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AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'visible' upon startup #14

wauterboi opened this issue Jun 20, 2023 · 0 comments


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wauterboi commented Jun 20, 2023

Stable Diffusion details:

version: [v1.3.2](  •  python: 3.10.6  •  torch: 2.0.1+cu118  •  xformers: 0.0.21+c14be66.d20230619  •  gradio: 3.32.0  •  checkpoint: [ad2a33c361](

Note that no extensions were running.

Krita error log

Python 3.8.1: C:\Program Files\Krita (x64)\bin\krita.exe
Tue Jun 20 16:33:54 2023

A problem occurred in a Python script.  Here is the sequence of
function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 C:\Program Files\Krita (x64)\lib\krita-python-libs\krita\ in createDockWidget(self=<krita.dockwidgetfactory.DockWidgetFactory object>)
   14         super(DockWidgetFactory, self).__init__(_id, _dockPosition)
   15         self.klass = _klass
   17     def createDockWidget(self):
   18         return self.klass()
self = <krita.dockwidgetfactory.DockWidgetFactory object>
self.klass = <class 'Defuser.MyDocker.MyDocker'>

 C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\ in __init__(self=<Defuser.MyDocker.MyDocker object>)
  296         super().__init__()
  297         # src/MyDocker.hx:28
  298         host_App.init(self)
  299         # src/MyDocker.hx:31
  300         # src/MyDocker.hx:31
global host_App = <class 'Defuser.MyDocker.host_App'>
host_App.init = <function host_App.init>
self = <Defuser.MyDocker.MyDocker object>

 C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\ in init(v=<Defuser.MyDocker.MyDocker object>)
 2602         req.onData = _hx_local_15
 2603         # src/host/App.hx:140
 2604         req.request(False)
 2605         # src/host/App.hx:143
 2606         v.setWindowTitle("Defuser")
req = <Defuser.MyDocker.sys_Http object>
req.request = <bound method sys_Http.request of <Defuser.MyDocker.sys_Http object>>

 C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\ in request(self=<Defuser.MyDocker.sys_Http object>, post=False)
 5247         # C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\std/sys/Http.hx:69
 5248         if (not err):
 5249             self.success(output.getBytes())
 5251     def customRequest(self,post,api,sock = None,method = None):
self = <Defuser.MyDocker.sys_Http object>
self.success = <bound method haxe_http_HttpBase.success of <Defuser.MyDocker.sys_Http object>>
output = <Defuser.MyDocker.haxe_io_BytesOutput object>
output.getBytes = <bound method haxe_io_BytesOutput.getBytes of <Defuser.MyDocker.haxe_io_BytesOutput object>>

 C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\ in success(self=<Defuser.MyDocker.sys_Http object>, data=<Defuser.MyDocker.haxe_io_Bytes object>)
 2119         # C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\std/haxe/http/HttpBase.hx:235
 2120         if self.hasOnData():
 2121             self.onData(self.get_responseData())
 2122         # C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\std/haxe/http/HttpBase.hx:238
 2123         self.onBytes(self.responseBytes)
self = <Defuser.MyDocker.sys_Http object>
self.onData = <function host_App.init.<locals>._hx_local_15>
self.get_responseData = <bound method haxe_http_HttpBase.get_responseData of <Defuser.MyDocker.sys_Http object>>

 C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\ in _hx_local_15(data_out='<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html\n\tlang="en"\n\tstyle="\n\t\tmarg...ile=style.css?1687222566.7404692"></body>\n</html>')
 2599             print(str(host_UI.tags.h.get("img2img",None)))
 2600             # src/host/App.hx:137
 2601             host_UI.createInterface()
 2602         req.onData = _hx_local_15
 2603         # src/host/App.hx:140
global host_UI = <class 'Defuser.MyDocker.host_UI'>
host_UI.createInterface = <function host_UI.createInterface>

 C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\ in createInterface()
 2800         host_UI.makeTab("inpaint")
 2801         # src/host/UI.python.hx:77
 2802         host_UI.makeTab("outpainting_mk2")
 2804     @staticmethod
global host_UI = <class 'Defuser.MyDocker.host_UI'>
host_UI.makeTab = <function host_UI.makeTab>

 C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\ in makeTab(mode='outpainting_mk2')
 2974             req.onStatus = _hx_local_6
 2975             # src/host/UI.python.hx:203
 2976             req.request(True)
 2978     @staticmethod
req = <Defuser.MyDocker.sys_Http object>
req.request = <bound method sys_Http.request of <Defuser.MyDocker.sys_Http object>>

