description |
1st author / title / conference-year(description) |
Title of paper that you are going to write
Please write the problem definition on here
Please write the motivation of paper. The paper would tackle the limitations or challenges in each fields.
After writing the motivation, please write the discriminative idea compared to existing works briefly.
Please write the methodology author have proposed.
We recommend you to provide example for understanding it more easily.
In this section, please write the overall experiment results.
At first, write experiment setup that should be composed of contents.
- Dataset
- baseline
- Evaluation Metric
Then, show the experiment results which demonstrate the proposed method.
You can attach the tables or figures, but you don't have to cover all the results.
Please summarize the paper.
It is free to write all you want. e.g, your opinion, take home message(오늘의 교훈), key idea, and etc.
- Author name
- Affiliation
- Research Topic
Please write the reference. If paper provides the public code or other materials, refer them.
- Github Implementation
- Reference