraavaan soluun","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Siirrä valittu kohde edelliseen soluun","Multiple styles":"Useita tyylejä","Navigate editable regions":"Siirry muokattavilla alueilla","Navigate through the table":"Siirry taulukossa","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Siirry työkalupalkkien tai valikkopalkkien välillä",Next:"Seuraava","Next editable region":"Seuraava muokattava alue","Next result":"Seuraava tulos","No results found":"Tuloksia ei löytynyt","No searchable items":"Ei haettavia nimikkeitä",None:"Ei mitään","Numbered List":"Numeroitu lista","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Numerolistan työkalupalkki","Open in a new tab":"Avaa uudelle välilehdelle","Open link in new tab":"Avaa linkki uudessa välilehdessä","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Avaa esteettömyystuen dialogi",Orange:"Oranssi",Original:"Alkuperäinen",Outset:"Ulkonema",Padding:"Täyte",Paragraph:"Kappale","Paste content":"Liitä sisältö","Paste content as plain text":"Liitä sisältö pelkkänä tekstinä","Pink marker":"Pinkki tussi","Plain text":"Pelkkä teksti",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Syötäthän pätevän värin (esim. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Paina %0 -näppäintä, jos tarvitset apua.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Paina enter-näppäintä kirjoittaaksesi tai paina shift + enter kirjoittaaksesi ennen widget-sovellusta",Previous:"Edellinen","Previous editable region":"Aikaisempi muokattava alue","Previous result":"Edellinen tulos",Purple:"Purppura",Red:"Punainen","Red pen":"Punainen tussi",Redo:"Tee uudelleen","Remove color":"Poista väri","Remove Format":"Poista muotoilu","Remove highlight":"Poista korostus",Replace:"Korvaa","Replace all":"Korvaa kaikki","Replace from computer":"Korvaa tietokoneelta","Replace image":"Korvaa kuva","Replace image from computer":"Korvaa kuva tietokoneelta","Replace with…":"Korvaa tällä…","Resize image":"Muokkaa kuvan kokoa","Resize image (in %0)":"Muuta kuvan kokoa (%0)","Resize image to %0":"Muokkaa kuvan kooksi %0","Resize image to the original size":"Vaihda kuvan koko alkuperäiseen kokoon","Restore default":"Palauta oletus","Reversed order":"Päinvastainen järjestys","Revert autoformatting action":"Peruuta automaattimuokkaus","Rich Text Editor":"Rikas tekstieditori",Ridge:"Harjanne","Right aligned image":"Oikealle tasattu kuva",Row:"Rivi",Save:"Tallenna","Select all":"Valitse kaikki","Select column":"Valitse sarake","Select row":"Valitse rivi","Show more items":"Näytä lisää toimintoja","Side image":"Pieni kuva",Small:"Pieni",Solid:"Kiinteä","Split cell horizontally":"Jaa solu vaakasuunnassa","Split cell vertically":"Jaa solu pystysuunnassa",Square:"Neliö","Start at":"Alkaa","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Aloitusindeksin pitää olla suurempi kuin 0.",Strikethrough:"Yliviivaus","Strikethrough text":"Yliviivattu teksti",Style:"Tyyli",Styles:"Tyylit",Subscript:"Alaindeksi",Superscript:"Yläindeksi",Table:"Taulukko","Table alignment toolbar":"Taulukon suunnan työkalupalkki","Table cell text alignment":"Taulukkosolun tekstin suunta","Table properties":"Taulukon ominaisuudet","Table toolbar":"Taulukon työkalupalkki","Text alignment":"Tekstin tasaus","Text alignment toolbar":"Tekstin suuntauksen työkalupalkki","Text alternative":"Vaihtoehtoinen teksti","Text highlight toolbar":"Tekstinkorostuksen työkalupalkki","Text styles":"Tekstityylit","Text to find must not be empty.":"Haettava teksti ei saa olla tyhjä.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Väri ei kelpaa. Ota sen sijaan käyttöön "#FF0000", "rgb(255,0,0)" tai "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Arvo ei kelpaa. Ota käyttöön "10px", "2em" tai pelkästään "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Arvo ei voi olla tyhjä.","The value should be a plain number.":"Arvon pitää olla pelkkä luku.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Nämä avainoikotiet mahdollistavat sisällönmuokkausominaisuuksien nopean käytön.","This link has no URL":"Linkillä ei ole URL-osoitetta",Tiny:"Hyvin pieni","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Vinkki: hae ensin teksti korvataksesi sen.","To-do List":"Tehtävälista","Toggle caption off":"Poista taulukon kuvaus","Toggle caption on":"Lisää taulukon kuvaus","Toggle the circle list style":"Ympyrälistatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the decimal list style":"Desimaalilistatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Nolla alussa -desimaalilistatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the disc list style":"Levylistatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Pienet latinalaiset aakkoset -listatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Pienet roomalaiset numerot -listatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the square list style":"Neliölistatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Isot latinalaiset aakkoset -listatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Isot roomalaiset numerot -listatyylin vaihdin",Turquoise:"Turkoosi","Type or paste your content here.":"Kirjoita tai liitä sisältösi tänne.","Type your title":"Kirjoita otsikkosi",Underline:"Alleviivaus","Underline text":"Alleviivattu teksti",Undo:"Peru",Unlink:"Poista linkki",Update:"Päivitä","Update image URL":"Päivitä kuvan URL","Upload failed":"Lataus epäonnistui","Upload from computer":"Lataa tietokoneelta","Upload image from computer":"Lataa kuva tietokoneelta","Upload in progress":"Lähetys käynnissä","Uploading image":"Ladataan kuvaa","Upper-latin":"Isot latinalaiset aakkoset","Upper-roman":"Isot roomalaiset numerot","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Voit tehostaa CKEditor 5:n käyttöliittymässä siirtymistä seuraavilla painalluksilla.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Käyttöliittymän ja sisällössä siirtymisen painallukset","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Pystysuoran tekstin suunnan työkalupalkki",White:"Valkoinen","Whole words only":"Vain kokonaisia sanoja","Widget toolbar":"Widget-työkalupalkki",Width:"Leveys","Words: %0":"Sanoja: %0","Wrap text":"Sovita teksti",Yellow:"Keltainen","Yellow marker":"Keltainen tussi"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
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diff --git a/build/translations/fr.js b/build/translations/fr.js
index 94a9a6c..42cd4fb 100644
--- a/build/translations/fr.js
+++ b/build/translations/fr.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["fr"]=e["fr"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(peut nécessiter Fn )","%0 of %1":"%0 sur %1",Accept:"Accepter",Accessibility:"Accessibilité","Accessibility help":"Aide à l'accessibilité","Align cell text to the bottom":"Aligner le texte en bas","Align cell text to the center":"Aligner la cellule au centre","Align cell text to the left":"Aligner la cellule à gauche","Align cell text to the middle":"Aligner le texte au milieu","Align cell text to the right":"Aligner la cellule à droite","Align cell text to the top":"Aligner le texte en haut","Align table to the left":"Aligner le tableau à gauche","Align table to the right":"Aligner le tableau à droite",Alignment:"Alignement",Aquamarine:"Bleu vert",Background:"Fond","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Ci-dessous, vous trouverez une liste de raccourcis clavier pouvant être utilisés dans l’éditeur.",Big:"Grand",Black:"Noir","Block quote":"Citation",Blue:"Bleu",Bold:"Gras","Bold text":"Texte en gras",Border:"Bordure","Break text":"Saut de ligne","Bulleted List":"Liste à puces","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Barre d'outils des styles de liste à puce",Cancel:"Annuler","Caption for image: %0":"Légende de l'image : %0","Caption for the image":"Légende de l'image","Cell properties":"Propriétés de la cellule","Center table":"Centrer le tableau ","Centered image":"Image centrée","Change image text alternative":"Changer le texte alternatif à l’image","Choose heading":"Choisir l'en-tête",Circle:"Cercle",Clear:"Effacer","Click to edit block":"Cliquer pour modifier le bloc",Close:"Fermer","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Fermer les bulles contextuelles, les listes déroulantes et les boîtes de dialogue",Code:"Code",Color:"Couleur","Color picker":"Pipette à couleurs",Column:"Colonne","Content editing keystrokes":"Touches d'édition de contenu","Copy selected content":"Copier le contenu sélectionné","Create link":"Créer un lien",Custom:"Personnalisé","Custom image size":"Taille d'image personnalisée",Dashed:"Tirets",Decimal:"Chiffres","Decimal with leading zero":"Chiffres avec des zéros supplémentaire","Decrease indent":"Diminuer le retrait","Decrease list item indent":"Diminuer le retrait des éléments de liste",Default:"Par défaut","Delete column":"Supprimer la colonne","Delete row":"Supprimer la ligne","Dim grey":"Gris pâle",Dimensions:"Dimensions",Disc:"Disque","Document colors":"Couleurs du document",Dotted:"Pointillés",Double:"Double",Downloadable:"Fichier téléchargeable","Drag to move":"Faire glisser pour déplacer","Dropdown toolbar":"Barre d'outils dans un menu déroulant","Edit block":"Modifier le bloc","Edit link":"Modifier le lien","Editor block content toolbar":"Barre d'outils du contenu du bloc éditeur","Editor contextual toolbar":"Barre d'outils contextuelle de l'éditeur","Editor dialog":"Boîte de dialogue de l'éditeur","Editor editing area: %0":"Zone d'édition de l'éditeur : %0","Editor menu bar":"Barre de menu de l'éditeur","Editor toolbar":"Barre d'outils de l'éditeur","Enter image caption":"Saisir la légende de l’image","Enter table caption":"Saisir la légende du tableau","Entering a to-do list":"Saisie d'une liste de tâches","Error during image upload":"Une erreur s'est produite lors du téléchargement de l'image.","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Exécuter le bouton sur lequel se trouve le focus. L'exécution de boutons qui interagissent avec le contenu de l'éditeur ramène le focus sur le contenu.","Font Background Color":"Couleur d'arrière-plan","Font Color":"Couleur de police","Font Family":"Police","Font Size":"Taille de police","Full size image":"Image taille réelle",Green:"Vert",Grey:"Gris",Groove:"Rainuré","Header column":"Colonne d'entête","Header row":"Ligne d'entête",Heading:"En-tête","Heading 1":"Titre 1","Heading 2":"Titre 2","Heading 3":"Titre 3","Heading 4":"Titre 4","Heading 5":"Titre 5","Heading 6":"Titre 6",Height:"Hauteur","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Contenu de l'aide. Pour fermer cette boîte de dialogue, appuyez sur ESC.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Ligne horizontale","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Barre d'outils pour modifier l'alignement horizontal du texte",Huge:"Enorme","Image from computer":"Image provenant d'un ordinateur","Image resize list":"Liste des tailles d'images","Image toolbar":"Barre d'outils des images","Image upload complete":"Téléchargement de l'image terminé","image widget":"Objet image","In line":"Aligné","Increase indent":"Augmenter le retrait","Increase list item indent":"Augmenter le retrait des éléments de liste",Insert:"Insérer","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Insérer une pause (un nouveau paragraphe)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Insérer un nouveau paragraphe directement après un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Insérer un nouveau paragraphe directement avant un widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Insérer une nouvelle ligne de tableau (dans la dernière cellule d'un tableau)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Insérer un saut progressif (un élément
)","Insert column left":"Insérer une colonne à gauche","Insert column right":"Insérer une colonne à droite","Insert image":"Insérer une image","Insert image via URL":"Insérer une image à partir d'une URL","Insert media":"Insérer un média","Insert paragraph after block":"Insérer du texte après ce bloc","Insert paragraph before block":"Insérer du texte avant ce bloc","Insert row above":"Insérer une ligne au-dessus","Insert row below":"Insérer une ligne en-dessous","Insert table":"Insérer un tableau",Inset:"Relief intérieur","Invalid start index value.":"Valeur d'index de départ invalide.",Italic:"Italique","Italic text":"Texte en italique","Justify cell text":"Justifier le contenu de la cellule","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Frappes de touches pouvant être utilisées dans une liste","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Frappes de touches pouvant être utilisées dans une cellule de tableau","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Frappes de touches pouvant être utilisées lorsqu'un widget est sélectionné (par exemple : image, tableau, etc.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Laisser une liste de tâches","Left aligned image":"Image alignée à gauche","Light blue":"Bleu clair","Light green":"Vert clair","Light grey":"Gris clair",Link:"Lien","Link image":"Lien d'image","Link URL":"URL du lien","Link URL must not be empty.":"L'URL du lien ne doit pas être vide.","List properties":"Liste des propriétés","Lower-latin":"Lettres minuscules","Lower–roman":"Chiffres romains en minuscules","Media toolbar":"Barre d'outils des médias","Media URL":"URL de média","media widget":"Widget média",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Éditer",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fichier",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Police de caractère",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Aide",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Insérer",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Texte",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Outils",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Afficher","Merge cell down":"Fusionner la cellule en-dessous","Merge cell left":"Fusionner la cellule à gauche","Merge cell right":"Fusionner la cellule à droite","Merge cell up":"Fusionner la cellule au-dessus","Merge cells":"Fusionner les cellules","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Déplacer le focus entre les champs du formulaire (saisies, boutons, etc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Déplacer le focus vers et hors d'une fenêtre de dialogue active","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Déplacer le focus sur la barre du menu, naviguer entre les barres de menu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Déplacez le focus sur la barre d'outils, naviguez entre les barres d'outils","Move out of a link":"Sortir d'un lien","Move out of an inline code style":"Sortir d'un style de code en ligne","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Déplacez le curseur pour permettre de taper directement après un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Déplacez le curseur pour permettre la saisie directement avant un widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Déplacer la sélection vers la cellule suivante","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Déplacer la sélection vers la cellule précédente","Navigate through the table":"Naviguer dans le tableau","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Naviguer sur la barre d'outils ou la barre de menu",Next:"Suivant","No results found":"Aucun résultat trouvé","No searchable items":"Aucun élément consultable",None:"Aucun","Numbered List":"Liste numérotée","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barre d'outils des styles de liste numérotée","Open in a new tab":"Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet","Open link in new tab":"Ouvrir le lien dans un nouvel onglet","Open media in new tab":"Ouvrir le média dans un nouvel onglet","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Ouvrir la boîte de dialogue d'aide sur l'accessibilité",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Taille originale",Outset:"Relief extérieur",Padding:"Remplissage pour aérer le texte",Paragraph:"Paragraphe","Paste content":"Coller le contenu","Paste content as plain text":"Coller le contenu sous forme de texte brut","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Coller l'URL du média",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Veuillez saisir une couleur valide (par exemple « ff0000 »).","Press %0 for help.":"Appuyez sur %0 pour obtenir de l'aide.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Appuyez sur la touche Entrée pour taper après ou sur Maj + Entrée pour taper avant le widget.",Previous:"Précedent",Purple:"Violet",Red:"Rouge",Redo:"Restaurer","Remove color":"Enlever la couleur","Remove Format":"Enlever le format","Replace from computer":"Remplacer depuis l'ordinateur","Replace image":"Remplacer l'image","Replace image from computer":"Remplacer l'image depuis l'ordinateur","Resize image":"Redimensionner l'image","Resize image (in %0)":"Redimensionner l'image (en %0)","Resize image to %0":"Redimensionner à %0","Resize image to the original size":"Appliquer les dimensions d'origine","Restore default":"Restaurer par défaut","Reversed order":"Ordre inversé","Revert autoformatting action":"Annuler l'action de formatage automatique","Rich Text Editor":"Éditeur de texte enrichi",Ridge:"Relief","Right aligned image":"Image alignée à droite",Row:"Ligne",Save:"Enregistrer","Select all":"Sélectionner tout","Select column":"Sélectionner la colonne","Select row":"Sélectionner la ligne","Show more items":"Montrer plus d'éléments","Side image":"Image latérale",Small:"Petit",Solid:"Continu","Split cell horizontally":"Scinder la cellule horizontalement","Split cell vertically":"Scinder la cellule verticalement",Square:"Carré","Start at":"Commencer à","Start index must be greater than 0.":"L'indice de départ doit être supérieur à 0.",Strikethrough:"Barré","Strikethrough text":"Texte barré",Style:"Style",Subscript:"Indice",Superscript:"Exposant",Table:"Tableau","Table alignment toolbar":"Barre d'outils pour modifier l'alignement du tableau","Table cell text alignment":"Alignement du texte de la cellule","Table properties":"Propriétés du tableau","Table toolbar":"Barre d'outils des tableaux","Text alternative":"Texte alternatif",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'La couleur est invalide. Essayez "#FF0000" ou "rgb(255,0,0)" ou "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"L'URL ne doit pas être vide.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'La valeur est invalide. Essayez "10px" ou "2em" ou simplement "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"La valeur ne doit pas être vide.","The value should be a plain number.":"La valeur doit être un nombre simple.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Ces raccourcis clavier permettent un accès rapide aux fonctionnalités d'édition de contenu.","This link has no URL":"Ce lien n'a pas d'URL","This media URL is not supported.":"Cette URL de média n'est pas supportée.",Tiny:"Minuscule","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Astuce : Copier l'URL du média dans le contenu pour l'insérer plus rapidement","To-do List":"Liste de tâches","Toggle caption off":"Désactiver la légende","Toggle caption on":"Activer la légende","Toggle the circle list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "cercle"',"Toggle the decimal list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "chiffres"',"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "chiffres de mêmes longueurs"',"Toggle the disc list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "disque"',"Toggle the lower–latin list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "lettres minuscules"',"Toggle the lower–roman list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "chiffres romains en minuscules"',"Toggle the square list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "carré"',"Toggle the upper–latin list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "lettres majuscules"',"Toggle the upper–roman list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "chiffres romains en majuscules"',Turquoise:"Turquoise","Type or paste your content here.":"Noter ou coller votre contenu ici","Type your title":"Rentrer votre titre",Underline:"Souligné","Underline text":"Souligner le texte",Undo:"Annuler",Unlink:"Supprimer le lien",Update:"Modifier","Update image URL":"Modifier l'URL de l'image","Upload failed":"Échec de l'envoi","Upload from computer":"Télécharger depuis l'ordinateur","Upload image from computer":"Télécharger une image depuis l'ordinateur","Upload in progress":"Téléchargement en cours","Uploading image":"Téléchargement de l'image","Upper-latin":"Lettres majuscules","Upper-roman":"Chiffres romains en majuscules","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Utilisez les touches suivantes pour une navigation plus efficace dans l'interface utilisateur de CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Interface utilisateur et frappes de navigation dans le contenu","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barre d'outils pour modifier l'alignement vertical du texte",White:"Blanc","Widget toolbar":"Barre d'outils du widget",Width:"Largeur","Wrap text":"Retour à la ligne",Yellow:"Jaune"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==0||e==1?0:e!=0&&e%1e6==0?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["fr"]=e["fr"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(peut nécessiter Fn )","%0 of %1":"%0 sur %1",Accept:"Accepter",Accessibility:"Accessibilité","Accessibility help":"Aide à l'accessibilité","Advanced options":"Options avancées","Align cell text to the bottom":"Aligner le texte en bas","Align cell text to the center":"Aligner la cellule au centre","Align cell text to the left":"Aligner la cellule à gauche","Align cell text to the middle":"Aligner le texte au milieu","Align cell text to the right":"Aligner la cellule à droite","Align cell text to the top":"Aligner le texte en haut","Align center":"Centrer","Align left":"Aligner à gauche","Align right":"Aligner à droite","Align table to the left":"Aligner le tableau à gauche","Align table to the right":"Aligner le tableau à droite",Alignment:"Alignement",Aquamarine:"Bleu vert",Background:"Fond","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Ci-dessous, vous trouverez une liste de raccourcis clavier pouvant être utilisés dans l’éditeur.",Big:"Grand",Black:"Noir","Block quote":"Citation","Block styles":"Styles de bloc",Blue:"Bleu","Blue marker":"Marqueur bleu",Bold:"Gras","Bold text":"Texte en gras",Border:"Bordure","Break text":"Saut de ligne","Bulleted List":"Liste à puces","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Barre d'outils des styles de liste à puce",Cancel:"Annuler","Caption for image: %0":"Légende de l'image : %0","Caption for the image":"Légende de l'image","Cell properties":"Propriétés de la cellule","Center table":"Centrer le tableau ","Centered image":"Image centrée","Change image text alternative":"Changer le texte alternatif à l’image","Characters: %0":"Caractères : %0","Choose heading":"Choisir l'en-tête",Circle:"Cercle",Clear:"Effacer","Click to edit block":"Cliquer pour modifier le bloc",Close:"Fermer","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Fermer les bulles contextuelles, les listes déroulantes et les boîtes de dialogue",Code:"Code","Code block":"Bloc de code",Color:"Couleur","Color picker":"Pipette à couleurs",Column:"Colonne","Content editing keystrokes":"Touches d'édition de contenu","Copy selected content":"Copier le contenu sélectionné","Create link":"Créer un lien",Custom:"Personnalisé","Custom image size":"Taille d'image personnalisée",Dashed:"Tirets",Decimal:"Chiffres","Decimal with leading zero":"Chiffres avec des zéros supplémentaire","Decrease indent":"Diminuer le retrait","Decrease list item indent":"Diminuer le retrait des éléments de liste",Default:"Par défaut","Delete column":"Supprimer la colonne","Delete row":"Supprimer la ligne","Dim grey":"Gris pâle",Dimensions:"Dimensions","Disable editing":"Désactiver l'édition",Disc:"Disque","Document colors":"Couleurs du document",Dotted:"Pointillés",Double:"Double",Downloadable:"Fichier téléchargeable","Drag to move":"Faire glisser pour déplacer","Dropdown toolbar":"Barre d'outils dans un menu déroulant","Edit block":"Modifier le bloc","Edit link":"Modifier le lien","Editor block content toolbar":"Barre d'outils du contenu du bloc éditeur","Editor contextual toolbar":"Barre d'outils contextuelle de l'éditeur","Editor dialog":"Boîte de dialogue de l'éditeur","Editor editing area: %0":"Zone d'édition de l'éditeur : %0","Editor menu bar":"Barre de menu de l'éditeur","Editor toolbar":"Barre d'outils de l'éditeur","Enable editing":"Activer l'édition","Enter image caption":"Saisir la légende de l’image","Enter table caption":"Saisir la légende du tableau","Entering %0 code snippet":"Saisie d'un extrait de code %0","Entering a to-do list":"Saisie d'une liste de tâches","Entering code snippet":"Saisie d'un extrait de code","Error during image upload":"Une erreur s'est produite lors du téléchargement de l'image.","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Exécuter le bouton sur lequel se trouve le focus. L'exécution de boutons qui interagissent avec le contenu de l'éditeur ramène le focus sur le contenu.",Find:"Rechercher","Find and replace":"Rechercher et remplacer","Find in text…":"Rechercher dans le texte...","Find in the document":"Rechercher dans le document","Font Background Color":"Couleur d'arrière-plan","Font Color":"Couleur de police","Font Family":"Police","Font Size":"Taille de police","Full size image":"Image taille réelle",Green:"Vert","Green marker":"Marqueur vert","Green pen":"Crayon vert",Grey:"Gris",Groove:"Rainuré","Header column":"Colonne d'entête","Header row":"Ligne d'entête",Heading:"En-tête","Heading 1":"Titre 1","Heading 2":"Titre 2","Heading 3":"Titre 3","Heading 4":"Titre 4","Heading 5":"Titre 5","Heading 6":"Titre 6",Height:"Hauteur","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Contenu de l'aide. Pour fermer cette boîte de dialogue, appuyez sur ESC.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Surlignage","Horizontal line":"Ligne horizontale","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Barre d'outils pour modifier l'alignement horizontal du texte","HTML object":"Objet HTML",Huge:"Enorme","Image from computer":"Image provenant d'un ordinateur","Image resize list":"Liste des tailles d'images","Image toolbar":"Barre d'outils des images","Image upload complete":"Téléchargement de l'image terminé","image widget":"Objet image","In line":"Aligné","Increase indent":"Augmenter le retrait","Increase list item indent":"Augmenter le retrait des éléments de liste",Insert:"Insérer","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Insérer une pause (un nouveau paragraphe)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Insérer un nouveau paragraphe directement après un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Insérer un nouveau paragraphe directement avant un widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Insérer une nouvelle ligne de tableau (dans la dernière cellule d'un tableau)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Insérer un saut progressif (un élément
)","Insert code block":"Insérer un bloc de code","Insert column left":"Insérer une colonne à gauche","Insert column right":"Insérer une colonne à droite","Insert image":"Insérer une image","Insert image via URL":"Insérer une image à partir d'une URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Insérer du texte après ce bloc","Insert paragraph before block":"Insérer du texte avant ce bloc","Insert row above":"Insérer une ligne au-dessus","Insert row below":"Insérer une ligne en-dessous","Insert table":"Insérer un tableau",Inset:"Relief intérieur","Invalid start index value.":"Valeur d'index de départ invalide.",Italic:"Italique","Italic text":"Texte en italique",Justify:"Justifier","Justify cell text":"Justifier le contenu de la cellule","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Frappes de touches pouvant être utilisées dans une liste","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Frappes de touches pouvant être utilisées dans une cellule de tableau","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Frappes de touches pouvant être utilisées lorsqu'un widget est sélectionné (par exemple : image, tableau, etc.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Laisser un extrait de code %0","Leaving a to-do list":"Laisser une liste de tâches","Leaving code snippet":"Laisser un extrait de code","Left aligned image":"Image alignée à gauche","Light blue":"Bleu clair","Light green":"Vert clair","Light grey":"Gris clair",Link:"Lien","Link image":"Lien d'image","Link URL":"URL du lien","Link URL must not be empty.":"L'URL du lien ne doit pas être vide.","List properties":"Liste des propriétés","Lower-latin":"Lettres minuscules","Lower–roman":"Chiffres romains en minuscules","Match case":"Sensible à la casse",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Éditer",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fichier",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Police de caractère",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Aide",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Insérer",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Texte",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Outils",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Afficher","Merge cell down":"Fusionner la cellule en-dessous","Merge cell left":"Fusionner la cellule à gauche","Merge cell right":"Fusionner la cellule à droite","Merge cell up":"Fusionner la cellule au-dessus","Merge cells":"Fusionner les cellules","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Déplacer le focus entre les champs du formulaire (saisies, boutons, etc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Déplacer le focus vers et hors d'une fenêtre de dialogue active","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Déplacer le focus sur la barre du menu, naviguer entre les barres de menu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Déplacez le focus sur la barre d'outils, naviguez entre les barres d'outils","Move out of a link":"Sortir d'un lien","Move out of an inline code style":"Sortir d'un style de code en ligne","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Déplacez le curseur pour permettre de taper directement après un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Déplacez le curseur pour permettre la saisie directement avant un widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Déplacer la sélection vers la cellule suivante","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Déplacer la sélection vers la cellule précédente","Multiple styles":"Styles multiples","Navigate editable regions":"Naviguer vers","Navigate through the table":"Naviguer dans le tableau","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Naviguer sur la barre d'outils ou la barre de menu",Next:"Suivant","Next editable region":"Région éditable suivante","Next result":"Résultat suivant","No results found":"Aucun résultat trouvé","No searchable items":"Aucun élément consultable",None:"Aucun","Numbered List":"Liste numérotée","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barre d'outils des styles de liste numérotée","Open in a new tab":"Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet","Open link in new tab":"Ouvrir le lien dans un nouvel onglet","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Ouvrir la boîte de dialogue d'aide sur l'accessibilité",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Taille originale",Outset:"Relief extérieur",Padding:"Remplissage pour aérer le texte",Paragraph:"Paragraphe","Paste content":"Coller le contenu","Paste content as plain text":"Coller le contenu sous forme de texte brut","Pink marker":"Marqueur rose","Plain text":"Texte brut",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Veuillez saisir une couleur valide (par exemple « ff0000 »).","Press %0 for help.":"Appuyez sur %0 pour obtenir de l'aide.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Appuyez sur la touche Entrée pour taper après ou sur Maj + Entrée pour taper avant le widget.",Previous:"Précedent","Previous editable region":"Région éditable précédente","Previous result":"Résultat précédent",Purple:"Violet",Red:"Rouge","Red pen":"Crayon rouge",Redo:"Restaurer","Remove color":"Enlever la couleur","Remove Format":"Enlever le format","Remove highlight":"Enlever le surlignage",Replace:"Remplacer","Replace all":"Remplacer tout","Replace from computer":"Remplacer depuis l'ordinateur","Replace image":"Remplacer l'image","Replace image from computer":"Remplacer l'image depuis l'ordinateur","Replace with…":"Remplacer par ...","Resize image":"Redimensionner l'image","Resize image (in %0)":"Redimensionner l'image (en %0)","Resize image to %0":"Redimensionner à %0","Resize image to the original size":"Appliquer les dimensions d'origine","Restore default":"Restaurer par défaut","Reversed order":"Ordre inversé","Revert autoformatting action":"Annuler l'action de formatage automatique","Rich Text Editor":"Éditeur de texte enrichi",Ridge:"Relief","Right aligned image":"Image alignée à droite",Row:"Ligne",Save:"Enregistrer","Select all":"Sélectionner tout","Select column":"Sélectionner la colonne","Select row":"Sélectionner la ligne","Show more items":"Montrer plus d'éléments","Side image":"Image latérale",Small:"Petit",Solid:"Continu","Split cell horizontally":"Scinder la cellule horizontalement","Split cell vertically":"Scinder la cellule verticalement",Square:"Carré","Start at":"Commencer à","Start index must be greater than 0.":"L'indice de départ doit être supérieur à 0.",Strikethrough:"Barré","Strikethrough text":"Texte barré",Style:"Style",Styles:"Styles",Subscript:"Indice",Superscript:"Exposant",Table:"Tableau","Table alignment toolbar":"Barre d'outils pour modifier l'alignement du tableau","Table cell text alignment":"Alignement du texte de la cellule","Table properties":"Propriétés du tableau","Table toolbar":"Barre d'outils des tableaux","Text alignment":"Alignement du texte","Text alignment toolbar":"Barre d'outils d'alignement du texte","Text alternative":"Texte alternatif","Text highlight toolbar":"Barre d'outils du surlignage","Text styles":"Styles de texte","Text to find must not be empty.":"L'expression à rechercher ne doit pas être vide",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'La couleur est invalide. Essayez "#FF0000" ou "rgb(255,0,0)" ou "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'La valeur est invalide. Essayez "10px" ou "2em" ou simplement "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"La valeur ne doit pas être vide.","The value should be a plain number.":"La valeur doit être un nombre simple.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Ces raccourcis clavier permettent un accès rapide aux fonctionnalités d'édition de contenu.","This link has no URL":"Ce lien n'a pas d'URL",Tiny:"Minuscule","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Astuce : rechercher une expression afin de la remplacer","To-do List":"Liste de tâches","Toggle caption off":"Désactiver la légende","Toggle caption on":"Activer la légende","Toggle the circle list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "cercle"',"Toggle the decimal list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "chiffres"',"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "chiffres de mêmes longueurs"',"Toggle the disc list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "disque"',"Toggle the lower–latin list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "lettres minuscules"',"Toggle the lower–roman list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "chiffres romains en minuscules"',"Toggle the square list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "carré"',"Toggle the upper–latin list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "lettres majuscules"',"Toggle the upper–roman list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "chiffres romains en majuscules"',Turquoise:"Turquoise","Type or paste your content here.":"Noter ou coller votre contenu ici","Type your title":"Rentrer votre titre",Underline:"Souligné","Underline text":"Souligner le texte",Undo:"Annuler",Unlink:"Supprimer le lien",Update:"Modifier","Update image URL":"Modifier l'URL de l'image","Upload failed":"Échec de l'envoi","Upload from computer":"Télécharger depuis l'ordinateur","Upload image from computer":"Télécharger une image depuis l'ordinateur","Upload in progress":"Téléchargement en cours","Uploading image":"Téléchargement de l'image","Upper-latin":"Lettres majuscules","Upper-roman":"Chiffres romains en majuscules","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Utilisez les touches suivantes pour une navigation plus efficace dans l'interface utilisateur de CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Interface utilisateur et frappes de navigation dans le contenu","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barre d'outils pour modifier l'alignement vertical du texte",White:"Blanc","Whole words only":"Mots entiers uniquement","Widget toolbar":"Barre d'outils du widget",Width:"Largeur","Words: %0":"Mots : %0","Wrap text":"Retour à la ligne",Yellow:"Jaune","Yellow marker":"Marqueur jaune"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==0||e==1?0:e!=0&&e%1e6==0?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/gl.js b/build/translations/gl.js
index ca1f2f2..5e312d8 100644
--- a/build/translations/gl.js
+++ b/build/translations/gl.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const a=e["gl"]=e["gl"]||{};a.dictionary=Object.assign(a.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"","%0 of %1":"%0 de %1",Accept:"Aceptar",Accessibility:"","Accessibility help":"","Align cell text to the bottom":"Aliñar o texto da cela á base","Align cell text to the center":"Aliñar o texto da cela ao centro","Align cell text to the left":"Aliñar o texto da cela á esquerda","Align cell text to the middle":"Aliñar o texto da cela ao medio","Align cell text to the right":"Aliña o texto da cela á dereita","Align cell text to the top":"Aliñar o texto da cela á parte superior","Align table to the left":"Aliñar a táboa á esquerda","Align table to the right":"Aliñar a táboa á dereita",Alignment:"Aliñamento",Aquamarine:"Augamariña",Background:"Fondo","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"",Big:"Grande",Black:"Negro","Block quote":"Cita de bloque",Blue:"Azul",Bold:"Negra","Bold text":"",Border:"Bordo","Break text":"Romper o texto","Bulleted List":"Lista con viñetas","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de estilos de lista con viñetas",Cancel:"Cancelar","Caption for image: %0":"Lenda da imaxe: %0","Caption for the image":"Lenda da imaxe","Cell properties":"Propiedades da cela","Center table":"Centrar a táboa","Centered image":"Imaxe centrada horizontalmente","Change image text alternative":"Cambiar o texto alternativo da imaxe","Choose heading":"Escolla o título",Circle:"Círculos",Clear:"Limpar","Click to edit block":"Prema para editar o bloque",Close:"","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"",Code:"Código",Color:"Cor","Color picker":"Selector de cores",Column:"Columna","Content editing keystrokes":"","Create link":"",Custom:"","Custom image size":"",Dashed:"Raiado",Decimal:"Decimais","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimais con cero á esquerda","Decrease indent":"Reducir a sangría","Decrease list item indent":"",Default:"Predeterminada","Delete column":"Eliminar columna","Delete row":"Eliminar fila","Dim grey":"Gris fume",Dimensions:"Dimensións",Disc:"Discos","Document colors":"Cores do documento",Dotted:"Punteado",Double:"Dobre",Downloadable:"Descargábel","Drag to move":"Arrastre para mover","Dropdown toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas despregábel","Edit block":"Editar bloque","Edit link":"Editar a ligazón","Editor block content toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de contido do bloque do editor","Editor contextual toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas contextual do editor","Editor dialog":"","Editor editing area: %0":"Área de edición do editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"","Editor toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do editor","Enter image caption":"Introduza o título da imaxe","Enter table caption":"Introduza o título da táboa","Entering a to-do list":"","Error during image upload":"","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"","Font Background Color":"Cor do fondo da letra","Font Color":"Cor da letra","Font Family":"Familia tipográfica","Font Size":"Tamaño da letra","Full size image":"Imaxe a tamaño completo",Green:"Verde",Grey:"Gris",Groove:"Rañura","Header column":"Cabeceira de columna","Header row":"Cabeceira de fila",Heading:"Título","Heading 1":"Título 1","Heading 2":"Título 2","Heading 3":"Título 3","Heading 4":"Título 4","Heading 5":"Título 5","Heading 6":"Título 6",Height:"Alto","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Liña horizontal","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de aliñamento de texto horizontal",Huge:"Enorme","Image from computer":"","Image resize list":"Lista de tamaños de imaxe","Image toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de imaxe","Image upload complete":"","image widget":"Trebello de imaxe","In line":"En liña","Increase indent":"Aumentar a sangría","Increase list item indent":"",Insert:"Inserir","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"","Insert column left":"Inserir columna á esquerda","Insert column right":"Inserir columna á dereita","Insert image":"Inserir imaxe","Insert image via URL":"Inserir imaxe a través de URL","Insert media":"Inserir elemento multimedia","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir parágrafo após o bloque","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir parágrafo antes do bloque","Insert row above":"Inserir fila enriba","Insert row below":"Inserir fila embaixo","Insert table":"Inserir táboa",Inset:"Inserción","Invalid start index value.":"",Italic:"Itálica","Italic text":"","Justify cell text":"Xustificar o texto da cela","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"","Leaving a to-do list":"","Left aligned image":"Imaxe aliñada á esquerda","Light blue":"Azul claro","Light green":"Verde claro","Light grey":"Gris claro",Link:"Ligar","Link image":"Ligazón da imaxe","Link URL":"URL de ligazón","Link URL must not be empty.":"","List properties":"Lista de propiedades","Lower-latin":"Letras minúsculas","Lower–roman":"Núm, romanos en minúscula","Media toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de multimedia","Media URL":"URL multimedia","media widget":"Trebello multimedia",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Editar",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Inserir",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Texto",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"","Merge cell down":"Combinar cela cara abaixo","Merge cell left":"Combinar cela cara a esquerda","Merge cell right":"Combinar cela cara a dereita","Merge cell up":"Combinar cela cara arriba","Merge cells":"Combinar celas","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"","Move out of a link":"","Move out of an inline code style":"","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"","Move the selection to the next cell":"","Move the selection to the previous cell":"","Navigate through the table":"","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"",Next:"Seguinte","No results found":"Non se atoparon resultados","No searchable items":"Non hai elementos que se poidan buscar",None:"Ningún","Numbered List":"Lista numerada","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de estilos de lista numerada","Open in a new tab":"Abrir nunha nova lapela","Open link in new tab":"Abrir a ligazón nunha nova lapela","Open media in new tab":"Abrir multimedia nunha nova lapela","Open the accessibility help dialog":"",Orange:"Laranxa",Original:"Orixinal",Outset:"Inicio",Padding:"Recheo",Paragraph:"Parágrafo","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Pegue o URL do medio na entrada.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"","Press %0 for help.":"","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Prema Intro para escribir após ou prema Maiús + Intro para escribir antes do trebello",Previous:"Anterior",Purple:"Púrpura",Red:"Vermello",Redo:"Refacer","Remove color":"Retirar a cor","Remove Format":"Retirar o formato","Replace from computer":"","Replace image":"","Replace image from computer":"","Resize image":"Redimensionar a imaxe","Resize image (in %0)":"","Resize image to %0":"Redimensionar a imaxe ao %0","Resize image to the original size":"Aplicar o tamaño orixinal da imaxe","Restore default":"Restaurar valores predeterminados","Reversed order":"Orde inversa","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de texto mellorado",Ridge:"Crista","Right aligned image":"Imaxe aliñada á dereita",Row:"Fila",Save:"Gardar","Select all":"Seleccionar todo","Select column":"Seleccionar columna","Select row":"Seleccionar fila","Show more items":"Amosar máis elementos","Side image":"Lado da imaxe",Small:"Pequena",Solid:"Sólido","Split cell horizontally":"Dividir cela en horizontal","Split cell vertically":"Dividir cela en vertical",Square:"Cadrados","Start at":"Comezar en","Start index must be greater than 0.":"O índice de inicio debe ser maior que 0.",Strikethrough:"Riscado","Strikethrough text":"",Style:"Estilo",Subscript:"Subíndice",Superscript:"Superíndice",Table:"","Table alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de aliñamento da táboa","Table cell text alignment":"Aliñamento do texto das celas da táboa","Table properties":"Propiedades da táboa","Table toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de táboas","Text alternative":"Texto alternativo",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"A cor non é válida. Probe «#FF0000» ou «rgb(255,0,0)» ou «vermello».","The URL must not be empty.":"O URL non debe estar baleiro.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"O valor non é válido. Probe «10px» ou «2em» ou simplemente «2».","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Esta ligazón non ten URL","This media URL is not supported.":"Este URL multimedia non é compatible.",Tiny:"Diminuta","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Consello: Pegue o URL no contido para incrustalo máis rápido.","To-do List":"Lista de cousas por facer","Toggle caption off":"Desactivar os subtítulos","Toggle caption on":"Activar os subtítulos","Toggle the circle list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista «círculos»","Toggle the decimal list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista «decimais»","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo «decimais con cero á esquerda»","Toggle the disc list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista «discos»","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo da lista «letras minúsculas»","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo da lista «núm. romanos en minúscula»","Toggle the square list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista «cadrados»","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo da lista «letras maiúsculas»","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo da lista «núm. romanos en maiúscula»",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Type or paste your content here.":"Escriba ou pegue o seu contido aquí.","Type your title":"Escriba o seu título",Underline:"Subliñado","Underline text":"",Undo:"Desfacer",Unlink:"Desligar",Update:"Actualizar","Update image URL":"Actualizar o URL da imaxe","Upload failed":"Fallou o envío","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Envío en proceso","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"Letras maiúsculas","Upper-roman":"Núm, romanos en maiúscula","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de aliñamento de texto vertical",White:"Branco","Widget toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de trebellos",Width:"Largo","Wrap text":"Envolver o texto",Yellow:"Amarelo"});a.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const a=e["gl"]=e["gl"]||{};a.dictionary=Object.assign(a.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"","%0 of %1":"%0 de %1",Accept:"Aceptar",Accessibility:"","Accessibility help":"","Advanced options":"","Align cell text to the bottom":"Aliñar o texto da cela á base","Align cell text to the center":"Aliñar o texto da cela ao centro","Align cell text to the left":"Aliñar o texto da cela á esquerda","Align cell text to the middle":"Aliñar o texto da cela ao medio","Align cell text to the right":"Aliña o texto da cela á dereita","Align cell text to the top":"Aliñar o texto da cela á parte superior","Align center":"Centrar horizontalmente","Align left":"Aliñar á esquerda","Align right":"Aliñar á dereita","Align table to the left":"Aliñar a táboa á esquerda","Align table to the right":"Aliñar a táboa á dereita",Alignment:"Aliñamento",Aquamarine:"Augamariña",Background:"Fondo","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"",Big:"Grande",Black:"Negro","Block quote":"Cita de bloque","Block styles":"Estilos de bloque",Blue:"Azul","Blue marker":"Marcador azul",Bold:"Negra","Bold text":"",Border:"Bordo","Break text":"Romper o texto","Bulleted List":"Lista con viñetas","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de estilos de lista con viñetas",Cancel:"Cancelar","Caption for image: %0":"Lenda da imaxe: %0","Caption for the image":"Lenda da imaxe","Cell properties":"Propiedades da cela","Center table":"Centrar a táboa","Centered image":"Imaxe centrada horizontalmente","Change image text alternative":"Cambiar o texto alternativo da imaxe","Characters: %0":"Caracteres: %0","Choose heading":"Escolla o título",Circle:"Círculos",Clear:"Limpar","Click to edit block":"Prema para editar o bloque",Close:"","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"",Code:"Código","Code block":"",Color:"Cor","Color picker":"Selector de cores",Column:"Columna","Content editing keystrokes":"","Create link":"",Custom:"","Custom image size":"",Dashed:"Raiado",Decimal:"Decimais","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimais con cero á esquerda","Decrease indent":"Reducir a sangría","Decrease list item indent":"",Default:"Predeterminada","Delete column":"Eliminar columna","Delete row":"Eliminar fila","Dim grey":"Gris fume",Dimensions:"Dimensións","Disable editing":"Desactivar a edición",Disc:"Discos","Document colors":"Cores do documento",Dotted:"Punteado",Double:"Dobre",Downloadable:"Descargábel","Drag to move":"Arrastre para mover","Dropdown toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas despregábel","Edit block":"Editar bloque","Edit link":"Editar a ligazón","Editor block content toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de contido do bloque do editor","Editor contextual toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas contextual do editor","Editor dialog":"","Editor editing area: %0":"Área de edición do editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"","Editor toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do editor","Enable editing":"Activar a edición","Enter image caption":"Introduza o título da imaxe","Enter table caption":"Introduza o título da táboa","Entering %0 code snippet":"","Entering a to-do list":"","Entering code snippet":"","Error during image upload":"","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"",Find:"Buscar","Find and replace":"Buscar e substituír","Find in text…":"Buscar no texto…","Find in the document":"","Font Background Color":"Cor do fondo da letra","Font Color":"Cor da letra","Font Family":"Familia tipográfica","Font Size":"Tamaño da letra","Full size image":"Imaxe a tamaño completo",Green:"Verde","Green marker":"Marcador verde","Green pen":"Pluma verde",Grey:"Gris",Groove:"Rañura","Header column":"Cabeceira de columna","Header row":"Cabeceira de fila",Heading:"Título","Heading 1":"Título 1","Heading 2":"Título 2","Heading 3":"Título 3","Heading 4":"Título 4","Heading 5":"Título 5","Heading 6":"Título 6",Height:"Alto","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Resaltado","Horizontal line":"Liña horizontal","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de aliñamento de texto horizontal","HTML object":"Obxecto HTML",Huge:"Enorme","Image from computer":"","Image resize list":"Lista de tamaños de imaxe","Image toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de imaxe","Image upload complete":"","image widget":"Trebello de imaxe","In line":"En liña","Increase indent":"Aumentar a sangría","Increase list item indent":"",Insert:"Inserir","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"","Insert code block":"Inserir bloque de código","Insert column left":"Inserir columna á esquerda","Insert column right":"Inserir columna á dereita","Insert image":"Inserir imaxe","Insert image via URL":"Inserir imaxe a través de URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir parágrafo após o bloque","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir parágrafo antes do bloque","Insert row above":"Inserir fila enriba","Insert row below":"Inserir fila embaixo","Insert table":"Inserir táboa",Inset:"Inserción","Invalid start index value.":"",Italic:"Itálica","Italic text":"",Justify:"Xustificado","Justify cell text":"Xustificar o texto da cela","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"","Leaving %0 code snippet":"","Leaving a to-do list":"","Leaving code snippet":"","Left aligned image":"Imaxe aliñada á esquerda","Light blue":"Azul claro","Light green":"Verde claro","Light grey":"Gris claro",Link:"Ligar","Link image":"Ligazón da imaxe","Link URL":"URL de ligazón","Link URL must not be empty.":"","List properties":"Lista de propiedades","Lower-latin":"Letras minúsculas","Lower–roman":"Núm, romanos en minúscula","Match case":"Coincidencia de maiúsculas",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Editar",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Inserir",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Texto",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"","Merge cell down":"Combinar cela cara abaixo","Merge cell left":"Combinar cela cara a esquerda","Merge cell right":"Combinar cela cara a dereita","Merge cell up":"Combinar cela cara arriba","Merge cells":"Combinar celas","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"","Move out of a link":"","Move out of an inline code style":"","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"","Move the selection to the next cell":"","Move the selection to the previous cell":"","Multiple styles":"Múltiples estilos","Navigate editable regions":"Navegar polas áreas editábeiss","Navigate through the table":"","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"",Next:"Seguinte","Next editable region":"Seguinte área editábel","Next result":"Seguinte resultado","No results found":"Non se atoparon resultados","No searchable items":"Non hai elementos que se poidan buscar",None:"Ningún","Numbered List":"Lista numerada","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de estilos de lista numerada","Open in a new tab":"Abrir nunha nova lapela","Open link in new tab":"Abrir a ligazón nunha nova lapela","Open the accessibility help dialog":"",Orange:"Laranxa",Original:"Orixinal",Outset:"Inicio",Padding:"Recheo",Paragraph:"Parágrafo","Pink marker":"Marcador rosa","Plain text":"Texto simple",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"","Press %0 for help.":"","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Prema Intro para escribir após ou prema Maiús + Intro para escribir antes do trebello",Previous:"Anterior","Previous editable region":"Área editábel anterior","Previous result":"Resultado anterior",Purple:"Púrpura",Red:"Vermello","Red pen":"Pluma vermella",Redo:"Refacer","Remove color":"Retirar a cor","Remove Format":"Retirar o formato","Remove highlight":"Retirar o resaltado",Replace:"Substituír","Replace all":"Substituír todo","Replace from computer":"","Replace image":"","Replace image from computer":"","Replace with…":"Substituír por…","Resize image":"Redimensionar a imaxe","Resize image (in %0)":"","Resize image to %0":"Redimensionar a imaxe ao %0","Resize image to the original size":"Aplicar o tamaño orixinal da imaxe","Restore default":"Restaurar valores predeterminados","Reversed order":"Orde inversa","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de texto mellorado",Ridge:"Crista","Right aligned image":"Imaxe aliñada á dereita",Row:"Fila",Save:"Gardar","Select all":"Seleccionar todo","Select column":"Seleccionar columna","Select row":"Seleccionar fila","Show more items":"Amosar máis elementos","Side image":"Lado da imaxe",Small:"Pequena",Solid:"Sólido","Split cell horizontally":"Dividir cela en horizontal","Split cell vertically":"Dividir cela en vertical",Square:"Cadrados","Start at":"Comezar en","Start index must be greater than 0.":"O índice de inicio debe ser maior que 0.",Strikethrough:"Riscado","Strikethrough text":"",Style:"Estilo",Styles:"Estilos",Subscript:"Subíndice",Superscript:"Superíndice",Table:"","Table alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de aliñamento da táboa","Table cell text alignment":"Aliñamento do texto das celas da táboa","Table properties":"Propiedades da táboa","Table toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de táboas","Text alignment":"Aliñamento do texto","Text alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de aliñamento de textos","Text alternative":"Texto alternativo","Text highlight toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas para resaltar texto","Text styles":"Estilos de texto","Text to find must not be empty.":"O texto a buscar non debe estar baleiro.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"A cor non é válida. Probe «#FF0000» ou «rgb(255,0,0)» ou «vermello».",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"O valor non é válido. Probe «10px» ou «2em» ou simplemente «2».","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Esta ligazón non ten URL",Tiny:"Diminuta","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Consello: primeiro busca algo de texto para substituílo.","To-do List":"Lista de cousas por facer","Toggle caption off":"Desactivar os subtítulos","Toggle caption on":"Activar os subtítulos","Toggle the circle list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista «círculos»","Toggle the decimal list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista «decimais»","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo «decimais con cero á esquerda»","Toggle the disc list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista «discos»","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo da lista «letras minúsculas»","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo da lista «núm. romanos en minúscula»","Toggle the square list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista «cadrados»","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo da lista «letras maiúsculas»","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo da lista «núm. romanos en maiúscula»",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Type or paste your content here.":"Escriba ou pegue o seu contido aquí.","Type your title":"Escriba o seu título",Underline:"Subliñado","Underline text":"",Undo:"Desfacer",Unlink:"Desligar",Update:"Actualizar","Update image URL":"Actualizar o URL da imaxe","Upload failed":"Fallou o envío","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Envío en proceso","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"Letras maiúsculas","Upper-roman":"Núm, romanos en maiúscula","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de aliñamento de texto vertical",White:"Branco","Whole words only":"Só palabras enteiras","Widget toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de trebellos",Width:"Largo","Words: %0":"Palabras: %0","Wrap text":"Envolver o texto",Yellow:"Amarelo","Yellow marker":"Marcador marelo"});a.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/he.js b/build/translations/he.js
index 7b441ea..9c1234d 100644
--- a/build/translations/he.js
+++ b/build/translations/he.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["he"]=e["he"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(עשוי לדרוש Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 מתוך %1",Accept:"קבל",Accessibility:"נגישות","Accessibility help":"עזרה בנושא נגישות","Align cell text to the bottom":"יישר את טקסט התא לחלק התחתון","Align cell text to the center":"יישר את טקסט התא למרכז","Align cell text to the left":"יישר את טקסט התא לשמאל","Align cell text to the middle":"יישר את טקסט התא לאמצע","Align cell text to the right":"יישר את טקסט התא לימין","Align cell text to the top":"יישר את טקסט התא לחלק העליון","Align table to the left":"יישור טבלה לשמאל","Align table to the right":"יישור טבלה לימין",Alignment:"יישור",Aquamarine:"ירוק-כחלחל",Background:"רקע","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"להלן, תוכלו למצוא רשימה של קיצורי מקשים בהם ניתן להשתמש בעורך.",Big:"גדול",Black:"שחור","Block quote":"בלוק ציטוט",Blue:"כחול",Bold:"מודגש","Bold text":"טקסט מודגש",Border:"גבול","Break text":"שבירת טקסט","Bulleted List":"רשימה מנוקדת","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"סרגל כלים של סגנונות רשימה עם תבליטים",Cancel:"ביטול","Caption for image: %0":"כותרת עבור תמונה: %0","Caption for the image":"כותרת עבור התמונה","Cell properties":"אפשרויות תא","Center table":"מירכוז טבלה","Centered image":"תמונה ממרוכזת","Change image text alternative":"שינוי טקסט אלטרנטיבי לתמונה","Choose heading":"בחר סוג כותרת",Circle:"עיגול",Clear:"לנקות","Click to edit block":"להקיש לעריכת בלוק",Close:"סגור","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"סגירת בלוני הקשר, תפריטים נפתחים ותיבות דו-שיח",Code:"קוד",Color:"צבע","Color picker":"בורר הצבעים",Column:"עמודה","Content editing keystrokes":"מקשי עריכת תוכן","Copy selected content":"העתקת התוכן שנבחר","Create link":"יצירת קישור",Custom:"מותאם אישית","Custom image size":"גודל תמונה מותאם אישית",Dashed:"מקווקו",Decimal:"עשרונית","Decimal with leading zero":"עשרונית עם אפס מוביל","Decrease indent":"הקטנת הזחה","Decrease list item indent":"הקטנת הזחה של פריט רשימה",Default:"ברירת מחדל","Delete column":"מחיקת עמודה","Delete row":"מחיקת שורה","Dim grey":"אפור עמום",Dimensions:"ממדים",Disc:"עיגול מלא","Document colors":"צבעי המסמך",Dotted:"מנוקד",Double:"כפול",Downloadable:"ניתן להורדה","Drag to move":"לגרור כדי להזיז","Dropdown toolbar":"סרגל כלים נפתח","Edit block":"הגדרות בלוק","Edit link":"עריכת קישור","Editor block content toolbar":"סרגל כלים של תוכן בלוק של העורך","Editor contextual toolbar":"סרגל כלים הקשרי של העורך","Editor dialog":"חלון דו-שיח של העורך","Editor editing area: %0":"אזור עריכה של העורך: %0","Editor menu bar":"שורת התפריטים של העורך","Editor toolbar":"סרגל הכלים","Enter image caption":"הזן כותרת תמונה","Enter table caption":"הזינו כיתוב טבלה","Entering a to-do list":"נכנס לרשימת מטלות","Error during image upload":"שגיאה במהלך העלאת התמונה","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"הפעלת הלחצן שבמיקוד כעת. הפעלת לחצנים המקיימים אינטראקציה עם תוכן העורך מחזירה את המיקוד לתוכן.","Font Background Color":"צבע הרקע של הגופן","Font Color":"צבע גופן","Font Family":"משפחת גופנים","Font Size":"גודל טקסט","Full size image":"תמונה בפריסה מלאה",Green:"ירוק",Grey:"אפור",Groove:"Groove","Header column":"עמודת כותרת","Header row":"שורת כותרת",Heading:"כותרת","Heading 1":"כותרת 1","Heading 2":"כותרת 2","Heading 3":"כותרת 3","Heading 4":"כותרת 4","Heading 5":"כותרת 5","Heading 6":"כותרת 6",Height:"גובה","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"תוכן עזרה. כדי לסגור תיבת דו-שיח זו יש להקיש על ESC.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"קו אופקי","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"סרגל כלים של יישור טקסט אופקי",Huge:"ענק","Image from computer":"תמונה ממחשב","Image resize list":"רשימת שינוי גודל תמונה","Image toolbar":"סרגל תמונה","Image upload complete":"העלאת התמונה הושלמה","image widget":"תמונה","In line":"בתוך השורה","Increase indent":"הגדלת הזחה","Increase list item indent":"הגדלת הזחה של פריט רשימה",Insert:"הכנס","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"הוספת שבירה קשה (פסקה חדשה)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"הוספת פסקה חדשה ישירות אחרי ווידג'ט","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"הוספת פסקה חדשה ישירות לפני ווידג'ט","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"הוספת שורה חדשה לטבלה (כאשר בתא האחרון של טבלה)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"הוספת שבירה רכה (אלמנט <br>
)","Insert column left":"הכנסת עמודה משמאל","Insert column right":"הכנסת עמודה מימן","Insert image":"הוספת תמונה","Insert image via URL":"הכנסת תמונה באמצעות קישור","Insert media":"הכנס מדיה","Insert paragraph after block":"הוספת פסקה מתחת","Insert paragraph before block":"הוספת פסקה מעל","Insert row above":"הכנסת שורה מעל","Insert row below":"הכנה שורה מתחת","Insert table":"הכנס טבלה",Inset:"פנימי","Invalid start index value.":"ערך אינדקס התחלה לא חוקי.",Italic:"נטוי","Italic text":"טקסט נטוי","Justify cell text":"יישר את טקסט התא לשני הצדדים","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"מקשים בהם ניתן להשתמש ברשימה","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"מקשים בהם ניתן להשתמש בתא בטבלה","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"מקשים בהם ניתן להשתמש כאשר נבחר ווידג'ט (לדוגמה: תמונה, טבלה וכו')","Leaving a to-do list":"יוצא מרשימת מטלות","Left aligned image":"תמונה מיושרת לשמאל","Light blue":"כחול בהיר","Light green":"ירוק 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'הצבע לא חוקי. נסו "#FF0000" או "rgb(255,0,0)" או "אדום".',"The URL must not be empty.":"כתובת URL לא יכולה להיות ריקה.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'הערך לא חוקי. נסו "10px" או "2em" או פשוט "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"הערך לא יכול להיות ריק.","The value should be a plain number.":"הערך צריך להיות מספר רגיל.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"קיצורי מקשים אלה מאפשרים גישה מהירה לתכונות עריכת תוכן.","This link has no URL":"לקישור זה אין כתובת אתר","This media URL is not supported.":"כתובת ה-URL של מדיה זו אינה נתמכת.",Tiny:"זעיר","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"טיפ: הדביקו את כתובת ה-URL לתוך התוכן כדי להטמיע מהר יותר.","To-do List":"רשימת מטלות","Toggle caption off":"כבה את הכיתוב","Toggle caption on":"הפעל את הכיתוב","Toggle the circle list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימת מעגלים","Toggle the decimal list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימה עשרונית","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימה עשרונית עם אפס מוביל","Toggle the disc list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימת דיסקות","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימה עם אותיות לטיניות קטנות","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימה עם ספרות רומיות קטנות","Toggle the square list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימת ריבועים","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימה עם אותיות לטיניות גדולות","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימה עם ספרות רומיות גדולות",Turquoise:"טורקיז","Type or paste your content here.":"הזן או הדבק את התוכן כאן","Type your title":"הזן כותרת",Underline:"קו תחתון","Underline text":"הוספת קו תחתון לטקסט",Undo:"ביטול",Unlink:"ביטול קישור",Update:"עדכן","Update image URL":"עדכן את כתובת ה-URL של התמונה","Upload failed":"העלאה נכשלה","Upload from computer":"העלאה מהמחשב","Upload image from computer":"העלאת תמונה מהמחשב","Upload in progress":"העלאה מתבצעת","Uploading image":"מעלה תמונה","Upper-latin":"אותיות לטיניות גדולות","Upper-roman":"אותיות רומיות גדולות","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"השתמשו במקשים הבאים לניווט יעיל יותר בממשק המשתמש של CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"ממשק משתמש ומקשים לניווט בתוכן","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"סרגל כלים של יישור טקסט אנכי",White:"לבן","Widget toolbar":"סרגל יישומון",Width:"רוחב","Wrap text":"גלישת טקסט",Yellow:"צהוב"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==1&&e%1==0?0:e==2&&e%1==0?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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element)":"הוספת שבירה רכה (אלמנט <br>
)","Insert code block":"הוספת קטע קוד","Insert column left":"הכנסת עמודה משמאל","Insert column right":"הכנסת עמודה מימן","Insert image":"הוספת תמונה","Insert image via URL":"הכנסת תמונה באמצעות קישור","Insert paragraph after block":"הוספת פסקה מתחת","Insert paragraph before block":"הוספת פסקה מעל","Insert row above":"הכנסת שורה מעל","Insert row below":"הכנה שורה מתחת","Insert table":"הכנס טבלה",Inset:"פנימי","Invalid start index value.":"ערך אינדקס התחלה לא חוקי.",Italic:"נטוי","Italic text":"טקסט נטוי",Justify:"מרכוז גבולות","Justify cell text":"יישר את טקסט התא לשני הצדדים","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"מקשים בהם ניתן להשתמש ברשימה","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"מקשים בהם ניתן להשתמש בתא בטבלה","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"מקשים בהם ניתן להשתמש כאשר נבחר ווידג'ט (לדוגמה: תמונה, טבלה וכו')","Leaving %0 code snippet":"יוצא מקטע קוד %0","Leaving a to-do list":"יוצא מרשימת מטלות","Leaving code 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המיקוד פנימה והחוצה מחלון דו-שיח פעיל","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"העברת המיקוד לשורת התפריטים, ניווט בין שורות התפריטים","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"העברת המיקוד לסרגל הכלים, ניווט בין סרגלי כלים","Move out of a link":"יציאה מקישור","Move out of an inline code style":"יציאה מסגנון קוד מוטבע","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"הזזת הסמן כדי לאפשר הקלדה ישירות אחרי ווידג'ט","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"הזזת הסמן כדי לאפשר הקלדה ישירות לפני ווידג'ט","Move the selection to the next cell":"העברת הבחירה לתא הבא","Move the selection to the previous cell":"העברת הבחירה לתא הקודם","Multiple styles":"סגנונות מרובים","Navigate editable regions":"ניווט באזורים הניתנים לעריכה","Navigate through the table":"ניווט בטבלה","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"ניווט בסרגל הכלים או בשורת התפריטים",Next:"הבא","Next editable region":"האזור הבא שניתן לעריכה","Next result":"התוצאה הבאה","No results found":"לא נמצאו תוצאות","No searchable items":"אין פריטים ניתנים לחיפוש",None:"ללא","Numbered List":"רשימה ממוספרת","Numbered list styles toolbar":"סרגל כלים של סגנונות רשימה ממוספרת","Open in a new tab":"פתח בכרטיסייה חדשה","Open link in new tab":"פתח קישור בכרטיסייה חדשה","Open the accessibility help dialog":"פתיחת תיבת הדו-שיח של עזרה בנושא נגישות",Orange:"כתום",Original:"גודל מקורי",Outset:"חיצוני",Padding:"מרווח",Paragraph:"פיסקה","Paste content":"הדבקת תוכן","Paste content as plain text":"הדבקת תוכן כטקסט רגיל","Pink marker":"סימון וורוד","Plain text":"טקסט פשוט",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'נא להזין צבע חוקי (למשל "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"לחצו על %0 לקבלת עזרה.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"לחץ Enter כדי להקליד לפני היישומון או Shift + Enter כדי להקליד אחריו",Previous:"הקודם","Previous editable region":"האזור הקודם שניתן לעריכה","Previous result":"התוצאה הקודמת",Purple:"סגול",Red:"אדום","Red 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אנכית",Square:"ריבוע","Start at":"התחל ב-","Start index must be greater than 0.":"אינדקס ההתחלה חייב להיות גדול מ-0.",Strikethrough:"קו חוצה","Strikethrough text":"הוספת קו חוצה לטקסט",Style:"עיצוב",Styles:"סגנונות",Subscript:"כתב תחתי",Superscript:"כתב עילי",Table:"טבלה","Table alignment toolbar":"סרגל כלים של יישור טבלה","Table cell text alignment":"יישור טקסט של תא טבלה","Table properties":"אפשרויות טבלה","Table toolbar":"סרגל כלים של טבלה","Text alignment":"יישור טקסט","Text alignment toolbar":"סרגל כלים יישור טקסט","Text alternative":"טקסט אלטרנטיבי","Text highlight toolbar":"סרגל הדגשת טקסט","Text styles":"עיצוב טקסט","Text to find must not be empty.":"הטקסט לחיפוש לא יכול להיות ריק.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'הצבע לא חוקי. נסו "#FF0000" או "rgb(255,0,0)" או "אדום".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'הערך לא חוקי. נסו "10px" או "2em" או פשוט "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"הערך לא יכול להיות ריק.","The value should be a plain number.":"הערך צריך להיות מספר רגיל.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"קיצורי מקשים אלה מאפשרים גישה מהירה לתכונות עריכת תוכן.","This link has no URL":"לקישור זה אין כתובת אתר",Tiny:"זעיר","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"טיפ: מצאו תחילה טקסט כדי להחליף אותו.","To-do List":"רשימת מטלות","Toggle caption off":"כבה את הכיתוב","Toggle caption on":"הפעל את הכיתוב","Toggle the circle list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימת מעגלים","Toggle the decimal list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימה עשרונית","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימה עשרונית עם אפס מוביל","Toggle the disc list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימת דיסקות","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימה עם אותיות לטיניות קטנות","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימה עם ספרות רומיות קטנות","Toggle the square list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימת ריבועים","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימה עם אותיות לטיניות גדולות","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"החלף מצב סגנון רשימה עם ספרות רומיות גדולות",Turquoise:"טורקיז","Type or paste your content here.":"הזן או הדבק את התוכן כאן","Type your title":"הזן כותרת",Underline:"קו תחתון","Underline text":"הוספת קו תחתון לטקסט",Undo:"ביטול",Unlink:"ביטול קישור",Update:"עדכן","Update image URL":"עדכן את כתובת ה-URL של התמונה","Upload failed":"העלאה נכשלה","Upload from computer":"העלאה מהמחשב","Upload image from computer":"העלאת תמונה מהמחשב","Upload in progress":"העלאה מתבצעת","Uploading image":"מעלה תמונה","Upper-latin":"אותיות לטיניות גדולות","Upper-roman":"אותיות רומיות גדולות","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"השתמשו במקשים הבאים לניווט יעיל יותר בממשק המשתמש של CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"ממשק משתמש ומקשים לניווט בתוכן","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"סרגל כלים של יישור טקסט אנכי",White:"לבן","Whole words only":"מילים שלמות בלבד","Widget toolbar":"סרגל יישומון",Width:"רוחב","Words: %0":"מס' מילים: %0","Wrap text":"גלישת טקסט",Yellow:"צהוב","Yellow marker":"סימון צהוב"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==1&&e%1==0?0:e==2&&e%1==0?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/hi.js b/build/translations/hi.js
index 1409dfe..5d1068f 100644
--- a/build/translations/hi.js
+++ b/build/translations/hi.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["hi"]=e["hi"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(इसके लिए Fn की ज़रूरत हो सकती है)","%0 of %1":"%0 of %1",Accept:"स्वीकार करें",Accessibility:"पहुँच","Accessibility help":"एक्सेसिबिलिटी हेल्प","Align cell text to the bottom":"Align cell text to the bottom","Align cell text to the center":"Align cell text to the center","Align cell text to the left":"Align cell text to the left","Align cell text to the middle":"Align cell text to the middle","Align cell text to the right":"Align cell text to the right","Align cell text to the top":"Align cell text to the top","Align table to the left":"Align table to the left","Align table to the right":"Align table to the right",Alignment:"Alignment",Aquamarine:"Aquamarine",Background:"Background","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"नीचे, आप उन कीबोर्ड शॉर्टकट्स की एक लिस्ट देख सकते हैं जिनका इस्तेमाल एडिटर में किया जा सकता है.",Big:"Big",Black:"Black","Block quote":"Block quote",Blue:"Blue",Bold:"Bold","Bold text":"टेक्स्ट को बोल्ड करें",Border:"Border","Break text":"टेक्स्ट तोड़ें","Bulleted List":"Bulleted List","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Bulleted list styles toolbar",Cancel:"Cancel","Caption for image: %0":"छवि के लिए कैप्शन: %0","Caption for the image":"छवि के लिए कैप्शन","Cell properties":"Cell properties","Center table":"Center table","Centered image":"Centered image","Change image text alternative":"Change image text alternative","Choose heading":"Choose heading",Circle:"Circle",Clear:"साफ़ करें","Click to edit block":"ब्लॉक एडिट करने के लिए क्लिक करें",Close:"बंद करें","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"कॉन्टेक्सचुअल बलून्स, ड्रॉपडाउन्स और डायलॉग्स को बंद करें",Code:"Code",Color:"Color","Color picker":"Color picker",Column:"Column","Content editing keystrokes":"कॉन्टेंट एडिटिंग कीस्ट्रोक्स","Copy selected content":"सेलेक्ट किए गए कॉन्टेंट को कॉपी करें","Create link":"लिंक बनाएँ",Custom:"कस्टम","Custom image size":"तस्वीर का कस्टम साइज़",Dashed:"Dashed",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal with leading zero","Decrease indent":"Decrease indent","Decrease list item indent":"लिस्ट आइटम इंडेंट को घटाएँ",Default:"Default","Delete column":"Delete column","Delete row":"Delete row","Dim grey":"Dim grey",Dimensions:"Dimensions",Disc:"Disc","Document colors":"Document colors",Dotted:"Dotted",Double:"Double",Downloadable:"Downloadable","Drag to move":"मूव करने के लिए ड्रैग करें","Dropdown toolbar":"Dropdown toolbar","Edit block":"Edit block","Edit link":"Edit link","Editor block content toolbar":"एडीटर ब्लॉक कंटेंट टूलबार","Editor contextual toolbar":"एडीटर कॉन्टेक्स्टूअल टूलबार","Editor dialog":"एडिटर डायलॉग","Editor editing area: %0":"संपादक संपादन क्षेत्र: %0","Editor menu bar":"एडिटर मेनू बार","Editor toolbar":"Editor toolbar","Enter image caption":"Enter image caption","Enter table caption":"टेबल कैप्शन एंटर करें","Entering a to-do list":"एक कार्य सूची में प्रवेश कर रहे हैं","Error during image upload":"तस्वीर अपलोड के दौरान त्रुटि","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"वर्तमान में फोकस्ड बटन दबाएँ. एडिटर के कंटेंट के साथ इंटरैक्ट करने वाले बटनों को दबाने से फोकस वापस कंटेंट पर आ जाता है.","Font Background Color":"Font Background Color","Font Color":"Font Color","Font Family":"Font Family","Font Size":"Font Size","Full size image":"Full size image",Green:"Green",Grey:"Grey",Groove:"Groove","Header column":"Header column","Header row":"Header row",Heading:"Heading","Heading 1":"Heading 1","Heading 2":"Heading 2","Heading 3":"Heading 3","Heading 4":"Heading 4","Heading 5":"Heading 5","Heading 6":"Heading 6",Height:"Height","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"हेल्प कॉन्टेंट्स. इस डायलॉग को बंद करने के लिए ESC दबाएँ.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Horizontal line","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horizontal text alignment toolbar",Huge:"Huge","Image from computer":"कंप्यूटर से इमेज","Image resize list":"Image resize list","Image toolbar":"Image toolbar","Image upload complete":"तस्वीर का अपलोड पूरा हुआ","image widget":"image widget","In line":"इन - लाइन","Increase indent":"Increase indent","Increase list item indent":"लिस्ट आइटम इंडेंट को बढ़ाएँ",Insert:"Insert","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"एक हार्ड ब्रेक इंसर्ट करें (एक नया पैराग्राफ़)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक आगे एक नया पैराग्राफ़ इंसर्ट करें","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक पीछे एक नया पैराग्राफ़ इंसर्ट करें","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"एक नई टेबल रो इंसर्ट करें (जब आप किसी टेबल के आख़िरी सेल में हों)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"एक सॉफ़्ट ब्रेक इंसर्ट करें (एक <br>
एलिमेंट)","Insert column left":"Insert column left","Insert column right":"Insert column right","Insert image":"Insert image","Insert image via URL":"Insert image via URL","Insert media":"Insert media","Insert paragraph after block":"Insert paragraph after block","Insert paragraph before block":"Insert paragraph before block","Insert row above":"Insert row above","Insert row below":"Insert row below","Insert table":"Insert table",Inset:"Inset","Invalid start index value.":"इनवैलिड स्टार्ट इंडेक्स वैल्यू.",Italic:"Italic","Italic text":"इटैलिक टेक्स्ट","Justify cell text":"Justify cell text","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"वे कीस्ट्रोक्स जिनका इस्तेमाल किसी लिस्ट में किया जा सकता है","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"वे कीस्ट्रोक्स जिनका इस्तेमाल एक टेबल सेल में किया जा सकता है","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"वे कीस्ट्रोक्स जिनका इस्तेमाल किसी विजेट के सेलेक्ट किए जाने पर किया जा सकता है (जैसे: इमेज, टेबल, आदि)","Leaving a to-do list":"एक कार्य सूची छोड़ी जा रही है","Left aligned image":"Left aligned image","Light blue":"Light blue","Light green":"Light green","Light grey":"Light grey",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link image","Link URL":"Link URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"लिंक का URL रिक्त नहीं होना चाहिए.","List properties":"प्रॉपर्टीज़ को लिस्ट करें","Lower-latin":"Lower-latin","Lower–roman":"Lower–roman","Media toolbar":"Media toolbar","Media URL":"Media URL","media widget":"media widget",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Edit",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"फाइल",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"फ़ॉन्ट",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"फॉर्मेट",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"हेल्प",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Insert",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"टेक्स्ट",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"टूल्स",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"दृश्य","Merge cell down":"Merge cell down","Merge cell left":"Merge cell left","Merge cell right":"Merge cell right","Merge cell up":"Merge cell up","Merge cells":"Merge cells","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"फ़ॉर्म फ़ील्ड्स (इनपुट्स, बटन्स, आदि) के बीच फ़ोकस को मूव करें","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"एक एक्टिव डायलॉग विंडो में फ़ोकस को अंदर और बाहर मूव करें","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"फ़ोकस को मेनू बार पर ले जाएँ, मेनू बार के बीच नेविगेट करें","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"फ़ोकस को टूलबार पर ले जाएँ, टूलबार्स के बीच नैविगेट करें","Move out of a link":"लिंक के बाहर जाएँ","Move out of an inline code style":"इनलाइन कोड स्टाइल के बाहर जाएँ","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक आगे टाइप करने के लिए कैरेट को मूव करें","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक पीछे टाइप करने के लिए कैरेट को मूव करें","Move the selection to the next cell":"सेलेक्शन को अगले सेल में मूव करें","Move the selection to the previous cell":"सेलेक्शन को पिछले सेल में मूव करें","Navigate through the table":"टेबल में नैविगेट करें","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"टूलबार या मेनू बार के माध्यम से नेविगेट करें",Next:"Next","No results found":"कोई रिजल्ट नहीं","No searchable items":"कोई खोजने लायक आइटम नहीं",None:"None","Numbered List":"Numbered List","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Numbered list styles toolbar","Open in a new tab":"Open in a new tab","Open link in new tab":"Open link in new tab","Open media in new tab":"नए टैब में मीडिया खोलें","Open the accessibility help dialog":"एक्सेसिबिलिटी हेल्प डायलॉग को खोलें",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Original",Outset:"Outset",Padding:"Padding",Paragraph:"Paragraph","Paste content":"कॉन्टेंट पेस्ट करें","Paste content as plain text":"कॉन्टेंट को प्लेन टेक्स्ट के रूप में पेस्ट करें","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Paste the media URL in the input.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'कृपया एक वैध रंग दर्ज करें (उदाहरण के लिए "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"हेल्प के लिए %0 दबाएँ.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"विजेट के बाद टाइप करने के लिए एंटर दबाएं या पहले टाइप करने के लिए शिफ्ट+एंटर दबाएं",Previous:"Previous",Purple:"Purple",Red:"Red",Redo:"Redo","Remove color":"Remove color","Remove Format":"Remove Format","Replace from computer":"कंप्यूटर से बदलें","Replace image":"इमेज बदलें","Replace image from computer":"कंप्यूटर से इमेज बदलें","Resize image":"Resize image","Resize image (in %0)":"(%0 में) तस्वीर का साइज़ बदलें","Resize image to %0":"Resize image to %0","Resize image to the original size":"Resize image to the original size","Restore default":"डिफ़ॉल्ट रिस्टोर कर दें","Reversed order":"रिवर्स किया गया क्रम","Revert autoformatting action":"ऑटोफ़ॉर्मैटिंग एक्शन को रिवर्ट करें","Rich Text Editor":"Rich Text Editor",Ridge:"Ridge","Right aligned image":"Right aligned image",Row:"Row",Save:"Save","Select all":"Select all","Select column":"Select column","Select row":"Select row","Show more items":"Show more items","Side image":"Side image",Small:"Small",Solid:"Solid","Split cell horizontally":"Split cell horizontally","Split cell vertically":"Split cell vertically",Square:"Square","Start at":"शुरू करे इस पर","Start index must be greater than 0.":"स्टार्ट इंडेक्स 0 से अधिक होना चाहिए.",Strikethrough:"Strikethrough","Strikethrough text":"टेक्स्ट को स्ट्राइकथ्रू करें",Style:"Style",Subscript:"Subscript",Superscript:"Superscript",Table:"टेबल","Table alignment toolbar":"Table alignment toolbar","Table cell text alignment":"Table cell text alignment","Table properties":"Table properties","Table toolbar":"Table toolbar","Text alternative":"Text alternative",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"The URL must not be empty.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"वैल्यू रिक्त नहीं होना चाहिए.","The value should be a plain number.":"वैल्यू एक प्लेन नंबर होना चाहिए.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"ये कीबोर्ड शॉर्टकट्स कॉन्टेंट एडिटिंग फ़ीचर्स तक पहुँचना आसान बनाते हैं.","This link has no URL":"This link has no URL","This media URL is not supported.":"This media URL is not supported.",Tiny:"Tiny","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.","To-do List":"To-do List","Toggle caption off":"कैप्शन को टॉगल बंद करें","Toggle caption on":"कैप्शन का टॉगल ऑन करें","Toggle the circle list style":"Toggle the circle list style","Toggle the decimal list style":"Toggle the decimal list style","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style","Toggle the disc list style":"Toggle the disc list style","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Toggle the lower–latin list style","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Toggle the lower–roman list style","Toggle the square list style":"Toggle the square list style","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Toggle the upper–latin list style","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Toggle the upper–roman list style",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Type or paste your content here.":"Type or paste your content here.","Type your title":"Type your title",Underline:"Underline","Underline text":"टेक्स्ट को अंडरलाइन करें",Undo:"Undo",Unlink:"Unlink",Update:"Update","Update image URL":"Update image URL","Upload failed":"Upload failed","Upload from computer":"कंप्यूटर से अपलोड करे","Upload image from computer":"कंप्यूटर से इमेज अपलोड करें","Upload in progress":"Upload in progress","Uploading image":"तस्वीर अपलोड की जा रही है","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"CKEditor 5 यूज़र इंटरफ़ेस में और बेहतरीन नैविगेशन के लिए इन कीस्ट्रोक्स का इस्तेमाल करें.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"यूज़र इंटरफ़ेस और कॉन्टेंट नैविगेशन कीस्ट्रोक्स","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertical text alignment toolbar",White:"White","Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar",Width:"Width","Wrap text":"टेक्स्ट रैप करें",Yellow:"Yellow"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"वर्तमान में फोकस्ड बटन दबाएँ. एडिटर के कंटेंट के साथ इंटरैक्ट करने वाले बटनों को दबाने से फोकस वापस कंटेंट पर आ जाता है.",Find:"ढूँढें","Find and replace":"ढूँढें और बदलें","Find in text…":"टेक्स्ट में ढूंढें…","Find in the document":"डॉक्युमेंट में खोजें","Font Background Color":"Font Background Color","Font Color":"Font Color","Font Family":"Font Family","Font Size":"Font Size","Full size image":"Full size image",Green:"Green","Green marker":"Green marker","Green pen":"Green pen",Grey:"Grey",Groove:"Groove","Header column":"Header column","Header row":"Header row",Heading:"Heading","Heading 1":"Heading 1","Heading 2":"Heading 2","Heading 3":"Heading 3","Heading 4":"Heading 4","Heading 5":"Heading 5","Heading 6":"Heading 6",Height:"Height","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"हेल्प कॉन्टेंट्स. इस डायलॉग को बंद करने के लिए ESC दबाएँ.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Highlight","Horizontal line":"Horizontal line","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horizontal text alignment toolbar","HTML object":"एचटीएमएल वस्तु",Huge:"Huge","Image from computer":"कंप्यूटर से इमेज","Image resize list":"Image resize list","Image toolbar":"Image toolbar","Image upload complete":"तस्वीर का अपलोड पूरा हुआ","image widget":"image widget","In line":"इन - लाइन","Increase indent":"Increase indent","Increase list item indent":"लिस्ट आइटम इंडेंट को बढ़ाएँ",Insert:"Insert","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"एक हार्ड ब्रेक इंसर्ट करें (एक नया पैराग्राफ़)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक आगे एक नया पैराग्राफ़ इंसर्ट करें","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक पीछे एक नया पैराग्राफ़ इंसर्ट करें","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"एक नई टेबल रो इंसर्ट करें (जब आप किसी टेबल के आख़िरी सेल में हों)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"एक सॉफ़्ट ब्रेक इंसर्ट करें (एक <br>
एलिमेंट)","Insert code block":"Insert code block","Insert column left":"Insert column left","Insert column right":"Insert column right","Insert image":"Insert image","Insert image via URL":"Insert image via URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Insert paragraph after block","Insert paragraph before block":"Insert paragraph before block","Insert row above":"Insert row above","Insert row below":"Insert row below","Insert table":"Insert table",Inset:"Inset","Invalid start index value.":"इनवैलिड स्टार्ट इंडेक्स वैल्यू.",Italic:"Italic","Italic text":"इटैलिक टेक्स्ट",Justify:"Justify","Justify cell text":"Justify cell text","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"वे कीस्ट्रोक्स जिनका इस्तेमाल किसी लिस्ट में किया जा सकता है","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"वे कीस्ट्रोक्स जिनका इस्तेमाल एक टेबल सेल में किया जा सकता है","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"वे कीस्ट्रोक्स जिनका इस्तेमाल किसी विजेट के सेलेक्ट किए जाने पर किया जा सकता है (जैसे: इमेज, टेबल, आदि)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"%0 कोड स्निपेट से बहार निकला जा रहा है","Leaving a to-do list":"एक कार्य सूची छोड़ी जा रही है","Leaving code snippet":"कोड स्निपेट में प्रवेश किया जा रहा है","Left aligned image":"Left aligned image","Light blue":"Light blue","Light green":"Light green","Light grey":"Light grey",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link image","Link URL":"Link URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"लिंक का URL रिक्त नहीं होना चाहिए.","List properties":"प्रॉपर्टीज़ को लिस्ट करें","Lower-latin":"Lower-latin","Lower–roman":"Lower–roman","Match case":"केस मैच करें",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Edit",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"फाइल",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"फ़ॉन्ट",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"फॉर्मेट",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"हेल्प",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Insert",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"टेक्स्ट",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"टूल्स",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"दृश्य","Merge cell down":"Merge cell down","Merge cell left":"Merge cell left","Merge cell right":"Merge cell right","Merge cell up":"Merge cell up","Merge cells":"Merge cells","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"फ़ॉर्म फ़ील्ड्स (इनपुट्स, बटन्स, आदि) के बीच फ़ोकस को मूव करें","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"एक एक्टिव डायलॉग विंडो में फ़ोकस को अंदर और बाहर मूव करें","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"फ़ोकस को मेनू बार पर ले जाएँ, मेनू बार के बीच नेविगेट करें","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"फ़ोकस को टूलबार पर ले जाएँ, टूलबार्स के बीच नैविगेट करें","Move out of a link":"लिंक के बाहर जाएँ","Move out of an inline code style":"इनलाइन कोड स्टाइल के बाहर जाएँ","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक आगे टाइप करने के लिए कैरेट को मूव करें","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक पीछे टाइप करने के लिए कैरेट को मूव करें","Move the selection to the next cell":"सेलेक्शन को अगले सेल में मूव करें","Move the selection to the previous cell":"सेलेक्शन को पिछले सेल में मूव करें","Multiple styles":"कई स्टाइल्स","Navigate editable regions":"Navigate editable regions","Navigate through the table":"टेबल में नैविगेट करें","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"टूलबार या मेनू बार के माध्यम से नेविगेट करें",Next:"Next","Next editable region":"Next editable region","Next result":"अगला रेज़ल्ट","No results found":"कोई रिजल्ट नहीं","No searchable items":"कोई खोजने लायक आइटम नहीं",None:"None","Numbered List":"Numbered List","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Numbered list styles toolbar","Open in a new tab":"Open in a new tab","Open link in new tab":"Open link in new tab","Open the accessibility help dialog":"एक्सेसिबिलिटी हेल्प डायलॉग को खोलें",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Original",Outset:"Outset",Padding:"Padding",Paragraph:"Paragraph","Paste content":"कॉन्टेंट पेस्ट करें","Paste content as plain text":"कॉन्टेंट को प्लेन टेक्स्ट के रूप में पेस्ट करें","Pink marker":"Pink marker","Plain text":"Plain text",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'कृपया एक वैध रंग दर्ज करें (उदाहरण के लिए "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"हेल्प के लिए %0 दबाएँ.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"विजेट के बाद टाइप करने के लिए एंटर दबाएं या पहले टाइप करने के लिए शिफ्ट+एंटर दबाएं",Previous:"Previous","Previous editable region":"Previous editable region","Previous result":"पिछला रेज़ल्ट",Purple:"Purple",Red:"Red","Red pen":"Red pen",Redo:"Redo","Remove color":"Remove color","Remove Format":"Remove Format","Remove highlight":"Remove highlight",Replace:"बदलें","Replace all":"सब बदल दें","Replace from computer":"कंप्यूटर से बदलें","Replace image":"इमेज बदलें","Replace image from computer":"कंप्यूटर से इमेज बदलें","Replace with…":"...के साथ बदलें","Resize image":"Resize image","Resize image (in %0)":"(%0 में) तस्वीर का साइज़ बदलें","Resize image to %0":"Resize image to %0","Resize image to the original size":"Resize image to the original size","Restore default":"डिफ़ॉल्ट रिस्टोर कर दें","Reversed order":"रिवर्स किया गया क्रम","Revert 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alignment toolbar","Text alternative":"Text alternative","Text highlight toolbar":"Text highlight toolbar","Text styles":"टेक्स्ट स्टाइल्स","Text to find must not be empty.":"खोजने के लिए टेक्स्ट खाली नहीं होना चाहिए.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"वैल्यू रिक्त नहीं होना चाहिए.","The value should be a plain number.":"वैल्यू एक प्लेन नंबर होना चाहिए.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"ये कीबोर्ड शॉर्टकट्स कॉन्टेंट एडिटिंग फ़ीचर्स तक पहुँचना आसान बनाते हैं.","This link has no URL":"This link has no URL",Tiny:"Tiny","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"टिप:उसे बदलने के लिए पहले कुछ वह टेक्स्ट खोजें.","To-do List":"To-do List","Toggle caption off":"कैप्शन को टॉगल बंद करें","Toggle caption on":"कैप्शन का टॉगल ऑन करें","Toggle the circle list style":"Toggle the circle list style","Toggle the decimal list style":"Toggle the decimal list style","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style","Toggle the disc list style":"Toggle the disc list style","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Toggle the lower–latin list style","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Toggle the lower–roman list style","Toggle the square list style":"Toggle the square list style","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Toggle the upper–latin list style","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Toggle the upper–roman list style",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Type or paste your content here.":"Type or paste your content here.","Type your title":"Type your title",Underline:"Underline","Underline text":"टेक्स्ट को अंडरलाइन करें",Undo:"Undo",Unlink:"Unlink",Update:"Update","Update image URL":"Update image URL","Upload failed":"Upload failed","Upload from computer":"कंप्यूटर से अपलोड करे","Upload image from computer":"कंप्यूटर से इमेज अपलोड करें","Upload in progress":"Upload in progress","Uploading image":"तस्वीर अपलोड की जा रही है","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"CKEditor 5 यूज़र इंटरफ़ेस में और बेहतरीन नैविगेशन के लिए इन कीस्ट्रोक्स का इस्तेमाल करें.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"यूज़र इंटरफ़ेस और कॉन्टेंट नैविगेशन कीस्ट्रोक्स","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertical text alignment toolbar",White:"White","Whole words only":"केवल पूरे शब्द","Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar",Width:"Width","Words: %0":"Words: %0","Wrap text":"टेक्स्ट रैप करें",Yellow:"Yellow","Yellow marker":"Yellow marker"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/hr.js b/build/translations/hr.js