 C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\ in request(self=<Defuser.MyDocker.sys_Http object>, post=True)
 5247         # C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\std/sys/Http.hx:69
 5248         if (not err):
 5249             self.success(output.getBytes())
 5251     def customRequest(self,post,api,sock = None,method = None):
self = <Defuser.MyDocker.sys_Http object>
self.success = <bound method haxe_http_HttpBase.success of <Defuser.MyDocker.sys_Http object>>
output = <Defuser.MyDocker.haxe_io_BytesOutput object>
output.getBytes = <bound method haxe_io_BytesOutput.getBytes of <Defuser.MyDocker.haxe_io_BytesOutput object>>

 C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\ in success(self=<Defuser.MyDocker.sys_Http object>, data=<Defuser.MyDocker.haxe_io_Bytes object>)
 2119         # C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\std/haxe/http/HttpBase.hx:235
 2120         if self.hasOnData():
 2121             self.onData(self.get_responseData())
 2122         # C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\std/haxe/http/HttpBase.hx:238
 2123         self.onBytes(self.responseBytes)
self = <Defuser.MyDocker.sys_Http object>
self.onData = <function host_UI.makeTab.<locals>._hx_local_5>
self.get_responseData = <bound method haxe_http_HttpBase.get_responseData of <Defuser.MyDocker.sys_Http object>>

 C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\ in _hx_local_5(data_out='{"data":[{"visible":false,"__type__":"update"},{...996094,"average_duration":0.00037860870361328125}')
 2959                     # src/host/UI.python.hx:187
 2960                     value = Reflect.field((data[i] if i >= 0 and i < len(data) else None),"visible")
 2961                     setattr(tag_props,(("_hx_" + "visible") if (("visible" in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + "visible") if (((((len("visible") > 2) and ((ord("visible"[0]) == 95))) and ((ord("visible"[1]) == 95))) and ((ord("visible"[(len("visible") - 1)]) != 95)))) else "visible")),value)
 2962                     # src/host/UI.python.hx:188
 2963                     if (Reflect.field((vismap[i] if i >= 0 and i < len(vismap) else None),"container") is not None):
builtinsetattr = <built-in function setattr>
tag_props = None
global python_Boot = <class 'Defuser.MyDocker.python_Boot'>
python_Boot.keywords = {'False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'assert', ...}
builtinlen = <built-in function len>
builtinord = <built-in function ord>
value = False
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'visible'
    __cause__ = None
    __class__ = <class 'AttributeError'>
    __context__ = None
    __delattr__ = <method-wrapper '__delattr__' of AttributeError object>
    __dict__ = {}
    __dir__ = <built-in method __dir__ of AttributeError object>
    __doc__ = 'Attribute not found.'
    __eq__ = <method-wrapper '__eq__' of AttributeError object>
    __format__ = <built-in method __format__ of AttributeError object>
    __ge__ = <method-wrapper '__ge__' of AttributeError object>
    __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper '__getattribute__' of AttributeError object>
    __gt__ = <method-wrapper '__gt__' of AttributeError object>
    __hash__ = <method-wrapper '__hash__' of AttributeError object>
    __init__ = <method-wrapper '__init__' of AttributeError object>
    __init_subclass__ = <built-in method __init_subclass__ of type object>
    __le__ = <method-wrapper '__le__' of AttributeError object>
    __lt__ = <method-wrapper '__lt__' of AttributeError object>
    __ne__ = <method-wrapper '__ne__' of AttributeError object>
    __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>
    __reduce__ = <built-in method __reduce__ of AttributeError object>
    __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of AttributeError object>
    __repr__ = <method-wrapper '__repr__' of AttributeError object>
    __setattr__ = <method-wrapper '__setattr__' of AttributeError object>
    __setstate__ = <built-in method __setstate__ of AttributeError object>
    __sizeof__ = <built-in method __sizeof__ of AttributeError object>
    __str__ = <method-wrapper '__str__' of AttributeError object>
    __subclasshook__ = <built-in method __subclasshook__ of type object>
    __suppress_context__ = False
    __traceback__ = <traceback object>
    args = ("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'visible'",)
    with_traceback = <built-in method with_traceback of AttributeError object>

The above is a description of an error in a Python program.  Here is
the original traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Krita (x64)\lib\krita-python-libs\krita\", line 18, in createDockWidget
    return self.klass()
  File "C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\", line 298, in __init__
  File "C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\", line 2604, in init
  File "C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\", line 5249, in request
  File "C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\", line 2121, in success
  File "C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\", line 2601, in _hx_local_15
  File "C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\", line 2802, in createInterface
  File "C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\", line 2976, in makeTab
  File "C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\", line 5249, in request
  File "C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\", line 2121, in success
  File "C:\Users\theis\AppData\Roaming\krita\pykrita\Defuser\", line 2961, in _hx_local_5
    setattr(tag_props,(("_hx_" + "visible") if (("visible" in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + "visible") if (((((len("visible") > 2) and ((ord("visible"[0]) == 95))) and ((ord("visible"[1]) == 95))) and ((ord("visible"[(len("visible") - 1)]) != 95)))) else "visible")),value)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'visible'


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