Create a separate iTop extension.
For basic reports (HTML or PDF), add a file structure: templates/ClassName/details-or-list/filename.ext
- Example: templates/UserRequest/details/ticket.html
Create a PHP file which is loaded through the extension: extend the abstract class
which implements the interfaceiReportUIElement
.- Set a condition which determines when the report button should be shown (for which classes, for which view, ...).
Basic example:
// Use the same namespace as the report generator
namespace JeffreyBostoenExtensions\ReportGenerator;
// iTop internals
use \DBObjectSet;
use \Dict;
* Class ReportUIElement_UserRequest_Details. Enables a "Show PDF" button in iTop's GUI.
abstract class ReportUIElement_UserRequest_Details extends AbstractReportUIElement {
* Title of the menu item or button
* @param \DBObjectSet $oSet_Objects DBObjectSet of iTop objects which are being processed
* @param \String $sView View: 'details' or 'list'
* @return \String
* @details Hint: you can use Dict::S('...')
public static function GetTitle(DBObjectSet $oSet_Objects, $sView) {
return Dict::S('UI:Report:ShowPDF');
* URL Parameters. Often 'template' or additional parameters for extended iReportProcessor implementations.
* @param \DBObjectSet $oSet_Objects DBObjectSet of iTop objects which are being processed
* @param \String $sView View: 'details' or 'list'
* @return \Array
public static function GetURLParameters(DBObjectSet $oSet_Objects, $sView) {
return [
// The name of the template.
// The modern implementation expects a full relative path (compared to your new iTop extension's directory).
'template' => 'reports/UserRequest/details_ticket.html',
// This extension comes with some built-in "actions".
// They include:
// - '' (empty string) : Simply render a HTML template.
// - 'show_pdf' : Creates a PDF, displays it in the browser (unless the default action in the browser is to download PDFs instead of showing them).
// - 'download_pdf' : Creates a PDF, downloads it in the browser.
// - 'attach_pdf' : Creates a PDF, adds it as an attachment to the iTop object.
// Providing an empty string instead, just renders a simple HTML report.
'action' => 'show_pdf',
// The reportdir should point to the name of your iTop extension in which you define the report.
'reportdir' => 'jb-report-generator'
* Whether or not this UI element is applicable
* @param \DBObjectSet $oSet_Objects DBObjectSet of iTop objects which are being processed
* @param \String $sView View: 'details' or 'list'
* @return \Boolean
public static function IsApplicable(DBObjectSet $oSet_Objects, $sView) {
return ($sView == 'details' && $oSet_Objects->GetClass() == 'UserRequest');
The reports are rendered using Twig .
For details (single object), use the variable item
. It exposes the key
and fields
(See Combodo's iTop REST Documentation, it's similar).
As a bonus: It's possible to use item.attachments
{% for attachment in item.attachments %} ... {% endfor %}
The following attachment properties are exposed:
For example, this makes it possible to include attached images and show them in the PDF.
For lists (single or multiple objects), you can use item
and create things like {% for item in items % } ... {% endfor %}
Attachments are also available for each item.
The following variables are available to use in the reports:
: iTop environment.itop.reporting_url
: The URL pointing to the "reporting.php" file; containing the default parameters.itop.root_url
: iTop root URL.
Popular frameworks
: URL to CSS for Twitter BootStrap.lib.bootstrap.js
: URL to JavaScript for Twitter BootStrap.lib.jquery.js
: URL to JavaScript for jQuery.
There's a Twig Filter named dict_s
in templates.
Where in iTop code this would be Dict::S('languagestring')
but it's the same as in iTop Portal templates.
{{ 'UI:Menu:ReportGenerator:ShowReport'|dict_s }}
{{ 'Class:Ticket/Attribute:ref'|dict_s }}
Since this extension at some point used a more recent version of Twig than the native one in iTop, the available filters are a bit different.
It's possible to generate an object URL (to the iTop object's details page) with a simple filter.
{{ item.key|make_object_url(item.class) }}
See requirements!
This filter will turn any string into a QR code.
{{ 'this string will be converted'|qr }}
Here's an example to generate a QR code for an object:
{{ item.key|make_object_url(item.class)|qr }}
In this implementation, a report processor is something which either enriches the data (this could be transforming, linking different data, ...) and/or provides new actions.
An example of a report tool is the PDF export option, which is included in this extension.
A report UI element is used to add a menu action or button in the front end.
It is based on a certain condition (e.g. "if a list view of user requests is displayed, show this report option").
It defines the action (just showing the report, showing a PDF version, attaching the PDF to the object, ...) that will be performed by one or more processors.
The report processor and UI element are two separate things.