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File metadata and controls

210 lines (136 loc) · 5.95 KB

Adding reports

  • Create a separate iTop extension.

  • For basic reports (HTML or PDF), add a file structure: templates/ClassName/details-or-list/filename.ext

    • Example: templates/UserRequest/details/ticket.html
  • Create a PHP file which is loaded through the extension: extend the abstract class AbstractReportUIElement which implements the interface iReportUIElement.

    • Set a condition which determines when the report button should be shown (for which classes, for which view, ...).

Basic example:


// Use the same namespace as the report generator
namespace JeffreyBostoenExtensions\ReportGenerator;

// iTop internals
use \DBObjectSet;
use \Dict;

 * Class ReportUIElement_UserRequest_Details. Enables a "Show PDF" button in iTop's GUI.
abstract class ReportUIElement_UserRequest_Details extends AbstractReportUIElement {
	 * Title of the menu item or button
	 * @param \DBObjectSet $oSet_Objects DBObjectSet of iTop objects which are being processed
	 * @param \String $sView View: 'details' or 'list'
	 * @return \String
	 * @details Hint: you can use Dict::S('...')
	public static function GetTitle(DBObjectSet $oSet_Objects, $sView) {
		return Dict::S('UI:Report:ShowPDF');
	 * URL Parameters. Often 'template' or additional parameters for extended iReportProcessor implementations.
	 * @param \DBObjectSet $oSet_Objects DBObjectSet of iTop objects which are being processed
	 * @param \String $sView View: 'details' or 'list'
	 * @return \Array
	public static function GetURLParameters(DBObjectSet $oSet_Objects, $sView) {
		return [
			// The name of the template.
			// The modern implementation expects a full relative path (compared to your new iTop extension's directory).
			'template' => 'reports/UserRequest/details_ticket.html',
			// This extension comes with some built-in "actions".
			// They include:
			// - '' (empty string) : Simply render a HTML template.
			// - 'show_pdf' : Creates a PDF, displays it in the browser (unless the default action in the browser is to download PDFs instead of showing them).
			// - 'download_pdf' : Creates a PDF, downloads it in the browser.
			// - 'attach_pdf' : Creates a PDF, adds it as an attachment to the iTop object.
			// Providing an empty string instead, just renders a simple HTML report.
			'action' => 'show_pdf',
			// The reportdir should point to the name of your iTop extension in which you define the report.
			'reportdir' => 'jb-report-generator'
	 * Whether or not this UI element is applicable
	 * @param \DBObjectSet $oSet_Objects DBObjectSet of iTop objects which are being processed
	 * @param \String $sView View: 'details' or 'list'
	 * @return \Boolean
	public static function IsApplicable(DBObjectSet $oSet_Objects, $sView) {
		return ($sView == 'details' && $oSet_Objects->GetClass() == 'UserRequest');

Variables in reports

The reports are rendered using Twig .

Single item (details view)

For details (single object), use the variable item. It exposes the key and fields (See Combodo's iTop REST Documentation, it's similar).



As a bonus: It's possible to use item.attachments.

{% for attachment in item.attachments %} ... {% endfor %}

The following attachment properties are exposed:


For example, this makes it possible to include attached images and show them in the PDF.

Multiple items (list view)

For lists (single or multiple objects), you can use item and create things like {% for item in items % } ... {% endfor %}

Attachments are also available for each item.

Miscellaneous variables

The following variables are available to use in the reports:


  • itop.env: iTop environment.
  • itop.reporting_url: The URL pointing to the "reporting.php" file; containing the default parameters.
  • itop.root_url: iTop root URL.

Popular frameworks

  • lib.bootstrap.css: URL to CSS for Twitter BootStrap.
  • lib.bootstrap.js: URL to JavaScript for Twitter BootStrap.
  • lib.jquery.js: URL to JavaScript for jQuery.

Twig filters

Using iTop language strings

There's a Twig Filter named dict_s in templates. Where in iTop code this would be Dict::S('languagestring'), but it's the same as in iTop Portal templates.


{{ 'UI:Menu:ReportGenerator:ShowReport'|dict_s }}
{{ 'Class:Ticket/Attribute:ref'|dict_s }}

Since this extension at some point used a more recent version of Twig than the native one in iTop, the available filters are a bit different.

Object URL

It's possible to generate an object URL (to the iTop object's details page) with a simple filter.

{{ item.key|make_object_url(item.class) }}

Using QR codes

See requirements!

This filter will turn any string into a QR code.

{{ 'this string will be converted'|qr }}

Here's an example to generate a QR code for an object:

{{ item.key|make_object_url(item.class)|qr }}

PHP classes: Report vs. report tool

In this implementation, a report processor is something which either enriches the data (this could be transforming, linking different data, ...) and/or provides new actions.
An example of a report tool is the PDF export option, which is included in this extension.

A report UI element is used to add a menu action or button in the front end.
It is based on a certain condition (e.g. "if a list view of user requests is displayed, show this report option").
It defines the action (just showing the report, showing a PDF version, attaching the PDF to the object, ...) that will be performed by one or more processors.

The report processor and UI element are two separate things.