Computer Systems Group S No. Title Poster Video 01 Accelerating Local laplacian Filters on FPGAs P-01 V-01 02 Fpga accelerator for stereo vision using semi-global matching through dependency relaxation P-02 V-02 03 TreeNet - An overlay architecture for vector reduction using a network of trees - P-03 V-03 04 A overlay accelerator for CNN inference on fpgas with fine-grained flexible parallelism P-04 V-04 05 FlowPix - An Image Processing DSL Based on an FPGA Overlay Accelerator P-05 V-05 06 Accelerating LU Decompostion on fpgas P-06 V-06 07 E-PODS - A Fast Heuristic for Data - Service Delivery in Vehicular Edge Computing P-07 V-07 08 An Edge Bandwidth Cost Gradient-based Heuristic for Fast Data - Service Delivery to Connected Vehicles under Vehicle Overlaps P-08 V-08 All Posters, All Videos