index 2ff08fa..20ca929 100644
--- a/build/translations/hr.js
+++ b/build/translations/hr.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const a=e["hr"]=e["hr"]||{};a.dictionary=Object.assign(a.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"","%0 of %1":"%0 od %1",Accept:"Prihvati",Accessibility:"","Accessibility help":"","Align cell text to the bottom":"Tekst ćelije poravnaj prema dolje","Align cell text to the center":"Tekst ćelije poravnaj u sredinu","Align cell text to the left":"Tekst ćelije poravnaj lijevo","Align cell text to the middle":"Tekst ćelije poravnaj u sredinu","Align cell text to the right":"Tekst ćelije poravnaj udesno","Align cell text to the top":"Tekst ćelije poravnaj prema gore","Align table to the left":"Poravnaj tablicu ulijevo","Align table to the right":"Poravnaj tablicu udesno",Alignment:"Poravnanje",Aquamarine:"Akvamarin",Background:"Pozadina","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"",Big:"Veliki",Black:"Crna","Block quote":"Blok citat",Blue:"Plava",Bold:"Podebljano","Bold text":"",Border:"Granica","Break text":"Prelomi tekst","Bulleted List":"Obična lista","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Alatna traka za stilove obične liste",Cancel:"Poništi","Caption for image: %0":"Naslov slike: %0","Caption for the image":"Naslov slike","Cell properties":"Svojstva ćelije","Center table":"Centriraj tablicu","Centered image":"Centrirana slika","Change image text alternative":"Promijeni alternativni tekst slike","Choose heading":"Odaberite naslov",Circle:"Krug",Clear:"Obriši","Click to edit block":"",Close:"","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"",Code:"Kod",Color:"Boja","Color picker":"Birač boje",Column:"Kolona","Content editing keystrokes":"","Copy selected content":"Kopiraj odabrani sadržaj","Create link":"",Custom:"","Custom image size":"",Dashed:"Crtičasta",Decimal:"Decimalni","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimalni s vodećom nulom","Decrease indent":"Umanji uvlačenje","Decrease list item indent":"",Default:"Podrazumijevano","Delete column":"Obriši kolonu","Delete row":"Obriši red","Dim grey":"Tamnosiva",Dimensions:"Dimenzije",Disc:"Disk","Document colors":"Boje dokumenta",Dotted:"Točkasta",Double:"Dvostruka",Downloadable:"Moguće preuzeti","Drag to move":"","Dropdown toolbar":"Traka padajućeg izbornika","Edit block":"Uredi blok","Edit link":"Uredi vezu","Editor block content toolbar":"Alatna traka sadržaja uređivača blokova","Editor contextual toolbar":"Kontekstualna alatna traka uređivača","Editor dialog":"","Editor editing area: %0":"Područje Editora: %0","Editor menu bar":"","Editor toolbar":"Traka uređivača","Enter image caption":"Unesite naslov slike","Enter table caption":"Unesite natpis","Entering a to-do list":"","Error during image upload":"","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"","Font Background Color":"Pozadinska Boja Fonta","Font Color":"Boja Fonta","Font Family":"Obitelj fonta","Font Size":"Veličina fonta","Full size image":"Slika pune veličine",Green:"Zelena",Grey:"Siva",Groove:"","Header column":"Kolona zaglavlja","Header row":"Red zaglavlja",Heading:"Naslov","Heading 1":"Naslov 1","Heading 2":"Naslov 2","Heading 3":"Naslov 3","Heading 4":"Naslov 4","Heading 5":"Naslov 5","Heading 6":"Naslov 6",Height:"Visina","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"",HEX:"","Horizontal line":"Vodoravna linija","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Alatna traka za horizontalno poravnanje teksta",Huge:"Ogroman","Image from computer":"","Image resize list":"Lista veličina slika","Image toolbar":"Traka za slike","Image upload complete":"","image widget":"Slika widget","In line":"U istom redu","Increase indent":"Povećaj uvlačenje","Increase list item indent":"",Insert:"Ubaci","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Umetni novi red (novi paragraf)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Umetni element za novi red (<br>
element)","Insert column left":"Umetni stupac lijevo","Insert column right":"Umetni stupac desno","Insert image":"Umetni sliku","Insert image via URL":"Ubaci sliku putem URLa","Insert media":"Ubaci medij","Insert paragraph after block":"Umetni odlomak poslije bloka","Insert paragraph before block":"Umetni odlomak prije bloka","Insert row above":"Ubaci red iznad","Insert row below":"Ubaci red ispod","Insert table":"Ubaci tablicu",Inset:"","Invalid start index value.":"",Italic:"Ukošeno","Italic text":"","Justify cell text":"Razvuci tekst ćelije","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"","Leaving a to-do list":"","Left aligned image":"Lijevo poravnata slika","Light blue":"Svijetloplava","Light green":"Svijetlozelena","Light grey":"Svijetlosiva",Link:"Veza","Link image":"URL slike","Link URL":"URL veze","Link URL must not be empty.":"","List properties":"Svojstva liste","Lower-latin":"Mala slova","Lower–roman":"Mali rimski brojevi","Media toolbar":"Traka za medije","Media URL":"URL medija","media widget":"dodatak za medije",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Promijeni",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Ubaci",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Tekst",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"","Merge cell down":"Spoji ćelije prema dolje","Merge cell left":"Spoji ćelije prema lijevo","Merge cell right":"Spoji ćelije prema desno","Merge cell up":"Spoji ćelije prema gore","Merge cells":"Spoji ćelije","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"","Move out of a link":"","Move out of an inline code style":"","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"","Move the selection to the next cell":"","Move the selection to the previous cell":"","Navigate through the table":"","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"",Next:"Sljedeći","No results found":"","No searchable items":"",None:"Nikakva","Numbered List":"Brojčana lista","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Alatna traka za stilove brojčane liste","Open in a new tab":"Otvori u novoj kartici","Open link in new tab":"Otvori vezu u novoj kartici","Open media in new tab":"Otvori medije u novoj kartici","Open the accessibility help dialog":"",Orange:"Narančasta",Original:"Original",Outset:"",Padding:"Podstava",Paragraph:"Paragraf","Paste content":"Zalijepi sadržaj","Paste content as plain text":"Zalijepi sadržaj kao čisti tekst","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Zalijepi URL medija u ulaz.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"","Press %0 for help.":"","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Pritisnite Enter za upisivanje nakon ili pritisnite Shift + Enter za upisivanje prije widgeta",Previous:"Prethodni",Purple:"Ljubičasta",Red:"Crvena",Redo:"Ponovi","Remove color":"Ukloni boju","Remove Format":"Ukloni format","Replace from computer":"","Replace image":"","Replace image from computer":"","Resize image":"Promijeni veličinu slike","Resize image (in %0)":"","Resize image to %0":"Promijeni veličinu slike u %0","Resize image to the original size":"Vrati veličinu slike na originalnu veličinu","Restore default":"Vrati tvorničke postavke","Reversed order":"Obrnuti redoslijed","Revert autoformatting action":"Vrati radnju automatskog formatiranja","Rich Text Editor":"Rich Text Editor",Ridge:"Greben","Right aligned image":"Slika poravnata desno",Row:"Red",Save:"Snimi","Select all":"Odaberi sve","Select column":"Odaberi stupac","Select row":"Odaberi redak","Show more items":"Prikaži više stavaka","Side image":"Slika sa strane",Small:"Mali",Solid:"Neprekidna","Split cell horizontally":"Razdvoji ćeliju vodoravno","Split cell vertically":"Razdvoji ćeliju okomito",Square:"Kvadrat","Start at":"Počni sa","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Početni indeks mora biti veći od 0.",Strikethrough:"Precrtano","Strikethrough text":"",Style:"Stil",Subscript:"Indeks",Superscript:"Eksponent",Table:"","Table alignment toolbar":"Alatna traka za poravnanje tablice","Table cell text alignment":"Poravnanje teksta ćelije tablice","Table properties":"Svojstva tablice","Table toolbar":"Traka za tablice","Text alternative":"Alternativni tekst",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Neispravna boja. Pokušajte "#FF0000" ili "rgb(255,0,0)" ili "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL ne smije biti prazan.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Neispravna vrijednost. Pokušajte "10px" ili "2em" ili jednostavno "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Ova veza nema URL","This media URL is not supported.":"URL nije podržan.",Tiny:"Sićušan","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Natuknica: Za brže ugrađivanje zalijepite URL u sadržaj.","To-do List":"Lista zadataka","Toggle caption off":"Isključite natpis","Toggle caption on":"Uključite natpis","Toggle the circle list style":"Primjeni krug stil","Toggle the decimal list style":"Primjeni decimalni stil","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Primjeni decimalni stil s vodećom nulom","Toggle the disc list style":"Primjeni disk stil","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Primjeni mala slova stil","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Primjeni rimske brojeve mala slova stil","Toggle the square list style":"Primjeni kvadrat stil","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Primjeni velika slova stil","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Primjeni rimske brojeve velika slova stil",Turquoise:"Tirkizna","Type or paste your content here.":"Utipkajte ili zalijepite Vaš sadržaj ovdje.","Type your title":"Utipkajte naslov",Underline:"Podcrtavanje","Underline text":"",Undo:"Poništi",Unlink:"Ukloni vezu",Update:"Snimi","Update image URL":"Snimi URL slike","Upload failed":"Slanje nije uspjelo","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Slanje u tijeku","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"Velika slova","Upper-roman":"Veliki rimski brojevi","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Alatna traka za vertikalno poravnanje teksta",White:"Bijela","Widget toolbar":"Traka sa spravicama",Width:"Širina","Wrap text":"Prelamanje teksta",Yellow:"Žuta"});a.getPluralForm=function(e){return e%10==1&&e%100!=11?0:e%10>=2&&e%10<=4&&(e%100<10||e%100>=20)?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const a=e["hr"]=e["hr"]||{};a.dictionary=Object.assign(a.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"","%0 of %1":"%0 od %1",Accept:"Prihvati",Accessibility:"","Accessibility help":"","Advanced options":"","Align cell text to the bottom":"Tekst ćelije poravnaj prema dolje","Align cell text to the center":"Tekst ćelije poravnaj u sredinu","Align cell text to the left":"Tekst ćelije poravnaj lijevo","Align cell text to the middle":"Tekst ćelije poravnaj u sredinu","Align cell text to the right":"Tekst ćelije poravnaj udesno","Align cell text to the top":"Tekst ćelije poravnaj prema gore","Align center":"Poravnaj po sredini","Align left":"Poravnaj ulijevo","Align right":"Poravnaj udesno","Align table to the left":"Poravnaj tablicu ulijevo","Align table to the right":"Poravnaj tablicu udesno",Alignment:"Poravnanje",Aquamarine:"Akvamarin",Background:"Pozadina","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"",Big:"Veliki",Black:"Crna","Block quote":"Blok citat","Block styles":"Blok stilovi",Blue:"Plava","Blue marker":"Plavi marker",Bold:"Podebljano","Bold text":"",Border:"Granica","Break text":"Prelomi tekst","Bulleted List":"Obična lista","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Alatna traka za stilove obične liste",Cancel:"Poništi","Caption for image: %0":"Naslov slike: %0","Caption for the image":"Naslov slike","Cell properties":"Svojstva ćelije","Center table":"Centriraj tablicu","Centered image":"Centrirana slika","Change image text alternative":"Promijeni alternativni tekst slike","Characters: %0":"Znakova: %0","Choose heading":"Odaberite naslov",Circle:"Krug",Clear:"Obriši","Click to edit block":"",Close:"","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"",Code:"Kod","Code block":"",Color:"Boja","Color picker":"Birač boje",Column:"Kolona","Content editing keystrokes":"","Copy selected content":"Kopiraj odabrani sadržaj","Create link":"",Custom:"","Custom image size":"",Dashed:"Crtičasta",Decimal:"Decimalni","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimalni s vodećom nulom","Decrease indent":"Umanji uvlačenje","Decrease list item indent":"",Default:"Podrazumijevano","Delete column":"Obriši kolonu","Delete row":"Obriši red","Dim grey":"Tamnosiva",Dimensions:"Dimenzije","Disable editing":"Onemogući uređivanje",Disc:"Disk","Document colors":"Boje dokumenta",Dotted:"Točkasta",Double:"Dvostruka",Downloadable:"Moguće preuzeti","Drag to move":"","Dropdown toolbar":"Traka padajućeg izbornika","Edit block":"Uredi blok","Edit link":"Uredi vezu","Editor block content toolbar":"Alatna traka sadržaja uređivača blokova","Editor contextual toolbar":"Kontekstualna alatna traka uređivača","Editor dialog":"","Editor editing area: %0":"Područje Editora: %0","Editor menu bar":"","Editor toolbar":"Traka uređivača","Enable editing":"Omogući uređivanje","Enter image caption":"Unesite naslov slike","Enter table caption":"Unesite natpis","Entering %0 code snippet":"","Entering a to-do list":"","Entering code snippet":"","Error during image upload":"","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"",Find:"Pronađi","Find and replace":"Pronađi i zamijeni","Find in text…":"Pronađi u tekstu...","Find in the document":"","Font Background Color":"Pozadinska Boja Fonta","Font Color":"Boja Fonta","Font Family":"Obitelj fonta","Font Size":"Veličina fonta","Full size image":"Slika pune veličine",Green:"Zelena","Green marker":"Zeleni marker","Green pen":"Zeleno pero",Grey:"Siva",Groove:"","Header column":"Kolona zaglavlja","Header row":"Red zaglavlja",Heading:"Naslov","Heading 1":"Naslov 1","Heading 2":"Naslov 2","Heading 3":"Naslov 3","Heading 4":"Naslov 4","Heading 5":"Naslov 5","Heading 6":"Naslov 6",Height:"Visina","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"",HEX:"",Highlight:"Istakni","Horizontal line":"Vodoravna linija","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Alatna traka za horizontalno poravnanje teksta","HTML object":"HTML objekt",Huge:"Ogroman","Image from computer":"","Image resize list":"Lista veličina slika","Image toolbar":"Traka za slike","Image upload complete":"","image widget":"Slika widget","In line":"U istom redu","Increase indent":"Povećaj uvlačenje","Increase list item indent":"",Insert:"Ubaci","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Umetni novi red (novi paragraf)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Umetni element za novi red (<br>
element)","Insert code block":"Umetni blok koda","Insert column left":"Umetni stupac lijevo","Insert column right":"Umetni stupac desno","Insert image":"Umetni sliku","Insert image via URL":"Ubaci sliku putem URLa","Insert paragraph after block":"Umetni odlomak poslije bloka","Insert paragraph before block":"Umetni odlomak prije bloka","Insert row above":"Ubaci red iznad","Insert row below":"Ubaci red ispod","Insert table":"Ubaci tablicu",Inset:"","Invalid start index value.":"",Italic:"Ukošeno","Italic text":"",Justify:"Razvuci","Justify cell text":"Razvuci tekst ćelije","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"","Leaving %0 code snippet":"","Leaving a to-do list":"","Leaving code snippet":"","Left aligned image":"Lijevo poravnata slika","Light blue":"Svijetloplava","Light green":"Svijetlozelena","Light grey":"Svijetlosiva",Link:"Veza","Link image":"URL slike","Link URL":"URL veze","Link URL must not be empty.":"","List properties":"Svojstva liste","Lower-latin":"Mala slova","Lower–roman":"Mali rimski brojevi","Match case":"Točna velika/mala slova",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Promijeni",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Ubaci",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Tekst",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"","Merge cell down":"Spoji ćelije prema dolje","Merge cell left":"Spoji ćelije prema lijevo","Merge cell right":"Spoji ćelije prema desno","Merge cell up":"Spoji ćelije prema gore","Merge cells":"Spoji ćelije","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"","Move out of a link":"","Move out of an inline code style":"","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"","Move the selection to the next cell":"","Move the selection to the previous cell":"","Multiple styles":"Više stilova","Navigate editable regions":"Navigiraj regijama koje je moguće uređivati","Navigate through the table":"","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"",Next:"Sljedeći","Next editable region":"Sljedeća regija koju je moguće uređivati","Next result":"Sljedeći rezultat","No results found":"","No searchable items":"",None:"Nikakva","Numbered List":"Brojčana lista","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Alatna traka za stilove brojčane liste","Open in a new tab":"Otvori u novoj kartici","Open link in new tab":"Otvori vezu u novoj kartici","Open the accessibility help dialog":"",Orange:"Narančasta",Original:"Original",Outset:"",Padding:"Podstava",Paragraph:"Paragraf","Paste content":"Zalijepi sadržaj","Paste content as plain text":"Zalijepi sadržaj kao čisti tekst","Pink marker":"Rozi marker","Plain text":"Običan tekst",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"","Press %0 for help.":"","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Pritisnite Enter za upisivanje nakon ili pritisnite Shift + Enter za upisivanje prije widgeta",Previous:"Prethodni","Previous editable region":"Prethodna regija koju je moguće uređivati","Previous result":"Prethodni rezultat",Purple:"Ljubičasta",Red:"Crvena","Red pen":"Crveno pero",Redo:"Ponovi","Remove color":"Ukloni boju","Remove Format":"Ukloni format","Remove highlight":"Ukloni isticanje",Replace:"Zamijeni","Replace all":"Zamijeni sve","Replace from computer":"","Replace image":"","Replace image from computer":"","Replace with…":"Zamijeni sa....","Resize image":"Promijeni veličinu slike","Resize image (in %0)":"","Resize image to %0":"Promijeni veličinu slike u %0","Resize image to the original size":"Vrati veličinu slike na originalnu veličinu","Restore default":"Vrati tvorničke postavke","Reversed order":"Obrnuti redoslijed","Revert autoformatting action":"Vrati radnju automatskog formatiranja","Rich Text Editor":"Rich Text Editor",Ridge:"Greben","Right aligned image":"Slika poravnata desno",Row:"Red",Save:"Snimi","Select all":"Odaberi sve","Select column":"Odaberi stupac","Select row":"Odaberi redak","Show more items":"Prikaži više stavaka","Side image":"Slika sa strane",Small:"Mali",Solid:"Neprekidna","Split cell horizontally":"Razdvoji ćeliju vodoravno","Split cell vertically":"Razdvoji ćeliju okomito",Square:"Kvadrat","Start at":"Počni sa","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Početni indeks mora biti veći od 0.",Strikethrough:"Precrtano","Strikethrough text":"",Style:"Stil",Styles:"Stilovi",Subscript:"Indeks",Superscript:"Eksponent",Table:"","Table alignment toolbar":"Alatna traka za poravnanje tablice","Table cell text alignment":"Poravnanje teksta ćelije tablice","Table properties":"Svojstva tablice","Table toolbar":"Traka za tablice","Text alignment":"Poravnanje teksta","Text alignment toolbar":"Traka za poravnanje","Text alternative":"Alternativni tekst","Text highlight toolbar":"Traka za isticanje teksta","Text styles":"Tekstualni stilovi","Text to find must not be empty.":"Morate upisati tekst za traženje.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Neispravna boja. Pokušajte "#FF0000" ili "rgb(255,0,0)" ili "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Neispravna vrijednost. Pokušajte "10px" ili "2em" ili jednostavno "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Ova veza nema URL",Tiny:"Sićušan","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Savjet: Pronađite neki tekst kako bi ga zamijenili.","To-do List":"Lista zadataka","Toggle caption off":"Isključite natpis","Toggle caption on":"Uključite natpis","Toggle the circle list style":"Primjeni krug stil","Toggle the decimal list style":"Primjeni decimalni stil","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Primjeni decimalni stil s vodećom nulom","Toggle the disc list style":"Primjeni disk stil","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Primjeni mala slova stil","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Primjeni rimske brojeve mala slova stil","Toggle the square list style":"Primjeni kvadrat stil","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Primjeni velika slova stil","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Primjeni rimske brojeve velika slova stil",Turquoise:"Tirkizna","Type or paste your content here.":"Utipkajte ili zalijepite Vaš sadržaj ovdje.","Type your title":"Utipkajte naslov",Underline:"Podcrtavanje","Underline text":"",Undo:"Poništi",Unlink:"Ukloni vezu",Update:"Snimi","Update image URL":"Snimi URL slike","Upload failed":"Slanje nije uspjelo","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Slanje u tijeku","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"Velika slova","Upper-roman":"Veliki rimski brojevi","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Alatna traka za vertikalno poravnanje teksta",White:"Bijela","Whole words only":"Samo cijele riječi","Widget toolbar":"Traka sa spravicama",Width:"Širina","Words: %0":"Riječi: %0","Wrap text":"Prelamanje teksta",Yellow:"Žuta","Yellow marker":"Žuti marker"});a.getPluralForm=function(e){return e%10==1&&e%100!=11?0:e%10>=2&&e%10<=4&&(e%100<10||e%100>=20)?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
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diff --git a/build/translations/hu.js b/build/translations/hu.js
index 008c9e7..51827c6 100644
--- a/build/translations/hu.js
+++ b/build/translations/hu.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["hu"]=e["hu"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(szükség lehet a Fn használatára)","%0 of %1":"%0 / %1",Accept:"Elfogad",Accessibility:"Elérhetőség","Accessibility help":"Kisegítő lehetőségek","Align cell text to the bottom":"Szöveg igazítása a cellában alulra","Align cell text to the center":"Szöveg igazítása a cellában középre","Align cell text to the left":"Szöveg igazítása a cellában balra","Align cell text to the middle":"Szöveg igazítása a cellában középre","Align cell text to the right":"Szöveg igazítása a cellában jobbra","Align cell text to the top":"Szöveg igazítása a cellában felülre","Align table to the left":"Tábla igazítása balra","Align table to the right":"Tábla igazítása jobbra",Alignment:"Igazítás",Aquamarine:"Kékeszöld",Background:"Háttér","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Alább megtalálod a szerkesztéshez használható gyorsbillentyűk listáját.",Big:"Nagy",Black:"Fekete","Block quote":"Idézet",Blue:"Kék",Bold:"Félkövér","Bold text":"Félkövér szöveg",Border:"Keret","Break text":"Sortörés","Bulleted List":"Pontozott lista","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Felsorolásos lista stílusú eszköztár",Cancel:"Mégsem","Caption for image: %0":"Képfelirat: %0","Caption for the image":"Felirat a képhez","Cell properties":"Cella tulajdonságok","Center table":"Tábla igazítása középre","Centered image":"Középre igazított kép","Change image text alternative":"Helyettesítő szöveg módosítása","Choose heading":"Stílus megadása",Circle:"Kör",Clear:"Törlés","Click to edit block":"Kattintson a blokk szerkesztéséhez",Close:"Bezárás","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"A környezetfüggő buborékok, legördülő listák és párbeszédpanelek bezárása",Code:"Forráskód",Color:"Szín","Color picker":"Szín választása",Column:"Oszlop","Content editing keystrokes":"Tartalom szerkesztési billentyűk","Copy selected content":"Kiválasztott tartalom másolása","Create link":"Link létrehozása",Custom:"Egyéni","Custom image size":"Egyéni képméret",Dashed:"Szaggatott",Decimal:"Szám","Decimal with leading zero":"Nullával kezdődő szám","Decrease indent":"Behúzás csökkentése","Decrease list item indent":"A listaelem behúzás csökkentése",Default:"Alapértelmezett","Delete column":"Oszlop törlése","Delete row":"Sor törlése","Dim grey":"Halvány szürke",Dimensions:"Méretek",Disc:"Korong","Document colors":"Dokumentum színek",Dotted:"Pontozott",Double:"Dupla",Downloadable:"Letölthető","Drag to move":"Húzza a mozgatáshoz","Dropdown toolbar":"Lenyíló eszköztár","Edit block":"Blokk szerkesztése","Edit link":"Link szerkesztése","Editor block content toolbar":"Szerkesztő - tartalomblokk eszköztár","Editor contextual toolbar":"Szerkesztő - szövegre vonatkozó eszköztár","Editor dialog":"Szerkesztői párbeszédpanel","Editor editing area: %0":"Szerkesztő szerkesztési területe: %0","Editor menu bar":"Szerkesztő menüsora","Editor toolbar":"Szerkesztő eszköztár","Enter image caption":"Képaláírás megadása","Enter table caption":"Táblázat feliratának megadása","Entering a to-do list":"Belépés a tennivalók listájába","Error during image upload":"Hiba a kép feltöltése során","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Az aktuálisan fókuszált gomb végrehajtása. A szerkesztő tartalmával interakcióba lépő gombok végrehajtása visszahelyezi a fókuszt a tartalomra.","Font Background Color":"Betű háttérszín","Font Color":"Betűszín","Font Family":"Betűtípus","Font Size":"Betűméret","Full size image":"Teljes méretű kép",Green:"Zöld",Grey:"Szürke",Groove:"Árok","Header column":"Oszlop fejléc","Header row":"Sor fejléc",Heading:"Stílusok","Heading 1":"Címsor 1","Heading 2":"Címsor 2","Heading 3":"Címsor 3","Heading 4":"Címsor 4","Heading 5":"Címsor 5","Heading 6":"Címsor 6",Height:"Magasság","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Súgó tartalmak. A párbeszéd ablak bezárásához használd az ESC billentyűt.",HEX:"HEX színkód","Horizontal line":"Vízszintes elválasztóvonal","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Vízszintes szövegigazítási eszköztár",Huge:"Hatalmas","Image from computer":"Kép a számítógépről","Image resize list":"Kép átméretezési lista","Image toolbar":"Kép eszköztár","Image upload complete":"A kép feltöltése befejeződött","image widget":"képmodul","In line":"Soron belül","Increase indent":"Behúzás növelése","Increase list item indent":"A listaelem behúzás növelése",Insert:"Beszúrás","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Kemény sortörő beszúrása (új bekezdés)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Egy új bekezdés beszúrása közvetlenül a widget mögé","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Egy új bekezdés beszúrása közvetlenül a widget elé","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Új sor beillesztése a táblázatba (a táblázat utolsó cellájában)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Puha sortörő beszúrása (egy <br>
elem)","Insert column left":"Oszlop beszúrása balra","Insert column right":"Oszlop beszúrása jobbra","Insert image":"Kép beszúrása","Insert image via URL":"Kép beszúrása URL alapján","Insert media":"Média beszúrása","Insert paragraph after block":"Bekezdés beszúrása utána","Insert paragraph before block":"Bekezdés beszúrása elé","Insert row above":"Sor beszúrása fölé","Insert row below":"Sor beszúrása alá","Insert table":"Táblázat beszúrása",Inset:"Mélyített","Invalid start index value.":"Hibás induló indexérték.",Italic:"Dőlt","Italic text":"Dőlt szöveg","Justify cell text":"Szöveg igazítása a cellában sorkizártra","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"A listában használható billentyűk","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Egy táblázatcellában használható billentyű leütések","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Billentyűleütések, amelyek egy widget kiválasztásakor (például: kép, táblázat, stb.) használhatók","Leaving a to-do list":"Tennivalók listájának elhagyás","Left aligned image":"Balra igazított kép","Light blue":"Világoskék","Light green":"Világoszöld","Light grey":"Világosszürke",Link:"Link","Link image":"Hivatkozás","Link URL":"URL link","Link URL must not be empty.":"A link URL-címe nem lehet üres.","List properties":"Lista tulajdonságai","Lower-latin":"Kisbetűs latin szám","Lower–roman":"Kisbetűs római szám","Media toolbar":"Média eszköztár","Media URL":"Média URL","media widget":"Média widget",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Szerkesztés",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fájl",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Betűtípus",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formátum",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Súgó",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Beszúrás",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Szöveg",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Eszközök",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Megjelenítés","Merge cell down":"Cellák egyesítése lefelé","Merge cell left":"Cellák egyesítése balra","Merge cell right":"Cellák egyesítése jobbra","Merge cell up":"Cellák egyesítése felfelé","Merge cells":"Cellaegyesítés","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Fókusz mozgatása a mezők között (inputok, gombok, stb.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Mozdítsd ki és be az aktív párbeszéd ablakot","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Fókusz áthelyezése a menüsorra, navigálás a menüsorok között","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Fókusz mozgatása az eszköztárhoz, navigáció az eszköztárak között","Move out of a link":"Kilépés egy linkből","Move out of an inline code style":"Kilépés egy soron belüli kódstílusból","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mozgasd a kurzort, hogy közvetlenül a widget után tudj gépelni","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mozgasd a kurzort, hogy hogy közvetlenül a widget elé tudj gépelni","Move the selection to the next cell":"A kiválasztás átmozgatása a következő cellába","Move the selection to the previous cell":"A kiválasztás átmozgatása az előző cellába","Navigate through the table":"Navigáció a táblázatban","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navigálás az eszköztáron vagy a menüsoron keresztül",Next:"Következő","No results found":"Nincs találat","No searchable items":"Nincsenek kereshető elemek",None:"Nincs","Numbered List":"Számozott lista","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Számozott lista stílusú eszköztár","Open in a new tab":"Megnyitás új lapon","Open link in new tab":"Link megnyitása új ablakban","Open media in new tab":"Nyissa meg a médiát új lapon","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Kisegítő lehetőségek súgó megnyitása",Orange:"Narancs",Original:"Eredeti",Outset:"Kiemelkedő",Padding:"Térköz",Paragraph:"Bekezdés","Paste content":"Tartalom beillesztése","Paste content as plain text":"Tartalom másolása egyszerű szövegként","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Illessze be a média URL-jét.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Adjon meg egy érvényes színt (pl. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Segítségért nyomd le a %0 billentyűt.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Az Enter billentyű megnyomásával a widget után, a Shift + Enter kombinációval pedig a widget előtt írhatja be a szöveget",Previous:"Előző",Purple:"Lila",Red:"Piros",Redo:"Újra","Remove color":"Szín eltávolítása","Remove Format":"Formázás eltávolítása","Replace from computer":"Kicserélés a számítógépről","Replace image":"Kép kicserélése","Replace image from computer":"Cserélje ki a számítógépről","Resize image":"Kép átméretezése","Resize image (in %0)":"Kép átméretezése (%0)","Resize image to %0":"Kép méretezése %0","Resize image to the original size":"Kép méretezése az eredeti méretre","Restore default":"Alapértelmezés visszaállítása","Reversed order":"Fordított sorrend","Revert autoformatting action":"Automatikus formázási művelet visszaállítása","Rich Text Editor":"Bővített szövegszerkesztő",Ridge:"Gerinc","Right aligned image":"Jobbra igazított kép",Row:"Sor",Save:"Mentés","Select all":"Mindet kijelöl","Select column":"Oszlop kijelölése","Select row":"Sor kijelölése","Show more items":"További elemek","Side image":"Oldalsó kép",Small:"Kicsi",Solid:"Tömör","Split cell horizontally":"Cella felosztása vízszintesen","Split cell vertically":"Cella felosztása függőlegesen",Square:"Négyzet","Start at":"Kezdőpont","Start index must be greater than 0.":"A kezdő index nagyobb kell legyen mint 0.",Strikethrough:"Áthúzott","Strikethrough text":"Áthúzott szöveg",Style:"Stílus",Subscript:"Alsó index",Superscript:"Felső index",Table:"Táblázat","Table alignment toolbar":"Táblázatigazítási eszköztár","Table cell text alignment":"Szöveg igazítása a cellában","Table properties":"Táblázat tulajdonságai","Table toolbar":"Táblázat eszköztár","Text alternative":"Helyettesítő szöveg",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'A szín érványtelen. Próbáld így "#FF0000" vagy "rgb(255,0,0)" vagy "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"Az URL nem lehet üres.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Az érték érvénytelen. Próbáld így "10px" vagy "2em" vagy csak egyszerűen "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Az érték nem lehet üres.","The value should be a plain number.":"Az érték egy egyszerű szám kell legyen.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Ezek a gyorsbillentyű parancsok lehetővé teszik a tartalomszerkesztési funkciók gyors elérését.","This link has no URL":"A link nem tartalmaz URL-t","This media URL is not supported.":"Ez a média URL típus nem támogatott.",Tiny:"Apró","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tipp: Illessze be a média URL-jét a tartalomba.","To-do List":"Tennivaló lista","Toggle caption off":"Felirat kikapcsolása","Toggle caption on":"Felirat bekapcsolása","Toggle the circle list style":"Kör stílusú lista bekapcsolása","Toggle the decimal list style":"Tizedesjegy stílusú lista bekapcsolása","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Zéróval kezdődő tizedesjegy stílusú lista bekapcsolása","Toggle the disc list style":"Korong stílusú lista bekapcsolása","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Kis latin betűs stílusú lista bekapcsolása","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Kis római számok stílusú lista bekapcsolása","Toggle the square list style":"Négyzet stílusú lista bekapcsolása","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Nagy latin betűs stílusú lista bekapcsolása","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Nagy római számok stílusú lista bekapcsolása",Turquoise:"Türkiz","Type or paste your content here.":"Írja be, vagy illessze be a tartalmat.","Type your title":"Adja meg a címet",Underline:"Aláhúzott","Underline text":"Aláhúzott szöveg",Undo:"Visszavonás",Unlink:"Link eltávolítása",Update:"Módosítás","Update image URL":"Kép URL módosítása","Upload failed":"A feltöltés nem sikerült","Upload from computer":"Feltöltés a számítógépről","Upload image from computer":"Töltsön fel képet a számítógépről","Upload in progress":"A feltöltés folyamatban","Uploading image":"Kép feltöltése","Upper-latin":"Nagybetűs latin szám","Upper-roman":"Nagybetűs római szám","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Használd a következő billentyűket a hatékonyabb navigációhoz a CKEditor 5 felhasználói felületen.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Felhasználói felület és tartalom navigációs billentyűparancsok","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Függőleges szövegigazítási eszköztár",White:"Fehér","Widget toolbar":"Widget eszköztár",Width:"Szélesség","Wrap text":"Körbefuttatás",Yellow:"Sárga"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["hu"]=e["hu"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(szükség lehet a Fn használatára)","%0 of %1":"%0 / %1",Accept:"Elfogad",Accessibility:"Elérhetőség","Accessibility help":"Kisegítő lehetőségek","Advanced options":"Speciális beállítások","Align cell text to the bottom":"Szöveg igazítása a cellában alulra","Align cell text to the center":"Szöveg igazítása a cellában középre","Align cell text to the left":"Szöveg igazítása a cellában balra","Align cell text to the middle":"Szöveg igazítása a cellában középre","Align cell text to the right":"Szöveg igazítása a cellában jobbra","Align cell text to the top":"Szöveg igazítása a cellában felülre","Align center":"Középre igazítás","Align left":"Balra igazítás","Align right":"Jobbra igazítás","Align table to the left":"Tábla igazítása balra","Align table to the right":"Tábla igazítása jobbra",Alignment:"Igazítás",Aquamarine:"Kékeszöld",Background:"Háttér","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Alább megtalálod a szerkesztéshez használható gyorsbillentyűk listáját.",Big:"Nagy",Black:"Fekete","Block quote":"Idézet","Block styles":"Blokkstílusok",Blue:"Kék","Blue marker":"Kék kiemelő",Bold:"Félkövér","Bold text":"Félkövér szöveg",Border:"Keret","Break text":"Sortörés","Bulleted List":"Pontozott lista","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Felsorolásos lista stílusú eszköztár",Cancel:"Mégsem","Caption for image: %0":"Képfelirat: %0","Caption for the image":"Felirat a képhez","Cell properties":"Cella tulajdonságok","Center table":"Tábla igazítása középre","Centered image":"Középre igazított kép","Change image text alternative":"Helyettesítő szöveg módosítása","Characters: %0":"Karakterek: %0","Choose heading":"Stílus megadása",Circle:"Kör",Clear:"Törlés","Click to edit block":"Kattintson a blokk szerkesztéséhez",Close:"Bezárás","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"A környezetfüggő buborékok, legördülő listák és párbeszédpanelek bezárása",Code:"Forráskód","Code block":"Kódblokk",Color:"Szín","Color picker":"Szín választása",Column:"Oszlop","Content editing keystrokes":"Tartalom szerkesztési billentyűk","Copy selected content":"Kiválasztott tartalom másolása","Create link":"Link létrehozása",Custom:"Egyéni","Custom image size":"Egyéni képméret",Dashed:"Szaggatott",Decimal:"Szám","Decimal with leading zero":"Nullával kezdődő szám","Decrease indent":"Behúzás csökkentése","Decrease list item indent":"A listaelem behúzás csökkentése",Default:"Alapértelmezett","Delete column":"Oszlop törlése","Delete row":"Sor törlése","Dim grey":"Halvány szürke",Dimensions:"Méretek","Disable editing":"Szerkesztés letiltása",Disc:"Korong","Document colors":"Dokumentum színek",Dotted:"Pontozott",Double:"Dupla",Downloadable:"Letölthető","Drag to move":"Húzza a mozgatáshoz","Dropdown toolbar":"Lenyíló eszköztár","Edit block":"Blokk szerkesztése","Edit link":"Link szerkesztése","Editor block content toolbar":"Szerkesztő - tartalomblokk eszköztár","Editor contextual toolbar":"Szerkesztő - szövegre vonatkozó eszköztár","Editor dialog":"Szerkesztői párbeszédpanel","Editor editing area: %0":"Szerkesztő szerkesztési területe: %0","Editor menu bar":"Szerkesztő menüsora","Editor toolbar":"Szerkesztő eszköztár","Enable editing":"Szerkesztés engedélyezése","Enter image caption":"Képaláírás megadása","Enter table caption":"Táblázat feliratának megadása","Entering %0 code snippet":"%0 kódrészlet bevitele","Entering a to-do list":"Belépés a tennivalók listájába","Entering code snippet":"Kódrészlet bevitele","Error during image upload":"Hiba a kép feltöltése során","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Az aktuálisan fókuszált gomb végrehajtása. A szerkesztő tartalmával interakcióba lépő gombok végrehajtása visszahelyezi a fókuszt a tartalomra.",Find:"Keresés","Find and replace":"Keresés és csere","Find in text…":"Keresés szövegben...","Find in the document":"Keresés a dokumentumban","Font Background Color":"Betű háttérszín","Font Color":"Betűszín","Font Family":"Betűtípus","Font Size":"Betűméret","Full size image":"Teljes méretű kép",Green:"Zöld","Green marker":"Zöld kiemelő","Green pen":"Zöld toll",Grey:"Szürke",Groove:"Árok","Header column":"Oszlop fejléc","Header row":"Sor fejléc",Heading:"Stílusok","Heading 1":"Címsor 1","Heading 2":"Címsor 2","Heading 3":"Címsor 3","Heading 4":"Címsor 4","Heading 5":"Címsor 5","Heading 6":"Címsor 6",Height:"Magasság","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Súgó tartalmak. A párbeszéd ablak bezárásához használd az ESC billentyűt.",HEX:"HEX színkód",Highlight:"Kiemelés","Horizontal line":"Vízszintes elválasztóvonal","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Vízszintes szövegigazítási eszköztár","HTML object":"HTML objektum",Huge:"Hatalmas","Image from computer":"Kép a számítógépről","Image resize list":"Kép átméretezési lista","Image toolbar":"Kép eszköztár","Image upload complete":"A kép feltöltése befejeződött","image widget":"képmodul","In line":"Soron belül","Increase indent":"Behúzás növelése","Increase list item indent":"A listaelem behúzás növelése",Insert:"Beszúrás","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Kemény sortörő beszúrása (új bekezdés)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Egy új bekezdés beszúrása közvetlenül a widget mögé","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Egy új bekezdés beszúrása közvetlenül a widget elé","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Új sor beillesztése a táblázatba (a táblázat utolsó cellájában)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Puha sortörő beszúrása (egy <br>
elem)","Insert code block":"Kód blokk beszúrása","Insert column left":"Oszlop beszúrása balra","Insert column right":"Oszlop beszúrása jobbra","Insert image":"Kép beszúrása","Insert image via URL":"Kép beszúrása URL alapján","Insert paragraph after block":"Bekezdés beszúrása utána","Insert paragraph before block":"Bekezdés beszúrása elé","Insert row above":"Sor beszúrása fölé","Insert row below":"Sor beszúrása alá","Insert table":"Táblázat beszúrása",Inset:"Mélyített","Invalid start index value.":"Hibás induló indexérték.",Italic:"Dőlt","Italic text":"Dőlt szöveg",Justify:"Sorkizárt","Justify cell text":"Szöveg igazítása a cellában sorkizártra","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"A listában használható billentyűk","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Egy táblázatcellában használható billentyű leütések","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Billentyűleütések, amelyek egy widget kiválasztásakor (például: kép, táblázat, stb.) használhatók","Leaving %0 code snippet":"%0 kódrészlet elhagyása","Leaving a to-do list":"Tennivalók listájának elhagyás","Leaving code snippet":"Kódrészlet elhagyása","Left aligned image":"Balra igazított kép","Light blue":"Világoskék","Light green":"Világoszöld","Light grey":"Világosszürke",Link:"Link","Link image":"Hivatkozás","Link URL":"URL link","Link URL must not be empty.":"A link URL-címe nem lehet üres.","List properties":"Lista tulajdonságai","Lower-latin":"Kisbetűs latin szám","Lower–roman":"Kisbetűs római szám","Match case":"Nagybetű érzékeny",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Szerkesztés",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fájl",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Betűtípus",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formátum",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Súgó",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Beszúrás",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Szöveg",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Eszközök",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Megjelenítés","Merge cell down":"Cellák egyesítése lefelé","Merge cell left":"Cellák egyesítése balra","Merge cell right":"Cellák egyesítése jobbra","Merge cell up":"Cellák egyesítése felfelé","Merge cells":"Cellaegyesítés","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Fókusz mozgatása a mezők között (inputok, gombok, stb.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Mozdítsd ki és be az aktív párbeszéd ablakot","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Fókusz áthelyezése a menüsorra, navigálás a menüsorok között","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Fókusz mozgatása az eszköztárhoz, navigáció az eszköztárak között","Move out of a link":"Kilépés egy linkből","Move out of an inline code style":"Kilépés egy soron belüli kódstílusból","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mozgasd a kurzort, hogy közvetlenül a widget után tudj gépelni","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mozgasd a kurzort, hogy hogy közvetlenül a widget elé tudj gépelni","Move the selection to the next cell":"A kiválasztás átmozgatása a következő cellába","Move the selection to the previous cell":"A kiválasztás átmozgatása az előző cellába","Multiple styles":"Többféle stílus","Navigate editable regions":"Szerkeszthető területek navigálása","Navigate through the table":"Navigáció a táblázatban","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navigálás az eszköztáron vagy a menüsoron keresztül",Next:"Következő","Next editable region":"Következő szerkeszthető terület","Next result":"Következő találat","No results found":"Nincs találat","No searchable items":"Nincsenek kereshető elemek",None:"Nincs","Numbered List":"Számozott lista","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Számozott lista stílusú eszköztár","Open in a new tab":"Megnyitás új lapon","Open link in new tab":"Link megnyitása új ablakban","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Kisegítő lehetőségek súgó megnyitása",Orange:"Narancs",Original:"Eredeti",Outset:"Kiemelkedő",Padding:"Térköz",Paragraph:"Bekezdés","Paste content":"Tartalom beillesztése","Paste content as plain text":"Tartalom másolása egyszerű szövegként","Pink marker":"Rózsaszín kiemelő","Plain text":"Egyszerű szöveg",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Adjon meg egy érvényes színt (pl. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Segítségért nyomd le a %0 billentyűt.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Az Enter billentyű megnyomásával a widget után, a Shift + Enter kombinációval pedig a widget előtt írhatja be a szöveget",Previous:"Előző","Previous editable region":"Előző szerkeszthető terület","Previous result":"Előző találat",Purple:"Lila",Red:"Piros","Red pen":"Piros toll",Redo:"Újra","Remove color":"Szín eltávolítása","Remove Format":"Formázás eltávolítása","Remove highlight":"Kiemelés eltávolítása",Replace:"Csere","Replace all":"Mind cserél","Replace from computer":"Kicserélés a számítógépről","Replace image":"Kép kicserélése","Replace image from computer":"Cserélje ki a számítógépről","Replace with…":"Csere erre...","Resize image":"Kép átméretezése","Resize image (in %0)":"Kép átméretezése (%0)","Resize image to %0":"Kép méretezése %0","Resize image to the original size":"Kép méretezése az eredeti méretre","Restore default":"Alapértelmezés visszaállítása","Reversed order":"Fordított sorrend","Revert autoformatting action":"Automatikus formázási művelet visszaállítása","Rich Text Editor":"Bővített szövegszerkesztő",Ridge:"Gerinc","Right aligned image":"Jobbra igazított kép",Row:"Sor",Save:"Mentés","Select all":"Mindet kijelöl","Select column":"Oszlop kijelölése","Select row":"Sor kijelölése","Show more items":"További elemek","Side image":"Oldalsó kép",Small:"Kicsi",Solid:"Tömör","Split cell horizontally":"Cella felosztása vízszintesen","Split cell vertically":"Cella felosztása függőlegesen",Square:"Négyzet","Start at":"Kezdőpont","Start index must be greater than 0.":"A kezdő index nagyobb kell legyen mint 0.",Strikethrough:"Áthúzott","Strikethrough text":"Áthúzott szöveg",Style:"Stílus",Styles:"Stílusok",Subscript:"Alsó index",Superscript:"Felső index",Table:"Táblázat","Table alignment toolbar":"Táblázatigazítási eszköztár","Table cell text alignment":"Szöveg igazítása a cellában","Table properties":"Táblázat tulajdonságai","Table toolbar":"Táblázat eszköztár","Text alignment":"Szöveg igazítása","Text alignment toolbar":"Szöveg igazítás eszköztár","Text alternative":"Helyettesítő szöveg","Text highlight toolbar":"Szöveg kiemelés eszköztár","Text styles":"Szövegstílusok","Text to find must not be empty.":"A keresendő szöveg nem lehet üres.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'A szín érványtelen. Próbáld így "#FF0000" vagy "rgb(255,0,0)" vagy "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Az érték érvénytelen. Próbáld így "10px" vagy "2em" vagy csak egyszerűen "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Az érték nem lehet üres.","The value should be a plain number.":"Az érték egy egyszerű szám kell legyen.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Ezek a gyorsbillentyű parancsok lehetővé teszik a tartalomszerkesztési funkciók gyors elérését.","This link has no URL":"A link nem tartalmaz URL-t",Tiny:"Apró","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tipp: Először keressen egy szöveget, hogy lecserélhesse.","To-do List":"Tennivaló lista","Toggle caption off":"Felirat kikapcsolása","Toggle caption on":"Felirat bekapcsolása","Toggle the circle list style":"Kör stílusú lista bekapcsolása","Toggle the decimal list style":"Tizedesjegy stílusú lista bekapcsolása","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Zéróval kezdődő tizedesjegy stílusú lista bekapcsolása","Toggle the disc list style":"Korong stílusú lista bekapcsolása","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Kis latin betűs stílusú lista bekapcsolása","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Kis római számok stílusú lista bekapcsolása","Toggle the square list style":"Négyzet stílusú lista bekapcsolása","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Nagy latin betűs stílusú lista bekapcsolása","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Nagy római számok stílusú lista bekapcsolása",Turquoise:"Türkiz","Type or paste your content here.":"Írja be, vagy illessze be a tartalmat.","Type your title":"Adja meg a címet",Underline:"Aláhúzott","Underline text":"Aláhúzott szöveg",Undo:"Visszavonás",Unlink:"Link eltávolítása",Update:"Módosítás","Update image URL":"Kép URL módosítása","Upload failed":"A feltöltés nem sikerült","Upload from computer":"Feltöltés a számítógépről","Upload image from computer":"Töltsön fel képet a számítógépről","Upload in progress":"A feltöltés folyamatban","Uploading image":"Kép feltöltése","Upper-latin":"Nagybetűs latin szám","Upper-roman":"Nagybetűs római szám","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Használd a következő billentyűket a hatékonyabb navigációhoz a CKEditor 5 felhasználói felületen.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Felhasználói felület és tartalom navigációs billentyűparancsok","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Függőleges szövegigazítási eszköztár",White:"Fehér","Whole words only":"Csak teljes szavak","Widget toolbar":"Widget eszköztár",Width:"Szélesség","Words: %0":"Szavak: %0","Wrap text":"Körbefuttatás",Yellow:"Sárga","Yellow marker":"Sárga kiemelő"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/hy.js b/build/translations/hy.js
index 68eed99..d5f98ff 100644
--- a/build/translations/hy.js
+++ b/build/translations/hy.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["hy"]=e["hy"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"%0 of %1":"",Accept:"","Align cell text to the bottom":"","Align cell text to the center":"","Align cell text to the left":"","Align cell text to the middle":"","Align cell text to the right":"","Align cell text to the top":"","Align table to the left":"","Align table to the right":"",Alignment:"",Background:"",Bold:"Թավագիր","Bold text":"",Border:"",Cancel:"Չեղարկել","Cell properties":"","Center table":"","Characters: %0":"%0 նիշեր","Choose heading":"",Clear:"","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"",Code:"Կոդ",Color:"","Color picker":"",Column:"Սյունակ","Content editing keystrokes":"","Create link":"",Dashed:"","Delete column":"","Delete row":"",Dimensions:"",Dotted:"",Double:"",Downloadable:"","Edit link":"Խմբագրել հղումը","Enter table caption":"","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"",Groove:"","Header column":"","Header row":"",Heading:"","Heading 1":"Վերնագիր 1","Heading 2":"Վերնագիր 2","Heading 3":"Վերնագիր 3","Heading 4":"","Heading 5":"","Heading 6":"",Height:"","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"","Insert column left":"","Insert column right":"","Insert row above":"","Insert row below":"","Insert table":"",Inset:"",Italic:"Շեղագիր","Italic text":"","Justify cell text":"","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"",Link:"Հղում","Link image":"","Link URL":"","Link URL must not be empty.":"","Merge cell down":"","Merge cell left":"","Merge cell right":"","Merge cell up":"","Merge cells":"","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"","Move out of a link":"","Move out of an inline code style":"","Move the selection to the next cell":"","Move the selection to the previous cell":"","Navigate through the table":"","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"",None:"","Open in a new tab":"","Open link in new tab":"","Open the accessibility help dialog":"",Outset:"",Padding:"",Paragraph:"","Remove color":"","Restore default":"",Ridge:"",Row:"",Save:"","Select column":"","Select row":"","Show more items":"",Solid:"","Split cell horizontally":"","Split cell vertically":"",Strikethrough:"Գծանշել","Strikethrough text":"",Style:"",Subscript:"Ենթատեքստ",Superscript:"Գերագիր",Table:"","Table alignment toolbar":"","Table cell text alignment":"","Table properties":"","Table toolbar":"",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Type or paste your content here.":"","Type your title":"",Underline:"Ընդգծել","Underline text":"",Unlink:"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",Width:"","Words: %0":"%0 բառեր"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/id.js b/build/translations/id.js
index 44b3163..dc9a6b3 100644
--- a/build/translations/id.js
+++ b/build/translations/id.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(a){const e=a["id"]=a["id"]||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(mungkin memerlukan Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 dari %1",Accept:"Setuju",Accessibility:"Aksesibilitas","Accessibility help":"Bantuan aksesibilitas","Align cell text to the bottom":"Sejajarkan teks sel ke bawah","Align cell text to the center":"Sejajarkan teks sel ke tengah","Align cell text to the left":"Sejajarkan teks sel ke kiri","Align cell text to the middle":"Sejajarkan teks sel ke tengah","Align cell text to the right":"Sejajarkan teks sel ke kanan","Align cell text to the top":"Sejajarkan teks sel ke atas","Align table to the left":"Sejajarkan teks sel ke kiri","Align table to the right":"Sejajarkan teks sel ke kanan",Alignment:"Penjajaran",Aquamarine:"Biru laut",Background:"Latar belakang","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Di bawah ini, Anda dapat menemukan daftar pintasan keyboard yang dapat digunakan di editor.",Big:"Besar",Black:"Hitam","Block quote":"Kutipan",Blue:"Biru",Bold:"Tebal","Bold text":"Teks tebal",Border:"Garis batas","Break text":"Pecahkan teks","Bulleted List":"Daftar Tak Berangka","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Bilah alat gaya daftar bullet",Cancel:"Batal","Caption for image: %0":"Keterangan gambar: %0","Caption for the image":"Keterangan untuk gambar","Cell properties":"Properti sel","Center table":"Tengahkan tabel","Centered image":"Gambar rata tengah","Change image text alternative":"Ganti alternatif teks gambar","Choose heading":"Pilih tajuk",Circle:"Lingkaran",Clear:"Kosongkan","Click to edit block":"Klik untuk mengedit blok",Close:"Tutup","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Tutup balon kontekstual, menu tarik-turun, dan dialog",Code:"Kode",Color:"Warna","Color picker":"Pengambil warna",Column:"Kolom","Content editing keystrokes":"Penekanan tombol untuk mengedit konten","Copy selected content":"Salin konten yang dipilih","Create link":"Buat tautan",Custom:"khusus","Custom image size":"ukuran gambar khusus",Dashed:"Garis putus-putus",Decimal:"Desimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Desimal dengan awalan nol","Decrease indent":"Kurangi indentasi","Decrease list item indent":"Kurangi indentasi item daftar",Default:"Bawaan","Delete column":"Hapus kolom","Delete row":"Hapus baris","Dim grey":"Kelabu gelap",Dimensions:"Dimensi",Disc:"Disk","Document colors":"Warna dokumen",Dotted:"Titik titik",Double:"Ganda",Downloadable:"Dapat diunduh","Drag to move":"Seret untuk memindahkan","Dropdown toolbar":"Alat dropdown","Edit block":"Sunting blok","Edit link":"Sunting tautan","Editor block content toolbar":"Bilah alat konten blok editor","Editor contextual toolbar":"Bilah alat kontekstual editor","Editor dialog":"Dialog editor","Editor editing area: %0":"Area edit editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"Bilah menu editor","Editor toolbar":"Alat editor","Enter image caption":"Tambahkan deskripsi gambar","Enter table caption":"Masukkan keterangan tabel","Entering a to-do list":"memasukkan daftar kerja","Error during image upload":"Terdapat kesalahan selama mengunggah gambar","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Jalankan tombol yang sedang difokuskan. Menjalankan tombol yang berinteraksi dengan konten editor akan memindahkan fokus kembali ke konten tersebut.","Font Background Color":"Warna Latar Huruf","Font Color":"Warna Huruf","Font Family":"Jenis Huruf","Font Size":"Ukuran Huruf","Full size image":"Gambar ukuran penuh",Green:"Hijau",Grey:"Kelabu",Groove:"Groove","Header column":"Kolom tajuk","Header row":"Baris tajuk",Heading:"Tajuk","Heading 1":"Tajuk 1","Heading 2":"Tajuk 2","Heading 3":"Tajuk 3","Heading 4":"Tajuk 4","Heading 5":"Tajuk 5","Heading 6":"Tajuk 6",Height:"Tinggi","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Konten Bantuan. Untuk menutup dialog ini, tekan ESC.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Garis horizontal","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Bilah alat penjajaran teks horizontal",Huge:"Sangat Besar","Image from computer":"Gambar dari komputer","Image resize list":"Daftar ukuran gambar","Image toolbar":"Alat gambar","Image upload complete":"mengunggah gambar selesai","image widget":"widget gambar","In line":"Sebaris","Increase indent":"Tambah indentasi","Increase list item indent":"Tambah indentasi item daftar",Insert:"Sisipkan","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Sisipkan hard break (paragraf baru)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Sisipkan paragraf baru secara langsung setelah widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Sisipkan paragraf baru secara langsung sebelum widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Sisipkan baris tabel baru (saat berada di sel terakhir tabel)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Sisipkan soft break (elemen <br>
)","Insert column left":"Sisipkan kolom ke kiri","Insert column right":"Sisipkan kolom ke kanan","Insert image":"Sisipkan gambar","Insert image via URL":"Sisipkan gambar melalui URL","Insert media":"Sisipkan media","Insert paragraph after block":"Tambahkan paragraf setelah blok","Insert paragraph before block":"Tambahkan paragraf sebelum blok","Insert row above":"Sisipkan baris ke atas","Insert row below":"Sisipkan baris ke bawah","Insert table":"Sisipkan tabel",Inset:"Inset","Invalid start index value.":"Nilai indeks mulai tidak valid.",Italic:"Miring","Italic text":"Teks miring","Justify cell text":"Ratakan teks sel","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Penekanan tombol yang dapat digunakan di daftar","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Penekanan tombol yang dapat digunakan di sel tabel","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Penekanan tombol yang bisa dilakukan saat widget dipilih (contoh: gambar, tabel, dll.)","Leaving a to-do list":"meninggalkan daftar kerja","Left aligned image":"Gambar rata kiri","Light blue":"Biru terang","Light green":"Hijau terang","Light grey":"Kelabu terang",Link:"Tautan","Link image":"Tautkan gambar","Link URL":"URL tautan","Link URL must not be empty.":"Tautan URL tidak boleh kosong.","List properties":"Properti daftar","Lower-latin":"Lower-latin","Lower–roman":"Lower–roman","Media toolbar":"Alat media","Media URL":"URL Media","media widget":"widget media",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Ubah",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"File",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Fon",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Bantuan",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Sisipkan",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Teks",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Alat",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Lihat","Merge cell down":"Gabungkan sel ke bawah","Merge cell left":"Gabungkan sel ke kiri","Merge cell right":"Gabungkan sel ke kanan","Merge cell up":"Gabungkan sel ke atas","Merge cells":"Gabungkan sel","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Pindahkan fokus di antara bidang formulir (input, tombol, dll.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Pindahkan fokus ke dalam dan ke luar jendela dialog yang aktif","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Pindahkan fokus ke bilah menu, telusuri di antara bilah-bilah menu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Pindahkan fokus ke toolbar, jelajahi antar toolbar","Move out of a link":"Keluar dari tautan","Move out of an inline code style":"Keluar dari gaya kode sebaris","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pindahkan tanda sisipan untuk memungkinkan mengetik langsung setelah widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pindahkan tanda sisipan untuk memungkinkan mengetik langsung setelah widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Pindahkan pilihan ke sel berikutnya","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Pindahkan pilihan ke sel sebelumnya","Navigate through the table":"Menjelajahi tabel","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Telusuri bilah alat atau bilah menu",Next:"Berikutnya","No results found":"Hasil tidak ditemukan","No searchable items":"Tidak ada item yang dapat dicari",None:"Tidak ada","Numbered List":"Daftar Berangka","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Bilah alat gaya daftar angka","Open in a new tab":"Buka di tab baru","Open link in new tab":"Buka tautan di tab baru","Open media in new tab":"Buka media di tab baru","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Buka dialog bantuan aksesibilitas",Orange:"Jingga",Original:"Asli",Outset:"Outset",Padding:"Padding",Paragraph:"Paragraf","Paste content":"Tempelkan konten","Paste content as plain text":"Tempelkan konten sebagai teks biasa","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Tempelkan URL ke dalam bidang masukan.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Silakan masukkan warna yang absah (e.g. “ff0000”).","Press %0 for help.":"Tekan %0 untuk mendapatkan bantuan.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tekan Enter untuk mengetik setelah atau tekan Shift + Enter untuk mengetik sebelum widget",Previous:"Sebelumnya",Purple:"Ungu",Red:"Merah",Redo:"Lakukan lagi","Remove color":"Hapus warna","Remove Format":"Hapus Format","Replace from computer":"Ganti dari komputer","Replace image":"Ganti gambar","Replace image from computer":"Ganti gambar dari komputer","Resize image":"Ubah ukuran gambar","Resize image (in %0)":"mengubah ukuran gambar (in %0)","Resize image to %0":"Ubah ukuran gambar ke %0","Resize image to the original size":"Ubah ukuran gambar ke ukuran asli","Restore default":"Pulihkan nilai baku","Reversed order":"Urutan terbalik","Revert autoformatting action":"Kembalikan tindakan pemformatan otomatis","Rich Text Editor":"Editor Teks Kaya",Ridge:"Ridge","Right aligned image":"Gambar rata kanan",Row:"Baris",Save:"Simpan","Select all":"Pilih semua","Select column":"Seleksi kolom","Select row":"Seleksi baris","Show more items":"Tampilkan lebih banyak item","Side image":"Gambar sisi",Small:"Kecil",Solid:"Garis utuh","Split cell horizontally":"Bagikan sel secara horizontal","Split cell vertically":"Bagikan sel secara vertikal",Square:"Kotak","Start at":"Mulai dari","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Indeks awal harus lebih besar dari 0.",Strikethrough:"Coret","Strikethrough text":"Teks yang dicoret",Style:"Gaya",Subscript:"Subskrip",Superscript:"Superskrip",Table:"Tabel","Table alignment toolbar":"Bilah alat penjajaran tabel","Table cell text alignment":"Penjajaran teks sel tabel","Table properties":"Properti tabel","Table toolbar":"Alat tabel","Text alternative":"Alternatif teks",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Warna tidak valid. Coba "#FF0000" atau "rgb(255,0,0)" atau "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL tidak boleh kosong.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Nilai tidak valid. Coba "10px" atau "2em" atau hanya "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Nilai tidak boleh kosong.","The value should be a plain number.":"Nilai harus berupa angka biasa.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Pintasan keyboard ini mengizinkan akses cepat ke fitur pengeditan konten.","This link has no URL":"Tautan ini tidak memiliki URL","This media URL is not supported.":"URL media ini tidak didukung.",Tiny:"Sangat Kecil","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tip: Tempelkan URL ke bagian konten untuk sisip cepat.","To-do List":"Daftar untuk-dikerjakan","Toggle caption off":"Sembunyikan keterangan","Toggle caption on":"Tampilkan keterangan","Toggle the circle list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar circle","Toggle the decimal list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar decimal with leading zero","Toggle the disc list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar disc","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar lower–latin","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar lower–roman","Toggle the square list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar square","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar upper–latin","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar upper–roman",Turquoise:"Turkish","Type or paste your content here.":"Ketik atau tempel konten Anda di sini.","Type your title":"Ketik judul Anda",Underline:"Garis bawah","Underline text":"Teks bergaris bawah",Undo:"Batal",Unlink:"Hapus tautan",Update:"Perbarui","Update image URL":"Perbarui URL gambar","Upload failed":"Gagal mengunggah","Upload from computer":"Unggah dari komputer","Upload image from computer":"Unggah gambar dari komputer","Upload in progress":"Sedang mengunggah","Uploading image":"mengunggah gambar","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Gunakan penekanan tombol berikut untuk navigasi yang lebih efisien di antarmuka pengguna CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Antarmuka pengguna dan penekanan tombol navigasi konten","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Bilah alat penjajaran teks vertikal",White:"Putih","Widget toolbar":"Alat widget",Width:"Lebar","Wrap text":"Bungkus teks",Yellow:"Kuning"});e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(a){const e=a["id"]=a["id"]||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(mungkin memerlukan Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 dari %1",Accept:"Setuju",Accessibility:"Aksesibilitas","Accessibility help":"Bantuan aksesibilitas","Advanced options":"Opsi lanjutan","Align cell text to the bottom":"Sejajarkan teks sel ke bawah","Align cell text to the center":"Sejajarkan teks sel ke tengah","Align cell text to the left":"Sejajarkan teks sel ke kiri","Align cell text to the middle":"Sejajarkan teks sel ke tengah","Align cell text to the right":"Sejajarkan teks sel ke kanan","Align cell text to the top":"Sejajarkan teks sel ke atas","Align center":"Rata tengah","Align left":"Rata kiri","Align right":"Rata kanan","Align table to the left":"Sejajarkan teks sel ke kiri","Align table to the right":"Sejajarkan teks sel ke kanan",Alignment:"Penjajaran",Aquamarine:"Biru laut",Background:"Latar belakang","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Di bawah ini, Anda dapat menemukan daftar pintasan keyboard yang dapat digunakan di editor.",Big:"Besar",Black:"Hitam","Block quote":"Kutipan","Block styles":"Gaya blok",Blue:"Biru","Blue marker":"Marka biru",Bold:"Tebal","Bold text":"Teks tebal",Border:"Garis batas","Break text":"Pecahkan teks","Bulleted List":"Daftar Tak Berangka","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Bilah alat gaya daftar bullet",Cancel:"Batal","Caption for image: %0":"Keterangan gambar: %0","Caption for the image":"Keterangan untuk gambar","Cell properties":"Properti sel","Center table":"Tengahkan tabel","Centered image":"Gambar rata tengah","Change image text alternative":"Ganti alternatif teks gambar","Characters: %0":"Karakter: %0","Choose heading":"Pilih tajuk",Circle:"Lingkaran",Clear:"Kosongkan","Click to edit block":"Klik untuk mengedit blok",Close:"Tutup","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Tutup balon kontekstual, menu tarik-turun, dan dialog",Code:"Kode","Code block":"Blok kode",Color:"Warna","Color picker":"Pengambil warna",Column:"Kolom","Content editing keystrokes":"Penekanan tombol untuk mengedit konten","Copy selected content":"Salin konten yang dipilih","Create link":"Buat tautan",Custom:"khusus","Custom image size":"ukuran gambar khusus",Dashed:"Garis putus-putus",Decimal:"Desimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Desimal dengan awalan nol","Decrease indent":"Kurangi indentasi","Decrease list item indent":"Kurangi indentasi item daftar",Default:"Bawaan","Delete column":"Hapus kolom","Delete row":"Hapus baris","Dim grey":"Kelabu gelap",Dimensions:"Dimensi","Disable editing":"Nonaktifkan penyuntingan",Disc:"Disk","Document colors":"Warna dokumen",Dotted:"Titik titik",Double:"Ganda",Downloadable:"Dapat diunduh","Drag to move":"Seret untuk memindahkan","Dropdown toolbar":"Alat dropdown","Edit block":"Sunting blok","Edit link":"Sunting tautan","Editor block content toolbar":"Bilah alat konten blok editor","Editor contextual toolbar":"Bilah alat kontekstual editor","Editor dialog":"Dialog editor","Editor editing area: %0":"Area edit editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"Bilah menu editor","Editor toolbar":"Alat editor","Enable editing":"Aktifkan penyuntingan","Enter image caption":"Tambahkan deskripsi gambar","Enter table caption":"Masukkan keterangan tabel","Entering %0 code snippet":"memasuki %0 cuplikan kode","Entering a to-do list":"memasukkan daftar kerja","Entering code snippet":"memasuki cuplikan kode","Error during image upload":"Terdapat kesalahan selama mengunggah gambar","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Jalankan tombol yang sedang difokuskan. Menjalankan tombol yang berinteraksi dengan konten editor akan memindahkan fokus kembali ke konten tersebut.",Find:"Cari","Find and replace":"Cari dan ubah","Find in text…":"Cari di dalam teks...","Find in the document":"Temukan di dokumen","Font Background Color":"Warna Latar Huruf","Font Color":"Warna Huruf","Font Family":"Jenis Huruf","Font Size":"Ukuran Huruf","Full size image":"Gambar ukuran penuh",Green:"Hijau","Green marker":"Marka hijau","Green pen":"Pena hijau",Grey:"Kelabu",Groove:"Groove","Header column":"Kolom tajuk","Header row":"Baris tajuk",Heading:"Tajuk","Heading 1":"Tajuk 1","Heading 2":"Tajuk 2","Heading 3":"Tajuk 3","Heading 4":"Tajuk 4","Heading 5":"Tajuk 5","Heading 6":"Tajuk 6",Height:"Tinggi","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Konten Bantuan. Untuk menutup dialog ini, tekan ESC.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Tanda","Horizontal line":"Garis horizontal","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Bilah alat penjajaran teks horizontal","HTML object":"Objek HTML",Huge:"Sangat Besar","Image from computer":"Gambar dari komputer","Image resize list":"Daftar ukuran gambar","Image toolbar":"Alat gambar","Image upload complete":"mengunggah gambar selesai","image widget":"widget gambar","In line":"Sebaris","Increase indent":"Tambah indentasi","Increase list item indent":"Tambah indentasi item daftar",Insert:"Sisipkan","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Sisipkan hard break (paragraf baru)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Sisipkan paragraf baru secara langsung setelah widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Sisipkan paragraf baru secara langsung sebelum widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Sisipkan baris tabel baru (saat berada di sel terakhir tabel)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Sisipkan soft break (elemen <br>
)","Insert code block":"Sisipkan blok kode","Insert column left":"Sisipkan kolom ke kiri","Insert column right":"Sisipkan kolom ke kanan","Insert image":"Sisipkan gambar","Insert image via URL":"Sisipkan gambar melalui URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Tambahkan paragraf setelah blok","Insert paragraph before block":"Tambahkan paragraf sebelum blok","Insert row above":"Sisipkan baris ke atas","Insert row below":"Sisipkan baris ke bawah","Insert table":"Sisipkan tabel",Inset:"Inset","Invalid start index value.":"Nilai indeks mulai tidak valid.",Italic:"Miring","Italic text":"Teks miring",Justify:"Rata kanan-kiri","Justify cell text":"Ratakan teks sel","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Penekanan tombol yang dapat digunakan di daftar","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Penekanan tombol yang dapat digunakan di sel tabel","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Penekanan tombol yang bisa dilakukan saat widget dipilih (contoh: gambar, tabel, dll.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"meninggalkan %0 cuplikan kode","Leaving a to-do list":"meninggalkan daftar kerja","Leaving code snippet":"meninggalkan cuplikan kode","Left aligned image":"Gambar rata kiri","Light blue":"Biru terang","Light green":"Hijau terang","Light grey":"Kelabu terang",Link:"Tautan","Link image":"Tautkan gambar","Link URL":"URL tautan","Link URL must not be empty.":"Tautan URL tidak boleh kosong.","List properties":"Properti daftar","Lower-latin":"Lower-latin","Lower–roman":"Lower–roman","Match case":"Sesuaikan huruf",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Ubah",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"File",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Fon",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Bantuan",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Sisipkan",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Teks",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Alat",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Lihat","Merge cell down":"Gabungkan sel ke bawah","Merge cell left":"Gabungkan sel ke kiri","Merge cell right":"Gabungkan sel ke kanan","Merge cell up":"Gabungkan sel ke atas","Merge cells":"Gabungkan sel","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Pindahkan fokus di antara bidang formulir (input, tombol, dll.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Pindahkan fokus ke dalam dan ke luar jendela dialog yang aktif","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Pindahkan fokus ke bilah menu, telusuri di antara bilah-bilah menu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Pindahkan fokus ke toolbar, jelajahi antar toolbar","Move out of a link":"Keluar dari tautan","Move out of an inline code style":"Keluar dari gaya kode sebaris","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pindahkan tanda sisipan untuk memungkinkan mengetik langsung setelah widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pindahkan tanda sisipan untuk memungkinkan mengetik langsung setelah widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Pindahkan pilihan ke sel berikutnya","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Pindahkan pilihan ke sel sebelumnya","Multiple styles":"Banyak gaya","Navigate editable regions":"Posisikan bagian-bagian penyuntingan","Navigate through the table":"Menjelajahi tabel","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Telusuri bilah alat atau bilah menu",Next:"Berikutnya","Next editable region":"Bagian penyuntingan berikutnya","Next result":"Hasil berikutnya","No results found":"Hasil tidak ditemukan","No searchable items":"Tidak ada item yang dapat dicari",None:"Tidak ada","Numbered List":"Daftar Berangka","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Bilah alat gaya daftar angka","Open in a new tab":"Buka di tab baru","Open link in new tab":"Buka tautan di tab baru","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Buka dialog bantuan aksesibilitas",Orange:"Jingga",Original:"Asli",Outset:"Outset",Padding:"Padding",Paragraph:"Paragraf","Paste content":"Tempelkan konten","Paste content as plain text":"Tempelkan konten sebagai teks biasa","Pink marker":"Marka merah jambu","Plain text":"Teks mentah",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Silakan masukkan warna yang absah (e.g. “ff0000”).","Press %0 for help.":"Tekan %0 untuk mendapatkan bantuan.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tekan Enter untuk mengetik setelah atau tekan Shift + Enter untuk mengetik sebelum widget",Previous:"Sebelumnya","Previous editable region":"Bagian penyuntingan sebelumnya","Previous result":"Hasil sebelumnya",Purple:"Ungu",Red:"Merah","Red pen":"Pena merah",Redo:"Lakukan lagi","Remove color":"Hapus warna","Remove Format":"Hapus Format","Remove highlight":"Hapus tanda",Replace:"Ubah","Replace all":"Ubah semua","Replace from computer":"Ganti dari komputer","Replace image":"Ganti gambar","Replace image from computer":"Ganti gambar dari komputer","Replace with…":"Ubah dengan...","Resize image":"Ubah ukuran gambar","Resize image (in %0)":"mengubah ukuran gambar (in %0)","Resize image to %0":"Ubah ukuran gambar ke %0","Resize image to the original size":"Ubah ukuran gambar ke ukuran asli","Restore default":"Pulihkan nilai baku","Reversed order":"Urutan terbalik","Revert autoformatting action":"Kembalikan tindakan pemformatan otomatis","Rich Text Editor":"Editor Teks Kaya",Ridge:"Ridge","Right aligned image":"Gambar rata kanan",Row:"Baris",Save:"Simpan","Select all":"Pilih semua","Select column":"Seleksi kolom","Select row":"Seleksi baris","Show more items":"Tampilkan lebih banyak item","Side image":"Gambar sisi",Small:"Kecil",Solid:"Garis utuh","Split cell horizontally":"Bagikan sel secara horizontal","Split cell vertically":"Bagikan sel secara vertikal",Square:"Kotak","Start at":"Mulai dari","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Indeks awal harus lebih besar dari 0.",Strikethrough:"Coret","Strikethrough text":"Teks yang dicoret",Style:"Gaya",Styles:"Gaya",Subscript:"Subskrip",Superscript:"Superskrip",Table:"Tabel","Table alignment toolbar":"Bilah alat penjajaran tabel","Table cell text alignment":"Penjajaran teks sel tabel","Table properties":"Properti tabel","Table toolbar":"Alat tabel","Text alignment":"Perataan teks","Text alignment toolbar":"Alat perataan teks","Text alternative":"Alternatif teks","Text highlight toolbar":"Alat penanda teks","Text styles":"Gaya teks","Text to find must not be empty.":"Teks yang dicari tidak boleh kosong.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Warna tidak valid. Coba "#FF0000" atau "rgb(255,0,0)" atau "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Nilai tidak valid. Coba "10px" atau "2em" atau hanya "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Nilai tidak boleh kosong.","The value should be a plain number.":"Nilai harus berupa angka biasa.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Pintasan keyboard ini mengizinkan akses cepat ke fitur pengeditan konten.","This link has no URL":"Tautan ini tidak memiliki URL",Tiny:"Sangat Kecil","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tip: Cari suatu teks terlebih dahulu untuk menggantinya.","To-do List":"Daftar untuk-dikerjakan","Toggle caption off":"Sembunyikan keterangan","Toggle caption on":"Tampilkan keterangan","Toggle the circle list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar circle","Toggle the decimal list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar decimal with leading zero","Toggle the disc list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar disc","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar lower–latin","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar lower–roman","Toggle the square list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar square","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar upper–latin","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar upper–roman",Turquoise:"Turkish","Type or paste your content here.":"Ketik atau tempel konten Anda di sini.","Type your title":"Ketik judul Anda",Underline:"Garis bawah","Underline text":"Teks bergaris bawah",Undo:"Batal",Unlink:"Hapus tautan",Update:"Perbarui","Update image URL":"Perbarui URL gambar","Upload failed":"Gagal mengunggah","Upload from computer":"Unggah dari komputer","Upload image from computer":"Unggah gambar dari komputer","Upload in progress":"Sedang mengunggah","Uploading image":"mengunggah gambar","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Gunakan penekanan tombol berikut untuk navigasi yang lebih efisien di antarmuka pengguna CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Antarmuka pengguna dan penekanan tombol navigasi konten","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Bilah alat penjajaran teks vertikal",White:"Putih","Whole words only":"Kata utuh saja","Widget toolbar":"Alat widget",Width:"Lebar","Words: %0":"Kata: %0","Wrap text":"Bungkus teks",Yellow:"Kuning","Yellow marker":"Marka kuning"});e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
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diff --git a/build/translations/it.js b/build/translations/it.js
index abb24f4..8ca2d45 100644
--- a/build/translations/it.js
+++ b/build/translations/it.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const i=e["it"]=e["it"]||{};i.dictionary=Object.assign(i.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(può richiedere Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 di %1",Accept:"Accetta",Accessibility:"Accessibilità","Accessibility help":"Guida all'accessibilità","Align cell text to the bottom":"Allinea il testo della cella in basso","Align cell text to the center":"Allinea il testo della cella al centro","Align cell text to the left":"Allinea il testo della cella a sinistra","Align cell text to the middle":"Allinea il testo della cella in mezzo","Align cell text to the right":"Allinea il testo della cella a destra","Align cell text to the top":"Allinea il testo della cella in alto","Align table to the left":"Allinea tabella a sinistra","Align table to the right":"Allinea tabella a destra",Alignment:"Allineamento",Aquamarine:"Aquamarina",Background:"Sfondo","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Qui sotto puoi trovare un elenco di scorciatoie da tastiera che possono essere utilizzate nell'editor.",Big:"Grandi",Black:"Nero","Block quote":"Blocco citazione",Blue:"Blu",Bold:"Grassetto","Bold text":"Testo in grassetto",Border:"Bordo","Break text":"Interrompi testo","Bulleted List":"Elenco puntato","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti con gli stili degli elenchi puntati",Cancel:"Annulla","Caption for image: %0":"Didascalia dell'immagine: %0","Caption for the image":"Didascalia dell'immagine","Cell properties":"Proprietà cella","Center table":"Allinea tabella al centro","Centered image":"Immagine centrata","Change image text alternative":"Cambia testo alternativo dell'immagine","Choose heading":"Seleziona intestazione",Circle:"Cerchio",Clear:"Cancella","Click to edit block":"Clicca per modificare il blocco",Close:"Chiudi","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Chiude menu a discesa, finestre di dialogo e callout contestuali",Code:"Codice",Color:"Colore","Color picker":"Selezione colore",Column:"Colonna","Content editing keystrokes":"Tasti per la modifica del contenuto","Copy selected content":"Copia il contenuto selezionato","Create link":"Crea un link",Custom:"Personalizzato","Custom image size":"Dimensioni immagine personalizzate",Dashed:"Tratteggiato",Decimal:"Numero","Decimal with leading zero":"Numero con zero anteposto","Decrease indent":"Riduci rientro","Decrease list item indent":"Diminuisce il rientro delle voci dell'elenco",Default:"Predefinito","Delete column":"Elimina colonna","Delete row":"Elimina riga","Dim grey":"Grigio tenue",Dimensions:"Dimensioni",Disc:"Disco","Document colors":"Colori del docmento",Dotted:"Punteggiato",Double:"Doppio",Downloadable:"Scaricabile","Drag to move":"Trascina per spostare","Dropdown toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti del menu a discesa","Edit block":"Modifica blocco","Edit link":"Modifica collegamento","Editor block content toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti contestuale dell'editor del blocco","Editor contextual toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti contestuale dell'editor","Editor dialog":"Finestra di dialogo dell'editor","Editor editing area: %0":"Area di modifica dell'editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"Barra dei menu dell'editor","Editor toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti dell'editor","Enter image caption":"inserire didascalia dell'immagine","Enter table caption":"Inserire la didascalia della tabella","Entering a to-do list":"Inserisci elenco di cose da fare","Error during image upload":"Errore durante il caricamento dell'immagine","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Esegui il pulsante attualmente selezionato. L'esecuzione dei pulsanti che interagiscono con il contenuto dell'editor riporta la selezione sul contenuto.","Font Background Color":"Colore di sfondo caratteri","Font Color":"Colore caratteri","Font Family":"Tipo di caratteri","Font Size":"Dimensione caratteri","Full size image":"Immagine a dimensione intera",Green:"Verde",Grey:"Grigio",Groove:"Scanalatura","Header column":"Intestazione colonna","Header row":"Riga d'intestazione",Heading:"Intestazione","Heading 1":"Intestazione 1","Heading 2":"Intestazione 2","Heading 3":"Intestazione 3","Heading 4":"Intestazione 4","Heading 5":"Intestazione 5","Heading 6":"Intestazione 6",Height:"Altezza","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Sommario della guida. Per chiudere questa finestra di dialogo premi ESC.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Linea orizzontale","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti dell'allineamento orizzontale del testo",Huge:"Grandissimi","Image from computer":"Immagine dal computer","Image resize list":"Elenco ridimensionamenti immagine","Image toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti dell'immagine","Image upload complete":"Caricamento immagine completato","image widget":"Widget immagine","In line":"In linea","Increase indent":"Aumenta rientro","Increase list item indent":"Aumenta il rientro delle voci dell'elenco",Insert:"Inserisci","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Inserisce un'interruzione di riga forzata (un nuovo paragrafo)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserisce un nuovo paragrafo direttamente dopo un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserisce un nuovo paragrafo direttamente prima di un widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Inserisce una nuova riga nella tabella (quando ci si trova nell'ultima cella di una tabella)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Inserisce un'interruzione di riga (un elemento <br>
