- Code Nation Registration
- Exit Tickets
- Unit 2 Project
- Learn about the unit project.
- Identify key features of a successful website.
- Research their chosen project topic.
- Choose a wireframe and starter code for their project.
- Understand the purpose and structure of HTML.
- Create HTML tags on a webpage.
- Create HTML elements with attributes to add images and links to their webpage.
- Develop their unit project by adding links and images.
- Discuss debugging strategies.
- Understand the purpose and structure of CSS.
- Style a webpage using CSS rules.
- Understand the purpose of and learn how to navigate documentation.
- Use class attributes and selectors to style specific elements on a webpage.
- Review how to HTML and CSS.
- Use the properties of the box model to change how elements are displayed on a webpage.
- Use divs to organize elements on a webpage.
- Use Flexbox to align elements on a webpage.
- Incorporate accessibility features into their websites by adjusting color contrast and adding alt tags to images.
- Use project plans, feedback, and documentation to develop their webpage.
- Prepare a presentation for their webpages.
- Showcase their webpage to an audience.
- Demonstrate their coding knowledge by completing a coding challenge.
Additional Resource - Lesson Recordings
HTML: HTML, tags, angle brackets, paragraph tag <p>
, header tags, Attributes, href, anchor tag <a>
, src attribute, image tag, self-closing tag, debug, reference table
CSS: CSS, style, selector, property, value, rule, tag selector, class attribute, class selector, content, padding, margin, border, parent element, child element, nesting, divs, flexbox, justify-content property, align
Other: wireframe
Students will use HTML and CSS to build a website for an issue or topic they are passionate about. This website can be centered around a social justice issue, an issue in their school or community, or an issue related to a hobby or interest they have.