)","Insert column left":"Inserisci colonna a sinistra","Insert column right":"Inserisci colonna a destra","Insert image":"Inserisci immagine","Insert image via URL":"Inserisci immagine tramite URL","Insert media":"Inserisci media","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserisci paragrafo dopo blocco","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserisci paragrafo prima di blocco","Insert row above":"Inserisci riga sopra","Insert row below":"Inserisci riga sotto","Insert table":"Inserisci tabella",Inset:"Incassato","Invalid start index value.":"Valore dell'indice iniziale non valido.",Italic:"Corsivo","Italic text":"Testo in corsivo","Justify cell text":"Testo della cella giustificato","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Tasti che possono essere utilizzati in un elenco","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tasti che possono essere utilizzati nella cella di una tabella","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tasti che possono essere utilizzati quando viene selezionato un widget (ad esempio: immagine, tabella ecc.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Esci da elenco di cose da fare","Left aligned image":"Immagine allineata a sinistra","Light blue":"Azzurro","Light green":"Verde chiaro","Light grey":"Grigio chiaro",Link:"Collegamento","Link image":"Collega immagine","Link URL":"URL del collegamento","Link URL must not be empty.":"L'URL del link non può essere lasciato in bianco.","List properties":"Proprietà elenco","Lower-latin":"Lettera minuscola","Lower–roman":"Numero romano minuscolo","Media toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti degli elementi multimediali","Media URL":"URL media","media widget":"widget media",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Modifica",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"File",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Carattere",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formato",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Aiuto",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Inserisci",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Testo",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Strumenti",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Vista","Merge cell down":"Unisci cella sotto","Merge cell left":"Unisci cella a sinistra","Merge cell right":"Unisci cella a destra","Merge cell up":"Unisci cella sopra","Merge cells":"Unisci celle","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Seleziona/deseleziona i diversi campi del modulo (inserimenti, pulsanti ecc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Seleziona/deseleziona una finestra di dialogo attiva","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Sposta la selezione sulla barra dei menu, naviga tra le barre dei menu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Seleziona la barra degli strumenti, permette di spostarsi tra le barre degli strumenti","Move out of a link":"Esce da un link","Move out of an inline code style":"Esce da uno stile di codice in linea","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Sposta il cursore per consentire la digitazione direttamente dopo un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Sposta il cursore per consentire la digitazione direttamente prima di un widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Sposta la selezione alla cella successiva","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Sposta la selezione alla cella precedente","Navigate through the table":"Permette di spostarsi all'interno della tabella","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Naviga nella barra degli strumenti o nella barra dei menu",Next:"Avanti","No results found":"Nessun risultato trovato","No searchable items":"Nessun elemento ricercabile",None:"Nessuno","Numbered List":"Elenco numerato","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti con gli stili degli elenchi numerati","Open in a new tab":"Apri in una nuova scheda","Open link in new tab":"Apri collegamento in nuova scheda","Open media in new tab":"Apri media in nuova scheda","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Apre la finestra di dialogo della guida all'accessibilità",Orange:"Arancio",Original:"Originale",Outset:"Rialzato",Padding:"Spaziatura interna",Paragraph:"Paragrafo","Paste content":"Incolla il contenuto","Paste content as plain text":"Incolla il contenuto come testo normale","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Incolla l'URL del file multimediale nell'input.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Inserisci un colore valido (ad esempio "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Premi %0 per aprire la guida.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Premere Invio per inserire dopo il widget o premere Maiusc + Invio per inserire prima del widget",Previous:"Indietro",Purple:"Porpora",Red:"Rosso",Redo:"Ripristina","Remove color":"Rimuovi colore","Remove Format":"Rimuovi formato","Replace from computer":"Sostituisci dal computer","Replace image":"Sostituisci l'immagine","Replace image from computer":"Sostituisci l'immagine dal computer","Resize image":"Ridimensiona immagine","Resize image (in %0)":"Ridimensiona immagine (in %0 )","Resize image to %0":"Ridimensiona immagine a %0","Resize image to the original size":"Ridimensiona immagine alle dimensioni originali","Restore default":"Ripristina predefinito","Reversed order":"Ordine inverso","Revert autoformatting action":"Annulla l'azione di formattazione automatica","Rich Text Editor":"Editor di testo formattato",Ridge:"Rilievo","Right aligned image":"Immagine allineata a destra",Row:"Riga",Save:"Salva","Select all":"Seleziona tutto","Select column":"Seleziona colonna","Select row":"Seleziona riga","Show more items":"Mostra più elementi","Side image":"Immagine laterale",Small:"Piccoli",Solid:"Solido","Split cell horizontally":"Dividi cella orizzontalmente","Split cell vertically":"Dividi cella verticalmente",Square:"Quadrato","Start at":"Inizia da","Start index must be greater than 0.":"L'indice iniziale deve essere maggiore di 0.",Strikethrough:"Barrato","Strikethrough text":"Testo barrato",Style:"Stile",Subscript:"Pedice",Superscript:"Apice",Table:"Tabella","Table alignment toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti dell'allineamento della tabella","Table cell text alignment":"Allineamento del testo nella cella della tabella","Table properties":"Proprietà tabella","Table toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti della tabella","Text alternative":"Testo alternativo",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Il colore non è valido. Provare "#FF0000" o "rgb(255,0,0)" o "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"L'URL non può essere vuoto.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Il valore non è valido. Provare "10px" o "2em" o semplicemente "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Il valore non può essere essere lasciato in bianco.","The value should be a plain number.":"Il valore deve essere un numero intero.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Queste scorciatoie da tastiera permettono di accedere velocemente alle funzionalità di modifica del contenuto.","This link has no URL":"Questo collegamento non ha un URL","This media URL is not supported.":"Questo URL di file multimediali non è supportato.",Tiny:"Piccolissimi","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Consiglio: incolla l'URL nel contenuto per un'incorporazione più veloce.","To-do List":"Elenco cose da fare","Toggle caption off":"Attiva didascalia","Toggle caption on":"Disattiva didascalia","Toggle the circle list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con cerchi","Toggle the decimal list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con numeri","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con numeri con zero anteposto","Toggle the disc list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con dischi","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con lettere minuscole","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con numeri romani minuscoli","Toggle the square list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con quadrati","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con lettere maiuscole","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con numeri romani maiuscoli",Turquoise:"Turchese","Type or paste your content here.":"Inserire o incollare qui il proprio contenuto.","Type your title":"Inserire il proprio titolo",Underline:"Sottolineato","Underline text":"Testo sottolineato",Undo:"Annulla",Unlink:"Elimina collegamento",Update:"Aggiorna","Update image URL":"Aggiorna URL immagine","Upload failed":"Caricamento fallito","Upload from computer":"Carica dal computer","Upload image from computer":"Carica l'immagine dal computer","Upload in progress":"Caricamento in corso","Uploading image":"Caricamento immagine in corso","Upper-latin":"Lettera maiuscola","Upper-roman":"Numero romano maiuscolo","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Utilizza i seguenti tasti per una navigazione più efficiente nell'interfaccia utente di CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Tasti per la navigazione nell'interfaccia utente e nei contenuti","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti dell'allineamento verticale del testo",White:"Bianco","Widget toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti del widget",Width:"Larghezza","Wrap text":"Testo a capo",Yellow:"Giallo"});i.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==1?0:e!=0&&e%1e6==0?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const i=e["it"]=e["it"]||{};i.dictionary=Object.assign(i.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(può richiedere Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 di %1",Accept:"Accetta",Accessibility:"Accessibilità","Accessibility help":"Guida all'accessibilità","Advanced options":"Opzioni avanzate","Align cell text to the bottom":"Allinea il testo della cella in basso","Align cell text to the center":"Allinea il testo della cella al centro","Align cell text to the left":"Allinea il testo della cella a sinistra","Align cell text to the middle":"Allinea il testo della cella in mezzo","Align cell text to the right":"Allinea il testo della cella a destra","Align cell text to the top":"Allinea il testo della cella in alto","Align center":"Allinea al centro","Align left":"Allinea a sinistra","Align right":"Allinea a destra","Align table to the left":"Allinea tabella a sinistra","Align table to the right":"Allinea tabella a destra",Alignment:"Allineamento",Aquamarine:"Aquamarina",Background:"Sfondo","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Qui sotto puoi trovare un elenco di scorciatoie da tastiera che possono essere utilizzate nell'editor.",Big:"Grandi",Black:"Nero","Block quote":"Blocco citazione","Block styles":"Stili per blocchi",Blue:"Blu","Blue marker":"Contrassegno blu",Bold:"Grassetto","Bold text":"Testo in grassetto",Border:"Bordo","Break text":"Interrompi testo","Bulleted List":"Elenco puntato","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti con gli stili degli elenchi puntati",Cancel:"Annulla","Caption for image: %0":"Didascalia dell'immagine: %0","Caption for the image":"Didascalia dell'immagine","Cell properties":"Proprietà cella","Center table":"Allinea tabella al centro","Centered image":"Immagine centrata","Change image text alternative":"Cambia testo alternativo dell'immagine","Characters: %0":"Caratteri: %0","Choose heading":"Seleziona intestazione",Circle:"Cerchio",Clear:"Cancella","Click to edit block":"Clicca per modificare il blocco",Close:"Chiudi","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Chiude menu a discesa, finestre di dialogo e callout contestuali",Code:"Codice","Code block":"Blocco di codice",Color:"Colore","Color picker":"Selezione colore",Column:"Colonna","Content editing keystrokes":"Tasti per la modifica del contenuto","Copy selected content":"Copia il contenuto selezionato","Create link":"Crea un link",Custom:"Personalizzato","Custom image size":"Dimensioni immagine personalizzate",Dashed:"Tratteggiato",Decimal:"Numero","Decimal with leading zero":"Numero con zero anteposto","Decrease indent":"Riduci rientro","Decrease list item indent":"Diminuisce il rientro delle voci dell'elenco",Default:"Predefinito","Delete column":"Elimina colonna","Delete row":"Elimina riga","Dim grey":"Grigio tenue",Dimensions:"Dimensioni","Disable editing":"Disabilita modifica",Disc:"Disco","Document colors":"Colori del docmento",Dotted:"Punteggiato",Double:"Doppio",Downloadable:"Scaricabile","Drag to move":"Trascina per spostare","Dropdown toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti del menu a discesa","Edit block":"Modifica blocco","Edit link":"Modifica collegamento","Editor block content toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti contestuale dell'editor del blocco","Editor contextual toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti contestuale dell'editor","Editor dialog":"Finestra di dialogo dell'editor","Editor editing area: %0":"Area di modifica dell'editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"Barra dei menu dell'editor","Editor toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti dell'editor","Enable editing":"Abilita modifica","Enter image caption":"inserire didascalia dell'immagine","Enter table caption":"Inserire la didascalia della tabella","Entering %0 code snippet":"Inserisci snippet di codice %0","Entering a to-do list":"Inserisci elenco di cose da fare","Entering code snippet":"Inserisci snippet di codice","Error during image upload":"Errore durante il caricamento dell'immagine","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Esegui il pulsante attualmente selezionato. L'esecuzione dei pulsanti che interagiscono con il contenuto dell'editor riporta la selezione sul contenuto.",Find:"Trova","Find and replace":"Trova e sostituisci","Find in text…":"Trova nel testo…","Find in the document":"Trova nel documento","Font Background Color":"Colore di sfondo caratteri","Font Color":"Colore caratteri","Font Family":"Tipo di caratteri","Font Size":"Dimensione caratteri","Full size image":"Immagine a dimensione intera",Green:"Verde","Green marker":"Contrassegno verde","Green pen":"Penna verde",Grey:"Grigio",Groove:"Scanalatura","Header column":"Intestazione colonna","Header row":"Riga d'intestazione",Heading:"Intestazione","Heading 1":"Intestazione 1","Heading 2":"Intestazione 2","Heading 3":"Intestazione 3","Heading 4":"Intestazione 4","Heading 5":"Intestazione 5","Heading 6":"Intestazione 6",Height:"Altezza","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Sommario della guida. Per chiudere questa finestra di dialogo premi ESC.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Evidenzia","Horizontal line":"Linea orizzontale","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti dell'allineamento orizzontale del testo","HTML object":"Oggetto HTML",Huge:"Grandissimi","Image from computer":"Immagine dal computer","Image resize list":"Elenco ridimensionamenti immagine","Image toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti dell'immagine","Image upload complete":"Caricamento immagine completato","image widget":"Widget immagine","In line":"In linea","Increase indent":"Aumenta rientro","Increase list item indent":"Aumenta il rientro delle voci dell'elenco",Insert:"Inserisci","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Inserisce un'interruzione di riga forzata (un nuovo paragrafo)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserisce un nuovo paragrafo direttamente dopo un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserisce un nuovo paragrafo direttamente prima di un widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Inserisce una nuova riga nella tabella (quando ci si trova nell'ultima cella di una tabella)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Inserisce un'interruzione di riga (un elemento <br>
)","Insert code block":"Inserisci blocco di codice","Insert column left":"Inserisci colonna a sinistra","Insert column right":"Inserisci colonna a destra","Insert image":"Inserisci immagine","Insert image via URL":"Inserisci immagine tramite URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserisci paragrafo dopo blocco","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserisci paragrafo prima di blocco","Insert row above":"Inserisci riga sopra","Insert row below":"Inserisci riga sotto","Insert table":"Inserisci tabella",Inset:"Incassato","Invalid start index value.":"Valore dell'indice iniziale non valido.",Italic:"Corsivo","Italic text":"Testo in corsivo",Justify:"Giustifica","Justify cell text":"Testo della cella giustificato","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Tasti che possono essere utilizzati in un elenco","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tasti che possono essere utilizzati nella cella di una tabella","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tasti che possono essere utilizzati quando viene selezionato un widget (ad esempio: immagine, tabella ecc.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Esci da snippet di codice %0","Leaving a to-do list":"Esci da elenco di cose da fare","Leaving code snippet":"Esci da snippet di codice","Left aligned image":"Immagine allineata a sinistra","Light blue":"Azzurro","Light green":"Verde chiaro","Light grey":"Grigio chiaro",Link:"Collegamento","Link image":"Collega immagine","Link URL":"URL del collegamento","Link URL must not be empty.":"L'URL del link non può essere lasciato in bianco.","List properties":"Proprietà elenco","Lower-latin":"Lettera minuscola","Lower–roman":"Numero romano minuscolo","Match case":"Distingui maiuscole e minuscole",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Modifica",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"File",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Carattere",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formato",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Aiuto",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Inserisci",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Testo",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Strumenti",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Vista","Merge cell down":"Unisci cella sotto","Merge cell left":"Unisci cella a sinistra","Merge cell right":"Unisci cella a destra","Merge cell up":"Unisci cella sopra","Merge cells":"Unisci celle","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Seleziona/deseleziona i diversi campi del modulo (inserimenti, pulsanti ecc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Seleziona/deseleziona una finestra di dialogo attiva","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Sposta la selezione sulla barra dei menu, naviga tra le barre dei menu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Seleziona la barra degli strumenti, permette di spostarsi tra le barre degli strumenti","Move out of a link":"Esce da un link","Move out of an inline code style":"Esce da uno stile di codice in linea","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Sposta il cursore per consentire la digitazione direttamente dopo un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Sposta il cursore per consentire la digitazione direttamente prima di un widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Sposta la selezione alla cella successiva","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Sposta la selezione alla cella precedente","Multiple styles":"Stili multipli","Navigate editable regions":"Spostati tra regioni modificabili","Navigate through the table":"Permette di spostarsi all'interno della tabella","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Naviga nella barra degli strumenti o nella barra dei menu",Next:"Avanti","Next editable region":"Regione modificabile successiva","Next result":"Risultato successivo","No results found":"Nessun risultato trovato","No searchable items":"Nessun elemento ricercabile",None:"Nessuno","Numbered List":"Elenco numerato","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti con gli stili degli elenchi numerati","Open in a new tab":"Apri in una nuova scheda","Open link in new tab":"Apri collegamento in nuova scheda","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Apre la finestra di dialogo della guida all'accessibilità",Orange:"Arancio",Original:"Originale",Outset:"Rialzato",Padding:"Spaziatura interna",Paragraph:"Paragrafo","Paste content":"Incolla il contenuto","Paste content as plain text":"Incolla il contenuto come testo normale","Pink marker":"Contrassegno rosa","Plain text":"Testo semplice",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Inserisci un colore valido (ad esempio "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Premi %0 per aprire la guida.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Premere Invio per inserire dopo il widget o premere Maiusc + Invio per inserire prima del widget",Previous:"Indietro","Previous editable region":"Regione modificabile precedente","Previous result":"Risultato precedente",Purple:"Porpora",Red:"Rosso","Red pen":"Penna rossa",Redo:"Ripristina","Remove color":"Rimuovi colore","Remove Format":"Rimuovi formato","Remove highlight":"Rimuovi evidenziazione",Replace:"Sostituisci","Replace all":"Sostituisci tutto","Replace from computer":"Sostituisci dal computer","Replace image":"Sostituisci l'immagine","Replace image from computer":"Sostituisci l'immagine dal computer","Replace with…":"Sostituisci con…","Resize image":"Ridimensiona immagine","Resize image (in %0)":"Ridimensiona immagine (in %0 )","Resize image to %0":"Ridimensiona immagine a %0","Resize image to the original size":"Ridimensiona immagine alle dimensioni originali","Restore default":"Ripristina predefinito","Reversed order":"Ordine inverso","Revert autoformatting action":"Annulla l'azione di formattazione automatica","Rich Text Editor":"Editor di testo formattato",Ridge:"Rilievo","Right aligned image":"Immagine allineata a destra",Row:"Riga",Save:"Salva","Select all":"Seleziona tutto","Select column":"Seleziona colonna","Select row":"Seleziona riga","Show more items":"Mostra più elementi","Side image":"Immagine laterale",Small:"Piccoli",Solid:"Solido","Split cell horizontally":"Dividi cella orizzontalmente","Split cell vertically":"Dividi cella verticalmente",Square:"Quadrato","Start at":"Inizia da","Start index must be greater than 0.":"L'indice iniziale deve essere maggiore di 0.",Strikethrough:"Barrato","Strikethrough text":"Testo barrato",Style:"Stile",Styles:"Stili",Subscript:"Pedice",Superscript:"Apice",Table:"Tabella","Table alignment toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti dell'allineamento della tabella","Table cell text alignment":"Allineamento del testo nella cella della tabella","Table properties":"Proprietà tabella","Table toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti della tabella","Text alignment":"Allineamento del testo","Text alignment toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti dell'allineamento","Text alternative":"Testo alternativo","Text highlight toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti dell'evidenziazione del testo","Text styles":"Stili per testi","Text to find must not be empty.":"Il testo da cercare non può essere vuoto.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Il colore non è valido. Provare "#FF0000" o "rgb(255,0,0)" o "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Il valore non è valido. Provare "10px" o "2em" o semplicemente "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Il valore non può essere essere lasciato in bianco.","The value should be a plain number.":"Il valore deve essere un numero intero.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Queste scorciatoie da tastiera permettono di accedere velocemente alle funzionalità di modifica del contenuto.","This link has no URL":"Questo collegamento non ha un URL",Tiny:"Piccolissimi","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Consiglio: trova il testo prima di sostituirlo.","To-do List":"Elenco cose da fare","Toggle caption off":"Attiva didascalia","Toggle caption on":"Disattiva didascalia","Toggle the circle list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con cerchi","Toggle the decimal list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con numeri","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con numeri con zero anteposto","Toggle the disc list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con dischi","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con lettere minuscole","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con numeri romani minuscoli","Toggle the square list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con quadrati","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con lettere maiuscole","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con numeri romani maiuscoli",Turquoise:"Turchese","Type or paste your content here.":"Inserire o incollare qui il proprio contenuto.","Type your title":"Inserire il proprio titolo",Underline:"Sottolineato","Underline text":"Testo sottolineato",Undo:"Annulla",Unlink:"Elimina collegamento",Update:"Aggiorna","Update image URL":"Aggiorna URL immagine","Upload failed":"Caricamento fallito","Upload from computer":"Carica dal computer","Upload image from computer":"Carica l'immagine dal computer","Upload in progress":"Caricamento in corso","Uploading image":"Caricamento immagine in corso","Upper-latin":"Lettera maiuscola","Upper-roman":"Numero romano maiuscolo","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Utilizza i seguenti tasti per una navigazione più efficiente nell'interfaccia utente di CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Tasti per la navigazione nell'interfaccia utente e nei contenuti","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti dell'allineamento verticale del testo",White:"Bianco","Whole words only":"Solo parole intere","Widget toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti del widget",Width:"Larghezza","Words: %0":"Parole: %0","Wrap text":"Testo a capo",Yellow:"Giallo","Yellow marker":"Contrassegno giallo"});i.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==1?0:e!=0&&e%1e6==0?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/ja.js b/build/translations/ja.js
index 26b67c8..410e600 100644
--- a/build/translations/ja.js
+++ b/build/translations/ja.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["ja"]=e["ja"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(Fnキーが必要な場合があります)","%0 of %1":"%0/%1",Accept:"同意します",Accessibility:"アクセシビリティ","Accessibility help":"アクセシビリティに関するヘルプ","Align cell text to the bottom":"セルのテキストを下に寄せる","Align cell text to the center":"セルのテキストを中央へ揃える","Align cell text to the left":"セルのテキストを左へ寄せる","Align cell text to the middle":"セルのテキストを中央へ揃える","Align cell text to the right":"セルのテキストを右へ寄せる","Align cell text to the top":"セルのテキストを上に寄せる","Align table to the left":"テーブルを左へ寄せる","Align table to the right":"テーブルを右へ寄せる",Alignment:"配置",Aquamarine:"薄い青緑",Background:"背景","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"エディターで使用できるキーボードのショートカット一覧を以下に示します。",Big:"大",Black:"黒","Block quote":"ブロッククオート(引用)",Blue:"青",Bold:"ボールド","Bold text":"太字",Border:"罫線","Break text":"テキストを分割する","Bulleted List":"箇条書きリスト","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"箇条書きリストスタイルのツールバー",Cancel:"キャンセル","Caption for image: %0":"画像キャプション:%0","Caption for the image":"画像キャプション","Cell properties":"セルのプロパティ","Center table":"テーブルを中央へ寄せる","Centered image":"中央寄せ画像","Change image text alternative":"画像の代替テキストを変更","Choose heading":"見出しを選択",Circle:"白い丸",Clear:"消去","Click to edit block":"クリックしてブロックを編集する",Close:"閉じる","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"コンテキストバルーン、ドロップダウンメニュー、ダイアログを閉じる",Code:"コード",Color:"色","Color picker":"カラーピッカー",Column:"列","Content editing keystrokes":"コンテンツ編集のキーストローク","Copy selected content":"選択したコンテンツをコピーする","Create link":"リンクを作成する",Custom:"カスタム","Custom image size":"カスタム画像サイズ",Dashed:"破線",Decimal:"10進数の数値","Decimal with leading zero":"10進数の数値の前に0がつく","Decrease indent":"インデントの削除","Decrease list item indent":"リスト項目のインデントを減らす",Default:"デフォルト","Delete column":"列を削除","Delete row":"行を削除","Dim grey":"暗い灰色",Dimensions:"寸法",Disc:"黒い丸","Document colors":"ドキュメント背景色",Dotted:"点線",Double:"2本線",Downloadable:"ダウンロード可能","Drag to move":"ドラッグして動かす","Dropdown toolbar":"ドロップダウンツールバー","Edit block":"ブロックを編集","Edit link":"リンクを編集","Editor block content toolbar":"エディター ブロック コンテンツ ツールバー","Editor contextual toolbar":"エディター コンテクスト ツールバー","Editor dialog":"エディタダイアログ","Editor editing area: %0":"エディタ編集エリア:%0","Editor menu bar":"エディターメニューバー","Editor toolbar":"エディタツールバー","Enter image caption":"画像の注釈を入力","Enter table caption":"テーブルキャプションを入力","Entering a to-do list":"To-Doリストを入力","Error during image upload":"画像のアップロードでエラー発生","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"現在フォーカスしているボタンを実行。エディターコンテンツに作用するボタンを実行するとフォーカスはコンテンツに戻ります。","Font Background Color":"背景色","Font Color":"文字色","Font Family":"フォントファミリー","Font Size":"フォントサイズ","Full size image":"フルサイズ画像",Green:"緑",Grey:"灰色",Groove:"立体的にくぼんだ線","Header column":"見出し列","Header row":"見出し行",Heading:"見出し","Heading 1":"見出し1","Heading 2":"見出し2","Heading 3":"見出し3 ","Heading 4":"見出し4","Heading 5":"見出し5","Heading 6":"見出し6",Height:"高さ","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"ヘルプコンテンツです。このダイアログを閉じるには、Escキーを押してください。",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"区切り","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"水平方向のテキスト配置ツールバー",Huge:"極大","Image from computer":"コンピューターからの画像","Image resize list":"画像サイズリスト","Image toolbar":"画像","Image upload complete":"画像のアップロードが完了","image widget":"画像ウィジェット","In line":"インライン","Increase indent":"インデントの追加","Increase list item indent":"リスト項目のインデントを増やす",Insert:"挿入","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"ハードブレークを挿入する(新しいパラグラフ)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"ウィジェットの直後に新しいパラグラフを挿入する","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"ウィジェットの直前に新しいパラグラフを挿入する","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"新しいテーブル行を挿入する(テーブルの最終セルにある場合)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
要素)","Insert column left":"左に列を挿入","Insert column right":"右に列を挿入","Insert image":"画像挿入","Insert image via URL":"画像URLを挿入","Insert media":"メディアの挿入","Insert paragraph after block":"ブロックの後にパラグラフを挿入","Insert paragraph before block":"ブロックの前にパラグラフを挿入","Insert row above":"上に行を挿入","Insert row below":"下に行を挿入","Insert table":"表の挿入",Inset:"内側全体がくぼんだ線","Invalid start index value.":"無効な開始インデックス値です。",Italic:"イタリック","Italic text":"斜体","Justify cell text":"セルのテキストを両端へ揃える","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"リスト内で使用できるキーストローク","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"テーブルセルで使用できるキーストローク","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"ウィジェットが選択されている時に使用できるキーストローク(例:画像、テーブルなど)","Leaving a to-do list":"To-Doリストを残す","Left aligned image":"左寄せ画像","Light blue":"明るい青","Light green":"明るい緑","Light grey":"明るい灰色",Link:"リンク","Link image":"リンク画像","Link URL":"リンクURL","Link URL must not be empty.":"リンクURLは空白にできません。","List properties":"リストのプロパティ","Lower-latin":"小文字アルファベット","Lower–roman":"小文字ローマ数字","Media toolbar":"メディア","Media URL":"メディアURL","media widget":"メディアウィジェット",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"編集",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"ファイル",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"フォント",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"形式",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"ヘルプ",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"挿入",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"テキスト",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"ツール",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"表示","Merge cell down":"下のセルと結合","Merge cell left":"左のセルと結合","Merge cell right":"右のセルと結合","Merge cell up":"上のセルと結合","Merge cells":"セルを結合","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"フォーカスをフォームフィールド(入力欄、ボタンなど)間で移動させる","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"フォーカスをアクティブなダイアログウィンドウの内外に移動させる","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"フォーカスをメニューバーに移し、メニューバー間で移動","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"フォーカスをツールバーへ移動させて、ツールバーを操作する","Move out of a link":"リンクの外に移動する","Move out of an inline code style":"インラインコードスタイルを終了する","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"キャレットを移動させて、ウィジェットの直後から入力できるようにする","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"キャレットを移動させて、ウィジェットの直前から入力できるようにする","Move the selection to the next cell":"選択範囲を次のセルに移動させる","Move the selection to the previous cell":"選択範囲を前のセルに移動させる","Navigate through the table":"テーブル内を移動する","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"ツールバーまたはメニューバー内を移動",Next:"次へ","No results found":"結果は見つかりませんでした","No searchable items":"検索可能なアイテムがありません",None:"なし","Numbered List":"番号付きリスト","Numbered list styles toolbar":"番号付きリストスタイルのツールバー","Open in a new tab":"新しいタブで開く","Open link in new tab":"新しいタブでリンクを開く","Open media in new tab":"新しいタブでメディアを開く","Open the accessibility help dialog":"アクセシビリティに関するヘルプのダイアログを開く",Orange:"オレンジ",Original:"オリジナル",Outset:"内側全体が隆起した線",Padding:"パディング",Paragraph:"段落","Paste content":"コンテンツを貼り付ける","Paste content as plain text":"コンテンツをプレーンテキストとして貼り付ける","Paste the media URL in the input.":"URLを入力欄にコピー",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'有効な色を入力してください(例 "ff0000")。',"Press %0 for help.":"ヘルプを表示するには%0を押します。","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Enterを押してウィジェットの後に入力するか、Shift + Enterを押してウィジェットの前に入力してください",Previous:"前へ",Purple:"紫",Red:"赤",Redo:"やり直し","Remove color":"カラーを削除","Remove Format":"フォーマットの削除","Replace from computer":"パソコンから置換","Replace image":"画像を置換","Replace image from computer":"パソコンから画像を置換","Resize image":"画像サイズ","Resize image (in %0)":"画像をリサイズ(%0で)","Resize image to %0":"画像サイズを%0に変更","Resize image to the original size":"画像サイズを元のサイズに変更","Restore default":"初期値に戻す","Reversed order":"逆順","Revert autoformatting action":"オートフォーマットによる変更を元に戻す","Rich Text Editor":"リッチテキストエディター",Ridge:"立体的に隆起した線","Right aligned image":"右寄せ画像",Row:"行",Save:"保存","Select all":"すべて選択","Select column":"列を選択","Select row":"行を選択","Show more items":"他の項目を表示","Side image":"サイドイメージ",Small:"小",Solid:"1本線","Split cell horizontally":"縦にセルを分離","Split cell vertically":"横にセルを分離",Square:"黒い四角","Start at":"開始数字","Start index must be greater than 0.":"開始インデックスは0より大きくなければいけません。",Strikethrough:"取り消し線","Strikethrough text":"取り消し線",Style:"スタイル",Subscript:"下付き文字",Superscript:"上付き文字",Table:"テーブル","Table alignment toolbar":"テーブル配置ツールバー","Table cell text alignment":"テーブルセルのテキスト配置","Table properties":"テーブルのプロパティ","Table toolbar":"テーブルのツールバー","Text alternative":"代替テキスト",'The color is invalid. 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Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"この値は無効です。「10px」、「2em」または単純に「2」をお試しください。","The value must not be empty.":"この値は空白にできません。","The value should be a plain number.":"この値は単純な数字にする必要があります。","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"これらのキーボードショートカットを使用すると、コンテンツ編集機能に速やかにアクセスできます。","This link has no URL":"リンクにURLが設定されていません","This media URL is not supported.":"このメディアのURLはサポートされていません。",Tiny:"極小","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"ヒント:より迅速に埋め込むには、コンテンツへURLを貼り付けてください。","To-do List":"やることリスト","Toggle caption off":"キャプションをオフにする","Toggle caption on":"キャプションをオンにする","Toggle the circle list style":"白い丸リストスタイルを切り替える","Toggle the decimal list style":"10進数リストスタイルを切り替える","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"10進数の数値の前に0がつくリストスタイルを切り替える","Toggle the disc list style":"黒い丸リストスタイルを切り替える","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"小文字アルファベットリストスタイルを切り替える","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"小文字ローマ数字リストスタイルを切り替える","Toggle the square list style":"黒い四角リストスタイルを切り替える","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"大文字アルファベットリストスタイルを切り替える","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"大文字ローマ数字リストスタイルを切り替える",Turquoise:"水色","Type or paste your content here.":"コンテンツをここに入力または貼り付けしてください。","Type your title":"タイトルを入力",Underline:"アンダーライン","Underline text":"下線",Undo:"元に戻す",Unlink:"リンク解除",Update:"更新","Update image URL":"画像URLを更新","Upload failed":"アップロード失敗","Upload from computer":"パソコンからアップロード","Upload image from computer":"パソコンから画像をアップロード","Upload in progress":"アップロード中","Uploading image":"画像をアップロード中","Upper-latin":"大文字アルファベット","Upper-roman":"大文字ローマ数字","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"以下のキーストロークを使用すると、CKEditor 5ユーザーインターフェースをより効率的に操作できます。","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"ユーザーインターフェースとコンテンツナビゲーションのキーストローク","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"垂直方向のテキスト配置ツールバー",White:"白","Widget toolbar":"ウィジェットツールバー",Width:"幅","Wrap text":"テキストを折り返す",Yellow:"黄"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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要素)","Insert code block":"コードブロックの挿入","Insert column left":"左に列を挿入","Insert column right":"右に列を挿入","Insert image":"画像挿入","Insert image via URL":"画像URLを挿入","Insert paragraph after block":"ブロックの後にパラグラフを挿入","Insert paragraph before block":"ブロックの前にパラグラフを挿入","Insert row above":"上に行を挿入","Insert row below":"下に行を挿入","Insert table":"表の挿入",Inset:"内側全体がくぼんだ線","Invalid start index value.":"無効な開始インデックス値です。",Italic:"イタリック","Italic text":"斜体",Justify:"両端揃え","Justify cell text":"セルのテキストを両端へ揃える","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"リスト内で使用できるキーストローク","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"テーブルセルで使用できるキーストローク","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"ウィジェットが選択されている時に使用できるキーストローク(例:画像、テーブルなど)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"%0のコードスニペットを残す","Leaving a to-do list":"To-Doリストを残す","Leaving code snippet":"コードスニペットを残す","Left aligned image":"左寄せ画像","Light blue":"明るい青","Light green":"明るい緑","Light grey":"明るい灰色",Link:"リンク","Link image":"リンク画像","Link URL":"リンクURL","Link URL must not be empty.":"リンクURLは空白にできません。","List properties":"リストのプロパティ","Lower-latin":"小文字アルファベット","Lower–roman":"小文字ローマ数字","Match case":"マッチケース",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"編集",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"ファイル",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"フォント",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"形式",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"ヘルプ",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"挿入",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"テキスト",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"ツール",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"表示","Merge cell down":"下のセルと結合","Merge cell left":"左のセルと結合","Merge cell right":"右のセルと結合","Merge cell up":"上のセルと結合","Merge cells":"セルを結合","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"フォーカスをフォームフィールド(入力欄、ボタンなど)間で移動させる","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"フォーカスをアクティブなダイアログウィンドウの内外に移動させる","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"フォーカスをメニューバーに移し、メニューバー間で移動","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"フォーカスをツールバーへ移動させて、ツールバーを操作する","Move out of a link":"リンクの外に移動する","Move out of an inline code style":"インラインコードスタイルを終了する","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"キャレットを移動させて、ウィジェットの直後から入力できるようにする","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"キャレットを移動させて、ウィジェットの直前から入力できるようにする","Move the selection to the next cell":"選択範囲を次のセルに移動させる","Move the selection to the previous cell":"選択範囲を前のセルに移動させる","Multiple styles":"複数のスタイル","Navigate editable regions":"編集可能な領域をナビゲート","Navigate through the table":"テーブル内を移動する","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"ツールバーまたはメニューバー内を移動",Next:"次へ","Next editable region":"次に編集可能な領域","Next result":"次の結果","No results found":"結果は見つかりませんでした","No searchable items":"検索可能なアイテムがありません",None:"なし","Numbered List":"番号付きリスト","Numbered list styles toolbar":"番号付きリストスタイルのツールバー","Open in a new tab":"新しいタブで開く","Open link in new tab":"新しいタブでリンクを開く","Open the accessibility help dialog":"アクセシビリティに関するヘルプのダイアログを開く",Orange:"オレンジ",Original:"オリジナル",Outset:"内側全体が隆起した線",Padding:"パディング",Paragraph:"段落","Paste content":"コンテンツを貼り付ける","Paste content as plain text":"コンテンツをプレーンテキストとして貼り付ける","Pink marker":"ピンクのマーカー","Plain text":"プレインテキスト",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'有効な色を入力してください(例 "ff0000")。',"Press %0 for help.":"ヘルプを表示するには%0を押します。","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Enterを押してウィジェットの後に入力するか、Shift + Enterを押してウィジェットの前に入力してください",Previous:"前へ","Previous editable region":"前の編集可能な領域","Previous result":"前の結果",Purple:"紫",Red:"赤","Red pen":"赤のマーカー",Redo:"やり直し","Remove color":"カラーを削除","Remove Format":"フォーマットの削除","Remove highlight":"ハイライトの削除",Replace:"置換","Replace all":"全てを置換","Replace from computer":"パソコンから置換","Replace image":"画像を置換","Replace image from computer":"パソコンから画像を置換","Replace with…":"こちらと置換...","Resize image":"画像サイズ","Resize image (in %0)":"画像をリサイズ(%0で)","Resize image to %0":"画像サイズを%0に変更","Resize image to the original size":"画像サイズを元のサイズに変更","Restore default":"初期値に戻す","Reversed order":"逆順","Revert autoformatting action":"オートフォーマットによる変更を元に戻す","Rich Text Editor":"リッチテキストエディター",Ridge:"立体的に隆起した線","Right aligned image":"右寄せ画像",Row:"行",Save:"保存","Select all":"すべて選択","Select column":"列を選択","Select row":"行を選択","Show more items":"他の項目を表示","Side image":"サイドイメージ",Small:"小",Solid:"1本線","Split cell horizontally":"縦にセルを分離","Split cell vertically":"横にセルを分離",Square:"黒い四角","Start at":"開始数字","Start index must be greater than 0.":"開始インデックスは0より大きくなければいけません。",Strikethrough:"取り消し線","Strikethrough text":"取り消し線",Style:"スタイル",Styles:"スタイル",Subscript:"下付き文字",Superscript:"上付き文字",Table:"テーブル","Table alignment toolbar":"テーブル配置ツールバー","Table cell text alignment":"テーブルセルのテキスト配置","Table properties":"テーブルのプロパティ","Table toolbar":"テーブルのツールバー","Text alignment":"文字揃え","Text alignment toolbar":"テキストの整列","Text alternative":"代替テキスト","Text highlight toolbar":"テキストのハイライト","Text styles":"テキストスタイル","Text to find must not be empty.":"検索対象テキスト欄は空白にできません。",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"この色は無効です。「#FF0000」、「rgb(255,0,0」または「赤」をお試しください。",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"この値は無効です。「10px」、「2em」または単純に「2」をお試しください。","The value must not be empty.":"この値は空白にできません。","The value should be a plain number.":"この値は単純な数字にする必要があります。","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"これらのキーボードショートカットを使用すると、コンテンツ編集機能に速やかにアクセスできます。","This link has no URL":"リンクにURLが設定されていません",Tiny:"極小","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"ヒント:置換するには、対象テキストを先に検索してください。","To-do List":"やることリスト","Toggle caption off":"キャプションをオフにする","Toggle caption on":"キャプションをオンにする","Toggle the circle list style":"白い丸リストスタイルを切り替える","Toggle the decimal list style":"10進数リストスタイルを切り替える","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"10進数の数値の前に0がつくリストスタイルを切り替える","Toggle the disc list style":"黒い丸リストスタイルを切り替える","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"小文字アルファベットリストスタイルを切り替える","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"小文字ローマ数字リストスタイルを切り替える","Toggle the square list style":"黒い四角リストスタイルを切り替える","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"大文字アルファベットリストスタイルを切り替える","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"大文字ローマ数字リストスタイルを切り替える",Turquoise:"水色","Type or paste your content here.":"コンテンツをここに入力または貼り付けしてください。","Type your title":"タイトルを入力",Underline:"アンダーライン","Underline text":"下線",Undo:"元に戻す",Unlink:"リンク解除",Update:"更新","Update image URL":"画像URLを更新","Upload failed":"アップロード失敗","Upload from computer":"パソコンからアップロード","Upload image from computer":"パソコンから画像をアップロード","Upload in progress":"アップロード中","Uploading image":"画像をアップロード中","Upper-latin":"大文字アルファベット","Upper-roman":"大文字ローマ数字","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"以下のキーストロークを使用すると、CKEditor 5ユーザーインターフェースをより効率的に操作できます。","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"ユーザーインターフェースとコンテンツナビゲーションのキーストローク","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"垂直方向のテキスト配置ツールバー",White:"白","Whole words only":"単語全体のみ","Widget toolbar":"ウィジェットツールバー",Width:"幅","Words: %0":"単語数: %0","Wrap text":"テキストを折り返す",Yellow:"黄","Yellow marker":"黄色のマーカー"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/jv.js b/build/translations/jv.js
index eaeeeb7..b940d6a 100644
--- a/build/translations/jv.js
+++ b/build/translations/jv.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/km.js b/build/translations/km.js
index ea86459..5355ed0 100644
--- a/build/translations/km.js
+++ b/build/translations/km.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/ko.js b/build/translations/ko.js
index 4146b96..f06ac7b 100644
--- a/build/translations/ko.js
+++ b/build/translations/ko.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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element)":"줄 바꿈 삽입(<br>
요소)","Insert column left":"왼쪽에 열 삽입","Insert column right":"오른쪽에 열 삽입","Insert image":"사진 삽입","Insert image via URL":"URL로 이미지 삽입","Insert media":"미디어 삽입","Insert paragraph after block":"블록 뒤에 단락 삽입","Insert paragraph before block":"블록 앞에 단락 삽입","Insert row above":"위에 행 삽입","Insert row below":"아래에 행 삽입","Insert table":"테이블 삽입",Inset:"측면 음각선","Invalid start index value.":"잘못된 시작 인덱스 값입니다.",Italic:"기울임꼴","Italic text":"기울인 텍스트","Justify cell text":"셀 텍스트를 양쪽으로 정렬","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"목록에서 사용할 수 있는 키 입력","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"표 셀에서 사용할 수 있는 키 입력","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"위젯이 선택되었을 때 사용할 수 있는 키 입력(예: 이미지, 표 등)","Leaving a to-do list":"할 일 목록 남기는 중","Left aligned image":"왼쪽 정렬","Light blue":"연한 파랑색","Light green":"연한 초록색","Light grey":"밝은 회색",Link:"링크","Link image":"사진 링크","Link URL":"링크 주소","Link URL must not be empty.":"링크 URL은 비워둘 수 없습니다.","List properties":"목록 속성","Lower-latin":"소문자 알파벳","Lower–roman":"소문자 로마자","Media toolbar":"미디어 툴바","Media URL":"미디어 URL","media widget":"미디어 위젯",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"수정",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"파일",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"글꼴",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"서식",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"도움말",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"삽입",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"텍스트",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"도구",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"보기","Merge cell down":"아래 셀과 병합","Merge cell left":"왼쪽 셀과 병합","Merge cell right":"오른쪽 셀과 병합","Merge cell up":"위 셀과 병합","Merge cells":"셀 병합","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"양식 필드(입력, 버튼 등) 간에 포커스 이동","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"활성화된 대화 창 안팎으로 포커스 이동","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"메뉴 표시줄로 포커스 이동, 메뉴 표시줄 탐색","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"도구 모음으로 포커스 이동, 도구 모음 간 탐색","Move out of a link":"링크 밖으로 이동","Move out of an inline code style":"인라인 코드 스타일 밖으로 이동","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"위젯 바로 뒤에 입력할 수 있도록 삽입 기호 이동","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"위젯 바로 앞에 입력할 수 있도록 삽입 기호 이동","Move the selection to the next cell":"선택 항목을 다음 셀로 이동","Move the selection to the previous cell":"선택 항목을 이전 셀로 이동","Navigate through the table":"표 탐색","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"도구 모음 또는 메뉴 표시줄 탐색",Next:"다음","No results found":"결과 찾을 수 없음","No searchable items":"검색 가능한 항목 없음",None:"선 없음","Numbered List":"번호 목록","Numbered list styles toolbar":"번호 목록 스타일 도구 모음","Open in a new tab":"새 탭에서 열기","Open link in new tab":"새 탭에서 링크 열기","Open media in new tab":"새 탭에서 미디어 열기","Open the accessibility help dialog":"접근성 도움말 대화 상자 열기",Orange:"주황색",Original:"원본",Outset:"측면 양각선",Padding:"여백",Paragraph:"문단","Paste content":"콘텐츠 붙여넣기","Paste content as plain text":"콘텐츠를 일반 텍스트로 붙여넣기","Paste the media URL in the input.":"미디어 URL을 입력해주세요.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'유효한 색상을 입력해 주세요(예를 들어, "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"도움말을 보려면 %0 키를 누르세요.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"엔터를 눌러서 위젯 뒤에 입력하거나 시프트 + 엔터를 눌러서 위젯 앞에 입력하세요",Previous:"이전",Purple:"보라색",Red:"빨간색",Redo:"다시 실행","Remove color":"색깔 제거","Remove Format":"서식 지우기","Replace from computer":"컴퓨터에서 교체","Replace image":"이미지 교체","Replace image from computer":"컴퓨터에서 이미지 교체","Resize image":"사진 크기 조절","Resize image (in %0)":"이미지 크기 조정하기(%0 이내)","Resize image to %0":"사진의 크기를 %0으로 조절","Resize image to the original size":"사진을 원래 크기로 돌려놓기","Restore default":"기본값 복원","Reversed order":"역순","Revert autoformatting action":"자동 서식 작업 되돌리기","Rich Text Editor":"서식 있는 텍스트 편집기",Ridge:"양각선","Right aligned image":"오른쪽 정렬",Row:"행",Save:"저장","Select all":"전체 선택","Select column":"열 선택","Select row":"행 선택","Show more items":"더보기","Side image":"본문 옆에 배치",Small:"작은",Solid:"실선","Split cell horizontally":"가로로 셀 분할","Split cell vertically":"세로로 셀 분할",Square:"검은 사각형","Start at":"시작 번호","Start index must be greater than 0.":"시작 번호는 0보다 커야 합니다.",Strikethrough:"취소선","Strikethrough text":"텍스트 취소선",Style:"스타일",Subscript:"아래 첨자",Superscript:"위 첨자",Table:"표","Table alignment toolbar":"표 정렬 도구 모음","Table cell text alignment":"표 셀 텍스트 정렬","Table properties":"표 속성","Table toolbar":"표 도구 모음","Text alternative":"대체 문구",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'유효하지 않은 색입니다. "#FF0000"이나 "rgb(255,0,0)", 또는 "red"를 입력해 보세요.',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL이 비어있을 수 없습니다.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'유효하지 않은 값입니다. "10px"나 "2em" 또는 그냥 "2"를 입력해 보세요.',"The value must not be empty.":"값은 비워둘 수 없습니다.","The value should be a plain number.":"일반 숫자로 된 값을 입력해야 합니다.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"이러한 키보드 단축키를 사용하면 콘텐츠 편집 기능을 빠르게 사용할 수 있습니다.","This link has no URL":"이 주소에는 URL이 없습니다.","This media URL is not supported.":"이 미디어 URL은 지원되지 않습니다.",Tiny:"매우 작은","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"팁: URL을 붙여넣으면 더 빨리 삽입할 수 있습니다.","To-do List":"확인 목록","Toggle caption off":"캡션 지우기","Toggle caption on":"캡션 넣기","Toggle the circle list style":"검은 원형 목록 스타일 전환","Toggle the decimal list style":"십진수 목록 스타일 전환","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"앞에 0이 붙는 십진수 목록 스타일 전환","Toggle the disc list style":"흰 원형 목록 스타일 전환","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"소문자 알파벳 목록 스타일 전환","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"소문자 로마자 목록 스타일 전환","Toggle the square list style":"검은 사각형 목록 스타일 전환","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"대문자 알파벳 목록 스타일 전환","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"대문자 로마자 목록 스타일 전환",Turquoise:"청록색","Type or paste your content here.":"여기에 내용을 입력하거나 붙여넣으세요.","Type your title":"제목을 입력해주세요",Underline:"밑줄","Underline text":"텍스트 밑줄",Undo:"실행 취소",Unlink:"링크 삭제",Update:"업데이트","Update image URL":"이미지 URL 업데이트","Upload failed":"업로드 실패","Upload from computer":"컴퓨터에서 업로드","Upload image from computer":"컴퓨터에서 이미지 업로드","Upload in progress":"업로드 진행 중","Uploading image":"이미지 업로드 중","Upper-latin":"대문자 알파벳","Upper-roman":"대문자 로마자","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"다음 키 입력을 사용하여 CKEditor 5 사용자 인터페이스를 더 효율적으로 탐색하세요.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"사용자 인터페이스 및 콘텐츠 탐색 키 입력","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"세로 텍스트 정렬 도구 모음",White:"흰색","Widget toolbar":"위젯 툴바",Width:"가로","Wrap text":"텍스트 줄 바꿈",Yellow:"노랑색"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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element)":"줄 바꿈 삽입(<br>
요소)","Insert code block":"코드 블럭 삽입","Insert column left":"왼쪽에 열 삽입","Insert column right":"오른쪽에 열 삽입","Insert image":"사진 삽입","Insert image via URL":"URL로 이미지 삽입","Insert paragraph after block":"블록 뒤에 단락 삽입","Insert paragraph before block":"블록 앞에 단락 삽입","Insert row above":"위에 행 삽입","Insert row below":"아래에 행 삽입","Insert table":"테이블 삽입",Inset:"측면 음각선","Invalid start index value.":"잘못된 시작 인덱스 값입니다.",Italic:"기울임꼴","Italic text":"기울인 텍스트",Justify:"양쪽 정렬","Justify cell text":"셀 텍스트를 양쪽으로 정렬","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"목록에서 사용할 수 있는 키 입력","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"표 셀에서 사용할 수 있는 키 입력","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"위젯이 선택되었을 때 사용할 수 있는 키 입력(예: 이미지, 표 등)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"%0 코드 스니펫 남기는 중","Leaving a to-do list":"할 일 목록 남기는 중","Leaving code snippet":"코드 스니펫 남기는 중","Left aligned image":"왼쪽 정렬","Light blue":"연한 파랑색","Light green":"연한 초록색","Light grey":"밝은 회색",Link:"링크","Link image":"사진 링크","Link URL":"링크 주소","Link URL must not be empty.":"링크 URL은 비워둘 수 없습니다.","List properties":"목록 속성","Lower-latin":"소문자 알파벳","Lower–roman":"소문자 로마자","Match case":"대/소문자 구분",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"수정",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"파일",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"글꼴",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"서식",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"도움말",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"삽입",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"텍스트",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"도구",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"보기","Merge cell down":"아래 셀과 병합","Merge cell left":"왼쪽 셀과 병합","Merge cell right":"오른쪽 셀과 병합","Merge cell up":"위 셀과 병합","Merge cells":"셀 병합","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"양식 필드(입력, 버튼 등) 간에 포커스 이동","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"활성화된 대화 창 안팎으로 포커스 이동","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"메뉴 표시줄로 포커스 이동, 메뉴 표시줄 탐색","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"도구 모음으로 포커스 이동, 도구 모음 간 탐색","Move out of a link":"링크 밖으로 이동","Move out of an inline code style":"인라인 코드 스타일 밖으로 이동","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"위젯 바로 뒤에 입력할 수 있도록 삽입 기호 이동","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"위젯 바로 앞에 입력할 수 있도록 삽입 기호 이동","Move the selection to the next cell":"선택 항목을 다음 셀로 이동","Move the selection to the previous cell":"선택 항목을 이전 셀로 이동","Multiple styles":"다중 스타일","Navigate editable regions":"편집 가능한 구역 탐색","Navigate through the table":"표 탐색","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"도구 모음 또는 메뉴 표시줄 탐색",Next:"다음","Next editable region":"다음 편집 가능한 구역","Next result":"다음 결과","No results found":"결과 찾을 수 없음","No searchable items":"검색 가능한 항목 없음",None:"선 없음","Numbered List":"번호 목록","Numbered list styles toolbar":"번호 목록 스타일 도구 모음","Open in a new tab":"새 탭에서 열기","Open link in new tab":"새 탭에서 링크 열기","Open the accessibility help dialog":"접근성 도움말 대화 상자 열기",Orange:"주황색",Original:"원본",Outset:"측면 양각선",Padding:"여백",Paragraph:"문단","Paste content":"콘텐츠 붙여넣기","Paste content as plain text":"콘텐츠를 일반 텍스트로 붙여넣기","Pink marker":"분홍색 마커","Plain text":"평문",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'유효한 색상을 입력해 주세요(예를 들어, "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"도움말을 보려면 %0 키를 누르세요.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"엔터를 눌러서 위젯 뒤에 입력하거나 시프트 + 엔터를 눌러서 위젯 앞에 입력하세요",Previous:"이전","Previous editable region":"이전 편집 가능한 구역","Previous result":"이전 결과",Purple:"보라색",Red:"빨간색","Red pen":"빨간색 펜",Redo:"다시 실행","Remove color":"색깔 제거","Remove Format":"서식 지우기","Remove highlight":"강조 제거",Replace:"바꾸기","Replace all":"모두 바꾸기","Replace from computer":"컴퓨터에서 교체","Replace image":"이미지 교체","Replace image from computer":"컴퓨터에서 이미지 교체","Replace with…":"바꿀 내용...","Resize image":"사진 크기 조절","Resize image (in %0)":"이미지 크기 조정하기(%0 이내)","Resize image to %0":"사진의 크기를 %0으로 조절","Resize image to the original size":"사진을 원래 크기로 돌려놓기","Restore default":"기본값 복원","Reversed order":"역순","Revert autoformatting action":"자동 서식 작업 되돌리기","Rich Text Editor":"서식 있는 텍스트 편집기",Ridge:"양각선","Right aligned image":"오른쪽 정렬",Row:"행",Save:"저장","Select all":"전체 선택","Select column":"열 선택","Select row":"행 선택","Show more items":"더보기","Side image":"본문 옆에 배치",Small:"작은",Solid:"실선","Split cell horizontally":"가로로 셀 분할","Split cell vertically":"세로로 셀 분할",Square:"검은 사각형","Start at":"시작 번호","Start index must be greater than 0.":"시작 번호는 0보다 커야 합니다.",Strikethrough:"취소선","Strikethrough text":"텍스트 취소선",Style:"스타일",Styles:"스타일",Subscript:"아래 첨자",Superscript:"위 첨자",Table:"표","Table alignment toolbar":"표 정렬 도구 모음","Table cell text alignment":"표 셀 텍스트 정렬","Table properties":"표 속성","Table toolbar":"표 도구 모음","Text alignment":"텍스트 정렬","Text alignment toolbar":"텍스트 정렬 툴바","Text alternative":"대체 문구","Text highlight toolbar":"글자 강조 툴바","Text styles":"텍스트 스타일","Text to find must not be empty.":"찾을 텍스트를 입력해야 합니다.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'유효하지 않은 색입니다. "#FF0000"이나 "rgb(255,0,0)", 또는 "red"를 입력해 보세요.','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'유효하지 않은 값입니다. "10px"나 "2em" 또는 그냥 "2"를 입력해 보세요.',"The value must not be empty.":"값은 비워둘 수 없습니다.","The value should be a plain number.":"일반 숫자로 된 값을 입력해야 합니다.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"이러한 키보드 단축키를 사용하면 콘텐츠 편집 기능을 빠르게 사용할 수 있습니다.","This link has no URL":"이 주소에는 URL이 없습니다.",Tiny:"매우 작은","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"팁: 바꾸려는 텍스트를 먼저 찾으세요.","To-do List":"확인 목록","Toggle caption off":"캡션 지우기","Toggle caption on":"캡션 넣기","Toggle the circle list style":"검은 원형 목록 스타일 전환","Toggle the decimal list style":"십진수 목록 스타일 전환","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"앞에 0이 붙는 십진수 목록 스타일 전환","Toggle the disc list style":"흰 원형 목록 스타일 전환","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"소문자 알파벳 목록 스타일 전환","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"소문자 로마자 목록 스타일 전환","Toggle the square list style":"검은 사각형 목록 스타일 전환","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"대문자 알파벳 목록 스타일 전환","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"대문자 로마자 목록 스타일 전환",Turquoise:"청록색","Type or paste your content here.":"여기에 내용을 입력하거나 붙여넣으세요.","Type your title":"제목을 입력해주세요",Underline:"밑줄","Underline text":"텍스트 밑줄",Undo:"실행 취소",Unlink:"링크 삭제",Update:"업데이트","Update image URL":"이미지 URL 업데이트","Upload failed":"업로드 실패","Upload from computer":"컴퓨터에서 업로드","Upload image from computer":"컴퓨터에서 이미지 업로드","Upload in progress":"업로드 진행 중","Uploading image":"이미지 업로드 중","Upper-latin":"대문자 알파벳","Upper-roman":"대문자 로마자","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"다음 키 입력을 사용하여 CKEditor 5 사용자 인터페이스를 더 효율적으로 탐색하세요.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"사용자 인터페이스 및 콘텐츠 탐색 키 입력","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"세로 텍스트 정렬 도구 모음",White:"흰색","Whole words only":"전체 단어만","Widget toolbar":"위젯 툴바",Width:"가로","Words: %0":"단어 수: %0","Wrap text":"텍스트 줄 바꿈",Yellow:"노랑색","Yellow marker":"노란색 마커"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
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diff --git a/build/translations/ku.js b/build/translations/ku.js
index e81a1e7..5c45ce8 100644
--- a/build/translations/ku.js
+++ b/build/translations/ku.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"","Font Background Color":"ڕەنگی پاشبنەمای فۆنت","Font Color":"ڕەنگی فۆنت","Font Family":"فۆنتی خێزانی","Font Size":"قەبارەی فۆنت","Full size image":"پڕ بەقەبارەی وێنە",Green:"سەوز",Grey:"ڕەساسی",Groove:"","Header column":"ستوونی دەسپێک","Header row":"ڕیزی دەسپێک",Heading:"سەرنووسە","Heading 1":"سەرنووسەی 1","Heading 2":"سەرنووسەی 2","Heading 3":"سەرنووسەی 3","Heading 4":"سەرنووسەی 4","Heading 5":"سەرنووسەی 5","Heading 6":"سەرنووسەی 6",Height:"","Help Contents. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"","The URL must not be empty.":"پێویستە بەستەر بەتاڵ نەبێت.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"ئەم بەستەرە ناونیشانی نیە","This media URL is not supported.":"ئەم بەستەری مێدیایە پاڵپشتی ناکرێت.",Tiny:"گچکە","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.","To-do List":"لیستەی کردن","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"شینی ئاسمانی","Type or paste your content here.":"بنووسە یاخوود ناوەڕۆکی کۆپیکراو لیڕە بلکێنە","Type your title":"نوسینی ناونیشان",Underline:"ژێرهێڵ","Underline text":"",Undo:"وەک خۆی لێ بکەوە",Unlink:"لابردنی بەستەر",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"بارکردنەکە سەرنەکەووت","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"بارکردنەکە لە جێبەجێکردن دایە","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"سپی","Widget toolbar":"تووڵامرازی ویدجێت",Width:"","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"زەرد"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["ku"]=e["ku"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"","%0 of %1":"%0 لە %1",Accept:"",Accessibility:"","Accessibility help":"","Align cell text to the bottom":"","Align cell text to the center":"","Align cell text to the left":"","Align cell text to the middle":"","Align cell text to the right":"","Align cell text to the top":"","Align center":"بەهێڵکردنی ناورەڕاست","Align left":"بەهێڵکردنی چەپ","Align right":"بەهێڵکردنی ڕاست","Align table to the left":"","Align table to the right":"",Alignment:"",Aquamarine:"شینی دەریایی",Background:"","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"",Big:"گەورە",Black:"ڕەش","Block quote":"وتەی وەرگیراو",Blue:"شین","Blue marker":"نیشانەکەری شین",Bold:"قەڵەو","Bold text":"",Border:"","Break text":"","Bulleted List":"لیستەی خاڵەیی","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"",Cancel:"هەڵوەشاندنەوە","Caption for image: %0":"","Caption for the image":"","Cell properties":"","Center table":"","Centered image":"ناوەڕاستکراوی وێنە","Change image text alternative":"گۆڕینی جێگروەی تێکیسی وێنە","Characters: %0":"نووسەکان: %0","Choose heading":"سەرنووسە هەڵبژێرە",Circle:"",Clear:"","Click to edit block":"",Close:"","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"",Code:"کۆد","Code block":"",Color:"","Color picker":"",Column:"ستوون","Content editing keystrokes":"","Create link":"",Custom:"","Custom image size":"",Dashed:"",Decimal:"","Decimal with leading zero":"","Decrease indent":"کەمکردنەوەی بۆشایی","Decrease list item indent":"",Default:"بنچینە","Delete column":"سڕینەوەی ستوون","Delete row":"سڕینەوەی ڕیز","Dim grey":"ڕەساسی تاریک",Dimensions:"","Disable editing":"لەکارخستنی جاکسازی",Disc:"","Document colors":"ڕەنگەکانی دۆکومێنت",Dotted:"",Double:"",Downloadable:"Downloadable","Drag to move":"","Dropdown toolbar":"تووڵامرازی لیستەیی","Edit block":"دەستکاری بلۆک","Edit link":"دەستکاری بەستەر","Editor block content toolbar":"","Editor contextual toolbar":"","Editor dialog":"","Editor editing area: %0":"","Editor menu bar":"","Editor toolbar":"تووڵامرازی دەسکاریکەر","Enable editing":"بەکارخستنی چاکسازی","Enter image caption":"سەردێڕی وێنە دابنێ","Enter table caption":"","Entering %0 code snippet":"","Entering a to-do list":"","Entering code snippet":"","Error during image upload":"","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"","Font Background Color":"ڕەنگی پاشبنەمای فۆنت","Font Color":"ڕەنگی فۆنت","Font Family":"فۆنتی خێزانی","Font Size":"قەبارەی فۆنت","Full size image":"پڕ بەقەبارەی وێنە",Green:"سەوز","Green marker":"نیشانەکەری سەوز","Green pen":"پێنووسی سەوز",Grey:"ڕەساسی",Groove:"","Header column":"ستوونی دەسپێک","Header row":"ڕیزی دەسپێک",Heading:"سەرنووسە","Heading 1":"سەرنووسەی 1","Heading 2":"سەرنووسەی 2","Heading 3":"سەرنووسەی 3","Heading 4":"سەرنووسەی 4","Heading 5":"سەرنووسەی 5","Heading 6":"سەرنووسەی 6",Height:"","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"",HEX:"",Highlight:"بەرچاوکردن","Horizontal line":"هێڵی ئاسۆیی","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"",Huge:"زۆر گەورە","Image from computer":"","Image resize list":"","Image toolbar":"تووڵامرازی وێنە","Image upload complete":"","image widget":"وێدجیتی وێنە","In line":"","Increase indent":"زیادکردنی بۆشایی","Increase list item indent":"",Insert:"","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"","Insert code block":"دانانی خشتەی کۆد","Insert column left":"دانانی ستوون لە چەپ","Insert column right":"دانانی ستوون لە ڕاست","Insert image":"وێنە دابنێ","Insert image via URL":"","Insert paragraph after block":"","Insert paragraph before block":"","Insert row above":"دانانی ڕیز لە سەرەوە","Insert row below":"دانانی ڕیز لە ژێرەوە","Insert table":"خشتە دابنێ",Inset:"","Invalid start index value.":"",Italic:"لار","Italic text":"",Justify:"هاوستوونی","Justify cell text":"","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"","Leaving %0 code snippet":"","Leaving a to-do list":"","Leaving code snippet":"","Left aligned image":"ڕیزکردنی وێنە بۆ لای چەپ","Light blue":"شینی ڕووناک","Light green":"سەوزی ڕووناک","Light grey":"ڕەساسی ڕووناک",Link:"بەستەر","Link image":"","Link URL":"ناونیشانی بەستەر","Link URL must not be empty.":"","List properties":"","Lower-latin":"","Lower–roman":"",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"","Merge cell down":"تێکەڵکردنی خانەکان بەرەو ژێرەوە","Merge cell left":"تێکەڵکردنی خانەکان بەرەو چەپ","Merge cell right":"تێکەڵکردنی خانەکان بەرەو ڕاست","Merge cell up":"تێکەڵکردنی خانەکان بەرەو سەر","Merge cells":"تێکەڵکردنی خانەکان","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"","Move out of a link":"","Move out of an inline code style":"","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"","Move the selection to the next cell":"","Move the selection to the previous cell":"","Navigate editable regions":"چوون بۆ ناوچەی چاکسازی","Navigate through the table":"","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"",Next:"دواتر","Next editable region":"ناوچەی چاکسازی داهاتوو","No results found":"","No searchable items":"",None:"","Numbered List":"لیستەی ژمارەیی","Numbered list styles toolbar":"","Open in a new tab":"کردنەوەی لە پەنجەرەیەکی نوێ","Open link in new tab":"کردنەوەی بەستەرەکە لە پەڕەیەکی نوێ","Open the accessibility help dialog":"",Orange:"پرتەقاڵی",Original:"",Outset:"",Padding:"",Paragraph:"پەراگراف","Pink marker":"نیشانەکەری پەمەیی","Plain text":"تێکستی سادە",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"","Press %0 for help.":"","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"",Previous:"پێشتر","Previous editable region":"ناوچەی چاکسازی پێشوو",Purple:"مۆر",Red:"سور","Red pen":"پێنووسی سۆر",Redo:"هەلگەڕاندنەوە","Remove color":"لابردنی ڕەنگ","Remove Format":"لابردنی شێواز","Remove highlight":"لابردنی بەرچاوکەر","Replace from computer":"","Replace image":"","Replace image from computer":"","Resize image":"","Resize image (in %0)":"","Resize image to %0":"","Resize image to the original size":"","Restore default":"","Reversed order":"","Rich Text Editor":"سەرنوسەری دەقی بەپیت",Ridge:"","Right aligned image":"ڕیزکردنی وێنە بۆ لای ڕاست",Row:"ڕیز",Save:"پاشکەوتکردن","Select column":"","Select row":"","Show more items":"بڕگەی زیاتر نیشانبدە","Side image":"لای وێنە",Small:"بچوک",Solid:"","Split cell horizontally":"بەشکردنی خانەکان بە ئاسۆیی","Split cell vertically":"بەشکردنی خانەکان بە ئەستوونی",Square:"","Start at":"","Start index must be greater than 0.":"",Strikethrough:"هێڵ بەسەرداهاتوو","Strikethrough text":"",Style:"",Subscript:"ژێرنووس",Superscript:"سەرنووس",Table:"","Table alignment toolbar":"","Table cell text alignment":"","Table properties":"","Table toolbar":"تووڵامرازی خشتە","Text alignment":"ڕیززکردنی تێکست","Text alignment toolbar":"تووڵامرازی ڕیززکردنی تێکست","Text alternative":"جێگرەوەی تێکست","Text highlight toolbar":"تووڵامرازی نیشانکردنی تێکست",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"ئەم بەستەرە ناونیشانی نیە",Tiny:"گچکە","To-do List":"لیستەی کردن","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"شینی ئاسمانی","Type or paste your content here.":"بنووسە یاخوود ناوەڕۆکی کۆپیکراو لیڕە بلکێنە","Type your title":"نوسینی ناونیشان",Underline:"ژێرهێڵ","Underline text":"",Undo:"وەک خۆی لێ بکەوە",Unlink:"لابردنی بەستەر",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"بارکردنەکە سەرنەکەووت","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"بارکردنەکە لە جێبەجێکردن دایە","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"سپی","Widget toolbar":"تووڵامرازی ویدجێت",Width:"","Words: %0":"وشەکان: %0","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"زەرد","Yellow marker":"نیشانەکەری زەرد"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/lt.js b/build/translations/lt.js
index 377838d..4d7804b 100644
--- a/build/translations/lt.js
+++ b/build/translations/lt.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(i){const e=i["lt"]=i["lt"]||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(gali reikalauti Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 iš %1",Accept:"Priimti",Accessibility:"Prieinamumas","Accessibility help":"Prieinamumo pagalba","Align cell text to the bottom":"Lygiuoti langelio tekstą apačioje","Align cell text to the center":"Lygiuoti langelio tekstą centre","Align cell text to the left":"Lygiuoti langelio tekstą kairėje","Align cell text to the middle":"Lygiuoti langelio tekstą viduryje","Align cell text to the right":"Lygiuoti langelio tekstą dešinėje","Align cell text to the top":"Lygiuoti langelio tekstą viršuje","Align table to the left":"Lygiuoti lentelę kairėje","Align table to the right":"Lygiuoti lentelę dešinėje",Alignment:"Lygiavimas",Aquamarine:"Aquamarine",Background:"Fonas","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Žemiau galite rasti sparčiųjų klavišų, kuriuos galima naudoti redaktoriuje, sąrašą.",Big:"Didelis",Black:"Juoda","Block quote":"Citata",Blue:"Mėlyna",Bold:"Paryškintas","Bold text":"Pajuodinti tekstą",Border:"Kraštas","Break text":"Suskaidyti tekstą","Bulleted List":"Sąrašas","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Ženklinto sąrašo stilių įrankių juosta",Cancel:"Atšaukti","Caption for image: %0":"Vaizdo antraštė: %0","Caption for the image":"Vaizdo antraštė","Cell properties":"Langelio savybės","Center table":"Centruoti lentelę","Centered image":"Vaizdas centre","Change image text alternative":"Pakeisti vaizdo alternatyvųjį tekstą","Choose heading":"Pasirinkite antraštę",Circle:"Apskritimas",Clear:"Išvalyti","Click to edit block":"Spustelėkite norėdami redaguoti bloką",Close:"Uždaryti","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Uždaryti kontekstinius pranešimus, išskleidžiamuosius meniu ir dialogo langus",Code:"Kodas",Color:"Spalva","Color picker":"Spalvos ieškiklis",Column:"Stulpelis","Content editing keystrokes":"Turinio redagavimo klavišų paspaudimai","Copy selected content":"Kopijuoti pasirinktą turinį","Create link":"Sukurti nuorodą",Custom:"Tinkinti","Custom image size":"Tinkinti vaizdo dydį",Dashed:"Brūkšneliais",Decimal:"Dešimtainis","Decimal with leading zero":"Dešimtainis su nuliu priekyje","Decrease indent":"Sumažinti atitraukimą","Decrease list item indent":"Sumažinti sąrašo elemento įtrauką",Default:"Numatyta","Delete column":"Ištrinti stulpelį","Delete row":"Ištrinti eilutę","Dim grey":"Pilkšva",Dimensions:"Matmenys",Disc:"Diskas","Document colors":"Dokumento spalvos",Dotted:"Taškuotas",Double:"Dvigubas",Downloadable:"Parsisiunčiamas","Drag to move":"Vilkite, kad perkeltumėte","Dropdown toolbar":"Įrankių juosta pasirenkamajame sąraše","Edit block":"Redaguoti bloką","Edit link":"Keisti nuorodą","Editor block content toolbar":"Redaktoriaus bloko turinio įrankių juosta","Editor contextual toolbar":"Redaktoriaus kontekstinė įrankių juosta","Editor dialog":"Redaktoriaus dialogo langas","Editor editing area: %0":"Redaktoriaus redagavimo sritis: %0","Editor menu bar":"Redaktoriaus meniu juosta","Editor toolbar":"Redaktoriaus įrankių juosta","Enter image caption":"Įveskite vaizdo antraštę","Enter table caption":"Įvesti lentelės antraštę","Entering a to-do list":"Įvesti darbų sąrašą","Error during image upload":"Įkeliant vaizdą, įvyko klaida","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Vykdyti šiuo metu sufokusuotą mygtuką. Vykdant su redaktoriaus turiniu sąveikaujančius mygtukus, fokusas yra perkeliamas atgal į turinį.","Font Background Color":"Šrifto fono spalva","Font Color":"Šrifto spalva","Font Family":"Šrifto šeima","Font Size":"Šrifto dydis","Full size image":"Pilno dydžio vaizdas",Green:"Žalia",Grey:"Pilka",Groove:"Ilgas ir siauras","Header column":"Antraštės stulpelis","Header row":"Antraštės eilutė",Heading:"Antraštė","Heading 1":"Antraštė 1","Heading 2":"Antraštė 2","Heading 3":"Antraštė 3","Heading 4":"Antraštė 4","Heading 5":"Antraštė 5","Heading 6":"Antraštė 6",Height:"Aukštis","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Pagalbos turinys. Norėdami uždaryti šį dialogo langą, spauskite „ESC“.",HEX:"Šešioliktainė reikšmė (angl. HEX)","Horizontal line":"Horizontali linija","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horizontalaus teksto lygiavimo įrankių juosta",Huge:"Milžiniškas","Image from computer":"Įkelti vaizdą iš kompiuterio","Image resize list":"Paveikslėlio dydžio keitimo sąrašas","Image toolbar":"Paveikslėlių įrankių juosta","Image upload complete":"Užbaigtas vaizdo įkėlimas","image widget":"vaizdų valdiklis","In line":"tolygiai","Increase indent":"Padidinti atitraukimą","Increase list item indent":"Padidinti sąrašo elemento įtrauką",Insert:"Įkelti","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Įterpti naują pastraipą","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Įterpti naują pastraipą iškart po valdiklio","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Įterpti naują pastraipą iškart prieš valdiklį","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Įterpti į lentelę naują eilutę (kai yra paskutiniame lentelės langelyje)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Įterpti eilutės lūžį (<br>
elementas)","Insert column left":"Įterpti stulpelį kairėje","Insert column right":"Įterpti stulpelį dešinėje","Insert image":"Įterpti vaizdą","Insert image via URL":"Įkelti paveikslėlį naudojant URL","Insert media":"Įterpkite media","Insert paragraph after block":"Įkelti pastraipą po bloko","Insert paragraph before block":"Įkelti pastraipą prieš bloką","Insert row above":"Įterpti eilutę aukščiau","Insert row below":"Įterpti eilutę žemiau","Insert table":"Įterpti lentelę",Inset:"Intarpas","Invalid start index value.":"Netinkama pradžios indekso vertė.",Italic:"Kursyvas","Italic text":"Rašyti tekstą kursyvu","Justify cell text":"Pabrėžti langelio tekstą","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Sąraše galimi naudoti klavišų paspaudimai","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Klavišų paspaudimai, kurie gali būti naudojami lentelės langelyje","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klavišų paspaudimai, kuriuos galima naudoti pasirinkus valdiklį (pavyzdžiui, vaizdą, lentelę ir t. t.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Palikti darbų sąrašą","Left aligned image":"Vaizdas kairėje","Light blue":"Šviesiai mėlyna","Light green":"Šviesiai žalia","Light grey":"Šviesiai pilka",Link:"Pridėti nuorodą","Link image":"Susieti paveikslėlį","Link URL":"Nuorodos URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"Nuorodos URL negali būti tuščias.","List properties":"Vardyti ypatybes","Lower-latin":"žemesnysis-lotyniškas","Lower–roman":"žemesnysis-romėniškas","Media toolbar":"Medijų įrankių juosta","Media URL":"Media URL","media widget":"media valdiklis",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Redaguoti",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Failas",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Šriftas",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formatuoti",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Pagalba",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Įkelti",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Tekstas",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Įrankiai",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Žiūrėti","Merge cell down":"Prijungti langelį apačioje","Merge cell left":"Prijungti langelį kairėje","Merge cell right":"Prijungti langelį dešinėje","Merge cell up":"Prijungti langelį viršuje","Merge cells":"Sujungti langelius","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Perkelti fokusą tarp formos laukų (įvesčių, klavišų ir t. t.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Perkelti fokusą į ir iš aktyvaus dialogo lango","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Perkelti žymeklį į meniu juostą, naršyti tarp meniu juostų","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Perkelti fokusą į įrankių juostą, naršyti tarp įrankių juostų","Move out of a link":"Išeiti iš nuorodos","Move out of an inline code style":"Perėjimas iš įterptojo kodo stiliaus","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Perkelkite žymeklį, kad būtų galima rašyti iškart po valdiklio","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Perkelkite žymeklį, kad būtų galima rašyti iškart prieš valdiklį","Move the selection to the next cell":"Perkelti pasirinkimą į kitą langelį","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Perkelti pasirinkimą į ankstesnį langelį","Navigate through the table":"Naršyti po lentelę","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Naršykite po įrankių juostą arba meniu juostą",Next:"Kitas","No results found":"Nieko nerasta","No searchable items":"Nėra paieškos elementų",None:"Nieko","Numbered List":"Numeruotas rąrašas","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Numeruoto sąrašo stilių įrankių juosta","Open in a new tab":"Atverti naujoje kortelėje","Open link in new tab":"Atidaryti nuorodą naujame skirtuke","Open media in new tab":"Atidaryti mediją naujame skirtuke","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Atidaryti prieinamumo pagalbos dialogo langą",Orange:"Oranžinė",Original:"Originalus",Outset:"Pradžia",Padding:"Užpildymas",Paragraph:"Paragrafas","Paste content":"Įklijuoti turinį","Paste content as plain text":"Įklijuoti turinį kaip paprastą tekstą","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Įklijuokite media URL adresą į įvedimo lauką.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Įveskite teisingą spalvos formatą (pvz., „ff0000“).","Press %0 for help.":"Spauskite %0, norėdami gauti pagalbą.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Paspauskite Enter, jei norite rašyti po valdiklio, arba paspauskite Shift + Enter, jei norite rašyti prieš valdiklį.",Previous:"Buvęs",Purple:"Violetinė",Red:"Raudona",Redo:"Pirmyn","Remove color":"Pašalinti spalvą","Remove Format":"Naikinti formatavimą","Replace from computer":"Pakeisti iš kompiuterio","Replace image":"Pakeisti vaizdą","Replace image from computer":"Pakeisti paveiksliuką iš kompiuterio","Resize image":"Pakeisti paveikslėlio dydį","Resize image (in %0)":"Pakeisti vaizdo dydį (%0)","Resize image to %0":"Pakeisti paveikslėlio dydį į %0","Resize image to the original size":"Pakeisti paveikslėlio dydį į originalų","Restore default":"Atkurti numatytuosius","Reversed order":"Atvirkštinė tvarka","Revert autoformatting action":"Sugrąžinti automatinio formatavimo veiksmą","Rich Text Editor":"Raiškiojo teksto redaktorius",Ridge:"Briaunuotas","Right aligned image":"Vaizdas dešinėje",Row:"Eilutė",Save:"Išsaugoti","Select all":"Pasirinkti viską","Select column":"Pasirinkti stulpelį","Select row":"Pasirinkti eilutę","Show more items":"Rodyti daugiau elementų","Side image":"Vaizdas šone",Small:"Mažas",Solid:"Vientisas","Split cell horizontally":"Padalinti langelį horizontaliai","Split cell vertically":"Padalinti langelį vertikaliai",Square:"Kvadratas","Start at":"Pradėti nuo","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Pradžios indeksas turi būti didesnis nei 0.",Strikethrough:"Perbrauktas","Strikethrough text":"Perbraukti tekstą",Style:"Stilius",Subscript:"Žemiau",Superscript:"Aukščiau",Table:"Lentelė","Table alignment toolbar":"Teksto lygiavimo įrankių juosta","Table cell text alignment":"Lentelės langelio teksto lygiavimas","Table properties":"Lentelės savybės","Table toolbar":"Lentelės įrankių juosta","Text alternative":"Alternatyvusis tekstas",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Spalva neteisinga. Mėginkite "#FF0000" arba "rgb(255,0,0)" arba "raudona".',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL negali būti tuščias.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Reikšmė neteisinga. Mėginkite "10px" arba "2em", ar paprasčiausiai "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Reikšmės laukelis negali būti tuščias.","The value should be a plain number.":"Reikšmė turi būti sveikasis skaičius.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Šie spartieji klavišai leidžia greitai pasiekti turinio redagavimo funkcijas.","This link has no URL":"Ši nuorda neturi URL","This media URL is not supported.":"Šis media URL yra nepalaikomas.",Tiny:"Mažytis","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Patarimas: norėdami greičiau įterpti media tiesiog įklijuokite URL į turinį.","To-do List":"Užduočių sąrašas","Toggle caption off":"Išjungti antraštę","Toggle caption on":"Įjungti antraštę","Toggle the circle list style":"Perjungti ovalų sąrašo stilių","Toggle the decimal list style":"Perjungti dešimtainį sąrašo stilių","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Perjungti dešimtainį sąrašo su nuliu priekyje stilių","Toggle the disc list style":"Perjungti diskinį sąrašo stilių","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Perjungti žemesnįjį lotyniško stiliaus sąrašą","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Perjungti žemesnįjį romėniško stiliaus sąrašą","Toggle the square list style":"Perjungti kvadratinį sąrašo stilių","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Perjungti aukštesnįjį lotyniško stiliaus sąrašą","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Perjungti aukštesnįjį romėniško stiliaus sąrašą",Turquoise:"Turkio","Type or paste your content here.":"Rašykite ar įkopijuokite turinį čia.","Type your title":"Įveskite savo pavadinimą",Underline:"Pabrauktas","Underline text":"Pabraukti tekstą",Undo:"Atgal",Unlink:"Pašalinti nuorodą",Update:"Atnaujinti","Update image URL":"Atnaujinti paveikslėlio URL","Upload failed":"Įkelti nepavyko","Upload from computer":"Įkelti iš kompiuterio","Upload image from computer":"Įkelti paveiksliuką iš kompiuterio","Upload in progress":"Įkelima","Uploading image":"Įkeliamas vaizdas","Upper-latin":"Viršutinis romėniškas","Upper-roman":"Viršutinis romėniškas","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Norėdami efektyviau naršyti po „CKEditor 5“ naudotojo sąsają, naudokite toliau nurodytus klavišų paspaudimus.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Naudotojo sąsajos ir turinio navigacijos klavišų paspaudimai","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikalaus teksto lygiavimo įrankių juosta",White:"Balta","Widget toolbar":"Valdiklių įrankių juosta",Width:"Plotis","Wrap text":"Perkelti tekstą į kitą eilutę",Yellow:"Geltona"});e.getPluralForm=function(i){return i%10==1&&(i%100>19||i%100<11)?0:i%10>=2&&i%10<=9&&(i%100>19||i%100<11)?1:i%1!=0?2:3}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(i){const e=i["lt"]=i["lt"]||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(gali reikalauti Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 iš %1",Accept:"Priimti",Accessibility:"Prieinamumas","Accessibility help":"Prieinamumo pagalba","Advanced options":"Išplėstinės pasirinktys","Align cell text to the bottom":"Lygiuoti langelio tekstą apačioje","Align cell text to the center":"Lygiuoti langelio tekstą centre","Align cell text to the left":"Lygiuoti langelio tekstą kairėje","Align cell text to the middle":"Lygiuoti langelio tekstą viduryje","Align cell text to the right":"Lygiuoti langelio tekstą dešinėje","Align cell text to the top":"Lygiuoti langelio tekstą viršuje","Align center":"Centruoti","Align left":"Lygiuoti į kairę","Align right":"Lygiuoti į dešinę","Align table to the left":"Lygiuoti lentelę kairėje","Align table to the right":"Lygiuoti lentelę dešinėje",Alignment:"Lygiavimas",Aquamarine:"Aquamarine",Background:"Fonas","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Žemiau galite rasti sparčiųjų klavišų, kuriuos galima naudoti redaktoriuje, sąrašą.",Big:"Didelis",Black:"Juoda","Block quote":"Citata","Block styles":"Blokuoti stilius",Blue:"Mėlyna","Blue marker":"Mėlynas žymeklis",Bold:"Paryškintas","Bold text":"Pajuodinti tekstą",Border:"Kraštas","Break text":"Suskaidyti tekstą","Bulleted List":"Sąrašas","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Ženklinto sąrašo stilių įrankių juosta",Cancel:"Atšaukti","Caption for image: %0":"Vaizdo antraštė: %0","Caption for the image":"Vaizdo antraštė","Cell properties":"Langelio savybės","Center table":"Centruoti lentelę","Centered image":"Vaizdas centre","Change image text alternative":"Pakeisti vaizdo alternatyvųjį tekstą","Characters: %0":"Simbolių: %0","Choose heading":"Pasirinkite antraštę",Circle:"Apskritimas",Clear:"Išvalyti","Click to edit block":"Spustelėkite norėdami redaguoti bloką",Close:"Uždaryti","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Uždaryti kontekstinius pranešimus, išskleidžiamuosius meniu ir dialogo langus",Code:"Kodas","Code block":"Kodų blokas",Color:"Spalva","Color picker":"Spalvos ieškiklis",Column:"Stulpelis","Content editing keystrokes":"Turinio redagavimo klavišų paspaudimai","Copy selected content":"Kopijuoti pasirinktą turinį","Create link":"Sukurti nuorodą",Custom:"Tinkinti","Custom image size":"Tinkinti vaizdo dydį",Dashed:"Brūkšneliais",Decimal:"Dešimtainis","Decimal with leading zero":"Dešimtainis su nuliu priekyje","Decrease indent":"Sumažinti atitraukimą","Decrease list item indent":"Sumažinti sąrašo elemento įtrauką",Default:"Numatyta","Delete column":"Ištrinti stulpelį","Delete row":"Ištrinti eilutę","Dim grey":"Pilkšva",Dimensions:"Matmenys","Disable editing":"Išjungti redagavimą",Disc:"Diskas","Document colors":"Dokumento spalvos",Dotted:"Taškuotas",Double:"Dvigubas",Downloadable:"Parsisiunčiamas","Drag to move":"Vilkite, kad perkeltumėte","Dropdown toolbar":"Įrankių juosta pasirenkamajame sąraše","Edit block":"Redaguoti bloką","Edit link":"Keisti nuorodą","Editor block content toolbar":"Redaktoriaus bloko turinio įrankių juosta","Editor contextual toolbar":"Redaktoriaus kontekstinė įrankių juosta","Editor dialog":"Redaktoriaus dialogo langas","Editor editing area: %0":"Redaktoriaus redagavimo sritis: %0","Editor menu bar":"Redaktoriaus meniu juosta","Editor toolbar":"Redaktoriaus įrankių juosta","Enable editing":"Įjungti redagavimą","Enter image caption":"Įveskite vaizdo antraštę","Enter table caption":"Įvesti lentelės antraštę","Entering %0 code snippet":"Įvedama %0 kodo iškarpa","Entering a to-do list":"Įvesti darbų sąrašą","Entering code snippet":"Įvedama kodo iškarpa","Error during image upload":"Įkeliant vaizdą, įvyko klaida","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Vykdyti šiuo metu sufokusuotą mygtuką. Vykdant su redaktoriaus turiniu sąveikaujančius mygtukus, fokusas yra perkeliamas atgal į turinį.",Find:"Surasti","Find and replace":"Rasti ir pakeisti","Find in text…":"Surasti tekste...","Find in the document":"Ieškoti dokumente","Font Background Color":"Šrifto fono spalva","Font Color":"Šrifto spalva","Font Family":"Šrifto šeima","Font Size":"Šrifto dydis","Full size image":"Pilno dydžio vaizdas",Green:"Žalia","Green marker":"Žalias žymeklis","Green pen":"Žalias žymeklis",Grey:"Pilka",Groove:"Ilgas ir siauras","Header column":"Antraštės stulpelis","Header row":"Antraštės eilutė",Heading:"Antraštė","Heading 1":"Antraštė 1","Heading 2":"Antraštė 2","Heading 3":"Antraštė 3","Heading 4":"Antraštė 4","Heading 5":"Antraštė 5","Heading 6":"Antraštė 6",Height:"Aukštis","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Pagalbos turinys. Norėdami uždaryti šį dialogo langą, spauskite „ESC“.",HEX:"Šešioliktainė reikšmė (angl. HEX)",Highlight:"Pažymėti žymekliu","Horizontal line":"Horizontali linija","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horizontalaus teksto lygiavimo įrankių juosta","HTML object":"HTML object",Huge:"Milžiniškas","Image from computer":"Įkelti vaizdą iš kompiuterio","Image resize list":"Paveikslėlio dydžio keitimo sąrašas","Image toolbar":"Paveikslėlių įrankių juosta","Image upload complete":"Užbaigtas vaizdo įkėlimas","image widget":"vaizdų valdiklis","In line":"tolygiai","Increase indent":"Padidinti atitraukimą","Increase list item indent":"Padidinti sąrašo elemento įtrauką",Insert:"Įkelti","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Įterpti naują pastraipą","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Įterpti naują pastraipą iškart po valdiklio","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Įterpti naują pastraipą iškart prieš valdiklį","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Įterpti į lentelę naują eilutę (kai yra paskutiniame lentelės langelyje)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Įterpti eilutės lūžį (<br>
elementas)","Insert code block":"Įterpti codų bloką","Insert column left":"Įterpti stulpelį kairėje","Insert column right":"Įterpti stulpelį dešinėje","Insert image":"Įterpti vaizdą","Insert image via URL":"Įkelti paveikslėlį naudojant URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Įkelti pastraipą po bloko","Insert paragraph before block":"Įkelti pastraipą prieš bloką","Insert row above":"Įterpti eilutę aukščiau","Insert row below":"Įterpti eilutę žemiau","Insert table":"Įterpti lentelę",Inset:"Intarpas","Invalid start index value.":"Netinkama pradžios indekso vertė.",Italic:"Kursyvas","Italic text":"Rašyti tekstą kursyvu",Justify:"Lygiuoti per visą plotį","Justify cell text":"Pabrėžti langelio tekstą","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Sąraše galimi naudoti klavišų paspaudimai","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Klavišų paspaudimai, kurie gali būti naudojami lentelės langelyje","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klavišų paspaudimai, kuriuos galima naudoti pasirinkus valdiklį (pavyzdžiui, vaizdą, lentelę ir t. t.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Paliekama %0 kodo iškarpa","Leaving a to-do list":"Palikti darbų sąrašą","Leaving code snippet":"Paliekama kodo iškarpa","Left aligned image":"Vaizdas kairėje","Light blue":"Šviesiai mėlyna","Light green":"Šviesiai žalia","Light grey":"Šviesiai pilka",Link:"Pridėti nuorodą","Link image":"Susieti paveikslėlį","Link URL":"Nuorodos URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"Nuorodos URL negali būti tuščias.","List properties":"Vardyti ypatybes","Lower-latin":"žemesnysis-lotyniškas","Lower–roman":"žemesnysis-romėniškas","Match case":"Sutapties atvejis",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Redaguoti",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Failas",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Šriftas",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formatuoti",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Pagalba",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Įkelti",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Tekstas",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Įrankiai",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Žiūrėti","Merge cell down":"Prijungti langelį apačioje","Merge cell left":"Prijungti langelį kairėje","Merge cell right":"Prijungti langelį dešinėje","Merge cell up":"Prijungti langelį viršuje","Merge cells":"Sujungti langelius","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Perkelti fokusą tarp formos laukų (įvesčių, klavišų ir t. t.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Perkelti fokusą į ir iš aktyvaus dialogo lango","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Perkelti žymeklį į meniu juostą, naršyti tarp meniu juostų","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Perkelti fokusą į įrankių juostą, naršyti tarp įrankių juostų","Move out of a link":"Išeiti iš nuorodos","Move out of an inline code style":"Perėjimas iš įterptojo kodo stiliaus","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Perkelkite žymeklį, kad būtų galima rašyti iškart po valdiklio","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Perkelkite žymeklį, kad būtų galima rašyti iškart prieš valdiklį","Move the selection to the next cell":"Perkelti pasirinkimą į kitą langelį","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Perkelti pasirinkimą į ankstesnį langelį","Multiple styles":"Daug stilių","Navigate editable regions":"Naviguoti tarp redaguojamų sričių","Navigate through the table":"Naršyti po lentelę","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Naršykite po įrankių juostą arba meniu juostą",Next:"Kitas","Next editable region":"Sekanti redaguojama sritis","Next result":"Kitas rezultatas","No results found":"Nieko nerasta","No searchable items":"Nėra paieškos elementų",None:"Nieko","Numbered List":"Numeruotas rąrašas","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Numeruoto sąrašo stilių įrankių juosta","Open in a new tab":"Atverti naujoje kortelėje","Open link in new tab":"Atidaryti nuorodą naujame skirtuke","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Atidaryti prieinamumo pagalbos dialogo langą",Orange:"Oranžinė",Original:"Originalus",Outset:"Pradžia",Padding:"Užpildymas",Paragraph:"Paragrafas","Paste content":"Įklijuoti turinį","Paste content as plain text":"Įklijuoti turinį kaip paprastą tekstą","Pink marker":"Rožinis žymeklis","Plain text":"Paprastasis tekstas",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Įveskite teisingą spalvos formatą (pvz., „ff0000“).","Press %0 for help.":"Spauskite %0, norėdami gauti pagalbą.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Paspauskite Enter, jei norite rašyti po valdiklio, arba paspauskite Shift + Enter, jei norite rašyti prieš valdiklį.",Previous:"Buvęs","Previous editable region":"Buvusi redaguojama sritis","Previous result":"Buvęs rezultatas",Purple:"Violetinė",Red:"Raudona","Red pen":"Raudonas žymeklis",Redo:"Pirmyn","Remove color":"Pašalinti spalvą","Remove Format":"Naikinti formatavimą","Remove highlight":"Panaikinti pažymėjimą",Replace:"Pakeisti","Replace all":"Pakeisti visus","Replace from computer":"Pakeisti iš kompiuterio","Replace image":"Pakeisti vaizdą","Replace image from computer":"Pakeisti paveiksliuką iš kompiuterio","Replace with…":"Sukeisti su...","Resize image":"Pakeisti paveikslėlio dydį","Resize image (in %0)":"Pakeisti vaizdo dydį (%0)","Resize image to %0":"Pakeisti paveikslėlio dydį į %0","Resize image to the original size":"Pakeisti paveikslėlio dydį į originalų","Restore default":"Atkurti numatytuosius","Reversed order":"Atvirkštinė tvarka","Revert autoformatting action":"Sugrąžinti automatinio formatavimo veiksmą","Rich Text Editor":"Raiškiojo teksto redaktorius",Ridge:"Briaunuotas","Right aligned image":"Vaizdas dešinėje",Row:"Eilutė",Save:"Išsaugoti","Select all":"Pasirinkti viską","Select column":"Pasirinkti stulpelį","Select row":"Pasirinkti eilutę","Show more items":"Rodyti daugiau elementų","Side image":"Vaizdas šone",Small:"Mažas",Solid:"Vientisas","Split cell horizontally":"Padalinti langelį horizontaliai","Split cell vertically":"Padalinti langelį vertikaliai",Square:"Kvadratas","Start at":"Pradėti nuo","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Pradžios indeksas turi būti didesnis nei 0.",Strikethrough:"Perbrauktas","Strikethrough text":"Perbraukti tekstą",Style:"Stilius",Styles:"Stiliai",Subscript:"Žemiau",Superscript:"Aukščiau",Table:"Lentelė","Table alignment toolbar":"Teksto lygiavimo įrankių juosta","Table cell text alignment":"Lentelės langelio teksto lygiavimas","Table properties":"Lentelės savybės","Table toolbar":"Lentelės įrankių juosta","Text alignment":"Teksto lygiavimas","Text alignment toolbar":"Teksto lygiavimo įrankių juosta","Text alternative":"Alternatyvusis tekstas","Text highlight toolbar":"Teksto paryškinimo įrankių juosta","Text styles":"Teksto stiliai","Text to find must not be empty.":"Ieškomas tekstas negali būti tuščias.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Spalva neteisinga. Mėginkite "#FF0000" arba "rgb(255,0,0)" arba "raudona".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Reikšmė neteisinga. Mėginkite "10px" arba "2em", ar paprasčiausiai "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Reikšmės laukelis negali būti tuščias.","The value should be a plain number.":"Reikšmė turi būti sveikasis skaičius.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Šie spartieji klavišai leidžia greitai pasiekti turinio redagavimo funkcijas.","This link has no URL":"Ši nuorda neturi URL",Tiny:"Mažytis","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Patarimas: Pirmiausiai suraskite teksto, jog jį sukeistumėte.","To-do List":"Užduočių sąrašas","Toggle caption off":"Išjungti antraštę","Toggle caption on":"Įjungti antraštę","Toggle the circle list style":"Perjungti ovalų sąrašo stilių","Toggle the decimal list style":"Perjungti dešimtainį sąrašo stilių","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Perjungti dešimtainį sąrašo su nuliu priekyje stilių","Toggle the disc list style":"Perjungti diskinį sąrašo stilių","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Perjungti žemesnįjį lotyniško stiliaus sąrašą","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Perjungti žemesnįjį romėniško stiliaus sąrašą","Toggle the square list style":"Perjungti kvadratinį sąrašo stilių","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Perjungti aukštesnįjį lotyniško stiliaus sąrašą","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Perjungti aukštesnįjį romėniško stiliaus sąrašą",Turquoise:"Turkio","Type or paste your content here.":"Rašykite ar įkopijuokite turinį čia.","Type your title":"Įveskite savo pavadinimą",Underline:"Pabrauktas","Underline text":"Pabraukti tekstą",Undo:"Atgal",Unlink:"Pašalinti nuorodą",Update:"Atnaujinti","Update image URL":"Atnaujinti paveikslėlio URL","Upload failed":"Įkelti nepavyko","Upload from computer":"Įkelti iš kompiuterio","Upload image from computer":"Įkelti paveiksliuką iš kompiuterio","Upload in progress":"Įkelima","Uploading image":"Įkeliamas vaizdas","Upper-latin":"Viršutinis romėniškas","Upper-roman":"Viršutinis romėniškas","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Norėdami efektyviau naršyti po „CKEditor 5“ naudotojo sąsają, naudokite toliau nurodytus klavišų paspaudimus.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Naudotojo sąsajos ir turinio navigacijos klavišų paspaudimai","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikalaus teksto lygiavimo įrankių juosta",White:"Balta","Whole words only":"Tik vientisus žodžius","Widget toolbar":"Valdiklių įrankių juosta",Width:"Plotis","Words: %0":"Žodžių: %0","Wrap text":"Perkelti tekstą į kitą eilutę",Yellow:"Geltona","Yellow marker":"Geltonas žymeklis"});e.getPluralForm=function(i){return i%10==1&&(i%100>19||i%100<11)?0:i%10>=2&&i%10<=9&&(i%100>19||i%100<11)?1:i%1!=0?2:3}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/lv.js b/build/translations/lv.js
index 2c26e35..e65921e 100644
--- a/build/translations/lv.js
+++ b/build/translations/lv.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(t){const e=t["lv"]=t["lv"]||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(var būt nepieciešams Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 no %1",Accept:"Apstiprināt",Accessibility:"Pieejamība","Accessibility help":"Piekļūstamības palīdzība","Align cell text to the bottom":"Līdzināt šūnas tekstu pie apakšas","Align cell text to the center":"Līdzināt šūnas tekstu centrā","Align cell text to the left":"Līdzināt šūnas tekstu pa kreisi","Align cell text to the middle":"Līdzināt šūnas tekstu vidū","Align cell text to the right":"Līdzināt šūnas tekstu pa labi","Align cell text to the top":"Līdzināt šūnas tekstu pie augšas","Align table to the left":"Līdzināt tabulu pa kreisi","Align table to the right":"Līdzināt tabulu pa labi",Alignment:"Novietojums",Aquamarine:"Akvamarīns",Background:"Fona krāsa","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Zemāk skatīt īsinājumtaustiņu sarakstu, ko var izmantot redaktorā.",Big:"Liels",Black:"Melns","Block quote":"Citāts",Blue:"Zils",Bold:"Trekns","Bold text":"Teksts treknrakstā",Border:"Apmale","Break text":"Pārtraukt tekstu","Bulleted List":"Nenumurēts Saraksts","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Nenumurēta saraksta stili",Cancel:"Atcelt","Caption for image: %0":"Attēla virsraksts: %0","Caption for the image":"Attēla virsraksts","Cell properties":"Šūnas īpašības","Center table":"Centrēt tabulu","Centered image":"Centrēts attēls","Change image text alternative":"Mainīt attēla alternatīvo tekstu","Choose heading":"Izvēlēties virsrakstu",Circle:"Aplis",Clear:"Notīrīt","Click to edit block":"Noklikšķiniet, lai rediģētu sadaļu",Close:"Aizvērt","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Aizvērt kontekstuālās joslas, nolaižamās izvēlnes un dialoglodziņus",Code:"Kods",Color:"Teksta krāsa","Color picker":"Krāsu palete",Column:"Kolonna","Content editing keystrokes":"Satura rediģēšanas taustiņsitieni","Copy selected content":"Kopēt atlasīto saturu","Create link":"Izveidot saiti",Custom:"Pielāgot","Custom image size":"Pielāgot attēla izmēru",Dashed:"Pārtraukta līnija",Decimal:"Cipari","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimālskaitļi sākot ar nulli","Decrease indent":"Samazināt atkāpi","Decrease list item indent":"Samazināt saraksta vienuma atkāpi",Default:"Noklusējuma","Delete column":"Dzēst kolonnu","Delete row":"Dzēst rindu","Dim grey":"Blāvi pelēks",Dimensions:"Izmēri",Disc:"Disks","Document colors":"Krāsas dokumentā",Dotted:"Punktēta līnija",Double:"Dubulta līnija",Downloadable:"Lejupielādējams","Drag to move":"Velciet, lai pārvietotu","Dropdown toolbar":"Papildus izvēlnes rīkjosla","Edit block":"Labot bloku","Edit link":"Labot Saiti","Editor block content toolbar":"Rediģēšanas bloka satura rīkjosla","Editor contextual toolbar":"Redaktora konteksta rīkjosla","Editor dialog":"Redaktora dialoglodziņš","Editor editing area: %0":"Redaktora rediģēšanas zona: %0","Editor menu bar":"Redaktora izvēlņu josla","Editor toolbar":"Redaktora rīkjosla","Enter image caption":"Ievadiet attēla parakstu","Enter table caption":"Ievadiet tabulas parakstu","Entering a to-do list":"Pievieno uzdevumu sarakstu","Error during image upload":"Attēla augšupielādes laikā radās kļūda","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Izpildiet pašlaik fokusēto pogu. Izpildot pogas, kas mijiedarbojas ar redaktora saturu, fokuss tiek pārvietots atpakaļ uz saturu.","Font Background Color":"Fonta fona krāsa","Font Color":"Fonta krāsa","Font Family":"Fonts","Font Size":"Fonta Lielums","Full size image":"Pilna izmēra attēls",Green:"Zaļš",Grey:"Pelēks",Groove:"Iespiesta līnija","Header column":"Šī kolonna ir galvene","Header row":"Šī rinda ir galvene",Heading:"Virsraksts","Heading 1":"Virsraksts 1","Heading 2":"Virsraksts 2","Heading 3":"Virsraksts 3","Heading 4":"Virsraksts 4","Heading 5":"Virsraksts 5","Heading 6":"Virsraksts 6",Height:"Augstums","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Palīdzības saturs. Lai aizvērtu šo dialoglodziņu, nospiest ESC.",HEX:"HEX Krāsu kods","Horizontal line":"Horizontāli atdalošā līnija","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horizontāla teksta līdzināšana",Huge:"Milzīgs","Image from computer":"Attēls no datora","Image resize list":"Attēla izmēru saraksts","Image toolbar":"Attēlu rīkjosla","Image upload complete":"Attēla augšupielāde ir pabeigta","image widget":"attēla sīkrīks","In line":"Rindā","Increase indent":"Palielināt atkāpi","Increase list item indent":"Palielināt saraksta vienuma atkāpi",Insert:"Ievietot","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Ievietot stingro rindiņas pārtraukumu (jaunu rindkopu)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Ievietot jaunu rindkopu tieši aiz logrīka","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Ievietot jaunu rindkopu tieši pirms logrīka","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Ievietot jaunu tabulas rindu (esot tabulas pēdējā šūnā)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Ievietot rindiņas pārtraukumu (<br>
elements)","Insert column left":"Ievietot kolonnu pa kreisi","Insert column right":"Ievietot kolonnu pa labi","Insert image":"Ievietot attēlu","Insert image via URL":"Ievietot attēlu, izmantojot saiti","Insert media":"Ievietot mediju","Insert paragraph after block":"Ievietot paragrāfu aiz bloka","Insert paragraph before block":"Ievietot paragrāfu pirms bloka","Insert row above":"Ievietot rindu virs","Insert row below":"Ievietot rindu zem","Insert table":"Ievietot tabulu",Inset:"Ievietot / ieliktnis","Invalid start index value.":"Nederīga sākotnējā indeksa vērtība.",Italic:"Kursīvs","Italic text":"Teksts slīprakstā","Justify cell text":"Taisnot šūnas tekstu","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Taustiņsitieni, kurus var izmantot sarakstā","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Taustiņsitieni, kurus var izmantot tabulas šūnā","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Taustiņsitieni, kurus var izmantot, kad ir atlasīts logrīks (piemēram, attēls, tabula utt.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Atstāj veicamo darbu sarakstu","Left aligned image":"Pa kreisi līdzināts attēls","Light blue":"Gaiši zils","Light green":"Gaiši zaļš","Light grey":"Gaiši pelēks",Link:"Saite","Link image":"Ievietot saiti uz attēla","Link URL":"Saites URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"Saites URL lauks nedrīkst būt tukšs.","List properties":"saraksta detaļas","Lower-latin":"mazie latīņu burti","Lower–roman":"mazie romiešu burti","Media toolbar":"Mediju rīkjosla","Media URL":"Medija URL","media widget":"medija sīkrīks",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Labot",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fails",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Fonts",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formāts",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Palīdzība",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Ievietot",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Teksts",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Rīki",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Skatīt","Merge cell down":"Apvienot šūnas uz leju","Merge cell left":"Apvienot šūnas pa kreisi","Merge cell right":"Apvienot šūnas pa labi","Merge cell up":"Apvienot šūnas uz augšu","Merge cells":"Apvienot šūnas","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Pārvietot fokusu starp laukiem (ievades, pogas u.tml.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Pārvietot fokusu aktīvajā dialoglodziņā un no tā","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Pārvietot fokusu uz izvēļņu joslu, pārvietoties starp izvēļņu joslām","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Pārvietot fokusu uz rīkjoslu, pārvietoties starp rīkjoslām","Move out of a link":"Iziet no saites","Move out of an inline code style":"Iziet no iekļautā koda stila","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pārvietot kursoru, lai rakstītu tieši aiz logrīka","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pārvietot kursoru, lai rakstītu tieši pirms logrīka","Move the selection to the next cell":"Pārvietot atlasi uz nākamo šūnu","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Pārvietot atlasi uz iepriekšējo šūnu","Navigate through the table":"Pārvietoties tabulā","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Pārvietojieties rīkjoslā vai izvēlņu joslā",Next:"Nākamā","No results found":"Nekas nav atrasts","No searchable items":"Nav meklējamu vienumu",None:"Bez apmales","Numbered List":"Numurēts Saraksts","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Numurēta saraksta stili","Open in a new tab":"Atvērt jaunā cilnē","Open link in new tab":"Atvērt saiti jaunā cilnē","Open media in new tab":"Atvērt mediju jaunā cilnē","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Atvērt piekļūstamības palīdzības dialoglodziņu",Orange:"Oranžs",Original:"Oriģināls",Outset:"sākums",Padding:"Atstatums",Paragraph:"Paragrāfs","Paste content":"Ielīmēt saturu","Paste content as plain text":"Ielīmēt saturu kā tekstu","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Ielīmējiet medija URL teksta laukā.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Lūdzu, ievadiet derīgu krāsu (piemēram, "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Lai saņemtu palīdzību, nospiest %0.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Nospiediet taustiņu Enter, lai rakstītu aiz logrīka, vai nospiediet taustiņu Shift + Enter, lai rakstītu pirms logrīka",Previous:"Iepriekšējā",Purple:"Violets",Red:"Sarkans",Redo:"Uz priekšu","Remove color":"Noņemt krāsu","Remove Format":"Noņemt formatējumu","Replace from computer":"Aizvietot no datora","Replace image":"Aizstāt attēlu","Replace image from computer":"Aizstāt attēlu no datora","Resize image":"Mainīt attēla izmērus","Resize image (in %0)":"Mainīt attēla izmērus (%0)","Resize image to %0":"Mainīt attēla izmēru uz %0","Resize image to the original size":"Mainīt attēla izmēru uz oriģinālo izmēru","Restore default":"Atgriezt noklusējumu","Reversed order":"Pretēja secība","Revert autoformatting action":"Atjaunot automātiskās formatēšanas darbību","Rich Text Editor":"Bagātinātais Teksta Redaktors",Ridge:"Izcelta līnija","Right aligned image":"Pa labi līdzināts attēls",Row:"Rinda",Save:"Saglabāt","Select all":"Izvēlēties visu","Select column":"Izvēlēties kolonnu","Select row":"Izvēlēties rindu","Show more items":"Parādīt vairāk vienumus","Side image":"Sānā novietots attēls",Small:"Mazs",Solid:"Nepārtraukta līnija","Split cell horizontally":"Atdalīt šūnu horizontāli","Split cell vertically":"Atdalīt šūnu vertikāli",Square:"Kvadrāts","Start at":"Sākt no","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Indeksam jābūt lielākam par 0",Strikethrough:"Nosvītrots","Strikethrough text":"Pārsvītrot teksts",Style:"Stils",Subscript:"Apakšraksts",Superscript:"Augšraksts",Table:"Tabula","Table alignment toolbar":"Tabulas līdzināšana","Table cell text alignment":"Teksta novietojums šūnā","Table properties":"Tabulas īpašības","Table toolbar":"Tabulas rīkjosla","Text alternative":"Alternatīvais teksts",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Krāsa nav korekta. Mēģiniet "#FF0000" vai "rgb(255,0,0)" vai "red"',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL ir jābūt ievadītam.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Vērtība nav korekta. Mēģiniet "10px" vai "2em" vai vienkārši "2"',"The value must not be empty.":"Vērtība nedrīkst palikt tukša.","The value should be a plain number.":"Vērtībai ir jābūt vienkāršam skaitlim.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Šie īsinājumtaustiņi ļauj ātri piekļūt satura rediģēšanas funkcijām.","This link has no URL":"Saitei nav norādīts URL","This media URL is not supported.":"Šis medija URL netiek atbalstīts.",Tiny:"Ļoti mazs","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Padoms: Ielīmējiet adresi saturā, lai iegultu","To-do List":"To-do Saraksts","Toggle caption off":"Izslēgt tabulas parakstu","Toggle caption on":"Ieslēgt tabulas parakstu","Toggle the circle list style":"Pārslēgt apļveida saraksta stilu","Toggle the decimal list style":"Pārslēgt decimālskaitļu saraksta stilu","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Pārslēgt decimālskaitļu sākot ar nulli saraksta stilu","Toggle the disc list style":"Pārslēgt diskveida saraksta stilu","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Pārslēgt mazo latīņu burtu saraksta stilu","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Pārslēgt mazo romiešu burtu saraksta stilu","Toggle the square list style":"Pārslēgt kvadrātveida saraksta stilu","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Pārslēgt lielo latīņu burtu saraksta stilu","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Pārslēgt lielo romiešu burtu saraksta stilu",Turquoise:"Tirkīza","Type or paste your content here.":"Rakstiet vai ielīmējiet saturu šeit.","Type your title":"Ievadiet virsrakstu",Underline:"Pasvītrots","Underline text":"Pasvītrot tekstu",Undo:"Atsaukt",Unlink:"Noņemt Saiti",Update:"Atjaunināt","Update image URL":"Labot attēla avota saiti","Upload failed":"Augšupielāde neizdevusies","Upload from computer":"Augšupielādēt no datora","Upload image from computer":"Augšupielādēt attēlu no datora","Upload in progress":"Notiek augšupielāde","Uploading image":"Attēla augšupielāde","Upper-latin":"lielie latīņu burti","Upper-roman":"lielie romiešu burti","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Izmantot tālāk norādītos taustiņsitienus, lai nodrošinātu efektīvāku navigāciju CKEditor 5 lietotāja saskarnē.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Lietotāja interfeisa un satura navigācijas taustiņsitieni","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikāla teksta līdzināšana",White:"Balts","Widget toolbar":"Sīkrīku rīkjosla",Width:"Platums","Wrap text":"Aplauzt tekstu",Yellow:"Dzeltens"});e.getPluralForm=function(t){return t%10==1&&t%100!=11?0:t!=0?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(t){const e=t["lv"]=t["lv"]||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(var būt nepieciešams Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 no %1",Accept:"Apstiprināt",Accessibility:"Pieejamība","Accessibility help":"Piekļūstamības palīdzība","Advanced options":"Uzlabotas iespējas","Align cell text to the bottom":"Līdzināt šūnas tekstu pie apakšas","Align cell text to the center":"Līdzināt šūnas tekstu centrā","Align cell text to the left":"Līdzināt šūnas tekstu pa kreisi","Align cell text to the middle":"Līdzināt šūnas tekstu vidū","Align cell text to the right":"Līdzināt šūnas tekstu pa labi","Align cell text to the top":"Līdzināt šūnas tekstu pie augšas","Align center":"Centrēt","Align left":"Pa kreisi","Align right":"Pa labi","Align table to the left":"Līdzināt tabulu pa kreisi","Align table to the right":"Līdzināt tabulu pa labi",Alignment:"Novietojums",Aquamarine:"Akvamarīns",Background:"Fona krāsa","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Zemāk skatīt īsinājumtaustiņu sarakstu, ko var izmantot redaktorā.",Big:"Liels",Black:"Melns","Block quote":"Citāts","Block styles":"Bloka stili",Blue:"Zils","Blue marker":"Zils marķieris",Bold:"Trekns","Bold text":"Teksts treknrakstā",Border:"Apmale","Break text":"Pārtraukt tekstu","Bulleted List":"Nenumurēts Saraksts","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Nenumurēta saraksta stili",Cancel:"Atcelt","Caption for image: %0":"Attēla virsraksts: %0","Caption for the image":"Attēla virsraksts","Cell properties":"Šūnas īpašības","Center table":"Centrēt tabulu","Centered image":"Centrēts attēls","Change image text alternative":"Mainīt attēla alternatīvo tekstu","Characters: %0":"Rakstzīmes: %0","Choose heading":"Izvēlēties virsrakstu",Circle:"Aplis",Clear:"Notīrīt","Click to edit block":"Noklikšķiniet, lai rediģētu sadaļu",Close:"Aizvērt","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Aizvērt kontekstuālās joslas, nolaižamās izvēlnes un dialoglodziņus",Code:"Kods","Code block":"Koda bloks",Color:"Teksta krāsa","Color picker":"Krāsu palete",Column:"Kolonna","Content editing keystrokes":"Satura rediģēšanas taustiņsitieni","Copy selected content":"Kopēt atlasīto saturu","Create link":"Izveidot saiti",Custom:"Pielāgot","Custom image size":"Pielāgot attēla izmēru",Dashed:"Pārtraukta līnija",Decimal:"Cipari","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimālskaitļi sākot ar nulli","Decrease indent":"Samazināt atkāpi","Decrease list item indent":"Samazināt saraksta vienuma atkāpi",Default:"Noklusējuma","Delete column":"Dzēst kolonnu","Delete row":"Dzēst rindu","Dim grey":"Blāvi pelēks",Dimensions:"Izmēri","Disable editing":"Atspējot labošanu",Disc:"Disks","Document colors":"Krāsas dokumentā",Dotted:"Punktēta līnija",Double:"Dubulta līnija",Downloadable:"Lejupielādējams","Drag to move":"Velciet, lai pārvietotu","Dropdown toolbar":"Papildus izvēlnes rīkjosla","Edit block":"Labot bloku","Edit link":"Labot Saiti","Editor block content toolbar":"Rediģēšanas bloka satura rīkjosla","Editor contextual toolbar":"Redaktora konteksta rīkjosla","Editor dialog":"Redaktora dialoglodziņš","Editor editing area: %0":"Redaktora rediģēšanas zona: %0","Editor menu bar":"Redaktora izvēlņu josla","Editor toolbar":"Redaktora rīkjosla","Enable editing":"Iespējot labošanu","Enter image caption":"Ievadiet attēla parakstu","Enter table caption":"Ievadiet tabulas parakstu","Entering %0 code snippet":"%0 koda fragmenta ievade","Entering a to-do list":"Pievieno uzdevumu sarakstu","Entering code snippet":"Koda fragmenta ievade","Error during image upload":"Attēla augšupielādes laikā radās kļūda","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Izpildiet pašlaik fokusēto pogu. Izpildot pogas, kas mijiedarbojas ar redaktora saturu, fokuss tiek pārvietots atpakaļ uz saturu.",Find:"Meklēt","Find and replace":"Meklēt un aizstāt","Find in text…":"Meklēt tekstā...","Find in the document":"Meklēt dokumentā","Font Background Color":"Fonta fona krāsa","Font Color":"Fonta krāsa","Font Family":"Fonts","Font Size":"Fonta Lielums","Full size image":"Pilna izmēra attēls",Green:"Zaļš","Green marker":"Zaļš marķieris","Green pen":"Zaļa pildspalva",Grey:"Pelēks",Groove:"Iespiesta līnija","Header column":"Šī kolonna ir galvene","Header row":"Šī rinda ir galvene",Heading:"Virsraksts","Heading 1":"Virsraksts 1","Heading 2":"Virsraksts 2","Heading 3":"Virsraksts 3","Heading 4":"Virsraksts 4","Heading 5":"Virsraksts 5","Heading 6":"Virsraksts 6",Height:"Augstums","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Palīdzības saturs. Lai aizvērtu šo dialoglodziņu, nospiest ESC.",HEX:"HEX Krāsu kods",Highlight:"Izcelt","Horizontal line":"Horizontāli atdalošā līnija","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horizontāla teksta līdzināšana","HTML object":"HTML objekts",Huge:"Milzīgs","Image from computer":"Attēls no datora","Image resize list":"Attēla izmēru saraksts","Image toolbar":"Attēlu rīkjosla","Image upload complete":"Attēla augšupielāde ir pabeigta","image widget":"attēla sīkrīks","In line":"Rindā","Increase indent":"Palielināt atkāpi","Increase list item indent":"Palielināt saraksta vienuma atkāpi",Insert:"Ievietot","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Ievietot stingro rindiņas pārtraukumu (jaunu rindkopu)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Ievietot jaunu rindkopu tieši aiz logrīka","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Ievietot jaunu rindkopu tieši pirms logrīka","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Ievietot jaunu tabulas rindu (esot tabulas pēdējā šūnā)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Ievietot rindiņas pārtraukumu (<br>
elements)","Insert code block":"Ievietot koda bloku","Insert column left":"Ievietot kolonnu pa kreisi","Insert column right":"Ievietot kolonnu pa labi","Insert image":"Ievietot attēlu","Insert image via URL":"Ievietot attēlu, izmantojot saiti","Insert paragraph after block":"Ievietot paragrāfu aiz bloka","Insert paragraph before block":"Ievietot paragrāfu pirms bloka","Insert row above":"Ievietot rindu virs","Insert row below":"Ievietot rindu zem","Insert table":"Ievietot tabulu",Inset:"Ievietot / ieliktnis","Invalid start index value.":"Nederīga sākotnējā indeksa vērtība.",Italic:"Kursīvs","Italic text":"Teksts slīprakstā",Justify:"Izlīdzināt abas malas","Justify cell text":"Taisnot šūnas tekstu","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Taustiņsitieni, kurus var izmantot sarakstā","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Taustiņsitieni, kurus var izmantot tabulas šūnā","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Taustiņsitieni, kurus var izmantot, kad ir atlasīts logrīks (piemēram, attēls, tabula utt.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Tiek atstāts %0 koda fragments","Leaving a to-do list":"Atstāj veicamo darbu sarakstu","Leaving code snippet":"Atstāj koda fragmentu","Left aligned image":"Pa kreisi līdzināts attēls","Light blue":"Gaiši zils","Light green":"Gaiši zaļš","Light grey":"Gaiši pelēks",Link:"Saite","Link image":"Ievietot saiti uz attēla","Link URL":"Saites URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"Saites URL lauks nedrīkst būt tukšs.","List properties":"saraksta detaļas","Lower-latin":"mazie latīņu burti","Lower–roman":"mazie romiešu burti","Match case":"Precīza atbilstība",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Labot",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fails",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Fonts",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formāts",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Palīdzība",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Ievietot",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Teksts",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Rīki",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Skatīt","Merge cell down":"Apvienot šūnas uz leju","Merge cell left":"Apvienot šūnas pa kreisi","Merge cell right":"Apvienot šūnas pa labi","Merge cell up":"Apvienot šūnas uz augšu","Merge cells":"Apvienot šūnas","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Pārvietot fokusu starp laukiem (ievades, pogas u.tml.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Pārvietot fokusu aktīvajā dialoglodziņā un no tā","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Pārvietot fokusu uz izvēļņu joslu, pārvietoties starp izvēļņu joslām","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Pārvietot fokusu uz rīkjoslu, pārvietoties starp rīkjoslām","Move out of a link":"Iziet no saites","Move out of an inline code style":"Iziet no iekļautā koda stila","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pārvietot kursoru, lai rakstītu tieši aiz logrīka","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pārvietot kursoru, lai rakstītu tieši pirms logrīka","Move the selection to the next cell":"Pārvietot atlasi uz nākamo šūnu","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Pārvietot atlasi uz iepriekšējo šūnu","Multiple styles":"Vairāki stili","Navigate editable regions":"Navigēt caur labojamajiem reģioniem","Navigate through the table":"Pārvietoties tabulā","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Pārvietojieties rīkjoslā vai izvēlņu joslā",Next:"Nākamā","Next editable region":"Nākamais labošanas reģions","Next result":"Nākamais rezultāts","No results found":"Nekas nav atrasts","No searchable items":"Nav meklējamu vienumu",None:"Bez apmales","Numbered List":"Numurēts Saraksts","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Numurēta saraksta stili","Open in a new tab":"Atvērt jaunā cilnē","Open link in new tab":"Atvērt saiti jaunā cilnē","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Atvērt piekļūstamības palīdzības dialoglodziņu",Orange:"Oranžs",Original:"Oriģināls",Outset:"sākums",Padding:"Atstatums",Paragraph:"Paragrāfs","Paste content":"Ielīmēt saturu","Paste content as plain text":"Ielīmēt saturu kā tekstu","Pink marker":"Rozā marķieris","Plain text":"Vienkāršs teksts",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Lūdzu, ievadiet derīgu krāsu (piemēram, "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Lai saņemtu palīdzību, nospiest %0.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Nospiediet taustiņu Enter, lai rakstītu aiz logrīka, vai nospiediet taustiņu Shift + Enter, lai rakstītu pirms logrīka",Previous:"Iepriekšējā","Previous editable region":"Iepriekšējais labošanas reģions","Previous result":"Iepriekšējais rezultāts",Purple:"Violets",Red:"Sarkans","Red pen":"Sarkana pildspalva",Redo:"Uz priekšu","Remove color":"Noņemt krāsu","Remove Format":"Noņemt formatējumu","Remove highlight":"Noņemt izcēlumu",Replace:"Aizstāt","Replace all":"Aizstāt visu","Replace from computer":"Aizvietot no datora","Replace image":"Aizstāt attēlu","Replace image from computer":"Aizstāt attēlu no datora","Replace with…":"Aizstāt ar...","Resize image":"Mainīt attēla izmērus","Resize image (in %0)":"Mainīt attēla izmērus (%0)","Resize image to %0":"Mainīt attēla izmēru uz %0","Resize image to the original size":"Mainīt attēla izmēru uz oriģinālo izmēru","Restore default":"Atgriezt noklusējumu","Reversed order":"Pretēja secība","Revert autoformatting action":"Atjaunot automātiskās formatēšanas darbību","Rich Text Editor":"Bagātinātais Teksta Redaktors",Ridge:"Izcelta līnija","Right aligned image":"Pa labi līdzināts attēls",Row:"Rinda",Save:"Saglabāt","Select all":"Izvēlēties visu","Select column":"Izvēlēties kolonnu","Select row":"Izvēlēties rindu","Show more items":"Parādīt vairāk vienumus","Side image":"Sānā novietots attēls",Small:"Mazs",Solid:"Nepārtraukta līnija","Split cell horizontally":"Atdalīt šūnu horizontāli","Split cell vertically":"Atdalīt šūnu vertikāli",Square:"Kvadrāts","Start at":"Sākt no","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Indeksam jābūt lielākam par 0",Strikethrough:"Nosvītrots","Strikethrough text":"Pārsvītrot teksts",Style:"Stils",Styles:"Stili",Subscript:"Apakšraksts",Superscript:"Augšraksts",Table:"Tabula","Table alignment toolbar":"Tabulas līdzināšana","Table cell text alignment":"Teksta novietojums šūnā","Table properties":"Tabulas īpašības","Table toolbar":"Tabulas rīkjosla","Text alignment":"Teksta izlīdzināšana","Text alignment toolbar":"Teksta līdzināšanas rīkjosla","Text alternative":"Alternatīvais teksts","Text highlight toolbar":"Teksta izcēluma rīkjosla","Text styles":"Teksta stili","Text to find must not be empty.":"Meklēšanas tekstam jābūt aizpildītam.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Krāsa nav korekta. Mēģiniet "#FF0000" vai "rgb(255,0,0)" vai "red"','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Vērtība nav korekta. Mēģiniet "10px" vai "2em" vai vienkārši "2"',"The value must not be empty.":"Vērtība nedrīkst palikt tukša.","The value should be a plain number.":"Vērtībai ir jābūt vienkāršam skaitlim.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Šie īsinājumtaustiņi ļauj ātri piekļūt satura rediģēšanas funkcijām.","This link has no URL":"Saitei nav norādīts URL",Tiny:"Ļoti mazs","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Padoms: Sākumā uzmeklējiet tekstu un tikai tad aizstājiet to.","To-do List":"To-do Saraksts","Toggle caption off":"Izslēgt tabulas parakstu","Toggle caption on":"Ieslēgt tabulas parakstu","Toggle the circle list style":"Pārslēgt apļveida saraksta stilu","Toggle the decimal list style":"Pārslēgt decimālskaitļu saraksta stilu","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Pārslēgt decimālskaitļu sākot ar nulli saraksta stilu","Toggle the disc list style":"Pārslēgt diskveida saraksta stilu","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Pārslēgt mazo latīņu burtu saraksta stilu","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Pārslēgt mazo romiešu burtu saraksta stilu","Toggle the square list style":"Pārslēgt kvadrātveida saraksta stilu","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Pārslēgt lielo latīņu burtu saraksta stilu","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Pārslēgt lielo romiešu burtu saraksta stilu",Turquoise:"Tirkīza","Type or paste your content here.":"Rakstiet vai ielīmējiet saturu šeit.","Type your title":"Ievadiet virsrakstu",Underline:"Pasvītrots","Underline text":"Pasvītrot tekstu",Undo:"Atsaukt",Unlink:"Noņemt Saiti",Update:"Atjaunināt","Update image URL":"Labot attēla avota saiti","Upload failed":"Augšupielāde neizdevusies","Upload from computer":"Augšupielādēt no datora","Upload image from computer":"Augšupielādēt attēlu no datora","Upload in progress":"Notiek augšupielāde","Uploading image":"Attēla augšupielāde","Upper-latin":"lielie latīņu burti","Upper-roman":"lielie romiešu burti","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Izmantot tālāk norādītos taustiņsitienus, lai nodrošinātu efektīvāku navigāciju CKEditor 5 lietotāja saskarnē.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Lietotāja interfeisa un satura navigācijas taustiņsitieni","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikāla teksta līdzināšana",White:"Balts","Whole words only":"Tikai pilni vārdi","Widget toolbar":"Sīkrīku rīkjosla",Width:"Platums","Words: %0":"Vārdi: %0","Wrap text":"Aplauzt tekstu",Yellow:"Dzeltens","Yellow marker":"Dzeltens marķieris"});e.getPluralForm=function(t){return t%10==1&&t%100!=11?0:t!=0?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
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diff --git a/build/translations/ms.js b/build/translations/ms.js
index ef3659c..0d3fc70 100644
--- a/build/translations/ms.js
+++ b/build/translations/ms.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(a){const e=a["ms"]=a["ms"]||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(mungkin memerlukan Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 daripada %1",Accept:"Terima",Accessibility:"Kebolehaksesan","Accessibility help":"Bantuan kebolehaksesan","Align cell text to the bottom":"Jajarkan teks sel kebawah","Align cell text to the center":"Jajarkan teks sel ketengah","Align cell text to the left":"Jajarkan teks sel kekiri","Align cell text to the middle":"Jajarkan teks sel ketengah","Align cell text to the right":"Jajarkan teks sel kekanan","Align cell text to the top":"Jajarkan teks sel keatas","Align table to the left":"Jajarkan jadual sel kekiri","Align table to the right":"Jajarkan jadual sel kekanan",Alignment:"Jajaran",Aquamarine:"Akuamarin",Background:"Latar belakang","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Anda boleh menemui senarai pintasan papan kekunci yang boleh digunakan dalam penyunting di bawah.",Big:"Besar",Black:"Hitam","Block quote":"Blok petikan",Blue:"Biru",Bold:"Tebal","Bold text":"Teks tebal",Border:"Sempadan","Break text":"Potong teks","Bulleted List":"Senarai Berbulet","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Bar capaian gaya senarai berbulet",Cancel:"Batal","Caption for image: %0":"Kapsyen untuk imej: %0","Caption for the image":"Kapsyen untuk imej","Cell properties":"Sifat sel","Center table":"Ketengahkan jadual","Centered image":"Imej berjajar tengah","Change image text alternative":"Tukar alternatif teks imej","Choose heading":"Pilih pengepala",Circle:"Bula",Clear:"Kosongkan","Click to edit block":"Klik untuk menyunting sekatan",Close:"Tutup","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Tutup belon konteks, senarai juntai bawah dan dialog",Code:"Kod",Color:"Warna","Color picker":"Pemilih warna",Column:"Kolum","Content editing keystrokes":"Ketukan kekunci penyuntingan kandungan","Copy selected content":"Salin kandungan yang dipilih","Create link":"Buat pautan",Custom:"Suaikan","Custom image size":"Suaikan saiz imej",Dashed:"Garis putus-putus",Decimal:"Perpuluhan","Decimal with leading zero":"Perpuluhan dengan kosong pendahulu","Decrease indent":"Kurangkan inden","Decrease list item indent":"Kurangkan inden item senarai",Default:"Lalai","Delete column":"Padam kolum","Delete row":"Padam baris","Dim grey":"Kelabu malap",Dimensions:"Dimensi",Disc:"Cakera","Document colors":"Warna dokumen",Dotted:"Bertitik",Double:"Dua baris",Downloadable:"Boleh dimuat turun","Drag to move":"Seret untuk menggerakkan","Dropdown toolbar":"Bar alat capaian tetingkap","Edit block":"Sunting blok","Edit link":"Sunting pautan","Editor block content toolbar":"Bar alat sekat kandungan editor","Editor contextual toolbar":"Bar alat kontekstual editor","Editor dialog":"Dialog editor","Editor editing area: %0":"Ruang suntingan editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"Bar menu penyunting","Editor toolbar":"Bar alat capaian suntingan","Enter image caption":"Masukkan kapsyen imej","Enter table caption":"Benarkan kapsyen jadual","Entering a to-do list":"Memasukkan senarai tugas untuk dilakukan","Error during image upload":"Ralat semasa muat naik imej","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Laksanakan butang yang sedang difokuskan. Melaksanakan butang yang berinteraksi dengan kandungan penyunting mengalihkan fokus kembali ke kandungan.","Font Background Color":"Warna Latar Belakang Fon","Font Color":"Warna Fon","Font Family":"Keluarga Fon","Font Size":"Saiz fon","Full size image":"Imej bersaiz penuh",Green:"Hijau",Grey:"Kelabu",Groove:"Lurah","Header column":"Kolum pengepala","Header row":"Baris pengepala",Heading:"Pengepala","Heading 1":"Pengepala 1","Heading 2":"Pengepala 2","Heading 3":"Pengepala 3","Heading 4":"Pengepala 4","Heading 5":"Pengepala 5","Heading 6":"Pengepala 6",Height:"Ketinggian","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Kandungan Bantuan. Untuk menutup dialog ini tekan ESC.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Baris melintang","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Bar alat capaian jajaran teks melintang",Huge:"Gergasi","Image from computer":"Gambar daripada komputer","Image resize list":"Senarai saizkan semula imej ","Image toolbar":"Bar alat capaian imej","Image upload complete":"Muat naik imej selesai","image widget":"widget imej","In line":"Dalam baris","Increase indent":"Tambah inden","Increase list item indent":"Tingkatkan inden item senarai",Insert:"Masukkan","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Masukkan perenggan baharu (perenggan baharu)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Masukkan perenggan baharu secara langsung selepas widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Masukkan perenggan baharu secara langsung sebelum widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Masukkan baris jadual baharu (apabila berada dalam sel terakhir jadual)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Masukkan baris baharu (elemen <br>
)","Insert column left":"Masukkan kolum kiri","Insert column right":"Masukkan kolum kanan","Insert image":"Masukkan imej","Insert image via URL":"Masukkan imej melalui URL","Insert media":"Masukkan media","Insert paragraph after block":"Masukkan perenggan sebelum blok","Insert paragraph before block":"Masukkan perenggan sebelum blok","Insert row above":"Masukkan baris diatas","Insert row below":"Masukkan baris dibawah","Insert table":"Masukkan jadual",Inset:"Inset","Invalid start index value.":"Nilai indeks permulaan tidak sah.",Italic:"Italik","Italic text":"Teks huruf condong","Justify cell text":"Imbang teks sel","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Ketukan kekunci yang boleh digunakan dalam senarai","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Ketukan kekunci yang boleh digunakan dalam sel jadual","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Ketukan kekunci yang boleh digunakan semasa widget dipilih (contohnya: imej, jadual, dsb.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Meninggalkan senarai tugas untuk dilakukan","Left aligned image":"Imej berjajar kiri","Light blue":"Biru cerah","Light green":"Hijau cerah","Light grey":"Kelabu cerah",Link:"Pautkan","Link image":"Pautkan imej","Link URL":"Pautkan URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"URL pautan tidak boleh kosong.","List properties":"Senarai sifat","Lower-latin":"Latin bawah","Lower–roman":"Roman bawah","Media toolbar":"Bar alat capaian media","Media URL":"URL Media","media widget":"widget media",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Edit",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fail",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Fon",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Bantuan",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Masukkan",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Teks",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Alatan",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Paparan","Merge cell down":"Cantumkan sel kebawah","Merge cell left":"Cantumkan sel kekiri","Merge cell right":"Cantumkan sel kekanan","Merge cell up":"Cantumkan sel keatas","Merge cells":"Cantumkan sel ","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Alihkan fokus antara medan borang (input, butang, dll.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Alihkan fokus masuk atau keluar daripada tetingkap dialog aktif","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Alihkan fokus ke bar menu, navigasi antara bar menu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Alihkan fokus ke bar alat, navigasi antara bar alat","Move out of a link":"Alih keluar pautan","Move out of an inline code style":"Alih keluar daripada gaya kod sebaris","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Alihkan karet untuk membenarkan penaipan secara langsung selepas widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Alihkan karet untuk membenarkan penaipan secara langsung sebelum widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Alihkan pilihan ke sel seterusnya","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Alihkan pilihan ke sel sebelumnya","Navigate through the table":"Navigasi melalui jadual","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navigasi melalui bar alat atau bar menu",Next:"Seterusnya","No results found":"Tiada keputusan ditemui","No searchable items":"Tiada item untuk dicari",None:"Tiada","Numbered List":"Senarai Bernombor","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Bar alat capaian gaya senarai bernombor","Open in a new tab":"Buka dalam tab baru","Open link in new tab":"Buka pautan dalam tab baru","Open media in new tab":"Buka media dalam tab baru","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Buka dialog bantuan kebolehaksesan",Orange:"Oren",Original:"Asal",Outset:"Outset",Padding:"Ketebalan",Paragraph:"Perenggan","Paste content":"Tampal kandungan","Paste content as plain text":"Tampal kandungan sebagai teks kosong","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Tampal URL media dalam input.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Sila masukkan warna yang sah (contohnya, "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Tekan %0 untuk bantuan.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tekan Enter untuk menaip selepas atau tekan Shift + Enter untuk menaip sebelum widget",Previous:"Sebelumnya",Purple:"Ungu",Red:"Merah",Redo:"Buat semula","Remove color":"Buang warna","Remove Format":"Buang Format","Replace from computer":"Gantikan daripada komputer","Replace image":"Gantikan imej","Replace image from computer":"Gantikan imej daripada komputer","Resize image":"Saizkan semula imej","Resize image (in %0)":"Ubah saiz imej (dalam %0)","Resize image to %0":"Saizkan semula imej kepada %0","Resize image to the original size":"Saizkan semula imej kepada saiz asal","Restore default":"Pulihkan lalai","Reversed order":"Susunan terbalik","Revert autoformatting action":"Pulihkan tindakan pemformatan automatik","Rich Text Editor":"Penyunting Teks Kaya",Ridge:"Batas","Right aligned image":"Imej berjajar kanan",Row:"Baris",Save:"Simpan","Select all":"Pilih seterusnya","Select column":"Pilih kolum","Select row":"Pilih baris","Show more items":"Tunjukkan item lain","Side image":"Sisi imej",Small:"Kecil",Solid:"Pejal","Split cell horizontally":"Leraikan sel melintang","Split cell vertically":"Leraikan sel menegak",Square:"Petak","Start at":"Mula pada","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Indeks mula hendaklah lebih besar daripada 0.",Strikethrough:"Garis lorek","Strikethrough text":"Teks coretan",Style:"Gaya",Subscript:"Subskrip",Superscript:"Superskrip",Table:"Jadual","Table alignment toolbar":"Bar alat capaian jajaran jadual","Table cell text alignment":"Jajaran teks sel jadual","Table properties":"Sifat jadual","Table toolbar":"Bar alat capaian jadual","Text alternative":"Alternatif teks",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Warna tidak sah. Cuba "#FF0000" atau "rgb(255,0,0)" atau "merah".',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL tidak boleh ditinggalkan kosong.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Nilai tidak sah. Cuba "10px" atau "2em" atau "2" sahaja.',"The value must not be empty.":"Nilai tidak boleh kosong.","The value should be a plain number.":"Nilai hendaklah nombor biasa.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Pintasan papan kekunci ini membenarkan akses pantas kepada ciri-ciri penyuntingan kandungan.","This link has no URL":"Pautan ini tidak mempunyai URL","This media URL is not supported.":"URL media ini tidak disokong.",Tiny:"Halus","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Petua: Tampal URL kedalam kandungan untuk membenam dengan lebih pantas.","To-do List":"Senarai Untuk Dilakukan","Toggle caption off":"Tutup kapsyen","Toggle caption on":"Buka kapsyen","Toggle the circle list style":"Buka gaya senarai bulatan","Toggle the decimal list style":"Buka gaya senarai titik perpuluhan","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Buka titik perpuluhan dengan gaya senarai kosong pendahulu","Toggle the disc list style":"Buka gaya senarai cakera","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Buka gaya senarai latin bawah","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Buka gaya senarai roman bawah","Toggle the square list style":"Buka gaya senarai petak","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Buka gaya senarai latin atas","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Buka gaya senarai roman atas",Turquoise:"Firus","Type or paste your content here.":"Taip atau tampal kandungan anda disini.","Type your title":"Taip tajuk anda",Underline:"Garis bawah","Underline text":"Teks garis bawah",Undo:"Buat asal",Unlink:"Buang pautan",Update:"Kemaskini","Update image URL":"Kemaskini URL imej","Upload failed":"Muat naik gagal","Upload from computer":"Muat naik daripada komputer","Upload image from computer":"Muat naik gambar daripada komputer","Upload in progress":"Muat naik sedang berlangsung","Uploading image":"Memuat naik imej","Upper-latin":"Latin atas","Upper-roman":"Roman atas","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Guna ketukan kekunci berikut untuk menavigasi dengan lebih cekap dalam antara muka pengguna CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Antara muka pengguna dan ketukan kekunci navigasi kandungan","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Bar alat capaian jajaran teks menegak",White:"Putih","Widget toolbar":"Bar alat capaian widget",Width:"Lebar","Wrap text":"Balut teks",Yellow:"Kuning"});e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(a){const e=a["ms"]=a["ms"]||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(mungkin memerlukan Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 daripada %1",Accept:"Terima",Accessibility:"Kebolehaksesan","Accessibility help":"Bantuan kebolehaksesan","Advanced options":"Pilihan lanjutan","Align cell text to the bottom":"Jajarkan teks sel kebawah","Align cell text to the center":"Jajarkan teks sel ketengah","Align cell text to the left":"Jajarkan teks sel kekiri","Align cell text to the middle":"Jajarkan teks sel ketengah","Align cell text to the right":"Jajarkan teks sel kekanan","Align cell text to the top":"Jajarkan teks sel keatas","Align center":"Jajarkan tengah","Align left":"Jajarkan kiri","Align right":"Jajarkan kiri","Align table to the left":"Jajarkan jadual sel kekiri","Align table to the right":"Jajarkan jadual sel kekanan",Alignment:"Jajaran",Aquamarine:"Akuamarin",Background:"Latar belakang","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Anda boleh menemui senarai pintasan papan kekunci yang boleh digunakan dalam penyunting di bawah.",Big:"Besar",Black:"Hitam","Block quote":"Blok petikan","Block styles":"Gaya blok",Blue:"Biru","Blue marker":"Penanda biru",Bold:"Tebal","Bold text":"Teks tebal",Border:"Sempadan","Break text":"Potong teks","Bulleted List":"Senarai Berbulet","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Bar capaian gaya senarai berbulet",Cancel:"Batal","Caption for image: %0":"Kapsyen untuk imej: %0","Caption for the image":"Kapsyen untuk imej","Cell properties":"Sifat sel","Center table":"Ketengahkan jadual","Centered image":"Imej berjajar tengah","Change image text alternative":"Tukar alternatif teks imej","Characters: %0":"Aksara: %0","Choose heading":"Pilih pengepala",Circle:"Bula",Clear:"Kosongkan","Click to edit block":"Klik untuk menyunting sekatan",Close:"Tutup","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Tutup belon konteks, senarai juntai bawah dan dialog",Code:"Kod","Code block":"Sekatan kod",Color:"Warna","Color picker":"Pemilih warna",Column:"Kolum","Content editing keystrokes":"Ketukan kekunci penyuntingan kandungan","Copy selected content":"Salin kandungan yang dipilih","Create link":"Buat pautan",Custom:"Suaikan","Custom image size":"Suaikan saiz imej",Dashed:"Garis putus-putus",Decimal:"Perpuluhan","Decimal with leading zero":"Perpuluhan dengan kosong pendahulu","Decrease indent":"Kurangkan inden","Decrease list item indent":"Kurangkan inden item senarai",Default:"Lalai","Delete column":"Padam kolum","Delete row":"Padam baris","Dim grey":"Kelabu malap",Dimensions:"Dimensi","Disable editing":"Matikan suntingan",Disc:"Cakera","Document colors":"Warna dokumen",Dotted:"Bertitik",Double:"Dua baris",Downloadable:"Boleh dimuat turun","Drag to move":"Seret untuk menggerakkan","Dropdown toolbar":"Bar alat capaian tetingkap","Edit block":"Sunting blok","Edit link":"Sunting pautan","Editor block content toolbar":"Bar alat sekat kandungan editor","Editor contextual toolbar":"Bar alat kontekstual editor","Editor dialog":"Dialog editor","Editor editing area: %0":"Ruang suntingan editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"Bar menu penyunting","Editor toolbar":"Bar alat capaian suntingan","Enable editing":"Benarkan suntingan","Enter image caption":"Masukkan kapsyen imej","Enter table caption":"Benarkan kapsyen jadual","Entering %0 code snippet":"Memasukkan %0 coretan kod","Entering a to-do list":"Memasukkan senarai tugas untuk dilakukan","Entering code snippet":"Memasukkan coretan kod","Error during image upload":"Ralat semasa muat naik imej","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Laksanakan butang yang sedang difokuskan. Melaksanakan butang yang berinteraksi dengan kandungan penyunting mengalihkan fokus kembali ke kandungan.",Find:"Cari","Find and replace":"Cari dan ganti","Find in text…":"Cari dalam teks...","Find in the document":"Cari dalam dokumen","Font Background Color":"Warna Latar Belakang Fon","Font Color":"Warna Fon","Font Family":"Keluarga Fon","Font Size":"Saiz fon","Full size image":"Imej bersaiz penuh",Green:"Hijau","Green marker":"Penanda hijau","Green pen":"Pen hijau",Grey:"Kelabu",Groove:"Lurah","Header column":"Kolum pengepala","Header row":"Baris pengepala",Heading:"Pengepala","Heading 1":"Pengepala 1","Heading 2":"Pengepala 2","Heading 3":"Pengepala 3","Heading 4":"Pengepala 4","Heading 5":"Pengepala 5","Heading 6":"Pengepala 6",Height:"Ketinggian","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Kandungan Bantuan. Untuk menutup dialog ini tekan ESC.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Sorotan","Horizontal line":"Baris melintang","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Bar alat capaian jajaran teks melintang","HTML object":"Objek HTML",Huge:"Gergasi","Image from computer":"Gambar daripada komputer","Image resize list":"Senarai saizkan semula imej ","Image toolbar":"Bar alat capaian imej","Image upload complete":"Muat naik imej selesai","image widget":"widget imej","In line":"Dalam baris","Increase indent":"Tambah inden","Increase list item indent":"Tingkatkan inden item senarai",Insert:"Masukkan","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Masukkan perenggan baharu (perenggan baharu)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Masukkan perenggan baharu secara langsung selepas widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Masukkan perenggan baharu secara langsung sebelum widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Masukkan baris jadual baharu (apabila berada dalam sel terakhir jadual)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Masukkan baris baharu (elemen <br>
)","Insert code block":"Masukkan blok kod","Insert column left":"Masukkan kolum kiri","Insert column right":"Masukkan kolum kanan","Insert image":"Masukkan imej","Insert image via URL":"Masukkan imej melalui URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Masukkan perenggan sebelum blok","Insert paragraph before block":"Masukkan perenggan sebelum blok","Insert row above":"Masukkan baris diatas","Insert row below":"Masukkan baris dibawah","Insert table":"Masukkan jadual",Inset:"Inset","Invalid start index value.":"Nilai indeks permulaan tidak sah.",Italic:"Italik","Italic text":"Teks huruf condong",Justify:"Imbang","Justify cell text":"Imbang teks sel","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Ketukan kekunci yang boleh digunakan dalam senarai","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Ketukan kekunci yang boleh digunakan dalam sel jadual","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Ketukan kekunci yang boleh digunakan semasa widget dipilih (contohnya: imej, jadual, dsb.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Meninggalkan %0 coretan kod","Leaving a to-do list":"Meninggalkan senarai tugas untuk dilakukan","Leaving code snippet":"Meninggalkan coretan kod","Left aligned image":"Imej berjajar kiri","Light blue":"Biru cerah","Light green":"Hijau cerah","Light grey":"Kelabu cerah",Link:"Pautkan","Link image":"Pautkan imej","Link URL":"Pautkan URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"URL pautan tidak boleh kosong.","List properties":"Senarai sifat","Lower-latin":"Latin bawah","Lower–roman":"Roman bawah","Match case":"Sesuaikan kes",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Edit",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fail",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Fon",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Bantuan",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Masukkan",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Teks",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Alatan",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Paparan","Merge cell down":"Cantumkan sel kebawah","Merge cell left":"Cantumkan sel kekiri","Merge cell right":"Cantumkan sel kekanan","Merge cell up":"Cantumkan sel keatas","Merge cells":"Cantumkan sel ","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Alihkan fokus antara medan borang (input, butang, dll.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Alihkan fokus masuk atau keluar daripada tetingkap dialog aktif","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Alihkan fokus ke bar menu, navigasi antara bar menu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Alihkan fokus ke bar alat, navigasi antara bar alat","Move out of a link":"Alih keluar pautan","Move out of an inline code style":"Alih keluar daripada gaya kod sebaris","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Alihkan karet untuk membenarkan penaipan secara langsung selepas widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Alihkan karet untuk membenarkan penaipan secara langsung sebelum widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Alihkan pilihan ke sel seterusnya","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Alihkan pilihan ke sel sebelumnya","Multiple styles":"Gaya berbilang","Navigate editable regions":"Kawal bahagian yang boleh disunting seterusnya","Navigate through the table":"Navigasi melalui jadual","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navigasi melalui bar alat atau bar menu",Next:"Seterusnya","Next editable region":"Bahagian yang boleh disunting seterusnya","Next result":"Keputusan seterusnya","No results found":"Tiada keputusan ditemui","No searchable items":"Tiada item untuk dicari",None:"Tiada","Numbered List":"Senarai Bernombor","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Bar alat capaian gaya senarai bernombor","Open in a new tab":"Buka dalam tab baru","Open link in new tab":"Buka pautan dalam tab baru","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Buka dialog bantuan kebolehaksesan",Orange:"Oren",Original:"Asal",Outset:"Outset",Padding:"Ketebalan",Paragraph:"Perenggan","Paste content":"Tampal kandungan","Paste content as plain text":"Tampal kandungan sebagai teks kosong","Pink marker":"Penanda merah jambu","Plain text":"Teks kosong",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Sila masukkan warna yang sah (contohnya, "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Tekan %0 untuk bantuan.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tekan Enter untuk menaip selepas atau tekan Shift + Enter untuk menaip sebelum widget",Previous:"Sebelumnya","Previous editable region":"Bahagian yang boleh disunting sebelumnya","Previous result":"Keputusan sebelumnya",Purple:"Ungu",Red:"Merah","Red pen":"Pen merah",Redo:"Buat semula","Remove color":"Buang warna","Remove Format":"Buang Format","Remove highlight":"Buang sorotan",Replace:"Ganti","Replace all":"Ganti semua","Replace from computer":"Gantikan daripada komputer","Replace image":"Gantikan imej","Replace image from computer":"Gantikan imej daripada komputer","Replace with…":"Gantikan dengan...","Resize image":"Saizkan semula imej","Resize image (in %0)":"Ubah saiz imej (dalam %0)","Resize image to %0":"Saizkan semula imej kepada %0","Resize image to the original size":"Saizkan semula imej kepada saiz asal","Restore default":"Pulihkan lalai","Reversed order":"Susunan terbalik","Revert autoformatting action":"Pulihkan tindakan pemformatan automatik","Rich Text Editor":"Penyunting Teks Kaya",Ridge:"Batas","Right aligned image":"Imej berjajar kanan",Row:"Baris",Save:"Simpan","Select all":"Pilih seterusnya","Select column":"Pilih kolum","Select row":"Pilih baris","Show more items":"Tunjukkan item lain","Side image":"Sisi imej",Small:"Kecil",Solid:"Pejal","Split cell horizontally":"Leraikan sel melintang","Split cell vertically":"Leraikan sel menegak",Square:"Petak","Start at":"Mula pada","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Indeks mula hendaklah lebih besar daripada 0.",Strikethrough:"Garis lorek","Strikethrough text":"Teks coretan",Style:"Gaya",Styles:"Gaya",Subscript:"Subskrip",Superscript:"Superskrip",Table:"Jadual","Table alignment toolbar":"Bar alat capaian jajaran jadual","Table cell text alignment":"Jajaran teks sel jadual","Table properties":"Sifat jadual","Table toolbar":"Bar alat capaian jadual","Text alignment":"Jajaran teks","Text alignment toolbar":"Bar alat capaian jajaran teks","Text alternative":"Alternatif teks","Text highlight toolbar":"Bar alat capaian sorotan teks","Text styles":"Gaya teks","Text to find must not be empty.":"Teks yang hendak dicari tidak boleh ditinggalkan kosong.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Warna tidak sah. Cuba "#FF0000" atau "rgb(255,0,0)" atau "merah".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Nilai tidak sah. Cuba "10px" atau "2em" atau "2" sahaja.',"The value must not be empty.":"Nilai tidak boleh kosong.","The value should be a plain number.":"Nilai hendaklah nombor biasa.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Pintasan papan kekunci ini membenarkan akses pantas kepada ciri-ciri penyuntingan kandungan.","This link has no URL":"Pautan ini tidak mempunyai URL",Tiny:"Halus","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Petua: Cari teks terlebih dahulu untuk menggantikannya.","To-do List":"Senarai Untuk Dilakukan","Toggle caption off":"Tutup kapsyen","Toggle caption on":"Buka kapsyen","Toggle the circle list style":"Buka gaya senarai bulatan","Toggle the decimal list style":"Buka gaya senarai titik perpuluhan","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Buka titik perpuluhan dengan gaya senarai kosong pendahulu","Toggle the disc list style":"Buka gaya senarai cakera","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Buka gaya senarai latin bawah","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Buka gaya senarai roman bawah","Toggle the square list style":"Buka gaya senarai petak","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Buka gaya senarai latin atas","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Buka gaya senarai roman atas",Turquoise:"Firus","Type or paste your content here.":"Taip atau tampal kandungan anda disini.","Type your title":"Taip tajuk anda",Underline:"Garis bawah","Underline text":"Teks garis bawah",Undo:"Buat asal",Unlink:"Buang pautan",Update:"Kemaskini","Update image URL":"Kemaskini URL imej","Upload failed":"Muat naik gagal","Upload from computer":"Muat naik daripada komputer","Upload image from computer":"Muat naik gambar daripada komputer","Upload in progress":"Muat naik sedang berlangsung","Uploading image":"Memuat naik imej","Upper-latin":"Latin atas","Upper-roman":"Roman atas","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Guna ketukan kekunci berikut untuk menavigasi dengan lebih cekap dalam antara muka pengguna CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Antara muka pengguna dan ketukan kekunci navigasi kandungan","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Bar alat capaian jajaran teks menegak",White:"Putih","Whole words only":"Perkataan penuh sahaja","Widget toolbar":"Bar alat capaian widget",Width:"Lebar","Words: %0":"Perkataan: %0","Wrap text":"Balut teks",Yellow:"Kuning","Yellow marker":"Penanda kuning"});e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/nb.js b/build/translations/nb.js
index 4e3cbb3..036d726 100644
--- a/build/translations/nb.js
+++ b/build/translations/nb.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"","Font Background Color":"","Font Color":"","Font Family":"Skrifttype","Font Size":"Skriftstørrelse","Full size image":"Bilde i full størrelse",Green:"",Grey:"",Groove:"","Header column":"Overskriftkolonne","Header row":"Overskriftrad",Heading:"Overskrift","Heading 1":"Overskrift 1","Heading 2":"Overskrift 2","Heading 3":"Overskrift 3","Heading 4":"","Heading 5":"","Heading 6":"",Height:"","Help Contents. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Denne lenken har ingen URL",Tiny:"Veldig liten","To-do List":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"","Type or paste your content here.":"","Type your title":"",Underline:"Understreking","Underline text":"",Undo:"Angre",Unlink:"Fjern lenke",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"Opplasting feilet","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Opplasting pågår","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"",Width:"","Wrap text":"",Yellow:""});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Denne lenken har ingen URL",Tiny:"Veldig liten","To-do List":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"","Type or paste your content here.":"","Type your title":"",Underline:"Understreking","Underline text":"",Undo:"Angre",Unlink:"Fjern lenke",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"Opplasting feilet","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Opplasting pågår","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"",Width:"","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"","Yellow marker":"Gul uthevingsfarge"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/ne.js b/build/translations/ne.js
index 601e1f3..64a80ff 100644
--- a/build/translations/ne.js
+++ b/build/translations/ne.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"","The URL must not be empty.":"यूआरएल खाली हुनु हुँदैन।",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"यो लिङ्कसँग यूआरएल छैन","This media URL is not supported.":"यो मिडिया यूआरएल समर्थित छैन।",Tiny:"सानो","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"सुझाव:छिटो इम्बेड गर्न यूआरएल सामग्रीमा पेस्ट गर्नुहोस्।","To-do List":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"त्रकोइस","Type or paste your content here.":"","Type your title":"",Underline:"रेखांकन","Underline text":"",Undo:"पूर्ववत",Unlink:"अनलिङ्क गर्नुहोस्",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"अपलोड असफल भयो","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"अपलोड हुदैछ","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"सेतो",Width:"","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"पहेंलो"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"","Font Background Color":"पृष्ठभूमिको फन्ट रंग","Font Color":"फन्ट रंग","Font Family":"फन्ट परिवार","Font Size":"फन्ट आकार","Full size image":"पूर्ण आकार तस्वीर",Green:"हरियो","Green marker":"हरियो मार्कर","Green pen":"हरियो कलम",Grey:"खैरो",Groove:"","Header column":"हेडर स्तम्भ","Header row":"हेडर पङ्क्ति",Heading:"शीर्षक","Heading 1":"शीर्षक-एक","Heading 2":"शीर्षक २","Heading 3":"शीर्षक ३","Heading 4":"शीर्षक ४","Heading 5":"शीर्षक ५","Heading 6":"शीर्षक ६",Height:"","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"",HEX:"",Highlight:"हाइलाइट","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"",Huge:"विशाल","Image from computer":"","Image resize list":"","Image toolbar":"","Image upload complete":"","image widget":"तस्वीर विजेट","In line":"","Increase indent":"इन्डेन्ट बढाउन","Increase list item indent":"",Insert:"","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"","Insert column left":"बायाँ स्तम्भ सम्मिलित गर्न","Insert column right":"दायाँ स्तम्भ सम्मिलित गर्न","Insert image":"तस्वीर सम्मिलित गर्नुहोस्","Insert image via URL":"","Insert row above":"माथि पंक्ति सम्मिलित गर्नुहोस्","Insert row below":"तल पंक्ति सम्मिलित गर्नुहोस्","Insert table":"तालिका सम्मिलित गर्नुहोस्",Inset:"","Invalid start index value.":"",Italic:"इटालिक","Italic text":"",Justify:"जस्टिफाइ गर्नुहोस्","Justify cell text":"","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"","Leaving a to-do list":"","Left aligned image":"बायाँ पङ्क्ति तस्वीर","Light blue":"हल्का निलो","Light green":"हल्का हरियो","Light grey":"हल्का खैरो",Link:"लिङ्क","Link image":"","Link URL":"लिङ्क यूआरएल","Link URL must not be empty.":"","List properties":"","Lower-latin":"","Lower–roman":"",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"","Merge cell down":"कक्ष तल मर्ज गर्नुहोस्","Merge cell left":"सेल बायाँ मर्ज गर्नुहोस्","Merge cell right":"दायाँ कक्ष मर्ज गर्नुहोस्","Merge cell up":"कक्ष माथि मर्ज गर्नुहोस्","Merge cells":"कक्ष मर्ज गर्नुहोस्","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"","Move out of a link":"","Move out of an inline code style":"","Move the selection to the next cell":"","Move the selection to the previous cell":"","Navigate through the table":"","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"",Next:"अर्को","No results found":"","No searchable items":"",None:"","Numbered List":"सूचीबद्ध सूची","Numbered list styles toolbar":"","Open in a new tab":"नयाँ ट्याबमा खोल्न","Open link in new tab":"नयाँ ट्याबमा लिङ्क खोल्नुहोस्","Open the accessibility help dialog":"",Orange:"सुन्तला रंग",Original:"",Outset:"",Padding:"",Paragraph:"अनुच्छेद","Pink marker":"गुलाबी मार्कर",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"","Press %0 for help.":"",Previous:"अघिल्लो",Purple:"बैंगनी रंग",Red:"रातो","Red pen":"रातो कलम",Redo:"रिडु","Remove color":"रंग हटाउन","Remove Format":"ढाँचा हटाउनुहोस्","Remove highlight":"हाइलाइट हटाउनुहोस्","Replace from computer":"","Replace image":"","Replace image from computer":"","Resize image":"","Resize image (in %0)":"","Resize image to %0":"","Resize image to the original size":"","Restore default":"","Reversed order":"","Rich Text Editor":"धनी पाठ सम्पादक",Ridge:"","Right aligned image":"दायाँ पङ्क्तिबद्ध तस्वीर",Row:"पङ्क्ति",Save:"सुरक्षित गर्नुहोस्","Select column":"","Select row":"","Show more items":"","Side image":"साइड तस्वीर",Small:"सानो",Solid:"","Split cell horizontally":"क्षैतिज कक्ष विभाजित गर्नुहोस्","Split cell vertically":"ठाडो कक्ष विभाजित गर्नुहोस्",Square:"","Start at":"","Start index must be greater than 0.":"",Strikethrough:"स्ट्राइकथ्रू","Strikethrough text":"",Style:"",Subscript:"सबस्क्रिप्ट",Superscript:"सुपरस्क्रिप्ट",Table:"","Table alignment toolbar":"","Table cell text alignment":"","Table properties":"","Table toolbar":"","Text alignment":"पाठ संरेखण","Text alignment toolbar":"","Text alternative":"पाठ विकल्प","Text highlight toolbar":"",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"यो लिङ्कसँग यूआरएल छैन",Tiny:"सानो","To-do List":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"त्रकोइस","Type or paste your content here.":"","Type your title":"",Underline:"रेखांकन","Underline text":"",Undo:"पूर्ववत",Unlink:"अनलिङ्क गर्नुहोस्",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"अपलोड असफल भयो","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"अपलोड हुदैछ","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"सेतो",Width:"","Words: %0":"शब्दहरू: %0","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"पहेंलो","Yellow marker":"पहेंलो मार्कर"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/nl.js b/build/translations/nl.js
index 4f52194..23c32a4 100644
--- a/build/translations/nl.js
+++ b/build/translations/nl.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["nl"]=e["nl"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(Fn-toets is mogelijk vereist)","%0 of %1":"%0 van %1",Accept:"Accepteren",Accessibility:"Toegankelijkheid","Accessibility help":"Hulp bij toegankelijkheid","Align cell text to the bottom":"Celtekst onder uitlijnen","Align cell text to the center":"Tekst in de cel centreren","Align cell text to the left":"Celtekst links uitlijnen","Align cell text to the middle":"Celtekst in het midden uitlijnen","Align cell text to the right":"Celtekst rechts uitlijnen","Align cell text to the top":"Celtekst boven uitlijnen","Align table to the left":"Tabel links uitlijnen","Align table to the right":"Tabel rechts uitlijnen",Alignment:"Uitlijning",Aquamarine:"Aquamarijn",Background:"Achtergrond","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Hieronder vindt u een lijst met sneltoetsen die in de editor gebruikt kunnen worden.",Big:"Groot",Black:"Zwart","Block quote":"Blok citaat",Blue:"Blauw",Bold:"Vet","Bold text":"Vetgedrukte tekst",Border:"Rand","Break text":"Tekst afbreken","Bulleted List":"Ongenummerde lijst","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Toolbar voor stijlen van opsommingslijsten",Cancel:"Annuleren","Caption for image: %0":"Bijschrift voor afbeelding: %0","Caption for the image":"Bijschrift voor afbeelding","Cell properties":"Celeigenschappen","Center table":"Tabel centreren","Centered image":"Gecentreerde afbeelding","Change image text alternative":"Verander alt-tekst van de afbeelding","Choose heading":"Kies kop",Circle:"Cirkel",Clear:"Wissen","Click to edit block":"Klik om blok te bewerken",Close:"Sluiten","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Sluit contextvensters, dropdown vensters, en dialoogvensters",Code:"Code",Color:"Kleur","Color picker":"Kleurkiezer",Column:"Kolom","Content editing keystrokes":"Toetsaanslagen om inhoud aan te passen","Copy selected content":"Kopieer geselecteerde inhoud","Create link":"Creëer link",Custom:"Aangepast","Custom image size":"Aangepaste afbeeldingsgrootte",Dashed:"Onderbroken",Decimal:"Decimaal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimaal voorafgegaan door een nul","Decrease indent":"Minder inspringen","Decrease list item indent":"Item in de lijst minder ver inspringen",Default:"Standaard","Delete column":"Verwijder kolom","Delete row":"Verwijder rij","Dim grey":"Gedimd grijs",Dimensions:"Afmetingen",Disc:"Schijf","Document colors":"Document kleur",Dotted:"Stippellijn",Double:"Dubbel",Downloadable:"Downloadbaar","Drag to move":"Sleep om te verplaatsen","Dropdown toolbar":"Drop-down werkbalk","Edit block":"Blok aanpassen","Edit link":"Bewerk link","Editor block content toolbar":"Inhoud werkbalk voor editorblok","Editor contextual toolbar":"Contextuele werkbalk van editor","Editor dialog":"Dialoog bewerker","Editor editing area: %0":"Bewerkingsgebied: %0","Editor menu bar":"Menubalk editor","Editor toolbar":"Editor welkbalk","Enter image caption":"Typ een afbeeldingsbijschrift","Enter table caption":"Voer tabelbijschrift in","Entering a to-do list":"Een to-do-lijst invoeren","Error during image upload":"Fout tijdens het uploaden van afbeeldingen","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"De momenteel gefocuste knop gebruiken. Door knoppen te gebruiken die interactie hebben met de inhoud van de editor, wordt de focus terug naar de inhoud verplaatst.","Font Background Color":"Tekst achtergrondkleur","Font Color":"Tekstkleur","Font Family":"Lettertype","Font Size":"Lettergrootte","Full size image":"Afbeelding op volledige grootte",Green:"Groen",Grey:"Grijs",Groove:"Sleuf","Header column":"Titel kolom","Header row":"Titel rij",Heading:"Koppen","Heading 1":"Kop 1","Heading 2":"Kop 2","Heading 3":"Kop 3","Heading 4":"Kop 4","Heading 5":"Kop 5","Heading 6":"Kop 6",Height:"Hoogte","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Inhoud Hulp. Druk op ESC om dit dialoogvenster te sluiten.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Horizontale lijn","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Werkbalk voor horizontale tekstuitlijning",Huge:"Zeer groot","Image from computer":"Afbeelding van computer","Image resize list":"Lijst voor wijzigen van afbeeldingsformaat","Image toolbar":"Afbeeldingswerkbalk","Image upload complete":"Uploaden van afbeelding voltooid","image widget":"afbeeldingswidget","In line":"In lijn","Increase indent":"Inspringen","Increase list item indent":"Item in de lijst verder inspringen",Insert:"Invoegen","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Voer een harde enter in (een nieuwe paragraaf)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Voeg direct na een widget een nieuwe paragraaf in","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Voeg direct voor een widget een nieuwe paragraaf in","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Voeg een nieuwe rij toe aan de tabel (wanneer in de laatste cel van een tabel)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Voer een zachte enter in (een <br>
element)","Insert column left":"Kolom links invoegen","Insert column right":"Kolom rechts invoegen","Insert image":"Afbeelding toevoegen","Insert image via URL":"Afbeelding toevoegen via URL","Insert media":"Voer media in","Insert paragraph after block":"Voeg paragraaf toe na blok","Insert paragraph before block":"Voeg paragraaf toe voor blok","Insert row above":"Rij hierboven invoegen","Insert row below":"Rij hieronder invoegen","Insert table":"Tabel invoegen",Inset:"Ingezet","Invalid start index value.":"Ongeldige beginindex.",Italic:"Cursief","Italic text":"Cursieve tekst","Justify cell text":"Celtekst uitvullen","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Toetsaanslagen die gebruikt kunnen worden in een lijst","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Toetsaanslagen die in een cel in een tabel gebruikt kunnen worden","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Toetsaanslagen die gebruikt kunnen worden wanneer een widget geselecteerd is (bijvoorbeeld: een afbeelding, tabel, enz.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Een to-do-lijst achterlaten","Left aligned image":"Links uitgelijnde afbeelding","Light blue":"Lichtblauw","Light green":"Lichtgroen","Light grey":"Lichtgrijs",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link afbeelding","Link URL":"Link URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"URL-link mag niet leeg zijn.","List properties":"Lijsteigenschappen","Lower-latin":"Kleine Latijnse letters","Lower–roman":"Kleine Romeinse cijfers","Media toolbar":"Media werkbalk","Media URL":"Media URL","media widget":"media widget",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Wijzigen",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Bestand",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Lettertype",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formaat",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Hulp",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Invoegen",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Tekst",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Gereedschap",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Bekijk","Merge cell down":"Cel hieronder samenvoegen","Merge cell left":"Cel hiervoor samenvoegen","Merge cell right":"Cel hierna samenvoegen","Merge cell up":"Cel hierboven samenvoegen","Merge cells":"Cellen samenvoegen","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Beweeg de focus tussen velden in een formulier (invoervensters, knoppen, enz.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Beweeg de focus naar een actief dialoogvenster of er vandaan","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Focus naar de menubalk verplaatsen, tussen menubalken navigeren","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Beweeg focus naar de werkbalk, navigeer tussen werkbalken","Move out of a link":"Uit een link gaan","Move out of an inline code style":"Uit een stijl voor code op één regel gaan","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Beweeg het invoerteken om het mogelijk te maken direct achter een widget te typen","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Beweeg het invoerteken om het mogelijk te maken direct voor een widget te typen","Move the selection to the next cell":"Verplaats de selectie naar de volgende cel","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Verplaats de selectie naar de vorige cel","Navigate through the table":"Navigeer door de tabel","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Door de werkbalk of menubalk navigeren",Next:"Volgende","No results found":"Geen zoekresultaten","No searchable items":"Geen zoekbare items",None:"Geen","Numbered List":"Genummerde lijst","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Toolbar voor stijlen van genummerde lijsten","Open in a new tab":"Open een nieuw tabblad","Open link in new tab":"Open link in nieuw tabblad","Open media in new tab":"Open media in nieuw tabblad","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Open het hulpvenster voor toegankelijkheid",Orange:"Oranje",Original:"Origineel",Outset:"Opliggend",Padding:"Opvulling",Paragraph:"Paragraaf","Paste content":"Plak inhoud","Paste content as plain text":"Plak inhoud als onbewerkte tekst","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Plak de media URL in het invoerveld.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Voer een geldige kleur in (bijvoorbeeld "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Druk op %0 voor hulp.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Druk op Enter om na de widget te typen of druk op Shift + Enter om vóór de widget te typen",Previous:"Vorige",Purple:"Paars",Red:"Rood",Redo:"Opnieuw","Remove color":"Verwijder kleur","Remove Format":"Verwijder opmaak","Replace from computer":"Vervangen vanaf de computer","Replace image":"Afbeelding vervangen","Replace image from computer":"Afbeelding vervangen vanaf computer","Resize image":"Afbeeldingsformaat wijzigen","Resize image (in %0)":"Formaat afbeelding wijzigen (in %0)","Resize image to %0":"Afbeeldingsformaat wijzigen naar %0","Resize image to the original size":"Afbeeldingsformaat wijzigen naar originele grootte","Restore default":"Standaardinstellingen terugzetten","Reversed order":"Omgekeerde volgorde","Revert autoformatting action":"Maak automatisch formattering ongedaan","Rich 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'De kleur in niet correct, probeer "#FF0000" of "rgb(255,0,0)" of "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"De URL mag niet leeg zijn.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"De waarde is ongeldig. Probeer '10px' of '2em' of gewoon '2'.","The value must not be empty.":"De waarde mag niet leeg zijn.","The value should be a plain number.":"De waarde moet een gewoon getal zijn.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Deze sneltoetsen geven snel toegang tot functies om inhoud aan te passen","This link has no URL":"Deze link heeft geen URL","This media URL is not supported.":"Deze media URL wordt niet ondersteund.",Tiny:"Zeer klein","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tip: plak de URL in de inhoud om deze sneller in te laten sluiten.","To-do List":"To-do lijst","Toggle caption off":"Bijschrift uitzetten","Toggle caption on":"Bijschrift aanzetten","Toggle the circle list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met cirkel in","Toggle the decimal list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met cijfers in","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met cijfers voorafgegaan door een nul in","Toggle the disc list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met bulletpoint in","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met kleine Latijnse letters in","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met kleine Romeinse cijfers in","Toggle the square list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met vierkant in","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met Latijnse hoofdletters in","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met grote Romeinse cijfers in",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Type or paste your content here.":"Voer of plak uw inhoud in.","Type your title":"Voor uw titel in",Underline:"Onderlijnen","Underline text":"Onderstreepte tekst",Undo:"Ongedaan maken",Unlink:"Verwijder link",Update:"Update","Update image URL":"URL van afbeelding bijwerken","Upload failed":"Uploaden afbeelding mislukt","Upload from computer":"Uploaden vanaf computer","Upload image from computer":"Afbeelding uploaden vanaf de computer","Upload in progress":"Bezig met uploaden","Uploading image":"Afbeelding uploaden","Upper-latin":"Latijnse hoofdletters","Upper-roman":"Grote Romeinse cijfers","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Gebruik de volgende toetsaanslagen om efficiënter door de gebruikersinterface van CKEditor 5 te navigeren.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Toetsaanslagen voor het navigeren door de gebruikersinterface en inhoud","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Werkbalk voor verticale tekstuitlijning",White:"Wit","Widget toolbar":"Widget werkbalk",Width:"Breedte","Wrap text":"Tekstterugloop",Yellow:"Geel"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["nl"]=e["nl"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(Fn-toets is mogelijk vereist)","%0 of %1":"%0 van %1",Accept:"Accepteren",Accessibility:"Toegankelijkheid","Accessibility help":"Hulp bij toegankelijkheid","Advanced options":"Geavanceerde opties","Align cell text to the bottom":"Celtekst onder uitlijnen","Align cell text to the center":"Tekst in de cel centreren","Align cell text to the left":"Celtekst links uitlijnen","Align cell text to the middle":"Celtekst in het midden uitlijnen","Align cell text to the right":"Celtekst rechts uitlijnen","Align cell text to the top":"Celtekst boven uitlijnen","Align center":"Midden uitlijnen","Align left":"Links uitlijnen","Align right":"Rechts uitlijnen","Align table to the left":"Tabel links uitlijnen","Align table to the right":"Tabel rechts uitlijnen",Alignment:"Uitlijning",Aquamarine:"Aquamarijn",Background:"Achtergrond","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Hieronder vindt u een lijst met sneltoetsen die in de editor gebruikt kunnen worden.",Big:"Groot",Black:"Zwart","Block quote":"Blok citaat","Block styles":"Blok stijlen",Blue:"Blauw","Blue marker":"Blauwe marker",Bold:"Vet","Bold text":"Vetgedrukte tekst",Border:"Rand","Break text":"Tekst afbreken","Bulleted List":"Ongenummerde lijst","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Toolbar voor stijlen van opsommingslijsten",Cancel:"Annuleren","Caption for image: %0":"Bijschrift voor afbeelding: %0","Caption for the image":"Bijschrift voor afbeelding","Cell properties":"Celeigenschappen","Center table":"Tabel centreren","Centered image":"Gecentreerde afbeelding","Change image text alternative":"Verander alt-tekst van de afbeelding","Characters: %0":"Tekens: %0","Choose heading":"Kies kop",Circle:"Cirkel",Clear:"Wissen","Click to edit block":"Klik om blok te bewerken",Close:"Sluiten","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Sluit contextvensters, dropdown vensters, en dialoogvensters",Code:"Code","Code block":"Codeblok",Color:"Kleur","Color picker":"Kleurkiezer",Column:"Kolom","Content editing keystrokes":"Toetsaanslagen om inhoud aan te passen","Copy selected content":"Kopieer geselecteerde inhoud","Create link":"Creëer link",Custom:"Aangepast","Custom image size":"Aangepaste afbeeldingsgrootte",Dashed:"Onderbroken",Decimal:"Decimaal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimaal voorafgegaan door een nul","Decrease indent":"Minder inspringen","Decrease list item indent":"Item in de lijst minder ver inspringen",Default:"Standaard","Delete column":"Verwijder kolom","Delete row":"Verwijder rij","Dim grey":"Gedimd grijs",Dimensions:"Afmetingen","Disable editing":"Bewerken uitschakelen",Disc:"Schijf","Document colors":"Document kleur",Dotted:"Stippellijn",Double:"Dubbel",Downloadable:"Downloadbaar","Drag to move":"Sleep om te verplaatsen","Dropdown toolbar":"Drop-down werkbalk","Edit block":"Blok aanpassen","Edit link":"Bewerk link","Editor block content toolbar":"Inhoud werkbalk voor editorblok","Editor contextual toolbar":"Contextuele werkbalk van editor","Editor dialog":"Dialoog bewerker","Editor editing area: %0":"Bewerkingsgebied: %0","Editor menu bar":"Menubalk editor","Editor toolbar":"Editor welkbalk","Enable editing":"Bewerken inschakelen","Enter image caption":"Typ een afbeeldingsbijschrift","Enter table caption":"Voer tabelbijschrift in","Entering %0 code snippet":"Codesnippet %0 invoeren","Entering a to-do list":"Een to-do-lijst invoeren","Entering code snippet":"Codesnippet invoeren","Error during image upload":"Fout tijdens het uploaden van afbeeldingen","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"De momenteel gefocuste knop gebruiken. Door knoppen te gebruiken die interactie hebben met de inhoud van de editor, wordt de focus terug naar de inhoud verplaatst.",Find:"Zoeken","Find and replace":"Zoeken en vervangen","Find in text…":"Zoeken in tekst","Find in the document":"Zoek in het document","Font Background Color":"Tekst achtergrondkleur","Font Color":"Tekstkleur","Font Family":"Lettertype","Font Size":"Lettergrootte","Full size image":"Afbeelding op volledige grootte",Green:"Groen","Green marker":"Groene marker","Green pen":"Groene pen",Grey:"Grijs",Groove:"Sleuf","Header column":"Titel kolom","Header row":"Titel rij",Heading:"Koppen","Heading 1":"Kop 1","Heading 2":"Kop 2","Heading 3":"Kop 3","Heading 4":"Kop 4","Heading 5":"Kop 5","Heading 6":"Kop 6",Height:"Hoogte","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Inhoud Hulp. Druk op ESC om dit dialoogvenster te sluiten.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Markeren","Horizontal line":"Horizontale lijn","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Werkbalk voor horizontale tekstuitlijning","HTML object":"HTML object",Huge:"Zeer groot","Image from computer":"Afbeelding van computer","Image resize list":"Lijst voor wijzigen van afbeeldingsformaat","Image toolbar":"Afbeeldingswerkbalk","Image upload complete":"Uploaden van afbeelding voltooid","image widget":"afbeeldingswidget","In line":"In lijn","Increase indent":"Inspringen","Increase list item indent":"Item in de lijst verder inspringen",Insert:"Invoegen","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Voer een harde enter in (een nieuwe paragraaf)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Voeg direct na een widget een nieuwe paragraaf in","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Voeg direct voor een widget een nieuwe paragraaf in","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Voeg een nieuwe rij toe aan de tabel (wanneer in de laatste cel van een tabel)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Voer een zachte enter in (een <br>
element)","Insert code block":"Codeblok invoegen","Insert column left":"Kolom links invoegen","Insert column right":"Kolom rechts invoegen","Insert image":"Afbeelding toevoegen","Insert image via URL":"Afbeelding toevoegen via URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Voeg paragraaf toe na blok","Insert paragraph before block":"Voeg paragraaf toe voor blok","Insert row above":"Rij hierboven invoegen","Insert row below":"Rij hieronder invoegen","Insert table":"Tabel invoegen",Inset:"Ingezet","Invalid start index value.":"Ongeldige beginindex.",Italic:"Cursief","Italic text":"Cursieve tekst",Justify:"Volledig uitlijnen","Justify cell text":"Celtekst uitvullen","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Toetsaanslagen die gebruikt kunnen worden in een lijst","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Toetsaanslagen die in een cel in een tabel gebruikt kunnen worden","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Toetsaanslagen die gebruikt kunnen worden wanneer een widget geselecteerd is (bijvoorbeeld: een afbeelding, tabel, enz.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Codesnippet %0 verlaten","Leaving a to-do list":"Een to-do-lijst achterlaten","Leaving code snippet":"Codesnippet verlaten","Left aligned image":"Links uitgelijnde afbeelding","Light blue":"Lichtblauw","Light green":"Lichtgroen","Light grey":"Lichtgrijs",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link afbeelding","Link URL":"Link URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"URL-link mag niet leeg zijn.","List properties":"Lijsteigenschappen","Lower-latin":"Kleine Latijnse letters","Lower–roman":"Kleine Romeinse cijfers","Match case":"Hoofdlettergevoelig",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Wijzigen",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Bestand",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Lettertype",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formaat",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Hulp",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Invoegen",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Tekst",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Gereedschap",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Bekijk","Merge cell down":"Cel hieronder samenvoegen","Merge cell left":"Cel hiervoor samenvoegen","Merge cell right":"Cel hierna samenvoegen","Merge cell up":"Cel hierboven samenvoegen","Merge cells":"Cellen samenvoegen","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Beweeg de focus tussen velden in een formulier (invoervensters, knoppen, enz.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Beweeg de focus naar een actief dialoogvenster of er vandaan","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Focus naar de menubalk verplaatsen, tussen menubalken navigeren","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Beweeg focus naar de werkbalk, navigeer tussen werkbalken","Move out of a link":"Uit een link gaan","Move out of an inline code style":"Uit een stijl voor code op één regel gaan","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Beweeg het invoerteken om het mogelijk te maken direct achter een widget te typen","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Beweeg het invoerteken om het mogelijk te maken direct voor een widget te typen","Move the selection to the next cell":"Verplaats de selectie naar de volgende cel","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Verplaats de selectie naar de vorige cel","Multiple styles":"Meerdere stijlen","Navigate editable regions":"Navigeer bewerkbare gebieden","Navigate through the table":"Navigeer door de tabel","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Door de werkbalk of menubalk navigeren",Next:"Volgende","Next editable region":"Volgend bewerkbaar gebied","Next result":"Vorige zoeken","No results found":"Geen zoekresultaten","No searchable items":"Geen zoekbare items",None:"Geen","Numbered List":"Genummerde lijst","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Toolbar voor stijlen van genummerde lijsten","Open in a new tab":"Open een nieuw tabblad","Open link in new tab":"Open link in nieuw tabblad","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Open het hulpvenster voor toegankelijkheid",Orange:"Oranje",Original:"Origineel",Outset:"Opliggend",Padding:"Opvulling",Paragraph:"Paragraaf","Paste content":"Plak inhoud","Paste content as plain text":"Plak inhoud als onbewerkte tekst","Pink marker":"Roze marker","Plain text":"Platte tekst",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Voer een geldige kleur in (bijvoorbeeld "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Druk op %0 voor hulp.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Druk op Enter om na de widget te typen of druk op Shift + Enter om vóór de widget te typen",Previous:"Vorige","Previous editable region":"Vorig bewerkbaar gebied","Previous result":"Volgende zoeken",Purple:"Paars",Red:"Rood","Red pen":"Rode pen",Redo:"Opnieuw","Remove color":"Verwijder kleur","Remove Format":"Verwijder opmaak","Remove highlight":"Verwijder markering",Replace:"Vervangen","Replace all":"Alles vervangen","Replace from computer":"Vervangen vanaf de computer","Replace image":"Afbeelding vervangen","Replace image from computer":"Afbeelding vervangen vanaf computer","Replace with…":"Vervangen door","Resize image":"Afbeeldingsformaat wijzigen","Resize image (in %0)":"Formaat afbeelding wijzigen (in %0)","Resize image to %0":"Afbeeldingsformaat wijzigen naar %0","Resize image to the original size":"Afbeeldingsformaat wijzigen naar originele grootte","Restore default":"Standaardinstellingen terugzetten","Reversed order":"Omgekeerde volgorde","Revert autoformatting action":"Maak automatisch formattering ongedaan","Rich Text Editor":"Tekstbewerker",Ridge:"Rand","Right aligned image":"Rechts uitgelijnde afbeelding",Row:"Rij",Save:"Opslaan","Select all":"Selecteer alles","Select column":"Selecteer kolom","Select row":"Selecteer rij","Show more items":"Meer items weergeven","Side image":"Afbeelding naast tekst",Small:"Klein",Solid:"Ononderbroken","Split cell horizontally":"Splits cel horizontaal","Split cell vertically":"Splits cel verticaal",Square:"Vierkant","Start at":"Begin op","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Begin van index moet groter zijn dan 0.",Strikethrough:"Doorhalen","Strikethrough text":"Doorgehaalde tekst",Style:"Stijl",Styles:"Stijlen",Subscript:"Subscript",Superscript:"Superscript",Table:"Tabel","Table alignment toolbar":"Werkbalk tabeluitlijning","Table cell text alignment":"Tekstuitlijning tabelcel","Table properties":"Tabeleigenschappen","Table toolbar":"Tabel werkbalk","Text alignment":"Tekst uitlijning","Text alignment toolbar":"Tekst uitlijning werkbalk","Text alternative":"Alt-tekst","Text highlight toolbar":"Tekst markering werkbalk","Text styles":"Tekst stijlen","Text to find must not be empty.":"Dit veld mag niet leeg zijn",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'De kleur in niet correct, probeer "#FF0000" of "rgb(255,0,0)" of "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"De waarde is ongeldig. Probeer '10px' of '2em' of gewoon '2'.","The value must not be empty.":"De waarde mag niet leeg zijn.","The value should be a plain number.":"De waarde moet een gewoon getal zijn.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Deze sneltoetsen geven snel toegang tot functies om inhoud aan te passen","This link has no URL":"Deze link heeft geen URL",Tiny:"Zeer klein","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tip: zoek eerst de tekst om hem te vervangen","To-do List":"To-do lijst","Toggle caption off":"Bijschrift uitzetten","Toggle caption on":"Bijschrift aanzetten","Toggle the circle list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met cirkel in","Toggle the decimal list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met cijfers in","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met cijfers voorafgegaan door een nul in","Toggle the disc list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met bulletpoint in","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met kleine Latijnse letters in","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met kleine Romeinse cijfers in","Toggle the square list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met vierkant in","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met Latijnse hoofdletters in","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met grote Romeinse cijfers in",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Type or paste your content here.":"Voer of plak uw inhoud in.","Type your title":"Voor uw titel in",Underline:"Onderlijnen","Underline text":"Onderstreepte tekst",Undo:"Ongedaan maken",Unlink:"Verwijder link",Update:"Update","Update image URL":"URL van afbeelding bijwerken","Upload failed":"Uploaden afbeelding mislukt","Upload from computer":"Uploaden vanaf computer","Upload image from computer":"Afbeelding uploaden vanaf de computer","Upload in progress":"Bezig met uploaden","Uploading image":"Afbeelding uploaden","Upper-latin":"Latijnse hoofdletters","Upper-roman":"Grote Romeinse cijfers","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Gebruik de volgende toetsaanslagen om efficiënter door de gebruikersinterface van CKEditor 5 te navigeren.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Toetsaanslagen voor het navigeren door de gebruikersinterface en inhoud","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Werkbalk voor verticale tekstuitlijning",White:"Wit","Whole words only":"Alleen volledige woorden","Widget toolbar":"Widget werkbalk",Width:"Breedte","Words: %0":"Woorden: %0","Wrap text":"Tekstterugloop",Yellow:"Geel","Yellow marker":"Gele marker"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/no.js b/build/translations/no.js
index 7858f36..6d81fc7 100644
--- a/build/translations/no.js
+++ b/build/translations/no.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["no"]=e["no"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(trenger kanskje Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 av %1",Accept:"Godta",Accessibility:"Tilgjengelighet","Accessibility help":"Tilgjengelighetshjelp","Align cell text to the bottom":"Juster celletekst til bunn ","Align cell text to the center":"Juster celletekst til midten ","Align cell text to the left":"Juster celletekst til venstre ","Align cell text to the middle":"Juster celletekst til midten","Align cell text to the right":"Juster celletekst til høyre ","Align cell text to the top":"Juster celletekst til topp","Align table to the left":"Juster tabell til venstre ","Align table to the right":"Juster tabell til høyre ",Alignment:"Justering",Aquamarine:"Akvamarin",Background:"Bakgrunn ","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Nedenfor finner du en liste over hurtigtaster som kan brukes i redigeringsverktøyet.",Big:"Stor",Black:"Svart","Block quote":"Blokksitat",Blue:"Blå",Bold:"Fet","Bold text":"Uthevet tekst",Border:"Kantlinje ","Break text":"Bryt tekst","Bulleted List":"Punktliste","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Verktøylinje for punktlistestiler",Cancel:"Avbryt","Caption for image: %0":"Bildetekst for bilde: %0","Caption for the image":"Bildetekst","Cell properties":"Celleegenskaper ","Center table":"Sentrer tabell ","Centered image":"Midtstilt bilde","Change image text alternative":"Endre tekstalternativ til bildet","Choose heading":"Velg overskrift",Circle:"Sirkel",Clear:"Slett","Click to edit block":"Klikk for å redigere blokk",Close:"Lukk","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Lukk hjelpebobler, nedtrekkslister og dialoger",Code:"Kode",Color:"Farge","Color picker":"Fargevalg ",Column:"Kolonne","Content editing keystrokes":"Tastetrykk for innholdsredigering","Copy selected content":"Kopier valgt innhold","Create link":"Opprett lenke",Custom:"Tilpasset","Custom image size":"Egendefinert bildestørrelse",Dashed:"Stiplet",Decimal:"Nummer","Decimal with leading zero":"Nummer med foranstilt null","Decrease indent":"Reduser innrykk","Decrease list item indent":"Reduser innrykk for listeelementer",Default:"Standard","Delete column":"Slett kolonne","Delete row":"Slett rad","Dim grey":"Svak grå",Dimensions:"Dimensjoner",Disc:"Disk","Document colors":"Dokumentfarger",Dotted:"Stiplede",Double:"Dobbel ",Downloadable:"Nedlastbar","Drag to move":"Dra for å flytte","Dropdown toolbar":"Verktøylinje for nedtrekksliste","Edit block":"Rediger blokk","Edit link":"Rediger lenke","Editor block content toolbar":"Verktøylinje for blokkinnhold i redigeringsverktøy","Editor contextual toolbar":"Verktøylinje for kontekst i redigeringsverktøy","Editor dialog":"Dialogboks for redigering","Editor editing area: %0":"Redigeringsområde for redigeringsverktøyet: %0","Editor menu bar":"Menylinje for redigering","Editor toolbar":"Verktøylinje for redigeringsverktøy","Enter image caption":"Skriv inn bildetekst","Enter table caption":"Legg inn tabelltekst","Entering a to-do list":"Går inn i en huskeliste","Error during image upload":"Feil under bildeopplasting","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Utløs knappen som nå er i fokus. Utløsing av knapper som påvirker innholdet som redigeres, flytter fokuset tilbake til innholdet.","Font Background Color":"Uthevingsfarge for tekst","Font Color":"Skriftfarge","Font Family":"Skrifttypefamilie","Font Size":"Skriftstørrelse","Full size image":"Bilde i full størrelse",Green:"Grønn",Grey:"Grå",Groove:"Grov","Header column":"Overskriftkolonne","Header row":"Overskriftrad",Heading:"Overskrift","Heading 1":"Overskrift 1","Heading 2":"Overskrift 2","Heading 3":"Overskrift 3","Heading 4":"Overskrift 4","Heading 5":"Overskrift 5","Heading 6":"Overskrift 6",Height:"Høyde","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Hjelpeinnhold. Trykk på ESC for å lukke denne dialogen.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Horisontal linje","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Verktøylinje for justering av tekst horisontalt ",Huge:"Veldig stor","Image from computer":"Bilde fra datamaskin","Image resize list":"Nedtrekksliste for bildestørrelse","Image toolbar":"Verktøylinje for bilde","Image upload complete":"Bildeopplasting fullført","image widget":"Bilde-widget","In line":"Innlemmet","Increase indent":"Øk innrykk","Increase list item indent":"Øk innrykk for listeelementer",Insert:"Sett inn","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Sett inn et hardt linjeskift (et nytt avsnitt)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Legg inn et nytt avsnitt rett etter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Legg inn et nytt avsnitt rett før en widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Sett inn en ny tabellrad (når man står i den siste cellen i en tabell)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Sett inn et mykt linjeskift (et <br>
-element)","Insert column left":"Sett inn kolonne til venstre","Insert column right":"Sett inn kolonne til høyre","Insert image":"Sett inn bilde","Insert image via URL":"Sett inn bilde via URL","Insert media":"Sett inn media","Insert paragraph after block":"Sett inn paragraf etter blokk","Insert paragraph before block":"Sett inn paragraf foran blokk","Insert row above":"Sett inn rad over","Insert row below":"Sett inn rad under","Insert table":"Sett inn tabell",Inset:"Innover","Invalid start index value.":"Ugyldig verdi for startindeks.",Italic:"Kursiv","Italic text":"Kursiv tekst","Justify cell text":"Rett celletekst ","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Tastetrykk som kan brukes i en liste","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tastetrykk som kan brukes i en tabellcelle","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastetrykk som kan brukes når en widget er valgt (for eksempel: bilde, tabell osv.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Legger igjen en huskeliste","Left aligned image":"Venstrejustert bilde","Light blue":"Lyseblå","Light green":"Lysegrønn","Light grey":"Lysegrå",Link:"Lenke","Link image":"Bildelenke","Link URL":"Lenke-URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"Link-URL kan ikke være tom.","List properties":"Listeegenskaper","Lower-latin":"Små latinske tegn","Lower–roman":"Små romertall","Media toolbar":"Media verktøy ","Media URL":"Media-URL","media widget":"media-widget",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Rediger",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fil",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Skrifttype",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Hjelp",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Sett inn",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Tekst",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Verktøy",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Vis","Merge cell down":"Slå sammen celle under","Merge cell left":"Slå sammen celle til venstre","Merge cell right":"Slå sammen celle til høyre","Merge cell up":"Slå sammen celle over","Merge cells":"Slå sammen celler","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Flytt fokus mellom skjemafelt (inputer, knapper osv.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Flytt fokus inn og ut av et aktivt dialogvindu","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Flytt fokus til menylinjen, naviger mellom menylinjer","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Flytt fokus til verktøylinjen, naviger mellom verktøylinjer","Move out of a link":"Flytt ut fra en lenke","Move out of an inline code style":"Gå ut av en intern kodestil","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flytt markøren for å kunne taste rett etter en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flytt markøren for å kunne taste rett før en widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Flytt valget til den neste cellen","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Flytt valget til den forrige cellen","Navigate through the table":"Naviger gjennom tabellen","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Naviger gjennom verktøylinjen eller menylinjen",Next:"Neste","No results found":"Ingen resultater","No searchable items":"Ingen søkbare elementer",None:"Ingen","Numbered List":"Nummerert liste","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Verktøylinje for stiler for nummererte lister","Open in a new tab":"Åpne i ny fane","Open link in new tab":"Åpne lenke i ny fane","Open media in new tab":"Åpne media i ny fane","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Åpne dialogen for tilgjengelighetshjelp",Orange:"Oransje",Original:"Original",Outset:"Utover",Padding:"Fylling",Paragraph:"Avsnitt","Paste content":"Lim inn innhold","Paste content as plain text":"Lim inn innhold som vanlig tekst","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Lim inn media URL ",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Angi en gyldig farge (f.eks. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Trykk på %0 for hjelp.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Trykk Enter for å skrive etter eller trykk Shift + Enter for å skrive før widgeten",Previous:"Forrige",Purple:"Lilla",Red:"Rød",Redo:"Gjør om","Remove color":"Fjern farge","Remove Format":"Fjern formatering","Replace from computer":"Erstatt fra datamaskin","Replace image":"Erstatt bilde","Replace image from computer":"Erstatt bilde fra datamaskinen","Resize image":"Endre bildestørrelse","Resize image (in %0)":"Endre bildestørrelsen (i %0)","Resize image to %0":"Endre bildestørrelse til %0","Resize image to the original size":"Endre bildestørrelse til originalstørrelse","Restore default":"Tilbakestill til standard","Reversed order":"Motsatt rekkefølge","Revert autoformatting action":"Angre autoformatering","Rich Text Editor":"Tekstredigeringsverktøy for rik tekst",Ridge:"Kjede","Right aligned image":"Høyrejustert bilde",Row:"Rad",Save:"Lagre","Select all":"Velg alt ","Select column":"Velg kolonne ","Select row":"Velg rad","Show more items":"Vis flere elementer","Side image":"Sidestilt bilde",Small:"Liten",Solid:"Hel","Split cell horizontally":"Del opp celle horisontalt","Split cell vertically":"Del opp celle vertikalt",Square:"Firkant","Start at":"Start ved","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Startindeks må være større enn 0.",Strikethrough:"Gjennomstreket","Strikethrough text":"Gjennomstreket tekst",Style:"Stil ",Subscript:"Senket skrift",Superscript:"Hevet skrift",Table:"Tabell","Table alignment toolbar":"Verktøylinje for justering av tabell ","Table cell text alignment":"Celle tekstjustering ","Table properties":"Egenskaper for tabell","Table toolbar":"Tabell verktøylinje ","Text alternative":"Tekstalternativ",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"Ugyldig farge ","The URL must not be empty.":"URL-en kan ikke være tom.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"Ugyldig verdi ","The value must not be empty.":"Verdien kan ikke være tom.","The value should be a plain number.":"Verdien skal være et vanlig tall.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Disse hurtigtastene gir rask tilgang til funksjonene for innholdsredigering.","This link has no URL":"Denne lenken mangler en URL","This media URL is not supported.":"Denne media-URL-en er ikke støttet.",Tiny:"Veldig liten","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tips: lim inn URL i innhold for bedre hastighet ","To-do List":"Oppgaveliste","Toggle caption off":"Veksle tabelltekst av","Toggle caption on":"Veksle tabelltekst på","Toggle the circle list style":"Veksle sirkellistestil","Toggle the decimal list style":"Veksle nummerlistestil","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Veksle listestilen med nummer med foranstilt null","Toggle the disc list style":"Veksle disklistestil","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Veksle listestilen med små latinske tegn","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Veksle listestilen med små romertall","Toggle the square list style":"Veksle firkantlistestil","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Veksle listestilen med store latinske tegn","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Veksle listestilen med store romertall",Turquoise:"Turkis","Type or paste your content here.":"Skriv eller lim inn ditt innhold her","Type your title":"Skriv inn tittel",Underline:"Understreket","Underline text":"Understreket tekst",Undo:"Angre",Unlink:"Fjern lenke",Update:"Oppdater","Update image URL":"Oppdater bilde-URL","Upload failed":"Kunne ikke laste opp","Upload from computer":"Last opp fra datamaskin","Upload image from computer":"Last opp bilde fra datamaskin","Upload in progress":"Laster opp fil","Uploading image":"Laster opp bilde","Upper-latin":"Store latinske tegn","Upper-roman":"Store romertall","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Bruk følgende tastetrykk for mer effektiv navigering i grensesnittet for 5-brukerversjonen av CKEditor.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Brukergrensesnitt og tastetrykk for navigering i innhold","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Verktøylinje for justering av tekst vertikalt ",White:"Hvit","Widget toolbar":"Widget verktøylinje ",Width:"Bredde","Wrap text":"Omslutt",Yellow:"Gul"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["no"]=e["no"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(trenger kanskje Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 av %1",Accept:"Godta",Accessibility:"Tilgjengelighet","Accessibility help":"Tilgjengelighetshjelp","Advanced options":"Avanserte alternativer","Align cell text to the bottom":"Juster celletekst til bunn ","Align cell text to the center":"Juster celletekst til midten ","Align cell text to the left":"Juster celletekst til venstre ","Align cell text to the middle":"Juster celletekst til midten","Align cell text to the right":"Juster celletekst til høyre ","Align cell text to the top":"Juster celletekst til topp","Align center":"Midtstill","Align left":"Venstrejuster","Align right":"Høyrejuster","Align table to the left":"Juster tabell til venstre ","Align table to the right":"Juster tabell til høyre ",Alignment:"Justering",Aquamarine:"Akvamarin",Background:"Bakgrunn ","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Nedenfor finner du en liste over hurtigtaster som kan brukes i redigeringsverktøyet.",Big:"Stor",Black:"Svart","Block quote":"Blokksitat","Block styles":"Blokkstiler",Blue:"Blå","Blue marker":"Blå utheving",Bold:"Fet","Bold text":"Uthevet tekst",Border:"Kantlinje ","Break text":"Bryt tekst","Bulleted List":"Punktliste","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Verktøylinje for punktlistestiler",Cancel:"Avbryt","Caption for image: %0":"Bildetekst for bilde: %0","Caption for the image":"Bildetekst","Cell properties":"Celleegenskaper ","Center table":"Sentrer tabell ","Centered image":"Midtstilt bilde","Change image text alternative":"Endre tekstalternativ til bildet","Characters: %0":"Tegn: %0","Choose heading":"Velg overskrift",Circle:"Sirkel",Clear:"Slett","Click to edit block":"Klikk for å redigere blokk",Close:"Lukk","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Lukk hjelpebobler, nedtrekkslister og dialoger",Code:"Kode","Code block":"Kodeblokk",Color:"Farge","Color picker":"Fargevalg ",Column:"Kolonne","Content editing keystrokes":"Tastetrykk for innholdsredigering","Copy selected content":"Kopier valgt innhold","Create link":"Opprett lenke",Custom:"Tilpasset","Custom image size":"Egendefinert bildestørrelse",Dashed:"Stiplet",Decimal:"Nummer","Decimal with leading zero":"Nummer med foranstilt null","Decrease indent":"Reduser innrykk","Decrease list item indent":"Reduser innrykk for listeelementer",Default:"Standard","Delete column":"Slett kolonne","Delete row":"Slett rad","Dim grey":"Svak grå",Dimensions:"Dimensjoner","Disable editing":"Deaktivere redigering",Disc:"Disk","Document colors":"Dokumentfarger",Dotted:"Stiplede",Double:"Dobbel ",Downloadable:"Nedlastbar","Drag to move":"Dra for å flytte","Dropdown toolbar":"Verktøylinje for nedtrekksliste","Edit block":"Rediger blokk","Edit link":"Rediger lenke","Editor block content toolbar":"Verktøylinje for blokkinnhold i redigeringsverktøy","Editor contextual toolbar":"Verktøylinje for kontekst i redigeringsverktøy","Editor dialog":"Dialogboks for redigering","Editor editing area: %0":"Redigeringsområde for redigeringsverktøyet: %0","Editor menu bar":"Menylinje for redigering","Editor toolbar":"Verktøylinje for redigeringsverktøy","Enable editing":"Aktivere redigering","Enter image caption":"Skriv inn bildetekst","Enter table caption":"Legg inn tabelltekst","Entering %0 code snippet":"Skriver inn %0 kodesnutt","Entering a to-do list":"Går inn i en huskeliste","Entering code snippet":"Skriver inn kodesnutt","Error during image upload":"Feil under bildeopplasting","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Utløs knappen som nå er i fokus. Utløsing av knapper som påvirker innholdet som redigeres, flytter fokuset tilbake til innholdet.",Find:"Søk","Find and replace":"Søk og erstatt","Find in text…":"Søk i tekst","Find in the document":"Finn i dokumentet","Font Background Color":"Uthevingsfarge for tekst","Font Color":"Skriftfarge","Font Family":"Skrifttypefamilie","Font Size":"Skriftstørrelse","Full size image":"Bilde i full størrelse",Green:"Grønn","Green marker":"Grønn utheving","Green pen":"Grønn penn",Grey:"Grå",Groove:"Grov","Header column":"Overskriftkolonne","Header row":"Overskriftrad",Heading:"Overskrift","Heading 1":"Overskrift 1","Heading 2":"Overskrift 2","Heading 3":"Overskrift 3","Heading 4":"Overskrift 4","Heading 5":"Overskrift 5","Heading 6":"Overskrift 6",Height:"Høyde","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Hjelpeinnhold. Trykk på ESC for å lukke denne dialogen.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Utheving","Horizontal line":"Horisontal linje","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Verktøylinje for justering av tekst horisontalt ","HTML object":"HTML-objekt",Huge:"Veldig stor","Image from computer":"Bilde fra datamaskin","Image resize list":"Nedtrekksliste for bildestørrelse","Image toolbar":"Verktøylinje for bilde","Image upload complete":"Bildeopplasting fullført","image widget":"Bilde-widget","In line":"Innlemmet","Increase indent":"Øk innrykk","Increase list item indent":"Øk innrykk for listeelementer",Insert:"Sett inn","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Sett inn et hardt linjeskift (et nytt avsnitt)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Legg inn et nytt avsnitt rett etter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Legg inn et nytt avsnitt rett før en widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Sett inn en ny tabellrad (når man står i den siste cellen i en tabell)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Sett inn et mykt linjeskift (et <br>
-element)","Insert code block":"Sett inn kodeblokk","Insert column left":"Sett inn kolonne til venstre","Insert column right":"Sett inn kolonne til høyre","Insert image":"Sett inn bilde","Insert image via URL":"Sett inn bilde via URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Sett inn paragraf etter blokk","Insert paragraph before block":"Sett inn paragraf foran blokk","Insert row above":"Sett inn rad over","Insert row below":"Sett inn rad under","Insert table":"Sett inn tabell",Inset:"Innover","Invalid start index value.":"Ugyldig verdi for startindeks.",Italic:"Kursiv","Italic text":"Kursiv tekst",Justify:"Blokkjuster","Justify cell text":"Rett celletekst ","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Tastetrykk som kan brukes i en liste","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tastetrykk som kan brukes i en tabellcelle","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastetrykk som kan brukes når en widget er valgt (for eksempel: bilde, tabell osv.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Forlater %0 kodesnutt","Leaving a to-do list":"Legger igjen en huskeliste","Leaving code snippet":"Forlater kodesnutt","Left aligned image":"Venstrejustert bilde","Light blue":"Lyseblå","Light green":"Lysegrønn","Light grey":"Lysegrå",Link:"Lenke","Link image":"Bildelenke","Link URL":"Lenke-URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"Link-URL kan ikke være tom.","List properties":"Listeegenskaper","Lower-latin":"Små latinske tegn","Lower–roman":"Små romertall","Match case":"Skill mellom store og små bokstaver",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Rediger",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fil",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Skrifttype",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Hjelp",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Sett inn",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Tekst",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Verktøy",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Vis","Merge cell down":"Slå sammen celle under","Merge cell left":"Slå sammen celle til venstre","Merge cell right":"Slå sammen celle til høyre","Merge cell up":"Slå sammen celle over","Merge cells":"Slå sammen celler","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Flytt fokus mellom skjemafelt (inputer, knapper osv.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Flytt fokus inn og ut av et aktivt dialogvindu","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Flytt fokus til menylinjen, naviger mellom menylinjer","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Flytt fokus til verktøylinjen, naviger mellom verktøylinjer","Move out of a link":"Flytt ut fra en lenke","Move out of an inline code style":"Gå ut av en intern kodestil","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flytt markøren for å kunne taste rett etter en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flytt markøren for å kunne taste rett før en widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Flytt valget til den neste cellen","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Flytt valget til den forrige cellen","Multiple styles":"Multiple stiler","Navigate editable regions":"Naviger redigerbare regioner","Navigate through the table":"Naviger gjennom tabellen","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Naviger gjennom verktøylinjen eller menylinjen",Next:"Neste","Next editable region":"Neste redigerbare region","Next result":"Neste resultat","No results found":"Ingen resultater","No searchable items":"Ingen søkbare elementer",None:"Ingen","Numbered List":"Nummerert liste","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Verktøylinje for stiler for nummererte lister","Open in a new tab":"Åpne i ny fane","Open link in new tab":"Åpne lenke i ny fane","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Åpne dialogen for tilgjengelighetshjelp",Orange:"Oransje",Original:"Original",Outset:"Utover",Padding:"Fylling",Paragraph:"Avsnitt","Paste content":"Lim inn innhold","Paste content as plain text":"Lim inn innhold som vanlig tekst","Pink marker":"Rosa utheving","Plain text":"Ren tekst",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Angi en gyldig farge (f.eks. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Trykk på %0 for hjelp.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Trykk Enter for å skrive etter eller trykk Shift + Enter for å skrive før widgeten",Previous:"Forrige","Previous editable region":"Forrige redigerbare region","Previous result":"Forrige resultat",Purple:"Lilla",Red:"Rød","Red pen":"Rød penn",Redo:"Gjør om","Remove color":"Fjern farge","Remove Format":"Fjern formatering","Remove highlight":"Fjern utheving",Replace:"Erstatt","Replace all":"Erstatt alt","Replace from computer":"Erstatt fra datamaskin","Replace image":"Erstatt bilde","Replace image from computer":"Erstatt bilde fra datamaskinen","Replace with…":"Erstatt med …","Resize image":"Endre bildestørrelse","Resize image (in %0)":"Endre bildestørrelsen (i %0)","Resize image to %0":"Endre bildestørrelse til %0","Resize image to the original size":"Endre bildestørrelse til originalstørrelse","Restore default":"Tilbakestill til standard","Reversed order":"Motsatt rekkefølge","Revert autoformatting action":"Angre autoformatering","Rich Text Editor":"Tekstredigeringsverktøy for rik tekst",Ridge:"Kjede","Right aligned image":"Høyrejustert bilde",Row:"Rad",Save:"Lagre","Select all":"Velg alt ","Select column":"Velg kolonne ","Select row":"Velg rad","Show more items":"Vis flere elementer","Side image":"Sidestilt bilde",Small:"Liten",Solid:"Hel","Split cell horizontally":"Del opp celle horisontalt","Split cell vertically":"Del opp celle vertikalt",Square:"Firkant","Start at":"Start ved","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Startindeks må være større enn 0.",Strikethrough:"Gjennomstreket","Strikethrough text":"Gjennomstreket tekst",Style:"Stil ",Styles:"Stiler",Subscript:"Senket skrift",Superscript:"Hevet skrift",Table:"Tabell","Table alignment toolbar":"Verktøylinje for justering av tabell ","Table cell text alignment":"Celle tekstjustering ","Table properties":"Egenskaper for tabell","Table toolbar":"Tabell verktøylinje ","Text alignment":"Tekstjustering","Text alignment toolbar":"Verktøylinje for tekstjustering","Text alternative":"Tekstalternativ","Text highlight toolbar":"Verktøylinje for tekstutheving","Text styles":"Tekststiler","Text to find must not be empty.":"Teksten som skal finnes må ikke være tom",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"Ugyldig farge ",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"Ugyldig verdi ","The value must not be empty.":"Verdien kan ikke være tom.","The value should be a plain number.":"Verdien skal være et vanlig tall.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Disse hurtigtastene gir rask tilgang til funksjonene for innholdsredigering.","This link has no URL":"Denne lenken mangler en URL",Tiny:"Veldig liten","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tips: Finn noe tekst først for å kunne erstatte den.","To-do List":"Oppgaveliste","Toggle caption off":"Veksle tabelltekst av","Toggle caption on":"Veksle tabelltekst på","Toggle the circle list style":"Veksle sirkellistestil","Toggle the decimal list style":"Veksle nummerlistestil","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Veksle listestilen med nummer med foranstilt null","Toggle the disc list style":"Veksle disklistestil","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Veksle listestilen med små latinske tegn","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Veksle listestilen med små romertall","Toggle the square list style":"Veksle firkantlistestil","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Veksle listestilen med store latinske tegn","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Veksle listestilen med store romertall",Turquoise:"Turkis","Type or paste your content here.":"Skriv eller lim inn ditt innhold her","Type your title":"Skriv inn tittel",Underline:"Understreket","Underline text":"Understreket tekst",Undo:"Angre",Unlink:"Fjern lenke",Update:"Oppdater","Update image URL":"Oppdater bilde-URL","Upload failed":"Kunne ikke laste opp","Upload from computer":"Last opp fra datamaskin","Upload image from computer":"Last opp bilde fra datamaskin","Upload in progress":"Laster opp fil","Uploading image":"Laster opp bilde","Upper-latin":"Store latinske tegn","Upper-roman":"Store romertall","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Bruk følgende tastetrykk for mer effektiv navigering i grensesnittet for 5-brukerversjonen av CKEditor.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Brukergrensesnitt og tastetrykk for navigering i innhold","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Verktøylinje for justering av tekst vertikalt ",White:"Hvit","Whole words only":"Kun hele ord","Widget toolbar":"Widget verktøylinje ",Width:"Bredde","Words: %0":"Ord: %0","Wrap text":"Omslutt",Yellow:"Gul","Yellow marker":"Gul utheving"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/pl.js b/build/translations/pl.js
index 66a399a..13aa29e 100644
--- a/build/translations/pl.js
+++ b/build/translations/pl.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const a=e["pl"]=e["pl"]||{};a.dictionary=Object.assign(a.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(może wymagać użycia klawisza Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 z %1",Accept:"Zaakceptuj",Accessibility:"Dostępność","Accessibility help":"Pomoc dotycząca dostępności","Align cell text to the bottom":"Wyrównaj tekst w komórce do dołu","Align cell text to the center":"Wyrównaj tekst w komórce do środka","Align cell text to the left":"Wyrównaj tekst w komórce do lewej","Align cell text to the middle":"Wyrównaj tekst w komórce do środka","Align cell text to the right":"Wyrównaj tekst w komórce do prawej","Align cell text to the top":"Wyrównaj tekst w komórce do góry","Align table to the left":"Wyrównaj tabelę do lewej","Align table to the right":"Wyrównaj tabelę do prawej",Alignment:"Wyrównanie",Aquamarine:"Akwamaryna",Background:"Tło","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Poniżej znajdziesz listę skrótów klawiszowych, których można używać w edytorze.",Big:"Duży",Black:"Czarny","Block quote":"Cytat blokowy",Blue:"Niebieski",Bold:"Pogrubienie","Bold text":"Pogrubia tekst",Border:"Obramowanie","Break text":"Rozbijaj tekst","Bulleted List":"Lista wypunktowana","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Pasek z narzędziami: style listy z punktorami",Cancel:"Anuluj","Caption for image: %0":"Nagłówek do obrazu: %0","Caption for the image":"Nagłówek do obrazu","Cell properties":"Właściwości komórki","Center table":"Wyrównaj tabelę do środka","Centered image":"Obraz wyrównany do środka","Change image text alternative":"Zmień tekst zastępczy obrazka","Choose heading":"Wybierz nagłówek",Circle:"Kółko",Clear:"Wyczyść","Click to edit block":"Kliknij, aby edytować blok",Close:"Zamknij","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Zamyka podpowiedzi kontekstowe, menu rozwijane i okna dialogowe",Code:"Kod",Color:"Kolor","Color picker":"Wybór koloru",Column:"Kolumna","Content editing keystrokes":"Klawisze edycji zawartości","Copy selected content":"Kopiuje zaznaczoną zawartość","Create link":"Tworzy link",Custom:"Niestandardowy","Custom image size":"Niestandardowy rozmiar obrazu",Dashed:"Kreskowane",Decimal:"Dziesiętne","Decimal with leading zero":"Dziesiętne z zerem wiodącym","Decrease indent":"Zmniejsz wcięcie","Decrease list item indent":"Zmniejsza wcięcie elementu listy",Default:"Domyślny","Delete column":"Usuń kolumnę","Delete row":"Usuń wiersz","Dim grey":"Ciemnoszary",Dimensions:"Wymiary",Disc:"Dysk","Document colors":"Kolory dokumentu",Dotted:"Kropkowane",Double:"Podwójne",Downloadable:"Do pobrania","Drag to move":"Przeciągnij, aby przenieść","Dropdown toolbar":"Rozwijany pasek narzędzi","Edit block":"Edytuj blok","Edit link":"Edytuj odnośnik","Editor block content toolbar":"Pasek zadań treści blokowej edytora","Editor contextual toolbar":"Kontekstowy pasek zadań edytora","Editor dialog":"Okno edytora","Editor editing area: %0":"Obszar edycji edytora: %0","Editor menu bar":"Pasek menu edytora","Editor toolbar":"Pasek narzędzi edytora","Enter image caption":"Wstaw tytuł obrazka","Enter table caption":"Wprowadź podpis tabeli","Entering a to-do list":"Wchodzenie na listę zadań do wykonania","Error during image upload":"Błąd podczas przesyłania obrazu","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Uruchom aktualnie aktywny przycisk. Uruchomienie przycisków wchodzących w interakcję z zawartością edytora przywraca ukierunkowanie na zawartość.","Font Background Color":"Kolor tła czcionki","Font Color":"Kolor czcionki","Font Family":"Czcionka","Font Size":"Rozmiar czcionki","Full size image":"Obraz w pełnym rozmiarze",Green:"Zielony",Grey:"Szary",Groove:"Wklęsłe","Header column":"Kolumna nagłówka","Header row":"Wiersz nagłówka",Heading:"Nagłówek","Heading 1":"Nagłówek 1","Heading 2":"Nagłówek 2","Heading 3":"Nagłówek 3","Heading 4":"Nagłówek 4","Heading 5":"Nagłówek 5","Heading 6":"Nagłówek 6",Height:"Wysokość","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Zawartość pomocy. Aby zamknąć to okno dialogowe, naciśnij klawisz ESC.",HEX:"SZESNASTKOWY","Horizontal line":"Linia pozioma","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Pasek narzędzi wyrównania tekstu w poziomie",Huge:"Bardzo duży","Image from computer":"Obraz z komputera","Image resize list":"Lista: zmiana wielkości obrazu","Image toolbar":"Pasek narzędzi obrazka","Image upload complete":"Przesyłanie obrazu zakończone","image widget":"Obraz","In line":"W linii","Increase indent":"Zwiększ wcięcie","Increase list item indent":"Zwiększa wcięcie elementu listy",Insert:"Wstaw","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Wstawia twardą spację (nowy akapit)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Wstawia nowy akapit bezpośrednio po widżecie","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Wstawia nowy akapit bezpośrednio przed widżetem","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Wstawia nowy wiersz tabeli (w przypadku ostatniej komórki tabeli)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Wstawia miękki enter (element <br>
","Insert column left":"Wstaw kolumnę z lewej","Insert column right":"Wstaw kolumnę z prawej","Insert image":"Wstaw obraz","Insert image via URL":"Wstaw obraz z adresu URL","Insert media":"Wstaw media","Insert paragraph after block":"Wstaw akapit po bloku","Insert paragraph before block":"Wstaw akapit przed blokiem","Insert row above":"Wstaw wiersz ponad","Insert row below":"Wstaw wiersz poniżej","Insert table":"Wstaw tabelę",Inset:"Zapadnięte","Invalid start index value.":"Nieprawidłowa wartość indeksu początkowego.",Italic:"Kursywa","Italic text":"Zmienia tekst na kursywę","Justify cell text":"Wyjustuj tekst komórki","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Klawisze, których można używać w odniesieniu do listy","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Klawisze, których można używać w komórce tabeli","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klawisze, których można używać po wybraniu widżetu (na przykład: obraz, tabela itd.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Opuszczenie listy zadań do wykonania","Left aligned image":"Obraz wyrównany do lewej","Light blue":"Jasnoniebieski","Light green":"Jasnozielony","Light grey":"Jasnoszary",Link:"Wstaw odnośnik","Link image":"Wstaw odnośnik do obrazka","Link URL":"Adres URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"Adres URL linku nie może być pusty","List properties":"Właściwości listy","Lower-latin":"Alfabet łaciński – małe litery","Lower–roman":"Małe cyfry rzymskie","Media toolbar":"Pasek narzędzi mediów","Media URL":"Adres URL","media widget":"widget osadzenia mediów",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Zmiana",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Plik",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Czcionka",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Pomoc",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Wstaw",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Tekst",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Narzędzia",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Zobacz","Merge cell down":"Scal komórkę w dół","Merge cell left":"Scal komórkę w lewo","Merge cell right":"Scal komórkę w prawo","Merge cell up":"Scal komórkę w górę","Merge cells":"Scal komórki","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Przenosi fokus pomiędzy polami formularza (polami wprowadzania, przyciskami itd.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Przenosi fokus do i z aktywnego okna dialogowego","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Zmień ukierunkowanie na pasek menu, nawiguj między paskami menu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Przenosi fokus na pasek narzędzi, umożliwia poruszanie się pomiędzy paskami narzędzi","Move out of a link":"Umożliwia wyjście z linku","Move out of an inline code style":"Przenosi zaznaczenie poza styl kodu inline","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Przenosi kursor, aby umożliwić pisanie bezpośrednio za widżetem","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Przenosi kursor, aby umożliwić pisanie bezpośrednio przed widżetem","Move the selection to the next cell":"Przenosi zaznaczenie do następnej komórki","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Przenosi zaznaczenie do poprzedniej komórki","Navigate through the table":"Umożliwia poruszanie się po tabeli","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Nawiguj za pomocą paska narzędzi lub paska menu",Next:"Następny","No results found":"Nie znaleziono wyników","No searchable items":"Brak elementów do wyszukania",None:"Brak","Numbered List":"Lista numerowana","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Pasek z narzędziami: style listy numerowanej","Open in a new tab":"Otwórz w nowej zakładce","Open link in new tab":"Otwórz odnośnik w nowej zakładce","Open media in new tab":"Otwórz media w nowej zakładce","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Otwiera okno pomocy dotyczącej dostępności",Orange:"Pomarańczowy",Original:"Oryginalny",Outset:"Wysunięte",Padding:"Dopełnienie",Paragraph:"Akapit","Paste content":"Wkleja zawartość","Paste content as plain text":"Wkleja zawartość jako zwykły tekst","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Wklej adres URL mediów do pola.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Wprowadź prawidłowy kolor (np. „ff0000”).","Press %0 for help.":"Naciśnij %0, aby uzyskać pomoc.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Naciśnij Enter, aby pisać po widżecie, lub Shift + Enter, aby pisać przed widżetem",Previous:"Poprzedni",Purple:"Purpurowy",Red:"Czerwony",Redo:"Ponów","Remove color":"Usuń kolor","Remove Format":"Usuń formatowanie","Replace from computer":"Zastąp z komputera","Replace image":"Zastąp obraz","Replace image from computer":"Zastąp obraz z komputera","Resize image":"Zmień rozmiar obrazka","Resize image (in %0)":"Zmień rozmiar obrazu (w %0)","Resize image to %0":"Zmień rozmiar do %0","Resize image to the original size":"Przywróć oryginalny rozmiar obrazu","Restore default":"Przywróć domyślne","Reversed order":"Odwrócona kolejność","Revert autoformatting action":"Cofa automatyczne formatowanie","Rich Text Editor":"Edytor tekstu sformatowanego",Ridge:"Wypukłe","Right aligned image":"Obraz wyrównany do prawej",Row:"Wiersz",Save:"Zapisz","Select all":"Zaznacz wszystko","Select column":"Zaznacz kolumnę","Select row":"Zaznacz wiersz","Show more items":"Pokaż więcej","Side image":"Obraz dosunięty do brzegu, oblewany tekstem",Small:"Mały",Solid:"Ciągłe","Split cell horizontally":"Podziel komórkę poziomo","Split cell vertically":"Podziel komórkę pionowo",Square:"Kwadrat","Start at":"Zacznij od","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Wartość początkowa musi być większa niż 0.",Strikethrough:"Przekreślenie","Strikethrough text":"Przekreśla tekst",Style:"Styl",Subscript:"Indeks dolny",Superscript:"Indeks górny",Table:"Tabela","Table alignment toolbar":"Pasek narzędzi wyrównania tabeli","Table cell text alignment":"Wyrównanie tekstu komórki tabeli","Table properties":"Właściwości tabeli","Table toolbar":"Pasek narzędzi tabel","Text alternative":"Tekst zastępczy obrazka",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Kolor jest niepoprawny. Spróbuj wpisać "#FF0000", "rgb(255,0,0)" lub "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"Adres URL nie może być pusty.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Wartość jest niepoprawna. Spróbuj wpisać "10px", "2em" lub po prostu "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Wartość nie może być pusta.","The value should be a plain number.":"Wartość powinna zawierać tylko liczbę.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Te skróty klawiszowe umożliwiają szybki dostęp do funkcji edycji zawartości.","This link has no URL":"Nie podano adresu URL odnośnika","This media URL is not supported.":"Ten rodzaj adresu URL nie jest obsługiwany.",Tiny:"Bardzo mały","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Wskazówka: Wklej URL do treści edytora, by łatwiej osadzić media.","To-do List":"Lista rzeczy do zrobienia","Toggle caption off":"Ukryj podpis tabeli","Toggle caption on":"Pokaż podpis tabeli","Toggle the circle list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „kółko”","Toggle the decimal list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „dziesiętne”","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „dziesiętne z zerem wiodącym”","Toggle the disc list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „dysk”","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „alfabet łaciński – małe litery”","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „małe cyfry rzymskie”","Toggle the square list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „kwadrat”","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „alfabet łaciński – wielkie litery”","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „wielkie cyfry rzymskie”",Turquoise:"Turkusowy","Type or paste your content here.":"Wpisz lub wklej tutaj treść dokumentu.","Type your title":"Podaj tytuł",Underline:"Podkreślenie","Underline text":"Podkreśla tekst",Undo:"Cofnij",Unlink:"Usuń odnośnik",Update:"Zaktualizuj","Update image URL":"Uaktualnij obraz z adresu URL","Upload failed":"Przesyłanie obrazu nie powiodło się","Upload from computer":"Prześlij z komputera","Upload image from computer":"Prześlij obraz z komputera","Upload in progress":"Trwa przesyłanie","Uploading image":"Trwa przesyłanie obrazu","Upper-latin":"Alfabet łaciński – wielkie litery","Upper-roman":"Wielkie cyfry rzymskie","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Aby łatwiej poruszać się po interfejsie użytkownika CKEditor 5, użyj następujących skrótów klawiszowych.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Klawisze umożliwiające poruszanie się po interfejsie użytkownika i zawartości","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Pasek narzędzi wyrównania tekstu w pionie",White:"Biały","Widget toolbar":"Pasek widgetów",Width:"Szerokość","Wrap text":"Zawijaj tekst",Yellow:"Żółty"});a.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==1?0:e%10>=2&&e%10<=4&&(e%100<12||e%100>14)?1:e!=1&&(e%10>=0&&e%10<=1)||e%10>=5&&e%10<=9||e%100>=12&&e%100<=14?2:3}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const a=e["pl"]=e["pl"]||{};a.dictionary=Object.assign(a.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(może wymagać użycia klawisza Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 z %1",Accept:"Zaakceptuj",Accessibility:"Dostępność","Accessibility help":"Pomoc dotycząca dostępności","Advanced options":"Opcje zaawansowane","Align cell text to the bottom":"Wyrównaj tekst w komórce do dołu","Align cell text to the center":"Wyrównaj tekst w komórce do środka","Align cell text to the left":"Wyrównaj tekst w komórce do lewej","Align cell text to the middle":"Wyrównaj tekst w komórce do środka","Align cell text to the right":"Wyrównaj tekst w komórce do prawej","Align cell text to the top":"Wyrównaj tekst w komórce do góry","Align center":"Wyrównaj do środka","Align left":"Wyrównaj do lewej","Align right":"Wyrównaj do prawej","Align table to the left":"Wyrównaj tabelę do lewej","Align table to the right":"Wyrównaj tabelę do prawej",Alignment:"Wyrównanie",Aquamarine:"Akwamaryna",Background:"Tło","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Poniżej znajdziesz listę skrótów klawiszowych, których można używać w edytorze.",Big:"Duży",Black:"Czarny","Block quote":"Cytat blokowy","Block styles":"Style tekstu blokowego",Blue:"Niebieski","Blue marker":"Niebieski marker",Bold:"Pogrubienie","Bold text":"Pogrubia tekst",Border:"Obramowanie","Break text":"Rozbijaj tekst","Bulleted List":"Lista wypunktowana","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Pasek z narzędziami: style listy z punktorami",Cancel:"Anuluj","Caption for image: %0":"Nagłówek do obrazu: %0","Caption for the image":"Nagłówek do obrazu","Cell properties":"Właściwości komórki","Center table":"Wyrównaj tabelę do środka","Centered image":"Obraz wyrównany do środka","Change image text alternative":"Zmień tekst zastępczy obrazka","Characters: %0":"Znaki: %0","Choose heading":"Wybierz nagłówek",Circle:"Kółko",Clear:"Wyczyść","Click to edit block":"Kliknij, aby edytować blok",Close:"Zamknij","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Zamyka podpowiedzi kontekstowe, menu rozwijane i okna dialogowe",Code:"Kod","Code block":"Blok kodu",Color:"Kolor","Color picker":"Wybór koloru",Column:"Kolumna","Content editing keystrokes":"Klawisze edycji zawartości","Copy selected content":"Kopiuje zaznaczoną zawartość","Create link":"Tworzy link",Custom:"Niestandardowy","Custom image size":"Niestandardowy rozmiar obrazu",Dashed:"Kreskowane",Decimal:"Dziesiętne","Decimal with leading zero":"Dziesiętne z zerem wiodącym","Decrease indent":"Zmniejsz wcięcie","Decrease list item indent":"Zmniejsza wcięcie elementu listy",Default:"Domyślny","Delete column":"Usuń kolumnę","Delete row":"Usuń wiersz","Dim grey":"Ciemnoszary",Dimensions:"Wymiary","Disable editing":"Zablokuj edycję",Disc:"Dysk","Document colors":"Kolory dokumentu",Dotted:"Kropkowane",Double:"Podwójne",Downloadable:"Do pobrania","Drag to move":"Przeciągnij, aby przenieść","Dropdown toolbar":"Rozwijany pasek narzędzi","Edit block":"Edytuj blok","Edit link":"Edytuj odnośnik","Editor block content toolbar":"Pasek zadań treści blokowej edytora","Editor contextual toolbar":"Kontekstowy pasek zadań edytora","Editor dialog":"Okno edytora","Editor editing area: %0":"Obszar edycji edytora: %0","Editor menu bar":"Pasek menu edytora","Editor toolbar":"Pasek narzędzi edytora","Enable editing":"Odblokuj edycję","Enter image caption":"Wstaw tytuł obrazka","Enter table caption":"Wprowadź podpis tabeli","Entering %0 code snippet":"Wchodzenie we fragment kodu %0","Entering a to-do list":"Wchodzenie na listę zadań do wykonania","Entering code snippet":"Wchodzenie we fragment kodu","Error during image upload":"Błąd podczas przesyłania obrazu","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Uruchom aktualnie aktywny przycisk. Uruchomienie przycisków wchodzących w interakcję z zawartością edytora przywraca ukierunkowanie na zawartość.",Find:"Znajdź","Find and replace":"Znajdź i zamień","Find in text…":"Znajdź…","Find in the document":"Otwiera interfejs Znajdź w dokumencie","Font Background Color":"Kolor tła czcionki","Font Color":"Kolor czcionki","Font Family":"Czcionka","Font Size":"Rozmiar czcionki","Full size image":"Obraz w pełnym rozmiarze",Green:"Zielony","Green marker":"Zielony marker","Green pen":"Zielony długopis",Grey:"Szary",Groove:"Wklęsłe","Header column":"Kolumna nagłówka","Header row":"Wiersz nagłówka",Heading:"Nagłówek","Heading 1":"Nagłówek 1","Heading 2":"Nagłówek 2","Heading 3":"Nagłówek 3","Heading 4":"Nagłówek 4","Heading 5":"Nagłówek 5","Heading 6":"Nagłówek 6",Height:"Wysokość","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Zawartość pomocy. Aby zamknąć to okno dialogowe, naciśnij klawisz ESC.",HEX:"SZESNASTKOWY",Highlight:"Podświetlenie","Horizontal line":"Linia pozioma","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Pasek narzędzi wyrównania tekstu w poziomie","HTML object":"Obiekt HTML",Huge:"Bardzo duży","Image from computer":"Obraz z komputera","Image resize list":"Lista: zmiana wielkości obrazu","Image toolbar":"Pasek narzędzi obrazka","Image upload complete":"Przesyłanie obrazu zakończone","image widget":"Obraz","In line":"W linii","Increase indent":"Zwiększ wcięcie","Increase list item indent":"Zwiększa wcięcie elementu listy",Insert:"Wstaw","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Wstawia twardą spację (nowy akapit)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Wstawia nowy akapit bezpośrednio po widżecie","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Wstawia nowy akapit bezpośrednio przed widżetem","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Wstawia nowy wiersz tabeli (w przypadku ostatniej komórki tabeli)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Wstawia miękki enter (element <br>
","Insert code block":"Wstaw blok kodu","Insert column left":"Wstaw kolumnę z lewej","Insert column right":"Wstaw kolumnę z prawej","Insert image":"Wstaw obraz","Insert image via URL":"Wstaw obraz z adresu URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Wstaw akapit po bloku","Insert paragraph before block":"Wstaw akapit przed blokiem","Insert row above":"Wstaw wiersz ponad","Insert row below":"Wstaw wiersz poniżej","Insert table":"Wstaw tabelę",Inset:"Zapadnięte","Invalid start index value.":"Nieprawidłowa wartość indeksu początkowego.",Italic:"Kursywa","Italic text":"Zmienia tekst na kursywę",Justify:"Wyrównaj obustronnie","Justify cell text":"Wyjustuj tekst komórki","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Klawisze, których można używać w odniesieniu do listy","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Klawisze, których można używać w komórce tabeli","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klawisze, których można używać po wybraniu widżetu (na przykład: obraz, tabela itd.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Opuszczenie fragmentu kodu %0","Leaving a to-do list":"Opuszczenie listy zadań do wykonania","Leaving code snippet":"Opuszczanie fragmentu kodu","Left aligned image":"Obraz wyrównany do lewej","Light blue":"Jasnoniebieski","Light green":"Jasnozielony","Light grey":"Jasnoszary",Link:"Wstaw odnośnik","Link image":"Wstaw odnośnik do obrazka","Link URL":"Adres URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"Adres URL linku nie może być pusty","List properties":"Właściwości listy","Lower-latin":"Alfabet łaciński – małe litery","Lower–roman":"Małe cyfry rzymskie","Match case":"Uwzględnij wielkość liter",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Zmiana",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Plik",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Czcionka",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Pomoc",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Wstaw",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Tekst",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Narzędzia",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Zobacz","Merge cell down":"Scal komórkę w dół","Merge cell left":"Scal komórkę w lewo","Merge cell right":"Scal komórkę w prawo","Merge cell up":"Scal komórkę w górę","Merge cells":"Scal komórki","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Przenosi fokus pomiędzy polami formularza (polami wprowadzania, przyciskami itd.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Przenosi fokus do i z aktywnego okna dialogowego","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Zmień ukierunkowanie na pasek menu, nawiguj między paskami menu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Przenosi fokus na pasek narzędzi, umożliwia poruszanie się pomiędzy paskami narzędzi","Move out of a link":"Umożliwia wyjście z linku","Move out of an inline code style":"Przenosi zaznaczenie poza styl kodu inline","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Przenosi kursor, aby umożliwić pisanie bezpośrednio za widżetem","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Przenosi kursor, aby umożliwić pisanie bezpośrednio przed widżetem","Move the selection to the next cell":"Przenosi zaznaczenie do następnej komórki","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Przenosi zaznaczenie do poprzedniej komórki","Multiple styles":"Wiele stylów","Navigate editable regions":"Przejdź między polami do edycji","Navigate through the table":"Umożliwia poruszanie się po tabeli","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Nawiguj za pomocą paska narzędzi lub paska menu",Next:"Następny","Next editable region":"Następne pole do edycji","Next result":"Następny","No results found":"Nie znaleziono wyników","No searchable items":"Brak elementów do wyszukania",None:"Brak","Numbered List":"Lista numerowana","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Pasek z narzędziami: style listy numerowanej","Open in a new tab":"Otwórz w nowej zakładce","Open link in new tab":"Otwórz odnośnik w nowej zakładce","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Otwiera okno pomocy dotyczącej dostępności",Orange:"Pomarańczowy",Original:"Oryginalny",Outset:"Wysunięte",Padding:"Dopełnienie",Paragraph:"Akapit","Paste content":"Wkleja zawartość","Paste content as plain text":"Wkleja zawartość jako zwykły tekst","Pink marker":"Różowy marker","Plain text":"Zwykły tekst",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Wprowadź prawidłowy kolor (np. „ff0000”).","Press %0 for help.":"Naciśnij %0, aby uzyskać pomoc.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Naciśnij Enter, aby pisać po widżecie, lub Shift + Enter, aby pisać przed widżetem",Previous:"Poprzedni","Previous editable region":"Poprzednie pole do edycji","Previous result":"Poprzedni",Purple:"Purpurowy",Red:"Czerwony","Red pen":"Czerwony długopis",Redo:"Ponów","Remove color":"Usuń kolor","Remove Format":"Usuń formatowanie","Remove highlight":"Usuń podświetlenie",Replace:"Zamień","Replace all":"Zamień wszystko","Replace from computer":"Zastąp z komputera","Replace image":"Zastąp obraz","Replace image from computer":"Zastąp obraz z komputera","Replace with…":"Zamień na…","Resize image":"Zmień rozmiar obrazka","Resize image (in %0)":"Zmień rozmiar obrazu (w %0)","Resize image to %0":"Zmień rozmiar do %0","Resize image to the original size":"Przywróć oryginalny rozmiar obrazu","Restore default":"Przywróć domyślne","Reversed order":"Odwrócona kolejność","Revert autoformatting action":"Cofa automatyczne formatowanie","Rich Text Editor":"Edytor tekstu sformatowanego",Ridge:"Wypukłe","Right aligned image":"Obraz wyrównany do prawej",Row:"Wiersz",Save:"Zapisz","Select all":"Zaznacz wszystko","Select column":"Zaznacz kolumnę","Select row":"Zaznacz wiersz","Show more items":"Pokaż więcej","Side image":"Obraz dosunięty do brzegu, oblewany tekstem",Small:"Mały",Solid:"Ciągłe","Split cell horizontally":"Podziel komórkę poziomo","Split cell vertically":"Podziel komórkę pionowo",Square:"Kwadrat","Start at":"Zacznij od","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Wartość początkowa musi być większa niż 0.",Strikethrough:"Przekreślenie","Strikethrough text":"Przekreśla tekst",Style:"Styl",Styles:"Style",Subscript:"Indeks dolny",Superscript:"Indeks górny",Table:"Tabela","Table alignment toolbar":"Pasek narzędzi wyrównania tabeli","Table cell text alignment":"Wyrównanie tekstu komórki tabeli","Table properties":"Właściwości tabeli","Table toolbar":"Pasek narzędzi tabel","Text alignment":"Wyrównanie tekstu","Text alignment toolbar":"Pasek narzędzi wyrównania tekstu","Text alternative":"Tekst zastępczy obrazka","Text highlight toolbar":"Pasek narzędzi podświetleń","Text styles":"Style tekstu","Text to find must not be empty.":"Szukany tekst nie może być pusty.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Kolor jest niepoprawny. Spróbuj wpisać "#FF0000", "rgb(255,0,0)" lub "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Wartość jest niepoprawna. Spróbuj wpisać "10px", "2em" lub po prostu "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Wartość nie może być pusta.","The value should be a plain number.":"Wartość powinna zawierać tylko liczbę.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Te skróty klawiszowe umożliwiają szybki dostęp do funkcji edycji zawartości.","This link has no URL":"Nie podano adresu URL odnośnika",Tiny:"Bardzo mały","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Podpowiedź: Znajdź jakiś tekst, aby go zamienić.","To-do List":"Lista rzeczy do zrobienia","Toggle caption off":"Ukryj podpis tabeli","Toggle caption on":"Pokaż podpis tabeli","Toggle the circle list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „kółko”","Toggle the decimal list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „dziesiętne”","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „dziesiętne z zerem wiodącym”","Toggle the disc list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „dysk”","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „alfabet łaciński – małe litery”","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „małe cyfry rzymskie”","Toggle the square list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „kwadrat”","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „alfabet łaciński – wielkie litery”","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „wielkie cyfry rzymskie”",Turquoise:"Turkusowy","Type or paste your content here.":"Wpisz lub wklej tutaj treść dokumentu.","Type your title":"Podaj tytuł",Underline:"Podkreślenie","Underline text":"Podkreśla tekst",Undo:"Cofnij",Unlink:"Usuń odnośnik",Update:"Zaktualizuj","Update image URL":"Uaktualnij obraz z adresu URL","Upload failed":"Przesyłanie obrazu nie powiodło się","Upload from computer":"Prześlij z komputera","Upload image from computer":"Prześlij obraz z komputera","Upload in progress":"Trwa przesyłanie","Uploading image":"Trwa przesyłanie obrazu","Upper-latin":"Alfabet łaciński – wielkie litery","Upper-roman":"Wielkie cyfry rzymskie","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Aby łatwiej poruszać się po interfejsie użytkownika CKEditor 5, użyj następujących skrótów klawiszowych.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Klawisze umożliwiające poruszanie się po interfejsie użytkownika i zawartości","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Pasek narzędzi wyrównania tekstu w pionie",White:"Biały","Whole words only":"Znajdź tylko całe wyrazy","Widget toolbar":"Pasek widgetów",Width:"Szerokość","Words: %0":"Słowa: %0","Wrap text":"Zawijaj tekst",Yellow:"Żółty","Yellow marker":"Żółty marker"});a.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==1?0:e%10>=2&&e%10<=4&&(e%100<12||e%100>14)?1:e!=1&&(e%10>=0&&e%10<=1)||e%10>=5&&e%10<=9||e%100>=12&&e%100<=14?2:3}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
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diff --git a/build/translations/pt.js b/build/translations/pt.js
index 48a70b5..177a2bf 100644
--- a/build/translations/pt.js
+++ b/build/translations/pt.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const a=e["pt"]=e["pt"]||{};a.dictionary=Object.assign(a.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(pode exigir Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 de %1",Accept:"Aceitar",Accessibility:"Acessibilidade","Accessibility help":"Ajuda de acessibilidade","Align cell text to the bottom":"Alinhar texto da célula no fundo","Align cell text to the center":"Alinhar texto da célula ao centro","Align cell text to the left":"Alinhar texto da célula à esquerda","Align cell text to the middle":"Alinhar texto da célula ao meio","Align cell text to the right":"Alinhar texto da célula à direita","Align cell text to the top":"Alinhar texto da célula no topo","Align table to the left":"Alinhar tabela à esquerda","Align table to the right":"Alinhar tabela à direita",Alignment:"Alinhamento",Aquamarine:"Verde-azulado",Background:"Fundo","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Abaixo, encontra-se uma lista de atalhos de teclado que podem ser utilizados no editor.",Big:"Grande",Black:"Preto","Block quote":"Bloco de citação",Blue:"Azul",Bold:"Negrito","Bold text":"Texto em negrito",Border:"Borda","Break text":"Quebrar texto","Bulleted List":"Lista não ordenada","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de estilos de lista de itens",Cancel:"Cancelar","Caption for image: %0":"Legenda da imagem: %0","Caption for the image":"Legenda da imagem","Cell properties":"Propriedades da célula","Center table":"Centrar tabela","Centered image":"Imagem centrada","Change image text alternative":"Alterar texto alternativo da imagem","Choose heading":"Escolher cabeçalho",Circle:"Círculo",Clear:"Limpar","Click to edit block":"Clique para editar o bloco",Close:"Fechar","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Fechar balões contextuais, menus suspensos e caixas de diálogo",Code:"Código",Color:"Cor","Color picker":"Seletor de cor",Column:"Coluna","Content editing keystrokes":"Batimentos de teclas para editar o conteúdo","Copy selected content":"Copiar o conteúdo selecionado","Create link":"Criar ligação",Custom:"Personalizar","Custom image size":"Personalizar o tamanho da imagem",Dashed:"Tracejado",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal com zero inicial","Decrease indent":"Diminuir indentação","Decrease list item indent":"Diminuir o avanço de um item de lista",Default:"Padrão","Delete column":"Eliminar coluna","Delete row":"Eliminar linha","Dim grey":"Cinzento-escuro",Dimensions:"Dimensões",Disc:"Disco","Document colors":"Cores do documento",Dotted:"Pontilhado",Double:"Duplo",Downloadable:"Descarregável","Drag to move":"Arraste para mover","Dropdown toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do menu pendente","Edit block":"Editar bloco","Edit link":"Editar hiperligação","Editor block content toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de edição do conteúdo de blocos","Editor contextual toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas contextual de edição","Editor dialog":"Diálogo do editor","Editor editing area: %0":"Área de edição do editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"Barra de menu do editor","Editor toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do editor","Enter image caption":"Indicar legenda da imagem","Enter table caption":"Introduzir legenda da tabela","Entering a to-do list":"Introdução de uma lista de afazeres","Error during image upload":"Erro durante o carregamento da imagem","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Executar o botão atualmente em foco. A execução de botões que interagem com o conteúdo do editor coloca novamente o foco sobre o conteúdo.","Font Background Color":"Cor de Fundo da Fonte","Font Color":"Cor da Fonte","Font Family":"Família de Fontes","Font Size":"Tamanho da fonte","Full size image":"Imagem em tamanho completo",Green:"Verde",Grey:"Cinzento",Groove:"Sulcos","Header column":"Coluna de cabeçalho","Header row":"Linha de cabeçalho",Heading:"Cabeçalho","Heading 1":"Cabeçalho 1","Heading 2":"Cabeçalho 2","Heading 3":"Cabeçalho 3","Heading 4":"Cabeçalho 4","Heading 5":"Cabeçalho 5","Heading 6":"Cabeçalho 6",Height:"Altura","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Conteúdos de ajuda. Para fechar esta caixa de diálogo, prima ESC.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Linha horizontal","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do alinhamento horizontal de texto",Huge:"Enorme","Image from computer":"Imagem a partir do computador","Image resize list":"Lista de redimensionamento de imagem","Image toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de imagem","Image upload complete":"Carregamento da imagem concluído","image widget":"módulo de imagem","In line":"Em linha","Increase indent":"Aumentar indentação","Increase list item indent":"Aumentar o avanço de um item de lista",Insert:"Inserir","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Inserir uma quebra brusca (um novo parágrafo)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente após um widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente antes de um widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Inserir uma nova linha de tabela (quando o utilizador estiver na última célula de uma tabela)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Inserir uma quebra suave (um elemento <br>
)","Insert column left":"Inserir coluna à esquerda","Insert column right":"Inserir coluna à direita","Insert image":"Inserir imagem","Insert image via URL":"Inserir imagem através de URL","Insert media":"Inserir media","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir parágrafo após o bloco","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir parágrafo antes do bloco","Insert row above":"Inserir linha acima","Insert row below":"Inserir linha abaixo","Insert table":"Inserir tabela",Inset:"Interior","Invalid start index value.":"Valor de índice inicial inválido.",Italic:"Itálico","Italic text":"Texto em itálico","Justify cell text":"Justificar texto da célula","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Batimentos de teclas que podem ser utilizados numa lista","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Batimentos de teclas que podem ser utilizados numa célula de tabela","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Batimentos de teclas que podem ser utilizados quando um widget é selecionado (por exemplo: imagem, tabela, etc.)","Leaving a to-do list":"A sair de uma lista de afazeres","Left aligned image":"Imagem alinhada à esquerda","Light blue":"Azul-claro","Light green":"Verde-claro","Light grey":"Cinzento-claro",Link:"Hiperligação","Link image":"Imagem da hiperligação","Link URL":"URL da ligação","Link URL must not be empty.":"O URL da ligação não pode estar em branco.","List properties":"Propriedades da lista","Lower-latin":"Latim minúsculo","Lower–roman":"Romano minúsculo","Media toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de media","Media URL":"URL de media","media widget":"Miniaplicação de media",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Editar",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Ficheiro",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Tipo de letra",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formatação",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Ajuda",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Inserir",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Texto",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Ferramentas",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Visualizar","Merge cell down":"Unir célula abaixo","Merge cell left":"Unir célula à esquerda","Merge cell right":"Unir célula à direita","Merge cell up":"Unir célula acima","Merge cells":"Fundir células","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Mover o foco entre os campos do formulário (entradas, botões, etc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Mover o foco para dentro e para fora de uma janela de diálogo ativa","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Mover o foco para a barra de menu, navegar entre as barras de menu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Mover o foco para a barra de ferramentas, navegar entre barras de ferramentas","Move out of a link":"Sair de uma ligação","Move out of an inline code style":"Sair de um estilo de código inline","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mover o ponto de inserção para permitir escrever diretamente após um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mover o ponto de inserção para permitir escrever diretamente antes de um widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Mover a seleção para a célula seguinte","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Mover a seleção para a célula anterior","Navigate through the table":"Navegar pela tabela","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navegar pela barra de ferramentas ou pela barra de menu",Next:"Seguinte","No results found":"Nenhum resultado encontrado","No searchable items":"Nenhum item pesquisável",None:"Nenhum","Numbered List":"Lista ordenada","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de estilos de lista numerada","Open in a new tab":"Abrir num novo separador","Open link in new tab":"Abrir hiperligação num novo separador","Open media in new tab":"Abrir ficheiro multimédia em novo separador","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Abrir a caixa de diálogo de ajuda de acessibilidade",Orange:"Laranja",Original:"Original",Outset:"Exterior",Padding:"Espaçamento",Paragraph:"Parágrafo","Paste content":"Colar o conteúdo","Paste content as plain text":"Colar o conteúdo como texto sem formatação","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Cole o URL de média no input.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Introduza uma cor válida (por ex. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Para obter ajuda, pressione %0.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Prima Enter para escrever depois ou Shift + Enter para escrever antes do widget",Previous:"Anterior",Purple:"Roxo",Red:"Vermelho",Redo:"Refazer","Remove color":"Remover cor","Remove Format":"Remover formatação","Replace from computer":"Substituir a partir do computador","Replace image":"Substituir imagem","Replace image from computer":"Substituir imagem a partir do computador","Resize image":"Redimensionar imagem","Resize image (in %0)":"Redimensionar imagem (em %0)","Resize image to %0":"Redimensionar imagem para %0","Resize image to the original size":"Redimensionar imagem para tamanho original","Restore default":"Restaurar predefinição","Reversed order":"Ordem inversa","Revert autoformatting action":"Reverter ação de formatação automática","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de texto avançado",Ridge:"Rebordo","Right aligned image":"Imagem alinhada à direita",Row:"Linha",Save:"Guardar","Select all":"Selecionar todos","Select column":"Selecionar coluna","Select row":"Selecionar linha","Show more items":"Mostrar mais itens","Side image":"Imagem lateral",Small:"Pequena",Solid:"Sólido","Split cell horizontally":"Dividir célula horizontalmente","Split cell vertically":"Dividir célula verticalmente",Square:"Quadrado","Start at":"Começa em","Start index must be greater than 0.":"O índice inicial tem de ser superior a 0.",Strikethrough:"Rasurar","Strikethrough text":"Texto rasurado",Style:"Estilo",Subscript:"Subscrito",Superscript:"Sobrescrito",Table:"Tabela","Table alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do alinhamento da tabela","Table cell text alignment":"Alinhamento de texto das células da tabela","Table properties":"Propriedades da tabela","Table toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas da tabela","Text alternative":"Texto alternativo",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'A cor é inválida. Tente "#FF0000" ou "rgb(255,0,0)" ou "vermelho".',"The URL must not be empty.":"O URL não pode ficar vazio.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'O valor é inválido. Tente "10px" ou "2em" ou simplesmente "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"O valor não pode estar em branco.","The value should be a plain number.":"O valor deve ser um número inteiro.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Estes atalhos de teclado permitem aceder rapidamente às funcionalidades de edição de conteúdo.","This link has no URL":"Esta hiperligação não tem URL","This media URL is not supported.":"Este URL de media não é suportado.",Tiny:"Mínima","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Dica: Cole o URL no conteúdo para incorporar mais rapidamente.","To-do List":"Lista de tarefas","Toggle caption off":"Desativar legenda","Toggle caption on":"Ativar legenda","Toggle the circle list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista de círculos","Toggle the decimal list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista decimal com zero inicial","Toggle the disc list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista de discos","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista de latim minúsculo","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista de números romanos minúsculos","Toggle the square list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista de quadrados","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista de latim maiúsculo","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista de números romanos maiúsculos",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Type or paste your content here.":"Digite ou cole o seu conteúdo aqui.","Type your title":"Introduza o seu título",Underline:"Sublinhado","Underline text":"Sublinhar texto",Undo:"Desfazer",Unlink:"Desligar",Update:"Atualizar","Update image URL":"Atualizar URL da imagem","Upload failed":"Falha ao carregar","Upload from computer":"Carregar a partir do computador","Upload image from computer":"Carregar imagem a partir do computador","Upload in progress":"Carregamento em progresso","Uploading image":"A carregar imagem","Upper-latin":"Latim maiúsculo","Upper-roman":"Romano maiúsculo","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Para navegar de forma mais eficiente pela interface de utilizador do CKEditor 5, utilize os seguintes batimentos de teclas.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Batimentos de teclas para navegar pela interface de utilizador e pelo conteúdo","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do alinhamento vertical de texto",White:"Branco","Widget toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do widget",Width:"Largura","Wrap text":"Envolver texto",Yellow:"Amarelo"});a.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==0||e==1?0:e!=0&&e%1e6==0?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const a=e["pt"]=e["pt"]||{};a.dictionary=Object.assign(a.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(pode exigir Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 de %1",Accept:"Aceitar",Accessibility:"Acessibilidade","Accessibility help":"Ajuda de acessibilidade","Advanced options":"Opções avançadas","Align cell text to the bottom":"Alinhar texto da célula no fundo","Align cell text to the center":"Alinhar texto da célula ao centro","Align cell text to the left":"Alinhar texto da célula à esquerda","Align cell text to the middle":"Alinhar texto da célula ao meio","Align cell text to the right":"Alinhar texto da célula à direita","Align cell text to the top":"Alinhar texto da célula no topo","Align center":"Alinhar ao centro","Align left":"Alinhar à esquerda","Align right":"Alinhar à direita","Align table to the left":"Alinhar tabela à esquerda","Align table to the right":"Alinhar tabela à direita",Alignment:"Alinhamento",Aquamarine:"Verde-azulado",Background:"Fundo","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Abaixo, encontra-se uma lista de atalhos de teclado que podem ser utilizados no editor.",Big:"Grande",Black:"Preto","Block quote":"Bloco de citação","Block styles":"Estilos de blocos",Blue:"Azul","Blue marker":"Marcador azul",Bold:"Negrito","Bold text":"Texto em negrito",Border:"Borda","Break text":"Quebrar texto","Bulleted List":"Lista não ordenada","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de estilos de lista de itens",Cancel:"Cancelar","Caption for image: %0":"Legenda da imagem: %0","Caption for the image":"Legenda da imagem","Cell properties":"Propriedades da célula","Center table":"Centrar tabela","Centered image":"Imagem centrada","Change image text alternative":"Alterar texto alternativo da imagem","Characters: %0":"Caracteres: %0","Choose heading":"Escolher cabeçalho",Circle:"Círculo",Clear:"Limpar","Click to edit block":"Clique para editar o bloco",Close:"Fechar","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Fechar balões contextuais, menus suspensos e caixas de diálogo",Code:"Código","Code block":"Bloco de código",Color:"Cor","Color picker":"Seletor de cor",Column:"Coluna","Content editing keystrokes":"Batimentos de teclas para editar o conteúdo","Copy selected content":"Copiar o conteúdo selecionado","Create link":"Criar ligação",Custom:"Personalizar","Custom image size":"Personalizar o tamanho da imagem",Dashed:"Tracejado",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal com zero inicial","Decrease indent":"Diminuir indentação","Decrease list item indent":"Diminuir o avanço de um item de lista",Default:"Padrão","Delete column":"Eliminar coluna","Delete row":"Eliminar linha","Dim grey":"Cinzento-escuro",Dimensions:"Dimensões","Disable editing":"Desativar edição",Disc:"Disco","Document colors":"Cores do documento",Dotted:"Pontilhado",Double:"Duplo",Downloadable:"Descarregável","Drag to move":"Arraste para mover","Dropdown toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do menu pendente","Edit block":"Editar bloco","Edit link":"Editar hiperligação","Editor block content toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de edição do conteúdo de blocos","Editor contextual toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas contextual de edição","Editor dialog":"Diálogo do editor","Editor editing area: %0":"Área de edição do editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"Barra de menu do editor","Editor toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do editor","Enable editing":"Ativar edição","Enter image caption":"Indicar legenda da imagem","Enter table caption":"Introduzir legenda da tabela","Entering %0 code snippet":"A introduzir o fragmento de código %0","Entering a to-do list":"Introdução de uma lista de afazeres","Entering code snippet":"A introduzir fragmento de código","Error during image upload":"Erro durante o carregamento da imagem","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Executar o botão atualmente em foco. A execução de botões que interagem com o conteúdo do editor coloca novamente o foco sobre o conteúdo.",Find:"Encontrar","Find and replace":"Encontrar e substituir","Find in text…":"Encontrar no texto...","Find in the document":"Localizar no documento","Font Background Color":"Cor de Fundo da Fonte","Font Color":"Cor da Fonte","Font Family":"Família de Fontes","Font Size":"Tamanho da fonte","Full size image":"Imagem em tamanho completo",Green:"Verde","Green marker":"Marcador verde","Green pen":"Caneta verde",Grey:"Cinzento",Groove:"Sulcos","Header column":"Coluna de cabeçalho","Header row":"Linha de cabeçalho",Heading:"Cabeçalho","Heading 1":"Cabeçalho 1","Heading 2":"Cabeçalho 2","Heading 3":"Cabeçalho 3","Heading 4":"Cabeçalho 4","Heading 5":"Cabeçalho 5","Heading 6":"Cabeçalho 6",Height:"Altura","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Conteúdos de ajuda. Para fechar esta caixa de diálogo, prima ESC.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Realçar","Horizontal line":"Linha horizontal","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do alinhamento horizontal de texto","HTML object":"Objeto HTML",Huge:"Enorme","Image from computer":"Imagem a partir do computador","Image resize list":"Lista de redimensionamento de imagem","Image toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de imagem","Image upload complete":"Carregamento da imagem concluído","image widget":"módulo de imagem","In line":"Em linha","Increase indent":"Aumentar indentação","Increase list item indent":"Aumentar o avanço de um item de lista",Insert:"Inserir","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Inserir uma quebra brusca (um novo parágrafo)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente após um widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente antes de um widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Inserir uma nova linha de tabela (quando o utilizador estiver na última célula de uma tabela)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Inserir uma quebra suave (um elemento <br>
)","Insert code block":"Inserir bloco de citação","Insert column left":"Inserir coluna à esquerda","Insert column right":"Inserir coluna à direita","Insert image":"Inserir imagem","Insert image via URL":"Inserir imagem através de URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir parágrafo após o bloco","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir parágrafo antes do bloco","Insert row above":"Inserir linha acima","Insert row below":"Inserir linha abaixo","Insert table":"Inserir tabela",Inset:"Interior","Invalid start index value.":"Valor de índice inicial inválido.",Italic:"Itálico","Italic text":"Texto em itálico",Justify:"Justificar","Justify cell text":"Justificar texto da célula","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Batimentos de teclas que podem ser utilizados numa lista","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Batimentos de teclas que podem ser utilizados numa célula de tabela","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Batimentos de teclas que podem ser utilizados quando um widget é selecionado (por exemplo: imagem, tabela, etc.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"A sair do fragmento de código %0","Leaving a to-do list":"A sair de uma lista de afazeres","Leaving code snippet":"A sair do fragmento de código","Left aligned image":"Imagem alinhada à esquerda","Light blue":"Azul-claro","Light green":"Verde-claro","Light grey":"Cinzento-claro",Link:"Hiperligação","Link image":"Imagem da hiperligação","Link URL":"URL da ligação","Link URL must not be empty.":"O URL da ligação não pode estar em branco.","List properties":"Propriedades da lista","Lower-latin":"Latim minúsculo","Lower–roman":"Romano minúsculo","Match case":"Corresponder maiúsculas/minúsculas",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Editar",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Ficheiro",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Tipo de letra",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formatação",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Ajuda",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Inserir",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Texto",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Ferramentas",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Visualizar","Merge cell down":"Unir célula abaixo","Merge cell left":"Unir célula à esquerda","Merge cell right":"Unir célula à direita","Merge cell up":"Unir célula acima","Merge cells":"Fundir células","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Mover o foco entre os campos do formulário (entradas, botões, etc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Mover o foco para dentro e para fora de uma janela de diálogo ativa","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Mover o foco para a barra de menu, navegar entre as barras de menu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Mover o foco para a barra de ferramentas, navegar entre barras de ferramentas","Move out of a link":"Sair de uma ligação","Move out of an inline code style":"Sair de um estilo de código inline","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mover o ponto de inserção para permitir escrever diretamente após um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mover o ponto de inserção para permitir escrever diretamente antes de um widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Mover a seleção para a célula seguinte","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Mover a seleção para a célula anterior","Multiple styles":"Vários estilos","Navigate editable regions":"Navegar regiões editáveis","Navigate through the table":"Navegar pela tabela","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navegar pela barra de ferramentas ou pela barra de menu",Next:"Seguinte","Next editable region":"Região editável seguinte","Next result":"Resultado seguinte","No results found":"Nenhum resultado encontrado","No searchable items":"Nenhum item pesquisável",None:"Nenhum","Numbered List":"Lista ordenada","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de estilos de lista numerada","Open in a new tab":"Abrir num novo separador","Open link in new tab":"Abrir hiperligação num novo separador","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Abrir a caixa de diálogo de ajuda de acessibilidade",Orange:"Laranja",Original:"Original",Outset:"Exterior",Padding:"Espaçamento",Paragraph:"Parágrafo","Paste content":"Colar o conteúdo","Paste content as plain text":"Colar o conteúdo como texto sem formatação","Pink marker":"Marcador rosa","Plain text":"Texto simples",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Introduza uma cor válida (por ex. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Para obter ajuda, pressione %0.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Prima Enter para escrever depois ou Shift + Enter para escrever antes do widget",Previous:"Anterior","Previous editable region":"Região editável anterior","Previous result":"Resultado anterior",Purple:"Roxo",Red:"Vermelho","Red pen":"Caneta vermelha",Redo:"Refazer","Remove color":"Remover cor","Remove Format":"Remover formatação","Remove highlight":"Remover realce",Replace:"Substituir","Replace all":"Substituir todos","Replace from computer":"Substituir a partir do computador","Replace image":"Substituir imagem","Replace image from computer":"Substituir imagem a partir do computador","Replace with…":"Substituir por...","Resize image":"Redimensionar imagem","Resize image (in %0)":"Redimensionar imagem (em %0)","Resize image to %0":"Redimensionar imagem para %0","Resize image to the original size":"Redimensionar imagem para tamanho original","Restore default":"Restaurar predefinição","Reversed order":"Ordem inversa","Revert autoformatting action":"Reverter ação de formatação automática","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de texto avançado",Ridge:"Rebordo","Right aligned image":"Imagem alinhada à direita",Row:"Linha",Save:"Guardar","Select all":"Selecionar todos","Select column":"Selecionar coluna","Select row":"Selecionar linha","Show more items":"Mostrar mais itens","Side image":"Imagem lateral",Small:"Pequena",Solid:"Sólido","Split cell horizontally":"Dividir célula horizontalmente","Split cell vertically":"Dividir célula verticalmente",Square:"Quadrado","Start at":"Começa em","Start index must be greater than 0.":"O índice inicial tem de ser superior a 0.",Strikethrough:"Rasurar","Strikethrough text":"Texto rasurado",Style:"Estilo",Styles:"Estilos",Subscript:"Subscrito",Superscript:"Sobrescrito",Table:"Tabela","Table alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do alinhamento da tabela","Table cell text alignment":"Alinhamento de texto das células da tabela","Table properties":"Propriedades da tabela","Table toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas da tabela","Text alignment":"Alinhamento de texto","Text alignment toolbar":"Barra de alinhamento de texto","Text alternative":"Texto alternativo","Text highlight toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de realces de texto","Text styles":"Estilos de texto","Text to find must not be empty.":"O texto a pesquisar não pode estar vazio.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'A cor é inválida. Tente "#FF0000" ou "rgb(255,0,0)" ou "vermelho".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'O valor é inválido. Tente "10px" ou "2em" ou simplesmente "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"O valor não pode estar em branco.","The value should be a plain number.":"O valor deve ser um número inteiro.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Estes atalhos de teclado permitem aceder rapidamente às funcionalidades de edição de conteúdo.","This link has no URL":"Esta hiperligação não tem URL",Tiny:"Mínima","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Dica: Encontre algum texto primeiro para poder substituí-lo.","To-do List":"Lista de tarefas","Toggle caption off":"Desativar legenda","Toggle caption on":"Ativar legenda","Toggle the circle list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista de círculos","Toggle the decimal list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista decimal com zero inicial","Toggle the disc list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista de discos","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista de latim minúsculo","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista de números romanos minúsculos","Toggle the square list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista de quadrados","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista de latim maiúsculo","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Alternar para estilo de lista de números romanos maiúsculos",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Type or paste your content here.":"Digite ou cole o seu conteúdo aqui.","Type your title":"Introduza o seu título",Underline:"Sublinhado","Underline text":"Sublinhar texto",Undo:"Desfazer",Unlink:"Desligar",Update:"Atualizar","Update image URL":"Atualizar URL da imagem","Upload failed":"Falha ao carregar","Upload from computer":"Carregar a partir do computador","Upload image from computer":"Carregar imagem a partir do computador","Upload in progress":"Carregamento em progresso","Uploading image":"A carregar imagem","Upper-latin":"Latim maiúsculo","Upper-roman":"Romano maiúsculo","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Para navegar de forma mais eficiente pela interface de utilizador do CKEditor 5, utilize os seguintes batimentos de teclas.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Batimentos de teclas para navegar pela interface de utilizador e pelo conteúdo","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do alinhamento vertical de texto",White:"Branco","Whole words only":"Apenas palavras inteiras","Widget toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do widget",Width:"Largura","Words: %0":"Palavras: %0","Wrap text":"Envolver texto",Yellow:"Amarelo","Yellow marker":"Marcador amarelo"});a.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==0||e==1?0:e!=0&&e%1e6==0?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/ro.js b/build/translations/ro.js
index 3841e93..de62fc2 100644
--- a/build/translations/ro.js
+++ b/build/translations/ro.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["ro"]=e["ro"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(poate fi necesar să apăsați Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 din %1",Accept:"Acceptă",Accessibility:"Accesibilitate","Accessibility help":"Ajutor pentru accesibilitate","Align cell text to the bottom":"Alinează textul celulei jos","Align cell text to the center":"Alinează textul celulei la centru","Align cell text to the left":"Alinează textul celulei la stânga","Align cell text to the middle":"Alinează textul celulei la mijloc","Align cell text to the right":"Alinează textul celulei la dreapta","Align cell text to the top":"Alinează textul celulei sus","Align table to the left":"Alinează tabela la stânga","Align table to the right":"Alinează tabela la dreapta",Alignment:"Aliniere",Aquamarine:"Acvamarin",Background:"Fundal","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Mai jos puteți găsi o listă de comenzi rapide de tastatură care pot fi utilizate în editor.",Big:"Mare",Black:"Negru","Block quote":"Bloc citat",Blue:"Albastru",Bold:"Îngroșat","Bold text":"Text bold",Border:"Bordură","Break text":"Segmentare text","Bulleted List":"Listă cu puncte","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Toolbar Listă cu puncte",Cancel:"Anulare","Caption for image: %0":"Captură pentru imagine: %0","Caption for the image":"Captură pentru imagine","Cell properties":"Proprietățile celulei","Center table":"Tabelă centrată","Centered image":"Imagine aliniată pe centru","Change image text alternative":"Schimbă textul alternativ al imaginii","Choose heading":"Alege titlu",Circle:"Cerc",Clear:"Ștergere","Click to edit block":"Faceți clic pentru a edita întreg blocul",Close:"Închideți","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Închide baloanele contextuale, ferestrele derulante și ferestrele de dialog",Code:"Cod",Color:"Culoare","Color picker":"Alegere culoare",Column:"Coloană","Content editing keystrokes":"Comenzi din tastatură pentru editarea conținutului","Copy selected content":"Copiază conținutul selectat","Create link":"Crearea unui link",Custom:"Personalizat","Custom image size":"Dimensiune personalizată a imaginii",Dashed:"Linii întrerupte",Decimal:"Număr","Decimal with leading zero":"Număr cu zero la început ","Decrease indent":"Micșorează indent","Decrease list item indent":"Decrementează indentarea elementelor din listă",Default:"Implicită","Delete column":"Șterge coloană","Delete row":"Șterge rând","Dim grey":"Gri slab",Dimensions:"Dimensiuni",Disc:"Disc","Document colors":"Culorile din document",Dotted:"Punctată",Double:"Dublă",Downloadable:"Descărcabil","Drag to move":"Glisați pentru a muta","Dropdown toolbar":"Bară listă opțiuni","Edit block":"Editează bloc","Edit link":"Modifică link","Editor block content toolbar":"Bară de instrumente editor pentru blocuri de conținut","Editor contextual toolbar":"Bară contextuală de instrumente editor","Editor dialog":"Dialog editor","Editor editing area: %0":"Zonă editare editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"Bara de meniuri a editorului","Editor toolbar":"Bară editor","Enter image caption":"Introdu titlul descriptiv al imaginii","Enter table caption":"Adaugă subtitlul tabelei","Entering a to-do list":"Introducerea unei liste de activități","Error during image upload":"Eroare în timpul încărcării imaginii","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Execută butonul focalizat în prezent. Executarea butoanelor care interacționează cu conținutul editorului mută focalizarea înapoi pe conținut.","Font Background Color":"Culoarea de fundal a fontului","Font Color":"Culoare font","Font Family":"Familie font","Font Size":"Dimensiune font","Full size image":"Imagine mărime completă",Green:"Verde",Grey:"Gri",Groove:"Groove","Header column":"Antet coloană","Header row":"Rând antet",Heading:"Titlu","Heading 1":"Titlu 1","Heading 2":"Titlu 2","Heading 3":"Titlu 3","Heading 4":"Titlu 4","Heading 5":"Titlu 5","Heading 6":"Titlu 6",Height:"Înălțime","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Conținutul de asistență. Apăsați ESC pentru a închide acest dialog.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Linie orizontală","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Toolbar aliniere text orizontală",Huge:"Foarte mare","Image from computer":"Imagine din calculator","Image resize list":"Lista cu mărimi de redimensionare","Image toolbar":"Bară imagine","Image upload complete":"Încărcarea imaginii a fost finalizată","image widget":"widget imagine","In line":"În linie","Increase indent":"Mărește indent","Increase list item indent":"Incrementează indentarea elementelor din listă",Insert:"Inserează","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Introduce un capăt de rând obligatoriu (alineat nou)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserează un nou paragraf direct după un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserează un nou paragraf direct înaintea unui widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Inserează un nou rând de tabel (când poziția activă este în ultima celulă a unui tabel)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Introduce capăt de rând opțional (un element <br>
)","Insert column left":"Inserează coloană la stânga","Insert column right":"Inserează coloană la dreapta","Insert image":"Inserează imagine","Insert image via URL":"Inserează o imagine via URL","Insert media":"Inserează media","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserează un paragraf după bloc","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserează un paragraf înaintea blocului","Insert row above":"Inserează rând deasupra","Insert row below":"Inserează rând dedesubt","Insert table":"Inserează tabel",Inset:"Inserează","Invalid start index value.":"Valoare incorectă a indicelui de pornire.",Italic:"Cursiv","Italic text":"Text cursiv","Justify cell text":"Textul celulei justify","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Comenzi din tastatură care pot fi utilizate într-o listă","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Comenzi din tastatură care pot fi utilizate într-o celulă de tabel","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Comenzi din tastatură care pot fi utilizate atunci când este selectat un widget (de exemplu: imagine, tabel etc.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Ieșirea dintr-o listă de activități","Left aligned image":"Imagine aliniată la stânga","Light blue":"Albastru deschis","Light green":"Verde deschis","Light grey":"Gri deschis",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link imagine","Link URL":"Link URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"URL-ul linkului nu trebuie să fie necompletat.","List properties":"Proprietăți listă","Lower-latin":"Litere mici latine","Lower–roman":"Litere mici romane","Media toolbar":"Bară media","Media URL":"Media URL","media widget":"widget media",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Editează",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fișier",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Font",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formatare",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Ajutor",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Inserează",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Text",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Instrumente",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Vizualizare","Merge cell down":"Îmbină celula în jos","Merge cell left":"Îmbină celula la stânga","Merge cell right":"Îmbină celula la dreapta","Merge cell up":"Îmbină celula în sus","Merge cells":"Îmbină celulele","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Schimbă elementul activ între câmpurile unui formular (câmpuri de introducere text, butoane etc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Comutează focalizarea într-o fereastră de dialog activă și în afara acesteia","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Transferarea focusului pe bara de meniu, navigarea între barele de meniu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Mută focalizarea pe bara de instrumente, navighează prin barele de instrumente","Move out of a link":"Ieșire dintr-un link","Move out of an inline code style":"Ieșirea dintr-un stil de cod inline","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mută cursorul pentru a permite tastarea direct după un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mută cursorul pentru a permite tastarea direct înaintea unui widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Mută selecția în următoarea celulă","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Mută selecția în celula anterioară","Navigate through the table":"Navigare în tabel","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navigare prin bara de instrumente sau bara de meniuri",Next:"Înainte","No results found":"Nu au fost găsite rezultate","No searchable items":"Nu există elemente ce pot fi căutate",None:"Nimic","Numbered List":"Listă numerotată","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Toolbar Listă numerotată","Open in a new tab":"Deschide în tab nou","Open link in new tab":"Deschide link în tab nou","Open media in new tab":"Deschideți conținutul media într-o filă nouă","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Deschide fereastra de ajutor pentru accesibilitate",Orange:"Portocaliu",Original:"Original",Outset:"Elimină",Padding:"Spațiere",Paragraph:"Paragraf","Paste content":"Lipește conținut","Paste content as plain text":"Lipește conținutul ca text simplu","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Adaugă URL-ul media in input.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Vă rugăm să introduceți un cod de culoare valid (de ex., „ff0000”).","Press %0 for help.":"Apăsați %0] pentru ajutor.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Apăsați Enter pentru a scrie după widget sau Shift+Enter pentru a scrie înaintea acestuia",Previous:"Înapoi",Purple:"Violet",Red:"Roșu",Redo:"Revenire","Remove color":"Șterge culoare","Remove Format":"Șterge formatare","Replace from computer":"Înlocuire din computer","Replace image":"Înlocuire imagine","Replace image from computer":"Înlocuire imagine din computer","Resize image":"Redimensionează imaginea","Resize image (in %0)":"Resize image (in %0)","Resize image to %0":"Redimensionează imaginea la %0","Resize image to the original size":"Redimensionează imaginea la mărimea originală","Restore default":"Reface la default","Reversed order":"Ordine inversată","Revert autoformatting action":"Anulează acțiunea de formatare automată","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de text",Ridge:"Crestată","Right aligned image":"Imagine aliniată la dreapta",Row:"Rând",Save:"Salvare","Select all":"Selectează-le pe toate","Select column":"Selectează coloana","Select row":"Selectează linia","Show more items":"Arată mai multe elemente","Side image":"Imagine laterală",Small:"Mică",Solid:"Solidă","Split cell horizontally":"Scindează celula pe orizontală","Split cell vertically":"Scindează celula pe verticală",Square:"Pătrat","Start at":"Începe de la","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Indexul de pornire trebuie să fie mai mare de 0.",Strikethrough:"Tăiere text cu o linie","Strikethrough text":"Text barat",Style:"Stil",Subscript:"Indice",Superscript:"Exponent",Table:"Tabel","Table alignment toolbar":"Toolbar aliniere tabelă","Table cell text alignment":"Alinierea textului celulei tabelei","Table properties":"Proprietățile tabelei","Table toolbar":"Bară tabel","Text alternative":"Text alternativ",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Culoarea este invalidă. Încearcă "#FF0000" sau "rgb(255,0,0)" sau "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL-ul nu trebuie să fie gol.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Valoarea este invalidă. Încearcă "10px" sau "2em" sau simplu "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Valoare nu poate rămâne necompletată.","The value should be a plain number.":"Valoarea trebuie să fie un număr obișnuit.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Aceste comenzi rapide din tastatură permit accesul rapid la funcțiile de editare a conținutului.","This link has no URL":"Acest link nu are niciun URL","This media URL is not supported.":"Acest URL media nu este suportat.",Tiny:"Foarte mică","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Sugestie: adaugă URL-ul în conținut pentru a fi adăugat mai rapid.","To-do List":"Listă cu activități","Toggle caption off":"Dezactivați subtitlul","Toggle caption on":"Activați subtitlul","Toggle the circle list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu cercuri","Toggle the decimal list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu numere","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu numere cu zero la început","Toggle the disc list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu discuri","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu litere mici latine","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu litere mici romane","Toggle the square list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu pătrate","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu litere mari latine","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu litere mari romane",Turquoise:"Turcoaz","Type or paste your content here.":"Scrie sau inserează aici conținutul tău","Type your title":"Scrie titlul tău",Underline:"Subliniat","Underline text":"Text subliniat",Undo:"Anulare",Unlink:"Șterge link",Update:"Actualizează","Update image URL":"Actualizează o imagine via URL","Upload failed":"Încărcare eșuată","Upload from computer":"Încărcare din computer","Upload image from computer":"Încărcare imagine din computer","Upload in progress":"Încărcare în curs","Uploading image":"Se încarcă imaginea","Upper-latin":"Litere mari latine","Upper-roman":"Litere mari romane","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Utilizați următoarele comenzi din tastatură pentru o navigare mai eficientă în interfața cu utilizatorul CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Interfața cu utilizatorul și comenzi din tastatură pentru navigare în conținut","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Toolbar aliniere text verticală",White:"Alb","Widget toolbar":"Bară widget",Width:"Lungime","Wrap text":"Încadrare text",Yellow:"Galben"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==1?0:e%100>19||e%100==0&&e!=0?2:1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["ro"]=e["ro"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(poate fi necesar să apăsați Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 din %1",Accept:"Acceptă",Accessibility:"Accesibilitate","Accessibility help":"Ajutor pentru accesibilitate","Advanced options":"Opțiuni avansate","Align cell text to the bottom":"Alinează textul celulei jos","Align cell text to the center":"Alinează textul celulei la centru","Align cell text to the left":"Alinează textul celulei la stânga","Align cell text to the middle":"Alinează textul celulei la mijloc","Align cell text to the right":"Alinează textul celulei la dreapta","Align cell text to the top":"Alinează textul celulei sus","Align center":"Aliniază la centru","Align left":"Aliniază la stânga","Align right":"Aliniază la dreapta","Align table to the left":"Alinează tabela la stânga","Align table to the right":"Alinează tabela la dreapta",Alignment:"Aliniere",Aquamarine:"Acvamarin",Background:"Fundal","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Mai jos puteți găsi o listă de comenzi rapide de tastatură care pot fi utilizate în editor.",Big:"Mare",Black:"Negru","Block quote":"Bloc citat","Block styles":"Stiluri pentru blocuri",Blue:"Albastru","Blue marker":"Evidențiator albastru",Bold:"Îngroșat","Bold text":"Text bold",Border:"Bordură","Break text":"Segmentare text","Bulleted List":"Listă cu puncte","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Toolbar Listă cu puncte",Cancel:"Anulare","Caption for image: %0":"Captură pentru imagine: %0","Caption for the image":"Captură pentru imagine","Cell properties":"Proprietățile celulei","Center table":"Tabelă centrată","Centered image":"Imagine aliniată pe centru","Change image text alternative":"Schimbă textul alternativ al imaginii","Characters: %0":"Caractere: %0","Choose heading":"Alege titlu",Circle:"Cerc",Clear:"Ștergere","Click to edit block":"Faceți clic pentru a edita întreg blocul",Close:"Închideți","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Închide baloanele contextuale, ferestrele derulante și ferestrele de dialog",Code:"Cod","Code block":"Bloc de cod",Color:"Culoare","Color picker":"Alegere culoare",Column:"Coloană","Content editing keystrokes":"Comenzi din tastatură pentru editarea conținutului","Copy selected content":"Copiază conținutul selectat","Create link":"Crearea unui link",Custom:"Personalizat","Custom image size":"Dimensiune personalizată a imaginii",Dashed:"Linii întrerupte",Decimal:"Număr","Decimal with leading zero":"Număr cu zero la început ","Decrease indent":"Micșorează indent","Decrease list item indent":"Decrementează indentarea elementelor din listă",Default:"Implicită","Delete column":"Șterge coloană","Delete row":"Șterge rând","Dim grey":"Gri slab",Dimensions:"Dimensiuni","Disable editing":"Dezactivează editarea",Disc:"Disc","Document colors":"Culorile din document",Dotted:"Punctată",Double:"Dublă",Downloadable:"Descărcabil","Drag to move":"Glisați pentru a muta","Dropdown toolbar":"Bară listă opțiuni","Edit block":"Editează bloc","Edit link":"Modifică link","Editor block content toolbar":"Bară de instrumente editor pentru blocuri de conținut","Editor contextual toolbar":"Bară contextuală de instrumente editor","Editor dialog":"Dialog editor","Editor editing area: %0":"Zonă editare editor: %0","Editor menu bar":"Bara de meniuri a editorului","Editor toolbar":"Bară editor","Enable editing":"Activează editarea","Enter image caption":"Introdu titlul descriptiv al imaginii","Enter table caption":"Adaugă subtitlul tabelei","Entering %0 code snippet":"Intrare în fragmentul de cod %0","Entering a to-do list":"Introducerea unei liste de activități","Entering code snippet":"Intrare în fragmentul de cod","Error during image upload":"Eroare în timpul încărcării imaginii","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Execută butonul focalizat în prezent. Executarea butoanelor care interacționează cu conținutul editorului mută focalizarea înapoi pe conținut.",Find:"Găsire","Find and replace":"Găsire și înlocuire","Find in text…":"Găsire în text...","Find in the document":"Căutare în document","Font Background Color":"Culoarea de fundal a fontului","Font Color":"Culoare font","Font Family":"Familie font","Font Size":"Dimensiune font","Full size image":"Imagine mărime completă",Green:"Verde","Green marker":"Evidențiator verde","Green pen":"Pix verde",Grey:"Gri",Groove:"Groove","Header column":"Antet coloană","Header row":"Rând antet",Heading:"Titlu","Heading 1":"Titlu 1","Heading 2":"Titlu 2","Heading 3":"Titlu 3","Heading 4":"Titlu 4","Heading 5":"Titlu 5","Heading 6":"Titlu 6",Height:"Înălțime","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Conținutul de asistență. Apăsați ESC pentru a închide acest dialog.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Evidențiere text","Horizontal line":"Linie orizontală","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Toolbar aliniere text orizontală","HTML object":"Obiect HTML",Huge:"Foarte mare","Image from computer":"Imagine din calculator","Image resize list":"Lista cu mărimi de redimensionare","Image toolbar":"Bară imagine","Image upload complete":"Încărcarea imaginii a fost finalizată","image widget":"widget imagine","In line":"În linie","Increase indent":"Mărește indent","Increase list item indent":"Incrementează indentarea elementelor din listă",Insert:"Inserează","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Introduce un capăt de rând obligatoriu (alineat nou)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserează un nou paragraf direct după un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserează un nou paragraf direct înaintea unui widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Inserează un nou rând de tabel (când poziția activă este în ultima celulă a unui tabel)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Introduce capăt de rând opțional (un element <br>
)","Insert code block":"Inserează un bloc code","Insert column left":"Inserează coloană la stânga","Insert column right":"Inserează coloană la dreapta","Insert image":"Inserează imagine","Insert image via URL":"Inserează o imagine via URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserează un paragraf după bloc","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserează un paragraf înaintea blocului","Insert row above":"Inserează rând deasupra","Insert row below":"Inserează rând dedesubt","Insert table":"Inserează tabel",Inset:"Inserează","Invalid start index value.":"Valoare incorectă a indicelui de pornire.",Italic:"Cursiv","Italic text":"Text cursiv",Justify:"Aliniază stânga-dreapta","Justify cell text":"Textul celulei justify","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Comenzi din tastatură care pot fi utilizate într-o listă","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Comenzi din tastatură care pot fi utilizate într-o celulă de tabel","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Comenzi din tastatură care pot fi utilizate atunci când este selectat un widget (de exemplu: imagine, tabel etc.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Ieșire din fragmentul de cod %0","Leaving a to-do list":"Ieșirea dintr-o listă de activități","Leaving code snippet":"Ieșire din fragmentul de cod","Left aligned image":"Imagine aliniată la stânga","Light blue":"Albastru deschis","Light green":"Verde deschis","Light grey":"Gri deschis",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link imagine","Link URL":"Link URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"URL-ul linkului nu trebuie să fie necompletat.","List properties":"Proprietăți listă","Lower-latin":"Litere mici latine","Lower–roman":"Litere mici romane","Match case":"Potrivire litere mari și mici",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Editează",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fișier",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Font",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formatare",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Ajutor",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Inserează",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Text",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Instrumente",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Vizualizare","Merge cell down":"Îmbină celula în jos","Merge cell left":"Îmbină celula la stânga","Merge cell right":"Îmbină celula la dreapta","Merge cell up":"Îmbină celula în sus","Merge cells":"Îmbină celulele","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Schimbă elementul activ între câmpurile unui formular (câmpuri de introducere text, butoane etc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Comutează focalizarea într-o fereastră de dialog activă și în afara acesteia","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Transferarea focusului pe bara de meniu, navigarea între barele de meniu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Mută focalizarea pe bara de instrumente, navighează prin barele de instrumente","Move out of a link":"Ieșire dintr-un link","Move out of an inline code style":"Ieșirea dintr-un stil de cod inline","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mută cursorul pentru a permite tastarea direct după un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mută cursorul pentru a permite tastarea direct înaintea unui widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Mută selecția în următoarea celulă","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Mută selecția în celula anterioară","Multiple styles":"Stiluri multiple","Navigate editable regions":"Navighează la regiunile editabile","Navigate through the table":"Navigare în tabel","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navigare prin bara de instrumente sau bara de meniuri",Next:"Înainte","Next editable region":"Regiunea editabilă următoare","Next result":"Rezultatul următor","No results found":"Nu au fost găsite rezultate","No searchable items":"Nu există elemente ce pot fi căutate",None:"Nimic","Numbered List":"Listă numerotată","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Toolbar Listă numerotată","Open in a new tab":"Deschide în tab nou","Open link in new tab":"Deschide link în tab nou","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Deschide fereastra de ajutor pentru accesibilitate",Orange:"Portocaliu",Original:"Original",Outset:"Elimină",Padding:"Spațiere",Paragraph:"Paragraf","Paste content":"Lipește conținut","Paste content as plain text":"Lipește conținutul ca text simplu","Pink marker":"Evidențiator roz","Plain text":"Text simplu",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Vă rugăm să introduceți un cod de culoare valid (de ex., „ff0000”).","Press %0 for help.":"Apăsați %0] pentru ajutor.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Apăsați Enter pentru a scrie după widget sau Shift+Enter pentru a scrie înaintea acestuia",Previous:"Înapoi","Previous editable region":"Regiunea editabilă precedentă","Previous result":"Rezultatul anterior",Purple:"Violet",Red:"Roșu","Red pen":"Pix roșu",Redo:"Revenire","Remove color":"Șterge culoare","Remove Format":"Șterge formatare","Remove highlight":"Șterge evidențiere text",Replace:"Înlocuire","Replace all":"Înlocuire toate","Replace from computer":"Înlocuire din computer","Replace image":"Înlocuire imagine","Replace image from computer":"Înlocuire imagine din computer","Replace with…":"Înlocuire cu...","Resize image":"Redimensionează imaginea","Resize image (in %0)":"Resize image (in %0)","Resize image to %0":"Redimensionează imaginea la %0","Resize image to the original size":"Redimensionează imaginea la mărimea originală","Restore default":"Reface la default","Reversed order":"Ordine inversată","Revert autoformatting action":"Anulează acțiunea de formatare automată","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de text",Ridge:"Crestată","Right aligned image":"Imagine aliniată la dreapta",Row:"Rând",Save:"Salvare","Select all":"Selectează-le pe toate","Select column":"Selectează coloana","Select row":"Selectează linia","Show more items":"Arată mai multe elemente","Side image":"Imagine laterală",Small:"Mică",Solid:"Solidă","Split cell horizontally":"Scindează celula pe orizontală","Split cell vertically":"Scindează celula pe verticală",Square:"Pătrat","Start at":"Începe de la","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Indexul de pornire trebuie să fie mai mare de 0.",Strikethrough:"Tăiere text cu o linie","Strikethrough text":"Text barat",Style:"Stil",Styles:"Stiluri",Subscript:"Indice",Superscript:"Exponent",Table:"Tabel","Table alignment toolbar":"Toolbar aliniere tabelă","Table cell text alignment":"Alinierea textului celulei tabelei","Table properties":"Proprietățile tabelei","Table toolbar":"Bară tabel","Text alignment":"Aliniere text","Text alignment toolbar":"Bara aliniere text","Text alternative":"Text alternativ","Text highlight toolbar":"Bară evidențiere text","Text styles":"Stiluri pentru text","Text to find must not be empty.":"„Text de găsit” nu poate fi lăsat gol.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Culoarea este invalidă. Încearcă "#FF0000" sau "rgb(255,0,0)" sau "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Valoarea este invalidă. Încearcă "10px" sau "2em" sau simplu "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Valoare nu poate rămâne necompletată.","The value should be a plain number.":"Valoarea trebuie să fie un număr obișnuit.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Aceste comenzi rapide din tastatură permit accesul rapid la funcțiile de editare a conținutului.","This link has no URL":"Acest link nu are niciun URL",Tiny:"Foarte mică","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Sfat: Mai întâi găsiți textul pentru a-l înlocui.","To-do List":"Listă cu activități","Toggle caption off":"Dezactivați subtitlul","Toggle caption on":"Activați subtitlul","Toggle the circle list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu cercuri","Toggle the decimal list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu numere","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu numere cu zero la început","Toggle the disc list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu discuri","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu litere mici latine","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu litere mici romane","Toggle the square list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu pătrate","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu litere mari latine","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu litere mari romane",Turquoise:"Turcoaz","Type or paste your content here.":"Scrie sau inserează aici conținutul tău","Type your title":"Scrie titlul tău",Underline:"Subliniat","Underline text":"Text subliniat",Undo:"Anulare",Unlink:"Șterge link",Update:"Actualizează","Update image URL":"Actualizează o imagine via URL","Upload failed":"Încărcare eșuată","Upload from computer":"Încărcare din computer","Upload image from computer":"Încărcare imagine din computer","Upload in progress":"Încărcare în curs","Uploading image":"Se încarcă imaginea","Upper-latin":"Litere mari latine","Upper-roman":"Litere mari romane","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Utilizați următoarele comenzi din tastatură pentru o navigare mai eficientă în interfața cu utilizatorul CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Interfața cu utilizatorul și comenzi din tastatură pentru navigare în conținut","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Toolbar aliniere text verticală",White:"Alb","Whole words only":"Doar cuvinte întregi","Widget toolbar":"Bară widget",Width:"Lungime","Words: %0":"Cuvinte: %0","Wrap text":"Încadrare text",Yellow:"Galben","Yellow marker":"Evidențiator galben"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e==1?0:e%100>19||e%100==0&&e!=0?2:1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/ru.js b/build/translations/ru.js
index bf511c5..6fc38e1 100644
--- a/build/translations/ru.js
+++ b/build/translations/ru.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["ru"]=e["ru"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(может требовать Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 из %1",Accept:"Принять",Accessibility:"Доступность","Accessibility help":"Помощь по специальным возможностям","Align cell text to the bottom":"Выровнять текст ячейки по нижнему краю","Align cell text to the center":"Выровнять текст по центру","Align cell text to the left":"Выровнять текст по левому краю","Align cell text to the middle":"Выровнять текст ячейки по центру","Align cell text to the right":"Выровнять текст по правому краю","Align cell text to the top":"Выровнять текст ячейки по верхнему краю","Align table to the left":"Выровнять таблицу по левому краю","Align table to the right":"Выровнять таблицу по правому краю",Alignment:"Выравнивание",Aquamarine:"Аквамариновый",Background:"Фон","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Ниже вы можете найти список сочетаний клавиш, которые можно использовать в редакторе.",Big:"Крупный",Black:"Чёрный","Block quote":"Цитата",Blue:"Синий",Bold:"Жирный","Bold text":"Жирный текст",Border:"Граница","Break text":"Разрывать текст","Bulleted List":"Маркированный список","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Стили маркированного списка",Cancel:"Отмена","Caption for image: %0":"Подпись к изображению: %0","Caption for the image":"Подпись к изображению","Cell properties":"Свойства ячейки","Center table":"Выровнять таблицу по центру","Centered image":"Выравнивание по центру","Change image text alternative":"Редактировать альтернативный текст","Choose heading":"Выбор стиля",Circle:"Окружность",Clear:"Очистить","Click to edit block":"Нажмите, чтобы редактировать блок",Close:"Закрыть","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Закрыть контекстные всплывающие окна, раскрывающиеся списки и диалоговые окна.",Code:"Исходный код",Color:"Цвет","Color picker":"Выбор цвета",Column:"Столбец","Content editing keystrokes":"Клавиши для редактирования контента","Copy selected content":"Копировать выбранное содержание","Create link":"Создать ссылку",Custom:"Другое","Custom image size":"Пользовательский размер изображения",Dashed:"Пунктирная",Decimal:"Десятичный","Decimal with leading zero":"Десятичный с ведущим нулем","Decrease indent":"Уменьшить отступ","Decrease list item indent":"Уменьшить отступ элемента списка",Default:"По умолчанию","Delete column":"Удалить столбец","Delete row":"Удалить строку","Dim grey":"Тёмно-серый",Dimensions:"Размеры",Disc:"Диск","Document colors":"Цвет страницы",Dotted:"Точечная",Double:"Двойная",Downloadable:"Загружаемые","Drag to move":"Перетащить","Dropdown toolbar":"Выпадающая панель инструментов","Edit block":"Редактировать блок","Edit link":"Редактировать ссылку","Editor block content toolbar":"Панель инструментов редактора","Editor contextual toolbar":"Контекстуальная панель инструментов редактора","Editor dialog":"Диалоговое окно редактора","Editor editing area: %0":"Область редактирования редактора: %0","Editor menu bar":"Панель меню редактора","Editor toolbar":"Панель инструментов редактора","Enter image caption":"Подпись к изображению","Enter table caption":"Подпись таблицы","Entering a to-do list":"Ввод списка текущих дел","Error during image upload":"Ошибка при загрузке изображения","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Активировать кнопку, находящуюся в фокусе. Активирование кнопок, которые взаимодействуют с содержимым редактора, перемещает фокус обратно на содержимое.","Font Background Color":"Цвет фона","Font Color":"Цвет шрифта","Font Family":"Семейство шрифтов","Font Size":"Размер шрифта","Full size image":"Оригинальный размер изображения",Green:"Зелёный",Grey:"Серый",Groove:"Желобчатая","Header column":"Столбец заголовков","Header row":"Строка заголовков",Heading:"Стиль","Heading 1":"Заголовок 1","Heading 2":"Заголовок 2","Heading 3":"Заголовок 3","Heading 4":"Заголовок 4","Heading 5":"Заголовок 5","Heading 6":"Заголовок 6",Height:"Высота","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Содержание справки. Чтобы закрыть это диалоговое окно, нажмите ESC.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Горизонтальная линия","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Панель инструментов горизонтального выравнивания текста",Huge:"Очень крупный","Image from computer":"Изображение с компьютера","Image resize list":"Список размеров","Image toolbar":"Панель инструментов изображения","Image upload complete":"Загрузка изображения завершена","image widget":"Виджет изображений","In line":"В тексте","Increase indent":"Увеличить отступ","Increase list item indent":"Увеличить отступ элемента списка",Insert:"Вставить","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Вставить жесткий разрыв (новый абзац)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Вставить новый абзац непосредственно после виджета.","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Вставить новый абзац непосредственно перед виджетом.","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Вставить новую строку таблицы (в последней ячейке таблицы)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Вставить мягкий разрыв (элемент <br>
)","Insert column left":"Вставить столбец слева","Insert column right":"Вставить столбец справа","Insert image":"Вставить изображение","Insert image via URL":"Вставить изображение по URL","Insert media":"Вставить медиа","Insert paragraph after block":"Вставить параграф после блока","Insert paragraph before block":"Вставить параграф перед блоком","Insert row above":"Вставить строку выше","Insert row below":"Вставить строку ниже","Insert table":"Вставить таблицу",Inset:"Вдавленная","Invalid start index value.":"Недопустимое значение начального индекса.",Italic:"Курсив","Italic text":"Текст курсивом","Justify cell text":"Выровнять текст по ширине","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Нажатия клавиш, которые можно использовать в списке","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Нажатия клавиш, которые можно использовать в ячейке таблицы","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Нажатия клавиш, которые можно использовать при выборе виджета (например: изображение, таблица и т. д.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Оставляем список текущих дел","Left aligned image":"Выравнивание по левому краю","Light blue":"Голубой","Light green":"Салатовый","Light grey":"Светло-серый",Link:"Ссылка","Link image":"Ссылка на изображение","Link URL":"Ссылка URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"URL-адрес ссылки не должен быть пустым.","List properties":"Свойства списка","Lower-latin":"Малые латинские","Lower–roman":"Малые римские","Media toolbar":"Панель инструментов медиа","Media URL":"URL медиа","media widget":"медиа-виджет",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Редактировать",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Файл",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Шрифт",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Формат",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Помощь",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Вставить",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Текст",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Инструменты",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Посмотреть","Merge cell down":"Объединить с ячейкой снизу","Merge cell left":"Объединить с ячейкой слева","Merge cell right":"Объединить с ячейкой справа","Merge cell up":"Объединить с ячейкой сверху","Merge cells":"Объединить ячейки","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Переместить фокус между полями формы (вводы, кнопки и т. д.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Переместить фокус в активное диалоговое окно и обратно.","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Переместить фокус на панель меню, перемещаться между панелями меню","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Переместить фокус на панель инструментов, перемещаться между панелями инструментов","Move out of a link":"Выйти из ссылки","Move out of an inline code style":"Выйти из встроенного стиля кода","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Переместить курсор, чтобы можно было вводить текст сразу после виджета.","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Переместите курсор, чтобы можно было вводить текст непосредственно перед виджетом.","Move the selection to the next cell":"Переместить выделение в следующую ячейку","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Переместить выделение на предыдущую ячейку","Navigate through the table":"Навигация по таблице","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Перемещение по панели инструментов или панели меню",Next:"Следующий","No results found":"Результаты не найдены","No searchable items":"Нет элементов для поиска",None:"Нет","Numbered List":"Нумерованный список","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Стили нумерованного списка","Open in a new tab":"Открыть в новой вкладке","Open link in new tab":"Открыть ссылку в новой вкладке","Open media in new tab":"Откройте медиа в новой вкладке","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Открыть диалоговое окно справки по специальным возможностям",Orange:"Оранжевый",Original:"Оригинальный",Outset:"Выпуклая",Padding:"Отступ",Paragraph:"Параграф","Paste content":"Вставить содержание","Paste content as plain text":"Вставить содержанрие в виде обычного текста","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Вставьте URL медиа в поле ввода.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Введите действительный цвет (например, "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Нажмите %0 для получения помощи.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Нажмите Enter для ввода текста после виджета или нажмите Shift + Enter для ввода текста перед виджетом",Previous:"Предыдущий",Purple:"Фиолетовый",Red:"Красный",Redo:"Повторить","Remove color":"Убрать цвет","Remove Format":"Убрать форматирование","Replace from computer":"Заменить с компьютера","Replace image":"Заменить изображение","Replace image from computer":"Заменить изображение с компьютера","Resize image":"Изменить размер изображения","Resize image (in %0)":"Изменить размер изображения (в %0)","Resize image to %0":"Изменить размер изображения до %0","Resize image to the original size":"Вернуть размер изображения к оригинальному","Restore default":"По умолчанию","Reversed order":"Обратный порядок","Revert autoformatting action":"Отменить действие автоформатирования","Rich Text Editor":"Редактор",Ridge:"Ребристая","Right aligned image":"Выравнивание по правому краю",Row:"Строка",Save:"Сохранить","Select all":"Выбрать все","Select column":"Выбрать столбец","Select row":"Выбрать строку","Show more items":"Другие инструменты","Side image":"Боковое изображение",Small:"Мелкий",Solid:"Сплошная","Split cell horizontally":"Разделить ячейку горизонтально","Split cell vertically":"Разделить ячейку вертикально",Square:"Квадрат","Start at":"Начать с","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Начальный индекс должен быть больше 0.",Strikethrough:"Зачеркнутый","Strikethrough text":"Зачеркнутый текст",Style:"Стиль",Subscript:"Подстрочный",Superscript:"Надстрочный",Table:"Таблица","Table alignment toolbar":"Панель инструментов выравнивания таблицы","Table cell text alignment":"Выравнивание текста в ячейке таблицы","Table properties":"Свойства таблицы","Table toolbar":"Панель инструментов таблицы","Text alternative":"Альтернативный текст",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Неверный цвет. Попробуйте "#FF0000" или "rgb(255,0,0)" или "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL не должен быть пустым.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Неверное значение. Попробуйте "10px" или "2em" или просто "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Значение не должно быть пустым.","The value should be a plain number.":"Значение должно быть простым числом.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Эти сочетания клавиш обеспечивают быстрый доступ к функциям редактирования контента.","This link has no URL":"Для этой ссылки не установлен адрес URL","This media URL is not supported.":"Этот URL медиа не поддерживается.",Tiny:"Очень мелкий","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Подсказка: Вставьте URL в контент для быстрого включения.","To-do List":"Список задач","Toggle caption off":"Выключить описание","Toggle caption on":"Включить описание","Toggle the circle list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде незакрашенного кружка","Toggle the decimal list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с цифровыми маркерами","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде цифр с нулем в начале","Toggle the disc list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде закрашенного кружка","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде строчных латинских букв","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде строчных римских цифр","Toggle the square list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с квадратными маркерами","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде заглавных латинских букв","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде заглавных римских цифр",Turquoise:"Бирюзовый","Type or paste your content here.":"Введите или вставьте сюда ваш текст","Type your title":"Введите заголовок",Underline:"Подчеркнутый","Underline text":"Подчеркнутый текст",Undo:"Отменить",Unlink:"Убрать ссылку",Update:"Изменить","Update image URL":"Изменить URL изображения","Upload failed":"Загрузка не выполнена","Upload from computer":"Загрузить с компьютера","Upload image from computer":"Загрузить изображение с компьютера","Upload in progress":"Идёт загрузка","Uploading image":"Загрузка изображения","Upper-latin":"Большие латинские","Upper-roman":"Большие римские","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Использовать следующие сочетания клавиш для более эффективной навигации в пользовательском интерфейсе CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Пользовательский интерфейс и клавиши навигации по контенту","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Панель инструментов вертикального выравнивания текста",White:"Белый","Widget toolbar":"Панель инструментов виджета",Width:"Ширина","Wrap text":"Обтекать текст",Yellow:"Жёлтый"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e%10==1&&e%100!=11?0:e%10>=2&&e%10<=4&&(e%100<12||e%100>14)?1:e%10==0||e%10>=5&&e%10<=9||e%100>=11&&e%100<=14?2:3}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["ru"]=e["ru"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(может требовать Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 из %1",Accept:"Принять",Accessibility:"Доступность","Accessibility help":"Помощь по специальным возможностям","Advanced options":"Дополнительные параметры","Align cell text to the bottom":"Выровнять текст ячейки по нижнему краю","Align cell text to the center":"Выровнять текст по центру","Align cell text to the left":"Выровнять текст по левому краю","Align cell text to the middle":"Выровнять текст ячейки по центру","Align cell text to the right":"Выровнять текст по правому краю","Align cell text to the top":"Выровнять текст ячейки по верхнему краю","Align center":"Выравнивание по центру","Align left":"Выравнивание по левому краю","Align right":"Выравнивание по правому краю","Align table to the left":"Выровнять таблицу по левому краю","Align table to the right":"Выровнять таблицу по правому краю",Alignment:"Выравнивание",Aquamarine:"Аквамариновый",Background:"Фон","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Ниже вы можете найти список сочетаний клавиш, которые можно использовать в редакторе.",Big:"Крупный",Black:"Чёрный","Block quote":"Цитата","Block styles":"Блочные стили",Blue:"Синий","Blue marker":"Выделение синим маркером",Bold:"Жирный","Bold text":"Жирный текст",Border:"Граница","Break text":"Разрывать текст","Bulleted List":"Маркированный список","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Стили маркированного списка",Cancel:"Отмена","Caption for image: %0":"Подпись к изображению: %0","Caption for the image":"Подпись к изображению","Cell properties":"Свойства ячейки","Center table":"Выровнять таблицу по центру","Centered image":"Выравнивание по центру","Change image text alternative":"Редактировать альтернативный текст","Characters: %0":"Символов: %0","Choose heading":"Выбор стиля",Circle:"Окружность",Clear:"Очистить","Click to edit block":"Нажмите, чтобы редактировать блок",Close:"Закрыть","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Закрыть контекстные всплывающие окна, раскрывающиеся списки и диалоговые окна.",Code:"Исходный код","Code block":"Блок кодов",Color:"Цвет","Color picker":"Выбор цвета",Column:"Столбец","Content editing keystrokes":"Клавиши для редактирования контента","Copy selected content":"Копировать выбранное содержание","Create link":"Создать ссылку",Custom:"Другое","Custom image size":"Пользовательский размер изображения",Dashed:"Пунктирная",Decimal:"Десятичный","Decimal with leading zero":"Десятичный с ведущим нулем","Decrease indent":"Уменьшить отступ","Decrease list item indent":"Уменьшить отступ элемента списка",Default:"По умолчанию","Delete column":"Удалить столбец","Delete row":"Удалить строку","Dim grey":"Тёмно-серый",Dimensions:"Размеры","Disable editing":"Отключить редактирование",Disc:"Диск","Document colors":"Цвет страницы",Dotted:"Точечная",Double:"Двойная",Downloadable:"Загружаемые","Drag to move":"Перетащить","Dropdown toolbar":"Выпадающая панель инструментов","Edit block":"Редактировать блок","Edit link":"Редактировать ссылку","Editor block content toolbar":"Панель инструментов редактора","Editor contextual toolbar":"Контекстуальная панель инструментов редактора","Editor dialog":"Диалоговое окно редактора","Editor editing area: %0":"Область редактирования редактора: %0","Editor menu bar":"Панель меню редактора","Editor toolbar":"Панель инструментов редактора","Enable editing":"Разрешить редактирование","Enter image caption":"Подпись к изображению","Enter table caption":"Подпись таблицы","Entering %0 code snippet":"Ввод фрагмента кода %0","Entering a to-do list":"Ввод списка текущих дел","Entering code snippet":"Ввод фрагмента кода","Error during image upload":"Ошибка при загрузке изображения","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Активировать кнопку, находящуюся в фокусе. Активирование кнопок, которые взаимодействуют с содержимым редактора, перемещает фокус обратно на содержимое.",Find:"Найти","Find and replace":"Найти и заменить","Find in text…":"Найти в тексте","Find in the document":"Найти в документе","Font Background Color":"Цвет фона","Font Color":"Цвет шрифта","Font Family":"Семейство шрифтов","Font Size":"Размер шрифта","Full size image":"Оригинальный размер изображения",Green:"Зелёный","Green marker":"Выделение зелёным маркером","Green pen":"Зеленый цвет текста",Grey:"Серый",Groove:"Желобчатая","Header column":"Столбец заголовков","Header row":"Строка заголовков",Heading:"Стиль","Heading 1":"Заголовок 1","Heading 2":"Заголовок 2","Heading 3":"Заголовок 3","Heading 4":"Заголовок 4","Heading 5":"Заголовок 5","Heading 6":"Заголовок 6",Height:"Высота","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Содержание справки. Чтобы закрыть это диалоговое окно, нажмите ESC.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Выделить","Horizontal line":"Горизонтальная линия","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Панель инструментов горизонтального выравнивания текста","HTML object":"HTML объект",Huge:"Очень крупный","Image from computer":"Изображение с компьютера","Image resize list":"Список размеров","Image toolbar":"Панель инструментов изображения","Image upload complete":"Загрузка изображения завершена","image widget":"Виджет изображений","In line":"В тексте","Increase indent":"Увеличить отступ","Increase list item indent":"Увеличить отступ элемента списка",Insert:"Вставить","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Вставить жесткий разрыв (новый абзац)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Вставить новый абзац непосредственно после виджета.","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Вставить новый абзац непосредственно перед виджетом.","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Вставить новую строку таблицы (в последней ячейке таблицы)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Вставить мягкий разрыв (элемент <br>
)","Insert code block":"Вставить код","Insert column left":"Вставить столбец слева","Insert column right":"Вставить столбец справа","Insert image":"Вставить изображение","Insert image via URL":"Вставить изображение по URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Вставить параграф после блока","Insert paragraph before block":"Вставить параграф перед блоком","Insert row above":"Вставить строку выше","Insert row below":"Вставить строку ниже","Insert table":"Вставить таблицу",Inset:"Вдавленная","Invalid start index value.":"Недопустимое значение начального индекса.",Italic:"Курсив","Italic text":"Текст курсивом",Justify:"Выравнивание по ширине","Justify cell text":"Выровнять текст по ширине","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Нажатия клавиш, которые можно использовать в списке","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Нажатия клавиш, которые можно использовать в ячейке таблицы","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Нажатия клавиш, которые можно использовать при выборе виджета (например: изображение, таблица и т. д.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Оставляем фрагмент кода %0","Leaving a to-do list":"Оставляем список текущих дел","Leaving code snippet":"Оставляем фрагмент кода","Left aligned image":"Выравнивание по левому краю","Light blue":"Голубой","Light green":"Салатовый","Light grey":"Светло-серый",Link:"Ссылка","Link image":"Ссылка на изображение","Link URL":"Ссылка URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"URL-адрес ссылки не должен быть пустым.","List properties":"Свойства списка","Lower-latin":"Малые латинские","Lower–roman":"Малые римские","Match case":"С учетом регистра",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Редактировать",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Файл",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Шрифт",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Формат",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Помощь",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Вставить",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Текст",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Инструменты",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Посмотреть","Merge cell down":"Объединить с ячейкой снизу","Merge cell left":"Объединить с ячейкой слева","Merge cell right":"Объединить с ячейкой справа","Merge cell up":"Объединить с ячейкой сверху","Merge cells":"Объединить ячейки","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Переместить фокус между полями формы (вводы, кнопки и т. д.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Переместить фокус в активное диалоговое окно и обратно.","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Переместить фокус на панель меню, перемещаться между панелями меню","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Переместить фокус на панель инструментов, перемещаться между панелями инструментов","Move out of a link":"Выйти из ссылки","Move out of an inline code style":"Выйти из встроенного стиля кода","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Переместить курсор, чтобы можно было вводить текст сразу после виджета.","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Переместите курсор, чтобы можно было вводить текст непосредственно перед виджетом.","Move the selection to the next cell":"Переместить выделение в следующую ячейку","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Переместить выделение на предыдущую ячейку","Multiple styles":"Несколько стилей","Navigate editable regions":"Навигация по редактируемым регионам","Navigate through the table":"Навигация по таблице","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Перемещение по панели инструментов или панели меню",Next:"Следующий","Next editable region":"Следующий редактируемый регион","Next result":"Следующий результат","No results found":"Результаты не найдены","No searchable items":"Нет элементов для поиска",None:"Нет","Numbered List":"Нумерованный список","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Стили нумерованного списка","Open in a new tab":"Открыть в новой вкладке","Open link in new tab":"Открыть ссылку в новой вкладке","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Открыть диалоговое окно справки по специальным возможностям",Orange:"Оранжевый",Original:"Оригинальный",Outset:"Выпуклая",Padding:"Отступ",Paragraph:"Параграф","Paste content":"Вставить содержание","Paste content as plain text":"Вставить содержанрие в виде обычного текста","Pink marker":"Выделение розовым маркером","Plain text":"Простой текст",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Введите действительный цвет (например, "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Нажмите %0 для получения помощи.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Нажмите Enter для ввода текста после виджета или нажмите Shift + Enter для ввода текста перед виджетом",Previous:"Предыдущий","Previous editable region":"Предыдущий редактируемый регион","Previous result":"Предыдущий результат",Purple:"Фиолетовый",Red:"Красный","Red pen":"Красный цвет текста",Redo:"Повторить","Remove color":"Убрать цвет","Remove Format":"Убрать форматирование","Remove highlight":"Убрать выделение",Replace:"Заменить","Replace all":"Заменить всё","Replace from computer":"Заменить с компьютера","Replace image":"Заменить изображение","Replace image from computer":"Заменить изображение с компьютера","Replace with…":"Заменить на...","Resize image":"Изменить размер изображения","Resize image (in %0)":"Изменить размер изображения (в %0)","Resize image to %0":"Изменить размер изображения до %0","Resize image to the original size":"Вернуть размер изображения к оригинальному","Restore default":"По умолчанию","Reversed order":"Обратный порядок","Revert autoformatting action":"Отменить действие автоформатирования","Rich Text Editor":"Редактор",Ridge:"Ребристая","Right aligned image":"Выравнивание по правому краю",Row:"Строка",Save:"Сохранить","Select all":"Выбрать все","Select column":"Выбрать столбец","Select row":"Выбрать строку","Show more items":"Другие инструменты","Side image":"Боковое изображение",Small:"Мелкий",Solid:"Сплошная","Split cell horizontally":"Разделить ячейку горизонтально","Split cell vertically":"Разделить ячейку вертикально",Square:"Квадрат","Start at":"Начать с","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Начальный индекс должен быть больше 0.",Strikethrough:"Зачеркнутый","Strikethrough text":"Зачеркнутый текст",Style:"Стиль",Styles:"Стили",Subscript:"Подстрочный",Superscript:"Надстрочный",Table:"Таблица","Table alignment toolbar":"Панель инструментов выравнивания таблицы","Table cell text alignment":"Выравнивание текста в ячейке таблицы","Table properties":"Свойства таблицы","Table toolbar":"Панель инструментов таблицы","Text alignment":"Выравнивание текста","Text alignment toolbar":"Выравнивание","Text alternative":"Альтернативный текст","Text highlight toolbar":"Панель инструментов выделения текста","Text styles":"Стиль текста","Text to find must not be empty.":"Искомый текст не должен быть пустым.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Неверный цвет. Попробуйте "#FF0000" или "rgb(255,0,0)" или "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Неверное значение. Попробуйте "10px" или "2em" или просто "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Значение не должно быть пустым.","The value should be a plain number.":"Значение должно быть простым числом.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Эти сочетания клавиш обеспечивают быстрый доступ к функциям редактирования контента.","This link has no URL":"Для этой ссылки не установлен адрес URL",Tiny:"Очень мелкий","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Совет: сначала найдите текст, чтобы заменить его.","To-do List":"Список задач","Toggle caption off":"Выключить описание","Toggle caption on":"Включить описание","Toggle the circle list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде незакрашенного кружка","Toggle the decimal list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с цифровыми маркерами","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде цифр с нулем в начале","Toggle the disc list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде закрашенного кружка","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде строчных латинских букв","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде строчных римских цифр","Toggle the square list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с квадратными маркерами","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде заглавных латинских букв","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде заглавных римских цифр",Turquoise:"Бирюзовый","Type or paste your content here.":"Введите или вставьте сюда ваш текст","Type your title":"Введите заголовок",Underline:"Подчеркнутый","Underline text":"Подчеркнутый текст",Undo:"Отменить",Unlink:"Убрать ссылку",Update:"Изменить","Update image URL":"Изменить URL изображения","Upload failed":"Загрузка не выполнена","Upload from computer":"Загрузить с компьютера","Upload image from computer":"Загрузить изображение с компьютера","Upload in progress":"Идёт загрузка","Uploading image":"Загрузка изображения","Upper-latin":"Большие латинские","Upper-roman":"Большие римские","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Использовать следующие сочетания клавиш для более эффективной навигации в пользовательском интерфейсе CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Пользовательский интерфейс и клавиши навигации по контенту","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Панель инструментов вертикального выравнивания текста",White:"Белый","Whole words only":"Только слова целиком","Widget toolbar":"Панель инструментов виджета",Width:"Ширина","Words: %0":"Слов: %0","Wrap text":"Обтекать текст",Yellow:"Жёлтый","Yellow marker":"Выделение жёлтым маркером"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e%10==1&&e%100!=11?0:e%10>=2&&e%10<=4&&(e%100<12||e%100>14)?1:e%10==0||e%10>=5&&e%10<=9||e%100>=11&&e%100<=14?2:3}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
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diff --git a/build/translations/sk.js b/build/translations/sk.js
index 641fec4..6535cef 100644
--- a/build/translations/sk.js
+++ b/build/translations/sk.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const o=e["sk"]=e["sk"]||{};o.dictionary=Object.assign(o.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(môže si vyžadovať stlačenie klávesu Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 z %1",Accept:"Potvrdiť",Accessibility:"Dostupnosť","Accessibility help":"Pomoc so zjednodušením ovládania","Align cell text to the bottom":"Zarovnať text bunky nadol","Align cell text to the center":"Zarovnať text bunky na stred","Align cell text to the left":"Zarovnať text bunky doľava","Align cell text to the middle":"Zarovnať text bunky na stred","Align cell text to the right":"Zarovnať text bunky doprava","Align cell text to the top":"Zarovnať text bunky nahor","Align table to the left":"Zarovnať tabuľku doľava","Align table to the right":"Zarovnať tabuľku doprava",Alignment:"Zarovnanie",Aquamarine:"Akvamarínová",Background:"Pozadie","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Nižšie nájdete zoznam klávesových skratiek, ktoré môžete používať v editore.",Big:"Veľké",Black:"Čierna","Block quote":"Citát",Blue:"Modrá",Bold:"Tučné","Bold text":"Tučný text",Border:"Orámovanie","Break text":"Zalomenie textu","Bulleted List":"Zoznam s odrážkami","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Panel zoznamu s odrážkami",Cancel:"Zrušiť","Caption for image: %0":"Popis k obrázku: %0","Caption for the image":"Popis k obrázku","Cell properties":"Vlastnosti bunky","Center table":"Centrovať tabuľku","Centered image":"Zarovnať na stred","Change image text alternative":"Zmeňte alternatívny text obrázka","Choose heading":"Vyberte nadpis",Circle:"Kruh",Clear:"Vyčistiť","Click to edit block":"Úprava bloku kliknutím",Close:"Zatvoriť","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Zatvoriť kontextové bubliny, rozbaľovacie ponuky a dialógové okná",Code:"Kód",Color:"Farba","Color picker":"Vybrať farbu",Column:"Stĺpec","Content editing keystrokes":"Klávesy na úpravu obsahu","Copy selected content":"Skopírovať vybraný obsah","Create link":"Vytvoriť odkaz",Custom:"Vlastné","Custom image size":"Vlastná veľkosť obrázka",Dashed:"Čiarkovaná",Decimal:"Čísla","Decimal with leading zero":"Čísla s nulou na začiatku","Decrease indent":"Zmenšiť odsadenie","Decrease list item indent":"Zmenšiť odsadenie položiek v zozname",Default:"Predvolené","Delete column":"Odstrániť stĺpec","Delete row":"Odstrániť riadok","Dim grey":"Tmavosivá",Dimensions:"Rozmery",Disc:"Plný kruh","Document colors":"Farby dokumentu",Dotted:"Bodkovaná",Double:"Dvojitá",Downloadable:"Na stiahnutie","Drag to move":"Potiahnuť a presunúť","Dropdown toolbar":"Panel nástrojov roletového menu","Edit block":"Upraviť odsek","Edit link":"Upraviť odkaz","Editor block content toolbar":"Panel s nástrojmi obsahu bloku editora","Editor contextual toolbar":"Kontextový panel nástrojov editora","Editor dialog":"Dialóg editora","Editor editing area: %0":"Oblasť úprav editora: %0","Editor menu bar":"Lišta ponuky editora","Editor toolbar":"Panel nástrojov editora","Enter image caption":"Vložte popis obrázka","Enter table caption":"Zadajte popis tabuľky","Entering a to-do list":"Príchod do zoznamu úloh","Error during image upload":"Chyba pri nahrávaní obrázka","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Vykonajte aktuálne zaostrené tlačidlo. Spustenie tlačidiel, ktoré interagujú s obsahom editora, presunie zameranie späť na obsah.","Font Background Color":"Farba zvýraznenia textu","Font Color":"Farba písma","Font Family":"Názov písma","Font Size":"Veľkosť písma","Full size image":"Obrázok v plnej veľkosti",Green:"Zelená",Grey:"Sivá",Groove:"Drážkovaná","Header column":"Stĺpec hlavičky","Header row":"Riadok hlavičky",Heading:"Nadpis","Heading 1":"Nadpis 1","Heading 2":"Nadpis 2","Heading 3":"Nadpis 3","Heading 4":"Nadpis 4","Heading 5":"Nadpis 5","Heading 6":"Nadpis 6",Height:"Výška","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Obsah pomocníka. Toto dialógové okno zavriete klávesom Esc.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Vodorovná čiara","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horizontálne zarovnanie textu v panely",Huge:"Veľmi veľké","Image from computer":"Obrázok z počítača","Image resize list":"Zoznam možností zmeny veľkosti","Image toolbar":"Panel nástrojov obrázka","Image upload complete":"Nahrávanie obrázka bolo dokončené","image widget":"widget obrázka","In line":"V riadku","Increase indent":"Zväčšiť odsadenie","Increase list item indent":"Zväčšiť odsadenie položiek v zozname",Insert:"Vložiť","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Vložiť pevnú medzeru (nový odsek)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Vložiť nový odsek priamo za widgetom","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Vložiť nový odsek priamo pred widgetom","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Vložiť nový riadok tabuľky (keď je označená posledná bunka tabuľky)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Vložiť mäkkú medzeru (prvok <br>
)","Insert column left":"Vložiť stĺpec vľavo","Insert column right":"Vložiť stĺpec vpravo","Insert image":"Vložiť obrázok","Insert image via URL":"Vložiť obrázok pomocou URL","Insert media":"Vložiť média","Insert paragraph after block":"Vložiť odstavec za blok","Insert paragraph before block":"Vložiť odstavec pred blok","Insert row above":"Vložiť riadok nad","Insert row below":"Vložiť riadok pod","Insert table":"Vložiť tabuľku",Inset:"Vložená z vnútra","Invalid start index value.":"Neplatná hodnota začiatočného indexu.",Italic:"Kurzíva","Italic text":"Kurzíva","Justify cell text":"Zarovnať text bunky z oboch strán","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Klávesy, ktoré sa dajú použiť v zozname","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Klávesy, ktoré sa dajú použiť v bunke tabuľky","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klávesy, ktoré sa dajú použiť, keď je vybratý widget (napríklad obrázok alebo tabuľka)","Leaving a to-do list":"Odchod zo zoznamu úloh","Left aligned image":"Zarovnať vľavo","Light blue":"Bledomodrá","Light green":"Bledozelená","Light grey":"Bledosivá",Link:"Odkaz","Link image":"Adresa obrázku","Link URL":"URL adresa","Link URL must not be empty.":"Adresa odkazu URL nesmie byť prázdna.","List properties":"Vlastnosti zoznamu","Lower-latin":"Malé písmená","Lower–roman":"Malé rímske čísla","Media toolbar":"Nástroje pre médiá","Media URL":"URL média","media widget":"Nástroj pre médiá",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Upraviť",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Súbor",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Font",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formát",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Pomoc",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Vložiť",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Text",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Nástroje",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Zobraziť","Merge cell down":"Zlúčiť bunku dole","Merge cell left":"Zlúčiť bunku vľavo","Merge cell right":"Zlúčiť bunku vpravo","Merge cell up":"Zlúčiť bunku hore","Merge cells":"Zlúčiť bunky","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Presunúť zameranie do ďalšieho prvku na zadávanie údajov (napríklad textové pole alebo tlačidlo)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Presunúť zameranie z/do aktívneho dialógového okna","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Presuňte pozornosť na panel ponuky, prechádzajte medzi panelmi ponuky","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Presunúť zameranie do panela nástrojov, presúvať sa medzi panelmi nástrojov","Move out of a link":"Presunúť sa mimo odkazu","Move out of an inline code style":"Presunúť mimo vloženého kódu","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Presunúť striešku priamo za widget, aby ste tam mohli písať","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Presunúť striešku priamo pred widget, aby ste tam mohli písať","Move the selection to the next cell":"Presunúť výber do nasledujúcej bunky","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Presunúť výber do predchádzajúcej bunky","Navigate through the table":"Prechádzať tabuľkou","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Prechádzajte cpanelom nástrojov alebo panelom ponúk",Next:"Ďalšie","No results found":"Neboli nájdené žiadne výsledky","No searchable items":"Žiadne vyhľadávateľné položky",None:"Žiadna","Numbered List":"Číslovaný zoznam","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Panel so štýlmi číslovaného zoznamu","Open in a new tab":"Otvoriť v novej záložke","Open link in new tab":"Otvoriť odkaz v novom okne","Open media in new tab":"Otvoriť médiá na novej karte","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Otvoriť dialógové okno o zjednodušení ovládania",Orange:"Oranžová",Original:"Originál",Outset:"Vložená zvonku",Padding:"Vnútorný okraj",Paragraph:"Odsek","Paste content":"Prilepiť obsah","Paste content as plain text":"Prilepiť obsah iba ako text","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Vložte URL média.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Zadajte platnú farbu (napr. „ff0000“).","Press %0 for help.":"Ak potrebujete pomoc, stlačte %0.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Stlačte Enter, ak chcete písať po miniaplikácii, alebo stlačte Shift + Enter, ak chcete písať pred miniaplikáciou",Previous:"Predchádzajúce",Purple:"Fialová",Red:"Červená",Redo:"Znova","Remove color":"Zrušiť farbu","Remove Format":"Vyčistiť formátovanie","Replace from computer":"Nahradiť z počítača","Replace image":"Nahradiť obrázok","Replace image from computer":"Nahradiť obrázok z počítača","Resize image":"Zmeniť veľkosť obrázka","Resize image (in %0)":"Zmeniť veľkosť obrázka (v %0)","Resize image to %0":"Zmeniť veľkosť na %0","Resize image to the original size":"Zmeniť veľkosť na pôvodnú","Restore default":"Obnoviť predvolené","Reversed order":"Obrátene poradie","Revert autoformatting action":"Vrátiť späť automatické formátovanie","Rich Text Editor":"Editor s formátovaním",Ridge:"Rámovaná","Right aligned image":"Zarovnať vpravo",Row:"Riadok",Save:"Uložiť","Select all":"Označiť všetko","Select column":"Vybrať stĺpec","Select row":"Vybrať riadok","Show more items":"Zobraziť viac položiek","Side image":"Bočný obrázok",Small:"Malé",Solid:"Plná","Split cell horizontally":"Rozdeliť bunku vodorovne","Split cell vertically":"Rozdeliť bunku zvislo",Square:"Štvorec","Start at":"Prvá položka","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Prvá položka musí mať index väčší ako 0.",Strikethrough:"Preškrtnuté","Strikethrough text":"Prečiarknutý text",Style:"Štýl",Subscript:"Dolný index",Superscript:"Horný index",Table:"Tabuľka","Table alignment toolbar":"Panel zarovnania tabuľky","Table cell text alignment":"Zarovnanie textu v bunke","Table properties":"Vlastnosti tabuľky","Table toolbar":"Panel nástrojov tabuľky","Text alternative":"Alternatívny text",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Farba má nesprávny formát. Skúste "#FF0000", "rgb(255,0,0)" alebo "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"Musíte zadať URL.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Hodnota je nesprávna. Skúste "10px", "2em" alebo jednoducho "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Hodnota nesmie byť prázdna.","The value should be a plain number.":"Hodnota by mala byť obyčajné číslo.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Tieto klávesové skratky vám poskytnú rýchly prístup k funkciám na úpravu obsahu.","This link has no URL":"Tento odkaz nemá nastavenú URL adresu","This media URL is not supported.":"URL média nie je podporovaná.",Tiny:"Veľmi malé","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tip: URL adresu média vložte do obsahu.","To-do List":"To-do zoznam","Toggle caption off":"Vypnúť titulok","Toggle caption on":"Zapnúť titulok","Toggle the circle list style":"Prepnúť na zoznam s kruhovým označením","Toggle the decimal list style":"Prepnúť na číselný zoznam","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Prepnúť na číselný zoznam s nulou na začiatku","Toggle the disc list style":"Prepnúť na zoznam s označením plného kruhu","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Prepnúť na zoznam s malými písmenami","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Prepnúť na zoznam s malými rímskymi číslami","Toggle the square list style":"Prepnúť na zoznam so štvorcovým označením","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Prepnúť na zoznam s veľkými písmenami","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Prepnúť na zoznam s veľkými rímskymi číslami",Turquoise:"Tyrkysová","Type or paste your content here.":"Vložte obsah","Type your title":"Vložte nadpis",Underline:"Podčiarknuté","Underline text":"Podčiarknutý text",Undo:"Späť",Unlink:"Zrušiť odkaz",Update:"Aktualizovať","Update image URL":"Aktualizovať URL obrázka","Upload failed":"Nahrávanie zlyhalo","Upload from computer":"Nahrať z počítača","Upload image from computer":"Nahrať obrázok z počítača","Upload in progress":"Prebieha nahrávanie","Uploading image":"Nahrávanie obrázka","Upper-latin":"Veľké písmená","Upper-roman":"Veľké rímske čísla","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Nasledujúce klávesy vám umožnia jednoduchšie používanie používateľského rozhrania programu CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Používateľské rozhranie a klávesy na prechádzanie obsahom","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikálne zarovnanie textu v panely",White:"Biela","Widget toolbar":"Panel nástrojov ovládacieho prvku",Width:"Šírka","Wrap text":"Obtekanie textu",Yellow:"Žltá"});o.getPluralForm=function(e){return e%1==0&&e==1?0:e%1==0&&e>=2&&e<=4?1:e%1!=0?2:3}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const a=e["sk"]=e["sk"]||{};a.dictionary=Object.assign(a.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(môže si vyžadovať stlačenie klávesu Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 z %1",Accept:"Potvrdiť",Accessibility:"Dostupnosť","Accessibility help":"Pomoc so zjednodušením ovládania","Advanced options":"Pokročilé nastavenia","Align cell text to the bottom":"Zarovnať text bunky nadol","Align cell text to the center":"Zarovnať text bunky na stred","Align cell text to the left":"Zarovnať text bunky doľava","Align cell text to the middle":"Zarovnať text bunky na stred","Align cell text to the right":"Zarovnať text bunky doprava","Align cell text to the top":"Zarovnať text bunky nahor","Align center":"Zarovnať na stred","Align left":"Zarovnať vľavo","Align right":"Zarovnať vpravo","Align table to the left":"Zarovnať tabuľku doľava","Align table to the right":"Zarovnať tabuľku doprava",Alignment:"Zarovnanie",Aquamarine:"Akvamarínová",Background:"Pozadie","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Nižšie nájdete zoznam klávesových skratiek, ktoré môžete používať v editore.",Big:"Veľké",Black:"Čierna","Block quote":"Citát","Block styles":"Štýly bloku",Blue:"Modrá","Blue marker":"Modrý zvýrazňovač",Bold:"Tučné","Bold text":"Tučný text",Border:"Orámovanie","Break text":"Zalomenie textu","Bulleted List":"Zoznam s odrážkami","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Panel zoznamu s odrážkami",Cancel:"Zrušiť","Caption for image: %0":"Popis k obrázku: %0","Caption for the image":"Popis k obrázku","Cell properties":"Vlastnosti bunky","Center table":"Centrovať tabuľku","Centered image":"Zarovnať na stred","Change image text alternative":"Zmeňte alternatívny text obrázka","Characters: %0":"Znakov: %0","Choose heading":"Vyberte nadpis",Circle:"Kruh",Clear:"Vyčistiť","Click to edit block":"Úprava bloku kliknutím",Close:"Zatvoriť","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Zatvoriť kontextové bubliny, rozbaľovacie ponuky a dialógové okná",Code:"Kód","Code block":"Blok kódu",Color:"Farba","Color picker":"Vybrať farbu",Column:"Stĺpec","Content editing keystrokes":"Klávesy na úpravu obsahu","Copy selected content":"Skopírovať vybraný obsah","Create link":"Vytvoriť odkaz",Custom:"Vlastné","Custom image size":"Vlastná veľkosť obrázka",Dashed:"Čiarkovaná",Decimal:"Čísla","Decimal with leading zero":"Čísla s nulou na začiatku","Decrease indent":"Zmenšiť odsadenie","Decrease list item indent":"Zmenšiť odsadenie položiek v zozname",Default:"Predvolené","Delete column":"Odstrániť stĺpec","Delete row":"Odstrániť riadok","Dim grey":"Tmavosivá",Dimensions:"Rozmery","Disable editing":"Vypnúť režim úprav",Disc:"Plný kruh","Document colors":"Farby dokumentu",Dotted:"Bodkovaná",Double:"Dvojitá",Downloadable:"Na stiahnutie","Drag to move":"Potiahnuť a presunúť","Dropdown toolbar":"Panel nástrojov roletového menu","Edit block":"Upraviť odsek","Edit link":"Upraviť odkaz","Editor block content toolbar":"Panel s nástrojmi obsahu bloku editora","Editor contextual toolbar":"Kontextový panel nástrojov editora","Editor dialog":"Dialóg editora","Editor editing area: %0":"Oblasť úprav editora: %0","Editor menu bar":"Lišta ponuky editora","Editor toolbar":"Panel nástrojov editora","Enable editing":"Zapnúť režim úprav","Enter image caption":"Vložte popis obrázka","Enter table caption":"Zadajte popis tabuľky","Entering %0 code snippet":"Zadávanie %0 útržku kódu","Entering a to-do list":"Príchod do zoznamu úloh","Entering code snippet":"Zadávanie útržku kódu","Error during image upload":"Chyba pri nahrávaní obrázka","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Vykonajte aktuálne zaostrené tlačidlo. Spustenie tlačidiel, ktoré interagujú s obsahom editora, presunie zameranie späť na obsah.",Find:"Vyhľadať","Find and replace":"Vyhľadať a nahradiť","Find in text…":"Vyhľadať v texte...","Find in the document":"Nájsť v dokumente","Font Background Color":"Farba zvýraznenia textu","Font Color":"Farba písma","Font Family":"Názov písma","Font Size":"Veľkosť písma","Full size image":"Obrázok v plnej veľkosti",Green:"Zelená","Green marker":"Zelený zvýrazňovač","Green pen":"Zelené pero",Grey:"Sivá",Groove:"Drážkovaná","Header column":"Stĺpec hlavičky","Header row":"Riadok hlavičky",Heading:"Nadpis","Heading 1":"Nadpis 1","Heading 2":"Nadpis 2","Heading 3":"Nadpis 3","Heading 4":"Nadpis 4","Heading 5":"Nadpis 5","Heading 6":"Nadpis 6",Height:"Výška","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Obsah pomocníka. Toto dialógové okno zavriete klávesom Esc.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Zvýraznenie","Horizontal line":"Vodorovná čiara","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horizontálne zarovnanie textu v panely","HTML object":"HTML objekt",Huge:"Veľmi veľké","Image from computer":"Obrázok z počítača","Image resize list":"Zoznam možností zmeny veľkosti","Image toolbar":"Panel nástrojov obrázka","Image upload complete":"Nahrávanie obrázka bolo dokončené","image widget":"widget obrázka","In line":"V riadku","Increase indent":"Zväčšiť odsadenie","Increase list item indent":"Zväčšiť odsadenie položiek v zozname",Insert:"Vložiť","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Vložiť pevnú medzeru (nový odsek)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Vložiť nový odsek priamo za widgetom","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Vložiť nový odsek priamo pred widgetom","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Vložiť nový riadok tabuľky (keď je označená posledná bunka tabuľky)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Vložiť mäkkú medzeru (prvok <br>
)","Insert code block":"Vložte blok kódu","Insert column left":"Vložiť stĺpec vľavo","Insert column right":"Vložiť stĺpec vpravo","Insert image":"Vložiť obrázok","Insert image via URL":"Vložiť obrázok pomocou URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Vložiť odstavec za blok","Insert paragraph before block":"Vložiť odstavec pred blok","Insert row above":"Vložiť riadok nad","Insert row below":"Vložiť riadok pod","Insert table":"Vložiť tabuľku",Inset:"Vložená z vnútra","Invalid start index value.":"Neplatná hodnota začiatočného indexu.",Italic:"Kurzíva","Italic text":"Kurzíva",Justify:"Do bloku","Justify cell text":"Zarovnať text bunky z oboch strán","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Klávesy, ktoré sa dajú použiť v zozname","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Klávesy, ktoré sa dajú použiť v bunke tabuľky","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klávesy, ktoré sa dajú použiť, keď je vybratý widget (napríklad obrázok alebo tabuľka)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Opúšťanie %0 útržku kódu","Leaving a to-do list":"Odchod zo zoznamu úloh","Leaving code snippet":"Opúšťanie útržku kódu","Left aligned image":"Zarovnať vľavo","Light blue":"Bledomodrá","Light green":"Bledozelená","Light grey":"Bledosivá",Link:"Odkaz","Link image":"Adresa obrázku","Link URL":"URL adresa","Link URL must not be empty.":"Adresa odkazu URL nesmie byť prázdna.","List properties":"Vlastnosti zoznamu","Lower-latin":"Malé písmená","Lower–roman":"Malé rímske čísla","Match case":"Presná zhoda",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Upraviť",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Súbor",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Font",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Formát",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Pomoc",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Vložiť",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Text",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Nástroje",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Zobraziť","Merge cell down":"Zlúčiť bunku dole","Merge cell left":"Zlúčiť bunku vľavo","Merge cell right":"Zlúčiť bunku vpravo","Merge cell up":"Zlúčiť bunku hore","Merge cells":"Zlúčiť bunky","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Presunúť zameranie do ďalšieho prvku na zadávanie údajov (napríklad textové pole alebo tlačidlo)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Presunúť zameranie z/do aktívneho dialógového okna","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Presuňte pozornosť na panel ponuky, prechádzajte medzi panelmi ponuky","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Presunúť zameranie do panela nástrojov, presúvať sa medzi panelmi nástrojov","Move out of a link":"Presunúť sa mimo odkazu","Move out of an inline code style":"Presunúť mimo vloženého kódu","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Presunúť striešku priamo za widget, aby ste tam mohli písať","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Presunúť striešku priamo pred widget, aby ste tam mohli písať","Move the selection to the next cell":"Presunúť výber do nasledujúcej bunky","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Presunúť výber do 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zvýrazňovač","Plain text":"Čistý text",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Zadajte platnú farbu (napr. „ff0000“).","Press %0 for help.":"Ak potrebujete pomoc, stlačte %0.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Stlačte Enter, ak chcete písať po miniaplikácii, alebo stlačte Shift + Enter, ak chcete písať pred miniaplikáciou",Previous:"Predchádzajúce","Previous editable region":"Predchádzajúca oblasť úprav","Previous result":"Predchádzajúci výsledok",Purple:"Fialová",Red:"Červená","Red pen":"Červené pero",Redo:"Znova","Remove color":"Zrušiť farbu","Remove Format":"Vyčistiť formátovanie","Remove highlight":"Odstrániť zvýraznenie",Replace:"Nahradiť","Replace all":"Nahradiť všetko","Replace from computer":"Nahradiť z počítača","Replace image":"Nahradiť obrázok","Replace image from computer":"Nahradiť obrázok z počítača","Replace with…":"Nahradiť za...","Resize image":"Zmeniť veľkosť obrázka","Resize image (in %0)":"Zmeniť veľkosť obrázka (v 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Farba má nesprávny formát. Skúste "#FF0000", "rgb(255,0,0)" alebo "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Hodnota je nesprávna. Skúste "10px", "2em" alebo jednoducho "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Hodnota nesmie byť prázdna.","The value should be a plain number.":"Hodnota by mala byť obyčajné číslo.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Tieto klávesové skratky vám poskytnú rýchly prístup k funkciám na úpravu obsahu.","This link has no URL":"Tento odkaz nemá nastavenú URL adresu",Tiny:"Veľmi malé","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tip: Najskôr vyhľadajte text, ktorý následne môžete nahradiť.","To-do List":"To-do zoznam","Toggle caption off":"Vypnúť titulok","Toggle caption on":"Zapnúť titulok","Toggle the circle list style":"Prepnúť na zoznam s kruhovým označením","Toggle the decimal list style":"Prepnúť na číselný zoznam","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Prepnúť na číselný zoznam s nulou na začiatku","Toggle the disc list style":"Prepnúť na zoznam s označením plného kruhu","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Prepnúť na zoznam s malými písmenami","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Prepnúť na zoznam s malými rímskymi číslami","Toggle the square list style":"Prepnúť na zoznam so štvorcovým označením","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Prepnúť na zoznam s veľkými písmenami","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Prepnúť na zoznam s veľkými rímskymi číslami",Turquoise:"Tyrkysová","Type or paste your content here.":"Vložte obsah","Type your title":"Vložte nadpis",Underline:"Podčiarknuté","Underline text":"Podčiarknutý text",Undo:"Späť",Unlink:"Zrušiť odkaz",Update:"Aktualizovať","Update image URL":"Aktualizovať URL obrázka","Upload failed":"Nahrávanie zlyhalo","Upload from computer":"Nahrať z počítača","Upload image from computer":"Nahrať obrázok z počítača","Upload in progress":"Prebieha nahrávanie","Uploading image":"Nahrávanie obrázka","Upper-latin":"Veľké písmená","Upper-roman":"Veľké rímske čísla","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Nasledujúce klávesy vám umožnia jednoduchšie používanie používateľského rozhrania programu CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Používateľské rozhranie a klávesy na prechádzanie obsahom","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikálne zarovnanie textu v panely",White:"Biela","Whole words only":"Iba celé slová","Widget toolbar":"Panel nástrojov ovládacieho prvku",Width:"Šírka","Words: %0":"Slov: %0","Wrap text":"Obtekanie textu",Yellow:"Žltá","Yellow marker":"Žltý zvýrazňovač"});a.getPluralForm=function(e){return e%1==0&&e==1?0:e%1==0&&e>=2&&e<=4?1:e%1!=0?2:3}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/sl.js b/build/translations/sl.js
index 85c755f..9dba41f 100644
--- a/build/translations/sl.js
+++ b/build/translations/sl.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"",Tiny:"Drobna","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"",Turquoise:"Turkizna","Type or paste your content here.":"Vnesi ali prilepi vsebino","Type your title":"Vnesi naslov",Underline:"Podčrtaj","Underline text":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"Bela",Width:"",Yellow:"Rumena","Yellow marker":"Rumena oznaka"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e%100==1?0:e%100==2?1:e%100==3||e%100==4?2:3}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/sq.js b/build/translations/sq.js
index ec8cb94..ef04037 100644
--- a/build/translations/sq.js
+++ b/build/translations/sq.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Kodi është i pavlefshëm. Provo"#FF0000" ose "rgb(255,0,0)" ose "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL nuk duhet të jetë e zbrazët.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Kjo nyje nuk ka URL","This media URL is not supported.":"URL e medies nuk mbështetet.",Tiny:"I vocërr","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"","To-do List":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"","Type or paste your content here.":"Shkruaj ose kopjo përmbajtjen këtu.","Type your title":"Shkruani titullin tuaj",Underline:"Nënvizuar","Underline text":"",Undo:"Rikthe",Unlink:"Largo nyjën",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"Ngarkimi dështoi","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Duke ngarkuar","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Kokështrirja e rradhitjes së tekstit vertikalisht",White:"E bardhë","Widget toolbar":"Kokështrirja e shtesës",Width:"Gjerësia","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"E verdhë"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Kodi është i pavlefshëm. Provo"#FF0000" ose "rgb(255,0,0)" ose "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Kjo nyje nuk ka URL",Tiny:"I vocërr","To-do List":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"","Type or paste your content here.":"Shkruaj ose kopjo përmbajtjen këtu.","Type your title":"Shkruani titullin tuaj",Underline:"Nënvizuar","Underline text":"",Undo:"Rikthe",Unlink:"Largo nyjën",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"Ngarkimi dështoi","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Duke ngarkuar","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Kokështrirja e rradhitjes së tekstit vertikalisht",White:"E bardhë","Widget toolbar":"Kokështrirja e shtesës",Width:"Gjerësia","Words: %0":"Fjalë: %0","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"E verdhë","Yellow marker":"Shënuesi verdh"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/sr-latn.js b/build/translations/sr-latn.js
index df0427f..621501b 100644
--- a/build/translations/sr-latn.js
+++ b/build/translations/sr-latn.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"","Font Background Color":"Boja pozadine slova","Font Color":"Boja slova","Font Family":"Font","Font Size":"Veličina fonta","Full size image":"Slika u punoj veličini",Green:"Zelena",Grey:"Siva",Groove:"Kolosek","Header column":"Kolona za zaglavlje","Header row":"Red za zaglavlje",Heading:"Stilovi","Heading 1":"Naslov 1","Heading 2":"Naslov 2","Heading 3":"Naslov 3","Heading 4":"Naslov 4","Heading 5":"Naslov 5","Heading 6":"Naslov 6",Height:"Visina","Help Contents. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Boja je nevažeća. Pokušajte sa "# FF0000" ili "rgb (255,0,0)" ili "crvena".',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL ne sme biti prazan.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"Vrednost je nevažeća. Pokušajte sa „10pk“ ili „2em“ ili jednostavno „2“.","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Link ne sadrži URL","This media URL is not supported.":"Ovaj media URL tip nije podržan.",Tiny:"Sitno","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Savet: Zalepite URL u sadržaj da bi ste ga brže ugradili.","To-do List":"Lista obaveza","Toggle caption off":"Isključivanje natpisa","Toggle caption on":"Uključite naslov","Toggle the circle list style":"Uključite / isključite stil liste krugova","Toggle the decimal list style":"Uključi / isključi stil dekadne liste","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Prebaci decimalni znak sa vodećim stilom liste nula","Toggle the disc list style":"Uključite / isključite stil liste diskova","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Uključite / isključite stil donje liste latinice","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Uključite / isključite stil donje rimske liste","Toggle the square list style":"Uključite / isključite stil liste kvadrata","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Uključite / isključite stil gornje liste latinice","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Uključite / isključite stil gornje rimske liste",Turquoise:"Tirkizna","Type or paste your content here.":"Upišite ili nalepite naslov","Type your title":"Odredite naslov",Underline:"Podvučen","Underline text":"",Undo:"Povlačenje",Unlink:"Оtkloni link",Update:"Ažuriraj","Update image URL":"Ažuriraj URL slike","Upload failed":"Postavljanje neuspešno","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Postavljanje u toku","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"Gornji - latinski","Upper-roman":"Gornji - rimski","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikalna traka sa alatkama za poravnavanje teksta",White:"Bela","Widget toolbar":"Видгет трака са алаткама",Width:"Širina","Wrap text":"Prelomiti tekst",Yellow:"Žuta"});a.getPluralForm=function(e){return e%10==1&&e%100!=11?0:e%10>=2&&e%10<=4&&(e%100<10||e%100>=20)?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"",Find:"Pronađji","Find and replace":"Nađji i zameni","Find in text…":"Pronađji u tekstu…","Find in the document":"","Font Background Color":"Boja pozadine slova","Font Color":"Boja slova","Font Family":"Font","Font Size":"Veličina fonta","Full size image":"Slika u punoj veličini",Green:"Zelena","Green marker":"Zeleni marker","Green pen":"Zelena olovka",Grey:"Siva",Groove:"Kolosek","Header column":"Kolona za zaglavlje","Header row":"Red za zaglavlje",Heading:"Stilovi","Heading 1":"Naslov 1","Heading 2":"Naslov 2","Heading 3":"Naslov 3","Heading 4":"Naslov 4","Heading 5":"Naslov 5","Heading 6":"Naslov 6",Height:"Visina","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Isticanje","Horizontal line":"Horizontalna razdelna linija","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horizontalna traka sa alatkama za poravnavanje teksta","HTML object":"HTML objеkat",Huge:"Ogromno","Image from computer":"","Image resize list":"Lista veličine slike","Image toolbar":"Slika traka sa alatkama","Image upload complete":"","image widget":"modul sa slikom","In line":"U redu","Increase indent":"Povećaj uclačenje","Increase list item indent":"",Insert:"Ubaci","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"","Insert code block":"Dodaj blok koda","Insert column left":"Dodaj kolonu levo","Insert column right":"Dodaj kolonu desno","Insert image":"Dodaj sliku","Insert image via URL":"Ubaci sliku preko URL-a","Insert paragraph after block":"Уметните одломак после блока","Insert paragraph before block":"Уметните одломак пре блока","Insert row above":"Dodaj red iznad","Insert row below":"Dodaj red ispod","Insert table":"Dodaj tabelu",Inset:"Prilog","Invalid start index value.":"",Italic:"Kurziv","Italic text":"",Justify:"Obostrano ravnanje","Justify cell text":"Opravdajte tekst ćelije","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"","Leaving %0 code snippet":"","Leaving a to-do list":"","Leaving code snippet":"","Left aligned image":"Leva slika","Light blue":"Svetloplava","Light green":"Svetlo zelena","Light grey":"Svetlo siva",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link slike","Link URL":"URL link","Link URL must not be empty.":"","List properties":"Navedite svojstva","Lower-latin":"Donji - 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Boja je nevažeća. Pokušajte sa "# FF0000" ili "rgb (255,0,0)" ili "crvena".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"Vrednost je nevažeća. Pokušajte sa „10pk“ ili „2em“ ili jednostavno „2“.","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Link ne sadrži URL",Tiny:"Sitno","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Savet: Prvo pronađjite neki tekst da biste ga zamenili.","To-do List":"Lista obaveza","Toggle caption off":"Isključivanje natpisa","Toggle caption on":"Uključite naslov","Toggle the circle list style":"Uključite / isključite stil liste krugova","Toggle the decimal list style":"Uključi / isključi stil dekadne liste","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Prebaci decimalni znak sa vodećim stilom liste nula","Toggle the disc list style":"Uključite / isključite stil liste diskova","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Uključite / isključite stil donje liste latinice","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Uključite / isključite stil donje rimske liste","Toggle the square list style":"Uključite / isključite stil liste kvadrata","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Uključite / isključite stil gornje liste latinice","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Uključite / isključite stil gornje rimske liste",Turquoise:"Tirkizna","Type or paste your content here.":"Upišite ili nalepite naslov","Type your title":"Odredite naslov",Underline:"Podvučen","Underline text":"",Undo:"Povlačenje",Unlink:"Оtkloni link",Update:"Ažuriraj","Update image URL":"Ažuriraj URL slike","Upload failed":"Postavljanje neuspešno","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Postavljanje u toku","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"Gornji - latinski","Upper-roman":"Gornji - rimski","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikalna traka sa alatkama za poravnavanje teksta",White:"Bela","Whole words only":"Samo cele reči","Widget toolbar":"Видгет трака са алаткама",Width:"Širina","Words: %0":"Reči: %0","Wrap text":"Prelomiti tekst",Yellow:"Žuta","Yellow marker":"Žuti marker"});a.getPluralForm=function(e){return e%10==1&&e%100!=11?0:e%10>=2&&e%10<=4&&(e%100<10||e%100>=20)?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/sr.js b/build/translations/sr.js
index 55b1b69..48c41aa 100644
--- a/build/translations/sr.js
+++ b/build/translations/sr.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["sr"]=e["sr"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(možda će biti neophodan Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 of %1",Accept:"Prihvati",Accessibility:"Pristupačnost","Accessibility help":"Pomoć oko pristupačnosti","Align cell text to the bottom":"Поравнајте текст ћелије према доле","Align cell text to the center":"Поравнајте текст ћелије у средину","Align cell text to the left":"Поравнајте текст ћелије лево","Align cell text to the middle":"Поравнајте текст ћелије у средину","Align cell text to the right":"Поравнајте текст ћелије десно","Align cell text to the top":"Поравнајте текст ћелије према горе","Align table to the left":"Поравнајте табелу на леву страну","Align table to the right":"Поравнајте табелу на десну страну",Alignment:"Поравнање",Aquamarine:"Зеленкастоплава",Background:"Позадина","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Ispod možete pronaći listu prečica na tastaturi koje se mogu koristiti u uređivaču.",Big:"Велико",Black:"Црна","Block quote":"Цитат",Blue:"Плава",Bold:"Подебљано","Bold text":"Podebljan tekst",Border:"Граница","Break text":"Прелом текста","Bulleted List":"Набрајане листе","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Трака са алаткама за набрајане листе",Cancel:"Одустани","Caption for image: %0":"Натпис за слику: %0","Caption for the image":"Натпис за слику","Cell properties":"Својства ћелије","Center table":"Центар табеле","Centered image":"Слика у средини","Change image text alternative":"Измена алтернативног текста","Choose heading":"Одреди стил",Circle:"Круг",Clear:"Obriši","Click to edit block":"Kliknite da biste uredili blok",Close:"Zatvori","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Zatvori kontekstualne prozore, padajuće menije i dijaloge",Code:"Код",Color:"Боја","Color picker":"Бирач боја",Column:"Колона","Content editing keystrokes":"Tasteri za uređivanje sadržaja","Copy selected content":"Kopiraj odabrani sadržaj","Create link":"Napravi vezu",Custom:"Prilagođeno","Custom image size":"Prilagođena veličina slike",Dashed:"Разбијено",Decimal:"Децимала","Decimal with leading zero":"Децимала са нулом на почетку","Decrease indent":"Смањи увлачење","Decrease list item indent":"Smanji uvlačenje liste stavki",Default:"Основни","Delete column":"Бриши колону","Delete row":"Бриши ред","Dim grey":"Бледо сива",Dimensions:"Димензија",Disc:"Диск","Document colors":"Боје документа",Dotted:"Са тачкама",Double:"Двоструко",Downloadable:"Могуће преузимање","Drag to move":"Prevucite da biste premestili","Dropdown toolbar":"Падајућа трака са алаткама","Edit block":"Блок уређивач","Edit link":"Исправи линк","Editor block content toolbar":"Трака са алаткама за блокирање садржаја уређивача","Editor contextual toolbar":"Контекстуална трака са алаткама Едитор","Editor dialog":"Dijalog za uređivanje","Editor editing area: %0":"Област за уређивање уредника: %0","Editor menu bar":"Traka menija uređivača","Editor toolbar":"Уређивач трака са алаткама","Enter image caption":"Одреди текст испод слике","Enter table caption":"Унесите наслов табеле ","Entering a to-do list":"Unošenje liste obaveza","Error during image upload":"Greška tokom otpremanja slike","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Izvršite trenutno fokusirano dugme. Izvršavanje dugmadi koja su u interakciji sa sadržajem uređivača pomera fokus nazad na sadržaj.","Font Background Color":"Боја позадине слова","Font Color":"Боја слова","Font Family":"Фонт","Font Size":"Величина фонта","Full size image":"Слика у пуној величини",Green:"Зелена",Grey:"Сива",Groove:"Колосек","Header column":"Колона за заглавље","Header row":"Ред за заглавлје",Heading:"Стилови","Heading 1":"Наслов 1","Heading 2":"Наслов 2","Heading 3":"Наслов 3","Heading 4":"Наслов 4","Heading 5":"Наслов 5","Heading 6":"Наслов 6",Height:"Висина","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Sadržaji za pomoć. Kako biste zatvorili ovaj dijalog pritisnite taster ESC.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Хоризонтална разделна линија","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Хоризонтална трака са алаткама за поравнање текста",Huge:"Огромно","Image from computer":"Slika sa računara","Image resize list":"Листа величине слике","Image toolbar":"Слика трака са алтакама","Image upload complete":"Otpremanje slike je završeno","image widget":"модул са сликом","In line":"У реду","Increase indent":"Повећај увлачење","Increase list item indent":"Povećaj uvlačenje liste stavki",Insert:"Убаци","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Umetni jači prekid (novi pasus)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Umetni novi pasus direktno posle vidžeta","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Umetni novi pasus direktno pre vidžeta","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Umetni novi red u tabeli (kada je u poslednjoj ćeliji tabele)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Umetni blagi prekid (<br>
element)","Insert column left":"Додај колону лево","Insert column right":"Додај колону десно","Insert image":"Додај слику","Insert image via URL":"Убаци слику преко УРЛ-а","Insert media":"Додај медиа","Insert paragraph after block":"Umetnite odlomak posle bloka","Insert paragraph before block":"Umetnite odlomak pre bloka","Insert row above":"Додај ред изнад","Insert row below":"Додај ред испод","Insert table":"Додај табелу",Inset:"Прилог","Invalid start index value.":"Nevažeća vrednost početnog indeksa.",Italic:"Курзив","Italic text":"Tekst u kurzivu","Justify cell text":"Оправдајте текст ћелије","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Tasteri koji se mogu koristiti na listi","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tasteri koji se mogu koristiti u ćeliji tabele","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tasteri koji se mogu koristiti kada je vidžet izabran (na primer: slika, tabela, itd.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Ostavljanje liste obaveza","Left aligned image":"Лева слика","Light blue":"Светлоплава","Light green":"Светлозелена","Light grey":"Светло сива",Link:"Линк","Link image":"Линк слике","Link URL":"УРЛ линк","Link URL must not be empty.":"URL linka ne sme biti prazan.","List properties":"Наведите својства ","Lower-latin":"Доњи - латински","Lower–roman":"Доњи - римски","Media toolbar":"Медији трака са алаткама","Media URL":"Mедиа УРЛ","media widget":"Медиа wидгет",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Уреди",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Datoteka",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Font",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Pomoć",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Убаци",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Текст",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Alati",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Prikaži","Merge cell down":"Спој ћелије на доле","Merge cell left":"Cпој ћелије на лево","Merge cell right":"Спој ћелије на десно","Merge cell up":"Спој ћелије на горе","Merge cells":"Спој ћелије","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Pomeraj fokus između polja za tekst (unosi, tasteri, itd.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Pomeri fokus u i van aktivnog prozora dijaloga","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Pomerite fokus na traku menija, navigirajte između traka menija","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Pomeri fokus na traku sa alatkama, kreći se kroz traku sa alatkama","Move out of a link":"Idi sa veze","Move out of an inline code style":"Izađi iz inline stila","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pomeri kursor kako bi se omogućilo kucanje direktno posle vidžeta","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pomeri kursor kako bi se omogućilo kucanje direktno pre vidžeta","Move the selection to the next cell":"Pomeri odabir u sledeću ćeliju","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Pomeri odabir u prethodnu ćeliju","Navigate through the table":"Kretanje kroz tabelu","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Krećite se kroz traku sa alatkama ili traku menija",Next:"Следећи","No results found":"Nije pronađen nijedan rezultat","No searchable items":"Nema stavki koje se mogu pretražiti",None:"Ниједан","Numbered List":"Листа са бројевима","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Трака са алаткама за листе са бројевима","Open in a new tab":"Отвори у новој картици","Open link in new tab":"Отвори линк у новом прозору","Open media in new tab":"Отворите медије у новој картици","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Otvori dijalog za pomoć oko pristupačnosti",Orange:"Нараџаста",Original:"Оригинал",Outset:"Почетак",Padding:"Постављање",Paragraph:"Пасус","Paste content":"Nalepi sadržaj","Paste content as plain text":"Nalepi sadržaj kao običan tekst","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Налепи медијски УРЛ у поље за унос",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Unesite važeću boju (npr. „ff0000“).","Press %0 for help.":"Pritisni %0 za pomoć.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Притисните Ентер да куцате после или притисните Схифт + Ентер да куцате пре виџета",Previous:"Претходни",Purple:"Љубичаста",Red:"Црвена",Redo:"Поново","Remove color":"Отклони боју","Remove Format":"Уклони форматирање","Replace from computer":"Zameni sa računara","Replace image":"Zameni sliku","Replace image from computer":"Zameni sliku sa računara","Resize image":"Промените величину слике","Resize image (in %0)":"Promenite veličinu slike (u %0)","Resize image to %0":"Промените величину слике на% 0","Resize image to the original size":"Промените величину слике до оригиналне величине","Restore default":"Врати подразумевано","Reversed order":"Обрнути редослед ","Revert autoformatting action":"Vrati na automatsko formatiranje","Rich Text Editor":"Проширен уређивач текста",Ridge:"Гребен","Right aligned image":"Десна слика",Row:"Ред",Save:"Сачувај","Select all":"Означи све.","Select column":"Изабери колону","Select row":"Изабери ред","Show more items":"Прикажи још ставки","Side image":"Бочна слика",Small:"Мало",Solid:"Чврст","Split cell horizontally":"Дели ћелије водоравно","Split cell vertically":"Дели ћелије усправно",Square:"Квадрат","Start at":"Почети у","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Почетни индекс мора бити већи од 0. ",Strikethrough:"Прецртан","Strikethrough text":"Precrtan tekst",Style:"Стил",Subscript:"Индекс доле",Superscript:"Индекс горе",Table:"Tabela","Table alignment toolbar":"Трака са алаткама за поравнање табеле","Table cell text alignment":"Поравнај тексту табели","Table properties":"Својства табеле","Table toolbar":"Табела трака са алаткама","Text alternative":"Алтернативни текст",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Боја је неважећа. Покушајте са "#FF0000" или "rgb(255,0,0)" или "црвена".',"The URL must not be empty.":"УРЛ не сме бити празан.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Вредност је неважећа. Покушајте са "10px" или "2em" или једноставно "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Vrednost ne sme biti prazna.","The value should be a plain number.":"Vrednost treba da bude običan broj.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Ove prečice na tastaturi omogućavaju brz pristup funkcijama za uređivanje sadržaja.","This link has no URL":"Линк не садржи УРЛ","This media URL is not supported.":"Овај медиа УРЛ тип није подржан.",Tiny:"Ситно","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Савет: Залепите УРЛ у садржај да би сте га брже уградили.","To-do List":"Листа обавеза","Toggle caption off":"Искључивање натписа ","Toggle caption on":"Укључите наслов ","Toggle the circle list style":"Укључи / искључи стил листе кругова","Toggle the decimal list style":"Укључи / искључи стил декадне листе","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Пребаци децимални знак са водећим стилом листе нула","Toggle the disc list style":"Укључите / искључите стил листе дискова","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Укључите / искључите стил доње листе латинице","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Укључите/ искључите стил доње римске листе","Toggle the square list style":"Укључи / искључи стил листе квадрата","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Укључите / искључите стил горње листе латинице","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Укључите / искључите стил горње римске листе",Turquoise:"Тиркизна","Type or paste your content here.":"Упишите или налепите наслов","Type your title":"Одредите наслов",Underline:"Подвучен","Underline text":"Podvučen tekst",Undo:"Повлачење",Unlink:"Отклони линк",Update:"Ажурирај","Update image URL":"Ажурирај УРЛ слике","Upload failed":"Постављање неуспешно","Upload from computer":"Otpremi sa računara","Upload image from computer":"Otpremi sliku sa računara","Upload in progress":"Постављање у току","Uploading image":"Otpremanje slike","Upper-latin":"Горњи - латински","Upper-roman":"Горњи - римски","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Koristite sledeće tastere za efikasniju navigaciju u korisničkom interfejsu CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Korisnički interfejs i tasteri za navigaciju sadržaja","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Вертикална трака са алаткама за поравнање текста",White:"Бела","Widget toolbar":"Widget traka sa alatkama",Width:"Ширина","Wrap text":"Преломити текст",Yellow:"Жута"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e%10==1&&e%100!=11?0:e%10>=2&&e%10<=4&&(e%100<10||e%100>=20)?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["sr"]=e["sr"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(možda će biti neophodan Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 of %1",Accept:"Prihvati",Accessibility:"Pristupačnost","Accessibility help":"Pomoć oko pristupačnosti","Advanced options":"Napredne opcije","Align cell text to the bottom":"Поравнајте текст ћелије према доле","Align cell text to the center":"Поравнајте текст ћелије у средину","Align cell text to the left":"Поравнајте текст ћелије лево","Align cell text to the middle":"Поравнајте текст ћелије у средину","Align cell text to the right":"Поравнајте текст ћелије десно","Align cell text to the top":"Поравнајте текст ћелије према горе","Align center":"Централно равнанје","Align left":"Лево равнање","Align right":"Десно равнање","Align table to the left":"Поравнајте табелу на леву страну","Align table to the right":"Поравнајте табелу на десну страну",Alignment:"Поравнање",Aquamarine:"Зеленкастоплава",Background:"Позадина","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Ispod možete pronaći listu prečica na tastaturi koje se mogu koristiti u uređivaču.",Big:"Велико",Black:"Црна","Block quote":"Цитат","Block styles":"Блок стилови",Blue:"Плава","Blue marker":"Плави маркер",Bold:"Подебљано","Bold text":"Podebljan tekst",Border:"Граница","Break text":"Прелом текста","Bulleted List":"Набрајане листе","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Трака са алаткама за набрајане листе",Cancel:"Одустани","Caption for image: %0":"Натпис за слику: %0","Caption for the image":"Натпис за слику","Cell properties":"Својства ћелије","Center table":"Центар табеле","Centered image":"Слика у средини","Change image text alternative":"Измена алтернативног текста","Characters: %0":"Карактери: %0","Choose heading":"Одреди стил",Circle:"Круг",Clear:"Obriši","Click to edit block":"Kliknite da biste uredili blok",Close:"Zatvori","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Zatvori kontekstualne prozore, padajuće menije i dijaloge",Code:"Код","Code block":"Blok koda",Color:"Боја","Color picker":"Бирач боја",Column:"Колона","Content editing keystrokes":"Tasteri za uređivanje sadržaja","Copy selected content":"Kopiraj odabrani sadržaj","Create link":"Napravi vezu",Custom:"Prilagođeno","Custom image size":"Prilagođena veličina slike",Dashed:"Разбијено",Decimal:"Децимала","Decimal with leading zero":"Децимала са нулом на почетку","Decrease indent":"Смањи увлачење","Decrease list item indent":"Smanji uvlačenje liste stavki",Default:"Основни","Delete column":"Бриши колону","Delete row":"Бриши ред","Dim grey":"Бледо сива",Dimensions:"Димензија","Disable editing":"Немогуће уређивање",Disc:"Диск","Document colors":"Боје документа",Dotted:"Са тачкама",Double:"Двоструко",Downloadable:"Могуће преузимање","Drag to move":"Prevucite da biste premestili","Dropdown toolbar":"Падајућа трака са алаткама","Edit block":"Блок уређивач","Edit link":"Исправи линк","Editor block content toolbar":"Трака са алаткама за блокирање садржаја уређивача","Editor contextual toolbar":"Контекстуална трака са алаткама Едитор","Editor dialog":"Dijalog za uređivanje","Editor editing area: %0":"Област за уређивање уредника: %0","Editor menu bar":"Traka menija uređivača","Editor toolbar":"Уређивач трака са алаткама","Enable editing":"Омогући уређивање","Enter image caption":"Одреди текст испод слике","Enter table caption":"Унесите наслов табеле ","Entering %0 code snippet":"Unošenje %0 isečka koda","Entering a to-do list":"Unošenje liste obaveza","Entering code snippet":"Unošenje isečka koda","Error during image upload":"Greška tokom otpremanja slike","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Izvršite trenutno fokusirano dugme. Izvršavanje dugmadi koja su u interakciji sa sadržajem uređivača pomera fokus nazad na sadržaj.",Find:"Пронаћи","Find and replace":"Нађи и замени","Find in text…":"Пронађи у тексту… ","Find in the document":"Nađi u dokumentu","Font Background Color":"Боја позадине слова","Font Color":"Боја слова","Font Family":"Фонт","Font Size":"Величина фонта","Full size image":"Слика у пуној величини",Green:"Зелена","Green marker":"Зелени маркер","Green pen":"Зелена оловка",Grey:"Сива",Groove:"Колосек","Header column":"Колона за заглавље","Header row":"Ред за заглавлје",Heading:"Стилови","Heading 1":"Наслов 1","Heading 2":"Наслов 2","Heading 3":"Наслов 3","Heading 4":"Наслов 4","Heading 5":"Наслов 5","Heading 6":"Наслов 6",Height:"Висина","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Sadržaji za pomoć. Kako biste zatvorili ovaj dijalog pritisnite taster ESC.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Истицање","Horizontal line":"Хоризонтална разделна линија","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Хоризонтална трака са алаткама за поравнање текста","HTML object":"ХТМЛ објекат ",Huge:"Огромно","Image from computer":"Slika sa računara","Image resize list":"Листа величине слике","Image toolbar":"Слика трака са алтакама","Image upload complete":"Otpremanje slike je završeno","image widget":"модул са сликом","In line":"У реду","Increase indent":"Повећај увлачење","Increase list item indent":"Povećaj uvlačenje liste stavki",Insert:"Убаци","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Umetni jači prekid (novi pasus)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Umetni novi pasus direktno posle vidžeta","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Umetni novi pasus direktno pre vidžeta","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Umetni novi red u tabeli (kada je u poslednjoj ćeliji tabele)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Umetni blagi prekid (<br>
element)","Insert code block":"Додај блок кода","Insert column left":"Додај колону лево","Insert column right":"Додај колону десно","Insert image":"Додај слику","Insert image via URL":"Убаци слику преко УРЛ-а","Insert paragraph after block":"Umetnite odlomak posle bloka","Insert paragraph before block":"Umetnite odlomak pre bloka","Insert row above":"Додај ред изнад","Insert row below":"Додај ред испод","Insert table":"Додај табелу",Inset:"Прилог","Invalid start index value.":"Nevažeća vrednost početnog indeksa.",Italic:"Курзив","Italic text":"Tekst u kurzivu",Justify:"Обострано равнање","Justify cell text":"Оправдајте текст ћелије","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Tasteri koji se mogu koristiti na listi","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tasteri koji se mogu koristiti u ćeliji tabele","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tasteri koji se mogu koristiti kada je vidžet izabran (na primer: slika, tabela, itd.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Ostavljanje %0 isečka koda","Leaving a to-do list":"Ostavljanje liste obaveza","Leaving code snippet":"Ostavljanje isečka koda","Left aligned image":"Лева слика","Light blue":"Светлоплава","Light green":"Светлозелена","Light grey":"Светло сива",Link:"Линк","Link image":"Линк слике","Link URL":"УРЛ линк","Link URL must not be empty.":"URL linka ne sme biti prazan.","List properties":"Наведите својства ","Lower-latin":"Доњи - латински","Lower–roman":"Доњи - римски","Match case":"Подударање случај ",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Уреди",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Datoteka",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Font",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Pomoć",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Убаци",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Текст",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Alati",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Prikaži","Merge cell down":"Спој ћелије на доле","Merge cell left":"Cпој ћелије на лево","Merge cell right":"Спој ћелије на десно","Merge cell up":"Спој ћелије на горе","Merge cells":"Спој ћелије","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Pomeraj fokus između polja za tekst (unosi, tasteri, itd.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Pomeri fokus u i van aktivnog prozora dijaloga","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Pomerite fokus na traku menija, navigirajte između traka menija","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Pomeri fokus na traku sa alatkama, kreći se kroz traku sa alatkama","Move out of a link":"Idi sa veze","Move out of an inline code style":"Izađi iz inline stila","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pomeri kursor kako bi se omogućilo kucanje direktno posle vidžeta","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pomeri kursor kako bi se omogućilo kucanje direktno pre vidžeta","Move the selection to the next cell":"Pomeri odabir u sledeću ćeliju","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Pomeri odabir u prethodnu ćeliju","Multiple styles":"Више стилова","Navigate editable regions":"Пронђи регије за уређивање","Navigate through the table":"Kretanje kroz tabelu","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Krećite se kroz traku sa alatkama ili traku menija",Next:"Следећи","Next editable region":"Следећа регија за уређивање","Next result":"Следећи резултат ","No results found":"Nije pronađen nijedan rezultat","No searchable items":"Nema stavki koje se mogu pretražiti",None:"Ниједан","Numbered List":"Листа са бројевима","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Трака са алаткама за листе са бројевима","Open in a new tab":"Отвори у новој картици","Open link in new tab":"Отвори линк у новом прозору","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Otvori dijalog za pomoć oko pristupačnosti",Orange:"Нараџаста",Original:"Оригинал",Outset:"Почетак",Padding:"Постављање",Paragraph:"Пасус","Paste content":"Nalepi sadržaj","Paste content as plain text":"Nalepi sadržaj kao običan tekst","Pink marker":"Роза маркер","Plain text":"Обичан текст",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"Unesite važeću boju (npr. „ff0000“).","Press %0 for help.":"Pritisni %0 za pomoć.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Притисните Ентер да куцате после или притисните Схифт + Ентер да куцате пре виџета",Previous:"Претходни","Previous editable region":"Претходна регија за уређивање","Previous result":"Претходни резултат ",Purple:"Љубичаста",Red:"Црвена","Red pen":"Црвена оловка",Redo:"Поново","Remove color":"Отклони боју","Remove Format":"Уклони форматирање","Remove highlight":"Уклони истицање",Replace:"Замени","Replace all":"Замени све","Replace from computer":"Zameni sa računara","Replace image":"Zameni sliku","Replace image from computer":"Zameni sliku sa računara","Replace with…":"Замени са…","Resize image":"Промените величину слике","Resize image (in %0)":"Promenite veličinu slike (u %0)","Resize image to %0":"Промените величину слике на% 0","Resize image to the original size":"Промените величину слике до оригиналне величине","Restore default":"Врати подразумевано","Reversed order":"Обрнути редослед ","Revert autoformatting action":"Vrati na automatsko formatiranje","Rich Text Editor":"Проширен уређивач текста",Ridge:"Гребен","Right aligned image":"Десна слика",Row:"Ред",Save:"Сачувај","Select all":"Означи све.","Select column":"Изабери колону","Select row":"Изабери ред","Show more items":"Прикажи још ставки","Side image":"Бочна слика",Small:"Мало",Solid:"Чврст","Split cell horizontally":"Дели ћелије водоравно","Split cell vertically":"Дели ћелије усправно",Square:"Квадрат","Start at":"Почети у","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Почетни индекс мора бити већи од 0. ",Strikethrough:"Прецртан","Strikethrough text":"Precrtan tekst",Style:"Стил",Styles:"Стилови",Subscript:"Индекс доле",Superscript:"Индекс горе",Table:"Tabela","Table alignment toolbar":"Трака са алаткама за поравнање табеле","Table cell text alignment":"Поравнај тексту табели","Table properties":"Својства табеле","Table toolbar":"Табела трака са алаткама","Text alignment":"Равнање текста","Text alignment toolbar":"Алатке за равнање текста","Text alternative":"Алтернативни текст","Text highlight toolbar":"Алатке за маркирање текста","Text styles":"Стилови текста","Text to find must not be empty.":"Текст за проналажење не сме бити празан.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Боја је неважећа. Покушајте са "#FF0000" или "rgb(255,0,0)" или "црвена".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Вредност је неважећа. Покушајте са "10px" или "2em" или једноставно "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Vrednost ne sme biti prazna.","The value should be a plain number.":"Vrednost treba da bude običan broj.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Ove prečice na tastaturi omogućavaju brz pristup funkcijama za uređivanje sadržaja.","This link has no URL":"Линк не садржи УРЛ",Tiny:"Ситно","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Савет: Прво пронађите неки текст да бисте га заменили. ","To-do List":"Листа обавеза","Toggle caption off":"Искључивање натписа ","Toggle caption on":"Укључите наслов ","Toggle the circle list style":"Укључи / искључи стил листе кругова","Toggle the decimal list style":"Укључи / искључи стил декадне листе","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Пребаци децимални знак са водећим стилом листе нула","Toggle the disc list style":"Укључите / искључите стил листе дискова","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Укључите / искључите стил доње листе латинице","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Укључите/ искључите стил доње римске листе","Toggle the square list style":"Укључи / искључи стил листе квадрата","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Укључите / искључите стил горње листе латинице","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Укључите / искључите стил горње римске листе",Turquoise:"Тиркизна","Type or paste your content here.":"Упишите или налепите наслов","Type your title":"Одредите наслов",Underline:"Подвучен","Underline text":"Podvučen tekst",Undo:"Повлачење",Unlink:"Отклони линк",Update:"Ажурирај","Update image URL":"Ажурирај УРЛ слике","Upload failed":"Постављање неуспешно","Upload from computer":"Otpremi sa računara","Upload image from computer":"Otpremi sliku sa računara","Upload in progress":"Постављање у току","Uploading image":"Otpremanje slike","Upper-latin":"Горњи - латински","Upper-roman":"Горњи - римски","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Koristite sledeće tastere za efikasniju navigaciju u korisničkom interfejsu CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Korisnički interfejs i tasteri za navigaciju sadržaja","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Вертикална трака са алаткама за поравнање текста",White:"Бела","Whole words only":"Само целе речи ","Widget toolbar":"Widget traka sa alatkama",Width:"Ширина","Words: %0":"Речи: %0","Wrap text":"Преломити текст",Yellow:"Жута","Yellow marker":"Жути маркер"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e%10==1&&e%100!=11?0:e%10>=2&&e%10<=4&&(e%100<10||e%100>=20)?1:2}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
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diff --git a/build/translations/sv.js b/build/translations/sv.js
index 2d9455a..b966edc 100644
--- a/build/translations/sv.js
+++ b/build/translations/sv.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["sv"]=e["sv"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(kan kräva Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 av %1",Accept:"Acceptera",Accessibility:"Tillgänglighet","Accessibility help":"Hjälp med tillgänglighet","Align cell text to the bottom":"Bottenjustera celltext","Align cell text to the center":"Centrera celltext","Align cell text to the left":"Vänsterjustera celltext","Align cell text to the middle":"Centrera celltext","Align cell text to the right":"Högerjustera celltext","Align cell text to the top":"Toppjustera celltext","Align table to the left":"Vänsterjustera tabell","Align table to the right":"Högerjustera tabell",Alignment:"Justering",Aquamarine:"Akvamarin",Background:"Bakgrund","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Nedan hittar du en lista med kortkommandon som kan användas i redigeraren.",Big:"Stor",Black:"Svart","Block quote":"Blockcitat",Blue:"Blå",Bold:"Fet","Bold text":"Fetstil",Border:"Kant","Break text":"Bryt upp text","Bulleted List":"Punktlista","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Verktygsfält för punktlistor",Cancel:"Avbryt","Caption for image: %0":"Bildtext till bild: %0","Caption for the image":"Bildtext till bilden","Cell properties":"Cellegenskaper","Center table":"Centrera tabell","Centered image":"Centrerad bild","Change image text alternative":"Ändra bildens alternativa text","Choose heading":"Välj rubrik",Circle:"Cirkel",Clear:"Rensa","Click to edit block":"Klicka för att redigera blocket",Close:"Stäng","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Stäng kontextballonger, rullgardinsmenyer och dialogrutor",Code:"Kod",Color:"Färg","Color picker":"Färgväljare",Column:"Kolumn","Content editing keystrokes":"Tangenter för innehållsredigering","Copy selected content":"Kopiera markerat innehåll","Create link":"Skapa länk",Custom:"Anpassad","Custom image size":"Anpassad bildstorlek",Dashed:"Streckad",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal med inledande nolla","Decrease indent":"Minska indrag","Decrease list item indent":"Minska indrag på listobjekt",Default:"Standard","Delete column":"Ta bort kolumn","Delete row":"Ta bort rad","Dim grey":"Dunkelgrå",Dimensions:"Mått",Disc:"Disk","Document colors":"Dokumentfärger",Dotted:"Prickig",Double:"Dubbel",Downloadable:"Nedladdningsbar","Drag to move":"Dra för att flytta","Dropdown toolbar":"Rullgardinsverktygsfält","Edit block":"Redigera block","Edit link":"Redigera länk","Editor block content toolbar":"Verktygsfält vid block av innehåll","Editor contextual toolbar":"Ordbehandlarens kontextuella verktygsfält","Editor dialog":"Ordbehandlardialog","Editor editing area: %0":"Ordbehandlares redigeringsområde: %0","Editor menu bar":"Menyfält för redigeraren","Editor toolbar":"Redigeringsverktygsfält","Enter image caption":"Fyll i bildtext","Enter table caption":"Ange tabellrubrik","Entering a to-do list":"Fyller i en att-göra-lista","Error during image upload":"Fel vid bilduppladdning","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Kör den knapp som för närvarande är i fokus. När du aktiverar knappar som interagerar med innehållet i redigeraren flyttas fokus tillbaka till innehållet.","Font Background Color":"Tecknens bakgrundsfärg","Font Color":"Teckenfärg","Font Family":"Typsnitt","Font Size":"Teckenstorlek","Full size image":"Bild i full storlek",Green:"Grön",Grey:"Grå",Groove:"Skåra","Header column":"Rubrikkolumn","Header row":"Rubrikrad",Heading:"Rubrik","Heading 1":"Rubrik 1","Heading 2":"Rubrik 2","Heading 3":"Rubrik 3","Heading 4":"Rubrik 4","Heading 5":"Rubrik 5","Heading 6":"Rubrik 6",Height:"Höjd","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Hjälpinnehåll. Tryck på ESC för att stänga dialogrutan.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Horisontell linje","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Verktygsfält för horisontell textjustering",Huge:"Enorm","Image from computer":"Bild från dator","Image resize list":"Lista för storleksändring av bild","Image toolbar":"Bildverktygsfält","Image upload complete":"Bilduppladdningen klar","image widget":"image widget","In line":"På rad","Increase indent":"Öka indrag","Increase list item indent":"Öka indrag på listobjekt",Insert:"Infoga","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Infoga blankrad (nytt stycke)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Påbörja nytt stycke direkt efter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Påbörja nytt stycke direkt före en widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Infoga en ny tabellrad (när du är på den sista cellen i en tabell)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Infoga radbrytning (a <br>
-element)","Insert column left":"Infoga kolumn till vänster","Insert column right":"Infoga kolumn till höger","Insert image":"Infoga bild","Insert image via URL":"Infoga bild via URL","Insert media":"Lägg in media","Insert paragraph after block":"Infoga stycke efter block","Insert paragraph before block":"Infoga stycke före block","Insert row above":"Infoga rad ovanför","Insert row below":"Infoga rad nedanför","Insert table":"Lägg in tabell",Inset:"Infälld","Invalid start index value.":"Ogiltigt startvärde på indexet.",Italic:"Kursiv","Italic text":"Kursiv stil","Justify cell text":"Anpassa celltext","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Tangenter som fungerar i en lista","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tangenter som fungerar i en tabellcell","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tangenter som kan användas när en widget är vald (till exempel: bild, tabell m.m.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Lämnar en att-göra-lista","Left aligned image":"Vänsterjusterad bild","Light blue":"Ljusblå","Light green":"Ljusgrön","Light grey":"Ljusgrå",Link:"Länk","Link image":"Länka bild","Link URL":"Länkens URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"Länkens URL får inte vara tom.","List properties":"Listegenskaper","Lower-latin":"Latinska gemener","Lower–roman":"Romerska gemener","Media toolbar":"Medieverktygsfält","Media URL":"Medie-URL","media widget":"mediewidget",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Ändra",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fil",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Teckensnitt",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Hjälp",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Infoga",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Text",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Verktyg",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Visa","Merge cell down":"Sammanfoga celler neråt","Merge cell left":"Sammanfoga celler åt vänster","Merge cell right":"Sammanfoga celler åt höger","Merge cell up":"Sammanfoga celler uppåt","Merge cells":"Sammanfoga celler","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Flytta fokus mellan formulärfält (inmatningar, knappar m.m.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Flytta fokus till och från en aktiv dialogruta","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Flytta fokus till menyfältet, navigera mellan menyfält","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Flytta fokus till verktygsfältet, navigera mellan verktygsfält","Move out of a link":"Flytta bort från länken","Move out of an inline code style":"Flytta bort från inlinekodens stil","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flytta textmarkören för att kunna skriva direkt efter en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flytta textmarkören för att kunna skriva direkt före en widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Flytta markeringen till nästa cell","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Flytta markeringen till föregående cell","Navigate through the table":"Navigera i tabellen","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navigera genom verktygsfältet eller menyfältet",Next:"Nästa","No results found":"Inga resultat hittades","No searchable items":"Inga sökbara objekt",None:"Inget","Numbered List":"Numrerad lista","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Verktygsfält för numrerade listor","Open in a new tab":"Öppna i en ny flik","Open link in new tab":"Öppna länk i ny flik","Open media in new tab":"Öppna media i ny flik","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Öppna dialogrutan för hjälp med tillgänglighet",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Ursprunglig",Outset:"Utfälld",Padding:"Marginal",Paragraph:"Paragraf","Paste content":"Klistra in innehåll","Paste content as plain text":"Klistra in innehåll som vanlig text","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Klistra in medie-URL:en i indata.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Ange en giltig färg (t.ex. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Tryck på %0 för hjälp.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tryck på retur för att skriva efter eller på skift + retur för att skriva före widgeten.",Previous:"Föregående",Purple:"Lila",Red:"Röd",Redo:"Gör om","Remove color":"Ta bort färg","Remove Format":"Radera formatering","Replace from computer":"Ersätt från dator","Replace image":"Ersätt bild","Replace image from computer":"Ersätt bild från dator","Resize image":"Ändra storlek på bild","Resize image (in %0)":"Ändra storlek på bilden (i %0)","Resize image to %0":"Ändra bildens storlek till %0","Resize image to the original size":"Ändra bilden till dess ursprungsstorlek","Restore default":"Återställ standard","Reversed order":"Byt riktning","Revert autoformatting action":"Ångra automatisk formatering","Rich Text Editor":"Rich Text-editor",Ridge:"Kant","Right aligned image":"Högerjusterad bild",Row:"Rad",Save:"Spara","Select all":"Välj alla","Select column":"Välj kolumn","Select row":"Välj rad","Show more items":"Visa fler objekt","Side image":"Kantbild",Small:"Liten",Solid:"Enfärgad","Split cell horizontally":"Dela cell horisontellt","Split cell vertically":"Dela cell vertikalt",Square:"Fyrkant","Start at":"Börja på","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Startindex måste vara större än 0.",Strikethrough:"Genomstruken","Strikethrough text":"Genomstruken text",Style:"Stil",Subscript:"Nedsänkta tecken",Superscript:"Upphöjda tecken",Table:"Tabell","Table alignment toolbar":"Verktygsfält för tabelljustering","Table cell text alignment":"Textjustering i tabellcell","Table properties":"Tabellegenskaper","Table toolbar":"Tabellverktygsfält","Text alternative":"Alternativ text",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Färgen är ogiltig. Testa "#FF0000" eller "rgb(255,0,0)" eller "röd".',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL:en får inte vara tom.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Värdet är ogiltigt. Testa "10px" eller "2em" eller helt enkelt "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Värdet får inte vara tomt.","The value should be a plain number.":"Värdet ska vara ett vanligt tal.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Dessa kortkommandon möjliggör snabb innehållsredigering.","This link has no URL":"Denna länk saknar URL","This media URL is not supported.":"Medie-URL:en stöds inte.",Tiny:"Mycket liten","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tips: Klistra in URL:en i innehållet för snabbare inbäddning.","To-do List":"Att-göra-lista","Toggle caption off":"Slå av rubrik","Toggle caption on":"Slå på rubrik","Toggle the circle list style":"Växla till cirkellisttypen","Toggle the decimal list style":"Växla till decimallisttypen","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Växla till listtypen decimal-med-inledande-nolla","Toggle the disc list style":"Växla till disklisttypen","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Växla till listtypen latinska gemener","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Växla till listtypen romerska gemener","Toggle the square list style":"Växla till fyrkantslisttypen","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Växla till listtypen latinska versaler ","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Växla till listtypen romerska versaler",Turquoise:"Turkos","Type or paste your content here.":"Skriv eller klistra in ditt innehåll här.","Type your title":"Skriv in rubriken",Underline:"Understrykning","Underline text":"Understruken text",Undo:"Ångra",Unlink:"Ta bort länk",Update:"Uppdatera","Update image URL":"Uppdatera bildens URL","Upload failed":"Uppladdning misslyckades","Upload from computer":"Ladda upp från dator","Upload image from computer":"Ladda upp bild från dator","Upload in progress":"Uppladdning pågår","Uploading image":"Laddar upp bild","Upper-latin":"Latinska versaler","Upper-roman":"Romerska versaler","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Navigera effektivt i CKEditor 5:s användargränssnitt med följande tangenter.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Tangenter för användargränssnitt och navigation i innehåll","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Verktygsfält för vertikal textjustering",White:"Vit","Widget toolbar":"Widgetverktygsfält",Width:"Bredd","Wrap text":"Omslut med text",Yellow:"Gul"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["sv"]=e["sv"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(kan kräva Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 av %1",Accept:"Acceptera",Accessibility:"Tillgänglighet","Accessibility help":"Hjälp med tillgänglighet","Advanced options":"Avancerade alternativ","Align cell text to the bottom":"Bottenjustera celltext","Align cell text to the center":"Centrera celltext","Align cell text to the left":"Vänsterjustera celltext","Align cell text to the middle":"Centrera celltext","Align cell text to the right":"Högerjustera celltext","Align cell text to the top":"Toppjustera celltext","Align center":"Centrera","Align left":"Vänsterjustera","Align right":"Högerjustera","Align table to the left":"Vänsterjustera tabell","Align table to the right":"Högerjustera tabell",Alignment:"Justering",Aquamarine:"Akvamarin",Background:"Bakgrund","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Nedan hittar du en lista med kortkommandon som kan användas i redigeraren.",Big:"Stor",Black:"Svart","Block quote":"Blockcitat","Block styles":"Blockstilar",Blue:"Blå","Blue marker":"Blå markering",Bold:"Fet","Bold text":"Fetstil",Border:"Kant","Break text":"Bryt upp text","Bulleted List":"Punktlista","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Verktygsfält för punktlistor",Cancel:"Avbryt","Caption for image: %0":"Bildtext till bild: %0","Caption for the image":"Bildtext till bilden","Cell properties":"Cellegenskaper","Center table":"Centrera tabell","Centered image":"Centrerad bild","Change image text alternative":"Ändra bildens alternativa text","Characters: %0":"Tecken: %0","Choose heading":"Välj rubrik",Circle:"Cirkel",Clear:"Rensa","Click to edit block":"Klicka för att redigera blocket",Close:"Stäng","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Stäng kontextballonger, rullgardinsmenyer och dialogrutor",Code:"Kod","Code block":"Kodblock",Color:"Färg","Color picker":"Färgväljare",Column:"Kolumn","Content editing keystrokes":"Tangenter för innehållsredigering","Copy selected content":"Kopiera markerat innehåll","Create link":"Skapa länk",Custom:"Anpassad","Custom image size":"Anpassad bildstorlek",Dashed:"Streckad",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal med inledande nolla","Decrease indent":"Minska indrag","Decrease list item indent":"Minska indrag på listobjekt",Default:"Standard","Delete column":"Ta bort kolumn","Delete row":"Ta bort rad","Dim grey":"Dunkelgrå",Dimensions:"Mått","Disable editing":"Stäng av redigering",Disc:"Disk","Document colors":"Dokumentfärger",Dotted:"Prickig",Double:"Dubbel",Downloadable:"Nedladdningsbar","Drag to move":"Dra för att flytta","Dropdown toolbar":"Rullgardinsverktygsfält","Edit block":"Redigera block","Edit link":"Redigera länk","Editor block content toolbar":"Verktygsfält vid block av innehåll","Editor contextual toolbar":"Ordbehandlarens kontextuella verktygsfält","Editor dialog":"Ordbehandlardialog","Editor editing area: %0":"Ordbehandlares redigeringsområde: %0","Editor menu bar":"Menyfält för redigeraren","Editor toolbar":"Redigeringsverktygsfält","Enable editing":"Aktivera redigering","Enter image caption":"Fyll i bildtext","Enter table caption":"Ange tabellrubrik","Entering %0 code snippet":"Anger %0-kodsnutt","Entering a to-do list":"Fyller i en att-göra-lista","Entering code snippet":"Anger kodsnutt","Error during image upload":"Fel vid bilduppladdning","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Kör den knapp som för närvarande är i fokus. När du aktiverar knappar som interagerar med innehållet i redigeraren flyttas fokus tillbaka till innehållet.",Find:"Hitta","Find and replace":"Hitta och ersätt","Find in text…":"Hitta i text ...","Find in the document":"Hitta i dokumentet","Font Background Color":"Tecknens bakgrundsfärg","Font Color":"Teckenfärg","Font Family":"Typsnitt","Font Size":"Teckenstorlek","Full size image":"Bild i full storlek",Green:"Grön","Green marker":"Grön markering","Green pen":"Grön penna",Grey:"Grå",Groove:"Skåra","Header column":"Rubrikkolumn","Header row":"Rubrikrad",Heading:"Rubrik","Heading 1":"Rubrik 1","Heading 2":"Rubrik 2","Heading 3":"Rubrik 3","Heading 4":"Rubrik 4","Heading 5":"Rubrik 5","Heading 6":"Rubrik 6",Height:"Höjd","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Hjälpinnehåll. Tryck på ESC för att stänga dialogrutan.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Markera","Horizontal line":"Horisontell linje","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Verktygsfält för horisontell textjustering","HTML object":"HTML-objekt",Huge:"Enorm","Image from computer":"Bild från dator","Image resize list":"Lista för storleksändring av bild","Image toolbar":"Bildverktygsfält","Image upload complete":"Bilduppladdningen klar","image widget":"image widget","In line":"På rad","Increase indent":"Öka indrag","Increase list item indent":"Öka indrag på listobjekt",Insert:"Infoga","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Infoga blankrad (nytt stycke)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Påbörja nytt stycke direkt efter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Påbörja nytt stycke direkt före en widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Infoga en ny tabellrad (när du är på den sista cellen i en tabell)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Infoga radbrytning (a <br>
-element)","Insert code block":"Infoga kodblock","Insert column left":"Infoga kolumn till vänster","Insert column right":"Infoga kolumn till höger","Insert image":"Infoga bild","Insert image via URL":"Infoga bild via URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Infoga stycke efter block","Insert paragraph before block":"Infoga stycke före block","Insert row above":"Infoga rad ovanför","Insert row below":"Infoga rad nedanför","Insert table":"Lägg in tabell",Inset:"Infälld","Invalid start index value.":"Ogiltigt startvärde på indexet.",Italic:"Kursiv","Italic text":"Kursiv stil",Justify:"Justera till marginaler","Justify cell text":"Anpassa celltext","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Tangenter som fungerar i en lista","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tangenter som fungerar i en tabellcell","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tangenter som kan användas när en widget är vald (till exempel: bild, tabell m.m.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Lämnar %0-kodsnutt","Leaving a to-do list":"Lämnar en att-göra-lista","Leaving code snippet":"Lämnar kodsnutt","Left aligned image":"Vänsterjusterad bild","Light blue":"Ljusblå","Light green":"Ljusgrön","Light grey":"Ljusgrå",Link:"Länk","Link image":"Länka bild","Link URL":"Länkens URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"Länkens URL får inte vara tom.","List properties":"Listegenskaper","Lower-latin":"Latinska gemener","Lower–roman":"Romerska gemener","Match case":"Matcha versaler",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Ändra",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Fil",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Teckensnitt",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Format",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Hjälp",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Infoga",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Text",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Verktyg",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Visa","Merge cell down":"Sammanfoga celler neråt","Merge cell left":"Sammanfoga celler åt vänster","Merge cell right":"Sammanfoga celler åt höger","Merge cell up":"Sammanfoga celler uppåt","Merge cells":"Sammanfoga celler","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Flytta fokus mellan formulärfält (inmatningar, knappar m.m.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Flytta fokus till och från en aktiv dialogruta","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Flytta fokus till menyfältet, navigera mellan menyfält","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Flytta fokus till verktygsfältet, navigera mellan verktygsfält","Move out of a link":"Flytta bort från länken","Move out of an inline code style":"Flytta bort från inlinekodens stil","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flytta textmarkören för att kunna skriva direkt efter en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flytta textmarkören för att kunna skriva direkt före en widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Flytta markeringen till nästa cell","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Flytta markeringen till föregående cell","Multiple styles":"Flera stilar","Navigate editable regions":"Navigera redigerbara områden","Navigate through the table":"Navigera i tabellen","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Navigera genom verktygsfältet eller menyfältet",Next:"Nästa","Next editable region":"Nästa redigerbara område","Next result":"Nästa träff","No results found":"Inga resultat hittades","No searchable items":"Inga sökbara objekt",None:"Inget","Numbered List":"Numrerad lista","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Verktygsfält för numrerade listor","Open in a new tab":"Öppna i en ny flik","Open link in new tab":"Öppna länk i ny flik","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Öppna dialogrutan för hjälp med tillgänglighet",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Ursprunglig",Outset:"Utfälld",Padding:"Marginal",Paragraph:"Paragraf","Paste content":"Klistra in innehåll","Paste content as plain text":"Klistra in innehåll som vanlig text","Pink marker":"Rosa markering","Plain text":"Vanlig text",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Ange en giltig färg (t.ex. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Tryck på %0 för hjälp.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tryck på retur för att skriva efter eller på skift + retur för att skriva före widgeten.",Previous:"Föregående","Previous editable region":"Föregående redigerbara område","Previous result":"Föregående träff",Purple:"Lila",Red:"Röd","Red pen":"Röd penna",Redo:"Gör om","Remove color":"Ta bort färg","Remove Format":"Radera formatering","Remove highlight":"Ta bort markering",Replace:"Ersätt","Replace all":"Ersätt alla","Replace from computer":"Ersätt från dator","Replace image":"Ersätt bild","Replace image from computer":"Ersätt bild från dator","Replace with…":"Ersätt med ...","Resize image":"Ändra storlek på bild","Resize image (in %0)":"Ändra storlek på bilden (i %0)","Resize image to %0":"Ändra bildens storlek till %0","Resize image to the original size":"Ändra bilden till dess ursprungsstorlek","Restore default":"Återställ standard","Reversed order":"Byt riktning","Revert autoformatting action":"Ångra automatisk formatering","Rich Text Editor":"Rich Text-editor",Ridge:"Kant","Right aligned image":"Högerjusterad bild",Row:"Rad",Save:"Spara","Select all":"Välj alla","Select column":"Välj kolumn","Select row":"Välj rad","Show more items":"Visa fler objekt","Side image":"Kantbild",Small:"Liten",Solid:"Enfärgad","Split cell horizontally":"Dela cell horisontellt","Split cell vertically":"Dela cell vertikalt",Square:"Fyrkant","Start at":"Börja på","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Startindex måste vara större än 0.",Strikethrough:"Genomstruken","Strikethrough text":"Genomstruken text",Style:"Stil",Styles:"Stilar",Subscript:"Nedsänkta tecken",Superscript:"Upphöjda tecken",Table:"Tabell","Table alignment toolbar":"Verktygsfält för tabelljustering","Table cell text alignment":"Textjustering i tabellcell","Table properties":"Tabellegenskaper","Table toolbar":"Tabellverktygsfält","Text alignment":"Textjustering","Text alignment toolbar":"Verktygsfält för textjustering","Text alternative":"Alternativ text","Text highlight toolbar":"Verktygsfält för textmarkering","Text styles":"Texttyper","Text to find must not be empty.":"Text att hitta får inte vara tom.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Färgen är ogiltig. Testa "#FF0000" eller "rgb(255,0,0)" eller "röd".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Värdet är ogiltigt. Testa "10px" eller "2em" eller helt enkelt "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Värdet får inte vara tomt.","The value should be a plain number.":"Värdet ska vara ett vanligt tal.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Dessa kortkommandon möjliggör snabb innehållsredigering.","This link has no URL":"Denna länk saknar URL",Tiny:"Mycket liten","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tips: Hitta någon text först för att ersätta den.","To-do List":"Att-göra-lista","Toggle caption off":"Slå av rubrik","Toggle caption on":"Slå på rubrik","Toggle the circle list style":"Växla till cirkellisttypen","Toggle the decimal list style":"Växla till decimallisttypen","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Växla till listtypen decimal-med-inledande-nolla","Toggle the disc list style":"Växla till disklisttypen","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Växla till listtypen latinska gemener","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Växla till listtypen romerska gemener","Toggle the square list style":"Växla till fyrkantslisttypen","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Växla till listtypen latinska versaler ","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Växla till listtypen romerska versaler",Turquoise:"Turkos","Type or paste your content here.":"Skriv eller klistra in ditt innehåll här.","Type your title":"Skriv in rubriken",Underline:"Understrykning","Underline text":"Understruken text",Undo:"Ångra",Unlink:"Ta bort länk",Update:"Uppdatera","Update image URL":"Uppdatera bildens URL","Upload failed":"Uppladdning misslyckades","Upload from computer":"Ladda upp från dator","Upload image from computer":"Ladda upp bild från dator","Upload in progress":"Uppladdning pågår","Uploading image":"Laddar upp bild","Upper-latin":"Latinska versaler","Upper-roman":"Romerska versaler","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Navigera effektivt i CKEditor 5:s användargränssnitt med följande tangenter.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Tangenter för användargränssnitt och navigation i innehåll","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Verktygsfält för vertikal textjustering",White:"Vit","Whole words only":"Enbart hela ord","Widget toolbar":"Widgetverktygsfält",Width:"Bredd","Words: %0":"Ord: %0","Wrap text":"Omslut med text",Yellow:"Gul","Yellow marker":"Gul markering"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
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diff --git a/build/translations/th.js b/build/translations/th.js
index c295966..a60b8cf 100644
--- a/build/translations/th.js
+++ b/build/translations/th.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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element)":"แทรกการขึ้นบรรทัดใหม่แบบ Soft Break (<br>
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'สีไม่ถูกต้อง ลอง "#FF0000" หรือ "rgb(255,0,0)" หรือ "red"','The value is invalid. 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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/ti.js b/build/translations/ti.js
index 79eb959..5ca6d38 100644
--- a/build/translations/ti.js
+++ b/build/translations/ti.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/tk.js b/build/translations/tk.js
index 9d22340..156df79 100644
--- a/build/translations/tk.js
+++ b/build/translations/tk.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Reňki nädogry "#FF0000" ýa-da "rgb(255,0,0)" ýa-da "gyzyl" barlap görüň.',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL boş bolmaly däldir.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Baha nädogry "10px" ýa-da "2em" ýa-da diňe "2" barlap görüň.',"The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Bu baglanyşykda URL ýok","This media URL is not supported.":"Bu media URL goldanok.",Tiny:"Kiçijik","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Maslahat: Has çalt ýerleşdirmek üçin URL-i mazmuna goýuň.","To-do List":"Edilmeli işleriň sanawy","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"Turkuaz","Type or paste your content here.":"Mazmunyňyzy şu ýere ýazyň ýa-da goýuň.","Type your title":"Sözbaşyny ýazyň",Underline:"Aşagy çyzykly","Underline text":"",Undo:"Yza gaýtar",Unlink:"Baglanyşygy aýyr",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"Ýükläp bolmady","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Ýüklemek dowam edýär","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Dik tekst tekizlemek gurallar paneli",White:"Ak","Widget toolbar":"Widget gurallar paneli",Width:"Ini","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"Sary"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"","Font Background Color":"Şriftiň fon reňki","Font Color":"Şriftiň reňki","Font Family":"Şrift maşgalasy","Font Size":"Şrift ölçegi","Full size image":"Doly ululykdaky surat",Green:"Ýaşyl","Green marker":"Ýaşyl marker","Green pen":"Ýaşyl galam",Grey:"Çal",Groove:"Groove","Header column":"Sözbaşy sütüni","Header row":"Sözbaşy hatary",Heading:"Sözbaşy","Heading 1":"Sözbaşy 1","Heading 2":"Sözbaşy 2","Heading 3":"Sözbaşy 3","Heading 4":"Sözbaşy 4","Heading 5":"Sözbaşy 5","Heading 6":"Sözbaşy 6",Height:"Boý","Help Contents. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Reňki nädogry "#FF0000" ýa-da "rgb(255,0,0)" ýa-da "gyzyl" barlap görüň.','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Baha nädogry "10px" ýa-da "2em" ýa-da diňe "2" barlap görüň.',"The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Bu baglanyşykda URL ýok",Tiny:"Kiçijik","To-do List":"Edilmeli işleriň sanawy","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"Turkuaz","Type or paste your content here.":"Mazmunyňyzy şu ýere ýazyň ýa-da goýuň.","Type your title":"Sözbaşyny ýazyň",Underline:"Aşagy çyzykly","Underline text":"",Undo:"Yza gaýtar",Unlink:"Baglanyşygy aýyr",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"Ýükläp bolmady","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Ýüklemek dowam edýär","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Dik tekst tekizlemek gurallar paneli",White:"Ak","Widget toolbar":"Widget gurallar paneli",Width:"Ini","Words: %0":"Sözler: %0","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"Sary","Yellow marker":"Sary marker"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/tr.js b/build/translations/tr.js
index d5d3975..2727aa9 100644
--- a/build/translations/tr.js
+++ b/build/translations/tr.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const a=e["tr"]=e["tr"]||{};a.dictionary=Object.assign(a.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(Fn gerekebilir)","%0 of %1":"%0/%1",Accept:"Kabul et",Accessibility:"Erişilebilirlik","Accessibility help":"Erişilebilirlik yardımı","Align cell text to the bottom":"Hücre içindeki metni alta hizala","Align cell text to the center":"Hücre içindeki metnini ortaya hizalama","Align cell text to the left":"Hücre içindeki metnini sola hizala","Align cell text to the middle":"Hücre içindeki metni ortaya hizala","Align cell text to the right":"Hücre içindeki metnini sağa hizala","Align cell text to the top":"Hücre içindeki metni üste hizala","Align table to the left":"Tabloyu sola hizala","Align table to the right":"Tabloyu sağa hizala",Alignment:"Hizalama",Aquamarine:"Su Yeşili",Background:"Arkaplan","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Aşağıda editörde kullanılabilecek klavye kısayollarının bir listesini bulabilirsiniz.",Big:"Büyük",Black:"Siyah","Block quote":"Alıntı",Blue:"Mavi",Bold:"Kalın","Bold text":"Kalın yazı",Border:"Kenar","Break text":"Metni böl","Bulleted List":"Simgeli Liste","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Madde işaretli liste stilleri araç çubuğu",Cancel:"İptal","Caption for image: %0":"Resim için başlık: %0","Caption for the image":"Resim için başlık","Cell properties":"Hücre özellikleri","Center table":"Tabloyu ortala","Centered image":"Ortalanmış görsel","Change image text alternative":"Görsel alternatif yazısını değiştir","Choose heading":"Başlık tipi seç",Circle:"Çember",Clear:"Temizle","Click to edit block":"Bloğu düzenlemek için tıkla",Close:"Kapat","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Bağlamsal balonları, açılır menüleri ve iletişim kutularını kapat",Code:"Kod",Color:"Renk","Color picker":"Renk seçici",Column:"Kolon","Content editing keystrokes":"İçerik düzenleme tuş vuruşları","Copy selected content":"Seçilen içeriği kopyala","Create link":"Bağlantı oluştur",Custom:"Özel","Custom image size":"Özel resim boyutu",Dashed:"Kesik çizgili",Decimal:"Ondalık","Decimal with leading zero":"0'la başlayan ondalık","Decrease indent":"Girintiyi azalt","Decrease list item indent":"Liste ögesi girintisini azalt",Default:"Varsayılan","Delete column":"Kolonu sil","Delete row":"Satırı sil","Dim grey":"Koyu Gri",Dimensions:"Ölçüler",Disc:"Disk","Document colors":"Belge Rengi",Dotted:"Noktalı",Double:"Çift",Downloadable:"İndirilebilir","Drag to move":"Taşımak için sürükle","Dropdown toolbar":"Açılır araç çubuğu","Edit block":"Bloğu Düzenle","Edit link":"Bağlantıyı değiştir","Editor block content toolbar":"Düzenleyici engelleme içerik araç çubuğu","Editor contextual toolbar":"Düzenleyici içeriksel araç çubuğu","Editor dialog":"Düzenleyici iletişim kutusu","Editor editing area: %0":"Editör düzenleme alanı: %0","Editor menu bar":"Düzenleyici menü çubuğu","Editor toolbar":"Düzenleme araç çubuğu","Enter image caption":"Resim açıklaması gir","Enter table caption":"Tablo açıklaması gir","Entering a to-do list":"Yapılacaklar listesi girmek","Error during image upload":"Resim yükleme sırasında hata oluştu","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"O anda odaklanılan düğmeyi çalıştırın. Düzenleyici içeriğiyle etkileşime giren düğmelerin çalıştırılması, odağı içeriğe geri taşır.","Font Background Color":"Yazı Tipi Arkaplan Rengi","Font Color":"Yazı Tipi Rengi","Font Family":"Yazı Tipi Ailesi","Font Size":"Yazı Boyutu","Full size image":"Tam Boyut Görsel",Green:"Yeşil",Grey:"Gri",Groove:"Yiv","Header column":"Başlık kolonu","Header row":"Başlık satırı",Heading:"Başlık","Heading 1":"1. Seviye Başlık","Heading 2":"2. Seviye Başlık","Heading 3":"3. Seviye Başlık","Heading 4":"4. Seviye Başlık","Heading 5":"5. Seviye Başlık","Heading 6":"6. Seviye Başlık",Height:"Yükseklik","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Yardım İçerikleri. Bu iletişim kutusunu kapatmak için ESC tuşuna basın.",HEX:"ONALTILIK","Horizontal line":"Yatay çiizgi","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Yatay metin hizalama araç çubuğu",Huge:"Çok Büyük","Image from computer":"Bilgisayardan görüntü","Image resize list":"Resim yeniden boyutlandırma listesi","Image toolbar":"Resim araç çubuğu","Image upload complete":"Resim yüklemesi tamamlandı","image widget":"resim aracı","In line":"Aynı hizada","Increase indent":"Girintiyi arttır","Increase list item indent":"Liste ögesi girintisini artır",Insert:"Ekle","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Değişmez sayfa sonu ekle (yeni bir paragraf)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Araç takımının hemen sonrasına yeni bir paragraf ekle","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Araç takımının hemen öncesine yeni bir paragraf ekle","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Yeni bir tablo satırı ekle (tablonun son hücresindeyken)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Değişebilir sayfa sonu ekle (bir
ögesi)","Insert column left":"Sola kolon ekle","Insert column right":"Sağa kolon ekle","Insert image":"Görsel Ekle","Insert image via URL":"URL ile görüntü ekle","Insert media":"Medya Ekle","Insert paragraph after block":"Bloktan sonra paragraf ekle","Insert paragraph before block":"Bloktan önce paragraf ekle","Insert row above":"Üste satır ekle","Insert row below":"Alta satır ekle","Insert table":"Tablo Ekle",Inset:"İçe","Invalid start index value.":"Geçersiz başlangıç dizini değeri.",Italic:"İtalik","Italic text":"İtalik metin","Justify cell text":"Hücre içindeki metini iki yana yasla","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Listedeki kullanılabilecek tuş vuruşları","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tablo hücresinde kullanılabilecek tuş vuruşları","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Bir araç takımı seçildiğinde kullanılabilecek tuş vuruşları (örnek: resim, tablo vb.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Yapılacaklar listesinden ayrılma","Left aligned image":"Sola hizalı görsel","Light blue":"Açık Mavi","Light green":"Açık Yeşil","Light grey":"Açık Gri",Link:"Bağlantı","Link image":"Resim bağlantısı","Link URL":"Bağlantı Adresi","Link URL must not be empty.":"Bağlantı URL'si boş olmamalıdır.","List properties":"Liste özellikleri","Lower-latin":"Küçük Latin harfleri","Lower–roman":"Küçük Roma rakamları","Media toolbar":"Medya araç çubuğu","Media URL":"Medya URL'si","media widget":"medya aracı",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Düzenle",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Dosya",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Yazı Tipi",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Biçim",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Yardım",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Ekle",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Metin",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Araçlar",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Görüntüle","Merge cell down":"Aşağıya doğru birleştir","Merge cell left":"Sola doğru birleştir","Merge cell right":"Sağa doğru birleştir","Merge cell up":"Yukarı doğru birleştir","Merge cells":"Hücreleri birleştir","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Odağı, form alanları (girdiler, düğmeler vb.) arasında taşı","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Odağı etkin iletişim penceresinin içine ve dışına taşı","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Odağı menü çubuğuna taşıyın, menü çubukları arasında gezinin","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Odağı araç çubuğuna taşı, araç çubukları arasında gezin","Move out of a link":"Bir bağlantıdan çık","Move out of an inline code style":"Satır içi kod stilinden çık","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Bir araç takımından hemen sonra yazmaya izin vermek için ekleme noktasını taşı","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Bir araç takımından hemen önce yazmaya izin vermek için ekleme noktasını taşı","Move the selection to the next cell":"Seçimi sonraki hücreye taşı","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Seçimi önceki hücreye taşı","Navigate through the table":"Tabloda gezin","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Araç çubuğu veya menü çubuğunda gezinme",Next:"Sonraki","No results found":"Sonuç bulunamadı","No searchable items":"Aranabilir öge yok",None:"Yok","Numbered List":"Numaralı Liste","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Numaralandırılmış liste stilleri araç çubuğu","Open in a new tab":"Yeni sekmede aç","Open link in new tab":"Yeni sekmede aç","Open media in new tab":"Medyayı yeni sekmede aç","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Erişilebilirlik yardımı iletişim kutusunu aç",Orange:"Turuncu",Original:"Orijinal",Outset:"Dışarıya",Padding:"İç boşluk",Paragraph:"Paragraf","Paste content":"İçeriği yapıştır","Paste content as plain text":"İçeriği düz metin olarak yapıştır","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Medya URL'siini metin kutusuna yapıştırınız.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Lütfen geçerli bir renk girin (ör. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Yardım için %0 tuşuna basın.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Görsel bileşenden sonra yazmak için Enter'a basın ya da görsel bileşenden önce yazmak için Shift + Enter'a basın",Previous:"Önceki",Purple:"Mor",Red:"Kırmızı",Redo:"Tekrar yap","Remove color":"Rengi Sil","Remove Format":"Biçimlendirmeyi Kaldır","Replace from computer":"Bilgisayardan değiştir","Replace image":"Resmi değiştir","Replace image from computer":"Görüntüyü bilgisayardan değiştir","Resize image":"Resmi boyutlandır","Resize image (in %0)":"Resmi yeniden boyutlandır (%0 olarak)","Resize image to %0":"Resmi %0 ölçülerine boyutlandır","Resize image to the original size":"Resmi orijinal büyüklüğüne al","Restore default":"Varsayılanı geri yükle","Reversed order":"Ters sıralama","Revert autoformatting action":"Otomatik biçimlendirme işlemini geri al","Rich Text Editor":"Zengin İçerik Editörü",Ridge:"Yükselti","Right aligned image":"Sağa hizalı görsel",Row:"Satır",Save:"Kaydet","Select all":"Hepsini seç","Select column":"Kolon seç","Select row":"Satır seç","Show more items":"Daha fazla öğe göster","Side image":"Yan Görsel",Small:"Küçük",Solid:"Dolu","Split cell horizontally":"Hücreyi yatay böl","Split cell vertically":"Hücreyi dikey böl",Square:"Kare","Start at":"Şununla başla","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Başlangıç dizini 0'dan büyük olmalıdır.",Strikethrough:"Üstü çizili","Strikethrough text":"Metnin üstünü çiz",Style:"Stil",Subscript:"Alt Simge",Superscript:"Üst Simge",Table:"Tablo","Table alignment toolbar":"Tablo hizalama araç çubuğu","Table cell text alignment":"Tablo hücresi metin hizalaması","Table properties":"Tablo özellikleri","Table toolbar":"Tablo araç çubuğu","Text alternative":"Yazı alternatifi",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Geçersiz renk. "#FF0000" veya "rgb(255,0,0)" veya "red" deneyin.',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL boş olamaz.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Geçersiz değer. "10px" veya "2em" veya sadece "2" deneyin.',"The value must not be empty.":"Değer boş olmamalıdır.","The value should be a plain number.":"Değer düz bir sayı olmalıdır.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Bu klavye kısayolları içerik düzenleme özelliklerine hızlı erişim sağlar.","This link has no URL":"Bağlantı adresi yok","This media URL is not supported.":"Desteklenmeyen Medya URL'si.",Tiny:"Çok Küçük","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"İpucu: İçeriği daha hızlı yerleştirmek için URL'yi yapıştırın.","To-do List":"Yapılacaklar Listesi","Toggle caption off":"Açıklamayı kapat","Toggle caption on":"Açıklamayı aç","Toggle the circle list style":"Çember liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the decimal list style":"Ondalık liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"0'la başlayan ondalık liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the disc list style":"Disk liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Küçük Latin harfleri liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Küçük Roma rakamları liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the square list style":"Kare liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Büyük Latin harfleri liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Büyük Roma rakamları liste stilini değiştir",Turquoise:"Turkuaz","Type or paste your content here.":"İçeriğinizi buraya yapıştırın yada yazın.","Type your title":"Başlığınızı yazınız",Underline:"Altı Çizgili","Underline text":"Metnin altını çiz",Undo:"Geri al",Unlink:"Bağlantıyı kaldır",Update:"Güncelle","Update image URL":"Görüntü URL'sini güncelle","Upload failed":"Yükleme başarsız","Upload from computer":"Bilgisayardan yükle","Upload image from computer":"Bilgisayardan görüntü yükle","Upload in progress":"Yükleme işlemi devam ediyor","Uploading image":"Resim yükleniyor","Upper-latin":"Büyük Latin harfleri","Upper-roman":"Büyük Roma rakamları","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"CKEditor 5 kullanıcı arayüzünde daha etkili gezinti için aşağıdaki tuş vuruşlarını kullanın.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Kullanıcı arayüzü ve içerik gezinme tuş vuruşları","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Dikey metin hizalama araç çubuğu",White:"Beyaz","Widget toolbar":"Bileşen araç çubuğu",Width:"Genişlik","Wrap text":"Metni kaydır",Yellow:"Sarı"});a.getPluralForm=function(e){return e>1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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element)":"Değişebilir sayfa sonu ekle (bir
ögesi)","Insert code block":"Kod bloğu ekle","Insert column left":"Sola kolon ekle","Insert column right":"Sağa kolon ekle","Insert image":"Görsel Ekle","Insert image via URL":"URL ile görüntü ekle","Insert paragraph after block":"Bloktan sonra paragraf ekle","Insert paragraph before block":"Bloktan önce paragraf ekle","Insert row above":"Üste satır ekle","Insert row below":"Alta satır ekle","Insert table":"Tablo Ekle",Inset:"İçe","Invalid start index value.":"Geçersiz başlangıç dizini değeri.",Italic:"İtalik","Italic text":"İtalik metin",Justify:"İki yana yasla","Justify cell text":"Hücre içindeki metini iki yana yasla","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Listedeki kullanılabilecek tuş vuruşları","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tablo hücresinde kullanılabilecek tuş vuruşları","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Bir araç takımı seçildiğinde kullanılabilecek tuş vuruşları (örnek: resim, tablo vb.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"%0 kod parçacığından ayrılınıyor","Leaving a to-do list":"Yapılacaklar listesinden ayrılma","Leaving code snippet":"Kod parçacığından ayrılma","Left aligned image":"Sola hizalı görsel","Light blue":"Açık Mavi","Light green":"Açık Yeşil","Light grey":"Açık Gri",Link:"Bağlantı","Link image":"Resim bağlantısı","Link URL":"Bağlantı Adresi","Link URL must not be empty.":"Bağlantı URL'si boş olmamalıdır.","List properties":"Liste özellikleri","Lower-latin":"Küçük Latin harfleri","Lower–roman":"Küçük Roma rakamları","Match case":"Büyük küçük harfe duyarlı",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Düzenle",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Dosya",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Yazı Tipi",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Biçim",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Yardım",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Ekle",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Metin",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Araçlar",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Görüntüle","Merge cell down":"Aşağıya doğru birleştir","Merge cell left":"Sola doğru birleştir","Merge cell right":"Sağa doğru birleştir","Merge cell up":"Yukarı doğru birleştir","Merge cells":"Hücreleri birleştir","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Odağı, form alanları (girdiler, düğmeler vb.) arasında taşı","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Odağı etkin iletişim penceresinin içine ve dışına taşı","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Odağı menü çubuğuna taşıyın, menü çubukları arasında gezinin","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Odağı araç çubuğuna taşı, araç çubukları arasında gezin","Move out of a link":"Bir bağlantıdan çık","Move out of an inline code style":"Satır içi kod stilinden çık","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Bir araç takımından hemen sonra yazmaya izin vermek için ekleme noktasını taşı","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Bir araç takımından hemen önce yazmaya izin vermek için ekleme noktasını taşı","Move the selection to the next cell":"Seçimi sonraki hücreye taşı","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Seçimi önceki hücreye taşı","Multiple styles":"Birden fazla stil","Navigate editable regions":"Düzenlenebilir alanlara git","Navigate through the table":"Tabloda gezin","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Araç çubuğu veya menü çubuğunda gezinme",Next:"Sonraki","Next editable region":"Sonraki düzenlenebilir alan","Next result":"Sonraki sonuç","No results found":"Sonuç bulunamadı","No searchable items":"Aranabilir öge yok",None:"Yok","Numbered List":"Numaralı Liste","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Numaralandırılmış liste stilleri araç çubuğu","Open in a new tab":"Yeni sekmede aç","Open link in new tab":"Yeni sekmede aç","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Erişilebilirlik yardımı iletişim kutusunu aç",Orange:"Turuncu",Original:"Orijinal",Outset:"Dışarıya",Padding:"İç boşluk",Paragraph:"Paragraf","Paste content":"İçeriği yapıştır","Paste content as plain text":"İçeriği düz metin olarak yapıştır","Pink marker":"Pembe işaretleyici","Plain text":"Düz metin",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Lütfen geçerli bir renk girin (ör. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Yardım için %0 tuşuna basın.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Görsel bileşenden sonra yazmak için Enter'a basın ya da görsel bileşenden önce yazmak için Shift + Enter'a basın",Previous:"Önceki","Previous editable region":"Önceki düzenlenebilir alan","Previous result":"Önceki sonuç",Purple:"Mor",Red:"Kırmızı","Red pen":"Kırmızı kalem",Redo:"Tekrar yap","Remove color":"Rengi Sil","Remove Format":"Biçimlendirmeyi Kaldır","Remove highlight":"Vurgulamayı temizle",Replace:"Değiştir","Replace all":"Hepsini değiştir","Replace from computer":"Bilgisayardan değiştir","Replace image":"Resmi değiştir","Replace image from computer":"Görüntüyü bilgisayardan değiştir","Replace with…":"Şununla değiştir...","Resize image":"Resmi boyutlandır","Resize image (in %0)":"Resmi yeniden boyutlandır (%0 olarak)","Resize image to %0":"Resmi %0 ölçülerine boyutlandır","Resize image to the original size":"Resmi orijinal büyüklüğüne al","Restore default":"Varsayılanı geri yükle","Reversed order":"Ters sıralama","Revert autoformatting action":"Otomatik biçimlendirme işlemini geri al","Rich Text Editor":"Zengin İçerik Editörü",Ridge:"Yükselti","Right aligned image":"Sağa hizalı görsel",Row:"Satır",Save:"Kaydet","Select all":"Hepsini seç","Select column":"Kolon seç","Select row":"Satır seç","Show more items":"Daha fazla öğe göster","Side image":"Yan Görsel",Small:"Küçük",Solid:"Dolu","Split cell horizontally":"Hücreyi yatay böl","Split cell vertically":"Hücreyi dikey böl",Square:"Kare","Start at":"Şununla başla","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Başlangıç dizini 0'dan büyük olmalıdır.",Strikethrough:"Üstü çizili","Strikethrough text":"Metnin üstünü çiz",Style:"Stil",Styles:"Stiller",Subscript:"Alt Simge",Superscript:"Üst Simge",Table:"Tablo","Table alignment toolbar":"Tablo hizalama araç çubuğu","Table cell text alignment":"Tablo hücresi metin hizalaması","Table properties":"Tablo özellikleri","Table toolbar":"Tablo araç çubuğu","Text alignment":"Yazı hizalama","Text alignment toolbar":"Yazı Hizlama Araç Çubuğu","Text alternative":"Yazı alternatifi","Text highlight toolbar":"Yazı Vurgulama Araç Çubuğu","Text styles":"Metin stilleri","Text to find must not be empty.":"Bulunacak metin boş bırakılmamalıdır.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Geçersiz renk. "#FF0000" veya "rgb(255,0,0)" veya "red" deneyin.','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Geçersiz değer. "10px" veya "2em" veya sadece "2" deneyin.',"The value must not be empty.":"Değer boş olmamalıdır.","The value should be a plain number.":"Değer düz bir sayı olmalıdır.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Bu klavye kısayolları içerik düzenleme özelliklerine hızlı erişim sağlar.","This link has no URL":"Bağlantı adresi yok",Tiny:"Çok Küçük","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"İpucu: Değiştirmek için önce bir metin bul.","To-do List":"Yapılacaklar Listesi","Toggle caption off":"Açıklamayı kapat","Toggle caption on":"Açıklamayı aç","Toggle the circle list style":"Çember liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the decimal list style":"Ondalık liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"0'la başlayan ondalık liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the disc list style":"Disk liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Küçük Latin harfleri liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Küçük Roma rakamları liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the square list style":"Kare liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Büyük Latin harfleri liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Büyük Roma rakamları liste stilini değiştir",Turquoise:"Turkuaz","Type or paste your content here.":"İçeriğinizi buraya yapıştırın yada yazın.","Type your title":"Başlığınızı yazınız",Underline:"Altı Çizgili","Underline text":"Metnin altını çiz",Undo:"Geri al",Unlink:"Bağlantıyı kaldır",Update:"Güncelle","Update image URL":"Görüntü URL'sini güncelle","Upload failed":"Yükleme başarsız","Upload from computer":"Bilgisayardan yükle","Upload image from computer":"Bilgisayardan görüntü yükle","Upload in progress":"Yükleme işlemi devam ediyor","Uploading image":"Resim yükleniyor","Upper-latin":"Büyük Latin harfleri","Upper-roman":"Büyük Roma rakamları","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"CKEditor 5 kullanıcı arayüzünde daha etkili gezinti için aşağıdaki tuş vuruşlarını kullanın.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Kullanıcı arayüzü ve içerik gezinme tuş vuruşları","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Dikey metin hizalama araç çubuğu",White:"Beyaz","Whole words only":"Sadece bütün kelimeler","Widget toolbar":"Bileşen araç çubuğu",Width:"Genişlik","Words: %0":"Kelimeler: %0","Wrap text":"Metni kaydır",Yellow:"Sarı","Yellow marker":"Sarı işaretleyici"});i.getPluralForm=function(e){return e>1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/tt.js b/build/translations/tt.js
index 03a46db..59f0cf0 100644
--- a/build/translations/tt.js
+++ b/build/translations/tt.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"","To-do List":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"Фервоз",Underline:"","Underline text":"",Undo:"",Unlink:"",Update:"Яңарт","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"Ак",Width:"","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"Сары"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"","To-do List":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"Фервоз",Underline:"","Underline text":"",Undo:"",Unlink:"",Update:"Яңарт","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"Ак","Whole words only":"",Width:"","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"Сары"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/ug.js b/build/translations/ug.js
index 0802f81..53d73e0 100644
--- a/build/translations/ug.js
+++ b/build/translations/ug.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"بۇ ئۇلانمىنىڭ تور ئادرېسى يوق",Tiny:"ئەڭ كىچىك","To-do List":"ئىش تىزىمى","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"بوش چەمبەر تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر","Toggle the decimal list style":"ئونلۇق سان تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"نۆل بىلەن باشلانغان ئونلۇق سان تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر","Toggle the disc list style":"ئۇيۇل چەمبەر تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"كىچىك لاتىن رەقىمى تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"كىچىك رىم رەقىمى تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر","Toggle the square list style":"ئۇيۇل كۋادرات تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"چوڭ لاتىن رەقىمى تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"چوڭ رىم رەقىمى تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر",Turquoise:"","Type or paste your content here.":"مەزمۇن بۇ جايغا كىرگۈزۈلىدۇ ياكى چاپلىنىدۇ.","Type your title":"ماۋزۇ كىرگۈزۈلىدۇ",Underline:"ئاستى سىزىق","Underline text":"",Undo:"يېنىۋېلىش",Unlink:"ئۇلانمىنى ئۈزۈش",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"چىقىرىش مەغلۇپ بولدى","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"يۈكلىنىۋاتىدۇ","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"چوڭ لاتىن رەقىمى","Upper-roman":"چوڭ رىم رەقىمى","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"ئاق",Width:"","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"سېرىق"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"بۇ ئۇلانمىنىڭ تور ئادرېسى يوق",Tiny:"ئەڭ كىچىك","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"ئەسكەرتىش: ئاۋال ئىزدەپ ئاندىن ئالماشتۇرىدۇ.","To-do List":"ئىش تىزىمى","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"بوش چەمبەر تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر","Toggle the decimal list style":"ئونلۇق سان تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"نۆل بىلەن باشلانغان ئونلۇق سان تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر","Toggle the disc list style":"ئۇيۇل چەمبەر تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"كىچىك لاتىن رەقىمى تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"كىچىك رىم رەقىمى تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر","Toggle the square list style":"ئۇيۇل كۋادرات تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"چوڭ لاتىن رەقىمى تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"چوڭ رىم رەقىمى تىزىم ئۇسلۇبىغا ئالماشتۇر",Turquoise:"","Type or paste your content here.":"مەزمۇن بۇ جايغا كىرگۈزۈلىدۇ ياكى چاپلىنىدۇ.","Type your title":"ماۋزۇ كىرگۈزۈلىدۇ",Underline:"ئاستى سىزىق","Underline text":"",Undo:"يېنىۋېلىش",Unlink:"ئۇلانمىنى ئۈزۈش",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"چىقىرىش مەغلۇپ بولدى","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"يۈكلىنىۋاتىدۇ","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"چوڭ لاتىن رەقىمى","Upper-roman":"چوڭ رىم رەقىمى","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"ئاق","Whole words only":"سۆزلا",Width:"","Words: %0":"سۆز: %0","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"سېرىق"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/uk.js b/build/translations/uk.js
index f330d61..756d6cb 100644
--- a/build/translations/uk.js
+++ b/build/translations/uk.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Активуйте кнопку, на якій знаходиться фокус. Активація кнопок, які взаємодіють з редакторським контентом переміщує фокус назад на контент.","Font Background Color":"Колір тла шрифту","Font Color":"Колір шрифту","Font Family":"Сімейство шрифтів","Font Size":"Розмір шрифту","Full size image":"Повний розмір зображення",Green:"Зелений",Grey:"Сірий",Groove:"Жолобчаста","Header column":"Заголовок стовпця","Header row":"Заголовок рядка",Heading:"Заголовок","Heading 1":"Заголовок 1","Heading 2":"Заголовок 2","Heading 3":"Заголовок 3","Heading 4":"Заголовок 4","Heading 5":"Заголовок 5","Heading 6":"Заголовок 6",Height:"Висота","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Зміст довідки. Щоб закрити це діалогове вікно, натисніть ESC.",HEX:"Шістнадцятковий","Horizontal line":"Горизонтальна лінія","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Панель інструментів вирівнювання горизонтального тексту",Huge:"Величезний","Image from computer":"Зображення з комп'ютера","Image resize list":"Перелік розмірів","Image toolbar":"Панелі інструментів зображення","Image upload complete":"Завантаження зображення завершено","image widget":"Віджет зображення","In line":"В тексті","Increase indent":"Збільшити відступ","Increase list item indent":"Збільшити відступ елемента списку",Insert:"Вставити","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Вставити жорсткий розрив (новий абзац)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Вставити новий абзац безпосередньо після віджета","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Вставити новий абзац безпосередньо перед віджетом","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Вставити новий рядок таблиці (якщо в останній клітинці таблиці)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Вставити м’який розрив (елемент <br>
)","Insert column left":"Вставити стовпець зліва","Insert column right":"Вставити стовпець справа","Insert image":"Вставити зображення","Insert image via URL":"Вставити зображення через посилання","Insert media":"Вставити медіа","Insert paragraph after block":"Додати абзац після блока","Insert paragraph before block":"Додати абзац перед блоком","Insert row above":"Вставити рядок знизу","Insert row below":"Вставити рядок зверху","Insert table":"Вставити таблицю",Inset:"Угнута","Invalid start index value.":"Недійсне початкове значення індексу.",Italic:"Курсив","Italic text":"Курсив","Justify cell text":"Вирівняти текст по ширині ","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Натискання клавіш, які можна використовувати в списку","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Натискання клавіш, які можна використовувати в комірці таблиці","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Натискання клавіш, які можна використовувати, коли вибрано віджет (наприклад: зображення, таблиця тощо)","Leaving a to-do list":"Виходимо зі списку справ","Left aligned image":"Зображення ліворуч","Light blue":"Світло-синій","Light green":"Світло-зелений","Light grey":"Світло-сірий",Link:"Посилання","Link image":"Посилання зображення","Link URL":"URL посилання","Link URL must not be empty.":"URL-адреса посилання не може бути порожньою.","List properties":"Список властивостей","Lower-latin":"Нижній латинський","Lower–roman":"Нижньо-римський","Media toolbar":"Панель інструментів медіа","Media URL":"Медіа URL","media widget":"медіа віджет",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Редагувати",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Файл",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Шрифт",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Формат",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Допомога",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Вставити",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Текст",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Інструменти",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Представлення","Merge cell down":"Поєднати комірки внизу","Merge cell left":"Поєднати комірки ліворуч","Merge cell right":"Поєднати комірки праворуч","Merge cell up":"Поєднати комірки вгору","Merge cells":"Поєднати комірки","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Переміщення фокуса між полями форми (введення, кнопки тощо)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Переміщення фокуса в активному діалоговому вікні та з нього","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Перемістіть фокус на рядок меню, переміщуйтесь між рядками меню","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Переміщення фокуса на панель інструментів, навігація між панелями інструментів","Move out of a link":"Вийти з посилання","Move out of an inline code style":"Вийти зі стилю вбудованого коду","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Перемістіть курсор, щоб дозволити введення безпосередньо після віджета","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Перемістіть курсор, щоб дозволити введення безпосередньо перед віджетом","Move the selection to the next cell":"Move the selection to the next cell","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Перемістити виділення в попередню клітинку","Navigate through the table":"Навігація по таблиці","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Переміщуйтесь панеллю інструментів або рядком меню",Next:"Наступний","No results found":"Нічого не знайдено","No searchable items":"Немає шуканих об'єктів",None:"Не вказано","Numbered List":"Нумерований список","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Панель нумерованих списків","Open in a new tab":"Вікрити у новій вкладці","Open link in new tab":"Відкрити посилання у новій вкладці","Open media in new tab":"Відкрити медіа у новій вкладці","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Відкрийте діалогове вікно довідки для доступності",Orange:"Помаранчевий",Original:"Оригінал",Outset:"Випукла",Padding:"Заповнення",Paragraph:"Параграф","Paste content":"Вставити вміст","Paste content as plain text":"Вставити вміст як простий текст","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Вставте URL на медіа в інпут.",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Будь ласка, введіть дійсний колір (напр. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Натисніть %0 для довідки.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Натисніть Enter, щоб друкувати після або натисніть Shift + Enter, щоб друкувати перед віджетом",Previous:"Попередній",Purple:"Фіолетовий",Red:"Червоний",Redo:"Повтор","Remove color":"Видалити колір","Remove Format":"Видалити форматування","Replace from computer":"Замінити з комп'ютера","Replace image":"Замінити зображення","Replace image from computer":"Замінити зображення з комп'ютера","Resize image":"Розтягнути зображення","Resize image (in %0)":"Змінити розмір зображення (у %0)","Resize image to %0":"Розтягнути зображення до %0","Resize image to the original size":"Розтягнути зображення до оригінального розміру","Restore default":"Відновити за замовчуванням","Reversed order":"Зворотний порядок","Revert autoformatting action":"Скасувати дію автоформатування","Rich Text Editor":"Розширений текстовий редактор",Ridge:"Ребриста","Right aligned image":"Зображення праворуч",Row:"Рядок",Save:"Зберегти","Select all":"Вибрати все","Select column":"Виберіть стовпчик","Select row":"Виберіть рядок","Show more items":"Показати більше","Side image":"Бокове зображення",Small:"Маленький",Solid:"Суцільний","Split cell horizontally":"Розділити комірки горизонтально","Split cell vertically":"Розділити комірки вертикально",Square:"Квадрат","Start at":"Початок при","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Початковий індекс має бути більше 0.",Strikethrough:"Закреслений","Strikethrough text":"Закреслений",Style:"Стиль",Subscript:"Нижній індекс",Superscript:"Верхній індекс",Table:"Таблиця","Table alignment toolbar":"Панель інструментів вирівнювання таблиці","Table cell text alignment":"Вирівнювання тексту комірки","Table properties":"Властивості таблиці","Table toolbar":"Панель інструментів таблиці","Text alternative":"Текстова альтернатива",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Колір недійсний. Спробуйте "#FF0000" або "rgb(255,0,0)" або "red"',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL не повинен бути порожнім.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Значення недійсне. Спробуйте "10px" або "2em" або просто "2"',"The value must not be empty.":"Значення не може бути порожнім.","The value should be a plain number.":"Значення має виражатись простим числом.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Ці комбінації клавіш забезпечують швидкий доступ до функцій редагування вмісту.","This link has no URL":"Це посилання не має URL","This media URL is not supported.":"Даний медіа URL не підтримується.",Tiny:"Крихітний","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Вставте URL у вміст для швидкого перекладу.","To-do List":"Список справ","Toggle caption off":"Вимкнути підпис","Toggle caption on":"Увімкнути підпис","Toggle the circle list style":"Перемкнути круговий стиль списку","Toggle the decimal list style":"Перемкнути десятковий стиль списку","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Перемкнути десятковий стиль списку з нулем на початку","Toggle the disc list style":"Перемкнути дисковий стиль списку ","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Перемкнути нижній латинський стиль списку","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Перемкнути нижньо-римський стиль списку","Toggle the square list style":"Перемкнути квадратний стиль списку","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Перемкнути верхній латинський стиль списку","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Перемкнути верхньо-римський стиль списку",Turquoise:"Бірюзовий","Type or paste your content here.":"Введіть або вставте свій вміст тут.","Type your title":"Введіть назву",Underline:"Підкреслений","Underline text":"Підкреслений",Undo:"Відміна",Unlink:"Видалити посилання",Update:"Оновити","Update image URL":"Оновити посилання на зображення","Upload failed":"Завантаження не вдалось","Upload from computer":"Завантажити з комп'ютера","Upload image from computer":"Завантажити зображення з комп'ютера","Upload in progress":"Виконується завантаження","Uploading image":"Зображення завантажується","Upper-latin":"Верхній латинський ","Upper-roman":"Верхньо-римський","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Використовуйте наведені нижче комбінації клавіш для більш ефективної навігації в інтерфейсі користувача CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Інтерфейс користувача та клавіші навігації вмістом","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Панель інструментів вертикального вирівнювання тексту",White:"Білий","Widget toolbar":"Панель інструментів віджетів",Width:"Ширина","Wrap text":"Обернути текст",Yellow:"Жовтий"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e%1==0&&e%10==1&&e%100!=11?0:e%1==0&&e%10>=2&&e%10<=4&&(e%100<12||e%100>14)?1:e%1==0&&(e%10==0||e%10>=5&&e%10<=9||e%100>=11&&e%100<=14)?2:3}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Активуйте кнопку, на якій знаходиться фокус. Активація кнопок, які взаємодіють з редакторським контентом переміщує фокус назад на контент.",Find:"Знайти","Find and replace":"Знайти та замінити","Find in text…":"Знайти в тексті…","Find in the document":"Пошук в документі","Font Background Color":"Колір тла шрифту","Font Color":"Колір шрифту","Font Family":"Сімейство шрифтів","Font Size":"Розмір шрифту","Full size image":"Повний розмір зображення",Green:"Зелений","Green marker":"Зелений маркер","Green pen":"Зелений маркер",Grey:"Сірий",Groove:"Жолобчаста","Header column":"Заголовок стовпця","Header row":"Заголовок рядка",Heading:"Заголовок","Heading 1":"Заголовок 1","Heading 2":"Заголовок 2","Heading 3":"Заголовок 3","Heading 4":"Заголовок 4","Heading 5":"Заголовок 5","Heading 6":"Заголовок 6",Height:"Висота","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Зміст довідки. Щоб закрити це діалогове вікно, натисніть ESC.",HEX:"Шістнадцятковий",Highlight:"Виділення","Horizontal line":"Горизонтальна лінія","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Панель інструментів вирівнювання горизонтального тексту","HTML object":"HTML об'єкт",Huge:"Величезний","Image from computer":"Зображення з комп'ютера","Image resize list":"Перелік розмірів","Image toolbar":"Панелі інструментів зображення","Image upload complete":"Завантаження зображення завершено","image widget":"Віджет зображення","In line":"В тексті","Increase indent":"Збільшити відступ","Increase list item indent":"Збільшити відступ елемента списку",Insert:"Вставити","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Вставити жорсткий розрив (новий абзац)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Вставити новий абзац безпосередньо після віджета","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Вставити новий абзац безпосередньо перед віджетом","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Вставити новий рядок таблиці (якщо в останній клітинці таблиці)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Вставити м’який розрив (елемент <br>
)","Insert code block":"Вставте блок коду","Insert column left":"Вставити стовпець зліва","Insert column right":"Вставити стовпець справа","Insert image":"Вставити зображення","Insert image via URL":"Вставити зображення через посилання","Insert paragraph after block":"Додати абзац після блока","Insert paragraph before block":"Додати абзац перед блоком","Insert row above":"Вставити рядок знизу","Insert row below":"Вставити рядок зверху","Insert table":"Вставити таблицю",Inset:"Угнута","Invalid start index value.":"Недійсне початкове значення індексу.",Italic:"Курсив","Italic text":"Курсив",Justify:"По ширині","Justify cell text":"Вирівняти текст по ширині ","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Натискання клавіш, які можна використовувати в списку","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Натискання клавіш, які можна використовувати в комірці таблиці","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Натискання клавіш, які можна використовувати, коли вибрано віджет (наприклад: зображення, таблиця тощо)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Вихід з фрагменту коду %0","Leaving a to-do list":"Виходимо зі списку справ","Leaving code snippet":"Вихід з фрагменту коду","Left aligned image":"Зображення ліворуч","Light blue":"Світло-синій","Light green":"Світло-зелений","Light grey":"Світло-сірий",Link:"Посилання","Link image":"Посилання зображення","Link URL":"URL посилання","Link URL must not be empty.":"URL-адреса посилання не може бути порожньою.","List properties":"Список властивостей","Lower-latin":"Нижній латинський","Lower–roman":"Нижньо-римський","Match case":"Врахувати регістр",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Редагувати",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Файл",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Шрифт",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Формат",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Допомога",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Вставити",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Текст",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Інструменти",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Представлення","Merge cell down":"Поєднати комірки внизу","Merge cell left":"Поєднати комірки ліворуч","Merge cell right":"Поєднати комірки праворуч","Merge cell up":"Поєднати комірки вгору","Merge cells":"Поєднати комірки","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Переміщення фокуса між полями форми (введення, кнопки тощо)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Переміщення фокуса в активному діалоговому вікні та з нього","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Перемістіть фокус на рядок меню, переміщуйтесь між рядками меню","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Переміщення фокуса на панель інструментів, навігація між панелями інструментів","Move out of a link":"Вийти з посилання","Move out of an inline code style":"Вийти зі стилю вбудованого коду","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Перемістіть курсор, щоб дозволити введення безпосередньо після віджета","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Перемістіть курсор, щоб дозволити введення безпосередньо перед віджетом","Move the selection to the next cell":"Move the selection to the next cell","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Перемістити виділення в попередню клітинку","Multiple styles":"Кілька стилів","Navigate editable regions":"Навігація по областях редагування","Navigate through the table":"Навігація по таблиці","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Переміщуйтесь панеллю інструментів або рядком меню",Next:"Наступний","Next editable region":"Наступна область редагування","Next result":"Наступний результат","No results found":"Нічого не знайдено","No searchable items":"Немає шуканих об'єктів",None:"Не вказано","Numbered List":"Нумерований список","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Панель нумерованих списків","Open in a new tab":"Вікрити у новій вкладці","Open link in new tab":"Відкрити посилання у новій вкладці","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Відкрийте діалогове вікно довідки для доступності",Orange:"Помаранчевий",Original:"Оригінал",Outset:"Випукла",Padding:"Заповнення",Paragraph:"Параграф","Paste content":"Вставити вміст","Paste content as plain text":"Вставити вміст як простий текст","Pink marker":"Рожевий маркер","Plain text":"Простий текст",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Будь ласка, введіть дійсний колір (напр. "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Натисніть %0 для довідки.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Натисніть Enter, щоб друкувати після або натисніть Shift + Enter, щоб друкувати перед віджетом",Previous:"Попередній","Previous editable region":"Попередня область редагування","Previous result":"Попередній результат",Purple:"Фіолетовий",Red:"Червоний","Red pen":"Червоний маркер",Redo:"Повтор","Remove color":"Видалити колір","Remove Format":"Видалити форматування","Remove highlight":"Видалити виділення",Replace:"Замінити","Replace all":"Замінити все","Replace from computer":"Замінити з комп'ютера","Replace image":"Замінити зображення","Replace image from computer":"Замінити зображення з комп'ютера","Replace with…":"Замінити…","Resize image":"Розтягнути зображення","Resize image (in %0)":"Змінити розмір зображення (у %0)","Resize image to %0":"Розтягнути зображення до %0","Resize image to the original size":"Розтягнути зображення до оригінального розміру","Restore default":"Відновити за замовчуванням","Reversed order":"Зворотний порядок","Revert autoformatting action":"Скасувати дію автоформатування","Rich Text Editor":"Розширений текстовий редактор",Ridge:"Ребриста","Right aligned image":"Зображення праворуч",Row:"Рядок",Save:"Зберегти","Select all":"Вибрати все","Select column":"Виберіть стовпчик","Select row":"Виберіть рядок","Show more items":"Показати більше","Side image":"Бокове зображення",Small:"Маленький",Solid:"Суцільний","Split cell horizontally":"Розділити комірки горизонтально","Split cell vertically":"Розділити комірки вертикально",Square:"Квадрат","Start at":"Початок при","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Початковий індекс має бути більше 0.",Strikethrough:"Закреслений","Strikethrough text":"Закреслений",Style:"Стиль",Styles:"Стилі",Subscript:"Нижній індекс",Superscript:"Верхній індекс",Table:"Таблиця","Table alignment toolbar":"Панель інструментів вирівнювання таблиці","Table cell text alignment":"Вирівнювання тексту комірки","Table properties":"Властивості таблиці","Table toolbar":"Панель інструментів таблиці","Text alignment":"Вирівнювання тексту","Text alignment toolbar":"Панель інструментів вирівнювання тексту","Text alternative":"Текстова альтернатива","Text highlight toolbar":"Панель виділення тексту","Text styles":"Стилі тексту","Text to find must not be empty.":"Текст для пошуку не повинен бути порожнім.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Колір недійсний. Спробуйте "#FF0000" або "rgb(255,0,0)" або "red"','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Значення недійсне. Спробуйте "10px" або "2em" або просто "2"',"The value must not be empty.":"Значення не може бути порожнім.","The value should be a plain number.":"Значення має виражатись простим числом.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Ці комбінації клавіш забезпечують швидкий доступ до функцій редагування вмісту.","This link has no URL":"Це посилання не має URL",Tiny:"Крихітний","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Порада: спочатку знайдіть текст, щоб замінити його.","To-do List":"Список справ","Toggle caption off":"Вимкнути підпис","Toggle caption on":"Увімкнути підпис","Toggle the circle list style":"Перемкнути круговий стиль списку","Toggle the decimal list style":"Перемкнути десятковий стиль списку","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Перемкнути десятковий стиль списку з нулем на початку","Toggle the disc list style":"Перемкнути дисковий стиль списку ","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Перемкнути нижній латинський стиль списку","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Перемкнути нижньо-римський стиль списку","Toggle the square list style":"Перемкнути квадратний стиль списку","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Перемкнути верхній латинський стиль списку","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Перемкнути верхньо-римський стиль списку",Turquoise:"Бірюзовий","Type or paste your content here.":"Введіть або вставте свій вміст тут.","Type your title":"Введіть назву",Underline:"Підкреслений","Underline text":"Підкреслений",Undo:"Відміна",Unlink:"Видалити посилання",Update:"Оновити","Update image URL":"Оновити посилання на зображення","Upload failed":"Завантаження не вдалось","Upload from computer":"Завантажити з комп'ютера","Upload image from computer":"Завантажити зображення з комп'ютера","Upload in progress":"Виконується завантаження","Uploading image":"Зображення завантажується","Upper-latin":"Верхній латинський ","Upper-roman":"Верхньо-римський","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Використовуйте наведені нижче комбінації клавіш для більш ефективної навігації в інтерфейсі користувача CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Інтерфейс користувача та клавіші навігації вмістом","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Панель інструментів вертикального вирівнювання тексту",White:"Білий","Whole words only":"Тільки цілі слова","Widget toolbar":"Панель інструментів віджетів",Width:"Ширина","Words: %0":"Слова: %0","Wrap text":"Обернути текст",Yellow:"Жовтий","Yellow marker":"Жовтий маркер"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e%1==0&&e%10==1&&e%100!=11?0:e%1==0&&e%10>=2&&e%10<=4&&(e%100<12||e%100>14)?1:e%1==0&&(e%10==0||e%10>=5&&e%10<=9||e%100>=11&&e%100<=14)?2:3}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
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diff --git a/build/translations/ur.js b/build/translations/ur.js
index 31f3bac..113dab1 100644
--- a/build/translations/ur.js
+++ b/build/translations/ur.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"","Font Background Color":"فانٹ کے پس منظر کا رنگ","Font Color":"فانٹ کا رنگ","Font Family":"فانٹ خاندان","Font Size":"فانٹ کا حجم","Full size image":"مکمل پہمائش کا عکس",Green:"سبز",Grey:"سرمئی",Groove:"","Header column":"سر ستون","Header row":"سر قطار",Heading:"سرخی","Heading 1":"سرخی 1","Heading 2":"سرخی 2","Heading 3":"سرخی 3","Heading 4":"سرخی 4","Heading 5":"سرخی 5","Heading 6":"سرخی 6",Height:"اونچائی","Help Contents. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"","The URL must not be empty.":"یو آر ایل خالی نہیں ہونا چاہیے۔",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"ربط کا کوئی یو آر ایل نہیں","This media URL is not supported.":"میڈیا یو آر ایل معاونت یافتہ نہیں",Tiny:"ننھا","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"نکتہ : یو آر ایل کو جلد ضم کرنے کے لیے ربط مواد میں چسپاں کریں","To-do List":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"فیروزی","Type or paste your content here.":"اپنا مواد یہاں ٹایپ یا چسپاں کریں.","Type your title":"عنوان ٹایپ کریں",Underline:"ترچھا","Underline text":"",Undo:"رد ترمیم",Unlink:"ربط حذف کریں",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"آپلوڈ جاری ہے","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"سفید","Widget toolbar":"آلہ جات برائے وجٹ",Width:"چوڑائی","Wrap text":"ملفوف متن",Yellow:"پیلا"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"ربط کا کوئی یو آر ایل نہیں",Tiny:"ننھا","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"نکتہ: تبدیل کرنے کے لیے پہلے متن کو تلاش کریں۔","To-do List":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"فیروزی","Type or paste your content here.":"اپنا مواد یہاں ٹایپ یا چسپاں کریں.","Type your title":"عنوان ٹایپ کریں",Underline:"ترچھا","Underline text":"",Undo:"رد ترمیم",Unlink:"ربط حذف کریں",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"آپلوڈ جاری ہے","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"",White:"سفید","Whole words only":"صرف الفاظ","Widget toolbar":"آلہ جات برائے وجٹ",Width:"چوڑائی","Words: %0":"الفاظ: 0%","Wrap text":"ملفوف متن",Yellow:"پیلا","Yellow marker":"پیلا نشان"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return e!=1}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/uz.js b/build/translations/uz.js
index 8f5616f..b2eacbe 100644
--- a/build/translations/uz.js
+++ b/build/translations/uz.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Noto\'g\'ri rang. \\ "# FF0000 \\" yoki \\ "rgb (255,0,0) \\" yoki \\ "red \\" ni sinab ko\'ring.',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL bo'sh bo'lmasligi kerak.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Noto\'g\'ri qiymat. \\ "10px \\" yoki \\ "2em \\" yoki shunchaki \\ "2 \\" ni sinab ko\'ring.',"The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Bu havola uchun URL oʻrnatilmagan","This media URL is not supported.":"Ushbu media URL manzili qo‘llab-quvvatlanmaydi.",Tiny:"Juda kichik","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Maslahat: Tez kiritish uchun URL manzilini kontentga joylashtiring.","To-do List":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"Turkuaz","Type or paste your content here.":"Matningizni shu yerga kiriting yoki joylashtiring","Type your title":"Sarlavhani kiriting",Underline:"Tagi chizilgan","Underline text":"",Undo:"Bekor qilish",Unlink:"Havolani olib tashlash",Update:"O'zgartirish","Update image URL":"Rasm URL manzilini o'zgartirish","Upload failed":"Yuklab olinmadi","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Yuklanmoqda","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"Katta lotincha","Upper-roman":"Katta rim","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikal matnni tekislash asboblar paneli",White:"Oq","Widget toolbar":"Vidjet asboblar paneli",Width:"Kengligi","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"Sariq"});i.getPluralForm=function(a){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(a){const i=a["uz"]=a["uz"]||{};i.dictionary=Object.assign(i.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"","%0 of %1":"",Accept:"",Accessibility:"","Accessibility help":"","Align cell text to the bottom":"Hujayra matnini pastga tekislash","Align cell text to the center":"Matnni markazga tekislash","Align cell text to the left":"Matnni chapga tekislash","Align cell text to the middle":"Hujayra matnini markazga tekislash","Align cell text to the right":"Matnni o'ngga tekislash","Align cell text to the top":"Hujayra matnini tepaga tekislash","Align center":"O'rtada tekislash","Align left":"Chap tomonda tekislash","Align right":"O'ng tomonda tekislash","Align table to the left":"Jadvalni chap tomonga tekislash","Align table to the right":"Jadvalni o'ngga tekislash",Alignment:"Tekislash",Aquamarine:"Akuamarin",Background:"Fon","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"",Big:"Katta",Black:"Qora","Block quote":"Iqtibos",Blue:"Ko'k","Blue marker":"Moviy rang markeri bilan ajratib ko'rsatish",Bold:"Qalin","Bold text":"",Border:"Chegara","Break text":"","Bulleted List":"Belgilangan roʻyxat","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Belgilangan ro'yxat uslublari",Cancel:"Bekor qilish","Caption for image: %0":"","Caption for the image":"","Cell properties":"Hujayra xususiyatlari","Center table":"Jadvalni markazga tekislash","Centered image":"Markazga tekislash","Change image text alternative":"Muqobil matnni tahrirlash","Choose heading":"Uslubni tanlash",Circle:"Doira",Clear:"O'chirish","Click to edit block":"",Close:"","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"",Code:"Manba kodi","Code block":"",Color:"Rang","Color picker":"Rang tanlash",Column:"Ustun","Content editing keystrokes":"","Create link":"",Custom:"","Custom image size":"",Dashed:"Nuqtali",Decimal:"O'nlik","Decimal with leading zero":"Boshlovchi nol bilan oʻnlik","Decrease indent":"chekinishni kamaytirish","Decrease list item indent":"",Default:"Standart","Delete column":"Ustunni o'chirish","Delete row":"Satrni o'chirish","Dim grey":"To'q kulrang",Dimensions:"O'lchamlar","Disable editing":"Tahrirlashni o‘chirib qo‘yish",Disc:"Disk","Document colors":"Sahifa rangi",Dotted:"Nuqta",Double:"Ikkitalik",Downloadable:"Yuklab olinadigan","Drag to move":"","Dropdown toolbar":"Ochiladigan asboblar paneli","Edit block":"Blokni tahrirlash","Edit link":"Havolani tahrirlash","Editor block content toolbar":"","Editor contextual toolbar":"","Editor dialog":"","Editor editing area: %0":"","Editor menu bar":"","Editor toolbar":"Tahrirlovchi asboblar paneli","Enable editing":"Tahrirlashga ruxsat berish","Enter image caption":"Rasm sarlavhasi","Enter table caption":"","Entering %0 code snippet":"","Entering a to-do list":"","Entering code snippet":"","Error during image upload":"","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"","Font Background Color":"Fon rangi","Font Color":"Shrift rangi","Font Family":"Shriftlar oilasi","Font Size":"Shrift hajmi","Full size image":"Asl rasm hajmi",Green:"Yashil","Green marker":"Yashil marker bilan ta'kidlash","Green pen":"Matn rangi yashil",Grey:"Kulrang",Groove:"Yivli","Header column":"Ustun sarlavhalari","Header row":"Sarlavhalar satri",Heading:"Uslub","Heading 1":"Sarlavha 1","Heading 2":"Sarlavha 2","Heading 3":"Sarlavha 3","Heading 4":"Sarlavha 4","Heading 5":"Sarlavha 5","Heading 6":"Sarlavha 6",Height:"Balandligi","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"",HEX:"",Highlight:"Ajratish","Horizontal line":"Gorizontal chiziq","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Matnni gorizontal tekislash asboblar paneli",Huge:"Juda katta","Image from computer":"","Image resize list":"Hajmlar ro'yxati","Image toolbar":"Rasm asboblari paneli","Image upload complete":"","image widget":"Tasvirlar vidjeti","In line":"","Increase indent":"chekinishni oshirish","Increase list item indent":"",Insert:"Kiritish","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"","Insert code block":"Kodni kiritish","Insert column left":"Ustunni chapga kiritish","Insert column right":"Ustunni o'ngga kiritish","Insert image":"Rasm kiritish","Insert image via URL":"Rasmni URL orqali kiritish","Insert paragraph after block":"Вblokdan keyin paragraf qo'yish","Insert paragraph before block":"Blokdan oldin paragrafni kiritish","Insert row above":"Yuqoriga qatorni kiritish","Insert row below":"Pastga qatorni kiritish","Insert table":"Jadvalni kiritish",Inset:"Tushkunlikka tushgan","Invalid start index value.":"",Italic:"Kursiv","Italic text":"",Justify:"Kengligi bo'yicha tekislash","Justify cell text":"Matnni kenglikka tekislash","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"","Leaving %0 code snippet":"","Leaving a to-do list":"","Leaving code snippet":"","Left aligned image":"Chapga tekislash","Light blue":"Moviy","Light green":"Och yashil","Light grey":"Och kulrang",Link:"Havola","Link image":"Rasmga havola","Link URL":'"Havola URL',"Link URL must not be empty.":"","List properties":"","Lower-latin":"Kichik lotincha","Lower–roman":"Kichik rim",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Kiritish",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"","Merge cell down":"Pastdagi katak bilan birlashtirish","Merge cell left":"Chapdagi katakcha bilan birlashtirish","Merge cell right":"O'ngdagi katakcha bilan birlashtirish","Merge cell up":"Yuqoridagi katak bilan birlashtirish","Merge cells":"Hujayralarni birlashtirish","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"","Move out of a link":"","Move out of an inline code style":"","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"","Move the selection to the next cell":"","Move the selection to the previous cell":"","Navigate editable regions":"Tahrirlanadigan hududlar boʻylab navigatsiya","Navigate through the table":"","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"",Next:"Keyingi","Next editable region":"Keyingi tahrirlanadigan hudud","No results found":"","No searchable items":"",None:"Yo'q","Numbered List":"Raqamlangan ro'yxat","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Raqamlangan ro'yxat uslublari","Open in a new tab":"Yangi oynada oching","Open link in new tab":"Havolani yangi oynada ochish","Open the accessibility help dialog":"",Orange:"To'q sariq",Original:"Asl",Outset:"Qavariq",Padding:"Chekinish",Paragraph:"Paragraf","Pink marker":"Pushti rang markeri bilan belgilang","Plain text":"Oddiy matn",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"","Press %0 for help.":"","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"",Previous:"Oldingi","Previous editable region":"Avvalgi tahrirlanadigan hudud",Purple:"Siyohrang",Red:"Qizil","Red pen":"Matn rangi qizil",Redo:"Takrorlash","Remove color":"Rangni olib tashlash","Remove Format":"Formatlashni olib tashlash","Remove highlight":"Ajratishni olib tashlash","Replace from computer":"","Replace image":"","Replace image from computer":"","Resize image":"Rasm hajmini o'zgartirish","Resize image (in %0)":"","Resize image to %0":"Rasm hajmini %0 ga o‘zgartirish","Resize image to the original size":"Rasmning o'lchamini asl o'lchamiga o'zgartiring","Restore default":"","Reversed order":"","Rich Text Editor":"Tahrirlovchi",Ridge:"Qirrali","Right aligned image":"O'ngga tekislash",Row:"Satr",Save:"Saqlash","Select all":"Hammasini tanlash","Select column":"Ustunni tanlash","Select row":"Satrni tanlang","Show more items":"","Side image":"Yon tasvir",Small:"Kichik",Solid:"Qattiq","Split cell horizontally":"Hujayrani gorizontal ravishda ajratish","Split cell vertically":"Hujayrani vertikal ravishda ajratish",Square:"Kvadrat","Start at":"","Start index must be greater than 0.":"",Strikethrough:"Chizilgan","Strikethrough text":"",Style:"Uslub",Subscript:"Pastki yozuv",Superscript:"Yuqori yozuv",Table:"","Table alignment toolbar":"Jadvalni tekislash asboblar paneli","Table cell text alignment":"Jadval katakchasidagi matnni tekislash","Table properties":"Jadvalning xususiyatlari","Table toolbar":"Jadval asboblar paneli","Text alignment":"Matnni tekislash","Text alignment toolbar":"Tekislash","Text alternative":"Muqobil matn","Text highlight toolbar":"Matn tanlash asboblar paneli",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Noto\'g\'ri rang. \\ "# FF0000 \\" yoki \\ "rgb (255,0,0) \\" yoki \\ "red \\" ni sinab ko\'ring.','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Noto\'g\'ri qiymat. \\ "10px \\" yoki \\ "2em \\" yoki shunchaki \\ "2 \\" ni sinab ko\'ring.',"The value must not be empty.":"","The value should be a plain number.":"","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"","This link has no URL":"Bu havola uchun URL oʻrnatilmagan",Tiny:"Juda kichik","To-do List":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"",Turquoise:"Turkuaz","Type or paste your content here.":"Matningizni shu yerga kiriting yoki joylashtiring","Type your title":"Sarlavhani kiriting",Underline:"Tagi chizilgan","Underline text":"",Undo:"Bekor qilish",Unlink:"Havolani olib tashlash",Update:"O'zgartirish","Update image URL":"Rasm URL manzilini o'zgartirish","Upload failed":"Yuklab olinmadi","Upload from computer":"","Upload image from computer":"","Upload in progress":"Yuklanmoqda","Uploading image":"","Upper-latin":"Katta lotincha","Upper-roman":"Katta rim","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikal matnni tekislash asboblar paneli",White:"Oq","Widget toolbar":"Vidjet asboblar paneli",Width:"Kengligi","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"Sariq","Yellow marker":"Sariq marker bilan ta'kidlash"});i.getPluralForm=function(a){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/vi.js b/build/translations/vi.js
index 1668ba2..f092673 100644
--- a/build/translations/vi.js
+++ b/build/translations/vi.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(n){const t=n["vi"]=n["vi"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(có thể cần nhấn phím Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 đến %1",Accept:"Chấp nhận",Accessibility:"Trợ năng","Accessibility help":"Trợ giúp về khả năng truy cập","Align cell text to the bottom":"Căn chỉnh văn bản trong ô xuống dưới cùng","Align cell text to the center":"Căn chỉnh văn bản trong ô vào chính giữa","Align cell text to the left":"Căn chỉnh văn bản trong ô về bên trái","Align cell text to the middle":"Căn chỉnh văn bản trong ô vào giữa","Align cell text to the right":"Căn chỉnh văn bản trong ô về bên phải","Align cell text to the top":"Căn chỉnh văn bản trong ô lên trên cùng","Align table to the left":"Căn chỉnh bảng về phía bên trái","Align table to the right":"Căn chỉnh bảng về phía bên phải",Alignment:"Căn lề",Aquamarine:"Xanh ngọc biển",Background:"Màu nền","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Dưới đây, bạn có thể tìm thấy danh sách các phím tắt mà bạn có thể dùng trong trình biên tập này.",Big:"Lớn",Black:"Đen","Block quote":"Trích dẫn",Blue:"Xanh biển",Bold:"Đậm","Bold text":"In đậm chữ",Border:"Viền","Break text":"Ngắt văn bản","Bulleted List":"Danh sách đánh ký hiệu","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Thanh công cụ kiểu danh sách có dấu đầu dòng",Cancel:"Hủy","Caption for image: %0":"Chú thích cho hình ảnh: %0","Caption for the image":"Chú thích cho hình ảnh","Cell properties":"Thuộc tính của ô","Center table":"Căn chỉnh bảng vào chính giữa","Centered image":"Ảnh canh giữa","Change image text alternative":"Đổi chữ alt của ảnh","Choose heading":"Chọn tiêu đề",Circle:"Tròn",Clear:"Xóa","Click to edit block":"Nhấp để sửa khối",Close:"Đóng","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Đóng bong bóng theo ngữ cảnh, menu thả xuống và hộp thoại",Code:"Code",Color:"Màu","Color picker":"Bộ chọn màu",Column:"Cột","Content editing keystrokes":"Tổ hợp phím chỉnh sửa nội dung","Copy selected content":"Sao chép nội dung đã chọn","Create link":"Tạo liên kết",Custom:"Tùy chỉnh","Custom image size":"Tùy chỉnh kích thước hình ảnh",Dashed:"Dạng đường đứt nét",Decimal:"Thập phân","Decimal with leading zero":"Thập phân bắt đầu bằng số 0","Decrease indent":"Giảm lề","Decrease list item indent":"Giảm thụt lề mục danh sách",Default:"Mặc định","Delete column":"Xoá cột","Delete row":"Xoá hàng","Dim grey":"Xám mờ",Dimensions:"Kích thước",Disc:"Đĩa","Document colors":"Màu văn bản",Dotted:"Dạng chấm",Double:"Dạng nét đôi",Downloadable:"Có thể tải về","Drag to move":"Kéo để di chuyển","Dropdown toolbar":"Thanh công cụ danh mục","Edit block":"Chỉnh sửa đoạn","Edit link":"Sửa liên kết","Editor block content toolbar":"Thanh công cụ chỉnh sửa khối nội dung","Editor contextual toolbar":"Thanh công cụ chỉnh sửa theo ngữ cảnh","Editor dialog":"Hộp thoại trình biên tập","Editor editing area: %0":"Vùng chỉnh sửa của trình chỉnh sửa: %0","Editor menu bar":"Thanh menu Trình soạn thảo","Editor toolbar":"Thanh công cụ biên tập","Enter image caption":"Nhập mô tả ảnh","Enter table caption":"Nhập chú thích cho bảng","Entering a to-do list":"Đang nhập danh sách việc cần làm","Error during image upload":"Xảy ra lỗi trong quá trình tải hình ảnh lên","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Thực thi nút hiện đang ưu tiên. Việc thực thi các nút tương tác với nội dung soạn thảo sẽ làm di chuyển tiêu điểm trở lại phần nội dung.","Font Background Color":"Màu nền chữ","Font Color":"Màu chữ","Font Family":"Họ chữ","Font Size":"Cỡ chữ","Full size image":"Ảnh đầy đủ",Green:"Xanh lá",Grey:"Xám",Groove:"Dạng đường rãnh","Header column":"Tiêu đề cột","Header row":"Tiêu đề hàng",Heading:"Tiêu đề","Heading 1":"Tiêu đề 1","Heading 2":"Tiêu đề 2","Heading 3":"Tiêu đề 3","Heading 4":"Tiêu đề 4","Heading 5":"Tiêu đề 5","Heading 6":"Tiêu đề 6",Height:"Cao","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Nội dung Trợ giúp. Nhấn phím ESC để đóng hộp thoại này.",HEX:"HEX","Horizontal line":"Đường ngang","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Thanh công cụ căn chỉnh văn bản theo chiều ngang",Huge:"Khổng lồ","Image from computer":"Hình ảnh từ máy tính","Image resize list":"Danh sách ảnh đã chỉnh kích thước","Image toolbar":"Thanh công cụ hình ảnh","Image upload complete":"Hoàn tất quá trình tải hình ảnh lên","image widget":"tiện ích ảnh","In line":"Nội dòng","Increase indent":"Tăng lề","Increase list item indent":"Tăng thụt lề mục danh sách",Insert:"Chèn","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Chèn dấu ngắt cứng (đoạn văn mới)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Chèn đoạn văn mới ngay sau tiện ích","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Chèn đoạn văn mới ngay trước tiện ích","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Chèn một hàng mới trong bảng (khi ở ô cuối cùng của bảng)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Chèn dấu ngắt mềm (phần tử <br>
)","Insert column left":"Thêm cột vào bên trái","Insert column right":"Thêm cột vào bên phải","Insert image":"Chèn ảnh","Insert image via URL":"Chèn ảnh từ URL","Insert media":"Chèn đa phương tiện","Insert paragraph after block":"Chèn đoạn sau khối","Insert paragraph before block":"Chèn đoạn trước khối","Insert row above":"Thêm hàng phía trên","Insert row below":"Thêm hàng ở dưới","Insert table":"Tạo bảng",Inset:"Dạng chìm","Invalid start index value.":"Giá trị chỉ mục bắt đầu không hợp lệ.",Italic:"Nghiêng","Italic text":"In nghiêng chữ","Justify cell text":"Căn đều văn bản trong ô","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Tổ hợp phím mà bạn có thể dùng trong danh sách","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tổ hợp phím mà bạn có thể dùng trong một ô bảng","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tổ hợp phím mà bạn có thể dùng khi một tiện ích được chọn (ví dụ: hình ảnh, bảng, v.v.)","Leaving a to-do list":"Đang rời khỏi danh sách việc cần làm","Left aligned image":"Ảnh canh trái","Light blue":"Xanh dương","Light green":"Xanh lá nhạt","Light grey":"Xám nhạt",Link:"Chèn liên kết","Link image":"Liên kết của ảnh","Link URL":"Đường dẫn liên kết","Link URL must not be empty.":"Không được để trống URL đường liên kết.","List properties":"Thuộc tính danh sách","Lower-latin":"Chữ cái Latinh viết thường","Lower–roman":"Chữ số La Mã viết thường","Media toolbar":"Thanh công cụ đa phương tiện","Media URL":"Đường dẫn đa phương tiện","media widget":"tiện ích đa phương tiện",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Chỉnh sửa",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Tệp",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Phông chữ",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Định dạng",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Trợ giúp",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Chèn",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Văn bản",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Công cụ",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Xem","Merge cell down":"Sát nhập ô xuống dưới","Merge cell left":"Sát nhập ô qua trái","Merge cell right":"Sát nhập ô qua phải","Merge cell up":"Sát nhập ô lên trên","Merge cells":"Sát nhập ô","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Di chuyển tiêu điểm giữa các trường biểu mẫu (nội dung nhập, nút, v.v.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Di chuyển tiêu điểm vào và ra khỏi cửa sổ hộp thoại đang kích hoạt","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Di chuyển tiêu điểm đến thanh menu, điều hướng giữa các thanh menu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Di chuyển tiêu điểm đến thanh công cụ, điều hướng giữa các thanh công cụ","Move out of a link":"Di chuyển ra khỏi một liên kết","Move out of an inline code style":"Thoát khỏi kiểu mã nội dòng","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Di chuyển dấu sót để cho phép nhập ngay sau một tiện ích","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Di chuyển dấu sót để cho phép nhập ngay trước một tiện ích","Move the selection to the next cell":"Di chuyển vùng chọn đến ô tiếp theo","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Di chuyển vùng chọn đến ô trước đó","Navigate through the table":"Điều hướng qua bảng","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Điều hướng trên thanh công cụ hoặc thanh menu",Next:"Tiếp theo","No results found":"Không tìm thấy kết quả","No searchable items":"Không có mục nào tìm kiếm được",None:"Không có kiểu nào","Numbered List":"Danh sách đánh số","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Thanh công cụ kiểu danh sách được đánh số","Open in a new tab":"Mở trên tab mới","Open link in new tab":"Mở liên kết","Open media in new tab":"Mở nội dung nghe nhìn trong tab mới","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Mở hộp thoại trợ giúp về khả năng tiếp cận",Orange:"Cam",Original:"Nguyên bản",Outset:"Dạng nổi",Padding:"Cách lề",Paragraph:"Đoạn văn","Paste content":"Dán nội dung","Paste content as plain text":"Dán nội dung dưới dạng văn bản thuần túy","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Dán đường dẫn đa phương tiện vào trường",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Vui lòng nhập một màu sắc hợp lệ (ví dụ: "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Nhấn %0 để được trợ giúp.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Nhấn Enter để nhập vào sau hoặc nhấn Shift + Enter để nhập vào trước tiện ích",Previous:"Quay lại",Purple:"Tím",Red:"Đỏ",Redo:"Tiếp tục","Remove color":"Xóa màu","Remove Format":"Xóa định dang","Replace from computer":"Thay thế từ máy tính","Replace image":"Thay thế hình ảnh","Replace image from computer":"Thay thế hình ảnh từ máy tính","Resize image":"Chỉnh kích cỡ ảnh","Resize image (in %0)":"Đặt lại kích thước hình ảnh (bằng %0)","Resize image to %0":"Chỉnh kích cỡ ảnh về %0","Resize image to the original size":"Chỉnh về ảnh kích cỡ nguyên gốc","Restore default":"Khôi phục giá trị mặc định","Reversed order":"Thứ tự đảo ngược","Revert autoformatting action":"Hoàn nguyên thao tác tự động định dạng","Rich Text Editor":"Trình soạn thảo văn bản",Ridge:"Dạng gờ","Right aligned image":"Ảnh canh phải",Row:"Hàng",Save:"Lưu","Select all":"Chọn tất cả","Select column":"Chọn cột","Select row":"Chọn hàng","Show more items":"Xem thêm","Side image":"Ảnh một bên",Small:"Nhỏ",Solid:"Dạng nét liền","Split cell horizontally":"Tách ô theo chiều ngang","Split cell vertically":"Tách ô theo chiều dọc",Square:"Vuông","Start at":"Bắt đầu tại","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Chỉ mục bắt đầu phải lớn hơn 0.",Strikethrough:"Gạch ngang","Strikethrough text":"Gạch ngang chữ",Style:"Kiểu",Subscript:"Chữ nhỏ dưới",Superscript:"Chữ nhỏ trên",Table:"Bảng","Table alignment toolbar":"Thanh công cụ căn chỉnh bảng","Table cell text alignment":"Căn lề văn bản trong ô","Table properties":"Thuộc tính của bảng","Table toolbar":"Thanh công cụ bảng","Text alternative":"Chữ alt",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Màu này không hợp lệ. Hãy thử "#FF0000" hoặc "rgb(255,0,0)" hoặc "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"Đường dẫn không được để trống",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Giá trị này không hợp lệ. Hãy thử "10px" hoặc "2em" hoặc chỉ "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Không được để trống giá trị này.","The value should be a plain number.":"Giá trị này phải là một số thường.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Những phím tắt này giúp bạn truy cập nhanh vào các tính năng chỉnh sửa nội dung.","This link has no URL":"Liên kết không có đường dẫn","This media URL is not supported.":"Đường dẫn đa phương tiện không hỗ trợ",Tiny:"Bé","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Mẹo: Dán đường dẫn vào nội dung để nhúng ngay","To-do List":"Danh sách cần làm","Toggle caption off":"Ẩn chú thích","Toggle caption on":"Hiện chú thích","Toggle the circle list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng vòng tròn","Toggle the decimal list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng thập phân","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng thập phân bắt đầu bằng số 0","Toggle the disc list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng đĩa","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách chữ cái Latinh viết thường","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách chữ số La Mã viết thường","Toggle the square list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng vuông","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách chữ cái Latinh viết hoa","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách chữ số La Mã viết hoa",Turquoise:"Xanh ngọc bích","Type or paste your content here.":"Nhập hoặc dán nội dung tại đây","Type your title":"Nhập tựa đề",Underline:"Gạch dưới","Underline text":"Gạch chân chữ",Undo:"Hoàn tác",Unlink:"Bỏ liên kết",Update:"Cập nhật","Update image URL":"Cập nhật ảnh từ URL","Upload failed":"Tải thất bại","Upload from computer":"Tải lên từ máy tính","Upload image from computer":"Tải hình ảnh lên từ máy tính","Upload in progress":"Đang tải lên","Uploading image":"Đang tải hình ảnh lên","Upper-latin":"Chữ cái Latinh viết hoa","Upper-roman":"Chữ số La Mã viết hoa","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Sử dụng các tổ hợp phím sau đây để điều hướng hiệu quả hơn trong giao diện người dùng CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Giao diện người dùng và tổ hợp phím điều hướng nội dung","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Thanh công cụ căn chỉnh văn bản theo chiều dọc",White:"Trắng","Widget toolbar":"Thanh công cụ tiện ích",Width:"Rộng","Wrap text":"Bọc văn bản",Yellow:"Vàng"});t.getPluralForm=function(n){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(n){const t=n["vi"]=n["vi"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(có thể cần nhấn phím Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 đến %1",Accept:"Chấp nhận",Accessibility:"Trợ năng","Accessibility help":"Trợ giúp về khả năng truy cập","Advanced options":"Tùy chọn nâng cao","Align cell text to the bottom":"Căn chỉnh văn bản trong ô xuống dưới cùng","Align cell text to the center":"Căn chỉnh văn bản trong ô vào chính giữa","Align cell text to the left":"Căn chỉnh văn bản trong ô về bên trái","Align cell text to the middle":"Căn chỉnh văn bản trong ô vào giữa","Align cell text to the right":"Căn chỉnh văn bản trong ô về bên phải","Align cell text to the top":"Căn chỉnh văn bản trong ô lên trên cùng","Align center":"Canh giữa","Align left":"Canh trái","Align right":"Canh phải","Align table to the left":"Căn chỉnh bảng về phía bên trái","Align table to the right":"Căn chỉnh bảng về phía bên phải",Alignment:"Căn lề",Aquamarine:"Xanh ngọc biển",Background:"Màu nền","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Dưới đây, bạn có thể tìm thấy danh sách các phím tắt mà bạn có thể dùng trong trình biên tập này.",Big:"Lớn",Black:"Đen","Block quote":"Trích dẫn","Block styles":"Kiểu của khối",Blue:"Xanh biển","Blue marker":"Bút xanh dương",Bold:"Đậm","Bold text":"In đậm chữ",Border:"Viền","Break text":"Ngắt văn bản","Bulleted List":"Danh sách đánh ký hiệu","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Thanh công cụ kiểu danh sách có dấu đầu dòng",Cancel:"Hủy","Caption for image: %0":"Chú thích cho hình ảnh: %0","Caption for the image":"Chú thích cho hình ảnh","Cell properties":"Thuộc tính của ô","Center table":"Căn chỉnh bảng vào chính giữa","Centered image":"Ảnh canh giữa","Change image text alternative":"Đổi chữ alt của ảnh","Characters: %0":"Số ký tự: %0","Choose heading":"Chọn tiêu đề",Circle:"Tròn",Clear:"Xóa","Click to edit block":"Nhấp để sửa khối",Close:"Đóng","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Đóng bong bóng theo ngữ cảnh, menu thả xuống và hộp thoại",Code:"Code","Code block":"Khối mã",Color:"Màu","Color picker":"Bộ chọn màu",Column:"Cột","Content editing keystrokes":"Tổ hợp phím chỉnh sửa nội dung","Copy selected content":"Sao chép nội dung đã chọn","Create link":"Tạo liên kết",Custom:"Tùy chỉnh","Custom image size":"Tùy chỉnh kích thước hình ảnh",Dashed:"Dạng đường đứt nét",Decimal:"Thập phân","Decimal with leading zero":"Thập phân bắt đầu bằng số 0","Decrease indent":"Giảm lề","Decrease list item indent":"Giảm thụt lề mục danh sách",Default:"Mặc định","Delete column":"Xoá cột","Delete row":"Xoá hàng","Dim grey":"Xám mờ",Dimensions:"Kích thước","Disable editing":"Tắt tính năng chỉnh sửa",Disc:"Đĩa","Document colors":"Màu văn bản",Dotted:"Dạng chấm",Double:"Dạng nét đôi",Downloadable:"Có thể tải về","Drag to move":"Kéo để di chuyển","Dropdown toolbar":"Thanh công cụ danh mục","Edit block":"Chỉnh sửa đoạn","Edit link":"Sửa liên kết","Editor block content toolbar":"Thanh công cụ chỉnh sửa khối nội dung","Editor contextual toolbar":"Thanh công cụ chỉnh sửa theo ngữ cảnh","Editor dialog":"Hộp thoại trình biên tập","Editor editing area: %0":"Vùng chỉnh sửa của trình chỉnh sửa: %0","Editor menu bar":"Thanh menu Trình soạn thảo","Editor toolbar":"Thanh công cụ biên tập","Enable editing":"Bật tính năng chỉnh sửa","Enter image caption":"Nhập mô tả ảnh","Enter table caption":"Nhập chú thích cho bảng","Entering %0 code snippet":"Đang nhập đoạn mã snippet %0","Entering a to-do list":"Đang nhập danh sách việc cần làm","Entering code snippet":"Đang nhập đoạn mã snippet","Error during image upload":"Xảy ra lỗi trong quá trình tải hình ảnh lên","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"Thực thi nút hiện đang ưu tiên. Việc thực thi các nút tương tác với nội dung soạn thảo sẽ làm di chuyển tiêu điểm trở lại phần nội dung.",Find:"Tìm","Find and replace":"Tìm và thay thế","Find in text…":"Tìm trong văn bản...","Find in the document":"Tìm trong tài liệu","Font Background Color":"Màu nền chữ","Font Color":"Màu chữ","Font Family":"Họ chữ","Font Size":"Cỡ chữ","Full size image":"Ảnh đầy đủ",Green:"Xanh lá","Green marker":"Bút xanh lá","Green pen":"Mực xanh",Grey:"Xám",Groove:"Dạng đường rãnh","Header column":"Tiêu đề cột","Header row":"Tiêu đề hàng",Heading:"Tiêu đề","Heading 1":"Tiêu đề 1","Heading 2":"Tiêu đề 2","Heading 3":"Tiêu đề 3","Heading 4":"Tiêu đề 4","Heading 5":"Tiêu đề 5","Heading 6":"Tiêu đề 6",Height:"Cao","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Nội dung Trợ giúp. Nhấn phím ESC để đóng hộp thoại này.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Làm nổi","Horizontal line":"Đường ngang","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Thanh công cụ căn chỉnh văn bản theo chiều ngang","HTML object":"Đối tượng HTML",Huge:"Khổng lồ","Image from computer":"Hình ảnh từ máy tính","Image resize list":"Danh sách ảnh đã chỉnh kích thước","Image toolbar":"Thanh công cụ hình ảnh","Image upload complete":"Hoàn tất quá trình tải hình ảnh lên","image widget":"tiện ích ảnh","In line":"Nội dòng","Increase indent":"Tăng lề","Increase list item indent":"Tăng thụt lề mục danh sách",Insert:"Chèn","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Chèn dấu ngắt cứng (đoạn văn mới)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Chèn đoạn văn mới ngay sau tiện ích","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Chèn đoạn văn mới ngay trước tiện ích","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Chèn một hàng mới trong bảng (khi ở ô cuối cùng của bảng)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Chèn dấu ngắt mềm (phần tử <br>
)","Insert code block":"Chèn khối mã","Insert column left":"Thêm cột vào bên trái","Insert column right":"Thêm cột vào bên phải","Insert image":"Chèn ảnh","Insert image via URL":"Chèn ảnh từ URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Chèn đoạn sau khối","Insert paragraph before block":"Chèn đoạn trước khối","Insert row above":"Thêm hàng phía trên","Insert row below":"Thêm hàng ở dưới","Insert table":"Tạo bảng",Inset:"Dạng chìm","Invalid start index value.":"Giá trị chỉ mục bắt đầu không hợp lệ.",Italic:"Nghiêng","Italic text":"In nghiêng chữ",Justify:"Canh đều","Justify cell text":"Căn đều văn bản trong ô","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Tổ hợp phím mà bạn có thể dùng trong danh sách","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Tổ hợp phím mà bạn có thể dùng trong một ô bảng","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tổ hợp phím mà bạn có thể dùng khi một tiện ích được chọn (ví dụ: hình ảnh, bảng, v.v.)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"Đang rời khỏi đoạn mã snippet %0","Leaving a to-do list":"Đang rời khỏi danh sách việc cần làm","Leaving code snippet":"Đang rời khỏi đoạn mã snippet","Left aligned image":"Ảnh canh trái","Light blue":"Xanh dương","Light green":"Xanh lá nhạt","Light grey":"Xám nhạt",Link:"Chèn liên kết","Link image":"Liên kết của ảnh","Link URL":"Đường dẫn liên kết","Link URL must not be empty.":"Không được để trống URL đường liên kết.","List properties":"Thuộc tính danh sách","Lower-latin":"Chữ cái Latinh viết thường","Lower–roman":"Chữ số La Mã viết thường","Match case":"Khớp chữ hoa/chữ thường",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"Chỉnh sửa",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"Tệp",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"Phông chữ",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"Định dạng",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"Trợ giúp",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"Chèn",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"Văn bản",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"Công cụ",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"Xem","Merge cell down":"Sát nhập ô xuống dưới","Merge cell left":"Sát nhập ô qua trái","Merge cell right":"Sát nhập ô qua phải","Merge cell up":"Sát nhập ô lên trên","Merge cells":"Sát nhập ô","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Di chuyển tiêu điểm giữa các trường biểu mẫu (nội dung nhập, nút, v.v.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Di chuyển tiêu điểm vào và ra khỏi cửa sổ hộp thoại đang kích hoạt","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"Di chuyển tiêu điểm đến thanh menu, điều hướng giữa các thanh menu","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Di chuyển tiêu điểm đến thanh công cụ, điều hướng giữa các thanh công cụ","Move out of a link":"Di chuyển ra khỏi một liên kết","Move out of an inline code style":"Thoát khỏi kiểu mã nội dòng","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Di chuyển dấu sót để cho phép nhập ngay sau một tiện ích","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Di chuyển dấu sót để cho phép nhập ngay trước một tiện ích","Move the selection to the next cell":"Di chuyển vùng chọn đến ô tiếp theo","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Di chuyển vùng chọn đến ô trước đó","Multiple styles":"Nhiều kiểu","Navigate editable regions":"Di chuyển giữa các vùng có thể chỉnh sửa","Navigate through the table":"Điều hướng qua bảng","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"Điều hướng trên thanh công cụ hoặc thanh menu",Next:"Tiếp theo","Next editable region":"Vùng có thể chỉnh sửa tiếp theo","Next result":"Kết quả tiếp theo","No results found":"Không tìm thấy kết quả","No searchable items":"Không có mục nào tìm kiếm được",None:"Không có kiểu nào","Numbered List":"Danh sách đánh số","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Thanh công cụ kiểu danh sách được đánh số","Open in a new tab":"Mở trên tab mới","Open link in new tab":"Mở liên kết","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Mở hộp thoại trợ giúp về khả năng tiếp cận",Orange:"Cam",Original:"Nguyên bản",Outset:"Dạng nổi",Padding:"Cách lề",Paragraph:"Đoạn văn","Paste content":"Dán nội dung","Paste content as plain text":"Dán nội dung dưới dạng văn bản thuần túy","Pink marker":"Bút hồng","Plain text":"Văn bản thuần",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':'Vui lòng nhập một màu sắc hợp lệ (ví dụ: "ff0000").',"Press %0 for help.":"Nhấn %0 để được trợ giúp.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Nhấn Enter để nhập vào sau hoặc nhấn Shift + Enter để nhập vào trước tiện ích",Previous:"Quay lại","Previous editable region":"Vùng có thể chỉnh sửa trước đó","Previous result":"Kết quả trước",Purple:"Tím",Red:"Đỏ","Red pen":"Mực đỏ",Redo:"Tiếp tục","Remove color":"Xóa màu","Remove Format":"Xóa định dang","Remove highlight":"Xóa làm nổi",Replace:"Thay thế","Replace all":"Thay thế tất cả","Replace from computer":"Thay thế từ máy tính","Replace image":"Thay thế hình ảnh","Replace image from computer":"Thay thế hình ảnh từ máy tính","Replace with…":"Thay thế bằng...","Resize image":"Chỉnh kích cỡ ảnh","Resize image (in %0)":"Đặt lại kích thước hình ảnh (bằng %0)","Resize image to %0":"Chỉnh kích cỡ ảnh về %0","Resize image to the original size":"Chỉnh về ảnh kích cỡ nguyên gốc","Restore default":"Khôi phục giá trị mặc định","Reversed order":"Thứ tự đảo ngược","Revert autoformatting action":"Hoàn nguyên thao tác tự động định dạng","Rich Text Editor":"Trình soạn thảo văn bản",Ridge:"Dạng gờ","Right aligned image":"Ảnh canh phải",Row:"Hàng",Save:"Lưu","Select all":"Chọn tất cả","Select column":"Chọn cột","Select row":"Chọn hàng","Show more items":"Xem thêm","Side image":"Ảnh một bên",Small:"Nhỏ",Solid:"Dạng nét liền","Split cell horizontally":"Tách ô theo chiều ngang","Split cell vertically":"Tách ô theo chiều dọc",Square:"Vuông","Start at":"Bắt đầu tại","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Chỉ mục bắt đầu phải lớn hơn 0.",Strikethrough:"Gạch ngang","Strikethrough text":"Gạch ngang chữ",Style:"Kiểu",Styles:"Kiểu",Subscript:"Chữ nhỏ dưới",Superscript:"Chữ nhỏ trên",Table:"Bảng","Table alignment toolbar":"Thanh công cụ căn chỉnh bảng","Table cell text alignment":"Căn lề văn bản trong ô","Table properties":"Thuộc tính của bảng","Table toolbar":"Thanh công cụ bảng","Text alignment":"Căn chỉnh văn bản","Text alignment toolbar":"Thanh công cụ canh chữ","Text alternative":"Chữ alt","Text highlight toolbar":"Thanh công cụ làm nổi chữ","Text styles":"Kiểu văn bản","Text to find must not be empty.":"Không được để trống trường văn bản cần tìm.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Màu này không hợp lệ. Hãy thử "#FF0000" hoặc "rgb(255,0,0)" hoặc "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Giá trị này không hợp lệ. Hãy thử "10px" hoặc "2em" hoặc chỉ "2".',"The value must not be empty.":"Không được để trống giá trị này.","The value should be a plain number.":"Giá trị này phải là một số thường.","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"Những phím tắt này giúp bạn truy cập nhanh vào các tính năng chỉnh sửa nội dung.","This link has no URL":"Liên kết không có đường dẫn",Tiny:"Bé","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Mẹo: Tìm một đoạn văn bản trước để thay thế.","To-do List":"Danh sách cần làm","Toggle caption off":"Ẩn chú thích","Toggle caption on":"Hiện chú thích","Toggle the circle list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng vòng tròn","Toggle the decimal list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng thập phân","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng thập phân bắt đầu bằng số 0","Toggle the disc list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng đĩa","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách chữ cái Latinh viết thường","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách chữ số La Mã viết thường","Toggle the square list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng vuông","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách chữ cái Latinh viết hoa","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách chữ số La Mã viết hoa",Turquoise:"Xanh ngọc bích","Type or paste your content here.":"Nhập hoặc dán nội dung tại đây","Type your title":"Nhập tựa đề",Underline:"Gạch dưới","Underline text":"Gạch chân chữ",Undo:"Hoàn tác",Unlink:"Bỏ liên kết",Update:"Cập nhật","Update image URL":"Cập nhật ảnh từ URL","Upload failed":"Tải thất bại","Upload from computer":"Tải lên từ máy tính","Upload image from computer":"Tải hình ảnh lên từ máy tính","Upload in progress":"Đang tải lên","Uploading image":"Đang tải hình ảnh lên","Upper-latin":"Chữ cái Latinh viết hoa","Upper-roman":"Chữ số La Mã viết hoa","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Sử dụng các tổ hợp phím sau đây để điều hướng hiệu quả hơn trong giao diện người dùng CKEditor 5.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"Giao diện người dùng và tổ hợp phím điều hướng nội dung","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Thanh công cụ căn chỉnh văn bản theo chiều dọc",White:"Trắng","Whole words only":"Chỉ toàn bộ từ","Widget toolbar":"Thanh công cụ tiện ích",Width:"Rộng","Words: %0":"Số chữ: %0","Wrap text":"Bọc văn bản",Yellow:"Vàng","Yellow marker":"Bút vàng"});t.getPluralForm=function(n){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/zh-cn.js b/build/translations/zh-cn.js
index 04bc504..323748c 100644
--- a/build/translations/zh-cn.js
+++ b/build/translations/zh-cn.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(function(e){const t=e["zh-cn"]=e["zh-cn"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(可能需要用到 Fn键)","%0 of %1":"第 %0 步,共 %1 步",Accept:"接受",Accessibility:"可访问性","Accessibility help":"无障碍辅助功能帮助","Align cell text to the bottom":"使单元格文本对齐到底部","Align cell text to the center":"使单元格文本水平居中","Align cell text to the left":"使单元格文本左对齐","Align cell text to the middle":"使单元格文本垂直居中","Align cell text to the right":"使单元格文本右对齐","Align cell text to the top":"使单元格文本对齐到顶部","Align table to the left":"使表格左对齐","Align table to the right":"使表格右对齐",Alignment:"对齐",Aquamarine:"海蓝色",Background:"背景","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"您可以在下方找到可在编辑器中使用的键盘快捷键列表。",Big:"大",Black:"黑色","Block quote":"块引用",Blue:"蓝色",Bold:"加粗","Bold text":"加粗字体",Border:"边框","Break text":"文字断行","Bulleted List":"项目符号列表","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"项目符号列表样式工具条",Cancel:"取消","Caption for image: %0":"图片说明:%0","Caption for the image":"图片说明:","Cell properties":"单元格属性","Center table":"表格居中","Centered image":"图片居中","Change image text alternative":"更改图片替换文本","Choose heading":"标题类型",Circle:"空心圆点",Clear:"清除","Click to edit block":"单击以编辑块",Close:"关闭","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"关闭上下文气泡框、下拉菜单和对话框",Code:"代码",Color:"颜色","Color picker":"颜色选择器",Column:"列","Content editing keystrokes":"内容编辑按键","Copy selected content":"复制选定的内容","Create link":"创建链接",Custom:"自定义","Custom image size":"自定义图片大小",Dashed:"虚线",Decimal:"阿拉伯数字","Decimal with leading zero":"前导零阿拉伯数字","Decrease indent":"减少缩进","Decrease list item indent":"减少列表项的缩进",Default:"默认","Delete column":"删除本列","Delete row":"删除本行","Dim grey":"暗灰色",Dimensions:"尺寸",Disc:"实心圆点","Document colors":"文档中的颜色",Dotted:"点状虚线",Double:"双线",Downloadable:"可下载","Drag to move":"拖拽以移动","Dropdown toolbar":"下拉工具栏","Edit block":"编辑框","Edit link":"修改链接","Editor block content toolbar":"编辑器块内容工具栏","Editor contextual toolbar":"编辑器上下文工具栏","Editor dialog":"编辑器对话框","Editor editing area: %0":"编辑器编辑区域:%0","Editor menu bar":"编辑器菜单栏","Editor toolbar":"编辑器工具栏","Enter image caption":"输入图片标题","Enter table caption":"输入表标题","Entering a to-do list":"正在输入待办事项清单","Error during image upload":"图片上传时出错","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"执行当前聚焦的按钮。执行与编辑器内容交互的按钮将焦点返回到内容。","Font Background Color":"字体背景色","Font Color":"字体颜色","Font Family":"字体","Font Size":"字体大小","Full size image":"全尺寸图片",Green:"绿色",Grey:"灰色",Groove:"凹槽边框","Header column":"标题列","Header row":"标题行",Heading:"标题","Heading 1":"标题 1","Heading 2":"标题 2","Heading 3":"标题 3","Heading 4":"标题 4","Heading 5":"标题 5","Heading 6":"标题 6",Height:"高度","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"帮助内容。要关闭此对话框,请按 ESC 键。",HEX:"十六进制","Horizontal line":"水平线","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"水平文本对齐工具栏",Huge:"极大","Image from computer":"从计算机中选择图片","Image resize list":"图片大小列表","Image toolbar":"图片工具栏","Image upload complete":"图片上传完成","image widget":"图片组件","In line":"行内","Increase indent":"增加缩进","Increase list item indent":"增加列表项的缩进",Insert:"插入","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"插入硬换行(新段落)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"直接在小组件之后插入新段落","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"直接在小组件之前插入新段落","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"插入新的表格行(当位于表格的最后一个单元格时)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
元素)","Insert column left":"左侧插入列","Insert column right":"右侧插入列","Insert image":"插入图像","Insert image via URL":"通过URL地址插入图片","Insert media":"插入媒体","Insert paragraph after block":"在后面插入段落","Insert paragraph before block":"在前面插入段落","Insert row above":"在上面插入一行","Insert row below":"在下面插入一行","Insert table":"插入表格",Inset:"凹边框","Invalid start index value.":"无效的起始索引值。",Italic:"倾斜","Italic text":"斜体文本","Justify cell text":"对齐单元格文本","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"可在列表中使用的按键","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"可在表格单元格中使用的按键","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"当小组件被选中时(例如:图片、表格等)可以使用的按键","Leaving a to-do list":"正在退出待办事项清单","Left aligned image":"图片左侧对齐","Light blue":"浅蓝色","Light green":"浅绿色","Light grey":"浅灰色",Link:"超链接","Link image":"链接图片","Link URL":"链接网址","Link URL must not be empty.":"链接 URL 不能为空。","List properties":"列表属性","Lower-latin":"小写拉丁字母","Lower–roman":"小写罗马数字","Media toolbar":"媒体工具栏","Media URL":"媒体URL","media widget":"媒体小部件",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"编辑",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"文件",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"字体",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"格式",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"帮助",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"插入",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"文本",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"工具",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"查看","Merge cell down":"向下合并单元格","Merge cell left":"向左合并单元格","Merge cell right":"向右合并单元格","Merge cell up":"向上合并单元格","Merge cells":"合并单元格","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"在表单字段(输入、按钮等)之间移动焦点","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"将焦点移入或移出活跃的对话框窗口","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"将焦点移到菜单栏,在菜单栏之间导航","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"将焦点移至工具栏,在工具栏之间导览","Move out of a link":"移出链接","Move out of an inline code style":"摆脱内联代码风格","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"移动插入符,以允许在小组件之后直接输入文字","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"移动插入符,以允许在小组件之前直接输入文字","Move the selection to the next cell":"将所选内容移动到下一个单元格","Move the selection to the previous cell":"将所选内容移至上一个单元格","Navigate through the table":"在表格中进行导览","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"通过工具栏或菜单栏进行导航",Next:"下一步","No results found":"未找到结果","No searchable items":"没有可搜索的项目",None:"无","Numbered List":"项目编号列表","Numbered list styles toolbar":"项目编号列表样式工具条","Open in a new tab":"在新标签页中打开","Open link in new tab":"在新标签页中打开链接","Open media in new tab":"在新标签页打开媒体","Open the accessibility help dialog":"打开“无障碍辅助功能帮助”对话框",Orange:"橙色",Original:"原始大小",Outset:"凸边框",Padding:"内边距",Paragraph:"段落","Paste content":"粘贴内容","Paste content as plain text":"将内容粘贴为纯文本","Paste the media URL in the input.":"在输入中粘贴媒体URL",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"请输入有效的颜色(例如“ff0000”)。","Press %0 for help.":"按 %0 获取帮助。","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"按下“Enter”键,在小组件后输入;按下“Shift+Enter”键,在小组件前输入",Previous:"上一步",Purple:"紫色",Red:"红色",Redo:"重做","Remove color":"移除颜色","Remove Format":"移除格式","Replace from computer":"从电脑替换","Replace image":"替换图片","Replace image from computer":"从电脑替换图片","Resize image":"调整图像大小","Resize image (in %0)":"调整图片大小(单位为 %0)","Resize image to %0":"调整图像大小为%0","Resize image to the original size":"调整图像大小为原始大小","Restore default":"恢复默认","Reversed order":"顺序反转","Revert autoformatting action":"恢复自动格式化操作","Rich Text Editor":"富文本编辑器",Ridge:"垄状边框","Right aligned image":"图片右侧对齐",Row:"行",Save:"保存","Select all":"全选","Select column":"选择列","Select row":"选择行","Show more items":"显示更多","Side image":"图片侧边显示",Small:"小",Solid:"实线","Split cell horizontally":"横向拆分单元格","Split cell vertically":"纵向拆分单元格",Square:"实心方块","Start at":"起始编号","Start index must be greater than 0.":"起始编号必须大于0。",Strikethrough:"删除线","Strikethrough text":"给文本添加删除线",Style:"样式",Subscript:"下标",Superscript:"上标",Table:"表格","Table alignment toolbar":"表格对齐工具栏","Table cell text alignment":"表格单元格中的文本水平对齐","Table properties":"表格属性","Table toolbar":"表格工具栏","Text alternative":"替换文本",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'颜色无效。尝试使用"#FF0000"、"rgb(255,0,0)"或者"red"。',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL不可以为空。",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"无效值。尝试使用“10px”、“2ex”或者只写“2”。","The value must not be empty.":"该值不能为空。","The value should be a plain number.":"该值应当为纯数字。","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"这些键盘快捷键允许快速访问内容编辑功能。","This link has no URL":"此链接没有设置网址","This media URL is not supported.":"不支持此媒体URL。",Tiny:"极小","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"提示:将URL粘贴到内容中可更快地嵌入","To-do List":"待办列表","Toggle caption off":"关闭表标题","Toggle caption on":"打开表标题","Toggle the circle list style":"切换空心原点列表样式","Toggle the decimal list style":"切换阿拉伯数字列表样式","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"切换前导零阿拉伯数字列表样式","Toggle the disc list style":"切换实心原点列表样式","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"切换小写拉丁字母列表样式","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"切换小写罗马数字列表样式","Toggle the square list style":"切换实心方块列表样式","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"切换大写拉丁字母列表样式","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"切换大写罗马数字列表样式",Turquoise:"青色","Type or paste your content here.":"在这里输入或粘贴内容","Type your title":"输入标题",Underline:"下划线","Underline text":"给文本添加下划线",Undo:"撤销",Unlink:"取消超链接",Update:"更新","Update image URL":"更新图片URL地址","Upload failed":"上传失败","Upload from computer":"从电脑上传","Upload image from computer":"从电脑上传图片","Upload in progress":"正在上传","Uploading image":"正在上传图片","Upper-latin":"大写拉丁字母","Upper-roman":"大写罗马数字","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"使用以下按键可以在 CKEditor 5 用户界面中进行更有效地导览。","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"用户界面和内容导航按键","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"垂直文本对齐工具栏",White:"白色","Widget toolbar":"小部件工具栏",Width:"宽度","Wrap text":"文字环绕",Yellow:"黄色"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
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元素)","Insert code block":"插入代码块","Insert column left":"左侧插入列","Insert column right":"右侧插入列","Insert image":"插入图像","Insert image via URL":"通过URL地址插入图片","Insert paragraph after block":"在后面插入段落","Insert paragraph before block":"在前面插入段落","Insert row above":"在上面插入一行","Insert row below":"在下面插入一行","Insert table":"插入表格",Inset:"凹边框","Invalid start index value.":"无效的起始索引值。",Italic:"倾斜","Italic text":"斜体文本",Justify:"两端对齐","Justify cell text":"对齐单元格文本","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"可在列表中使用的按键","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"可在表格单元格中使用的按键","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"当小组件被选中时(例如:图片、表格等)可以使用的按键","Leaving %0 code snippet":"正在退出 %0 代码片段","Leaving a to-do list":"正在退出待办事项清单","Leaving code snippet":"正在退出代码片段","Left aligned image":"图片左侧对齐","Light blue":"浅蓝色","Light green":"浅绿色","Light grey":"浅灰色",Link:"超链接","Link image":"链接图片","Link URL":"链接网址","Link URL must not be empty.":"链接 URL 不能为空。","List properties":"列表属性","Lower-latin":"小写拉丁字母","Lower–roman":"小写罗马数字","Match case":"区分大小写",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"编辑",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"文件",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"字体",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"格式",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"帮助",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"插入",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"文本",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"工具",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"查看","Merge cell down":"向下合并单元格","Merge cell left":"向左合并单元格","Merge cell right":"向右合并单元格","Merge cell up":"向上合并单元格","Merge cells":"合并单元格","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"在表单字段(输入、按钮等)之间移动焦点","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"将焦点移入或移出活跃的对话框窗口","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"将焦点移到菜单栏,在菜单栏之间导航","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"将焦点移至工具栏,在工具栏之间导览","Move out of a link":"移出链接","Move out of an inline code style":"摆脱内联代码风格","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"移动插入符,以允许在小组件之后直接输入文字","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"移动插入符,以允许在小组件之前直接输入文字","Move the selection to the next cell":"将所选内容移动到下一个单元格","Move the selection to the previous cell":"将所选内容移至上一个单元格","Multiple styles":"多样式","Navigate editable regions":"导航至可编辑区域","Navigate through the table":"在表格中进行导览","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"通过工具栏或菜单栏进行导航",Next:"下一步","Next editable region":"下一个可编辑区域","Next result":"下一个匹配项","No results found":"未找到结果","No searchable items":"没有可搜索的项目",None:"无","Numbered List":"项目编号列表","Numbered list styles toolbar":"项目编号列表样式工具条","Open in a new tab":"在新标签页中打开","Open link in new tab":"在新标签页中打开链接","Open the accessibility help dialog":"打开“无障碍辅助功能帮助”对话框",Orange:"橙色",Original:"原始大小",Outset:"凸边框",Padding:"内边距",Paragraph:"段落","Paste content":"粘贴内容","Paste content as plain text":"将内容粘贴为纯文本","Pink marker":"粉色标记","Plain text":"纯文本",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"请输入有效的颜色(例如“ff0000”)。","Press %0 for help.":"按 %0 获取帮助。","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"按下“Enter”键,在小组件后输入;按下“Shift+Enter”键,在小组件前输入",Previous:"上一步","Previous editable region":"上一个可编辑区域","Previous result":"上一个匹配项",Purple:"紫色",Red:"红色","Red pen":"红色笔",Redo:"重做","Remove color":"移除颜色","Remove Format":"移除格式","Remove highlight":"清除高亮",Replace:"替换","Replace all":"全部替换","Replace from computer":"从电脑替换","Replace image":"替换图片","Replace image from computer":"从电脑替换图片","Replace with…":"替换的文本","Resize image":"调整图像大小","Resize image (in %0)":"调整图片大小(单位为 %0)","Resize image to %0":"调整图像大小为%0","Resize image to the original size":"调整图像大小为原始大小","Restore default":"恢复默认","Reversed order":"顺序反转","Revert autoformatting action":"恢复自动格式化操作","Rich Text Editor":"富文本编辑器",Ridge:"垄状边框","Right aligned image":"图片右侧对齐",Row:"行",Save:"保存","Select all":"全选","Select column":"选择列","Select row":"选择行","Show more items":"显示更多","Side image":"图片侧边显示",Small:"小",Solid:"实线","Split cell horizontally":"横向拆分单元格","Split cell vertically":"纵向拆分单元格",Square:"实心方块","Start at":"起始编号","Start index must be greater than 0.":"起始编号必须大于0。",Strikethrough:"删除线","Strikethrough text":"给文本添加删除线",Style:"样式",Styles:"样式",Subscript:"下标",Superscript:"上标",Table:"表格","Table alignment toolbar":"表格对齐工具栏","Table cell text alignment":"表格单元格中的文本水平对齐","Table properties":"表格属性","Table toolbar":"表格工具栏","Text alignment":"对齐","Text alignment toolbar":"对齐工具栏","Text alternative":"替换文本","Text highlight toolbar":"文本高亮工具栏","Text styles":"文本样式","Text to find must not be empty.":"查找的文本不可为空",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'颜色无效。尝试使用"#FF0000"、"rgb(255,0,0)"或者"red"。','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"无效值。尝试使用“10px”、“2ex”或者只写“2”。","The value must not be empty.":"该值不能为空。","The value should be a plain number.":"该值应当为纯数字。","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"这些键盘快捷键允许快速访问内容编辑功能。","This link has no URL":"此链接没有设置网址",Tiny:"极小","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"提示:先查找文本再替换","To-do List":"待办列表","Toggle caption off":"关闭表标题","Toggle caption on":"打开表标题","Toggle the circle list style":"切换空心原点列表样式","Toggle the decimal list style":"切换阿拉伯数字列表样式","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"切换前导零阿拉伯数字列表样式","Toggle the disc list style":"切换实心原点列表样式","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"切换小写拉丁字母列表样式","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"切换小写罗马数字列表样式","Toggle the square list style":"切换实心方块列表样式","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"切换大写拉丁字母列表样式","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"切换大写罗马数字列表样式",Turquoise:"青色","Type or paste your content here.":"在这里输入或粘贴内容","Type your title":"输入标题",Underline:"下划线","Underline text":"给文本添加下划线",Undo:"撤销",Unlink:"取消超链接",Update:"更新","Update image URL":"更新图片URL地址","Upload failed":"上传失败","Upload from computer":"从电脑上传","Upload image from computer":"从电脑上传图片","Upload in progress":"正在上传","Uploading image":"正在上传图片","Upper-latin":"大写拉丁字母","Upper-roman":"大写罗马数字","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"使用以下按键可以在 CKEditor 5 用户界面中进行更有效地导览。","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"用户界面和内容导航按键","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"垂直文本对齐工具栏",White:"白色","Whole words only":"单词","Widget toolbar":"小部件工具栏",Width:"宽度","Words: %0":"单词数:%0","Wrap text":"文字环绕",Yellow:"黄色","Yellow marker":"黄色标记"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/translations/zh.js b/build/translations/zh.js
index 58ee6c1..6e1e2e9 100644
--- a/build/translations/zh.js
+++ b/build/translations/zh.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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元件)","Insert column left":"插入左方欄","Insert column right":"插入右方欄","Insert image":"插入圖片","Insert image via URL":"使用連結插入圖片","Insert media":"插入影音","Insert paragraph after block":"在這個區塊後面插入一個段落","Insert paragraph before block":"在這個區塊前面插入一個段落","Insert row above":"插入上方列","Insert row below":"插入下方列","Insert table":"插入表格",Inset:"內邊線","Invalid start index value.":"無效的起始索引值。",Italic:"斜體","Italic text":"斜體文字","Justify cell text":"分散對齊","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"可在列表中使用的按鍵","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"可在表格單元格中使用的按鍵","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"小工具選取時可使用的按鍵(例如:圖片、表格等)","Leaving a to-do list":"離開待辦事項清單","Left aligned image":"向左對齊圖片","Light blue":"亮藍色","Light green":"亮綠色","Light grey":"亮灰色",Link:"連結","Link image":"圖片連結","Link URL":"連結˙ URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"連結 URL 不得為空白。","List properties":"清單屬性","Lower-latin":"小寫拉丁字母","Lower–roman":"小寫羅馬數字","Media toolbar":"影音工具","Media URL":"影音網址","media widget":"影音小工具",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"編輯",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"檔案",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"字型",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"格式",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"說明",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"插入",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"文字",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"工具",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"檢視","Merge cell down":"合併下方儲存格","Merge cell left":"合併左方儲存格","Merge cell right":"合併右方儲存格","Merge cell up":"合併上方儲存格","Merge cells":"合併儲存格","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"在表單欄位(輸入、按鈕等)之間移動焦點","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"將焦點移入或移出啟用中的對話視窗","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"將焦點移至選單列,瀏覽不同的選單列","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"將焦點移動至工具列,在工具列間移動","Move out of a link":"移出連結","Move out of an inline code style":"移出行內程式碼樣式","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"移動插入符號,以便在小工具後直接輸入","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"移動插入符號,以便在小工具前直接輸入","Move the selection to the next cell":"將選取範圍移動到下一個單元格","Move the selection to the previous cell":"將選取範圍移動到上一個單元格","Navigate through the table":"在表格中移動","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"瀏覽工具列或選單列",Next:"下一","No results found":"找不到結果","No searchable items":"沒有可搜尋的項目",None:"無","Numbered List":"有序清單","Numbered list styles toolbar":"有序清單工具列","Open in a new tab":"在新視窗開啟","Open link in new tab":"在新視窗開啟連結","Open media in new tab":"在新分頁打開媒體","Open the accessibility help dialog":"開啟無障礙協助對話框",Orange:"橘色",Original:"原始圖片",Outset:"外框線",Padding:"儲存格留白",Paragraph:"段落","Paste content":"貼上內容","Paste content as plain text":"將內容貼上為純文字","Paste the media URL in the input.":"在輸入框貼上影音網址。",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"請輸入有效的顏色(例如「ff0000」)。","Press %0 for help.":"按下 %0 來取得協助。","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"按下 Enter 在小工具後輸入,或按下 Shift + Enter 在小工具前輸入",Previous:"上一",Purple:"紫色",Red:"紅色",Redo:"重做","Remove color":"移除顏色","Remove Format":"移除格式","Replace from computer":"從電腦替換","Replace image":"替換圖片","Replace image from computer":"從電腦替換圖片","Resize image":"縮放圖片","Resize image (in %0)":"調整圖片大小(單位為 %0)","Resize image to %0":"縮放圖片到 %0","Resize image to the original size":"縮放圖片到原始尺寸","Restore default":"重設至預設值","Reversed order":"反轉順序","Revert autoformatting action":"復原自動格式化操作","Rich Text Editor":"富文本編輯器",Ridge:"凸起線","Right aligned image":"向右對齊圖片",Row:"列",Save:"儲存","Select all":"選取全部","Select column":"選擇欄","Select row":"選擇列","Show more items":"顯示更多","Side image":"側邊圖片",Small:"小",Solid:"實線","Split cell horizontally":"水平分割儲存格","Split cell vertically":"垂直分割儲存格",Square:"方形","Start at":"起始於","Start index must be greater than 0.":"起始索引須大於 0。",Strikethrough:"刪除線","Strikethrough text":"刪除線文字",Style:"樣式",Subscript:"下標",Superscript:"上標",Table:"表格","Table alignment toolbar":"表格對齊","Table cell text alignment":"儲存格文字對齊","Table properties":"表格屬性","Table toolbar":"表格工具","Text alternative":"替代文字",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'顏色代碼錯誤。試試看 "#FF0000" 或 "rgb(255, 0, 0)" 或 "red"。',"The URL must not be empty.":"網址不能空白。",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'尺寸代碼錯誤。試試看 "10px" 或 "2em" 或簡單寫 "2"。',"The value must not be empty.":"數值不得為空白。","The value should be a plain number.":"數值應為純數字。","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"運用這些鍵盤快捷鍵可快速使用內容編輯功能。","This link has no URL":"此連結沒有URL","This media URL is not supported.":"不支援此影音網址。",Tiny:"特小","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"提示:在內容貼上網址更快崁入。","To-do List":"代辦清單","Toggle caption off":"關閉表標題","Toggle caption on":"開啟表標題","Toggle the circle list style":"切換為空心圓點標示","Toggle the decimal list style":"切換為數字標示","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"切換為0開頭的數字標示","Toggle the disc list style":"切換為實心圓點標示","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"切換為小寫拉丁文字標示","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"切換為小寫羅馬數字標示","Toggle the square list style":"切換為方形標示","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"切換為大寫拉丁文字標示","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"切換為大寫羅馬數字標示",Turquoise:"藍綠色","Type or paste your content here.":"在此輸入或貼上你的內容。","Type your title":"輸入你的標題",Underline:"底線","Underline text":"底線文字",Undo:"取消",Unlink:"移除連結",Update:"更新","Update image URL":"更新圖片連結","Upload failed":"上傳失敗","Upload from computer":"從電腦上傳","Upload image from computer":"從電腦上傳圖片","Upload in progress":"正在上傳","Uploading image":"正在上傳圖片","Upper-latin":"大寫拉丁字母","Upper-roman":"大寫羅馬數字","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"使用以下按鍵可更有效率地在 CKEditor 5 使用者介面中移動。","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"使用者介面和內容瀏覽按鍵","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"垂直對齊",White:"白色","Widget toolbar":"小工具",Width:"寬度","Wrap text":"文繞圖",Yellow:"黃色"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e){const t=e["zh"]=e["zh"]||{};t.dictionary=Object.assign(t.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(可能需要 Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0/%1",Accept:"接受",Accessibility:"協助工具","Accessibility help":"無障礙協助","Advanced options":"進階選項","Align cell text to the bottom":"向下對齊","Align cell text to the center":"置中對齊","Align cell text to the left":"靠左對齊","Align cell text to the middle":"置中對齊","Align cell text to the right":"靠右對齊","Align cell text to the top":"向上對齊","Align center":"置中對齊","Align left":"靠左對齊","Align right":"靠右對齊","Align table to the left":"靠左對齊","Align table to the right":"靠右對齊",Alignment:"對齊",Aquamarine:"淺綠色",Background:"背景顏色","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"下方是可在編輯器中使用的鍵盤快捷鍵列表。",Big:"大",Black:"黑色","Block quote":"段落引用","Block styles":"區塊樣式",Blue:"藍色","Blue marker":"藍色標記",Bold:"粗體","Bold text":"粗體文字",Border:"邊框","Break text":"上及下","Bulleted List":"符號清單","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"無序清單工具列",Cancel:"取消","Caption for image: %0":"影像標題:%0","Caption for the image":"影像的標題","Cell properties":"儲存格屬性","Center table":"置中對齊","Centered image":"置中圖片","Change image text alternative":"修改圖片的替代文字","Characters: %0":"字元數: %0","Choose heading":"選取標題",Circle:"空心圓點",Clear:"清除","Click to edit block":"點擊來編輯區塊",Close:"關閉","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"關閉選單提示、下拉式選單和對話框",Code:"代碼","Code block":"程式碼區塊",Color:"文字顏色","Color picker":"顏色選擇",Column:"欄","Content editing keystrokes":"內容編輯按鍵","Copy selected content":"複製所選內容","Create link":"建立連結",Custom:"自訂","Custom image size":"自訂圖片大小",Dashed:"虛線",Decimal:"數字","Decimal with leading zero":"0開頭的數字","Decrease indent":"減少縮排","Decrease list item indent":"減少列表項目縮排",Default:"預設","Delete column":"刪除欄","Delete row":"刪除列","Dim grey":"淡灰色",Dimensions:"尺寸","Disable editing":"停用編輯",Disc:"實心圓點","Document colors":"文件顏色",Dotted:"點線",Double:"雙線",Downloadable:"可下載","Drag to move":"拖曳來移動","Dropdown toolbar":"下拉選單","Edit block":"編輯區塊","Edit link":"編輯連結","Editor block content toolbar":"編輯器區塊內容工具列","Editor contextual toolbar":"編輯器關聯式工具列","Editor dialog":"編輯工具對話框","Editor editing area: %0":"編輯器編輯區:%0","Editor menu bar":"編輯器選單列","Editor toolbar":"編輯器工具","Enable editing":"啟用編輯","Enter image caption":"輸入圖片說明","Enter table caption":"輸入表標題","Entering %0 code snippet":"進入 %0 程式碼片段","Entering a to-do list":"進入待辦事項清單","Entering code snippet":"進入程式碼片段","Error during image upload":"圖片上傳期間發生錯誤","Execute the currently focused button. Executing buttons that interact with the editor content moves the focus back to the content.":"執行目前所聚焦的按鈕。執行與編輯器內容互動的按鈕後,系統會將焦點移回內容。",Find:"尋找","Find and replace":"尋找和取代","Find in text…":"在文本中尋找","Find in the document":"在文件中尋找","Font Background Color":"前景顏色","Font Color":"字體顏色","Font Family":"字型","Font Size":"字體大小","Full size image":"完整尺寸圖片",Green:"綠色","Green marker":"綠色標記","Green pen":"綠色筆",Grey:"灰色",Groove:"內凹線","Header column":"標題欄","Header row":"標題列",Heading:"標題","Heading 1":"標題 1","Heading 2":"標題 2","Heading 3":"標題 3","Heading 4":"標題 4","Heading 5":"標題 5","Heading 6":"標題 6",Height:"高度","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"協助內容。想關閉此對話框,請按 ESC 鍵。",HEX:"十六進位",Highlight:"高亮","Horizontal line":"水平線","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"水平對齊","HTML object":"HTML 物件",Huge:"特大","Image from computer":"來自電腦的圖片","Image resize list":"圖片縮放清單","Image toolbar":"圖片工具","Image upload complete":"圖片上傳完成","image widget":"圖片小工具","In line":"行中","Increase indent":"增加縮排","Increase list item indent":"增加列表項目縮排",Insert:"插入","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"插入強制斷行(新段落)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"在小工具後直接插入新段落","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"在小工具前直接插入新段落","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"插入新的表格橫排(當位於表格的最後一個單元格時)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
元件)","Insert code block":"插入程式碼區塊","Insert column left":"插入左方欄","Insert column right":"插入右方欄","Insert image":"插入圖片","Insert image via URL":"使用連結插入圖片","Insert paragraph after block":"在這個區塊後面插入一個段落","Insert paragraph before block":"在這個區塊前面插入一個段落","Insert row above":"插入上方列","Insert row below":"插入下方列","Insert table":"插入表格",Inset:"內邊線","Invalid start index value.":"無效的起始索引值。",Italic:"斜體","Italic text":"斜體文字",Justify:"左右對齊","Justify cell text":"分散對齊","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"可在列表中使用的按鍵","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"可在表格單元格中使用的按鍵","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"小工具選取時可使用的按鍵(例如:圖片、表格等)","Leaving %0 code snippet":"離開 %0 程式碼片段","Leaving a to-do list":"離開待辦事項清單","Leaving code snippet":"離開程式碼片段","Left aligned image":"向左對齊圖片","Light blue":"亮藍色","Light green":"亮綠色","Light grey":"亮灰色",Link:"連結","Link image":"圖片連結","Link URL":"連結˙ URL","Link URL must not be empty.":"連結 URL 不得為空白。","List properties":"清單屬性","Lower-latin":"小寫拉丁字母","Lower–roman":"小寫羅馬數字","Match case":"大小寫需相符",MENU_BAR_MENU_EDIT:"編輯",MENU_BAR_MENU_FILE:"檔案",MENU_BAR_MENU_FONT:"字型",MENU_BAR_MENU_FORMAT:"格式",MENU_BAR_MENU_HELP:"說明",MENU_BAR_MENU_INSERT:"插入",MENU_BAR_MENU_TEXT:"文字",MENU_BAR_MENU_TOOLS:"工具",MENU_BAR_MENU_VIEW:"檢視","Merge cell down":"合併下方儲存格","Merge cell left":"合併左方儲存格","Merge cell right":"合併右方儲存格","Merge cell up":"合併上方儲存格","Merge cells":"合併儲存格","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"在表單欄位(輸入、按鈕等)之間移動焦點","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"將焦點移入或移出啟用中的對話視窗","Move focus to the menu bar, navigate between menu bars":"將焦點移至選單列,瀏覽不同的選單列","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"將焦點移動至工具列,在工具列間移動","Move out of a link":"移出連結","Move out of an inline code style":"移出行內程式碼樣式","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"移動插入符號,以便在小工具後直接輸入","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"移動插入符號,以便在小工具前直接輸入","Move the selection to the next cell":"將選取範圍移動到下一個單元格","Move the selection to the previous cell":"將選取範圍移動到上一個單元格","Multiple styles":"多重樣式","Navigate editable regions":"編輯區域導航","Navigate through the table":"在表格中移動","Navigate through the toolbar or menu bar":"瀏覽工具列或選單列",Next:"下一","Next editable region":"下一個可編輯區域","Next result":"後一個結果","No results found":"找不到結果","No searchable items":"沒有可搜尋的項目",None:"無","Numbered List":"有序清單","Numbered list styles toolbar":"有序清單工具列","Open in a new tab":"在新視窗開啟","Open link in new tab":"在新視窗開啟連結","Open the accessibility help dialog":"開啟無障礙協助對話框",Orange:"橘色",Original:"原始圖片",Outset:"外框線",Padding:"儲存格留白",Paragraph:"段落","Paste content":"貼上內容","Paste content as plain text":"將內容貼上為純文字","Pink marker":"粉色標記","Plain text":"純文字",'Please enter a valid color (e.g. "ff0000").':"請輸入有效的顏色(例如「ff0000」)。","Press %0 for help.":"按下 %0 來取得協助。","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"按下 Enter 在小工具後輸入,或按下 Shift + Enter 在小工具前輸入",Previous:"上一","Previous editable region":"上一個可編輯區域","Previous result":"前一個結果",Purple:"紫色",Red:"紅色","Red pen":"紅色筆",Redo:"重做","Remove color":"移除顏色","Remove Format":"移除格式","Remove highlight":"清除高亮",Replace:"取代","Replace all":"全部取代","Replace from computer":"從電腦替換","Replace image":"替換圖片","Replace image from computer":"從電腦替換圖片","Replace with…":"以…替代","Resize image":"縮放圖片","Resize image (in %0)":"調整圖片大小(單位為 %0)","Resize image to %0":"縮放圖片到 %0","Resize image to the original size":"縮放圖片到原始尺寸","Restore default":"重設至預設值","Reversed order":"反轉順序","Revert autoformatting action":"復原自動格式化操作","Rich Text Editor":"富文本編輯器",Ridge:"凸起線","Right aligned image":"向右對齊圖片",Row:"列",Save:"儲存","Select all":"選取全部","Select column":"選擇欄","Select row":"選擇列","Show more items":"顯示更多","Side image":"側邊圖片",Small:"小",Solid:"實線","Split cell horizontally":"水平分割儲存格","Split cell vertically":"垂直分割儲存格",Square:"方形","Start at":"起始於","Start index must be greater than 0.":"起始索引須大於 0。",Strikethrough:"刪除線","Strikethrough text":"刪除線文字",Style:"樣式",Styles:"樣式",Subscript:"下標",Superscript:"上標",Table:"表格","Table alignment toolbar":"表格對齊","Table cell text alignment":"儲存格文字對齊","Table properties":"表格屬性","Table toolbar":"表格工具","Text alignment":"文字對齊","Text alignment toolbar":"文字對齊","Text alternative":"替代文字","Text highlight toolbar":"高亮","Text styles":"文字樣式","Text to find must not be empty.":"不能查找空字串",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'顏色代碼錯誤。試試看 "#FF0000" 或 "rgb(255, 0, 0)" 或 "red"。','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'尺寸代碼錯誤。試試看 "10px" 或 "2em" 或簡單寫 "2"。',"The value must not be empty.":"數值不得為空白。","The value should be a plain number.":"數值應為純數字。","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"運用這些鍵盤快捷鍵可快速使用內容編輯功能。","This link has no URL":"此連結沒有URL",Tiny:"特小","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"提示:先查找字串再取代","To-do List":"代辦清單","Toggle caption off":"關閉表標題","Toggle caption on":"開啟表標題","Toggle the circle list style":"切換為空心圓點標示","Toggle the decimal list style":"切換為數字標示","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"切換為0開頭的數字標示","Toggle the disc list style":"切換為實心圓點標示","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"切換為小寫拉丁文字標示","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"切換為小寫羅馬數字標示","Toggle the square list style":"切換為方形標示","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"切換為大寫拉丁文字標示","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"切換為大寫羅馬數字標示",Turquoise:"藍綠色","Type or paste your content here.":"在此輸入或貼上你的內容。","Type your title":"輸入你的標題",Underline:"底線","Underline text":"底線文字",Undo:"取消",Unlink:"移除連結",Update:"更新","Update image URL":"更新圖片連結","Upload failed":"上傳失敗","Upload from computer":"從電腦上傳","Upload image from computer":"從電腦上傳圖片","Upload in progress":"正在上傳","Uploading image":"正在上傳圖片","Upper-latin":"大寫拉丁字母","Upper-roman":"大寫羅馬數字","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"使用以下按鍵可更有效率地在 CKEditor 5 使用者介面中移動。","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"使用者介面和內容瀏覽按鍵","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"垂直對齊",White:"白色","Whole words only":"僅全字拼寫","Widget toolbar":"小工具",Width:"寬度","Words: %0":"字數: %0","Wrap text":"文繞圖",Yellow:"黃色","Yellow marker":"黃色標記"});t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 0}})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index c581652..81a2bee 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -8,28 +8,32 @@
"main": "./build/ckeditor.js",
"types": "./build/ckeditor.d.ts",
"dependencies": {
+ "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-alignment": "41.4.2",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-autoformat": "41.4.2",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-basic-styles": "41.4.2",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-block-quote": "41.4.2",
- "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-cloud-services": "41.4.2",
+ "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-code-block": "41.4.2",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-editor-classic": "41.4.2",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-essentials": "41.4.2",
+ "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-find-and-replace": "41.4.2",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-font": "41.4.2",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-heading": "41.4.2",
+ "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-highlight": "41.4.2",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-horizontal-line": "41.4.2",
+ "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-support": "41.4.2",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-image": "41.4.2",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-indent": "41.4.2",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-link": "41.4.2",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-list": "41.4.2",
- "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-media-embed": "41.4.2",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-paragraph": "41.4.2",
- "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-paste-from-office": "41.4.2",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-remove-format": "41.4.2",
+ "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-restricted-editing": "41.4.2",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-select-all": "41.4.2",
+ "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-style": "41.4.2",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-table": "41.4.2",
- "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-typing": "41.4.2",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-undo": "41.4.2",
- "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-upload": "41.4.2"
+ "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-upload": "41.4.2",
+ "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-word-count": "41.4.2"
"devDependencies": {
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core": "41.4.2",
diff --git a/sample/script.js b/sample/script.js
index 81b82e8..c90e9d7 100644
--- a/sample/script.js
+++ b/sample/script.js
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function handleSampleError( error ) {
const message = [
'Oops, something went wrong!',
- `Please, report the following error on ${ issueUrl } with the build id "75dpbkobvbfv-uxrd8jw6uh78" and the error stack trace:`
+ `Please, report the following error on ${ issueUrl } with the build id "dt140cpf5dfg-f3iivozdg9sm" and the error stack trace:`
].join( '\n' );
console.error( message );
diff --git a/src/ckeditor.ts b/src/ckeditor.ts
index cdf14d0..390ed79 100644
--- a/src/ckeditor.ts
+++ b/src/ckeditor.ts
@@ -5,124 +5,136 @@
import { ClassicEditor } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-editor-classic';
+import { Alignment } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-alignment';
import { Autoformat } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-autoformat';
-import { Bold, Italic, Underline } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-basic-styles';
+import { Bold, Code, Strikethrough, Subscript, Underline } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-basic-styles';
import { BlockQuote } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-block-quote';
-import { CloudServices } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-cloud-services';
+import { CodeBlock } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-code-block';
import type { EditorConfig } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core';
import { Essentials } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-essentials';
-import { FontBackgroundColor, FontColor, FontSize } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-font';
-import { Heading } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-heading';
+import { FindAndReplace } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-find-and-replace';
+import { FontBackgroundColor, FontColor, FontFamily, FontSize } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-font';
+import { Heading, Title } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-heading';
+import { Highlight } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-highlight';
import { HorizontalLine } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-horizontal-line';
+import { GeneralHtmlSupport } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-support';
import {
+ AutoImage,
- ImageCaption,
- ImageStyle,
} from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-image';
-import { Indent } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-indent';
+import { Indent, IndentBlock } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-indent';
import { Link, LinkImage } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-link';
-import { List } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-list';
-import { MediaEmbed } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-media-embed';
+import { List, TodoList } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-list';
import { Paragraph } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-paragraph';
-import { PasteFromOffice } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-paste-from-office';
import { RemoveFormat } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-remove-format';
+import { StandardEditingMode } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-restricted-editing';
import { SelectAll } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-select-all';
-import {
- Table,
- TableCellProperties,
- TableColumnResize,
- TableProperties,
- TableToolbar
-} from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-table';
-import { TextTransformation } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-typing';
+import { Style } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-style';
+import { Table, TableColumnResize, TableProperties, TableToolbar } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-table';
import { Undo } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-undo';
import { Base64UploadAdapter } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-upload';
+import { WordCount } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-word-count';
// You can read more about extending the build with additional plugins in the "Installing plugins" guide.
// See https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/installation/plugins/installing-plugins.html for details.
class Editor extends ClassicEditor {
public static override builtinPlugins = [
+ Alignment,
+ AutoImage,
- CloudServices,
+ Code,
+ CodeBlock,
+ FindAndReplace,
+ FontFamily,
+ GeneralHtmlSupport,
+ Highlight,
- ImageCaption,
- ImageStyle,
- Italic,
+ IndentBlock,
- MediaEmbed,
- PasteFromOffice,
+ StandardEditingMode,
+ Strikethrough,
+ Style,
+ Subscript,
- TableCellProperties,
- TextTransformation,
+ Title,
+ TodoList,
- Undo
+ Undo,
+ WordCount
public static override defaultConfig: EditorConfig = {
toolbar: {
items: [
- 'selectAll',
+ 'findAndReplace',
+ '|',
+ 'style',
- 'fontSize',
+ 'alignment',
- 'italic',
+ 'strikethrough',
+ 'subscript',
+ '|',
+ 'fontSize',
- 'removeFormat',
- 'link',
+ 'fontFamily',
+ 'highlight',
- 'outdent',
- 'indent',
- 'horizontalLine',
- 'blockQuote',
+ 'todoList',
- 'insertTable',
- 'mediaEmbed',
+ 'outdent',
+ 'indent',
+ '|',
+ '-',
+ 'blockQuote',
+ 'code',
+ 'codeBlock',
- 'imageUpload'
- ]
+ 'removeFormat',
+ 'insertTable',
+ 'link',
+ 'horizontalLine'
+ ],
+ shouldNotGroupWhenFull: true
language: 'pt-br',
image: {
toolbar: [
- 'toggleImageCaption',
- 'imageStyle:inline',
- 'imageStyle:block',
- 'imageStyle:side',
@@ -131,7 +143,6 @@ class Editor extends ClassicEditor {
- 'tableCellProperties',